function executa($sql, $prepared = 0) { $this->dados = null; // $show_sql = 1; if (substr(TRIM(STRTOUPPER($sql)), 0, strpos(TRIM(STRTOUPPER($sql)), " ")) == "SELECT") { //select $select = 1; $this->res = $this->pdo->query($sql); $this->nrw = $this->res->rowCount(); } else { if ($prepared == 1) { $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($sql); //$stmt->bindParam(":val", $prepared, PDO::PARAM_STR); if ($stmt->execute()) { $this->res = true; $this->dados = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } else { $this->res = false; } } else { //others $this->res = $this->pdo->exec($sql); //$a = $this->pdo->fetchAll(); var_dump($a); } } if ($show_sql) { echo "\n BBBBBB " . $sql; } // var_dump($this->res); if ($this->res > 0) { //if ($select == 1) // $this->navega(0); //else return true; } else { return false; } }
public function FileReceptor($fullFileName, $userdata) { // userdata is the same passed via widget config. $path_parts = pathinfo($fullFileName); if (rename($fullFileName, $path_parts['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $userdata . '.' . $path_parts['extension'])) { $ruta_imagen = $fullFileName; $miniatura_ancho_maximo = 200; $miniatura_alto_maximo = 200; $info_imagen = getimagesize('materiales' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $userdata . '.' . $path_parts['extension']); $imagen_ancho = $info_imagen[0]; $imagen_alto = $info_imagen[1]; $imagen_tipo = $info_imagen['mime']; $proporcion_imagen = $imagen_ancho / $imagen_alto; $proporcion_miniatura = $miniatura_ancho_maximo / $miniatura_alto_maximo; if ($proporcion_imagen > $proporcion_miniatura) { $miniatura_ancho = $miniatura_ancho_maximo; $miniatura_alto = $miniatura_ancho_maximo / $proporcion_imagen; } else { if ($proporcion_imagen < $proporcion_miniatura) { $miniatura_ancho = $miniatura_ancho_maximo * $proporcion_imagen; $miniatura_alto = $miniatura_alto_maximo; } else { $miniatura_ancho = $miniatura_ancho_maximo; $miniatura_alto = $miniatura_alto_maximo; } } switch ($imagen_tipo) { case "image/jpg": case "image/jpeg": $imagen = imagecreatefromjpeg('materiales' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $userdata . '.' . $path_parts['extension']); break; case "image/png": $imagen = imagecreatefrompng('materiales' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $userdata . '.' . $path_parts['extension']); break; case "image/gif": $imagen = imagecreatefromgif('materiales' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $userdata . '.' . $path_parts['extension']); break; } $lienzo = imagecreatetruecolor($miniatura_ancho, $miniatura_alto); imagecopyresampled($lienzo, $imagen, 0, 0, 0, 0, $miniatura_ancho, $miniatura_alto, $imagen_ancho, $imagen_alto); imagejpeg($lienzo, 'materiales' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $userdata . '.' . STRTOUPPER($path_parts['extension']), 50); } else { } }
function BrowseModuleTaskACL($module) { $db = $GLOBALS['db']; $module_id = $GLOBALS['module_id']; /* SETUP THE INITIAL MODULE DIRECTORY */ $dir = $GLOBALS['dr'] . "modules/" . $module . "/modules/"; /* CHECK THAT THE MODULE EXISTS */ if (!file_exists($dir)) { return "No such directory"; } /* LOOP THE PHP FILES IN EACH MODULE */ $dir_arr[] = ""; if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && substr($file, -4) == ".php") { $dir_arr[] = substr($file, 0, -4); } } closedir($handle); } /* SORT THE ARRAY INTO ALPHABETICAL ORDER */ sort($dir_arr, SORT_REGULAR); /**** THIS IS THE SUBMIT FORM PART WHICH WE PUT IN HERE BECAUSE THIS PAGE IS LOADED FROM MANY LOCATIONS ****/ if (isset($_POST['submit_form'])) { for ($i = 1; $i < count($dir_arr); $i++) { /* GRAB ALL THE ROLES SINCE WE DO NOT SIMPLY UPDATE WHATEVER CAME FROM THE FORM */ $sql = "SELECT crm.role_id,crm.role_name\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['database_prefix'] . "core_workspace_role_master crm\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE crm.workspace_id = " . $GLOBALS['ui']->WorkspaceID() . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY crm.role_name\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"; //echo $sql."<br>"; $result = $db->Query($sql); if ($db->NumRows($result) > 0) { while ($row = $db->FetchArray($result)) { $post_var = $dir_arr[$i] . "_" . $row['role_id']; if (isset($_POST[$post_var]) && $_POST[$post_var] == "y") { $access = "y"; } else { $access = "n"; } /* SINCE NEW TASKS AND ROLES CAN BE ADDED WE MAKE SURE THE RECORD EXISTS */ CheckCreateACLTaskExists($row['role_id'], $module_id, $dir_arr[$i]); $sql = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['database_prefix'] . "core_space_task_acl\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET access = '" . $access . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE role_id = " . $row['role_id'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND module_id = '" . $module_id . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND task = '" . $dir_arr[$i] . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND workspace_id = " . $GLOBALS['workspace_id'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND teamspace_id " . $GLOBALS['teamspace_sql'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"; //echo $sql."<br>"; $success = $db->Query($sql); } } } } /**** END FORM SUBMITTING ****/ /* DISPLAY EACH */ $c = "<table class='plain' border='0'>\n"; $c .= "<form method='post' name='acl' action='index.php?module=" . $module . "&task=acl'>\n"; for ($i = 1; $i < count($dir_arr); $i++) { $c .= "<tr class='alternatecell2'>\n"; $c .= "<td colspan='3'>" . STRTOUPPER($dir_arr[$i]) . "</td>\n"; $c .= "</tr>\n"; /* DISPLAY ALL THE ROLES*/ $sql = "SELECT crm.role_id,crm.role_name\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['database_prefix'] . "core_workspace_role_master crm\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE crm.workspace_id = " . $GLOBALS['ui']->WorkspaceID() . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY crm.role_name\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"; //echo $sql."<br>"; $result = $db->Query($sql); if ($db->NumRows($result) > 0) { while ($row = $db->FetchArray($result)) { if (CheckAccess($row['role_id'], $module_id, $dir_arr[$i])) { $selected = "checked"; } else { $selected = ""; } $c .= "<tr>\n"; $c .= "<td><li></td>\n"; $c .= "<td>" . $row['role_name'] . "</td>\n"; $c .= "<td><input type='checkbox' value='y' name='" . $dir_arr[$i] . "_" . $row['role_id'] . "' {$selected}>\n"; $c .= "</tr>\n"; } } /* END */ } $c .= "<tr class='alternatecell2'>\n"; $c .= "<td colspan='3'><input type='submit' name='submit_form' value='Save' class='buttonstyle'></td>\n"; $c .= "</tr>\n"; $c .= "</form>\n"; $c .= "</table>\n"; return $c; }
$tampilurut = 'Saldo Akhir'; } if ($urut == 'harga') { $tampilurut = 'Harga'; } $bg = " bgcolor=#DEDEDE"; $brdr = 1; $tab .= 'Mutasi Stock ' . $unit . ' ' . $tahun . '<br>'; $tab .= 'Opsi: ' . $kelompok . ' ' . $mayor . ' ' . $pilih . '<br>'; $tab .= 'Urut: ' . $tampilurut . ' ' . $asc; } else { $bg = ""; $brdr = 0; } $tab .= "<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 border=" . $brdr . " class=sortable style='width:100%;'><thead><tr>\r\n<td rowspan=1 align=center " . $bg . ">No.</td>"; $tab .= "<td align=left " . $bg . ">" . STRTOUPPER($_SESSION['lang']['kodebarang']) . "<br>" . STRTOUPPER($_SESSION['lang']['namabarang']) . "<br>" . STRTOUPPER($_SESSION['lang']['satuan']) . "</td>"; $tab .= "<td align=left " . $bg . "></td>"; for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { if (strlen($i) == 1) { $ii = '0' . $i; } else { $ii = $i; } $per = $tahun . "-" . $ii; $tab .= "<td align=center " . $bg . ">" . $per . "</td>"; // periode } $tab .= "<td align=center " . $bg . ">" . $tahun . "</td>"; // total setahun $tab .= "</tr>"; $tab .= "</thead><tbody>";
function InitCap($v) { return STRTOUPPER(SUBSTR($v, 0, 1)) . SUBSTR($v, 1); }
//echo strstr(strstr($tipodato,")",true),"("); $longitud = substr_replace(strstr(strstr($tipodato, ")", true), "("), '', 0, 1); //echo $longitud; } } echo "<input type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' name='longitudCol' value='{$longitud}'/>"; echo "<input type='text' size='1' maxlength='1' name='precisionCol' value='{$precision}'/>"; echo "<input type='checkbox' name='noNulo'"; if (STRTOUPPER($valSQL['IS_NULLABLE']) == 'NO') { echo " checked"; } echo ">No Nulo"; echo "<input type='checkbox' name='default'"; $default = ""; $tipoDato = $valSQL['DATA_TYPE']; if (STRTOUPPER($valSQL['COLUMN_DEFAULT']) != NULL) { echo " checked"; $default = $valSQL['COLUMN_DEFAULT']; /*if($tipoDato=="BIT" || $tipoDato=="TINYINT" || $tipoDato=="SMALLINT" || $tipoDato=="MEDIUMINT" || $tipoDato=="INT" || $tipoDato=="DOUBLE" || $tipoDato=="FLOAT" || $tipoDato=="NUMERIC"){ $default=$valSQL['COLUMN_DEFAULT']; }else{ $default="'".$valSQL['COLUMN_DEFAULT']."'"; } */ } echo ">default"; echo "<input type='text' size='30' maxlength='30' name='defaultVal' value='{$default}'/>"; echo "<input type='submit' value='ModificarColumna'/>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<br>";
<tr valign="baseline"> <td nowrap align="right"><span class="label"><?php echo $lang["lang_front"]; ?> </span><br> <span class="info"><?php echo $lang["lang_front_note"]; ?> </span></td> <td><select name="lang_front" size="1" style="width: 70px;"> <?php $dp = opendir('../lang/'); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dp))) { $ext = explode('.', $file); if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $ext[1] == 'php') { $name = STRTOUPPER($ext[0]); $value = STRTOLOWER($ext[0]); $selected = $ext[0] == $langfront ? 'selected' : ''; echo '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected . '>- ' . $name . ' -</option>'; } } closedir($dp); ?> </select><br><br> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td align="right" valign="top" nowrap><span class="label"><?php echo $lang["wysiwyg"]; ?> </span><br>
//case "F" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //case "G" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //case "H" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //case "I" : Echo "The String Begins with a Vowel";Break; //case "J" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //case "K" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //case "L" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //case "M" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //case "N" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //case "O" : Echo "The String Begins with a Vowel";Break; //case "P" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //case "Q" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //case "R" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //case "S" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //case "T" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //case "U" : Echo "The String Begins with a Vowel";Break; //case "V" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //case "X" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //case "Y" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //case "Z" : Echo "The String Begins with a Consonant";Break; //} $F = STRTOUPPER(substr($string, 0, 1)); if ($F == "A" || $F == "E" || $F == "I" || $F == "O" || $F == "U") { echo "The String Begins with a Vowel"; } if ($F == "B" || $F == "C" || $F == "D" || $F == "F" || $F == "G" || $F == "H" || $F == "J" || $F == "K" || $F == "L" || $F == "M" || $F == "N" || $F == "P" || $F == "Q" || $F == "R" || $F == "S" || $F == "T" || $F == "V" || $F == "W" || $F == "X" || $F == "Y" || $F == "Z") { echo "The String Begins with a Consonant"; } ?> </body> </html>
function login($params) { $success = 1; if (empty($params)) { return false; } if (empty($params['username'])) { output_message('alert', 'You did not provide your username'); $success = 0; } if (empty($params['password'])) { output_message('alert', 'You did not provide your password'); $success = 0; } $res = $this->DB->selectRow("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT `account`.`id`,`username`,`sha_pass_hash`,`active`,`locked`, `gmlevel` FROM account\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN account_banned ON ( AND\n WHERE account.username = ?", $params['username']); if ($res['id'] < 1) { $success = 0; output_message('alert', 'Bad username or password'); } if ($res['active'] > 0) { output_message('alert', 'Your account is currently banned'); $success = 0; } if ($res['activation_code'] != null) { output_message('alert', 'Your account is not active'); $success = 0; } if ($success != 1) { return false; } $res['sha_pass_hash'] = strtoupper($res['sha_pass_hash']); if ($res['sha_pass_hash'] == strtoupper($this->gethash(strtoupper(trim($params['username'])) . ":" . strtoupper(trim($params['password']))))) { $this->user['id'] = $res['id']; $this->user['name'] = $res['username']; $this->user['level'] = $res['gmlevel']; $uservars_hash = serialize(array($res['id'], STRTOUPPER($res['sha_pass_hash']))); setcookie($this->config['site_cookie'], $uservars_hash, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, $this->config['site_href'], $this->config['site_domain']); // expires in 365 days if ($this->config['onlinelist_on']) { $this->onlinelist_delguest(); } return true; } else { output_message('alert', 'Your password is incorrect'); return false; } }
function LIST_ZIP($NODE) { global $encabezado; $CURRENT_FILE = BUILD_PATH($NODE); $REAL_FILE = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRNAME($_SESSION['Server_Path'])) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $CURRENT_FILE; // the real full filename of the directory if (empty($BGC)) { $BGC = "BLACK"; } if (empty($FGC)) { $FGC = "YELLOW"; } $fp = @fopen($REAL_FILE, 'rb'); if (!$fp) { return; } fseek($fp, -22, SEEK_END); // Get central directory field values $headersignature = 0; do { // Search header $data = fread($fp, 22); list($headersignature, $numberentries, $centraldirsize, $centraldiroffset) = array_values(unpack('Vheadersignature/x6/vnumberentries/Vcentraldirsize/Vcentraldiroffset', $data)); fseek($fp, -23, SEEK_CUR); } while ($headersignature != 0x6054b50 && ftell($fp) > 0); // Go to start of central directory fseek($fp, $centraldiroffset, SEEK_SET); // Read central dir entries PAGE_HEADER("FILE FUNCTIONS - DIRTREEVIEW", "LIST ZIP CONTENTS OF " . STRTOUPPER(basename($REAL_FILE)), $BGC, $FGC); echo "<p><CENTER><table border='' bgcolor={$BGC} cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class=td>"; echo "\r\n <tr bgcolor={$BGC}>\r\n <td> </td>\r\n <td>\r\n <H3><b><font color={$FGC}>FileName</font></b></H3>\r\n </td>\r\n <td ALIGN=RIGHT>\r\n <H3><b><font color={$FGC}>Size</font></b></H3>\r\n </td>\r\n <td> </td>\r\n <td> </td>\r\n <td> </td>\r\n <td>\r\n <H3><b><font color={$FGC}>Date:Time</font></b></H3>\r\n </td>\r\n <td> </td>\r\n </tr>"; for ($i = 1; $i <= $numberentries; $i++) { // Read central dir entry $data = fread($fp, 46); list($arcfiletime, $arcfiledate, $arcfilesize, $arcfilenamelen, $arcfileattr) = array_values(unpack("x12/varcfiletime/varcfiledate/x8/Varcfilesize/Varcfilenamelen/x6/varcfileattr", $data)); $filenamelen = fread($fp, $arcfilenamelen); $arcfiledatetime = MSDOS_TIME_TO_UNIX($arcfiledate, $arcfiletime); echo "<tr BGCOLOR={$FGC}>"; echo "<td> </td>"; // Print FileName if ($arcfileattr == 16) { echo "<td><font color='{$BGC}'>"; echo "<b>" . $filenamelen . "</b>"; echo "</td></font>"; } else { echo "<td ><font color='{$BGC}'>"; echo "...." . basename($filenamelen); echo "</font></td>"; } // Print FileSize column if ($arcfileattr == 16) { echo "<td><font color='{$BGC}'>"; echo "<B>Folder</B>"; echo "</td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td>"; } else { echo "<td align=right><font color='{$BGC}'>"; if ($arcfilesize > 0) { if (!isset($_SESSION['Display_Size'])) { $_SESSION['Display_Size'] = ""; } switch ($_SESSION['Display_Size']) { case 2: echo NUMBER_FORMAT($arcfilesize / (1024 * 1024), 2, ',', '.'); $DES_BYTES = "mb"; break; case 1: echo NUMBER_FORMAT($arcfilesize / 1024, 1, ',', '.'); $DES_BYTES = "kb"; break; default: echo NUMBER_FORMAT($arcfilesize, 0, ',', '.'); $DES_BYTES = "bytes"; } // switch } else { echo " "; $DES_BYTES = ""; } echo "</Td>"; echo "<Td> </Td>"; echo "<td ALIGN=left><Font COLOR={$BGC}>{$DES_BYTES}</Td>"; echo "<Td ALIGN=right><Font COLOR={$BGC}> </Td>"; } echo '</td></font>'; // Print FileDate column echo "<td><font color={$BGC}>"; if ($arcfileattr == 16) { echo "<B>" . date("d/m/y H:i", $arcfiledatetime) . "</B>"; } else { echo date("d/m/y H:i", $arcfiledatetime); } echo '</td></font>'; echo "<td> </td>"; echo '</tr>'; } echo "\r\n <tr bgcolor={$BGC}>\r\n <td VALIGN=middle COLSPAN=8><CENTER>\r\n <a href=" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?ACTION=expand&NODE=" . $NODE . "&FILE_EXTENSION=" . $_SESSION['File_Extension'] . "{$encabezado}><B><Font COLOR={$FGC}><H3>BACK</H3>\r\n </Font></B></A>\r\n </Td>\r\n </tr>"; echo '</table></p>'; fclose($fp); PAGE_FOOTER($BGC, $FGC); exit; }