Ejemplo n.º 1
* Title
* Description
* @access public
 function getObject($name) {
  $rec=SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM objects WHERE TITLE LIKE '".DBSafe($name)."'");
  if ($rec['ID']) {
   $obj=new objects();
   return $obj;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function unsubscribeFromEvent($module_name, $event_name = '')
    $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE NAME LIKE 'HOOK_EVENT_'" . strtoupper($event_name) . " AND TYPE='json'");
    if (isset($rec['ID'])) {
        $data = json_decode($rec['VALUE'], true);
        if (isset($data[$module_name])) {
            $rec['VALUE'] = json_encode($data);
            SQLUpdate('settings', $rec);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Summary of checkFromCache
 * @param mixed $key Key
 * @return mixed
function checkFromCache($key)
    global $memory_cache;
    if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && !is_array($memory_cache)) {
        $tmp = SQLSelect("SELECT KEYWORD, DATAVALUE FROM cached_values");
        $total = count($tmp);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
            if ($tmp[$i]['DATAVALUE'] != '(too big)') {
                $memory_cache[$tmp[$i]['KEYWORD']] = $tmp[$i]['DATAVALUE'];
    if (isset($memory_cache[$key])) {
        return $memory_cache[$key];
    $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM cached_values WHERE KEYWORD = '" . DBSafe($key) . "'");
    if ($rec['KEYWORD'] && $rec['DATAVALUE'] != '(too big)') {
        return $rec['DATAVALUE'];
    } else {
        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
function dump_events($ecode, $data, $server, $port)
    // Search exist event
    $parent_class_rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM classes WHERE TITLE LIKE 'Telephony'");
    if ($parent_class_rec['ID']) {
        $class_rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM classes WHERE TITLE LIKE 'AsteriskAMI' AND PARENT_ID = '" . $parent_class_rec['ID'] . "'");
        if ($class_rec['ID']) {
            $object_rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM objects WHERE CLASS_ID='" . $class_rec['ID'] . "' AND TITLE = 'Asterisk'");
            if ($object_rec['ID']) {
                $method_rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM methods WHERE OBJECT_ID='" . $object_rec['ID'] . "' AND TITLE = 'Event" . $data['Event'] . "'");
                if (!$method_rec['ID']) {
                    // New event. Add method to class AsteriskAMI and object
                    // Add class method
                    echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " : Receive new event. Add method Event" . $data['Event'] . "\n";
                    $class_method_rec['CLASS_ID'] = $class_rec['ID'];
                    $class_method_rec['TITLE'] = 'Event' . $data['Event'];
                    $class_method_rec['CODE'] = "echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s')" . ".\" : Event \"." . '$params[\'Event\']' . ".\" received. Process... \\n\"" . ";\n";
                    SQLInsert('methods', $class_method_rec);
                    // Add object method
                    $method_rec['OBJECT_ID'] = $object_rec['ID'];
                    $method_rec['TITLE'] = 'Event' . $data['Event'];
                    $method_rec['CALL_PARENT'] .= "1";
                    $method_rec['CODE'] .= "/**\n";
                    $method_rec['CODE'] .= "Array received form Asterisk:\n";
                    foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                        $method_rec['CODE'] .= "\t[" . $key . "] => " . $value . " \n";
                    $method_rec['CODE'] .= "*/\n";
                    SQLInsert('methods', $method_rec);
                } else {
                    // Event already exist. Process event
                    $method = $object_rec['TITLE'] . ".Event" . $data['Event'];
                    callMethod($method, $data);
Ejemplo n.º 5
* Title
* Description
* @access public
function getGlobal($varname)
    $value = SQLSelectOne("SELECT VALUE FROM pvalues WHERE PROPERTY_NAME = '" . DBSafe($varname) . "'");
    if (isset($value['VALUE'])) {
        return $value['VALUE'];
    $tmp = explode('.', $varname);
    if ($tmp[2]) {
        $object_name = $tmp[0] . '.' . $tmp[1];
        $varname = $tmp[2];
    } elseif ($tmp[1]) {
        $object_name = $tmp[0];
        $varname = $tmp[1];
    } else {
        $object_name = 'ThisComputer';
    $obj = getObject($object_name);
    if ($obj) {
        return $obj->getProperty($varname);
    } else {
        return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
if ($cached_result == '') {
    if (!file_exists(DIR_MODULES . 'control_modules/installed')) {
        include_once DIR_MODULES . "control_modules/control_modules.class.php";
        $ctl = new control_modules();
    $app = new application();
    if ($md != $app->name) {
    } else {
    if ($app->action != '' && $app->action != 'docs') {
        $fake_doc = '';
    if ($app->action == '' && $fake_doc != "" && file_exists(DIR_MODULES . 'cms_docs/cms_docs.class.php')) {
        $tmp = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM cms_docs WHERE NAME='" . DBSafe($fake_doc) . "'");
        if (isset($tmp['ID'])) {
            $app->action = "docs";
            $app->doc = $tmp['ID'];
        } elseif (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATES . $fake_doc . ".html")) {
            $app->action = $fake_doc;
        } else {
            //$tmp1=SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM cms_docs WHERE NAME='404'");
            $tmp1 = array();
            if ($tmp1['ID']) {
                $app->action = "docs";
                $app->doc = $tmp1['ID'];
            } else {
                header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
                echo "The page cannot be found. Please use <a href='/'>this link</a> to continue browsing.";
Ejemplo n.º 7
 global $linked_property_new;
 global $condition_new;
 global $condition_value_new;
 global $condition_advanced_new;
 global $switch_scene_new;
 global $state_id;
 global $state_delete;
 global $state_clone;
 global $ext_url_new;
 global $homepage_id_new;
 global $open_scene_id_new;
 global $do_on_click_new;
 global $priority_new;
 global $code_new;
 if ($state_delete && $state_rec['ID']) {
     $state_rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM elm_states WHERE ID='" . $state_id . "'");
     foreach ($state_rec as $k => $v) {
         $out['STATE_' . $k] = '';
     SQLExec("DELETE FROM elm_states WHERE ID='" . $state_rec['ID'] . "'");
 } elseif ($state_title_new) {
     $state_rec['ELEMENT_ID'] = $element['ID'];
     $state_rec['TITLE'] = $state_title_new;
     $state_rec['IMAGE'] = $image_new;
     $state_rec['HTML'] = $html_new;
     $state_rec['IS_DYNAMIC'] = $is_dynamic_new;
     $state_rec['LINKED_OBJECT'] = $linked_object_new;
     $state_rec['LINKED_PROPERTY'] = $linked_property_new;
     $state_rec['CONDITION'] = $condition_new;
     $state_rec['CONDITION_VALUE'] = $condition_value_new;
     $state_rec['CONDITION_ADVANCED'] = $condition_advanced_new;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * zwave_devices delete record
 * @access public
 function delete_zwave_devices($id)
     $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM zwave_devices WHERE ID='{$id}'");
     // some action for related tables
     SQLExec("DELETE FROM zwave_properties WHERE DEVICE_ID='" . $rec['ID'] . "'");
     SQLExec("DELETE FROM zwave_devices WHERE ID='" . $rec['ID'] . "'");
Ejemplo n.º 9
// connecting to database
$db = new mysql(DB_HOST, '', DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
include_once "./load_settings.php";
include_once DIR_MODULES . "control_modules/control_modules.class.php";
// ...
include_once DIR_MODULES . 'snmpdevices/snmpdevices.class.php';
$snmpdevices = new snmpdevices();
$socket = stream_socket_server("udp://", $errno, $errstr, STREAM_SERVER_BIND);
// If we could not bind successfully, let's throw an error
if (!$socket) {
} else {
    do {
        $pkt = stream_socket_recvfrom($socket, 512, 0, $peer);
        if (preg_match('/:\\d+$/', $peer, $m)) {
            $peer = str_replace($m[0], '', $peer);
        echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' new snmp trap from ' . $peer . "\n";
        $device = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM snmpdevices WHERE HOST LIKE '" . DBSafe($peer) . "'");
        if ($device['ID']) {
        } else {
            $device['TITLE'] = $peer;
            $device['HOST'] = $peer;
            $device['ID'] = SQLInsert('snmpdevices', $device);
    } while ($pkt !== false);
// closing database connection
Ejemplo n.º 10

   if ($this->owner->name!='panel') {
    $res[$i]['TITLE']=processTitle($res[$i]['TITLE'], $this);
    if ($res[$i]['TYPE']=='custom') {
     $res[$i]['DATA']=processTitle($res[$i]['DATA'], $this);

    foreach($res[$i] as $k=>$v) {
     if (!is_array($res[$i][$k]) && $k!='DATA') {

    $tmp=SQLSelectOne("SELECT COUNT(*) as TOTAL FROM commands WHERE PARENT_ID='".$res[$i]['ID']."'");
    if ($tmp['TOTAL']) {

   if ($this->action=='admin') {

Ejemplo n.º 11
 * events delete record
 * @access public
 function delete_events($id)
     $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM events WHERE ID='{$id}'");
     // some action for related tables
     SQLExec("DELETE FROM events WHERE ID='" . $rec['ID'] . "'");
* @version 0.1 (wizard)
  if ($this->owner->name=='panel') {
  $rec=SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE ID='$id'");
  if ($this->mode=='update') {
  //updating 'TITLE' (varchar, required)
   global $title;
   if ($rec['TITLE']=='') {
  //updating 'ACTIVE' (int)
   global $active;
  //updating 'PRIORITY' (int)
   global $priority;
   if ($ok) {
    if ($rec['ID']) {
     SQLUpdate($table_name, $rec); // update
    } else {
     $rec['ID']=SQLInsert($table_name, $rec); // adding new record
Ejemplo n.º 13
* methods delete record
* @access public
 function delete_methods($id) {
  $rec=SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM methods WHERE ID='$id'");
  // some action for related tables
  SQLExec("DELETE FROM methods WHERE ID='".$rec['ID']."'");
Ejemplo n.º 14
                $total = count($pvalues);
                for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
                    SQLExec("DELETE FROM phistory WHERE VALUE_ID='" . $pvalues[$i]['ID'] . "'");
        } else {
            $new_rec = 1;
            $rec['ID'] = SQLInsert($table_name, $rec);
            // adding new record
        $out['OK'] = 1;
    } else {
        $out['ERR'] = 1;
if (is_array($rec)) {
    foreach ($rec as $k => $v) {
        if (!is_array($v)) {
            $rec[$k] = htmlspecialchars($v);
outHash($rec, $out);
global $overwrite;
if ($overwrite) {
    $tmp = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM properties WHERE ID='" . (int) $overwrite . "'");
    foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) {
        $out[$k] = htmlspecialchars($v);
Ejemplo n.º 15
    $options = array('BACKUP_PATH' => 'Path to store backup');
    foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
        $tmp = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM settings WHERE NAME LIKE '" . $k . "'");
        if (!$tmp['ID']) {
            $tmp = array();
            $tmp['NAME'] = $k;
            $tmp['TITLE'] = $v;
            $tmp['TYPE'] = 'text';
            SQLInsert('settings', $tmp);
if ($this->filter_name == 'pushbullet' && !defined('SETTINGS_PUSHBULLET_PREFIX')) {
    $options = array('PUSHBULLET_KEY' => 'Pushbullet API Key', 'PUSHBULLET_LEVEL' => 'Pushbullet message minimum level', 'PUSHBULLET_DEVICE_ID' => 'Pushbullet Device ID (optional)', 'PUSHBULLET_PREFIX' => 'Pushbullet notifiaction prefix (optional)');
    foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
        $tmp = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM settings WHERE NAME LIKE '" . $k . "'");
        if (!$tmp['ID']) {
            $tmp = array();
            $tmp['NAME'] = $k;
            $tmp['TITLE'] = $v;
            $tmp['TYPE'] = 'text';
            if ($k == 'PUSHBULLET_LEVEL') {
                $tmp['VALUE'] = 1;
                $tmp['DEFAULTVALUE'] = 1;
            SQLInsert('settings', $tmp);
// if (!empty($options)) {
// }
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * Title
 * Description
 * @access public
 function setProperty($property, $value, $no_linked = 0)
     startMeasure('setProperty (' . $property . ')');
     $id = $this->getPropertyByName($property, $this->class_id, $this->id);
     $old_value = '';
     if ($id) {
         $prop = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM properties WHERE ID='" . $id . "'");
         $v = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM pvalues WHERE PROPERTY_ID='" . (int) $id . "' AND OBJECT_ID='" . (int) $this->id . "'");
         $old_value = $v['VALUE'];
         $v['VALUE'] = $value;
         if ($v['ID']) {
             $v['UPDATED'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             if ($old_value != $value) {
                 SQLUpdate('pvalues', $v);
                 //DebMes("Setting [".$this->object_title.".".$property."] to new value [".$value."]");
             } else {
                 SQLExec("UPDATE pvalues SET UPDATED='" . $v['UPDATED'] . "' WHERE ID='" . $v['ID'] . "'");
                 //DebMes("Setting [".$this->object_title.".".$property."] to the same value [".$value."]");
         } else {
             $v['PROPERTY_ID'] = $id;
             $v['OBJECT_ID'] = $this->id;
             $v['VALUE'] = $value;
             $v['UPDATED'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $v['ID'] = SQLInsert('pvalues', $v);
         //DebMes(" $id to $value ");
     } else {
         $prop = array();
         $prop['OBJECT_ID'] = $this->id;
         $prop['TITLE'] = $property;
         $prop['ID'] = SQLInsert('properties', $prop);
         $v['PROPERTY_ID'] = $prop['ID'];
         $v['OBJECT_ID'] = $this->id;
         $v['VALUE'] = $value;
         $v['UPDATED'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $v['ID'] = SQLInsert('pvalues', $v);
     if ($prop['KEEP_HISTORY'] > 0) {
         SQLExec("DELETE FROM phistory WHERE VALUE_ID='" . $v['ID'] . "' AND TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(ADDED)>" . (int) $prop['KEEP_HISTORY']);
         endMeasure('DeleteOldHistory', 1);
         $h = array();
         $h['VALUE_ID'] = $v['ID'];
         $h['ADDED'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $h['VALUE'] = $value;
         $h['ID'] = SQLInsert('phistory', $h);
      $h['ADDED']=date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
      SQLInsert('history', $h);
     //commands, owproperties, snmpproperties, zwave_properties, mqtt
     $tables = array('commands', 'owproperties', 'snmpproperties', 'zwave_properties', 'mqtt', 'modbusdevices');
     if (!is_array($no_linked) && $no_linked) {
         $no_linked = array();
         foreach ($tables as $t) {
             $no_linked[$k] = '0';
     } elseif (is_array($no_linked)) {
         foreach ($tables as $t) {
             if (!isset($no_linked[$k])) {
                 $no_linked[$k] = '1';
     } else {
         $no_linked = array();
         foreach ($tables as $t) {
             $no_linked[$k] = '1';
     foreach ($tables as $t) {
         if ($no_linked[$t] == '') {
             $no_linked[$t] = '1';
     if ($no_linked['commands'] != '') {
         $commands = SQLSelect("SELECT * FROM commands WHERE LINKED_OBJECT LIKE '" . DBSafe($this->object_title) . "' AND LINKED_PROPERTY LIKE '" . DBSafe($property) . "' AND " . $no_linked['commands']);
         $total = count($commands);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
             $commands[$i]['CUR_VALUE'] = $value;
             SQLUpdate('commands', $commands[$i]);
     if ($no_linked['owproperties'] != '' && file_exists(DIR_MODULES . '/onewire/onewire.class.php')) {
         $owp = SQLSelect("SELECT ID FROM owproperties WHERE LINKED_OBJECT LIKE '" . DBSafe($this->object_title) . "' AND LINKED_PROPERTY LIKE '" . DBSafe($property) . "' AND " . $no_linked['owproperties']);
         $total = count($owp);
         if ($total) {
             include_once DIR_MODULES . '/onewire/onewire.class.php';
             $on_wire = new onewire();
             for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
                 $on_wire->setProperty($owp[$i]['ID'], $value);
     if ($no_linked['snmpproperties'] != '' && file_exists(DIR_MODULES . '/snmpdevices/snmpdevices.class.php')) {
         $snmpdevices = SQLSelect("SELECT ID FROM snmpproperties WHERE LINKED_OBJECT LIKE '" . DBSafe($this->object_title) . "' AND LINKED_PROPERTY LIKE '" . DBSafe($property) . "' AND " . $no_linked['snmpproperties']);
         $total = count($snmpdevices);
         if ($total) {
             include_once DIR_MODULES . '/snmpdevices/snmpdevices.class.php';
             $snmp = new snmpdevices();
             for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
                 $snmp->setProperty($snmpdevices[$i]['ID'], $value);
     if ($no_linked['zwave_properties'] != '' && file_exists(DIR_MODULES . '/zwave/zwave.class.php')) {
         $zwave_properties = SQLSelect("SELECT ID FROM zwave_properties WHERE LINKED_OBJECT LIKE '" . DBSafe($this->object_title) . "' AND LINKED_PROPERTY LIKE '" . DBSafe($property) . "' AND " . $no_linked['zwave_properties']);
         $total = count($zwave_properties);
         if ($total) {
             include_once DIR_MODULES . '/zwave/zwave.class.php';
             $zwave = new zwave();
             for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
                 $zwave->setProperty($zwave_properties[$i]['ID'], $value);
     if ($no_linked['mqtt'] != '' && file_exists(DIR_MODULES . '/mqtt/mqtt.class.php')) {
         $mqtt_properties = SQLSelect("SELECT ID FROM mqtt WHERE LINKED_OBJECT LIKE '" . DBSafe($this->object_title) . "' AND LINKED_PROPERTY LIKE '" . DBSafe($property) . "' AND " . $no_linked['mqtt']);
         $total = count($mqtt_properties);
         if ($total) {
             include_once DIR_MODULES . '/mqtt/mqtt.class.php';
             $mqtt = new mqtt();
             for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
                 $mqtt->setProperty($mqtt_properties[$i]['ID'], $value);
     if ($no_linked['modbusdevices'] != '' && file_exists(DIR_MODULES . '/modbus/modbus.class.php')) {
         $modbusdevices = SQLSelect("SELECT ID FROM modbusdevices WHERE LINKED_OBJECT LIKE '" . DBSafe($this->object_title) . "' AND LINKED_PROPERTY LIKE '" . DBSafe($property) . "' AND " . $no_linked['modbusdevices']);
         $total = count($modbusdevices);
         if ($total) {
             include_once DIR_MODULES . '/modbus/modbus.class.php';
             $modbus = new modbus();
             for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
     if ($prop['ONCHANGE']) {
         global $property_linked_history;
         if (!$property_linked_history[$property][$prop['ONCHANGE']]) {
             $property_linked_history[$property][$prop['ONCHANGE']] = 1;
             global $on_change_called;
             $params = array();
             $params['PROPERTY'] = $property;
             $params['NEW_VALUE'] = (string) $value;
             $params['OLD_VALUE'] = (string) $old_value;
             $this->callMethod($prop['ONCHANGE'], $params);
     endMeasure('setProperty (' . $property . ')', 1);
     endMeasure('setProperty', 1);
 global $code;
 $rec['CODE'] = $code;
 global $read_community;
 $rec['READ_COMMUNITY'] = trim($read_community);
 global $write_community;
 $rec['WRITE_COMMUNITY'] = trim($write_community);
 if ($ok) {
     if ($rec['ID']) {
         SQLUpdate($table_name, $rec);
         // update
     } else {
         $new_rec = 1;
         $rec['ID'] = SQLInsert($table_name, $rec);
         // adding new record
         $tmp = SQLSelectOne("SELECT COUNT(*) as TOTAL FROM snmpdevices");
         if ($tmp['TOTAL'] == 1) {
             @SaveFile(ROOT . 'reboot');
             // first device added, need reboot
     //updating 'MIB_FILE' (file)
     global $mib_file;
     global $mib_file_name;
     global $delete_mib_file;
     if ($mib_file != "" && file_exists($mib_file) && !$delete_mib_file) {
         $filename = strtolower(basename($mib_file_name));
         $ext = strtolower(end(explode(".", basename($mib_file_name))));
         if (filesize($mib_file) <= 0 * 1024 || 0 == 0) {
             $filename = $rec["ID"] . "_mib_file_" . time() . "." . $ext;
             if ($rec["MIB_FILE"] != '') {
Ejemplo n.º 18
* @version 0.1 (auto-set)

 global $session;
  if ($this->owner->name=='panel') {
  // search filters

  if ($this->class_id) {
   $class=SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM classes WHERE ID='".$this->class_id."'");
   if ($class['SUB_LIST']!='') {
    $qry.=" AND (CLASS_ID IN (".$class['SUB_LIST'].") OR CLASS_ID=".$class['ID'].")";
   } else {
    $qry.=" AND 0";

  global $save_qry;
  if ($save_qry) {
  } else {
  if (!$qry) $qry="1";
  global $sortby;
Ejemplo n.º 19
                                DebMes("Error in GPS action code: " . $code);
                        } catch (Exception $e) {
                            DebMes('Error: exception ' . get_class($e) . ', ' . $e->getMessage() . '.');
if ($user['LINKED_OBJECT'] && !$location_found) {
    setGlobal($user['LINKED_OBJECT'] . '.seenAt', '');
$sqlQuery = "SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(ADDED, '%H:%i') as DAT\n               FROM shouts\n              ORDER BY ADDED DESC\n              LIMIT 1";
$tmp = SQLSelectOne($sqlQuery);
if (!headers_sent()) {
    header("HTTP/1.0: 200 OK\n");
    header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
if (defined('BTRACED')) {
    echo "OK";
} elseif ($tmp['MESSAGE'] != '') {
    echo ' ' . $tmp['DAT'] . ' ' . transliterate($tmp['MESSAGE']);
// closing database connection
// end calculation of execution time
 * Calculate distance between two GPS coordinates
Ejemplo n.º 20
* UnInstalling current module
* Removing information about module in project registry and
* @access private
 function uninstall() {
  $rec=SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM project_modules WHERE NAME='".$this->name."'");
  if (IsSet($rec["ID"])) {
   SQLExec("DELETE FROM project_modules WHERE ID='".$rec["ID"]."'");
  if (file_exists(DIR_MODULES.$this->name."/installed")) {
Ejemplo n.º 21
    if ($ok) {
        if ($rec['ID']) {
            SQLUpdate($table_name, $rec);
            // update
        } else {
            $new_rec = 1;
            $rec['ID'] = SQLInsert($table_name, $rec);
            // adding new record
        $out['OK'] = 1;
    } else {
        $out['ERR'] = 1;
if (is_array($rec)) {
    foreach ($rec as $k => $v) {
        if (!is_array($v)) {
            $rec[$k] = htmlspecialchars($v);
outHash($rec, $out);
global $overwrite;
if ($overwrite) {
    $tmp = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM methods WHERE ID='" . (int) $overwrite . "'");
    foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) {
        $out[$k] = htmlspecialchars($v);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 function checkAccess($action = "", $log = 0)
     global $session;
     if ($session->data['USER_ID'] == 1) {
         return 1;
     $user = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM admin_users WHERE LOGIN='******'USER_NAME'] . "'");
     if (!$user['ID']) {
     if ($action != "") {
         $user = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM admin_users WHERE LOGIN='******'USER_NAME'] . "' AND (ACCESS LIKE '{$action}' OR ACCESS LIKE '{$action},%' OR ACCESS LIKE '%,{$action}' OR ACCESS LIKE '%,{$action},%')");
     if (isset($user['ID'])) {
         return 1;
     return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 23
     } else {
      $qry.=" AND (commands.ID='".(int)$_GET['parent']."')";
     $out['IFRAME_MODE'] = 1;
 if ($this->parent_item != '') {
     $tmp = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM commands WHERE PARENT_ID='" . $_GET['parent'] . "'");
     if ($tmp['ID']) {
         $qry .= " AND (commands.PARENT_ID='" . $this->parent_item . "')";
     } else {
         $qry .= " AND (commands.ID='" . $this->parent_item . "')";
     //$qry.=" AND PARENT_ID='".$this->parent_item."'";
     $parent_rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM commands WHERE ID='" . $this->parent_item . "'");
     $parent_rec['TITLE'] = processTitle($parent_rec['TITLE'], $this);
     if ($paret_rec['SUB_PRELOAD']) {
         $parent_rec['ID'] = $parent_rec['PARENT_ID'];
     foreach ($parent_rec as $k => $v) {
         $out['PARENT_' . $k] = $v;
 } elseif ($this->id) {
     $qry .= " AND ID=" . (int) $this->id;
     $out['ONE_ITEM_MODE'] = 1;
     $this->pda = 1;
     $out['PDA'] = 1;
 } elseif (!$_GET['parent']) {
     $qry .= " AND PARENT_ID=0";
Ejemplo n.º 24
* @version 0.2 (wizard)
if ($this->mode == 'setvalue') {
    global $prop_id;
    global $new_value;
    global $id;
    $this->setProperty($prop_id, $new_value);
    $this->redirect("?id=" . $id . "&view_mode=" . $this->view_mode . "&edit_mode=" . $this->edit_mode);
if ($this->owner->name == 'panel') {
    $out['CONTROLPANEL'] = 1;
$table_name = 'owdevices';
$rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM {$table_name} WHERE ID='{$id}'");
if ($this->mode == 'update') {
    $ok = 1;
    //updating 'HOSTNAME' (varchar)
    global $title;
    $rec['TITLE'] = $title;
    global $code;
    $rec['CODE'] = $code;
    global $run_type;
    if ($run_type == 'script') {
        global $script_id;
        $rec['SCRIPT_ID'] = $script_id;
    } else {
        $rec['SCRIPT_ID'] = 0;
    if ($rec['CODE'] != '' && $run_type == 'code') {
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Title
  * Description
  * @access public
 function getParents($parent_id)
     if (!$parent_id) {
         return array();
     $res = array();
     $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM commands WHERE ID='" . $parent_id . "'");
     if ($rec['PARENT_ID']) {
         $parents = $this->getParents($rec['PARENT_ID']);
         foreach ($parents as $v) {
             $res[] = $v;
     $res[] = $rec;
     return $res;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 * shopping_list_items delete record
 * @access public
 function delete_shopping_list_items($id)
     $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM shopping_list_items WHERE ID='{$id}'");
     // some action for related tables
     SQLExec("DELETE FROM shopping_list_items WHERE ID='" . $rec['ID'] . "'");
Ejemplo n.º 27
function recLocalTime($table, $id, $gmt, $field = "ADDED")
    $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID, DATE_FORMAT({$field}, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') as DAT FROM {$table} WHERE ID='{$id}'");
    if (isset($rec["ID"])) {
        $new_dat = setLocalTime($rec['DAT'], $gmt);
        SQLExec("UPDATE {$table} SET {$field}='{$new_dat}' WHERE ID='{$id}'");
Ejemplo n.º 28
$res = SQLSelect("SELECT * FROM classes WHERE {$qry} ORDER BY {$sortby}");
if ($res[0]['ID']) {
    $total = count($res);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
        // some action for every record if required
        $objects = SQLSelect("SELECT ID, TITLE, CLASS_ID, DESCRIPTION FROM objects WHERE CLASS_ID='" . $res[$i]['ID'] . "'");
        if ($objects[0]['ID']) {
            $total_o = count($objects);
            for ($o = 0; $o < $total_o; $o++) {
                $methods = SQLSelect("SELECT ID, TITLE FROM methods WHERE OBJECT_ID='" . $objects[$o]['ID'] . "'");
                if ($methods[0]['ID']) {
                    $total_m = count($methods);
                    for ($im = 0; $im < $total_m; $im++) {
                        $parent_method = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM methods WHERE OBJECT_ID=0 AND CLASS_ID='" . $objects[$o]['CLASS_ID'] . "' AND TITLE='" . DBSafe($methods[$im]['TITLE']) . "'");
                        if ($methods[$im]['ID'] == 82) {
                            //echo $objects[$];exit;
                        if ($parent_method['ID']) {
                            $methods[$im]['ID'] = $parent_method['ID'];
                    $objects[$o]['METHODS'] = $methods;
            $res[$i]['OBJECTS'] = $objects;
            if (!is_array($res[$i]['OBJECTS'])) {
Ejemplo n.º 29
$table_name = 'app_quotes';
if ($this->mode == 'update') {
    global $file;
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        $tmp = LoadFile($file);
        $ok = 1;
        //$tmp=str_replace("\r", '', $tmp);
        $lines = mb_split("\n", $tmp);
        $total_lines = count($lines);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $total_lines; $i++) {
            //$values=explode("\t", $lines[$i]);
            $rec = array();
            $rec_ok = 1;
            $rec['BODY'] = $lines[$i];
            if ($rec['BODY'] == '') {
                $rec_ok = 0;
            if ($rec_ok) {
                $old = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM " . $table_name . " WHERE BODY LIKE '" . DBSafe($rec['BODY']) . "'");
                if ($old['ID']) {
                    $rec['ID'] = $old['ID'];
                    SQLUpdate($table_name, $rec);
                } else {
                    SQLInsert($table_name, $rec);
Ejemplo n.º 30
 function run()
     // running current module
     global $mode;
     global $name;
     $rep_ext = "";
     if (preg_match('/\\.dev/is', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
         $rep_ext = '.dev';
     if (preg_match('/\\.jbk/is', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
         $rep_ext = '.jbk';
     if (preg_match('/\\.bk/is', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
         $rep_ext = '.bk';
     if ($rep_ext) {
         $out['LOCAL_PROJECT'] = 1;
         $out['REP_EXT'] = $rep_ext;
         $out['HOST'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
         $out['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
     if ($mode == "edit") {
         global $mode2;
         $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM project_modules WHERE NAME='" . $name . "'");
         $rec['NAME'] = $name;
         if ($mode2 == "update") {
             global $title;
             global $category;
             $rec['TITLE'] = $title;
             $rec['CATEGORY'] = $category;
             SQLUpdate("project_modules", $rec);
         } elseif ($mode2 == "show") {
             if ($rec['HIDDEN']) {
                 $rec['HIDDEN'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $rec['HIDDEN'] = 1;
             SQLUpdate('project_modules', $rec);
         } elseif ($mode2 == "install") {
             $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM project_modules WHERE NAME='" . $name . "'");
             SQLExec("DELETE FROM project_modules WHERE NAME='" . $name . "'");
             @unlink(DIR_MODULES . $name . "/installed");
             include_once DIR_MODULES . $name . "/" . $name . ".class.php";
             $obj = "\$object{$i}";
             $code .= "{$obj}=new " . $name . ";\n";
             // add module to control access
             global $session;
             $user = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM admin_users WHERE LOGIN='******'");
             if ($user['ID'] && !Is_Integer(strpos($user["ACCESS"], $name))) {
                 if ($user["ACCESS"] != '') {
                     $user["ACCESS"] .= ",{$name}";
                 } else {
                     $user["ACCESS"] = $name;
                 SQLUpdate('admin_users', $user);
             SQLExec("UPDATE project_modules SET HIDDEN='" . (int) $rec['HIDDEN'] . "' WHERE NAME='" . $name . "'");
             // redirect to edit
         } elseif ($mode2 == 'uninstall') {
             SQLExec("DELETE FROM project_modules WHERE NAME='" . $name . "'");
             @unlink(DIR_MODULES . $name . "/installed");
             if (file_exists(DIR_MODULES . $name . "/" . $name . ".class.php")) {
                 include_once DIR_MODULES . $name . "/" . $name . ".class.php";
                 $obj = "\$object{$i}";
                 $code .= "{$obj}=new " . $name . ";\n";
                 $code .= "{$obj}" . "->uninstall();";
             if ($out['LOCAL_PROJECT']) {
             } else {
         outHash($rec, $out);
     if ($mode == 'repository_uninstall') {
         global $module;
         $out['MODULE'] = $module;
     $out["MODE"] = $mode;
     $lst = $this->modules;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($lst); $i++) {
         $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(ADDED, '%M %d, %Y (%H:%i)') as DAT FROM project_modules WHERE NAME='" . $lst[$i]['FILENAME'] . "'");
         if (isset($rec['ID'])) {
             outHash($rec, $lst[$i]);
     $out["MODULES"] = $lst;
     $this->data = $out;
     $p = new parser(DIR_TEMPLATES . $this->name . "/" . $this->name . ".html", $this->data, $this);
     $this->result = $p->result;