Ejemplo n.º 1
function go_build_base($planet_id, $sector_id)
    global $db;
    global $db_logging;
    global $base_ore, $base_organics, $base_goods, $base_credits;
    global $l_planet_bbuild;
    global $username;
    echo "<br>Click <a href=planet_report.php?PRepType=1>here</A> to return to the Planet Status Report<br><br>";
    $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}ships WHERE ship_id='{$user_ship_id}'");
    db_op_result($db, $result, __LINE__, __FILE__, $db_logging);
    $playerinfo = $result->fields;
    $result2 = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}universe WHERE sector_id={$playerinfo['sector']}");
    db_op_result($db, $result2, __LINE__, __FILE__, $db_logging);
    $sectorinfo = $result2->fields;
    $result3 = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}planets WHERE planet_id={$planet_id}");
    db_op_result($db, $result3, __LINE__, __FILE__, $db_logging);
    $planetinfo = $result3->fields;
    // Error out and return if the Player isn't the owner of the Planet
    // verify player owns the planet which is to have the base created on.
    if ($planetinfo['owner'] != $playerinfo['ship_id']) {
        echo "<div style='color:#f00; font-size:16px;'>Base Construction Failed!</div>\n";
        echo "<div style='color:#f00; font-size:16px;'>Invalid Planet or Sector Information Supplied.</div>\n";
        return (bool) false;
    if (!is_numeric($planet_id) || !is_numeric($sector_id)) {
        $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        $hack_id = 0x1337;
        adminlog($db, LOG_ADMIN_PLANETCHEAT, "{$hack_id}|{$ip}|{$planet_id}|{$sector_id}|{$playerinfo['ship_id']}");
        echo "<div style='color:#f00; font-size:16px;'>Base Construction Failed!</div>\n";
        return (bool) false;
    // build a base
    echo "<br>Click <a href=planet.php?planet_id={$planet_id}>here</A> to go to the Planet Menu<br><br>";
    if ($planetinfo['ore'] >= $base_ore && $planetinfo['organics'] >= $base_organics && $planetinfo['goods'] >= $base_goods && $planetinfo['credits'] >= $base_credits) {
        // Create The Base
        $update1 = $db->Execute("UPDATE {$db->prefix}planets SET base='Y', ore={$planetinfo['ore']}-{$base_ore}, organics={$planetinfo['organics']}-{$base_organics}, goods={$planetinfo['goods']}-{$base_goods}, credits={$planetinfo['credits']}-{$base_credits} WHERE planet_id={$planet_id}");
        db_op_result($db, $update1, __LINE__, __FILE__, $db_logging);
        // Update User Turns
        $update1b = $db->Execute("UPDATE {$db->prefix}ships SET turns=turns-1, turns_used=turns_used+1 WHERE ship_id={$playerinfo['ship_id']}");
        db_op_result($db, $update1b, __LINE__, __FILE__, $db_logging);
        // Refresh Plant Info
        $result3 = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}planets WHERE planet_id={$planet_id}");
        db_op_result($db, $result3, __LINE__, __FILE__, $db_logging);
        $planetinfo = $result3->fields;
        // Notify User Of Base Results
        echo "{$l_planet_bbuild}<br><br>";
        // Calc Ownership and Notify User Of Results
        $ownership = calc_ownership($playerinfo['sector']);
        if (!empty($ownership)) {
            echo "{$ownership}<p>";
Ejemplo n.º 2
function go_build_base($planet_id, $sector_id)
  global $db;
  global $dbtables;
  global $base_ore, $base_organics, $base_goods, $base_credits;
  global $l_planet_bbuild;
  global $username;

  echo "<BR>Click <A HREF=planet-report.php?PRepType=1>here</A> to return to the Planet Status Report<BR><BR>";

  $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM $dbtables[players] WHERE email='$username'");

  $result2 = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM $dbtables[universe] WHERE sector_id=$playerinfo[sector]");

  $result3 = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM $dbtables[planets] WHERE planet_id=$planet_id");

  $result4 = Real_Space_Move($sector_id);
  if ($result4 != "ON_PLANET" && $result4 != "HOSTILE") {
	  // build a base
	  if($planetinfo[ore] >= $base_ore && $planetinfo[organics] >= $base_organics && $planetinfo[goods] >= $base_goods && $planetinfo[credits] >= $base_credits)
		// ** Create The Base
		$update1 = $db->Execute("UPDATE $dbtables[planets] SET base='Y', ore=$planetinfo[ore]-$base_ore, organics=$planetinfo[organics]-$base_organics, goods=$planetinfo[goods]-$base_goods, credits=$planetinfo[credits]-$base_credits WHERE planet_id=$planet_id");
		// ** Update User Turns
		$update1b = $db->Execute("UPDATE $dbtables[players] SET turns=turns-1, turns_used=turns_used+1 where player_id=$playerinfo[player_id]");
		// ** Refresh Plant Info
		$result3 = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM $dbtables[planets] WHERE planet_id=$planet_id");
		// ** Notify User Of Base Results
		echo "$l_planet_bbuild<BR><BR>";
		// ** Calc Ownership and Notify User Of Results
		$ownership = calc_ownership($planetinfo[sector_id]);
		  echo "$ownership<p>";
  		echo "<BR>Click <A HREF=planet.php?planet_id=$planet_id>here</A> to go to the Planet Menu<BR><BR>";