Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function index($product_slug = NULL)
     if (!$product_slug) {
     $data['product'] = $this->db->select('*')->from('ds_product')->where('slug', $product_slug)->get()->row_array();
     if (!$product_slug || !isset($data['product']['id'])) {
     $data['colors'] = $this->db->select('ds_colors.name, ds_colors.slug, ds_colors.shortcode, ds_colors.hex_value, ds_colors.name_fr')->from('ds_colors')->join('ds_product_colors', 'ds_product_colors.color_id = ds_colors.id')->where('ds_product_colors.product_id', $data['product']['id'])->get()->result_array();
     foreach ($data['colors'] as &$color) {
         $hsl = RGB_TO_HSV($color['hex_value']);
         $color['lightness'] = $hsl['V'];
     usort($data['colors'], "_compare_lightness");
     $this->load->view('share_customized', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 2
                                                                                         $product["description_type"] = "";
                                                                                         $product["color_type"] = "";
                                                                                         $product["name_type"] = "";
             $product["description_type"] = "";
             $product["color_type"] = "";
             $product["name_type"] = "";
             $get_type = searchJson_type($response_type, $id_type);
             $product["name_type"] = $get_type[0];
             $product["description_type"] = $get_type[1];
             $product["color_type"] = trim(strtolower($get_type[2]));
             $product_rgb = hex2rgb($product["color_type"]);
             $product["color_type_hsl"] = RGB_TO_HSV($product_rgb[0], $product_rgb[1], $product_rgb[2]);
             $product_hsl = RGB_TO_HSV($product_rgb[0], $product_rgb[1], $product_rgb[2]);
             $product["color_type_hsl_android"] = $product_hsl[0];
             // push single into final response array
             array_push($response["centres"], $product);
         // success
         $response["success"] = 1;
         // echoing JSON response
         echo json_encode($response);
     } else {
         // no found
         $response["success"] = 0;
         $response["message"] = "No found";
         echo json_encode($response);
Ejemplo n.º 3
<td style="padding-left:4px; text-align:left; padding:0px;"><?php 
require_once "includes/rgb2hsv.php";
$online = true;
if (!$online) {
    die("Das OCS wurde vorübergehend deaktiviert!");
$json = file_get_contents("online.json");
$json = json_decode($json);
$users = $json->users;
function rgb2hex($str, $offset)
    return hexdec(substr($str, $offset, 2));
usort($users, function ($a, $b) {
    $hsv1 = RGB_TO_HSV(rgb2hex($a->namecolor, 0), rgb2hex($a->namecolor, 2), rgb2hex($a->namecolor, 4));
    $hsv2 = RGB_TO_HSV(rgb2hex($b->namecolor, 0), rgb2hex($b->namecolor, 2), rgb2hex($b->namecolor, 4));
    return 255 * ($hsv1["H"] - $hsv2["H"]);
    //hexdec(substr($a->namecolor, 0, 2));
$num = count($users);
if ($num == 1) {
Im <a href="http://ocs.speedcube.de/" target="_blank">OCS</a> (online-cubing-system) ist <b>1</b> User online:
} elseif ($num == 0) {
Im <a href="http://ocs.speedcube.de/" target="_blank">OCS</a> (online-cubing-system) sind <b>keine</b> User online.
} else {
Im <a href="http://ocs.speedcube.de/" target="_blank">OCS</a> (online-cubing-system) sind <b><?php 
* Calculate histograms for each color channel for the given image
function GetImageHistogram($image_file, $options, $histograms)
    $histogram = null;
    $ext = strripos($image_file, '.jpg');
    if ($ext !== false) {
        $histogram_file = substr($image_file, 0, $ext) . '.hist';
    } else {
        $ext = strripos($image_file, '.png');
        if ($ext !== false) {
            $histogram_file = substr($image_file, 0, $ext) . '.hist';
    if (isset($histograms)) {
        // figure out the timestamp for the video frame in ms
        $ms = null;
        if (preg_match('/ms_(?P<ms>[0-9]+)\\.(png|jpg)/i', $image_file, $matches)) {
            $ms = intval($matches['ms']);
        } elseif (preg_match('/frame_(?P<ms>[0-9]+)\\.(png|jpg)/i', $image_file, $matches)) {
            $ms = intval($matches['ms']) * 100;
        foreach ($histograms as &$hist) {
            if (isset($hist['histogram']) && isset($hist['time']) && $hist['time'] == $ms) {
                $histogram = $hist['histogram'];
    // See if we have the old-style histograms (separate files)
    if (!isset($histogram) && !isset($options) && isset($histogram_file) && is_file($histogram_file)) {
        $histogram = json_decode(file_get_contents($histogram_file), true);
        if (!is_array($histogram) || !array_key_exists('r', $histogram) || !array_key_exists('g', $histogram) || !array_key_exists('b', $histogram) || count($histogram['r']) != 256 || count($histogram['g']) != 256 || count($histogram['b']) != 256) {
    // generate a histogram from the image itself
    if (!isset($histogram)) {
        $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($image_file);
        if ($im !== false) {
            $width = imagesx($im);
            $height = imagesy($im);
            if ($width > 0 && $height > 0) {
                // default a resample to 1/4 in each direction which will significantly speed up processing with minimal impact to accuracy.
                // This is only for calculations done on the server.  Histograms from the client look at every pixel
                $resample = 8;
                if (isset($options) && array_key_exists('resample', $options)) {
                    $resample = $options['resample'];
                if ($resample > 2) {
                    $oldWidth = $width;
                    $oldHeight = $height;
                    $width = intval($width * 2 / $resample);
                    $height = intval($height * 2 / $resample);
                    $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
                    fastimagecopyresampled($tmp, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $oldWidth, $oldHeight, 3);
                    $im = $tmp;
                $histogram = array();
                $histogram['r'] = array();
                $histogram['g'] = array();
                $histogram['b'] = array();
                $buckets = 256;
                if (isset($options) && array_key_exists('buckets', $options) && $options['buckets'] >= 1 && $options['buckets'] <= 256) {
                    $buckets = $options['buckets'];
                for ($i = 0; $i < $buckets; $i++) {
                    $histogram['r'][$i] = 0;
                    $histogram['g'][$i] = 0;
                    $histogram['b'][$i] = 0;
                for ($y = 0; $y < $height; $y++) {
                    for ($x = 0; $x < $width; $x++) {
                        $rgb = ImageColorAt($im, $x, $y);
                        $r = $rgb >> 16 & 0xff;
                        $g = $rgb >> 8 & 0xff;
                        $b = $rgb & 0xff;
                        // ignore white pixels
                        if ($r != 255 || $g != 255 || $b != 255) {
                            if (isset($options) && array_key_exists('colorSpace', $options) && $options['colorSpace'] != 'RGB') {
                                if ($options['colorSpace'] == 'HSV') {
                                    RGB_TO_HSV($r, $g, $b);
                                } elseif ($options['colorSpace'] == 'YUV') {
                                    RGB_TO_YUV($r, $g, $b);
                            $bucket = (int) (($r + 1.0) / 256.0 * $buckets) - 1;
                            $bucket = (int) (($g + 1.0) / 256.0 * $buckets) - 1;
                            $bucket = (int) (($b + 1.0) / 256.0 * $buckets) - 1;
        if (!isset($options) && isset($histogram_file) && !is_file($histogram_file) && isset($histogram)) {
            file_put_contents($histogram_file, json_encode($histogram));
    return $histogram;
Ejemplo n.º 5
* Calculate a RGB histogram excluding white pixels
* @param mixed $image_file
* @param mixed $ignoreWhite - bool - should white pixels be ignored
* @param mixed $colorSpace - string - RGB, HSV or YUV
function Histogram($image_file, $ignoreWhite, $colorSpace = 'RGB')
    global $viewport;
    $histogram = null;
    $nowhite = $ignoreWhite ? '.nowhite' : '';
    $histogram_file = "{$image_file}{$nowhite}.{$colorSpace}.hist";
    if (is_file($histogram_file)) {
        $histogram = json_decode(file_get_contents($histogram_file));
    } else {
        $im = imagecreatefrompng($image_file);
        if ($im !== false) {
            $right = imagesx($im);
            $bottom = imagesy($im);
            $left = 0;
            $top = 0;
            if (isset($viewport)) {
                $left = $viewport['x'];
                $top = $viewport['y'];
                $right = $left + $viewport['width'];
                $bottom = $top + $viewport['height'];
            $histogram = array(array(), array(), array());
            $buckets = 256;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $buckets; $i++) {
                $histogram[0][$i] = 0;
                $histogram[1][$i] = 0;
                $histogram[2][$i] = 0;
            for ($y = $top; $y < $bottom; $y++) {
                for ($x = $left; $x < $right; $x++) {
                    $rgb = ImageColorAt($im, $x, $y);
                    $r = $rgb >> 16 & 0xff;
                    $g = $rgb >> 8 & 0xff;
                    $b = $rgb & 0xff;
                    // ignore white pixels
                    if (!$ignoreWhite || $r != 255 || $g != 255 || $b != 255) {
                        if ($colorSpace == 'HSV') {
                            RGB_TO_HSV($r, $g, $b);
                        } elseif ($colorSpace == 'YUV') {
                            RGB_TO_YUV($r, $g, $b);
            file_put_contents($histogram_file, json_encode($histogram));
    return $histogram;
Ejemplo n.º 6
function getColor($im, $x, $y)
    $color = imagecolorsforindex($im, imagecolorat($im, $x, $y));
    $hsv = RGB_TO_HSV($color['red'], $color['green'], $color['blue']);
    return round($hsv['S'], 3);
Ejemplo n.º 7
function convert_html_color($html)
    global $hue, $sat;
    $RGB = html2rgb($html);
    //convert html to rgb
    $HSV = RGB_TO_HSV($RGB[0], $RGB[1], $RGB[2]);
    // convert rgb to hsv, which are percentages
    $huechange = ($hue + 100) / 200;
    //find the percentage change from the imagemagick command
    $newH = $HSV['H'] + $huechange;
    if ($newH > 1) {
        $newH = $newH - 1;
    $newS = $HSV['S'] * ($sat / 100);
    $newRGB = HSV_TO_RGB($newH, $newS, $HSV['V']);
    $newHTML = rgb2html($newRGB['R'], $newRGB['G'], $newRGB['B']);
    return $newHTML;