$roleneeded = 10000; #$BUser = new BaseUser(); #if (($BUser->hasRole($roleneeded) == 0) && ($Use_Auth_System == 1)) base_header("Location: " . $BASE_urlpath . "/index.php"); $submit = ImportHTTPVar("submit", VAR_ALPHA | VAR_SPACE, array(gettext("Delete Selected"), gettext("Delete ALL on Screen"), _ENTIREQUERY)); $export = intval(ImportHTTPVar("complete", VAR_DIGIT)); // Called from report_launcher.php $qs->MoveView($submit); /* increment the view if necessary */ $page_title = gettext("Sensor Listing"); /* Connect to the Alert database */ $db = NewBASEDBConnection($DBlib_path, $DBtype); $db->baseDBConnect($db_connect_method, $alert_dbname, $alert_host, $alert_port, $alert_user, $alert_password, 0, 1); if ($event_cache_auto_update == 1) { UpdateAlertCache($db); } $criteria_clauses = ProcessCriteria(); // Include base_header.php PrintBASESubHeader($page_title, $page_title, $cs->GetBackLink(), 1); $mssp = Session::show_entities(); //intval($conf->get_conf("alienvault_mssp", FALSE)); // Use accumulate tables only when timestamp criteria is not hour sensitive $use_ac = $criteria_clauses[3]; $nevents = "count(distinct acid_event.plugin_id, acid_event.plugin_sid)"; // use ac_acid_event if ($use_ac) { $from = " FROM po_acid_event as acid_event " . $criteria_clauses[0] . ", device LEFT JOIN alienvault.sensor ON sensor.id=device.sensor_id"; $where = $criteria_clauses[4] != "" ? " WHERE " . $criteria_clauses[4] : " "; $where2 = $criteria_clauses[5] != "" ? " WHERE " . $criteria_clauses[5] : " "; $counter = "sum(acid_event.cnt) as event_cnt"; $from1 = " FROM acid_event " . $criteria_clauses[0] . ", device LEFT JOIN alienvault.sensor ON sensor.id=device.sensor_id"; $where1 = $criteria_clauses[1] != "" ? " WHERE " . $criteria_clauses[1] : " ";
/* require_once ('classes/pdfReport.inc'); $pdfReport = new PdfReport($siem_events_title); $htmlPdfReport = new Html($siem_events_title,$siem_events_title,'','font-size:10px'); */ // GEOIP include "geoip.inc"; require_once "classes/Util.inc"; $gi = geoip_open("/usr/share/geoip/GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD); global $colored_alerts, $debug_mode; /* **************** Run the Query ************************************************** */ /* base_ag_main.php will include this file * - imported variables: $sql, $cnt_sql */ if ($printing_ag) { ProcessCriteria(); $page = "base_ag_main.php"; $tmp_page_get = "&ag_action=view&ag_id={$ag_id}&submit=x"; $sql = $save_sql; } else { $page = "base_qry_main.php"; $cnt_sql = "SELECT COUNT(acid_event.cid) FROM acid_event " . $join_sql . $where_sql . $criteria_sql; $tmp_page_get = ""; } // Timezone $tz = Util::get_timezone(); /* Run the query to determine the number of rows (No LIMIT)*/ //$qs->GetNumResultRows($cnt_sql, $db); $et->Mark("Counting Result size"); /* Setup the Query Results Table */ $qro = new QueryResultsOutput("{$page}" . $qs->SaveStateGET() . $tmp_page_get);