Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Formats $value to the given length and appends SI prefixes
 * with a $length of 0 no truncation occurs, number is only formated
 * to the current locale
 * examples:
 * <code>
 * echo PMA_formatNumber(123456789, 6);     // 123,457 k
 * echo PMA_formatNumber(-123456789, 4, 2); //    -123.46 M
 * echo PMA_formatNumber(-0.003, 6);        //      -3 m
 * echo PMA_formatNumber(0.003, 3, 3);      //       0.003
 * echo PMA_formatNumber(0.00003, 3, 2);    //       0.03 m
 * echo PMA_formatNumber(0, 6);             //       0
 * </code>
 * @param double  $value          the value to format
 * @param integer $digits_left    number of digits left of the comma
 * @param integer $digits_right   number of digits right of the comma
 * @param boolean $only_down      do not reformat numbers below 1
 * @param boolean $noTrailingZero removes trailing zeros right of the comma
 *                                (default: true)
 * @return  string   the formatted value and its unit
 * @access  public
function PMA_formatNumber($value, $digits_left = 3, $digits_right = 0, $only_down = false, $noTrailingZero = true)
    if ($value == 0) {
        return '0';
    $originalValue = $value;
    //number_format is not multibyte safe, str_replace is safe
    if ($digits_left === 0) {
        $value = number_format($value, $digits_right);
        if ($originalValue != 0 && floatval($value) == 0) {
            $value = ' <' . 1 / PMA_pow(10, $digits_right);
        return PMA_localizeNumber($value);
    // this units needs no translation, ISO
    $units = array(-8 => 'y', -7 => 'z', -6 => 'a', -5 => 'f', -4 => 'p', -3 => 'n', -2 => '&micro;', -1 => 'm', 0 => ' ', 1 => 'k', 2 => 'M', 3 => 'G', 4 => 'T', 5 => 'P', 6 => 'E', 7 => 'Z', 8 => 'Y');
    // check for negative value to retain sign
    if ($value < 0) {
        $sign = '-';
        $value = abs($value);
    } else {
        $sign = '';
    $dh = PMA_pow(10, $digits_right);
     * This gives us the right SI prefix already,
     * but $digits_left parameter not incorporated
    $d = floor(log10($value) / 3);
     * Lowering the SI prefix by 1 gives us an additional 3 zeros
     * So if we have 3,6,9,12.. free digits ($digits_left - $cur_digits)
     * to use, then lower the SI prefix
    $cur_digits = floor(log10($value / PMA_pow(1000, $d, 'pow')) + 1);
    if ($digits_left > $cur_digits) {
        $d -= floor(($digits_left - $cur_digits) / 3);
    if ($d < 0 && $only_down) {
        $d = 0;
    $value = round($value / (PMA_pow(1000, $d, 'pow') / $dh)) / $dh;
    $unit = $units[$d];
    // If we dont want any zeros after the comma just add the thousand seperator
    if ($noTrailingZero) {
        $value = PMA_localizeNumber(preg_replace('/(?<=\\d)(?=(\\d{3})+(?!\\d))/', ',', $value));
    } else {
        //number_format is not multibyte safe, str_replace is safe
        $value = PMA_localizeNumber(number_format($value, $digits_right));
    if ($originalValue != 0 && floatval($value) == 0) {
        return ' <' . 1 / PMA_pow(10, $digits_right) . ' ' . $unit;
    return $sign . $value . ' ' . $unit;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Formats $value to the given length and appends SI prefixes
 * $comma is not substracted from the length
 * with a $length of 0 no truncation occurs, number is only formated
 * to the current locale
 * examples:
 * <code>
 * echo PMA_formatNumber(123456789, 6);     // 123,457 k
 * echo PMA_formatNumber(-123456789, 4, 2); //    -123.46 M
 * echo PMA_formatNumber(-0.003, 6);        //      -3 m
 * echo PMA_formatNumber(0.003, 3, 3);      //       0.003
 * echo PMA_formatNumber(0.00003, 3, 2);    //       0.03 m
 * echo PMA_formatNumber(0, 6);             //       0
 * </code>
 * @param   double   $value     the value to format
 * @param   integer  $length    the max length
 * @param   integer  $comma     the number of decimals to retain
 * @param   boolean  $only_down do not reformat numbers below 1
 * @return  string   the formatted value and its unit
 * @access  public
 * @version 1.1.0 - 2005-10-27
function PMA_formatNumber($value, $length = 3, $comma = 0, $only_down = false)
    //number_format is not multibyte safe, str_replace is safe
    if ($length === 0) {
        return PMA_localizeNumber(number_format($value, $comma));
    // this units needs no translation, ISO
    $units = array(-8 => 'y', -7 => 'z', -6 => 'a', -5 => 'f', -4 => 'p', -3 => 'n', -2 => '&micro;', -1 => 'm', 0 => ' ', 1 => 'k', 2 => 'M', 3 => 'G', 4 => 'T', 5 => 'P', 6 => 'E', 7 => 'Z', 8 => 'Y');
    // we need at least 3 digits to be displayed
    if (3 > $length + $comma) {
        $length = 3 - $comma;
    // check for negative value to retain sign
    if ($value < 0) {
        $sign = '-';
        $value = abs($value);
    } else {
        $sign = '';
    $dh = PMA_pow(10, $comma);
    $li = PMA_pow(10, $length);
    $unit = $units[0];
    if ($value >= 1) {
        for ($d = 8; $d >= 0; $d--) {
            if (isset($units[$d]) && $value >= $li * PMA_pow(1000, $d - 1)) {
                $value = round($value / (PMA_pow(1000, $d) / $dh)) / $dh;
                $unit = $units[$d];
                break 1;
            // end if
        // end for
    } elseif (!$only_down && (double) $value !== 0.0) {
        for ($d = -8; $d <= 8; $d++) {
            // force using pow() because of the negative exponent
            if (isset($units[$d]) && $value <= $li * PMA_pow(1000, $d - 1, 'pow')) {
                $value = round($value / (PMA_pow(1000, $d, 'pow') / $dh)) / $dh;
                $unit = $units[$d];
                break 1;
            // end if
        // end for
    // end if ($value >= 1) elseif (!$only_down && (float) $value !== 0.0)
    //number_format is not multibyte safe, str_replace is safe
    $value = PMA_localizeNumber(number_format($value, $comma));
    return $sign . $value . ' ' . $unit;