?> </span> <div style="font-size:11px;"> date: <i><?php echo date(OS_DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($row["date"])); ?> </i> <a class="floatR padLeft" title="Link to profile" target="_blank" href="<?php echo OS_HOME; ?> ?u=<?php echo $row["name"]; ?> ">link</a> <?php $ip_part = OS_GetIpRange($row["ip"]); if (!empty($ip_part)) { ?> <a class="floatR" title="Show IP Range" href="<?php echo OS_HOME; ?> adm/?bans&ip_range=<?php echo $ip_part; ?> ">ipr</a> <?php } ?> </div> </td> <td width="64" class="font12">
} $BannedTotal = 0; $CanBan = 0; if (isset($_POST["banlist"]) and isset($bantimedate)) { $sql = ""; $sql .= "INSERT INTO " . OSDB_BANS . "(name, server, reason, ip, ip_part, admin, gamename, date, expiredate, country) VALUES"; //UPDATE stats table too $sql2 = "UPDATE " . OSDB_STATS . " SET banned = 1 WHERE "; //GameOffenses $sql3 = "INSERT INTO " . OSDB_GO . "(player_name, reason, offence_time, offence_expire, pp, admin) VALUES"; $offence_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:00", time()); foreach ($_POST["banlist"] as $BannedPlayers) { $banned = strtolower($BannedPlayers["name"]); $ip = $BannedPlayers["ip"]; $realm = $BannedPlayers["realm"]; $ip_part = OS_GetIpRange($ip); $Letter = geoip_country_code_by_addr($GeoIPDatabase, $ip); $Country = geoip_country_name_by_addr($GeoIPDatabase, $ip); $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:00", time()); $reason = "Left after " . $BannedPlayers["left"] . " min. (#" . $BannedPlayers["gameid"] . ")"; if (!empty($banned)) { $sql .= " ('{$banned}', '{$realm}', '{$reason}', '{$ip}', '{$ip_part}', '', '#" . $BannedPlayers["gameid"] . "', '{$time}', '{$bantimedate}', '{$Letter}'),"; //PP $sql2 .= " player = '" . $banned . "' OR "; //GameOffenses $sql3 .= " ('{$banned}', '{$reason}', '{$offence_time}', '', '" . (int) $pp . "', '[system]'),"; $CanBan = 1; $BannedTotal++; } } $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1);
$SHOW_TOTALS = 1; include 'pagination.php'; $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM oh_geoip WHERE code!='' {$sqlLetter} {$proxy} {$sql} LIMIT {$offset}, {$rowsperpage}"); $result = $sth->execute(); ?> <table> <tr> <th width="95" class="padLeft">IP Start</th> <th width="95">IP End</th> <th width="64">Code</th> <th>Country</th> </tr> <?php while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $ip_part = OS_GetIpRange($row["ip_start"]) . "."; ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $row["ip_start"]; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $row["ip_end"]; ?> </td> <td><img src="<?php echo OS_HOME; ?> img/flags/<?php echo $row["code"];
$ip = $UserData[0]["ip"]; $ip_part = OS_GetIpRange($ip); //Show all user IPs $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT gp.id, gp.ip, gp.name, g.gamename, g.datetime, gp.gameid \n\t\t\t FROM " . OSDB_GP . " as gp\n\t\t\t LEFT JOIN " . OSDB_GAMES . " as g on g.id = gp.gameid\n\t\t\t WHERE name = '" . $PlayerName . "' GROUP BY ip ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 50"); $result = $sth->execute(); $UserIPAddr = array(); $AllUserIPS = array(); $c = 0; while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $UserIPAddr[$c]["id"] = $row["id"]; $UserIPAddr[$c]["ip"] = $row["ip"]; $UserIPAddr[$c]["name"] = $row["name"]; $UserIPAddr[$c]["gameid"] = $row["gameid"]; $UserIPAddr[$c]["gamename"] = $row["gamename"]; $UserIPAddr[$c]["datetime"] = date(OS_DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($row["datetime"])); $AllUserIPS[] = OS_GetIpRange($row["ip"]); $c++; } $AllUserIPS = array_unique($AllUserIPS); $sql = ""; if (count($AllUserIPS) > 1) { $sql = " OR ("; foreach ($AllUserIPS as $UserIP) { $sql .= " ip_part LIKE '" . $UserIP . "' OR ip LIKE (':" . $UserIP . "%') OR "; } $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - 3) . ")"; } //Banned players on the same IP range $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_BANS . " WHERE ip_part LIKE '" . $ip_part . "' {$sql} LIMIT 50"); $result = $sth->execute(); $UserIPRange = array();
?> <img src="<?php echo OS_HOME; ?> img/flags/<?php echo $Letter; ?> .gif" class="imgvalign" title="<?php echo $Country; ?> " alt="" /><?php } ?> </span> <?php $ip_part = OS_GetIpRange($row["user_ip"]); if (!empty($ip_part)) { ?> <a title="Show IP Range" href="<?php echo OS_HOME; ?> adm/?bans&ip_range=<?php echo $ip_part; ?> &show=all"><?php echo $row["user_ip"]; ?> </a> <?php } else { echo $row["user_ip"];