Ejemplo n.º 1
function ClientDrop($idClient, $O)
    $query = "DELETE FROM `client` WHERE `idClient`='{$idClient}';";
    QueryExcute('', $query);
    $user_nom = $_SESSION['user_nom'];
    $user_prenom = $_SESSION['user_prenom'];
    NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="#">' . $user_nom . ' ' . $user_prenom . ' a supprimé le client, ' . $O->FamilyName . ' ' . $O->FirstName);
    LogWrite('Suppression de de client ' . $O->FamilyName . ' ' . $O->FirstName);
Ejemplo n.º 2
function UserInsert()
    if (isset($_POST['cin']) && isset($_POST['FamilyName']) && isset($_POST['FirstName']) && isset($_POST['Email']) && isset($_POST['Phone']) && isset($_POST['Password']) && isset($_POST['FunctionPost']) && isset($_POST['Adress']) && isset($_POST['BirthDay'])) {
        //Recup variable
        $cin = addslashes($_POST['cin']);
        $FamilyName = addslashes($_POST['FamilyName']);
        $FirstName = addslashes($_POST['FirstName']);
        $Email = addslashes($_POST['Email']);
        $FunctionPost = addslashes($_POST['FunctionPost']);
        $Phone = addslashes($_POST['Phone']);
        $Adress = addslashes($_POST['Adress']);
        $BirthDay = addslashes($_POST['BirthDay']);
        $Password = addslashes($_POST['Password']);
        if (isset($_POST['fbAccount'])) {
            $fbAccount = $_POST['fbAccount'];
        } else {
            $fbAccount = '';
        if (isset($_POST['githubAccount'])) {
            $githubAccount = $_POST['githubAccount'];
        } else {
            $githubAccount = '';
        if (isset($_POST['linkedinAccount'])) {
            $linkedinAccount = $_POST['linkedinAccount'];
        } else {
            $linkedinAccount = '';
        if (isset($_POST['img_url'])) {
            $img_url = $_POST['img_url'];
        } else {
            $img_url = '';
        // Function
        global $Timestamp, $URL;
        $add_by = $_SESSION['user_nom_prenom'];
        if (QueryExcute('mysqli_fetch_object', "SELECT * FROM users WHERE idUser='******';")) {
        } else {
            if (QueryExcute('mysqli_fetch_object', "SELECT * FROM users WHERE Email='{$Email}';")) {
            } else {
                QueryExcute("", "INSERT INTO `users` VALUES ('{$cin}', '2', '{$FamilyName}', '{$FirstName}', '{$Email}', '{$FunctionPost}', '{$Phone}', '{$Adress}', '{$BirthDay}', MD5('{$Password}'), '{$Timestamp}', '{$fbAccount}', '{$githubAccount}', '{$linkedinAccount}', '{$ProfilePhoto}', '{$add_by}', '{$Timestamp}')");
                QueryExcute("", "INSERT INTO `usersprivilege` VALUES (NULL, '{$cin}', 'USERS', '1', '0', '0', '0'), (NULL, '{$cin}', 'CLIENTS', '1', '0', '0', '0'), (NULL, '{$cin}', 'CONTRAT', '1', '0', '0', '0'), (NULL, '{$cin}', 'CAISSE', '1', '0', '0', '0')");
                NotifAllWrite($cin, '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $cin . '">Nouveau utilisateur, ' . $FamilyName . ' ' . $FirstName);
                LogWrite("Creation de l\\'utilisateur : " . $cin);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function ContractRenew()
    $idUser = $_SESSION['user_id'];
    $User = $_SESSION['user_nom_prenom'];
    if (isset($_POST['idContract']) && isset($_POST['StartDate']) && isset($_POST['EndDate']) && isset($_POST['Amount']) && isset($_POST['EncashmentDate']) && isset($_POST['PaymentKind'])) {
        $idContract = addslashes($_POST['idContract']);
        $StartDate = addslashes($_POST['StartDate']);
        $EndDate = addslashes($_POST['EndDate']);
        $Amount = addslashes($_POST['Amount']);
        global $NowEN;
        $EncashmentDate = $NowEN;
        $PaymentKind = addslashes($_POST['PaymentKind']);
        if (isset($_POST['PaymentCode'])) {
            $PaymentCode = addslashes($_POST['PaymentCode']);
        } else {
            $PaymentCode = '';
        if (isset($_POST['Bank'])) {
            $Bank = addslashes($_POST['Bank']);
        } else {
            $Bank = '';
        if (isset($_POST['TransferDate'])) {
            $TransferDate = addslashes($_POST['TransferDate']);
        } else {
            $TransferDate = '';
        $PayementAdd = QueryExcute("", "INSERT INTO `payment` VALUES (NULL, '{$EncashmentDate}', '', '{$PaymentKind}', '{$PaymentCode}', '{$Bank}', '{$TransferDate}', '{$Amount}', '{$idUser}');");
        if (!$PayementAdd) {
            // recupération idPayment
            $ObjectPayement = QueryExcute("mysqli_fetch_array", "SELECT max(`idPayment`) FROM `payment`");
            if ($ObjectPayement) {
                $idPayment = $ObjectPayement[0];
                $ContractcycleAdd = QueryExcute("", "INSERT INTO `contractcycle` VALUES(NULL, '{$idPayment}', '{$idContract}', '{$StartDate}', '{$EndDate}', '{$idUser}');");
                if (!$ContractcycleAdd) {
                    NotifAllWrite("", "", $User . " a renouveler le contrat #" . $idContract);
                    $user = UserGetInfo($idUser);
                    NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-modules/contrat/contrat?id=' . $idContract . '">' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName . ', a renouveler le contrat : #' . $idContract . '</a>');
                } else {
                    Redirect('ili-modules/contrat/renew/renew?id=' . $idContract . '&message=31');
        } else {
            Redirect('ili-modules/contrat/renew/renew?id=' . $idContract . '&message=32');
Ejemplo n.º 4
function ClientInsert()
    //Form Variables
    if (isset($_POST['idClient']) && isset($_POST['FamilyName']) && isset($_POST['FirstName']) && isset($_POST['Phone']) && isset($_POST['Adress'])) {
        global $URL;
        $idClient = addslashes($_POST['idClient']);
        $FamilyName = addslashes($_POST['FamilyName']);
        $FirstName = addslashes($_POST['FirstName']);
        $Phone = addslashes($_POST['Phone']);
        $Adress = addslashes($_POST['Adress']);
        $idUser = $_SESSION['user_id'];
        $User = $_SESSION['user_nom_prenom'];
        if (QueryExcute("mysqli_fetch_row", "SELECT * FROM client WHERE idClient='{$idClient}'") == 0) {
            QueryExcute("", "INSERT INTO `client` VALUES ('{$idClient}', '{$FamilyName}', '{$FirstName}', '{$Phone}', '{$Adress}', '{$idUser}');");
            NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-modules/client/client?id=' . $idClient . '">' . $User . ' a creé un nouveau client , ' . $FamilyName . ' ' . $FirstName);
            LogWrite("Création de client : <a href=\"ili-modules/client/client?id=" . $idClient . "\">" . $idClient . "</a>");
            Redirect('ili-modules/client/client?id=' . $idClient);
        } else {
Ejemplo n.º 5

include "../ili-functions/functions.php";
function UserDeban($idUser)
    $QueryUserDeban = "UPDATE users SET idRank='2' WHERE idUser='******' ;";
    QueryExcute('', $QueryUserDeban);
AuthorizedPrivileges('USERS', 'U');
$idUser = $_GET['id'];
$user = UserGetInfo($idUser);
if ($user == '') {
} else {
    $idUserSession = $_SESSION['user_id'];
    $UserUpdated = UserGetInfo($idUser);
    $UserUpdater = UserGetInfo($idUserSession);
    NotifAllWrite($idUser, '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $idUser . '">' . $UserUpdater->FamilyName . ' ' . $UserUpdater->FirstName . ' a débanni ' . $UserUpdated->FamilyName . ' ' . $UserUpdated->FirstName);
    LogWrite("Utilisateur : " . $user->idUser . " a ete debanni");
    Redirect('ili-users/user_edit?id=' . $idUser);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        $TransferDate = addslashes($_POST['TransferDate']);
    } else {
        $TransferDate = '';
    $idUser = $_SESSION['user_id'];
    $ajout = QueryExcute("", "INSERT INTO `insurancecontract` VALUES ('{$idContract}', '{$idClient}', '{$TypeContract}', '{$NatureContract}');");
    if (!$ajout) {
        $ajout2 = QueryExcute("", "INSERT INTO `payment` VALUES (NULL, '{$EncashmentDate}', '', '{$PaymentKind}', '{$PaymentCode}', '{$Bank}', '{$TransferDate}', '{$Amount}', '{$idUser}');");
        if (!$ajout2) {
            $ObjectPayement = QueryExcute("mysqli_fetch_array", "SELECT max(`idPayment`) FROM `payment`");
            if ($ObjectPayement) {
                $idPayment = $ObjectPayement[0];
                $ajout3 = QueryExcute("", "INSERT INTO `contractcycle` VALUES(NULL, '{$idPayment}', '{$idContract}', '{$StartDate}', '{$EndDate}', '{$idUser}');");
                if (!$ajout3) {
                    $user = UserGetInfo($idUser);
                    NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-modules/contrat/contrat?id=' . $idContract . '">' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName . ', a crée un nouveau contrat : #' . $idContract . '</a>');
                    LogWrite("Ajout contract ID : " . $idContract);
                } else {
                    Redirect('ili-modules/contrat/add/add?clt=' . $id_clt . '&message=26');
            } else {
                Redirect('ili-modules/contrat/add/add?clt=' . $id_clt . '&message=27');
        } else {
            Redirect('ili-modules/contrat/add/add?clt=' . $id_clt . '&message=28');
    } else {
        Redirect('ili-modules/contrat/add/add?clt=' . $id_clt . '&message=29');
Ejemplo n.º 7

include "../ili-functions/functions.php";
function UserDiplomaDrop($idDiploma)
    $query = "DELETE FROM `usersdiploma` WHERE `idDiploma`='{$idDiploma}';";
    if (QueryExcute('', $query)) {
        return 1;
$idUser = $_GET['idUser'];
$diploma_name = $_GET['diploma_name'];
$user = UserGetInfo($idUser);
if ($user == '') {
} else {
    $idUserSession = $_SESSION['user_id'];
    if ($idUserSession == $idUser) {
        NotifAllWrite($idUser, '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $idUser . '">' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName . ' a supprimé son diplôme : ' . $diploma_name);
    } else {
        $UserUpdated = UserGetInfo($idUser);
        $UserUpdater = UserGetInfo($idUserSession);
        NotifAllWrite($idUser, '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $idUser . '">' . $UserUpdater->FamilyName . ' ' . $UserUpdater->FirstName . ' a supprimer le diplôme : ' . $diploma_name . ' de ' . $UserUpdated->FamilyName . ' ' . $UserUpdated->FirstName);
    LogWrite("Suppression du diplome : " . $diploma_name . ", de l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
    Redirect('ili-users/user_edit?id=' . $idUser);
Ejemplo n.º 8
function UserPrivilegesGetUpdate($idUser)
    global $URL;
    $user = UserGetInfo($idUser);
    if ($_SESSION['user_idRank'] >= 3 && $_SESSION['user_id'] != $idUser) {
        echo '
		<ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-stacked" style="margin-left:-15%;">
			<div class="widget-body">
				<div class="space10"></div>
				<ul id="tree_2" class="tree">
						<a data-toggle="branch" class="tree-toggle" data-role="branch" href="#">Autorisations</a>
						<ul class="branch in">';
        $query = "SELECT `bloc` FROM `usersprivilege` WHERE `idUser`='{$idUser}'";
        $result = QueryExcuteWhile($query);
        while ($o = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) {
            if ($o->bloc != 'CONTRAT' && $o->bloc != 'CAISSE') {
                echo '
							<li><a data-toggle="branch" class="tree-toggle closed" data-role="branch" href="#">' . $o->bloc . '</a>';
                $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `usersprivilege` WHERE `idUser`='{$idUser}' AND `bloc`='{$o->bloc}';";
                $result2 = QueryExcuteWhile($query2);
                while ($b = mysqli_fetch_object($result2)) {
                    echo '
								<ul class="branch">
                    if ($b->s) {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="hidden" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 's0" value="1">
											<input type="checkbox" name="s0" value="0" checked onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-eye-open"></p></a> Voir
                    } else {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="checkbox" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 's1" value="1" onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-eye-open"></p></a> Voir
                    if ($b->c) {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="hidden" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 'c0" value="1">
											<input type="checkbox" name="c0" value="0" checked onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-plus"></p></a> Créer
                    } else {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="checkbox" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 'c1" value="1" onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-plus"></p></a> Créer
                    if ($b->u) {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="hidden" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 'u0" value="1">
											<input type="checkbox" name="u0" value="0" checked onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-edit"></p></a> Modifier
                    } else {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="checkbox" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 'u1" value="1" onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-edit"></p></a> Modifier
                    if ($b->d) {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="hidden" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 'd0" value="1">
											<input type="checkbox" name="d0" value="0" checked onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-trash"></p></a> Supprimer
                    } else {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="checkbox" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 'd1" value="1" onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-trash"></p></a> Supprimer
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 's0'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET s='0' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Supprission du privilége <strong>VOIR</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Suppression de privilege VOIR sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 's1'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET s='1' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Ajout du privilége <strong>VOIR</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Ajout de privilege VOIR sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 'c0'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET c='0' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Supprission du privilége <strong>CREER</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Suppression de privilege CREER sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 'c1'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET c='1' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Ajout du privilége <strong>CREER</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Ajout de privilege CREER sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 'u0'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET u='0' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Supprission du privilége <strong>MODIFIER</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Suppression de privilege MODIFIER sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 'u1'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET u='1' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Ajout du privilége <strong>MODIFIER</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Ajout de privilege MODIFIER sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 'd0'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET d='0' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Suppression du privilége <strong>SUPPRIMER</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Suppression de privilege SUPPRIMER sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 'd1'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET d='1' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Ajout du privilége <strong>SUPPRIMER</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Ajout de privilege SUPPRIMER sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    echo '		
            if ($o->bloc == 'CONTRAT') {
                echo '
							<li><a data-toggle="branch" class="tree-toggle closed" data-role="branch" href="#">' . $o->bloc . '</a>';
                $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `usersprivilege` WHERE `idUser`='{$idUser}' AND `bloc`='{$o->bloc}';";
                $result2 = QueryExcuteWhile($query2);
                while ($b = mysqli_fetch_object($result2)) {
                    echo '
								<ul class="branch">
                    if ($b->s) {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="hidden" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 's0" value="1">
											<input type="checkbox" name="s0" value="0" checked onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-eye-open"></p></a> Voir
                    } else {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="checkbox" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 's1" value="1" onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-eye-open"></p></a> Voir
                    if ($b->c) {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="hidden" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 'c0" value="1">
											<input type="checkbox" name="c0" value="0" checked onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-file"></p></a> Créer
                    } else {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="checkbox" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 'c1" value="1" onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-file"></p></a> Créer
                    if ($b->u) {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="hidden" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 'u0" value="1">
											<input type="checkbox" name="u0" value="0" checked onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-repeat"></p></a> Renouveler
                    } else {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="checkbox" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 'u1" value="1" onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-repeat"></p></a> Renouveler
                    if ($b->d) {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="hidden" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 'd0" value="1">
											<input type="checkbox" name="d0" value="0" checked onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-trash"></p></a> Supprimer
                    } else {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="checkbox" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 'd1" value="1" onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-trash"></p></a> Supprimer
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 's0'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET s='0' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Supprission du privilége <strong>VOIR</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Suppression de privilege VOIR sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 's1'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET s='1' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Ajout du privilége <strong>VOIR</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Ajout de privilege VOIR sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 'c0'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET c='0' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Supprission du privilége <strong>CREER</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Suppression de privilege CREER sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 'c1'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET c='1' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Ajout du privilége <strong>CREER</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Ajout de privilege CREER sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 'u0'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET u='0' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Supprission du privilége <strong>RENOUVELER</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Suppression de privilege RENOUVELER sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 'u1'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET u='1' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Ajout du privilége <strong>RENOUVELER</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Ajout de privilege RENOUVELER sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 'd0'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET d='0' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Suppression du privilége <strong>SUPPRIMER</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Suppression de privilege SUPPRIMER sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 'd1'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET d='1' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Ajout du privilége <strong>SUPPRIMER</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Ajout de privilege SUPPRIMER sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    echo '		
            if ($o->bloc == 'CAISSE') {
                echo '
							<li><a data-toggle="branch" class="tree-toggle closed" data-role="branch" href="#">' . $o->bloc . '</a>';
                $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `usersprivilege` WHERE `idUser`='{$idUser}' AND `bloc`='{$o->bloc}';";
                $result2 = QueryExcuteWhile($query2);
                while ($b = mysqli_fetch_object($result2)) {
                    echo '
								<ul class="branch">
                    if ($b->s) {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="hidden" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 's0" value="1">
											<input type="checkbox" name="s0" value="0" checked onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-book"></p></a> Journal
                    } else {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="checkbox" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 's1" value="1" onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-book"></p></a> Journal
                    if ($b->c) {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="hidden" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 'c0" value="1">
											<input type="checkbox" name="c0" value="0" checked onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-signout"></p></a> Décaissement
                    } else {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="checkbox" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 'c1" value="1" onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-signout"></p></a> Décaissement
                    if ($b->u) {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="hidden" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 'u0" value="1">
											<input type="checkbox" name="u0" value="0" checked onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-money"></p></a> Echéancier
                    } else {
                        echo '
										<form action="" method="post" style="margin-bottom:-2px;">
											<input type="checkbox" name="' . $b->idPrivilege . 'u1" value="1" onChange="this.form.submit()">
											<a><p class="icon-money"></p></a> Echéancier
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 's0'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET s='0' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Supprission du privilége <strong>JOURNAL</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Suppression de privilege VOIR sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 's1'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET s='1' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Ajout du privilége <strong>JOURNAL</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Ajout de privilege VOIR sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 'c0'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET c='0' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Supprission du privilége <strong>DECAISSEMENT</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Suppression de privilege CREER sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 'c1'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET c='1' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Ajout du privilége <strong>DECAISSEMENT</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Ajout de privilege CREER sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 'u0'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET u='0' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Supprission du privilége <strong>ECHEANCIER</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Suppression de privilege RENOUVELER sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    if (isset($_POST[$b->idPrivilege . 'u1'])) {
                        $query = "UPDATE `usersprivilege` SET u='1' WHERE idPrivilege='{$b->idPrivilege}';";
                        QueryExcute('', $query);
                        NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $user->idPrivilege_user . '">Ajout du privilége <strong>ECHEANCIER</strong> sur le bloc <strong>' . $o->bloc . '</strong> de ' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName);
                        LogWrite("Ajout de privilege RENOUVELER sur le bloc " . $o->bloc . " pour l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
                        echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.location.href="user_edit?id=' . $idUser . '"</SCRIPT>';
                    echo '		
            echo '
        echo '	
Ejemplo n.º 9
function UploadImage()
    global $URL;
    $idUser = $_SESSION['user_id'];
    $user = UserGetInfo($idUser);
    if (isset($_POST["UploadImage"])) {
        $target_dir = "../../ili-upload/";
        $target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES["fileToUpload"]['name']);
        $uploadOk = 1;
        $imageFileType = pathinfo($target_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
        $imageFilename = pathinfo($target_file, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
        $imageNewName = "logo";
        $NewTarget = $target_dir . $imageNewName . '.' . $imageFileType;
        // Check if image file is a actual image or fake image
        $check = getimagesize($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["tmp_name"]);
        if ($check !== false) {
            /*echo "Ce fichier est une image - " . $check["mime"] . ".";*/
            $uploadOk = 1;
        } else {
            echo "Ce fichier n'est pas une image.";
            $uploadOk = 0;
        // Check if file already exists
        /*if (file_exists($target_file)) {
        			echo "Fichier existe déjà.";
        			$uploadOk = 0;
        // Check file size
        if ($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["size"] > 500000) {
            echo "Le fichier est volumineux.";
            $uploadOk = 0;
        // Allow certain file formats
        if ($imageFileType != "png") {
            echo "L'extension PNG uniquement est autorisé.";
            $uploadOk = 0;
        // Check if $uploadOk is set to 0 by an error
        if ($uploadOk == 0) {
            echo "Erreur : Chargement!.";
            // if everything is ok, try to upload file
        } else {
            if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["tmp_name"], $NewTarget)) {
                /*echo "Fichier ". basename( $_FILES["fileToUpload"]["name"]). " Chargé.";*/
                NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-modules/ets/info">' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName . ', a modifier le logo de l`entreprise');
                LogWrite("Modification de logo de l\\'entreprise");
            } else {
                echo "Erreur : Chargement!.";

include "../../../ili-functions/functions.php";
if ($_POST) {
    //Récupération des variable depuis le lien
    $idClient = $_GET['idClient'];
    $Notification = $_GET['Notification'];
    $Log = $_GET['Log'];
    $Form = $_GET['Form'];
    //Récupération des varibales depuis la formulaire
    $input = $_POST['input'];
    //Exécution de requette
    QueryExcute("", "UPDATE `client` SET {$Form} = '{$input}' WHERE `idClient` = '{$idClient}';");
    //Récupération des variables pour le log & notification
    $idUser = $_SESSION['user_id'];
    //Construction des objets pour le log & notification
    $User = UserGetInfo($idUser);
    $Client = ClientGetInfo($idClient);
    //Execution des fonctions
    NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-modules/client/client?id=' . $idClient . '"><b>' . $User->FamilyName . ' ' . $User->FirstName . '</b> ' . $Notification . ' <b>' . $input . '</b>');
    LogWrite($Log . ' ' . $input);

include "../ili-functions/functions.php";
function UserExpiranceDrop($idExperience)
    $query = "DELETE FROM `usersexperience` WHERE `idExperience`='{$idExperience}';";
    if (QueryExcute('', $query)) {
        return 1;
$company = $_GET['Company'];
$idUser = $_GET['idUser'];
$user = UserGetInfo($idUser);
if ($user == '') {
} else {
    $idUserSession = $_SESSION['user_id'];
    if ($idUserSession == $idUser) {
        NotifAllWrite($idUser, '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $idUser . '">' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName . ' a supprimé expérance dans l`etablissement : ' . $company);
    } else {
        $UserUpdated = UserGetInfo($idUser);
        $UserUpdater = UserGetInfo($idUserSession);
        NotifAllWrite($idUser, '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $idUser . '">' . $UserUpdater->FamilyName . ' ' . $UserUpdater->FirstName . ' a supprimer l`experiance dans l`etablissement : ' . $company . ' de ' . $UserUpdated->FamilyName . ' ' . $UserUpdated->FirstName);
    LogWrite("Suppression du l\\'experience : " . $company . ", de l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
    Redirect('ili-users/user_edit?id=' . $idUser);
Ejemplo n.º 12

include "../ili-functions/functions.php";
function UserDrop($id)
    QueryExcute('', "DELETE FROM usersprivilege WHERE idUser='******'");
    QueryExcute('', "DELETE FROM users WHERE idUser='******'");
AuthorizedPrivileges('USERS', 'D');
$id = $_GET['id'];
if (!$IfUserHasActivity) {
    NotifAllWrite($id, '', 'L`utilisateur avec CIN :' . $id . ' a été supprimer');
    LogWrite("Suppression de l`utilisateur avec CIN=" . $id);
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 13

include "../ili-functions/functions.php";
function UserQualificationDrop($idQualification)
    $Query = "DELETE FROM `usersqualification` WHERE `idQualification`='{$idQualification}';";
    QueryExcute('', $Query);
$id_skills = $_GET['id_skills'];
$skills_name = $_GET['skills_name'];
$idUser = $_GET['idUser'];
$user = UserGetInfo($idUser);
if ($user == '') {
} else {
    $idUserSession = $_SESSION['user_id'];
    if ($idUserSession == $idUser) {
        NotifAllWrite($idUser, '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $idUser . '">' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName . ' a supprimé son compétance : ' . $skills_name);
    } else {
        $UserUpdated = UserGetInfo($idUser);
        $UserUpdater = UserGetInfo($idUserSession);
        NotifAllWrite($idUser, '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-users/user_profil?id=' . $idUser . '">' . $UserUpdater->FamilyName . ' ' . $UserUpdater->FirstName . ' a supprimer la compétance : ' . $skills_name . ' de ' . $UserUpdated->FamilyName . ' ' . $UserUpdated->FirstName);
    LogWrite("Suppression du competence : " . $skills_name . " de l\\'utilisateur : " . $idUser);
    Redirect('ili-users/user_edit?id=' . $idUser);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        $PaymentCode = '';
    if (isset($_POST['Bank'])) {
        $Bank = addslashes($_POST['Bank']);
    } else {
        $Bank = '';
    if (isset($_POST['TransferDate'])) {
        $TransferDate = addslashes($_POST['TransferDate']);
    } else {
        $TransferDate = '';
    QueryExcute("", "INSERT INTO `payment` VALUES (NULL, '{$NowEN}', '{$Description}', '{$PaymentKind}', '{$PaymentCode}', '{$Bank}', '{$TransferDate}', '{$Amount}', '{$idUser}');");
    $RecupIdPaiement = RecupIdPaiement();
    $user = UserGetInfo($idUser);
    NotifAllWrite('', '', '<a href="' . $URL . 'ili-modules/caisse/paiement?id=' . $RecupIdPaiement . '">' . $user->FamilyName . ' ' . $user->FirstName . ', a effectuer un décaissement : ' . $Description . '</a>');
    LogWrite("Décaissement : " . $Description);
	<!-- END PAGE --> 