Ejemplo n.º 1
        $limite = 30;
        $shortBody = trim($rowMail['mhist_body']);
        if (strlen($shortBody) > $limite) {
            $shortBody = substr($shortBody, 0, $limite - 4) . "...";
        print "<tr class=" . $trClass . " id='imglinhax" . $j . "' onMouseOver=\"destaca('imglinhax" . $j . "','" . $_SESSION['s_colorDestaca'] . "');\" onMouseOut=\"libera('imglinhax" . $j . "','" . $_SESSION['s_colorLinPar'] . "','" . $_SESSION['s_colorLinImpar'] . "');\"  onMouseDown=\"marca('imglinhax" . $j . "','" . $_SESSION['s_colorMarca'] . "');\" onClick=\"invertView('linhax" . $j . "');\" STYLE=\"{cursor: pointer;}\">";
        print "<td class='line'>" . $rowMail['mhist_subject'] . "</td><td class='line'>" . NVL($rowMail['mhist_listname']) . "</td>" . "<td class='line'>" . $shortBody . "</td>" . "<td class='line'>" . formatDate($rowMail['mhist_date']) . "</td><td class='line'>" . $rowMail['nome'] . "</td>";
        print "</tr>";
        print "<tr><td colspan='6' ><div id='linhax" . $j . "' style='{display:none}'>";
        print "<TABLE border='0' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' width='90%'>";
        print "<tr><td class='line'><b>" . TRANS('MAIL_FIELD_TO') . ":</b> " . toHtml($rowMail['mhist_address']) . "</td></tr>";
        print "<tr><td class='line'><b>" . TRANS('MAIL_FIELD_CC') . ":</b> " . toHtml($rowMail['mhist_address_cc']) . "</td></tr>";
        print "<tr><td class='textarea'>" . nl2br(toHtml($rowMail['mhist_body'])) . "</td></tr>";
        //print "<tr><td>".$rowMail['mhist_body']."</td></tr>";
        print "</table></div></td></tr>";
    print "</table>";
    print "</table></div></td></tr>";
$qryTela = "select * from imagens where img_oco = " . $row['numero'] . "";
$execTela = mysql_query($qryTela) or die(TRANS('MSG_ERR_NOT_INFO_IMAGE'));
//$rowTela = mysql_fetch_array($execTela);
$isTela = mysql_num_rows($execTela);
$cont = 0;
print "<table>";
while ($rowTela = mysql_fetch_array($execTela)) {
    //if ($isTela !=0) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
print "<TABLE border='0'  width='40%' bgcolor='" . BODY_COLOR . "'>";
print "<TR>";
print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor='" . TD_COLOR . "'>" . TRANS('OCO_FIELD_UNIT') . ":</font></font></TD>";
print "<TD width='30%' align='left' bgcolor='" . BODY_COLOR . "'>";
print "<SELECT class='select' name='comp_inst'>";
$query = "SELECT * from instituicao  order by inst_nome";
$resultado = mysql_query($query);
$linhas = mysql_numrows($resultado);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultado)) {
    print "<option value='" . $row['inst_cod'] . "'>" . $row['inst_nome'] . "</option>";
print "</SELECT>";
print "</TD>";
print "</tr>";
print "<TR>";
print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor='" . TD_COLOR . "'>" . TRANS('OCO_FIELD_TAG') . ":</font></font></TD>";
print "<TD width='30%' align='left' bgcolor='" . BODY_COLOR . "'>" . "<INPUT type='text' class='text' name='comp_inv' id='idComp_inv'>" . "</TD>";
print "</TR>";
print "<TR>";
if (isset($_GET['from_menu'])) {
    print "<input type='hidden' name='from_menu' value='1'>";
print "<TD align='center' bgcolor='" . BODY_COLOR . "'><input type='submit' class='button' value='" . TRANS('MNL_CON') . "' name='ok'>";
print "</TD>";
print "<TD align='center' bgcolor='" . BODY_COLOR . "'>" . "<INPUT type='reset' class='button' value='" . TRANS('BT_CANCEL') . "' onClick='javascript:history.back()'></TD>";
print "</TR>";
print "</table>";
print "</form>";
print "</body>";
print "</html>";
Ejemplo n.º 3
     // O equipamento não é computador!!
     print "<TR><TD colspan='4'></TD></TR>";
     print "<tr><TD colspan='4'><b>" . TRANS('SUBTTL_DATA_COMPLE_CONFIG') . ":</b></TD></tr>";
     print "<TR><TD colspan=4></TD></TR>";
     print "<TR>";
     print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor='" . TD_COLOR . "'><b>" . TRANS('FIELD_TYPE_PRINTER') . ":</b></TD>";
     print "<TD class='borda' width='30%' align='left' ><a href='mostra_consulta_comp.php?" . "comp_tipo_imp=" . $row['tipo_imp'] . " title='" . TRANS('HNT_LIST_TYPE_PRINTER') . " " . $row['impressora'] . "" . TRANS('HNT_CAD_IN_SYSTEM') . "'>" . $row['impressora'] . "</a>" . "</TD>";
     print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor='" . TD_COLOR . "'><b>" . TRANS('FIELD_MONITOR') . ":</b></TD>";
     print "<TD class='borda' width='30%' align='left' ><a href='mostra_consulta_comp.php?" . "comp_polegada=" . $row['tipo_pole'] . "' title='" . TRANS('HNT_LIST_MONITOR') . " " . $row['polegada_nome'] . " " . TRANS('HNT_CAD_IN_SYSTEM') . "'>" . $row['polegada_nome'] . "</a>" . "</TD>";
     print "</tr>";
     print "<tr>";
     print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor='" . TD_COLOR . "'><b>" . TRANS('FIELD_SCANNER') . ":</b></TD>";
     print "<TD class='borda' width='30%' align='left' ><a href='mostra_consulta_comp.php?" . "comp_resolucao=" . $row['tipo_resol'] . "' title='" . TRANS('HNT_LIST_RESOLUTION_SCANNER') . " " . $row['resol_nome'] . " " . TRANS('HNT_CAD_IN_SYSTEM') . "'>" . $row['resol_nome'] . "</a>" . "</TD>";
     print "</TR>";
 $qryPieces = "";
 $qryPieces = $QRY["componenteXequip_ini"];
 // ../includes/queries/
 $qryPieces .= " and eqp.eqp_equip_inv in (" . $_REQUEST['comp_inv'] . ") and eqp.eqp_equip_inst=" . $_REQUEST['comp_inst'] . "";
 $qryPieces .= $QRY["componenteXequip_fim"];
 $execQryPieces = mysql_query($qryPieces) or die(TRANS('ERR_QUERY') . "<br>" . $qryPieces);
 print "<TR><TD colspan='4'></TD></TR>";
 print "<tr><TD colspan='4'><b>" . TRANS('SUBTTL_DATA_COMPLE_PIECES') . ":</b></TD></tr>";
 print "<TR><TD colspan=4></TD></TR>";
 while ($rowPiece = mysql_fetch_array($execQryPieces)) {
     print "<TR>";
     print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor='" . TD_COLOR . "'><b>" . $rowPiece['item_nome'] . ":</b></TD>";
     print "<TD class='borda' width='30%' align='left' >" . $rowPiece['fabricante'] . " " . $rowPiece['modelo'] . " " . $rowPiece['capacidade'] . " " . $rowPiece['sufixo'] . "" . "</TD>";
     print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor='" . TD_COLOR . "'><b>" . TRANS('COL_SN') . ":</b></TD>";
     print "<TD class='borda' width='30%' align='left' ><a onClick=\"popup('estoque.php?action=details&cod=" . $rowPiece['estoq_cod'] . "&cellStyle=true')\">" . $rowPiece['estoq_sn'] . "</a></TD>";