function TaggerSetup() { global $TaggerGroups; global $FmtPV; if ($TaggerGroups) { foreach ($TaggerGroups as $tagname => $catgroup) { $FmtPV['$' . $tagname . 'Linked'] = "TaggerLinksVar(\$pn, '{$tagname}', '{$catgroup}', 'LinkedTitle')"; $FmtPV['$' . $tagname . 'LinkedName'] = "TaggerLinksVar(\$pn, '{$tagname}', '{$catgroup}', 'LinkedName')"; $FmtPV['$' . $tagname . 'Name'] = "TaggerLinksVar(\$pn, '{$tagname}', '{$catgroup}', 'Name')"; } // markup to insert the links $tags = array_keys($TaggerGroups); $tagpat = implode('|', $tags); if (function_exists('Markup_e')) { # added by Petko Yotov Markup_e("tagger", '<directives', '/^(\\(:)?(' . $tagpat . '):(.*?)(:\\))?$/', "TaggerLinks(\$pagename, \$m[1], \$m[2], \$m[3], \$m[4])"); // deal with the "hidden" PTVs Markup_e('textvar:', '<split', '/\\(:(\\w[-\\w]*):((?!\\)).*?):\\)/s', "TaggerHiddenVars(\$pagename, \$m[1], \$m[2])"); } else { Markup("tagger", '<directives', '/^(\\(:)?(' . $tagpat . '):(.*?)(:\\))?$/e', "TaggerLinks(\$pagename, '\$1', '\$2', '\$3', '\$4')"); // deal with the "hidden" PTVs Markup('textvar:', '<split', '/\\(:(\\w[-\\w]*):((?!\\)).*?):\\)/se', "TaggerHiddenVars(\$pagename, '\$1', '\$2')"); } // hidden Tagger PTVs get hidden after link-processing Markup('textvar:ol', ">links", '/^\\(:\\w[-\\w]*:.*?:\\)$/', ''); } }
PHSC(stripmagic(@$_REQUEST['q']), ENT_NOQUOTES))); XLSDV('en', array( 'SearchFor' => 'Results of search for <em>$Needle</em>:', 'SearchFound' => '$MatchCount pages found out of $MatchSearched pages searched.')); SDV($PageListArgPattern, '((?:\\$:?)?\\w+)[:=]'); Markup_e('pagelist', 'directives', '/\\(:pagelist(\\s+.*?)?:\\)/i', "FmtPageList('\$MatchList', \$pagename, array('o' => \$m[1].' '))"); Markup_e('searchbox', 'directives', '/\\(:searchbox(\\s.*?)?:\\)/', "SearchBox(\$pagename, ParseArgs(\$m[1], '$PageListArgPattern'))"); Markup_e('searchresults', 'directives', '/\\(:searchresults(\\s+.*?)?:\\)/i', "FmtPageList(\$GLOBALS['SearchResultsFmt'], \$pagename, array('req' => 1, 'request'=>1, 'o' => \$m[1]))"); SDV($SaveAttrPatterns['/\\(:(searchresults|pagelist)(\\s+.*?)?:\\)/i'], ' '); SDV($HandleActions['search'], 'HandleSearchA'); SDV($HandleAuth['search'], 'read'); SDV($ActionTitleFmt['search'], '| $[Search Results]'); SDVA($PageListFilters, array( 'PageListCache' => 80, 'PageListProtect' => 90, 'PageListSources' => 100, 'PageListPasswords' => 120, 'PageListIf' => 140, 'PageListTermsTargets' => 160,
$opt = ParseArgs($args); // expect link, class // TODO: test for options // TODO: handle alt params // TODO: handle rel=nofollow per pmwiki settings // what about other PmWiki shortcut-type things? // like... [[PmWiki/basic editing|+]]%apply=link class="btn"% $target = $opt['link']; $text = $opt['text'] ? $opt['text'] : $target; // if text not provided, default to the link $class = $opt['class']; $l = '<a href="%s" class="%s">%s</a>'; $linkf = sprintf($l, $target, $class, $text); return $linkf; } Markup_e('icon', 'inline', '/\\(:icon(\\s+.*?)?:\\)/i', "BootstrapIcon(\$m[1])"); function BootstrapIcon($args) { $icon = sprintf('<i class=%s ></i>', $args); return Keep($icon); } # if (:noleft:) markup is present, mainbody will be span12 # otherwise, default to span9 (ie sidebar is span3) if (!isset($BodySpan)) { $BodySpan = "span9"; } Markup('noleft', 'directives', '/\\(:noleft:\\)/i', "HideLeftBoot()"); # SetTmplDisplay() is a core pmwiki function defined in pmwiki.php function HideLeftBoot() { global $BodySpan;
$Conditions['expr'] = 'CondExpr($pagename, $condname, $condparm)'; $Conditions['('] = 'CondExpr($pagename, $condname, $condparm)'; $Conditions['['] = 'CondExpr($pagename, $condname, $condparm)'; $MarkupTable['_begin']['seq'] = 'B'; $MarkupTable['_end']['seq'] = 'E'; Markup('fulltext','>_begin'); Markup('split','>fulltext',"\n", '$RedoMarkupLine=1; return explode("\n",$x);'); Markup('directives','>split'); Markup('inline','>directives'); Markup('links','>inline'); Markup('block','>links'); Markup('style','>block'); Markup_e('closeall', '_begin', '/^\\(:closeall:\\)$/', "'<:block>' . MarkupClose()"); $ImgExtPattern="\\.(?:gif|jpg|jpeg|png|GIF|JPG|JPEG|PNG)"; $ImgTagFmt="<img src='\$LinkUrl' alt='\$LinkAlt' title='\$LinkAlt' />"; $BlockMarkups = array( 'block' => array('','','',0), 'ul' => array('<ul><li>','</li><li>','</li></ul>',1), 'dl' => array('<dl>','</dd>','</dd></dl>',1), 'ol' => array('<ol><li>','</li><li>','</li></ol>',1), 'p' => array('<p>','','</p>',0), 'indent' => array("<div class='indent'>","</div><div class='indent'>",'</div>',1), 'outdent' => array("<div class='outdent'>","</div><div class='outdent'>",'</div>',1),
This file is part of PmWiki; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See pmwiki.php for full details. This script provides special handling for WikiWords that are preceded by a $, treating them as PmWiki variables to be looked up in the variable documentation pages if such documentation exists. The $VarPagesFmt variable contains a list of pages to be searched to build an index of the variable documentation. This index is generated only once per browse request, and then only when needed. */ SDV($VarPagesFmt, array('$[PmWiki.Variables]')); Markup_e('varlink', '<wikilink', "/\\\$({$WikiWordPattern})\\b/", "Keep(VarLink(\$pagename,\$m[1],'\$'.\$m[1]))"); Markup('vardef', '<links', "/^:\\\$({$WikiWordPattern}):/", ':[[#$1]]$$1:'); Markup_e('varindex', 'directives', '/\\(:varindex:\\)/i', "Keep(VarIndexList(\$pagename))"); $HTMLStylesFmt['vardoc'] = "a.varlink { text-decoration:none; }\n"; function VarLink($pagename, $tgt, $txt) { global $VarIndex, $FmtV, $VarLinkMissingFmt, $VarLinkExistsFmt; SDV($VarLinkMissingFmt, '$LinkText'); SDV($VarLinkExistsFmt, "<a class='varlink' href='\$LinkUrl'><code class='varlink'>\$LinkText</code></a>"); VarIndexLoad($pagename); $FmtV['$LinkText'] = str_replace('$', '$', $txt); $FmtV['$LinkUrl'] = @$VarIndex[$tgt]['url']; if (@(!$VarIndex[$tgt]['url'])) { return FmtPageName($VarLinkMissingFmt, $pagename); } return FmtPageName($VarLinkExistsFmt, $pagename); } function VarIndexLoad($pagename)
$FmtPV['$WikiTitle'] = '$GLOBALS["WikiTitle"]'; $FmtPV['$WikiTag'] = '$GLOBALS["WikiTag"]'; # Move any (:noleft:) or SetTmplDisplay('PageLeftFmt', 0); directives to variables for access in jScript. $FmtPV['$LeftColumn'] = "\$GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageLeftFmt']"; Markup_e('noleft', 'directives', '/\\(:noleft:\\)/i', "SetTmplDisplay('PageLeftFmt',0)"); $FmtPV['$RightColumn'] = "\$GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageRightFmt']"; Markup_e('noright', 'directives', '/\\(:noright:\\)/i', "SetTmplDisplay('PageRightFmt',0)"); $FmtPV['$ActionBar'] = "\$GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageActionFmt']"; Markup_e('noaction', 'directives', '/\\(:noaction:\\)/i', "SetTmplDisplay('PageActionFmt',0)"); $FmtPV['$TabsBar'] = "\$GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageTabsFmt']"; Markup_e('notabs', 'directives', '/\\(:notabs:\\)/i', "SetTmplDisplay('PageTabsFmt',0)"); $FmtPV['$SearchBar'] = "\$GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageSearchFmt']"; Markup_e('nosearch', 'directives', '/\\(:nosearch:\\)/i', "SetTmplDisplay('PageSearchFmt',0)"); $FmtPV['$TitleGroup'] = "\$GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageTitleGroupFmt']"; Markup_e('notitlegroup', 'directives', '/\\(:notitlegroup:\\)/i', "SetTmplDisplay('PageTitleGroupFmt',0)"); Markup_e('notitle', 'directives', '/\\(:notitle:\\)/i', "SetTmplDisplay('PageTitleFmt',0); SetTmplDisplay('PageTitleGroupFmt',0)"); Markup('fieldset', 'inline', '/\\(:fieldset:\\)/i', "<fieldset>"); Markup('fieldsetend', 'inline', '/\\(:fieldsetend:\\)/i', "</fieldset>"); # Override pmwiki styles otherwise they will override styles declared in css global $HTMLStylesFmt; $HTMLStylesFmt['pmwiki'] = ''; # Add a custom page storage location global $WikiLibDirs; $PageStorePath = dirname(__FILE__) . "/wikilib.d/{\$FullName}"; $where = count($WikiLibDirs); if ($where > 1) { $where--; } array_splice($WikiLibDirs, $where, 0, array(new PageStore($PageStorePath))); # ---------------------------------------- # - Standard Skin Functions
} /* Copyright 2007-2014 Patrick R. Michaud ( This file is part of PmWiki; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See pmwiki.php for full details. This script adds Creole v0.4 markup ( to PmWiki. To activate this script, simply add the following into a local customization file: include_once('scripts/creole.php'); */ ## **strong** Markup('**', 'inline', '/^\\*\\*(?>(.+?)\\*\\*)(?!\\S)|(?<!^)\\*\\*(.+?)\\*\\*/', '<strong>$1$2</strong>'); ## //emphasized// Markup('//', 'inline', '/(?<!http:|https:|ftp:)\\/\\/(.*?)\\/\\//', '<em>$1</em>'); ## == Headings == Markup_e('^=', 'block', '/^(={1,6})\\s?(.*?)(\\s*=*\\s*)$/', "'<:block,1><h'.strlen(\$m[1]).'>'.\$m[2].'</h'.strlen(\$m[1]).'>'"); ## Line breaks Markup('\\\\', 'inline', '/\\\\\\\\/', '<br />'); ## Preformatted Markup_e('^{{{', '[=', "/^\\{\\{\\{\n(.*?\n)\\}\\}\\}[^\\S\n]*\n/sm", "Keep('<pre class=\"escaped\">'.\$m[1].'</pre>')"); Markup_e('{{{', '>{{{', '/\\{\\{\\{(.*?)\\}\\}\\}/s', "Keep('<code class=\"escaped\">'.\$m[1].'</code>')"); ## Tables Markup_e('|-table', '>^||', '/^\\|(.*)$/', "FormatTableRow(\$m[0], '\\|')"); ## Images Markup_e('{{', 'inline', '/\\{\\{(?>(\\L))([^|\\]]*)(?:\\|\\s*(.*?)\\s*)?\\}\\}/', "Keep(\$GLOBALS['LinkFunctions'][\$m[1]](\$pagename, \$m[1], \$m[2], \$m[3],\n \$m[1].\$m[2], \$GLOBALS['ImgTagFmt']),'L')"); ## GUIButtons SDVA($GUIButtons, array('em' => array(100, "//", "//", '$[Emphasized]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/em.gif"$[Emphasized (italic)]"', '$[ak_em]'), 'strong' => array(110, "**", "**", '$[Strong]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/strong.gif"$[Strong (bold)]"', '$[ak_strong]'), 'h2' => array(400, '\\n== ', ' ==\\n', '$[Heading]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/h.gif"$[Heading]"')));
"<caption>{$opt['caption']}</caption>"); $class = preg_replace('/[^-\\s\\w]+/', ' ', @$opt['class']); if (strpos($class, 'horiz') !== false) { $sep = ''; $pretext = $MarkupWordwrapFunction($text, 40); } else { $sep = '</tr><tr>'; $pretext = $MarkupWordwrapFunction($text, 75); } return Keep(@"<table class='markup $class' align='center'>$caption <tr><td class='markup1' valign='top'><$MarkupWrapTag>$pretext</$MarkupWrapTag></td>$sep<td class='markup2' valign='top'>$html</td></tr></table>"); } Markup_e('markup', '<[=', "/\\(:markup(\\s+([^\n]*?))?:\\)[^\\S\n]*\\[([=@])(.*?)\\3\\]/si", "MarkupMarkup(\$pagename, \$m[4], \$m[2])"); Markup_e('markupend', '>markup', "/\\(:markup(\\s+([^\n]*?))?:\\)[^\\S\n]*\n(.*?)\\(:markupend:\\)/si", "MarkupMarkup(\$pagename, \$m[3], \$m[1])"); SDV($HTMLStylesFmt['markup'], " table.markup { border:2px dotted #ccf; width:90%; } td.markup1, td.markup2 { padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px; } table.vert td.markup1 { border-bottom:1px solid #ccf; } table.horiz td.markup1 { width:23em; border-right:1px solid #ccf; } table.markup caption { text-align:left; } div.faq p, div.faq pre { margin-left:2em; } div.faq p.question { margin:1em 0 0.75em 0; font-weight:bold; } div.faqtoc div.faq * { display:none; } div.faqtoc div.faq p.question { display:block; font-weight:normal; margin:0.5em 0 0.5em 20px; line-height:normal; } div.faqtoc div.faq p.question * { display:inline; } ");
(:bdropdown title=Groups <other params> :) where title is the setting for the dropdown group, and <other params> are standard pagelist parameters NOTE: proper display requires the containing list (ul or ol) to have the class "nav" applied this must be applied to the first item on the list, if it is not the dropdown AFAIK, this cannot be done programmatically from within this markup code NOTE: use of multiple link= targets requires the PageListMultiTargets recipe currently this is included via config.php Should include it here w/in recipe Inspired by code from */ Markup_e("bdropdown", ">links", "/\\(:bdropdown\\s*(.*?)\\s*:\\)/", "BDropdownMenu(\$m[1])"); /* NOTE: the "B" prefix is temporary, as previous markup uses the same names (without "B" prefix) Once that code is removed, this should be updated to remove the "B" */ function BDropdownMenu($inp) { $defaults = array('title' => 'Dropdown'); $args = array_merge($defaults, ParseArgs($inp)); // $inline_code_begin = "<li class='dropdown'><a href='#' class='dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown'>".$args['title']."<b class='caret'></b></a><ul class='dropdown-menu'>"; $inline_code_begin = "<li class='dropdown'><a href='#' class='dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown'>" . $args['title']; $inline_code_begin .= "<b class='caret'></b></a><ul class='dropdown-menu'>"; // if we're using MakePageList, we have to pass ALL the opts along... // in this case, named $args $group_list = BGetWikiPages($args); $formatted_list = BBuildGroupList($group_list); $inline_code_end = "</ul></li>";
$FmtPV['$BreadCrumb'] = 'ClusterSlice($pn, "separator=\'' . $ClusterBreadCrumbSeparator . '\' return=links")'; $FmtPV['$BreadCrumbTitle'] = 'ClusterSlice($pn, "separator=\'' . $ClusterBreadCrumbSeparator . '\' return=links title=true space=true ")'; $FmtPV['$BreadCrumbNoTitle'] = 'ClusterSlice($pn, "separator=\'' . $ClusterBreadCrumbSeparator . '\' return=links title=false space=false ")'; # Grouptitle PVs $FmtPV['$GroupTitle'] = 'ClusterSlice($pn, "start=-1 name=false return=names title=true space=false")'; $FmtPV['$GroupTitlespaced'] = 'ClusterSlice($pn, "start=-1 name=false return=names title=true space=true")'; # Subpage PVs $FmtPV['$ClusterSideBar'] = 'ClusterPageName($group, "SideBar", $name)'; $FmtPV['$ClusterRightBar'] = 'ClusterPageName($group, "RightBar", $name)'; /* ================================================================ * Markup and directives */ # Markup for link shortcuts if (function_exists('Markup_e')) { # added by Petko Yotov Markup_e('[[cluster', '<links', '/\\[\\[(-|[\\*\\^]+)(.*?)\\]\\]/', "ClusterLinks(\$pagename, \$m[1], \$m[2])"); Markup('clusterslice', 'directives', '/\\(:clusterslice\\s*(.*?):\\)/i', "ClusterSlice(\$pagename, \$m[1])"); } else { Markup('[[cluster', '<links', '/\\[\\[(-|[\\*\\^]+)(.*?)\\]\\]/e', "ClusterLinks(\$pagename, '\$1', PSS('\$2'))"); Markup('clusterslice', 'directives', '/\\(:clusterslice\\s*(.*?):\\)/ei', "ClusterSlice(\$pagename, PSS('\$1'))"); } /* ================================================================ * Search Patterns * If using name-based clustering, hide the name-based special pages */ if ($ClusterEnableNameClustering) { $SearchPatterns['normal']['clustername1'] = '!\\' . $ClusterSeparator . 'Group(Print)?(Header|Footer|Attributes)$!'; $SearchPatterns['normal']['clustername2'] = '!\\' . $ClusterSeparator . '(Side|Right|Menu)Bar$!'; } /* ================================================================ * Set up clustered configurations
$FmtPV['$bi_PagePrev'] = $bi_CurrentPage > 0 ? $bi_CurrentPage - 1 : 0; $FmtPV['$bi_EntryStart'] = ($bi_CurrentPage - 1) * $bi_EntryCount + 1; $FmtPV['$bi_EntryEnd'] = $FmtPV['$bi_EntryStart'] + $bi_EntryCount - 1; // ---------------------------------------- // - Markup function bi_blogitMU_Handler($m) { $func = 'blogitMU_' . $m[1]; return $func($m[2], $m[3]); } if (function_exists('Markup_e')) { //PmWiki 2.2.58+ / PHP5 Markup_e('blogit', 'fulltext', '/\\(:blogit (list|cleantext)\\s?(.*?):\\)(.*?)\\(:blogitend:\\)/si', "bi_blogitMU_Handler(\$m)"); //need to use an interim handler Markup_e('blogit-skin', 'fulltext', '/\\(:blogit-skin ' . '(date|intro|author|tags|edit|newentry|delete|commentcount|date|commentauthor|commentapprove|commentdelete|commentedit|commentreply|commentblock|commenttext|commentid)' . '\\s?(.*?):\\)(.*?)\\(:blogit-skinend:\\)/si', "blogitSkinMU(\$m[1], \$m[2], \$m[3])"); Markup_e('includesection', '>if', '/\\(:includesection\\s+(\\S.*?):\\)/i', "PRR(bi_includeSection(\$GLOBALS['bi_Pagename'], \$m[1].' '.\$GLOBALS['bi_TemplateList']))"); } else { //PmWiki 2.2.58-, pre PHP5 Markup('blogit', 'fulltext', '/\\(:blogit (list|cleantext)\\s?(.*?):\\)(.*?)\\(:blogitend:\\)/esi', "blogitMU_\$1(PSS('\$2'), PSS('\$3'))"); Markup('blogit-skin', 'fulltext', '/\\(:blogit-skin ' . '(date|intro|author|tags|edit|newentry|delete|commentcount|date|commentauthor|commentapprove|commentdelete|commentedit|commentreply|commentblock|commenttext|commentid)' . '\\s?(.*?):\\)(.*?)\\(:blogit-skinend:\\)/esi', "blogitSkinMU('\$1', PSS('\$2'), PSS('\$3'))"); Markup('includesection', '>if', '/\\(:includesection\\s+(\\S.*?):\\)/ei', "PRR(bi_includeSection(\$GLOBALS['bi_Pagename'], PSS('\$1 '.\$GLOBALS['bi_TemplateList'])))"); } $SaveAttrPatterns['/\\(:includesection\\s.*?:\\)/i'] = ' '; //prevents include sections becoming part of page targets list if (IsEnabled($EnableGUIButtons) && $FmtPV['$bi_Mode'] != 'ajax') { if ($action == 'bi_be' || $action == 'bi_ne' || $action == 'pmform' && $_REQUEST['target'] == 'blogit-entry') { include_once $bi_Paths['guiedit']; } //PmWiki only includes this automatically if action=edit. } else { Markup('e_guibuttons', 'directives', '/\\(:e_guibuttons:\\)/', '');
displays the pmwiki feed in long layout and the top 5 lines (:RSS long 5 :) displays the pmwiki feed in short layout and all lines in the feed (:RSS short -1 :) Copyright 2006-2011 Anomen ( Copyright 2005 Copyright 2005 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ $RecipeInfo['RSSDisplay']['Version'] = '2016-01-14'; if (function_exists('Markup_e')) { Markup_e('rssdisplay', 'fulltext', '/\\(:RSS\\s*(.*?)\\s*:\\)/', "MagpieRSS(\$m[1])"); } else { Markup('rssdisplay', 'fulltext', '/\\(:RSS\\s*(.*?)\\s*:\\)/e', "MagpieRSS('\$1')"); } SDV($MagpieDir, "{$FarmD}/cookbook/magpie"); SDV($MagpieDebug, false); SDV($MagpieEnableCache, false); SDV($MagpieCacheAge, 2 * 60 * 60); SDV($MagpieCacheDir, "{$FarmD}/cache"); SDV($MagpieFetchTimeout, 15); SDV($MagpieGzip, true); SDV($MagpieProxy, ''); SDV($MagpieDefaultItems, 30); SDV($MagpieDefaultShowHeader, true); SDV($MagpieDefaultShowDate, false); SDV($MagpieDefaultShowContent, true);
if (!defined('PmWiki')) { exit; } /* PmWiki PhotoGallery skin * * Examples at: and * License: Copyright (c)2016 David Gilbert. This work is licensed under a [[ | Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International]] License. Please retain the links in the footer. */ global $FmtPV; $FmtPV['$SkinName'] = '"PhotoGallery"'; $FmtPV['$SkinVersion'] = '"0.4.1"'; $FmtPV['$SkinDate'] = '"20160225"'; ## Move any (:noleft:) or SetTmplDisplay('PageLeftFmt', 0); directives to variables for access in jScript. $FmtPV['$TabsBar'] = "\$GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageTabsFmt']"; Markup_e('notabs', 'directives', '/\\(:notabs:\\)/i', "SetTmplDisplay('PageTabsFmt',0)"); Markup_e('album', 'inline', "/\\(:album\\s*(.*?):\\)/s", "Keep(album(\$m[1]))"); # ---------------------------------------- # - Standard Skin Setup # ---------------------------------------- $FmtPV['$WikiTitle'] = '$GLOBALS["WikiTitle"]'; # Define a link stye for new page links global $LinkPageCreateFmt; SDV($LinkPageCreateFmt, "<a class='createlinktext' href='\$PageUrl?action=edit'>\$LinkText</a>"); # Default color scheme global $SkinColor, $ValidSkinColors; if (!is_array($ValidSkinColors)) { $ValidSkinColors = array(); } array_push($ValidSkinColors, 'red', 'blue', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'lightblue'); if (isset($_GET['color']) && in_array($_GET['color'], $ValidSkinColors)) { $SkinColor = $_GET['color'];
/* This script adds support for gps coordinates conversion and displaying at maps - add (:geo [args] coords :) tag functionality Copyright 2006-2016 Anomen ( This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TODO: * GPX export (see sourceblock for howto) */ $RecipeInfo['Geobox']['Version'] = '2016-10-12'; if (function_exists('Markup_e')) { Markup_e('geo', 'fulltext', '/\\(:geo\\s+((?:[dmsDMS,.]+:\\s+)?(?:[a-z]+=\\S+\\s+)*)?(.*?)\\s*:\\)/', "geobox_maps(strtolower(\$m[1]),\$m[2])"); } else { Markup('geo', 'fulltext', '/\\(:geo\\s+((?:[dmsDMS,.]+:\\s+)?(?:[a-z]+=\\S+\\s+)*)?(.*?)\\s*:\\)/e', "geobox_maps(strtolower('\$1'),'\$2')"); } SDV($GeoBoxDefaultFormat, 'dm'); SDVA($GeoBoxLinks, array('' => '$N%20$E', '' => '$N+$E', '' => '$N&lng=$E', '' => '$N&lng=$E&f=1')); function geobox_asint($m, $index) { $res = 0; if (isset($m[$index])) { $res = strtr($m[$index], ',', '.'); } return $res; } function geobox_p() {
## The section below handles specialized EditForm pages. ## We don't bother to load it if we're not editing. if ($action != 'edit') return; SDV($PageEditForm, '$SiteGroup.EditForm'); SDV($PageEditFmt, '$EditForm'); if (@$_REQUEST['editform']) { $PageEditForm=$_REQUEST['editform']; $PageEditFmt='$EditForm'; } $Conditions['e_preview'] = '(boolean)$_REQUEST["preview"]'; # (:e_preview:) displays the preview of formatted text. Markup_e('e_preview', 'directives', '/^\\(:e_preview:\\)/', "isset(\$GLOBALS['FmtV']['\$PreviewText']) ? Keep(\$GLOBALS['FmtV']['\$PreviewText']): ''"); # If we didn't load guiedit.php, then set (:e_guibuttons:) to # simply be empty. Markup('e_guibuttons', 'directives', '/\\(:e_guibuttons:\\)/', ''); # Prevent (:e_preview:) and (:e_guibuttons:) from # participating in text rendering step. SDV($SaveAttrPatterns['/\\(:e_(preview|guibuttons):\\)/'], ' '); SDVA($InputTags['e_form'], array( ':html' => "<form action='{\$PageUrl}?action=edit' method='post' \$InputFormArgs><input type='hidden' name='action' value='edit' /><input type='hidden' name='n' value='{\$FullName}' /><input type='hidden' name='basetime' value='\$EditBaseTime'
* inserted own function call in array $EditFunctions before 'ReplaceOnSave' May 11, 2004 - Working Beta. Still a few improvements to be made, but the script is ready for public testing. Please feel free to email me your comments/suggestions. Thanks! May 8, 2004 - Alpha release. Not released to public. * Configuration * There aren't (yet) any configuration variables for this script. */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## [[hidden-email:target]] Markup_e('hidden-email', '<links', "/\\[\\[hidden-email:([^\\s{$UrlExcludeChars}]*)\\s*\\]\\]({$SuffixPattern})/", "eProtectDecode(\$m[1],'')"); ## [[hidden-email:target | text]] Markup_e('hidden-email|', '<hidden-email', "/\\[\\[hidden-email:([^\\s{$UrlExcludeChars}]*)\\s*\\|\\s*(.*?)\\s*\\]\\]({$SuffixPattern})/", "eProtectDecode(\$m[1],\$m[2])"); ## [[ text -> hidden-email:target]] Markup_e('-hidden-email', '<hidden-email', "/\\[\\[(.*?)\\s*-+>\\s*hidden-email:([^\\s{$UrlExcludeChars}]*)\\s*\\]\\]({$SuffixPattern})/", "eProtectDecode(\$m[2],\$m[1])"); ## Add own function in array $EditFunctions before ReplaceOnSave, so it is called, when saving is performed. array_splice($EditFunctions, array_search('ReplaceOnSave', $EditFunctions), 1, array('eProtectEncode', 'ReplaceOnSave')); ## Add decoding script to Header $HTMLHeaderFmt['eProtect'] = "\n<script type='text/JavaScript'>\n<!--\nNix={map:null,convert:function(a){Nix.init();var s='';for(i=0;i<a.length;i++){var b=a.charAt(i);s+=((b>='A'&&b<='Z')||(b>='a'&&b<='z')?[b]:b);}return s;},init:function(){if(!=null)return;var map=new Array();var s='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';for(i=0;i<s.length;i++)map[s.charAt(i)]=s.charAt((i+13)%26);for(i=0;i<s.length;i++)map[s.charAt(i).toUpperCase()]=s.charAt((i+13)%26).toUpperCase();;},decode:function(a){document.write(Nix.convert(a));}}\n//-->\n</script>\n"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- function eProtectStrRecode($s) { /* str_rot13, extended to recode digits and @#. */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------- return strtr($s, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLM'); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- function eProtectDecode($CompressedEmailAddress, $AlternateText) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------
'$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/extlink.gif"$[Link to external page]"'), 'big' => array(300, "'+", "+'", '$[Big text]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/big.gif"$[Big text]"'), 'small' => array(310, "'-", "-'", '$[Small text]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/small.gif"$[Small text]"'), 'sup' => array(320, "'^", "^'", '$[Superscript]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/sup.gif"$[Superscript]"'), 'sub' => array(330, "'_", "_'", '$[Subscript]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/sub.gif"$[Subscript]"'), 'h2' => array(400, '\\n!! ', '\\n', '$[Heading]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/h.gif"$[Heading]"'), 'center' => array(410, '%center%', '', '', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/center.gif"$[Center]"'))); Markup_e('e_guibuttons', 'directives', '/\\(:e_guibuttons:\\)/', "Keep(FmtPageName(GUIButtonCode(\$pagename), \$pagename))"); function GUIButtonCode($pagename) { global $GUIButtons; $cmpfn = create_function('$a,$b', 'return $a[0]-$b[0];'); usort($GUIButtons, $cmpfn); $out = "<script type='text/javascript'><!--\n"; foreach ($GUIButtons as $k => $g) { if (!$g) continue; @list($when, $mopen, $mclose, $mtext, $tag, $mkey) = $g; if ($tag{0} == '<') { $out .= "document.write(\"$tag\");\n"; continue; } if (preg_match('/^(.*\\.(gif|jpg|png))("([^"]+)")?$/', $tag, $m)) {
exit; } /* CachedNumberOfArticles script adds support for printing number of pages in wiki - add (:numberofarticles:) tag functionality - this version uses WikiDir->ls() to obtin number of articles Copyright 2006-2011 Anomen ( This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ $RecipeInfo['CachedNumberOfArticles']['Version'] = '2016-01-13'; if (function_exists('Markup_e')) { Markup_e('numberofarticles', 'inline', '/\\(:numberofarticles(\\s+refresh)?\\s*:\\)/', "Keep(getNumArticles(\$m[1]))"); } else { Markup('numberofarticles', 'inline', '/\\(:numberofarticles(\\s+refresh)?\\s*:\\)/e', "Keep(getNumArticles('\$1'))"); } $NOAFile = "{$WorkDir}/.noa"; function refreshNumArticles() { global $NOAFile; global $WikiDir; $count = count($WikiDir->ls()); $f = fopen($NOAFile, 'w'); fwrite($f, $count); fclose($f); return "<!--fresh-->{$count}\n"; } function getNumArticles($refresh)
'ULbadtype' => '\'$upext\' is not an allowed file extension', 'ULtoobig' => 'file is larger than maximum allowed by webserver', 'ULtoobigext' => 'file is larger than allowed maximum of $upmax bytes for \'$upext\' files', 'ULpartial' => 'incomplete file received', 'ULnofile' => 'no file uploaded', 'ULexists' => 'file with that name already exists', 'ULpquota' => 'group quota exceeded', 'ULtquota' => 'upload quota exceeded')); SDV($PageAttributes['passwdupload'],'$[Set new upload password:]'); SDV($DefaultPasswords['upload'],'*'); SDV($AuthCascade['upload'], 'read'); SDV($FmtPV['$PasswdUpload'], 'PasswdVar($pn, "upload")'); Markup_e('attachlist', 'directives', '/\\(:attachlist\\s*(.*?):\\)/i', "Keep('<ul>'.FmtUploadList('$pagename',\$m[1]).'</ul>')"); SDV($GUIButtons['attach'], array(220, 'Attach:', '', '$[file.ext]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/attach.gif"$[Attach file]"')); SDV($LinkFunctions['Attach:'], 'LinkUpload'); SDV($IMap['Attach:'], '$1'); SDVA($HandleActions, array('upload' => 'HandleUpload', 'postupload' => 'HandlePostUpload', 'download' => 'HandleDownload')); SDVA($HandleAuth, array('upload' => 'upload', 'download' => 'read')); SDV($HandleAuth['postupload'], $HandleAuth['upload']); SDV($UploadVerifyFunction, 'UploadVerifyBasic'); function MakeUploadName($pagename,$x) { global $UploadNameChars, $MakeUploadNamePatterns;
$attr .= " valign='top'"; } if (!@$MarkupFrame[0]['closeall']['table']) { $MarkupFrame[0]['closeall']['table'] = "</td></tr></table>"; $out .= "<table {$tattr}><tr><td {$attr}>"; } else { if ($name == 'cellnr') { $out .= "</td></tr><tr><td {$attr}>"; } else { $out .= "</td><td {$attr}>"; } } } return $out; } Markup_e('table', '<block', '/^\\(:(table|cell|cellnr|tableend|div|divend)(\\s.*?)?:\\)/i', "TCells(\$m[1],\$m[2])"); } ## Transitions from 2.1.7 if (@$Transition['version'] < 2001007) { SDVA($Transition, array('vspace' => 1)); } ## vspace: ## This restores PmWiki's use of <p class='vspace'></p> to mark ## vertical space in the output. if (@$Transition['vspace']) { $HTMLVSpace = "<p class='vspace'></p>"; } ## Transitions from 2.1.beta15 if (@$Transition['version'] < 2000915) { SDVA($Transition, array('fplbygroup' => 1)); }
$FmtPV['$WikiTitle'] = '$GLOBALS["WikiTitle"]'; $FmtPV['$WikiTag'] = '$GLOBALS["WikiTag"]'; # Move any (:noleft:) or SetTmplDisplay('PageLeftFmt', 0); directives to variables for access in jScript. $FmtPV['$LeftColumn'] = "\$GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageLeftFmt']"; Markup_e('noleft', 'directives', '/\\(:noleft:\\)/i', "SetTmplDisplay('PageLeftFmt',0)"); $FmtPV['$RightColumn'] = "\$GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageRightFmt']"; Markup_e('noright', 'directives', '/\\(:noright:\\)/i', "SetTmplDisplay('PageRightFmt',0)"); $FmtPV['$ActionBar'] = "\$GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageActionFmt']"; Markup_e('noaction', 'directives', '/\\(:noaction:\\)/i', "SetTmplDisplay('PageActionFmt',0)"); $FmtPV['$TabsBar'] = "\$GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageTabsFmt']"; Markup_e('notabs', 'directives', '/\\(:notabs:\\)/i', "SetTmplDisplay('PageTabsFmt',0)"); $FmtPV['$SearchBar'] = "\$GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageSearchFmt']"; Markup_e('nosearch', 'directives', '/\\(:nosearch:\\)/i', "SetTmplDisplay('PageSearchFmt',0)"); $FmtPV['$TitleGroup'] = "\$GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageTitleGroupFmt']"; Markup_e('notitlegroup', 'directives', '/\\(:notitlegroup:\\)/i', "SetTmplDisplay('PageTitleGroupFmt',0)"); Markup_e('notitle', 'directives', '/\\(:notitle:\\)/i', "dg_NoTitle()"); Markup('fieldset', 'inline', '/\\(:fieldset:\\)/i', "<fieldset>"); Markup('fieldsetend', 'inline', '/\\(:fieldsetend:\\)/i', "</fieldset>"); # Override pmwiki styles otherwise they will override styles declared in css global $HTMLStylesFmt; $HTMLStylesFmt['pmwiki'] = ''; # Add a custom page storage location global $WikiLibDirs; $PageStorePath = dirname(__FILE__) . "/wikilib.d/{\$FullName}"; $where = count($WikiLibDirs); if ($where > 1) { $where--; } array_splice($WikiLibDirs, $where, 0, array(new PageStore($PageStorePath))); # ---------------------------------------- # - Standard Skin Functions
'authkey' => '', // 'debug' => false, // 'cachedir' => '', // location of the cache directory. Default is [directory of this file].'/cache'. NO trailing / 'cachelife' => '7200' // default is '7200' (2 hours): set to '0' to disable the cache To use this recipe, simply copy it into the cookbook/ directory, and add the following line to a local customization: include_once("$FarmD/cookbook/pmgallery.php"); */ $RecipeInfo['pmGallery']['Version'] = '0.3.3'; $RecipeInfo['pmGallery']['Date'] = '2016-02-25'; /** * Code executed on include */ Markup_e('pmgallery', 'inline', "/\\(:pmgallery\\s*(.*?):\\)/s", "Keep(pmGallery(\$m[1]))"); preg_match('!^(.*)(\\.|/)!', $GLOBALS['pagename'], $m); $pmGroup = $m[1]; // Specifying $pmGallery['virtualgroups'] allows us to prevent "Page not found..." error message showing up if (!empty($pmGallery['virtualgroups'])) { // group names prefixed with '+' will have group-footers auto-created $autogroup = in_array('+' . $pmGroup, $pmGallery['virtualgroups']); if ($autogroup || in_array($pmGroup, $pmGallery['virtualgroups'])) { // prevent "Page not found..." error message showing up in pmGallery groups //PageNotFound file doesn't need to exist! SDV($GLOBALS['DefaultPageTextFmt'], '(:include {$Group}.pmPageNotFound:)'); if ($autogroup) { $n = $pmGroup . '.GroupFooter'; if (!PageExists($n) && $n != $GLOBALS['pagename']) { ## Add a custom page storage location $GLOBALS['PageStorePath'] = dirname(__FILE__) . "/wikilib.d/{\$FullName}";
} /* Copyright 2004-2015 Patrick R. Michaud ( This file is part of PmWiki; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See pmwiki.php for full details. Script maintained by Petko YOTOV */ SDV($WikiStylePattern, '%%|%[A-Za-z][-,=:#\\w\\s\'"().]*%'); ## %% markup Markup('%%', 'style', '%', 'return ApplyStyles($x);'); ## %define=...% markup on a line by itself Markup_e('%define=', '>split', "/^(?=%define=)((?:{$WikiStylePattern})\\s*)+\$/", "PZZ(ApplyStyles(\$m[0]))"); ## restore links before applying styles Markup_e('restorelinks', '<%%', "/{$KeepToken}(\\d+L){$KeepToken}/", '$GLOBALS[\'KPV\'][$m[1]]'); # define PmWiki's standard/default wikistyles if (IsEnabled($EnableStdWikiStyles, 1)) { ## standard colors foreach (array('black', 'white', 'red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'gray', 'silver', 'maroon', 'green', 'navy', 'purple', 'fuchsia', 'olive', 'lime', 'teal', 'aqua', 'orange') as $c) { SDV($WikiStyle[$c]['color'], $c); } SDV($WikiStyle['grey']['color'], 'gray'); ## %newwin% style opens links in a new window SDV($WikiStyle['newwin']['target'], '_blank'); ## %comment% style turns markup into a comment via display:none css SDV($WikiStyle['comment']['display'], 'none'); ## display, margin, padding, and border css properties $WikiStyleCSS[] = 'float|clear|display|(margin|padding|border)(-(left|right|top|bottom))?'; $WikiStyleCSS[] = 'white-space'; $WikiStyleCSS[] = '((min|max)-)?(width|height)';
<< PrevPage | TrailPage | NextPage >> on output. TrailPage should contain either a bullet or number list defining the sequence of pages in the "trail". The ^|TrailPage|^ markup uses the depth of the bullets to display the ancestry of the TrailPage to the current one. The <|TrailPage|> markup is like <<|TrailPage|>> except that "< PrevPage |" and "| NextPage >" are omitted if at the beginning or end of the trail respectively. Thanks to John Rankin for contributing these markups and the original suggestion for WikiTrails. Script maintained by Petko YOTOV */ Markup_e('<<|', '<links', '/<<\\|([^|]+|\\[\\[(.+?)\\]\\])\\|>>/', "PRR(MakeTrailStop(\$pagename,\$m[1]))"); Markup_e('<|', '><<|', '/<\\|([^|]+|\\[\\[(.+?)\\]\\])\\|>/', "PRR(MakeTrailStopB(\$pagename,\$m[1]))"); Markup_e('^|', '<links', '/\\^\\|([^|]+|\\[\\[(.+?)\\]\\])\\|\\^/', "PRR(MakeTrailPath(\$pagename,\$m[1]))"); SDVA($SaveAttrPatterns, array('/<<\\|([^|]+|\\[\\[(.+?)\\]\\])\\|>>/' => '$1', '/<\\|([^|]+|\\[\\[(.+?)\\]\\])\\|>/' => '$1', '/\\^\\|([^|]+|\\[\\[(.+?)\\]\\])\\|\\^/' => '$1')); $Conditions['ontrail'] = 'CondOnTrail($pagename, $condparm)'; function CondOnTrail($pagename, $condparm) { @(list($trailname, $pn) = preg_split('/\\s+/', $condparm, 2)); $trail = ReadTrail($pagename, $trailname); if (!$trail) { return false; } $pn = $pn > '' ? MakePageName($pagename, $pn) : $pagename; foreach ($trail as $t) { if ($t['pagename'] == $pn) { return true; } }
The expression arguments are parsed using ParseArgs(), and the result of this parsing is available through the $argp array: ## expressions like {(myfunc fmt=foo output=bar)} $MarkupExpr['myfunc'] = 'myfunc($argp["fmt"], $argp["output"])'; Finally, if the code in $MarkupExpr contains '$params', then it is executed directly without any preprocessing into arguments, and $params contains the entire argument string. Note that $params may contain escaped values representing quoted arguments and results of other expressions; these values may be un-escaped by using "preg_replace($rpat, $rrep, $params)". */ Markup_e('{(', '>{$var}', '/\\{(\\(\\w+\\b.*?\\))\\}/', "MarkupExpression(\$pagename, \$m[1])"); SDVA($MarkupExpr, array( 'substr' => 'call_user_func_array("substr", $args)', 'strlen' => 'strlen($args[0])', 'ftime' => 'ME_ftime(@$args[0], @$args[1], $argp)', 'rand' => '($args) ? rand($args[0], $args[1]) : rand()', 'ucfirst' => 'ucfirst($args[0])', 'ucwords' => 'ucwords($args[0])', 'tolower' => 'strtolower($args[0])', 'toupper' => 'strtoupper($args[0])', 'asspaced' => '$GLOBALS["AsSpacedFunction"]($args[0])', 'pagename' => 'MakePageName($pagename, PPRE($rpat, $rrep, $params))', ));
>>galleria<< * Attach:DAW/tangocrash.jpg"Some caption" * Attach:DAW/walcheturm_freeman.jpg"Some other caption" >><< */ $RecipeInfo['Galleria']['Version'] = '0.6.0'; $RecipeInfo['Galleria']['Date'] = '2016-02-25'; // You can pass more options to galleria, either from config.php, or from the galleria markup. see SDVA($galleria, array('list' => '.galleria', 'width' => '500', 'height' => '500')); // if your pages are locked, or you trust editors, set this true to allow unsafe options to be specified from markup. Otherwise unsafe options can be specified only from config.php SDV($galleria_safe_mode, true); SDVA($galleria_unsafe_options, array('dataConfig', 'extend')); #galleria.js expects these options to be functions, and thus NOT quoted when passed into galleria(). Potentially unsafe. SDV($galleria_fn, 'galleria'); #Advanced use only. Set if you need to override the basic galleria javascript call. Markup_e('galleria', 'inline', "/\\(:galleria\\s*(.*?):\\)/s", "Keep({$galleria_fn}(\$m[1]))"); SDVA($HTMLHeaderFmt, array('jquery' => '<script src=""></script>', 'galleria-js' => '<script src="' . $PubDirUrl . '/galleria/galleria-1.4.2.min.js"></script>', 'galleria-theme' => '<script type="text/javascript">Galleria.loadTheme("' . $PubDirUrl . '/galleria/themes/classic/galleria.classic.min.js");</script>')); function galleria($args = false) { global $galleria, $galleria_unsafe_options, $galleria_safe_mode; $args = ParseArgs($args); unset($args['#']); if ($galleria_safe_mode) { #remove unsafe options from markup args -- only allow from config.php foreach ($galleria_unsafe_options as $v) { unset($args[$v]); } } $o = array_merge($galleria, $args); return ' <script type="text/javascript">
of 'PmWiki' in a page is treated as a WikiWord. If you want to restore 'PmWiki' to be treated like other WikiWords, uncomment the line below. unset($WikiWordCount['PmWiki']); If you want to disable WikiWords matching a pattern, you can use something like the following. Note that the first argument has to be different for each call to Markup(). The example below disables WikiWord links like COM1, COM2, COM1234, etc. Markup('COM\d+', '<wikilink', '/\\bCOM\\d+/', "Keep('$0')"); Script maintained by Petko YOTOV */ SDV($LinkWikiWords, 1); ## bare wikilinks Markup_e('wikilink', '>urllink', "/\\b(?<![#&])({$GroupPattern}([\\/.]))?({$WikiWordPattern})/", "Keep('<span class=\\'wikiword\\'>'.WikiLink(\$pagename,\$m[0]).'</span>',\n 'L')"); function WikiLink($pagename, $word) { global $LinkWikiWords, $WikiWordCount, $SpaceWikiWords, $AsSpacedFunction, $MarkupFrame, $WikiWordCountMax; if (!$LinkWikiWords || $WikiWordCount[$word] < 0) { return $word; } $text = $SpaceWikiWords ? $AsSpacedFunction($word) : $word; $text = preg_replace('!.*/!', '', $text); if (!isset($MarkupFrame[0]['wwcount'][$word])) { $MarkupFrame[0]['wwcount'][$word] = $WikiWordCountMax; } if ($MarkupFrame[0]['wwcount'][$word]-- < 1) { return $text; } return MakeLink($pagename, $word, $text);
# $UrlLinkFmt = "<span class='urllink'><a class='urllink' href='\$LinkUrl' rel='nofollow'>\$LinkText</a></span>"; } # Right bar handling -- WARNING: this is un-maintained code if ($SkinPartFmt['rightbardisabled']) { SetTmplDisplay('PageRightFmt', 0); } else { global $Now, $RightBarClass; SDV($RightbarCookieExpires, $Now + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365); # cookie expire time defaults to 1 year SDV($DefaultRightBar, 'narrow'); $PageRightBarList = array('0' => 'rb-none', 'off' => 'rb-none', 'on' => 'rb-narrow', '1' => 'rb-narrow', 'narrow' => 'rb-narrow', '2' => 'rb-normal', 'normal' => 'rb-normal', '3' => 'rb-wide', 'wide' => 'rb-wide'); if (isset($_COOKIE['setrb'])) { $rb = $_COOKIE['setrb']; } if (isset($_GET['setrb'])) { $rb = $_GET['setrb']; setcookie('setrb', $rb, $RightbarCookieExpires, '/'); } if (isset($_GET['rb'])) { $rb = $_GET['rb']; } $RightBarClass = isset($PageRightBarList[$rb]) ? $PageRightBarList[$rb] : $PageRightBarList[$DefaultRightBar]; global $action; if (function_exists('Markup_e')) { Markup_e('noright', 'directives', '/\\(:noright:\\)/', "SetTmplDisplay('PageRightFmt', 0)"); Markup_e('showright', 'directives', '/\\(:showright:\\)/', $action != 'browse' ? "" : "SetTmplDisplay('PageRightFmt', 1)"); } else { Markup('noright', 'directives', '/\\(:noright:\\)/e', "SetTmplDisplay('PageRightFmt', 0)"); Markup('showright', 'directives', '/\\(:showright:\\)/e', $action != 'browse' ? "" : "SetTmplDisplay('PageRightFmt', 1)"); } }