function sendNewsletter($from, $newsTitle, $newsBody) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM mailing_list WHERE active='1'"; $result = MYSQL_QUERY($sql); $numberOfRows = MYSQL_NUMROWS($result); $i = 0; while ($i < $numberOfRows) { $thisEmail = MYSQL_RESULT($result, $i, "email"); $thisUid = MYSQL_RESULT($result, $i, "uid"); $thisName = MYSQL_RESULT($result, $i, "full_name"); /* recipients */ $to = $thisEmail; // note the comma /* subject */ $subject = $newsTitle; /* message */ $message = "Dear {$thisName} <br>"; $message .= $newsBody . '<br><br><a href="' . _PREF . 'modules/mailing_ilst/deleteMailing_list.php?thisEmailField=' . $thisEmail . '&thisUidField=' . $thisUid . '"> To unsubscribe please click here</a>'; /* To send HTML mail, you can set the Content-type header. */ $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; /* additional headers */ $headers .= "To:" . $thisEmail . "\r\n"; $headers .= "From: " . $from; /* and now mail it */ $s = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); $i++; } if ($s) { echo '<script>correctMessage("Message Sent successfuly");</script>'; } else { echo '<script>errorMessage("Sorry message has not been sent, an error has occurred");</script>'; } }
<?php include_once "../common/dbConnection.php"; include_once "../common/header.php"; $thisCHARACTER_SET_NAME = $_REQUEST['CHARACTER_SET_NAMEField']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM CHARACTER_SETS WHERE CHARACTER_SET_NAME = '{$thisCHARACTER_SET_NAME}'"; $result = MYSQL_QUERY($sql); $numberOfRows = MYSQL_NUMROWS($result); if ($numberOfRows == 0) { ?> Sorry. No records found !! <?php } else { if ($numberOfRows > 0) { $i = 0; $thisCHARACTER_SET_NAME = MYSQL_RESULT($result, $i, "CHARACTER_SET_NAME"); $thisDEFAULT_COLLATE_NAME = MYSQL_RESULT($result, $i, "DEFAULT_COLLATE_NAME"); $thisDESCRIPTION = MYSQL_RESULT($result, $i, "DESCRIPTION"); $thisMAXLEN = MYSQL_RESULT($result, $i, "MAXLEN"); } } ?> View Record<br><br> <table> <tr height="30"> <td align="right"><b>CHARACTER_SET_NAME : </b></td> <td><?php
function updateAfterDelete($table, $newId) { $test = 1; echo $newId; $s = "select * from {$table} "; $r = mysql_query($s); $numberOfRows = MYSQL_NUMROWS($r); $iz = 0; $newId = explode(',', $newId); while ($iz < $numberOfRows) { $id = MYSQL_RESULT($r, $iz, "id"); $arr = MYSQL_RESULT($r, $iz, "collage_id"); $selected_ids = explode(',', $arr); $n = ""; foreach ($selected_ids as $c) { if (!in_array($c, $newId) || $c === '0') { $n .= $c . ","; } else { $test = 0; } } if ($test == 0) { $n = str_replace(',,', ',', $n); $wq = 'UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET `collage_id`="' . $n . '" WHERE id=' . $id; mysql_query($wq); } $n = ""; $test = 1; $iz++; } }
<thead> <tr> <td width="697" align="left" bgcolor="#cccccc"><strong>Comment</strong></td> <td width="64" align="center" bgcolor="#cccccc">Post</td> <td width="85" align="center" bgcolor="#cccccc">Delete</td> </tr> </thead> <?php include "include/dbconnection.php"; // sending query $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comment WHERE status='unpost' ORDER BY date"); if (!$result) { die("Query to show fields from table failed"); } $rows = MYSQL_NUMROWS($result); if ($rows == 0) { echo '<div style=" color:red; text-align:center;"><h5>No Comments Found!</h5></div>'; } else { if ($rows > 0) { $i = 0; while ($i < $rows) { if ($i % 2 == 0) { $bgcolor = '#FFFFFF'; } else { $bgcolor = '@C0C0C0'; } $comment = MYSQL_RESULT($result, $i, "comment"); $comment_id = MYSQL_RESULT($result, $i, "comment_id"); ?> <tr>
<body onLoad="init()"> <div id="spiffycalendar" class="text"></div> <!-- header //--> <?php require DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header.php'; ?> <!-- header_eof //--> <?php error_reporting(7); if ($cID == "") { echo "'cID' Can not be empty <input type=\"button\" name=\"Submit2\" value=\"hitstory\" onClick=\"javascript:history.go(-1);\" />"; exit; } $sql = "select * from website where web_cid=" . $cID; $rs = mysql_query($sql); if (MYSQL_NUMROWS($rs) == 0) { echo "'cID' Can not be empty <a href=product_acquisition_add.php?cID=" . $cID . ">Enter</a>"; exit; } $web_name = mysql_result($rs, 0, "web_name"); $coding = mysql_result($rs, 0, "web_coding"); $fun_name = mysql_result($rs, 0, "web_fun_name"); $fun = mysql_result($rs, 0, "web_fun_content"); $content = mysql_result($rs, 0, "web_fun_remarks"); $replacement = mysql_result($rs, 0, "web_replace"); $discount1 = mysql_result($rs, 0, "web_fun_a"); $discount2 = mysql_result($rs, 0, "web_fun_b"); $testurl = mysql_result($rs, 0, "web_test_url"); //$testurl = str_replace("&","||||||",str_replace("?","______",$testurl)); $arr_fun_name = split(", ", $fun_name); $arr_fun = split(", ", $fun);
function setSEO($lang, $file, $title, $des, $keywords = '') { $des = strip_tags($des); $title = strip_tags($title); $sql = "SELECT * FROM seo WHERE filename = '{$file}' "; $result = MYSQL_QUERY($sql); $numberOfRows = MYSQL_NUMROWS($result); if ($numberOfRows > 0) { $SQL = "UPDATE seo SET title_" . $lang . " = '{$title}' , keywords_" . $lang . " = '{$keywords}' , description_" . $lang . " = '{$des}' WHERE filename = '{$file}' "; $result = mysql_query($SQL); } else { $SQL = "INSERT INTO seo (filename , title_" . $lang . " , keywords_" . $lang . " , description_" . $lang . " ) VALUES \n\t\t('{$file}' , '{$title}' , '{$keywords}' , '{$des}')"; $result = mysql_query($SQL); } }
<? include 'kart2.php'; ?> </TD> <TD valign="top" width="100%"> <br> <span class="tittel">Informasjon om innmeldt sak</span><br><br> <? include 'config.php'; // $today = date("Ymd"); $query = "select * from fiksgrafitti where id = $id"; $result = MYSQL_QUERY($query); $number = MYSQL_NUMROWS($result); MYSQL_CLOSE(); // lag HTML if ($number == 0) { print " <table width=\"100%\" border=0 bgcolor=\"#ffffff\>\n"; print "<tr>\n"; print "<td class=\"tittel\">Det er ikke registrert noen saker</td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; print " </table>\n"; } else { $i = 0; WHILE ($i < $number):
function show_all_history_stat($link) { global $o; global $detailed; global $mode; global $lang; global $settings; global $utime; if ($lang == 0) { include "../inc/ru.php"; } if ($lang == 1) { include "../inc/en.php"; } $page = (int) $_GET['page']; // ---------------------------- $pagestep = $settings['pagelen']; //----------------------------- $cquery = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if (0 < strpos($cquery, "&page=")) { $cquery = substr($cquery, 0, strpos($cquery, "&page=")); } echo "<br><center><p style=\"font-size: 12\">"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT count(site) as rec FROM site", $link); $pages = floor(mysql_result($result, 0, "rec") / $pagestep); if ($page != 0) { echo "<a href=\"{$cquery}" . "&page=0\"><<</a> "; } if ($page > 10) { echo "<a href=\"{$cquery}&page=" . ($page - 10) . "\"><</a> "; } if ($page - 5 > 0) { for ($i = $page - 5; $i < $page; $i++) { echo "<a href=\"{$cquery}&page={$i}\">{$i}</a> "; } } else { for ($i = 1; $i < $page; $i++) { echo "<a href=\"{$cquery}&page={$i}\">{$i}</a> "; } } echo "<b>{$page}</b> "; if ($page + 5 < $pages) { for ($i = $page + 1; $i < $page + 6; $i++) { echo "<a href=\"{$cquery}&page={$i}\">{$i}</a> "; } } else { for ($i = $page + 1; $i < $pages; $i++) { echo "<a href=\"{$cquery}&page={$i}\">{$i}</a> "; } } if ($page + 10 < $pages) { echo "<a href=\"{$cquery}&page=" . ($page + 10) . "\">></a> "; } if ($page < $pages) { echo "<a href=\"{$cquery}&page=" . $pages . "\">>></a> "; } echo "</p>"; switch ($o) { case "sizeD": $orderby = "size DESC"; $o1 = "?o=sizeA"; $o2 = "?o=siteA"; $b1 = "#93BEE2"; $b2 = "#FFFFFF"; $p1 = "<A HREF=\"index.php{$o1}\"><IMG ALT=\"{$web_client_order_desc}\" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=7 SRC=../images/desc.gif></A> "; $p2 = ""; break; case "sizeA": $orderby = "size ASC"; $o1 = "?o=sizeD"; $o2 = "?o=siteA"; $b1 = "#93BEE2"; $b2 = "#FFFFFF"; $p1 = "<A HREF=\"index.php{$o1}\"><IMG ALT=\"{$web_client_order_asc}\" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=7 SRC=../images/asc.gif></A> "; $p2 = ""; break; case "siteD": $orderby = "site DESC"; $o1 = "?o=sizeA"; $o2 = "?o=siteA"; $b1 = "#FFFFFF"; $b2 = "#93BEE2"; $p1 = ""; $p2 = "<A HREF=\"index.php{$o2}\"><IMG ALT=\"{$web_client_order_desc}\" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=7 SRC=../images/desc.gif></A> "; break; case "siteA": $orderby = "site ASC"; $o1 = "?o=sizeA"; $o2 = "?o=siteD"; $b1 = "#FFFFFF"; $b2 = "#93BEE2"; $p1 = ""; $p2 = "<A HREF=\"index.php{$o2}\"><IMG ALT=\"{$web_client_order_asc}\" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=7 SRC=../images/asc.gif></A> "; break; default: $orderby = "size DESC"; $o1 = "?o=sizeA"; $o2 = "?o=siteA"; $b1 = "#93BEE2"; $b2 = "#FFFFFF"; $p1 = "<A HREF=\"index.php{$o1}\"><IMG ALT=\"{$web_client_order_asc}\" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=7 SRC=../images/asc.gif></A> "; $p2 = ""; } echo "<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0>"; echo "<TR>"; echo "<TD BGCOLOR=#93BEE2>"; echo "<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1>"; echo "<TR>"; echo "<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR={$b1}>{$p1}<B><A HREF=\"index.php{$o1}&type=allshist&utime={$utime}\" STYLE=\"color:#000000; text-decoration: underline\">{$web_client_downloaded}</A></B></TD>"; echo "<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR={$b2}>{$p2}<B><A HREF=\"index.php{$o2}&type=allshist&utime={$utime}\" STYLE=\"color:#000000; text-decoration: underline\">{$web_client_site}</A></B></TD>"; #echo "<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=#bfbfbf><B>$web_client_futime</B></TD>"; #echo "<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=#bfbfbf><B>$web_client_lutime</B></TD>"; echo "</TR>"; #$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM site WHERE u_id=$id ORDER BY $orderby", $link); #$res = mysql_query("SELECT u_id, utime, qtime, ip_addr, code, size, url FROM detail WHERE url like('%".mysql_escape_string($site)."%') ORDER BY $orderby limit ".($page*$pagestep).",$pagestep", $link); #$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM site ORDER BY $orderby LIMIT ".($page*$pagestep).",$pagestep", $link); $res = mysql_query("SELECT as site, s.size as size FROM uhistory u, shistory s WHERE u.utime={$utime} and ORDER BY {$orderby} LIMIT " . $page * $pagestep . ",{$pagestep}", $link); #$res = mysql_query("SELECT as site, s.size as size FROM uhistory u, shistory s WHERE u.utime=$utime and LIMIT ".($page*$pagestep).",$pagestep", $link); #$res = mysql_query("SELECT as site, s.size as size FROM uhistory u, shistory s WHERE u.utime=$utime and", $link); #$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM shistory ORDER BY $orderby LIMIT ".($page*$pagestep).",$pagestep", $link); if (!$res) { return 3; } for ($i = 0; $i < MYSQL_NUMROWS($res); $i++) { $site = mysql_result($res, $i, "site"); $size = mysql_result($res, $i, "size"); #$lutime = mysql_result($res,$i,"lutime"); #$futime = mysql_result($res,$i,"futime"); echo "<TR>\n<TD BGCOLOR=#FFF7E5 ALIGN=RIGHT>" . dotize($size) . "</TD>\n<TD BGCOLOR=#FFF7E5>"; if ($detailed == 1) { if ($mode == "admin") { //{echo "<a href=\"index.php?id=$id&type=detail&site=$site\">";} //{echo "<a href=\"index.php?type=alldetail&site=$site\">";} // else //{echo "<a href=\"index.php?type=detail&site=$site\">";}; //{echo "<a href=\"index.php?type=alldetail&site=$site\">";}; echo "{$site}"; } } if ($detailed == 1) { echo "</a>"; } #echo "<TD BGCOLOR=#FFF7E5>".strftime ("%B %d, %T", (int)$futime)."</TD>"; #echo "<TD BGCOLOR=#FFF7E5>".strftime ("%B %d, %T", (int)$lutime)."</TD>"; echo "</TD></TR>"; } echo "</TABLE></TD>\n</TR>\n</TABLE>\n"; #$res = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(size) FROM site WHERE u_id=$id", $link); #$res = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(size) FROM site", $link); #$res = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(size) FROM shistory", $link); $res = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(s.size) as size FROM uhistory u, shistory s WHERE u.utime={$utime} and", $link); $sum = mysql_result($res, 0); #$res = mysql_query("SELECT count(site) FROM site WHERE u_id=$id", $link); #$res = mysql_query("SELECT count(site) FROM site", $link); #$res = mysql_query("SELECT count(site) FROM shistory", $link); $res = mysql_query("SELECT SUM( as site FROM uhistory u, shistory s WHERE u.utime={$utime} and", $link); $sites = mysql_result($res, 0); mysql_close(); echo "<BR><SPAN CLASS=\"smalltext\"><B>{$word_total}:</B> " . dotize($sum) . " {$word_byte} {$web_client_downloaded_from} {$sites} {$web_client_sites_wrd}.</SPAN>"; return true; }
$parser->set_option('XML_OPTION_TRIM_DATA_NODES'); // Set the handlers $parser->set_element_handler('openHandler', 'closeHandler'); // Parse the document $parser->parse($html); // Begin creation of the RSS feed. $rss = new UniversalFeedCreator(); $rss->title = $blogtitle; $rss->description = $blogexp; $rss->link = $blogurl; $rss->syndicationURL = $blogrss; $rss->copyright = strftime("%Y") . " " . $blogauthor; // Grab the most recent 100 of the cached URLs (i.e. building permit summaries) from the MySQL table. $query = "SELECT url,heading,dateadded,filesize from permitcache order by dateadded DESC limit 10"; $result = MYSQL_QUERY($query); $howmanyrecords = MYSQL_NUMROWS($result); $currentrecord = 0; while ($currentrecord < $howmanyrecords) { $url = mysql_result($result, $currentrecord, "url"); $heading = mysql_result($result, $currentrecord, "heading"); $dateadded = mysql_result($result, $currentrecord, "dateadded"); $filesize = mysql_result($result, $currentrecord, "filesize"); // Parse apart the date into its component parts. list($date, $time) = explode(" ", $dateadded); list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $date); list($hour, $minute, $second) = explode(":", $time); $date_number = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year); // Add a channel item to the RSS feed. $item = new FeedItem(); $item->title = $heading . " Building Permit Summary"; $item->link = "" . $url;
?> <input type='submit' style='width:200px; margin-left:15px;' name='id' value='Friends' > <?php } ?> </td> </tr> </table> <table class="table2" style="margin-top:10px;"> <tr> <td> <?php $o = "SELECT * FROM friends WHERE(friend_one ='{$member_id}' OR friend_two ='{$member_id}') AND status='1'"; $rsut = mysql_query($o); $numberOfRows = MYSQL_NUMROWS($rsut); echo '<a href=friendsfriends.php?id=' . $row["user_id"] . '>' . "Friends" . ' (' . $numberOfRows . ')' . '</a>'; ?> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> </nav> <?php include 'mainpage1.php'; ?> </body> </html>
<p class="graph_type">User</p> </div> <div class="graph_previous"> <p class="graph_day"></p> <p class="graph_count"><?php //echo "On"; ?> </p> <p class="graph_type"></p> </div> </article> <?php $cw = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_details WHERE join_date=' " . date('Y-m-d') . "'"); $no = MYSQL_NUMROWS($cw); $wc = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_details"); $on = MYSQL_NUMROWS($wc); ?> <article class="stats_overview"> <div class="overview_today"> <p class="overview_day">Registered Today</p> <p class="overview_count"><?php echo $no; ?> </p> <p class="overview_type">User</p> </div> <div class="overview_previous"> <p class="overview_day">Total</p> <p class="overview_count"><?php echo $on;
$days = floor($row['TimeSpent'] / (60 * 60 * 24)); $remainder = $row['TimeSpent'] % (60 * 60 * 24); $hours = floor($remainder / (60 * 60)); $remainder = $remainder % (60 * 60); $minutes = floor($remainder / 60); $seconds = $remainder % 60; if ($days > 0) { echo date('F d Y', $row['date_created']); } elseif ($days == 0 && $hours == 0 && $minutes == 0) { echo "few seconds ago"; } elseif ($days == 0 && $hours == 0) { echo $minutes . ' minutes ago'; } echo '</font><br />'; $qqq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM postcomment WHERE post_id='" . $row['post_id'] . "'"); $numberOfRows = MYSQL_NUMROWS($qqq); if ($numberOfRows > 0) { if ($numberOfRows == 1) { echo '<a HREF="postcomment.php?pid=' . $row['post_id'] . '"><small>1 comment</small></a>'; } if ($numberOfRows == 3 || $numberOfRows == 2) { echo '<a HREF="postcomment.php?pid=' . $row['post_id'] . '"><small>' . $numberOfRows . " comments</small></a>"; } if ($numberOfRows >= 4) { echo '<a HREF="postcomment.php?pid=' . $row['post_id'] . '"><small>(' . $numberOfRows . ')View all comments</small></a>'; } } echo '<br /><br />'; $query1 = "SELECT *,\n\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP() - date_created AS CommentTimeSpent FROM postcomment WHERE post_id=" . $row['post_id'] . " ORDER BY comment_id ASC LIMIT 3"; $result1 = mysql_query($query1); while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)) {
function getTopParent($pageLang, $menu_id) { $curr = $menu_id; while ($curr != 0) { $menu = MYSQL_QUERY("SELECT p_id FROM menus WHERE (lang = '{$pageLang}') AND menu_id={$curr}"); //echo ("SELECT p_id FROM menus WHERE (lang = '$pageLang') AND menu_id=$curr"); if (MYSQL_NUMROWS($menu) == 0) { return 0; } $p_id = MYSQL_RESULT($menu, 0, "p_id"); if ($p_id == 0) { return $curr; } else { $curr = $p_id; } } return 0; }
//echo '<font size="2" color="red"><b>(' . $numofmsg . ')</b></font>'; ?> </a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="friend_list.php">Request <?php $c = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM friends WHERE(friend_two ='{$userid}') AND status='0'"); $numberOfRows = MYSQL_NUMROWS($c); echo '<font size="2" color="red"><b>(' . $numberOfRows . ')</b></font>'; ?> </a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="allfriends.php">All Friends <?php $c = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM friends WHERE(friend_two ='{$userid}' or friend_one ='{$userid}') AND status='1'"); $numberOfRows = MYSQL_NUMROWS($c); echo '<font size="2" color="red"><b>(' . $numberOfRows . ')</b></font>'; ?> </a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="find_friends.php">Find Friends</a></td> </tr> </table> <br /> <hr /> <div class="notify"> <h3>Notifications</h3> <marquee direction="up" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()"> <?php $noti = mysql_query("SELECT * from event WHERE people = '{$userid}' or people = 'ALL'");
<?php header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); include "../../../configure.php"; $connect = @mysql_pconnect(DB_SERVER, DB_SERVER_USERNAME, DB_SERVER_PASSWORD) or die('could not connect:' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE) or die('no' . mysql_error()); $search = trim($_POST['search']); $sql = "select products_keyword_title from products_keyword where products_keyword_title like '" . $search . "%' order by products_keyword_hits desc"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); $num = MYSQL_NUMROWS($rs); $str = ''; if ($num > 10) { $num = 10; } for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $str .= '<div id="search_result" class="suggest_link" style="cursor:pointer;" onmouseover="javascript:suggestOver(this);" onmouseout="javascript:sugggestOut(this);" onclick="javascript:setSearch(this.innerHTML);">' . mysql_result($rs, $i, "products_keyword_title") . '</div>'; } echo $str;
function show_acl($link) { global $o, $word_total, $web_admin_description, $web_admin_name; switch ($o) { case "nameD": $orderby = "name DESC"; $o1 = "?o=nameA"; $o2 = "?o=descA"; $b1 = "#93BEE2"; $b2 = "#FFFFFF"; $p1 = "<A HREF=\"index.php" . $o1 . "&type=acl\"><IMG ALT=\"Отсортировано в обратном порядке\" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=7 SRC=../images/desc.gif></A> "; $p2 = ""; break; case "nameA": $orderby = "name ASC"; $o1 = "?o=nameD"; $o2 = "?o=descA"; $b1 = "#93BEE2"; $b2 = "#FFFFFF"; $p1 = "<A HREF=\"index.php" . $o1 . "&type=acl\"><IMG ALT=\"Отсортировано в прямом порядке\" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=7 SRC=../images/asc.gif></A> "; $p2 = ""; break; case "descD": $orderby = "vname DESC"; $o1 = "?o=nameA"; $o2 = "?o=descA"; $b1 = "#FFFFFF"; $b2 = "#93BEE2"; $p1 = ""; $p2 = "<A HREF=\"index.php" . $o2 . "&type=acl\"><IMG ALT=\"Отсортировано в обратном порядке\" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=7 SRC=../images/desc.gif></A> "; break; case "descA": $orderby = "vname ASC"; $o1 = "?o=nameA"; $o2 = "?o=descD"; $b1 = "#FFFFFF"; $b2 = "#93BEE2"; $p1 = ""; $p2 = "<A HREF=\"index.php" . $o2 . "&type=acl\"><IMG ALT=\"Отсортировано в прямом порядке\" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=7 SRC=../images/asc.gif></A> "; break; default: $orderby = "id ASC"; $o1 = "?o=nameA"; $o2 = "?o=descD"; $b1 = "#FFFFFF"; $b2 = "#93BEE2"; $p1 = "<A HREF=\"index.php" . $o2 . "&type=acl\"><IMG ALT=\"Отсортировано в прямом порядке\" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=7 SRC=../images/asc.gif></A> "; $p2 = ""; } echo "<a href=\"index.php?type=acled&id=0\">add new acl</a>\r\n<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0><TR>\n<TD BGCOLOR=#93BEE2><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1><TR>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\n<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR={$b2}>{$p2}<B><A HREF=\"index.php{$o2}\" STYLE=\"color:#000000; text-decoration: underline\">{$web_admin_description}</A></B></TD>\n<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR={$b1}>{$p1}<B><A HREF=\"index.php{$o1}\" STYLE=\"color:#000000; text-decoration: underline\">{$web_admin_name}</A></B></TD>"; $res = mysql_query("SELECT sysname, vname, id FROM acl ORDER BY {$orderby}", $link); if (!$res) { return 3; } for ($i = 0; $i < MYSQL_NUMROWS($res); $i++) { $descr = mysql_result($res, $i, "vname"); $name = mysql_result($res, $i, "sysname"); $id = mysql_result($res, $i, "id"); echo "<TR>\n<TD BGCOLOR=#FFF7E5 ALIGN=LEFT><a href=\"index.php?type=acled&id={$id}\">" . $descr . "</a></TD>\n<TD BGCOLOR=#FFF7E5 ALIGN=LEFT>" . $name . "</TD>\n</TR>\n"; } echo "<TD BGCOLOR=#FFF7E5 ALIGN=LEFT>{$word_total}</TD><TD BGCOLOR=#FFF7E5 ALIGN=LEFT>" . dotize($acl_count) . "</TD></TR>"; echo "</TABLE></TD>\n</TR>\n</TABLE>\n"; $res = mysql_query("SELECT count(id) FROM acl", $link); $acl_count = mysql_result($res, 0); mysql_close(); //echo "<BR><SPAN CLASS=\"smalltext\"><B>Итого:</B> " . dotize ( $acl_count ) . " правил.</SPAN>"; return 0; }