function AddNewRole($var) { global $tbl_db_info; $Conn = mysql_connect($tbl_db_info[0], $tbl_db_info[1], $tbl_db_info[2]); mysql_select_db($tbl_db_info[3], $Conn); $ret = ""; $rid = intval($var["roleid"]); $uid = intval($var["userid"]); $sex = intval($var["sex"]); $camp = intval($var["camp"]); $class = intval($var["class"]); $serv_id = intval($var["serv_id"]); $rolename = mysql_escape_string($var["rolename"]); $qs = "select distinct us_uId from tbl_char c, tbl_char_static cs where cs.cs_uId = c.cs_uId and c_sName = '{$rolename}' or c_sNameFormer = '{$rolename}'"; $result = mysql_query($qs); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { if ($row[0] != $uid) { $ret = "400"; return; } } $qs = "insert into tbl_char_static set cs_uId = '{$rid}',\nus_uId='{$uid}', cs_uSex='{$sex}', cs_uClass='{$class}', cs_uCamp='{$camp}', cs_dtCreateDate=now(), cs_uServerId='{$serv_id}'"; mysql_query($qs); $qs = "insert into tbl_char set cs_uId = '{$rid}', c_sName='{$rolename}', c_sNameFormer=''"; mysql_query($qs); LogAction("AddNewRole({$rid}, {$username}, {$uid}, {$sex}, {$class}, {$camp})", $serv_id); $ret = "200"; header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); header("Content-Length:" . strlen($ret)); print $ret; }
function AddNewUser($var) { global $tbl_db_info; $Conn = mysql_connect($tbl_db_info[0], $tbl_db_info[1], $tbl_db_info[2]); mysql_select_db($tbl_db_info[3], $Conn); $ret = ""; $username = $var["username"]; $userid = $var["userid"]; $vip_type = $var["vip_type"]; $serv_id = $var["serv_id"]; $username_esc = mysql_escape_string($username); $userid_esc = intval($userid); $vip_type_esc = intval($vip_type); $qs = "replace into tbl_user_static set us_uId = '{$userid_esc}', us_sName='{$username_esc}', us_uVipType='{$vip_type_esc}'"; $result = mysql_query($qs); if (!$result) { $ret = "400"; return; } LogAction("AddNewUser({$username_esc}, {$userid_esc}, {$vip_type_esc})", $serv_id); $ret = "200"; header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); header("Content-Length:" . strlen($ret)); print $ret; }
public function __construct($message, $code = 2, $log = '', $redirect = '') { // make sure everything is assigned properly parent::__construct($message, $code); // Set the alery SetAlert(stripslashes($this->message)); // Log the Message if needed if ($log != '') { LogAction($log, $code); } // If needed Redirect if ($redirect != '') { header('Location:' . $redirect); die; } }
function DelRole($var) { global $tbl_db_info; $Conn = mysql_connect($tbl_db_info[0], $tbl_db_info[1], $tbl_db_info[2]); mysql_select_db($tbl_db_info[3], $Conn); $roleid = $var["roleid"]; $serv_id = $var["serv_id"]; $ret = ""; $newname_esc = mysql_escape_string($newname); $roleid = intval($roleid); $qs = "update tbl_char_static set cs_uState = 2 where cs_uId = '{$roleid}'"; $result = mysql_query($qs); if (!$result) { $ret = "400"; return; } LogAction("ChangeRoleName({$roleid}, {$newname_esc})", $serv_id); $ret = "200"; header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); header("Content-Length:" . strlen($ret)); print $ret; }
function tic_mysql_error($file = null, $line = null, $log = true) { $re = "<div style=\"text-align:left\"><ul><b>Mysql Fehler" . ($file != "" ? " in " . $file . "(" . $line . ")" : "") . ":</b>" . ($GLOBALS['last_sql_query'] ? "\n<li><b>Query:</b> " . $GLOBALS['last_sql_query'] . "</li>\n" : "") . "<li><b>Fehlermeldung:</b> " . mysql_errno() . " - " . mysql_error() . "</li>\n</ul></div></body></html>"; if ($log) { LogAction("<div style=\"text-align:left\"><ul><b>Mysql Fehler" . ($file != "" ? " in " . $file . "(" . $line . ")" : "") . ":</b>" . ($GLOBALS['last_sql_query'] ? "\n<li><b>Query:</b> " . $GLOBALS['last_sql_query'] . "</li>\n" : "") . "<li><b>Fehlermeldung:</b> " . mysql_errno() . " - " . mysql_error() . "</li>\n</ul></div>", LOG_ERROR); } return $re; }
} if (!isset($_POST['txtAccGalaxie'])) { $_POST['txtAccGalaxie'] = ''; } if (!isset($_POST['txtAccPlanet'])) { $_POST['txtAccPlanet'] = ''; } if (!isset($_POST['txtAccPasswort'])) { $_POST['txtAccPasswort'] = ''; } if (!isset($_POST['lstAllianz'])) { $_POST['lstAllianz'] = ''; } if (!isset($_POST['lstRang'])) { $_POST['lstRang'] = 0; } if ($_POST['txtAccName'] == '' || $_POST['txtAccGalaxie'] == '' || $_POST['txtAccPlanet'] == '' || $_POST['txtAccPasswort'] == '' || $_POST['lstAllianz'] == '') { $error_code = 6; } else { if ($Benutzer['rang'] <= $_POST['lstRang']) { $error_code = 5; } else { addgnuser($_POST['txtAccGalaxie'], $_POST['txtAccPlanet'], $_POST['txtAccName']); $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('INSERT INTO `gn4accounts` (ticid, name, passwort, galaxie, planet, rang, allianz) VALUES ("' . $AllianzInfo[$_POST['lstAllianz']]['meta'] . '", "' . $_POST['txtAccName'] . '", "' . md5($_POST['txtAccPasswort']) . '","' . $_POST['txtAccGalaxie'] . '", "' . $_POST['txtAccPlanet'] . '", "' . $_POST['lstRang'] . '", "' . $_POST['lstAllianz'] . '")', $SQL_DBConn) or $error_code = 7; if ($error_code == 0) { LogAction("Account erstellt: Name=" . $_POST['txtAccName'] . "; Koordinaten=" . $_POST['txtAccGalaxie'] . ":" . $_POST['txtAccPlanet'] . "; Rang=" . $_POST['lstRang'] . "; Allianz=" . $_POST['lstAllianz'] . ";"); } } } } }
<?php if ($Benutzer['rang'] >= RANG_TECHNIKER) { if (isset($_POST['newmeta']) && $Benutzer['rang'] == RANG_STECHNIKER) { tic_mysql_query('insert INTO `gn4meta` (name,duell,wars,naps,bnds,sysmsg) VALUES ("' . $_POST['meta'] . '", "' . $_POST['duell'] . '", "' . $_POST['wars'] . '", "' . $_POST['naps'] . '","' . $_POST['bnds'] . '" , "' . $_POST['sysmsg'] . '");', __FILE__, __LINE__); $newmetaid = mysql_insert_id(); // echo $_POST['meta'].' angelegt!'; } if (isset($_POST['metaspeichern'])) { if ($Benutzer['rang'] == RANG_TECHNIKER) { $_POST['metaid'] == $Benutzer['ticid']; } tic_mysql_query('Update `gn4meta` set name="' . $_POST['meta'] . '", duell="' . $_POST['duell'] . '", naps="' . $_POST['naps'] . '", bnds="' . $_POST['bnds'] . '", wars="' . $_POST['wars'] . '", sysmsg="' . $_POST['sysmsg'] . '" where id="' . $_POST['metaid'] . '" ;', __FILE__, __LINE__); // echo '�derung gespeichert'; } if (isset($_POST['metadelet']) && $Benutzer['rang'] == RANG_STECHNIKER) { $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('Select id FROM `gn4allianzen` where ticid="' . $_POST['metaid'] . '";', __FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysql_num_rows($SQL_Result) != '0') { LogAction($Benutzer['name'] . ' hat Versucht den Meta mit der id ' . $_POST['metaid'] . ' zulöschen ohne die Allianzen vorher zu löschen !'); $metaerror = "Es müssen erst die Allianzen gelöscht werden bevor das Meta gelöscht werdne kann!"; } else { tic_mysql_query('DELETE FROM `gn4meta` WHERE id="' . $_POST['metaid'] . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__); unset($_POST['metaid']); } } }
<?php if (!isset($_GET['fbid'])) { echo 'internal parameter-error #1'; return; } if (!isset($_GET['incsave'])) { echo 'internal parameter-error #2'; return; } $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query("SELECT verteidiger_galaxie, verteidiger_planet FROM `gn4flottenbewegungen` WHERE id ='" . $_GET['fbid'] . "'") or die(tic_mysql_error(__FILE__, __LINE__)); if (!($row = mysql_fetch_row($SQL_Result))) { return; } if ($_GET['incsave'] == 1) { $newsave = 0; LogAction($row[0] . ":" . $row[1] . " -> Safe", LOG_SETSAFE); } else { $newsave = 1; LogAction($row[0] . ":" . $row[1] . " -> Unsafe", LOG_SETSAFE); } tic_mysql_query("UPDATE `gn4flottenbewegungen` SET save='" . $newsave . "' WHERE id='" . $_GET['fbid'] . "'") or die(tic_mysql_error(__FILE__, __LINE__));
if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] != "") { $action = $_POST['action']; } else { if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] != "") { $action = $_GET['action']; } else { $action = ""; } } // Incoming makieren if (isset($_GET['need_planet']) && isset($_GET['need_galaxie'])) { LogAction($_GET['need_galaxie'] . ":" . $_GET['need_planet'] . " -> Unsafe", LOG_SETSAFE); tic_mysql_query("UPDATE `gn4flottenbewegungen` SET save='0' WHERE verteidiger_galaxie='" . $_GET['need_galaxie'] . "' AND verteidiger_planet='" . $_GET['need_planet'] . "'") or die(tic_mysql_error(__FILE__, __LINE__)); } if (isset($_GET['needno_planet']) && isset($_GET['needno_galaxie'])) { LogAction($_GET['needno_galaxie'] . ":" . $_GET['needno_planet'] . " -> Safe", LOG_SETSAFE); tic_mysql_query("UPDATE `gn4flottenbewegungen` SET save='1' WHERE verteidiger_galaxie='" . $_GET['needno_galaxie'] . "' AND verteidiger_planet='" . $_GET['needno_planet'] . "'") or die(tic_mysql_error(__FILE__, __LINE__)); } if (isset($irc_log)) { if ($irc_log) { include ''; } } // Funktion einbinden if ($action != "") { include "./function." . $action . ".php"; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="de" lang="de" dir="ltr"> <head>
LogAction('Saved Category: ' . stripslashes($myCategory->GetValue('category')), 1); header('location:' . PATH . 'categories'); die; } } // If Deleting if ($_POST['submit'] == 'delete') { $myCategory->SetValues($_POST); $name = stripslashes($myCategory->GetValue('category')); // Remove from the DB if (!$myCategory->Delete()) { throw new SimplException('Error deleting from the database, please try again.'); } // Everything went fine SetAlert('Category Deleted Successfully', 'success'); LogAction('Deleted Category: ' . $name, 1); header('location:' . PATH . 'categories'); die; } // Set the requested primary key and get its info if ($_GET['id'] != '' && $myCategory->GetPrimary() == '') { $myCategory->SetPrimary((int) $_GET['id']); // Try to get the info if (!$myCategory->GetInfo()) { throw new SimplException('Invalid category, please try another.', 3, 'Access to invalid category - ' . $myCategory->GetPrimary(), PATH . 'categories'); } } } catch (SimplException $e) { } // Set the object $smarty->assign('myObject', $myCategory);
<?php LogAction($mylogsrc, $mylogdst, "{$name} requested to allow access to the mpd stream and control port"); ?> <Pause /> <Say>Thank you for using Twi P N, goodbye</Say> <Hangup /> <?php break; case 'killswitch': ?> <Say>Emergency lock!</Say> <?php $output = shell_exec("sudo /usr/local/bin/ -d {$fh->ipaddr} {$fh->port} 0 "); ?> <?php LogAction($mylogsrc, $mylogdst, "{$name} requested to close {$fh->ipaddr}:{$fh->port}"); ?> <Pause /> <Say>Thank you for using Twi P N, goodbye</Say> <Hangup /> <?php break; case 'update': ?> <Say>Update menu</Say> <Gather action="<?php echo $baseurl . '?node=config'; ?> " numDigits="1"> <Say>Press 1 to change the address you want to control</Say> <Say>Press 2 to change the port number</Say>
<?php if ($Benutzer['rang'] >= RANG_VIZEADMIRAL) { if (isset($_POST['Allispeichern']) && isset($_POST['selectid'])) { if ($Benutzer['rang'] == RANG_VIZEADMIRAL || $Benutzer['rang'] == RANG_ADMIRAL) { $_POST['selectid'] = $Benutzer['allianz']; } $query1 = $query = ""; if ($Benutzer['rang'] < RANG_STECHNIKER) { $query = ' and ticid="' . $Benutzer['ticid'] . '"'; } else { $query1 = ',ticid="' . $_POST['selectMeta'] . '"'; } tic_mysql_query('update `gn4allianzen` set name="' . $_POST['Alliname'] . '",tag="' . $_POST['Allitag'] . '",info_bnds="' . $_POST['Allibnds'] . '",info_naps="' . $_POST['Allinaps'] . '",info_inoffizielle_naps="' . $_POST['Alliinnaps'] . '",info_kriege="' . $_POST['Allikriege'] . '"' . $query1 . ' where id="' . $_POST['selectid'] . '"' . $query . ';', __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($Benutzer['rang'] == RANG_STECHNIKER) { tic_mysql_query('update `gn4accounts` set ticid="' . $_POST['selectMeta'] . '" where allianz="' . $_POST['selectid'] . '";', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } if (isset($_POST['Allidelet']) && $Benutzer['rang'] == RANG_STECHNIKER && isset($_POST['selectid'])) { $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('DELETE FROM `gn4allianzen`WHERE id="' . $_POST['selectid'] . '" ;', __FILE__, __LINE__); $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('DELETE FROM `gn4accounts` WHERE allianz="' . $_POST['selectid'] . '" ;', __FILE__, __LINE__); LogAction("Alli und Accounts gelöscht. ID=" . $_POST['selectid'] . ";"); } if (isset($_POST['Allineu']) && $Benutzer['rang'] == RANG_STECHNIKER) { $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('Insert into `gn4allianzen` (`ticid` , `name` , `tag` , `info_bnds` , `info_naps` , `info_inoffizielle_naps` , `info_kriege`)VALUES ("' . $_POST['selectMeta'] . '", "' . $_POST['Alliname'] . '", "' . $_POST['Allitag'] . '", "' . $_POST['Allibnds'] . '", "' . $_POST['Allinaps'] . '", "' . $_POST['Alliinnaps'] . '", "' . $_POST['Allikriege'] . '");', __FILE__, __LINE__); LogAction("Neue Allianz mit den namen " . $_POST['Alliname'] . " angelegt!;"); } }
} elseif ($_POST['change'] == 'allianz') { $sql = 'UPDATE `gn4accounts` SET allianz="' . $_POST['allianz'] . '", ticid="' . $AllianzInfo[$_POST['allianz']]['meta'] . '" WHERE id=' . $_POST['uid']; LogAction('AllianzID für ID=' . $_POST['uid'] . ' ([' . $AllianzInfo[$userchange['allianz']]['tag'] . '] ' . $userchange['name'] . ') geändert auf ' . $_POST['allianz'] . ' ([' . $AllianzInfo[$_POST['allianz']]['tag'] . ']).'); } elseif ($_POST['change'] == 'name') { $sql = 'UPDATE `gn4accounts` SET name="' . $_POST['name'] . '" WHERE id=' . $_POST['uid']; addgnuser($_POST['selgala'], $selplanet, $_POST['name']); LogAction('Name für ID=' . $_POST['uid'] . ' ([' . $AllianzInfo[$userchange['allianz']]['tag'] . '] ' . $userchange['name'] . ') geändert auf ' . $_POST['name'] . '.'); } elseif ($_POST['change'] == 'umode') { if ($_POST['umode'] == 'on') { if (!isset($_POST['umodedate']) || $_POST['umodedate'] == '') { $_POST['umodedate'] = ""; } $sql = 'UPDATE `gn4accounts` SET umod="' . date("d") . '.' . date("m") . '.' . date("Y") . '-' . $_POST['umodedate'] . '" WHERE id="' . $_POST['uid'] . '"'; LogAction('Umode für ID=' . $_POST['uid'] . ' ([' . $AllianzInfo[$userchange['allianz']]['tag'] . '] ' . $userchange['name'] . ') gesetzt.'); } else { $sql = 'UPDATE `gn4accounts` SET umod="" WHERE id=' . $_POST['uid']; LogAction('Umode für ID=' . $_POST['uid'] . ' ([' . $AllianzInfo[$userchange['allianz']]['tag'] . '] ' . $userchange['name'] . ') gelöscht.'); } } elseif ($_POST['change'] == 'spy') { if ($_POST['spy'] == 'gesperrt') { $sql = 'UPDATE `gn4accounts` SET spy="1" WHERE id=' . $_POST['uid']; LogAction('Acc ' . $_POST['uid'] . ' ([' . $AllianzInfo[$userchange['allianz']]['tag'] . '] ' . $userchange['name'] . ') gesperrt.'); } else { $sql = 'UPDATE `gn4accounts` SET spy="0", versuche=0, ip="" WHERE id=' . $_POST['uid']; LogAction('Acc ' . $_POST['uid'] . ' ([' . $AllianzInfo[$userchange['allianz']]['tag'] . '] ' . $userchange['name'] . ') entsperrt.'); } } if ($sql != '') { $SQL_result = tic_mysql_query($sql, $SQL_DBConn); } $action = '';
<Sms>TwiPN SMS API: Completed request from <?php echo $name; ?> to <?php echo $msg; ?> </Sms> </Response> <?php } else { ?> </Response> <?php } } else { LogAction($mylogsrc, $mylogdst, $name . " posted a request with wrong syntax, no command was executed"); ?> <Sms>TwiPN SMS API: request from <?php echo $name; ?> had wrong TwiPN syntax, no command was executed</Sms> </Response> <?php } } else { LogAction($mylogsrc, $mylogdst, "Unkown phone " . $_REQUEST['From'] . " posted a request, no command was executed"); ?> <Sms>TwiPN SMS API: This phone number is not allowed to execute commands, you may want to update the whitelist</Sms> </Response> <?php }
$_POST['txtTitel'] = ''; } if (!isset($_POST['txtText'])) { $_POST['txtText'] = ''; } if (!isset($_POST['txtHC'])) { $_POST['txtHC'] = ''; } if ($_POST['txtTitel'] == '' || $_POST['txtText'] == '') { $error_code = 6; } else { $_POST['txtText'] = str_replace("\n", '<BR>', $_POST['txtText']); $ticid = $Benutzer['ticid']; if ($_POST['txtHC'] == 'HC') { $ticid = "H" . $Benutzer['ticid']; } else { if ($_POST['txtHC'] == 'SHC') { $ticid = "SHC"; } else { if ($_POST['txtHC'] == 'alle') { $ticid = "alle"; } } } $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('INSERT INTO `gn4nachrichten` (ticid, name, zeit, titel, text) VALUES ("' . $ticid . '", "' . $Benutzer['galaxie'] . ':' . $Benutzer['planet'] . ' ' . $Benutzer['name'] . ' (' . $RangName[$Benutzer['rang']] . ' @ [' . $AllianzTag[$Benutzer['allianz']] . '])", "' . date("H") . ':' . date("i") . ' ' . date("d") . '.' . date("m") . '.' . date("Y") . '", "' . $_POST['txtTitel'] . '", "' . $_POST['txtText'] . '")', $SQL_DBConn) or $error_code = 7; if ($error_code == 0) { LogAction("Nachricht geschrieben: Titel='" . $_POST['txtTitel'] . "';"); } } } }
<?php // Nachricht l�schen if ($_POST['action'] == 'nachrichtloeschen') { if ($Benutzer['rang'] < $Rang_GC) { $error_code = 5; } else { if (!isset($_POST['id'])) { $_POST['id'] = ''; } if ($_POST['id'] == '') { $error_code = 6; } else { $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('DELETE FROM `gn4nachrichten` WHERE id=' . $_POST['id'] . ' ;', $SQL_DBConn) or $error_code = 7; } if ($error_code == 0) { LogAction("Nachricht gel�scht: ID=" . $_POST['id'] . ";"); } } }
if (!isset($_GET['txtChPlanet'])) { $_GET['txtChPlanet'] = ''; } if (!isset($_GET['lstChAllianz'])) { $_GET['lstChAllianz'] = ''; } if ($Benutzer['rang'] == $Rang_GC) { $_GET['txtChGalaxie'] = $Benutzer['galaxie']; } if ($Benutzer['rang'] != $Rang_Techniker) { $_GET['lstChAllianz'] = $Benutzer['allianz']; } if ($_GET['id'] != '' && $_GET['lstChRang'] != '' && $_GET['txtChGalaxie'] != '' && $_GET['txtChPlanet'] != '' && $_GET['lstChAllianz'] != '') { $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `gn4accounts` WHERE id="' . $_GET['id'] . '";', $SQL_DBConn) or $error_code = 4; if (mysql_num_rows($SQL_Result) == 1) { $tmp_rang = mysql_result($SQL_Result, 0, 'rang'); if ($tmp_rang >= $Benutzer['rang'] || $_GET['lstChRang'] >= $Benutzer['rang']) { $error_code = 5; } else { $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('UPDATE `gn4accounts` SET rang="' . $_GET['lstChRang'] . '", galaxie="' . $_GET['txtChGalaxie'] . '", planet="' . $_GET['txtChPlanet'] . '", allianz="' . $_GET['lstChAllianz'] . '" WHERE id="' . $_GET['id'] . '" and ticid="' . $Benutzer['ticid'] . '";', $SQL_DBConn) or $error_code = 7; if ($error_code == 0) { LogAction("Accountdaten geändert: ID=" . $_GET['id'] . "; Koordinaten=" . $_GET['txtChGalaxie'] . ":" . $_GET['txtChPlanet'] . "; Rang=" . $_GET['lstChRang'] . "; Allianz=" . $_GET['lstChAllianz'] . ";"); } } } else { $error_code = 8; } } else { $error_code = 6; } }
if ($Benutzer['rang'] == 0) { die; } $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `gn4accounts` WHERE id="' . $_GET['id'] . '";', $SQL_DBConn) or $error_code = 4; if (mysql_num_rows($SQL_Result) == 1) { $tmp_rang = mysql_result($SQL_Result, 0, 'rang'); $tmp_galaxie = mysql_result($SQL_Result, 0, 'galaxie'); $tmp_alli = mysql_result($SQL_Result, 0, 'allianz'); if ($Benutzer['allianz'] != $tmp_alli && $Benutzer['rang'] < 4) { $error_code = 5; } else { if ($tmp_rang >= $Benutzer['rang']) { $error_code = 5; } else { if (!($Benutzer['rang'] == $Rang_GC && $tmp_galaxie != $Benutzer['galaxie'])) { $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('DELETE FROM `gn4accounts` WHERE id=' . $_GET['id'] . '', $SQL_DBConn) or $error_code = 7; } if ($error_code == 0) { LogAction("Account gelöscht: ID=" . $_GET['id'] . ";"); } else { $error_code = 5; } } } } else { $error_code = 8; } } else { $error_code = 6; } }
LogAction('Saved Answer: ' . stripslashes($myAnswer->GetValue('question')), 1); header('location:' . PATH . 'answers'); die; } } // If Deleting if ($_POST['submit'] == 'Delete') { $myAnswer->SetValues($_POST); $name = stripslashes($myAnswer->GetValue('question')); // Remove from the DB if (!$myAnswer->Delete()) { throw new SimplException('Error deleting from the database, please try again.'); } // Everything went fine SetAlert('Answer Deleted Successfully', 'success'); LogAction('Deleted Answer: ' . $name, 1); header('location:' . PATH . 'answers'); die; } // Set the requested primary key and get its info if ($_GET['id'] != '' && $myAnswer->GetPrimary() == '') { $myAnswer->SetPrimary((int) $_GET['id']); // Try to get the info if (!$myAnswer->GetInfo()) { throw new SimplException('Invalid answer, please try another.', 3, 'Access to invalid answer - ' . $myAnswer->GetPrimary(), PATH . 'answers'); } } // If saving categories if ($_POST['submit'] == 'Save Categories') { $myAnswer->SyncCategories($_POST['category']); }
} else { if (!isset($_POST['lstCode'])) { $_POST['lstCode'] = 0; } $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('UPDATE `gn4allianzen` SET code="' . $_POST['lstCode'] . '" WHERE id="' . $Benutzer['allianz'] . '";', $SQL_DBConn) or $error_code = 7; if (isset($_POST['txtBNDs'])) { $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('UPDATE `gn4allianzen` SET info_bnds="' . $_POST['txtBNDs'] . '" WHERE id="' . $Benutzer['allianz'] . '";', $SQL_DBConn) or $error_code = 7; } if (isset($_POST['txtNAPs'])) { $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('UPDATE `gn4allianzen` SET info_naps="' . $_POST['txtNAPs'] . '" WHERE id="' . $Benutzer['allianz'] . '";', $SQL_DBConn) or $error_code = 7; } if (isset($_POST['txtInoffizielleNAPs'])) { $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('UPDATE `gn4allianzen` SET info_inoffizielle_naps="' . $_POST['txtInoffizielleNAPs'] . '" WHERE id="' . $Benutzer['allianz'] . '";', $SQL_DBConn) or $error_code = 7; } if (isset($_POST['txtKriege'])) { $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('UPDATE `gn4allianzen` SET info_kriege="' . $_POST['txtKriege'] . '" WHERE id="' . $Benutzer['allianz'] . '";', $SQL_DBConn) or $error_code = 7; } if (isset($_POST['txtGalas'])) { $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('UPDATE `gn4allianzen` SET galalist="' . $_POST['txtGalas'] . '" WHERE id="' . $Benutzer['allianz'] . '";', $SQL_DBConn) or $error_code = 7; } $AllianzInfo[$Benutzer['allianz']]['code'] = $_POST['lstCode']; $AllianzInfo[$Benutzer['allianz']]['info_bnds'] = $_POST['txtBNDs']; $AllianzInfo[$Benutzer['allianz']]['info_naps'] = $_POST['txtNAPs']; $AllianzInfo[$Benutzer['allianz']]['info_inoffizielle_naps'] = $_POST['txtInoffizielleNAPs']; $AllianzInfo[$Benutzer['allianz']]['info_kriege'] = $_POST['txtKriege']; $AllianzInfo[$Benutzer['allianz']]['galalist'] = $_POST['txtGalas']; if ($error_code == 0) { LogAction("Systemeinstellungen geändert: Code=" . $AllianzInfo[$Benutzer['allianz']]['code'] . "; BNDs='" . $AllianzInfo[$Benutzer['allianz']]['info_bnds'] . "'; NAPs='" . $AllianzInfo[$Benutzer['allianz']]['info_naps'] . "'; inoff. NAPs='" . $AllianzInfo[$Benutzer['allianz']]['info_inoffizielle_naps'] . "'; Kriege='" . $AllianzInfo[$Benutzer['allianz']]['info_kriege'] . "';"); } } }