echo $Error; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="well"> <form method="post" class="form-inline"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="Nom">Nom Usager :</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="Nom" id="Nom" placeholder="Nom"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="password">Mot de Passe :</label> <input type="password" class="form-control" name="password" id="password" placeholder="Mot de Passe"> </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Ajouter</button> </form> </div> <?php ListUser(); ?> <hr/> <?php GetlastTen(); ?> </div> <?php include_once "Layouts/Footer.php";
function working($dd) { //echo "stringstringstringstringstringstringstringstring"; //var_dump($dd); $total = json_decode($dd, 1); if ($total['order'] == 'Insert') { if ($total['type'] == 'TEACHER') { ////////// AddTEACHER($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'CLASS') { /////////////// AddCLASS($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'IN') { AddIN($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'OUT') { AddOUT($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'USER') { /////////////////// AddUSER($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'ROLE') { /////////////// AddRole($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'SUP') { AddSupplier($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'CUS') { AddCustomer($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'CAT') { AddCategory($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'UNIT') { AddUnit($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'SKU') { AddSKU($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'DEPT') { AddDepartment($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'TRANSFER') { AddTRANSFER($total['data']); } else { echo "<<< DATA CAN'T BE INSERTED Please send an existing type!!! >>>"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { if ($total['order'] == 'Fetch') { if ($total['type'] == 'PRICE') { FetchPrice($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'INV') { FetchItemINV($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'WH') { FetchItemWH($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'USER') { FetchItemUser($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'STOCK') { //var_dump($total['data']); FetchStock($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'SUP') { ItemSupplier($total['data']); } else { echo "<<< DATA CAN'T BE INSERTED Please send an existing type!!! >>>"; } } } } } } } else { if ($total['order'] == 'Delete') { if ($total['type'] == 'INV') { DeleteINV($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'WH') { DeleteWH($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'USER') { DeleteUser($total['data']); } else { echo "<<< DATA CAN'T BE INSERTED Please send an existing type!!! >>>"; } } } } else { if ($total['order'] == 'Update') { if ($total['type'] == 'INV') { UpdateINV($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'WH') { UpdateWH($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'USER') { UpdateUser($total['data']); } else { echo "<<< DATA CAN'T BE INSERTED Please send an existing type!!! >>>"; } } } } else { if ($total['order'] == 'FetchAllNames') { if ($total['type'] == 'ROLE') { /////////////////// FetchAllNamesROLE(); } if ($total['type'] == 'CAT') { FetchAllNamesCAT(); } if ($total['type'] == 'UNIT') { FetchAllNamesUNIT(); } if ($total['type'] == 'PACk') { FetchAllNamesPACK(); } if ($total['type'] == 'INV_TYPE') { FetchAllNamesINV_TYPE(); } if ($total['type'] == 'CUS') { FetchAllNamesCUS(); } if ($total['type'] == 'SUP') { FetchAllNamesSUP(); } if ($total['type'] == 'DEPT') { FetchAllNamesDEPT(); } } else { if ($total['order'] == 'FetchAllIds') { if ($total['type'] == 'ROLE') { //////////////////// FetchAllIdsROLE(); } if ($total['type'] == 'RM') { FetchAllIdsRM(); } if ($total['type'] == 'INV') { FetchAllIdsINV(); } if ($total['type'] == 'INV_TYPE') { FetchAllIdsInvType(); } if ($total['type'] == 'PACK') { FetchAllIdsPACK(); } if ($total['type'] == 'SUP') { FetchAllIdsSUP(); } if ($total['type'] == 'CUS') { FetchAllIdsCUS(); } if ($total['type'] == 'DEPT') { FetchAllIdsDEPT(); } } else { if ($total['order'] == 'FetchAllAdmins') { FetchAllAdmins(); } else { if ($total['order'] == 'List') { if ($total['type'] == 'INV') { ListINV(); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'USER') { ListUser(); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'STOCK') { ListStock(); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'WH') { ListWH(); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'INV_WH') { ListINV_WH($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'WH_INV') { ListWH_INV($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'SUP') { ListSUP($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'INV_SUP') { ListINV_SUP($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'SUP_INV') { ListSUP_INV($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'BINS') { ListBINS($total['data']); } } } } } } } } } } } else { if ($total['order'] == 'Value') { if ($total['type'] == 'WH') { ValueWH($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'INV') { ValueINV($total['data']); } } } else { if ($total['order'] == 'Test') { if ($total['type'] == 'DATE') { TestDate(); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'BIN') { BinMap($total['data']); } else { if ($total['type'] == 'ItemLevel') { ItemLevel($total['data']); } } } } else { if ($total['order'] == 'FetchId') { if ($total['type'] == 'WH') { FetchIDWH($total['data']); } if ($total['type'] == 'CAT') { FetchIDCAT($total['data']); } if ($total['type'] == 'UNIT') { FetchIDUNIT($total['data']); } if ($total['type'] == 'ROLE') { /////////////////// FetchIDROLE($total['data']); } if ($total['type'] == 'INV_TYPE') { FetchIDINV_TYPE($total['data']); } if ($total['type'] == 'SUP') { FetchIDSUP($total['data']); } if ($total['type'] == 'PACK') { FetchIDPACK($total['data']); } if ($total['type'] == 'CUS') { FetchIDCUS($total['data']); } if ($total['type'] == 'DEPT') { FetchIDDEPT($total['data']); } } elseif ($total['order'] == 'login') { $recivedArray = $total['data']; //echo "stringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstring"; login($recivedArray['username'], $recivedArray['password']); } else { if ($total['order'] == 'logout') { //echo "Logout"; logout1(); } else { if ($total['order'] == 'authenticate') { authenticate(); } else { //Not Logged In Case OR Not Have required Privliges{ response("OK", 'fail', array('alertBox' => "Please Login First !")); } } } } } } } } } } } } } }