$req = $bdd->prepare('UPDATE ' . $GLOBALS['LOF_BDD_TABLE_account'] . ' SET email = :email WHERE id = ' . $_SESSION['id']); $req->execute(array('email' => $minEmail)); LOF_successPopup("Modification effectuée (Mail), rechargement de la page dans quelques secondes ..."); } else { LOF_errorPopup("Le nom de compte ou l\\'adresse email sont invalide."); } } else { LOF_errorPopup("Nom de compte ou adresse mail invalide."); } } //Update Password if (!empty($_POST['actualPassword']) and !empty($_POST['newPassword']) and !empty($_POST['newPasswordAgain'])) { $actualPassword = LOF_encrypt($_POST['actualPassword']); if ($data['password'] == $actualPassword) { $newPassword = LOF_encrypt($_POST['newPassword']); $newPasswordAgain = LOF_encrypt($_POST['newPasswordAgain']); if ($newPassword == $newPasswordAgain) { $req = $bdd->prepare('UPDATE ' . $GLOBALS['LOF_BDD_TABLE_account'] . ' SET password = :password WHERE id = ' . $_SESSION['id']); $req->execute(array('password' => $newPassword)); LOF_successPopup("Modification effectuée (Mot de passe), rechargement de la page dans quelques secondes ..."); } else { LOF_errorPopup("Le nouveau mot de passe n'est pas identiques dans les 2 champs."); } } else { LOF_errorPopup("Le mot de passe actuel n'est pas valide."); } } //Update About if ($_POST['signature'] != $data['signature'] or $_POST['skype'] != $data['skype'] or $_POST['twitter'] != $data['twitter'] or $_POST['facebook'] != $data['facebook'] or $_POST['youtube'] != $data['youtube'] or $_POST['website1'] != $data['website1'] or $_POST['website2'] != $data['website2'] or $_POST['website3'] != $data['website3']) { $req = $bdd->prepare('UPDATE ' . $GLOBALS['LOF_BDD_TABLE_account'] . ' SET signature = :signature, skype = :skype, twitter = :twitter, facebook = :facebook, youtube = :youtube, website1 = :website1, website2 = :website2, website3 = :website3 WHERE id = ' . $_SESSION['id']); $req->execute(array('signature' => $_POST['signature'], 'skype' => $_POST['skype'], 'twitter' => $_POST['twitter'], 'facebook' => $_POST['facebook'], 'youtube' => $_POST['youtube'], 'website1' => $_POST['website1'], 'website2' => $_POST['website2'], 'website3' => $_POST['website3']));
if (!empty($_POST)) { try { //Verify Value if (!isset($_POST['loginName']) and !isset($_POST['loginPassword'])) { throw new Exception('Certains champs ne sont pas remplit.'); } //Get Value $loginName = $_POST['loginName']; $loginPassword = $_POST['loginPassword']; $date = new Datetime('now', new DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris')); //Verify value not empty if (empty($loginName) and empty($loginPassword)) { throw new Exception('Certains champs ne sont pas remplit.'); } //Crypt password $loginPassword = LOF_encrypt($loginPassword); //BDD connection $bdd = LOFConnect(); //Account exist ? $reply = $bdd->query("SELECT " . $GLOBALS['LOF_BDD_TABLE_account'] . ".id, " . $GLOBALS['LOF_BDD_TABLE_account'] . ".rank, " . $GLOBALS['LOF_BDD_TABLE_account'] . ".pseudo, " . $GLOBALS['LOF_BDD_TABLE_account'] . ".password FROM " . $GLOBALS['LOF_BDD_TABLE_account'] . " WHERE pseudo='" . $loginName . "'"); //Modifier la requête $value = $reply->fetch(); if (!($value['pseudo'] == $loginName and $value['password'] == $loginPassword)) { throw new Exception('Mot de passe ou nom de compte incorrect.'); } //GOOD $req = $bdd->query('UPDATE ' . $GLOBALS['LOF_BDD_TABLE_account'] . ' SET lastlogin = NOW() WHERE id = ' . $value['id']); $_SESSION['id'] = $value['id']; $_SESSION['rank'] = $value['rank']; $_SESSION['user'] = $value['pseudo']; $_SESSION['connect'] = 1;
$minEmail = strtolower($registrationEmail); $registrationPassword = $_POST['registrationPassword']; $registrationPassword_again = $_POST['registrationPassword_again']; $date = new Datetime('now', new DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris')); //Verify value not empty if (!(isset($_POST['charteAccepted']) and !empty($registrationName) and preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $registrationName) and !empty($registrationEmail) and filter_var($registrationEmail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) and !empty($registrationPassword) and !empty($registrationPassword_again))) { //Password throw new Exception('Certains champs ne sont pas remplit correctement.'); } //Verify Pseudo if (!(strlen($registrationName) >= 2 and strlen($registrationName) <= 20)) { throw new Exception('Le nom de compte ne respecte pas le formatage accepté. (2 à 20 caractères)'); } //Crypt password $registrationPassword = LOF_encrypt($registrationPassword); $registrationPassword_again = LOF_encrypt($registrationPassword_again); //BDD connection $bdd = LOFConnect(); //Account exist ? $reply = $bdd->query("SELECT " . $GLOBALS['LOF_BDD_TABLE_account'] . ".pseudo FROM " . $GLOBALS['LOF_BDD_TABLE_account'] . " WHERE pseudo='" . $registrationName . "' OR email='" . $minEmail . "'"); $value = $reply->fetch(); if (!($value == null)) { throw new Exception('Le nom de compte ou l\'adresse email sont invalide.'); } //Password if (!($registrationPassword == $registrationPassword_again)) { throw new Exception('Les mots de passe ne sont pas identiques.'); } $req = $bdd->prepare('INSERT INTO ' . $GLOBALS['LOF_BDD_TABLE_account'] . '(rank, pseudo, password, email, created, lastlogin) VALUES(:rank,:pseudo,:password,:email,:created,:lastlogin)'); $req->execute(array('rank' => 0, 'pseudo' => $registrationName, 'password' => $registrationPassword, 'email' => $minEmail, 'created' => $date->format('Y-m-d'), 'lastlogin' => $date->format('Y-m-d'))); //Generate Avatar