function _pluginMain($arg) { global $site, $pattcontainer, $pattmedia, $pattsearch, $pattinfo, $pattthumb, $radio, $pattradio, $needswitch, $needinfo; parse_str($arg); $vk = new VkApi(); $vk->app_id = "3795305"; $vk->access_token = strPar("ACCSES_TOKEN"); //Первая страница плагина if (@(!$url)) { $ret[] = Container("url=audio", "Мои аудиозаписи", ""); $ret[] = Container("url=audio_rec", "Рекомендуемые аудиозаписи", ""); $ret[] = Container("url=video", "Мои видеозаписи", ""); return $ret; } //Аудиозаписи if ($url == "audio") { $result = $vk->query("audio.get", array()); foreach ($result->response as $key => $value) { $ret[] = Item(str_replace("https://", "http://", $value->url), substr($value->artist . " - " . $value->title, 0, 100) . ".mp3"); } return $ret; } //Аудиозаписи - рекомендации if ($url == "audio_rec") { $result = $vk->query("audio.getRecommendations", array()); foreach ($result->response as $key => $value) { $ret[] = Item(str_replace("https://", "http://", $value->url), substr($value->artist . " - " . $value->title, 0, 100) . ".mp3"); } return $ret; } //Видеозаписи -> выбор качества if (substr($url, 0, 10) == "video_view") { $result = $vk->query("video.get", array("videos" => substr($url, 14, strlen($url)))); foreach ($result->response[1]->files as $key => $value) { $ret[] = Item(str_replace("https://", "http://", $value), $key . " - " . $result->response[1]->title); } return $ret; } //Видеозаписи if ($url == "video") { $result = $vk->query("video.get", array()); foreach ($result->response as $key => $value) { if ($key != 0 && @(!$value->files->external)) { $ret[] = Container("url=video_view/id=" . $value->owner_id . "_" . $value->vid, $value->title, ""); } } return $ret; } }
echo " </tr>"; echo " <tr class=\"head\">\n"; /* 36 - Recursos dispon�veis apenas para formadores */ echo " <td align=left>" . RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_frases, 36) . "</td>\n"; echo " </tr> \n"; $i = Item(RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_ferramentas, 35), RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_ferramentas, 36), $i); $i = Item(RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_ferramentas, 37), RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_ferramentas, 38), $i); $i = Item(RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_ferramentas, 39), RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_ferramentas, 40), $i); echo " <tr class=\"head\">\n"; /* 36 - Recursos dispon�veis apenas para formadores */ echo " <td align=left>" . RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_ferramentas, 63) . "</td>\n"; echo " </tr> \n"; $i = Item(RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_ferramentas, 64), RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_ferramentas, 65), $i); $i = Item(RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_ferramentas, 66), RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_ferramentas, 67), $i); $i = Item(RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_ferramentas, 68), RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_ferramentas, 69), $i); $i = Item(RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_ferramentas, 70), RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_ferramentas, 71), $i); echo " <tr class=\"head\">\n"; /* 38 - Autentica��o de acesso */ echo " <td align=left>" . RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_frases, 38) . "</td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; /* 39 - O ambiente possui um esquema de autentica��o de acesso aos cursos. Para que formadores e alunos tenham acesso a um curso s�o necess�rios identifica��o pessoal e senha que lhes s�o solicitadas sempre que tentarem efetuar o acesso. Essas senhas são fornecidas a eles quando se cadastram no ambiente */ echo " <td align=left><p style=\"text-indent:15px;\">" . RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_frases, 39) . "</p></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo " <tr class=\"head01\">\n"; /* 40 - O TelEduc � um software livre; voc� pode redistribu�-lo e/ou modific�-lo sob os termos da */ /* 41 - vers�o 2, como publicada pela */ echo " <td align=left>\n"; echo " <p style=\"text-indent:15px;\">" . RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_frases, 40) . " <a href=../cursos/aplic/estrutura/gpl.txt target=GNU-GPL>GNU General Public License</a> " . RetornaFraseDaLista($lista_frases, 41) . " <b><i>Free Software Foundation</i></b></p>\n"; echo " </td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n";
/** * Import a youtube video as submitted by a user through the contribution form * * This function relies on the import form output being in the * $_POST variable. The form should be validated before calling this. * * @return bool $success true if no error, false otherwise */ private static function _importContributedSingle($item) { require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'import.php'; require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Google' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Client.php'; require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Google' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Service' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'YouTube.php'; $client = new Google_Client(); $client->setApplicationName("Omeka_Youtube_Import"); $client->setDeveloperKey(YoutubeImport_ImportHelper::$youtube_api_key); try { $service = new Google_Service_YouTube($client); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } if (isset($_REQUEST['youtubeurl'])) { $url = $_REQUEST['youtubeurl']; } else { throw new UnexpectedValueException('URL of Youtube video was not set'); } if (!isset($item)) { $item = Item(); } try { $videoID = YoutubeImport_ImportHelper::ParseURL($url); $response = YoutubeImport_ImportHelper::GetVideo($videoID, $service, $item->collection_id, 'Contributor', get_option('contributedItemPublic') && $item->public == 1); $post = $response['post']; $files = $response['files']; } catch (Exception $e) { $item->delete(); throw $e; } $post['collection_id'] = $item['collection_id']; $item->setPostData($post); if (!$item->save(false)) { throw new Exception($item->getErrors()); } if (!empty($files) && !empty($item)) { if (!insert_files_for_item($item, 'Url', $files)) { throw new Exception("Error attaching files"); } } return true; }