include_once "../connectdb.php"; include_once "../parameter.php"; include_once "../cekparam.php"; include_once "../fpdf.php"; // *** Parameters *** $MhswID = $_REQUEST['MhswID']; if (empty($MhswID)) { die(ErrorMsg("Error", "Tentukan Mahasiswa ID-nya dulu.\r\n <hr size=1 color=silver />\r\n <input type=button name='Tutup' value='Tutup'\r\n onClick='window.close()' />")); } // *** Main $pdf = new FPDF('P'); $pdf->SetTitle("Daftar SKS Tidak Lulus Mahasiswa"); $pdf->AddPage('P'); HeaderLogo("Daftar SKS Tidak Lulus Mahasiswa", $pdf, 'P'); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 14); Isinya($MhswID, $pdf); $pdf->Output(); // *** Functions *** function Isinya($MhswID, $p) { $lbr = 190; $t = 5; BuatHeadernya($MhswID, $p); JudulKolomnya($p); $p->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 9); $s = "select k.*\r\n from krs k\r\n left outer join khs h on h.KHSID = k.KHSID and h.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n left outer join nilai n on k.GradeNilai=n.Nama and h.ProdiID=n.ProdiID and n.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n\twhere k.MhswID = '{$MhswID}'\r\n\t\tand n.Lulus = 'N'\r\n order by k.TahunID, k.MKKode"; $r = _query($s); $n = 0; $_thn = "02n4lajwnrfvnaw34"; while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) { if ($_thn != $w['TahunID']) {
include_once "../parameter.php"; include_once "../cekparam.php"; include_once "../fpdf.php"; // *** Parameters *** $prodi = $_REQUEST['prodi']; $program = $_REQUEST['program']; $srcmhswkey = $_REQUEST['srcmhswkey']; $srcmhswval = $_REQUEST['srcmhswval']; // *** Main $pdf = new FPDF('P'); $pdf->SetTitle("Data Detail Mahasiswa"); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5); $pdf->SetFillColor(200, 200, 200); $pdf->AddPage('P'); HeaderLogo("Data Detail Mahasiswa", $pdf, 'P'); Isinya($prodi, $program, $srcmhswkey, $srcmhswval, $pdf); $pdf->Output(); // *** Functions *** function Isinya($prodi, $program, $srcmhswkey, $srcmhswval, $p) { $lbr = 190; $t = 6; // BuatHeader $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 10); $p->Cell(10, $t, 'No.', 1, 0, 'R'); $p->Cell(23, $t, 'NIM', 1, 0, 'L'); $p->Cell(75, $t, 'Nama Mahasiswa', 1, 0, 'L'); $p->Cell(15, $t, 'Prodi', 1, 0, 'C'); //$p->Cell(15, $t, 'Program', 1, 0, 'C'); $p->Cell(12, $t, 'Status', 1, 0, 'C'); $p->Cell(55, $t, 'Telepon', 1, 0, 'C');
if (empty($TahunID)) { die(ErrorMsg("Error", "Tentukan tahun akademik-nya dulu.\r\n <hr size=1 color=silver />\r\n <input type=button name='Tutup' value='Tutup'\r\n onClick='window.close()' />")); } if (empty($ProdiID)) { die(ErrorMsg("Error", "Tentukan Program Studi-nya dulu.\r\n <hr size=1 color=silver />\r\n <input type=button name='Tutup' value='Tutup'\r\n onClick='window.close()' />")); } // *** Main $prds = getaField('prodi', "KodeID = '" . KodeID . "' and ProdiID", $ProdiID, 'Nama'); $thn = NamaTahun($TahunID); $pdf = new PDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); $pdf->SetTitle("Jadwal Ujian Sidang Komprehensif Tahun {$thn}"); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 14); $pdf->Cell($t, 9, "Jadwal Ujian Sidang Komprehensif - {$thn}", 0, 1, 'C'); $pdf->Cell($t, 9, "Program Studi {$prds}", 0, 1, 'C'); Isinya($pdf); $pdf->Output(); // *** Functions *** function Isinya($p) { $lbr = 290; $t = 5; JudulKolomnya($p); $p->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 8); $s = "select k.*, m.MhswID,left(m.Nama, 28) as Mhsw,m.KelasID\r\n \t\tfrom kompre k\r\n left outer join mhsw m on m.MhswID = k.MhswID and m.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n\twhere k.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n and k.TahunID = '{$_SESSION['TahunID']}'\r\n\t and k.Lulus = 'N'\r\n\t and k.NA = 'N'\r\n Group by k.MhswID"; $r = _query($s); $n = 0; $jum = _num_rows($r); while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) { $hari = AmbilHari($w[_Hari]); $n++;
die(ErrorMsg("Error", "Tentukan program studi-nya dulu.\r\n <hr size=1 color=silver />\r\n <input type=button name='Tutup' value='Tutup'\r\n onClick='window.close()' />")); } // *** Main $prds = getaField('prodi', "KodeID = '" . KodeID . "' and ProdiID", $ProdiID, 'Nama'); $jjgs = GetaField('jenjang', "JenjangID", GetaField('prodi', "KodeID = '" . KodeID . "' and ProdiID", $ProdiID, 'JenjangID'), "Nama"); $thn = NamaTahun($TahunID); $pdf = new FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); $pdf->SetTitle("Jadwal Ujian Komprehensif {$thn}"); $s1 = "select DISTINCT(r.KampusID) as _KMP, k.Tanggal as _TGL \r\n\t\t\tfrom kompredosen k \r\n\t\t\t\tleft outer join ruang r on k.RuangID=r.RuangID and r.KodeID='" . KodeID . "'\r\n\t\t\twhere k.KodeID='" . KodeID . "' \r\n\t\t\torder by _KMP, k.Tanggal"; $r1 = _query($s1); while ($w1 = _fetch_array($r1)) { $pdf->AddPage('L'); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5); HeaderLogo("JADWAL UJIAN KOMPREHENSIF - " . strtoupper($thn), $pdf, 'L', "JENJANG " . $jjgs . " PROGRAM STUDI: " . strtoupper($prds)); BuatHeadernya($w1['_TGL'], $w1['_KMP'], $pdf); Isinya($w1['_TGL'], $w1['_KMP'], $pdf); BuatFooternya($pdf); } $pdf->Output(); // *** Functions *** function BuatHeadernya($Tanggal, $KampusID, $p) { $t = 6; $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 10); $p->Cell(30, $t, "Hari / Tanggal", 0, 0); $p->Cell(0, $t, ': ' . GetDateInWords($Tanggal), 0, 0); $p->Ln($t); $p->Cell(30, $t, "Tempat", 0, 0); $NamaKampus = GetaField('kampus', "KampusID='{$KampusID}' and KodeID", KodeID, "Nama"); $p->Cell(0, $t, ': ' . $NamaKampus, 0, 0); $p->Ln(2 * $t);
include_once "../parameter.php"; include_once "../cekparam.php"; include_once "../fpdf.php"; // *** Parameters *** $MhswID = $_REQUEST['MhswID']; $KHSID = $_REQUEST['KHSID']; if (empty($MhswID)) { die(ErrorMsg("Error", "Tentukan Mahasiswa ID-nya dulu.\r\n <hr size=1 color=silver />\r\n <input type=button name='Tutup' value='Tutup'\r\n onClick='window.close()' />")); } // *** Main $pdf = new FPDF('P'); $pdf->SetTitle("History Beasiswa Mahasiswa"); $pdf->AddPage('P'); HeaderLogo("History Beasiswa Mahasiswa", $pdf, 'P'); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 14); Isinya($MhswID, $KHSID, $pdf); $pdf->Output(); // *** Functions *** function Isinya($MhswID, $KHSID, $p) { $lbr = 190; $t = 5; BuatHeadernya($MhswID, $p); JudulKolomnya($p); $p->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 9); $_Sesi = GetaField('khs', "KHSID='{$KHSID}' and KodeID", KodeID, 'Sesi') + 0; $s = "select bm.*\r\n from bipotmhsw bm\r\n\t\tleft outer join khs k on bm.TahunID=k.TahunID and bm.MhswID=k.MhswID and k.KodeID='" . KodeID . "'\r\n\twhere bm.KodeID='" . KodeID . "' \r\n\t\tand bm.MhswID = '{$MhswID}'\r\n\t\tand k.Sesi <= {$_Sesi}\r\n\t\tand bm.TrxID = '-1'\r\n\t\tand bm.Besar > 0\r\n order by k.TahunID"; $r = _query($s); $n = 0; $ttl = 0; $ttlsemua = 0;
$id = $_REQUEST['id']; $gel = $_REQUEST['gel']; $lbr = 280; $pdf = new FPDF(); $pdf->SetTitle("Formulir Pendaftaran"); // Buat semua halaman tanpa footer $pdf->AddPage('P'); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5); // Buat Header Logo HeaderLogo('', $pdf, 'P'); // Buat Judul $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 12); $pmbformulir = GetFields('pmbformulir', "PMBFormulirID='{$id}' and KodeID", KodeID, "*"); $pdf->Cell(0, 10, $pmbformulir['Nama'], 0, 1, 'C'); // Tampilkan isiannya Isinya($pmbformulir, $pdf); //Buat halaman terakhir dengan footer $pdf->Output(); // *** Functions *** function Isinya($pmbformulir, $p) { $t = 3.8; $lettersize = 8; //$style = array('width' => 0.5, 'cap' => 'round', 'join' => 'round', 'dash' => '0, 10', 'color' => array(0, 0, 0)); //SetLineStyle($style, $p); $arrBaris = array(); // I. Indentifikasi Pendaftaran $arrBaris[] = array('R', 'Indentifikasi Pendaftaran'); $arrBaris[] = array(); $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'No. Formulir', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES='); $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Nama Calon Mahasiswa', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
include_once "../connectdb.php"; include_once "../parameter.php"; include_once "../cekparam.php"; include_once "../fpdf.php"; // *** Parameters *** $TAID = GetSetVar('TAID'); if (empty($TAID)) { die(ErrorMsg("Error", "Tentukan Tugas Akhir-nya dulu.\n <hr size=1 color=silver />\n <input type=button name='Tutup' value='Tutup'\n onClick='window.close()' />")); } // *** Main $pdf = new FPDF('P'); $pdf->SetTitle("Daftar Bimbingan TA Mahasisawa"); $pdf->AddPage('P'); HeaderLogo("Daftar Bimbingan TA Mahasiswa", $pdf, 'P'); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 14); Isinya($TAID, $pdf); $pdf->Output(); // *** Functions *** function Isinya($TAID, $p) { $lbr = 190; $t = 5; BuatHeadernya($TAID, $p); JudulKolomnya($p); $p->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 10); $s = "select tb.Catatan, \n\t date_format(tb.TglBimbingan, '%d-%m-%y') as _TglBimbingan\n from tabimbingan tb\n where tb.TAID = '{$TAID}'\n order by tb.TglBimbingan"; $r = _query($s); $n = 0; while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) { $n++; $length = 80;
// *** Main $thn = NamaTahun($TahunID); $pdf = new FPDF('P'); $pdf->SetTitle("Kalender Akademik - {$thn}"); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5); $pdf->SetFillColor(200, 200, 200); $whr_prd = empty($ProdiID) ? "" : "and t.ProdiID='{$ProdiID}'"; $whr_prg = empty($ProgramID) ? "" : "and t.ProgramID='{$ProgramID}'"; $s = "select t.*\r\n from tahun t\r\n where t.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n and t.TahunID = '{$TahunID}'\r\n\t {$whr_prd}\r\n\t {$whr_prg}\r\n order by t.TahunID"; $r = _query($s); $n = 0; while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) { $n++; $pdf->AddPage('P'); HeaderLogo("Kalender Akademik - {$thn}", $pdf, 'P'); Isinya($w['TahunID'], $w['ProdiID'], $w['ProgramID'], $pdf); BarGraphnya($w['TahunID'], $w['ProdiID'], $w['ProgramID'], 85, 30, $pdf); } $pdf->Output(); // *** Functions *** function BarGraphnya($TahunID, $ProdiID, $ProgramID, $X, $Y, $p) { global $WarnaKuliah, $WarnaKRS, $WarnaBayar, $WarnaUTS, $WarnaUAS, $WarnaCuti, $WarnaNilai; $t = 5; $widthPerMonth = 12; $heightPerDay = 8; $gapPerMonth = 3; $thn = GetFields('tahun', "TahunID='{$TahunID}' and ProdiID='{$ProdiID}' and ProgramID='{$ProgramID}' and KodeID", KodeID, '*'); //Buat array yang memuat semua Tanggal yang Penting $arrTanggalPenting = array(); PushDatesToArray($thn['TglKuliahMulai'], $thn['TglKuliahSelesai'], $arrTanggalPenting, $WarnaKuliah);