/** * Add the rtl stylesheets to the page. * * The rtl stylesheets should always be added separately so that they aren't combined with other stylesheets when * a non-rtl language is still being displayed. * * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender */ public function Base_Render_Before(&$Sender) { $currentLocale = substr(Gdn::Locale()->Current(), 0, 2); if (in_array($currentLocale, $this->rtlLocales)) { if (InSection('Dashboard')) { $Sender->AddCssFile('admin_rtl.css', 'plugins/RightToLeft'); } else { $Sender->AddCssFile('style_rtl.css', 'plugins/RightToLeft'); } $Sender->CssClass .= ' rtl'; } }
public function Base_Render_Before($Sender) { if (InSection('Dashboard')) { return; } //GET THE CONFIGURATION VALUES $TOS = t('TermsOfService'); $TOSUrl = Gdn::Config('Garden.TermsOfService', '#'); // ADD CONTENT TO ASSET $Content = '<div><center><a id="TermsOfService" class="Popup" target="terms" href="' . $TOSUrl . '">' . $TOS . '</a></center></div>'; $Sender->addAsset('Foot', $Content, 'TermsOfServiceLink'); }
public function Base_BeforeRenderAsset_Handler($Sender) { $AssetName = GetValueR('EventArguments.AssetName', $Sender); if (InSection("DiscussionList")) { if (C('Plugin.PrestigeSlider.RenderCondition') == 'all' or C('Plugin.PrestigeSlider.RenderCondition') == 'DiscussionList') { if ($AssetName == "Content") { echo $Sender->FetchView($this->GetView('slider.php')); } } } if (InSection("CategoryList")) { if (C('Plugin.PrestigeSlider.RenderCondition') == 'all' or C('Plugin.PrestigeSlider.RenderCondition') == 'CategoryList') { if ($AssetName == "Content") { echo $Sender->FetchView($this->GetView('slider.php')); } } } }
/** * * * @throws Exception */ public function render() { $section_found = false; // The module contains different links depending on its section. foreach ($this->customSections as $section) { if (InSection($section)) { $this->fireEvent($section); $section_found = true; break; } } // If a section wasn't found then add the default nav. if (!$section_found) { $this->fireEvent('default'); } // Fire an event for everything. $this->fireEvent('all'); parent::render(); }
<?php } ?> </div> </div> </nav> <section class="container"> <div class="row"> <main class="page-content" role="main"> <?php echo smarty_function_breadcrumbs(array(), $this); ?> <?php if (InSection(array('CategoryList', 'CategoryDiscussionList', 'DiscussionList'))) { ?> <div class="well search-form"><?php echo smarty_function_searchbox(array(), $this); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php echo smarty_function_asset(array('name' => 'Content'), $this); ?> </main> <aside class="page-sidebar" role="complementary">
/** Whether or not this pocket should be processed based on its state. * * @Param array $Data Data specific to the request. * @return bool */ public function CanRender($Data) { if (!$this->ShowInDashboard && InSection('Dashboard')) { return FALSE; } $IsMobile = IsMobile(); if ($this->MobileOnly && !$IsMobile || $this->MobileNever && $IsMobile) { return FALSE; } if ($this->IsAd() && Gdn::Session()->CheckPermission('Garden.NoAds.Allow')) { return FALSE; } if ($this->EmbeddedNever && strcasecmp(Gdn::Controller()->RequestMethod, 'embed') == 0) { return FALSE; } // Check to see if the pocket is enabled. switch ($this->Disabled) { case Pocket::DISABLED: return FALSE; case Pocket::TESTING: if (!Gdn::Session()->CheckPermission('Plugins.Pockets.Manage')) { return FALSE; } break; } // Check to see if the page matches. if ($this->Page && strcasecmp($this->Page, GetValue('PageName', $Data)) != 0) { return FALSE; } // Check to see if this is repeating. $Count = GetValue('Count', $Data); if ($Count) { switch ($this->RepeatType) { case Pocket::REPEAT_AFTER: if (strcasecmp($Count, Pocket::REPEAT_AFTER) != 0) { return FALSE; } break; case Pocket::REPEAT_BEFORE: if (strcasecmp($Count, Pocket::REPEAT_BEFORE) != 0) { return FALSE; } break; case Pocket::REPEAT_ONCE: if ($Count != 1) { return FALSE; } break; case Pocket::REPEAT_EVERY: $Frequency = (array) $this->RepeatFrequency; $Every = GetValue(0, $Frequency, 1); if ($Every < 1) { $Every = 1; } $Begin = GetValue(1, $Frequency, 1); if ($Count % $Every != $Begin % $Every) { return FALSE; } break; case Pocket::REPEAT_INDEX: if (!in_array($Count, (array) $this->RepeatFrequency)) { return FALSE; } break; } } // If we've passed all of the tests then the pocket can be processed. return TRUE; }