private function lock($ident) { for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { if (IPS_SemaphoreEnter('Logamatic_' . (string) $this->InstanceID . (string) $ident, 1)) { return true; } else { IPS_Sleep(mt_rand(1, 5)); } } return false; }
public function Learn() { $GatewayPassword = $this->GetPassword(); if ($GatewayPassword !== "") { $address = file_get_contents("http://" . $this->GetIPGateway() . "/command?XC_USER=user&XC_PASS="******"&XC_FNC=LearnSC&type=FS20"); } else { $address = file_get_contents("http://" . $this->GetIPGateway() . "/command?XC_FNC=LearnSC&type=FS20"); } //kurze Pause während das Gateway im Lernmodus ist IPS_Sleep(1000); //1000 ms if ($address == "{XC_ERR}Failed to learn code") { $this->response = false; $instance = IPS_GetInstance($this->InstanceID)["InstanceID"]; $address = "Das Gateway konnte keine Adresse empfangen."; IPS_LogMessage("FS20 Adresse:", $address); echo "Die Adresse vom FS20 Gerät konnte nicht angelernt werden."; IPS_SetProperty($instance, "LearnFS20Address", false); //Haken entfernen. } else { //Adresse auswerten {XC_SUC} //bei Erfolg {XC_SUC}{"CODE":"123403"} (string) ($address = substr($address, 17, 6)); IPS_LogMessage("FS20 Adresse:", $address); //echo "Adresse des FS20 Geräts: ".$address; $this->AddAddress($address); $this->response = true; } return $this->response; }
public function Learn(integer $irid) { $GatewayPassword = $this->GetPassword(); if ($GatewayPassword !== "") { $ircode = file_get_contents("http://" . $this->GetIPGateway() . "/command?XC_USER=user&XC_PASS="******"&XC_FNC=Learn"); } else { $ircode = file_get_contents("http://" . $this->GetIPGateway() . "/command?XC_FNC=Learn"); } //kurze Pause während das Gateway im Lernmodus ist IPS_Sleep(1000); //1000 ms if ($ircode == "{XC_ERR}Failed to learn code") { $this->response = false; //$instance = IPS_GetInstance($this->InstanceID)["InstanceID"]; $ircode = "Das Gateway konnte keinen IRCode empfangen."; IPS_LogMessage("IRCode:", $ircode); echo "Der IRCode konnte nicht angelernt werden."; //IPS_SetProperty($instance, "LearnIRCode", false); //Haken entfernen. IPS_SetProperty($this->InstanceID, "LearnIRCode", false); //Haken entfernen. } else { //Adresse auswerten bei Erfolg {XC_SUC}{"CODE":"1234455667789123456789123456789"} (string) ($ircode = substr($ircode, 17)); $length = strlen($ircode); $ircode = substr($ircode, 0, $length - 2); IPS_LogMessage("IR Code:", $ircode); $this->AddIRCode($ircode, $irid); echo "IR Code: " . $ircode; $this->response = true; } return $this->response; }
public function SendMsg(string $Text, integer $Type, integer $Timeout) { if ($this->GetPowerState() == 1) { if (IPS_SemaphoreEnter("Enigma2BY_SendMsg", 20000)) { $IP = $this->ReadPropertyString("Enigma2IP"); $WebPort = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Enigma2WebPort"); $Text = urlencode(trim($Text)); $Text = str_replace('%A7', '%0A', $Text); $url = "http://" . $IP . ":" . $WebPort . "/web/message?text=" . $Text . "&type=" . $Type . "&timeout=" . $Timeout; $xml = @simplexml_load_file($url); $result = $this->ResultAuswerten($xml->e2state); if ($Type == 0) { $this->SendKey("ArrowDown", "short"); IPS_Sleep($Timeout * 1000 + 1000); $xml = @simplexml_load_file("http://" . $IP . ":" . $WebPort . "/web/messageanswer?getanswer=now"); if (trim($xml->e2statetext) == "Answer is NO!" or trim($xml->e2statetext) == "Antwort lautet NEIN!") { $AntwortINT = 0; } elseif (trim($xml->e2statetext) == "Answer is YES!" or trim($xml->e2statetext) == "Antwort lautet JA!") { $AntwortINT = 1; } elseif (trim($xml->e2statetext) == "No answer in time" or trim($xml->e2statetext) == "Keine rechtzeitige Antwort") { $AntwortINT = 2; if ($this->DistroCheck() == true) { $this->SendKey("Exit", "short"); } else { $this->SendKey("OK", "short"); } } $this->SetValueInteger("FrageAntwortVAR", $AntwortINT); IPS_SemaphoreLeave("Enigma2BY_SendMsg"); return $AntwortINT; } IPS_SemaphoreLeave("Enigma2BY_SendMsg"); return $result; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
public function Learn() { $ip_aiogateway = $this->GetIPGateway(); $GatewayPassword = $this->GetPassword(); if ($GatewayPassword !== "") { $address = file_get_contents("http://" . $this->GetIPGateway() . "/command?XC_USER=user&XC_PASS="******"&XC_FNC=learnSC&type=L2"); } else { $address = file_get_contents("http://" . $ip_aiogateway . "/command?XC_FNC=learnSC&type=L2"); } //kurze Pause während das Gateway im Lernmodus ist IPS_Sleep(1000); //1000 ms if ($address == "{XC_ERR}Failed to learn code") { $this->response = false; $instance = IPS_GetInstance($this->InstanceID)["InstanceID"]; $address = "Das Gateway konnte keine Adresse empfangen."; IPS_LogMessage("LED Adresse:", $address); IPS_SetProperty($instance, "LearnAddressLED", false); //Haken entfernen. echo "Die Adresse des LED Controllers konnte nicht angelernt werden."; } else { //Adresse auswerten {XC_SUC} //bei Erfolg {XC_SUC}{"CODE","ABCDEF00"} erste 6 Stellen sind die Adresse (string) ($address = substr($address, 17, 6)); $this->AddAddress($address); IPS_LogMessage("LED Adresse:", $address); echo "Adresse des LED Controllers: " . $address; $this->response = true; } return $this->response; }
/** * Initialization sequence */ private function init() { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'Init entered'); $this->SyncParent(); $this->SetBuffer(''); if (!$this->HasActiveParent()) { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'No active parent'); return; } $this->SendDataToParent(chr(2) . chr(2) . chr(0xf1) . chr(1)); //enable FS20 immediate send IPS_Sleep(15); $this->SendDataToParent(chr(2) . chr(2) . chr(0xf2) . chr(1)); //enable weather immediate send IPS_Sleep(15); $this->SendDataToParent(chr(2) . chr(2) . chr(0xfb) . chr(0)); //use binary protocol IPS_Sleep(100); }
public function PlayFiles(array $files, $volumeChange) { $ip = $this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress"); $timeout = $this->ReadPropertyString("TimeOut"); if ($timeout && Sys_Ping($ip, $timeout) != true) { throw new Exception("Sonos Box " . $ip . " is not available"); } include_once __DIR__ . "/sonosAccess.php"; $sonos = new SonosAccess($ip); $positionInfo = $sonos->GetPositionInfo(); $mediaInfo = $sonos->GetMediaInfo(); $transportInfo = $sonos->GetTransportInfo(); $isGroupCoordinator = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean("GroupCoordinator"); if ($isGroupCoordinator) { $volume = GetValueInteger($this->GetIDForIdent("GroupVolume")); } else { $volume = GetValueInteger($this->GetIDForIdent("Volume")); } //adjust volume if needed if ($volumeChange != 0) { // pause if playing if ($transportInfo == 1) { $sonos->Pause(); } // volume request absolte or relative? if ($volumeChange[0] == "+" || $volumeChange[0] == "-") { if ($isGroupCoordinator) { $this->changeGroupVolume($volumeChange); } else { $this->ChangeVolume($volumeChange); } } else { if ($isGroupCoordinator) { $this->SetGroupVolume($volumeChange); } else { $this->SetVolume($volumeChange); } } } foreach ($files as $key => $file) { // only files on SMB share or http server can be used if (preg_match('/^\\/\\/[\\w,.,\\d,-]*\\/\\S*/', $file) == 1) { $uri = "x-file-cifs:" . $file; } elseif (preg_match('/^http:\\/\\/[\\w,.,\\d,-,:]*\\/\\S*/', $file) == 1) { $uri = $file; } else { throw new Exception("File (" . $file . ") has to be located on a Samba share (e.g. // or a HTTP server (e.g."); } $sonos->SetAVTransportURI($uri); $sonos->Play(); IPS_Sleep(500); $fileTransportInfo = $sonos->GetTransportInfo(); while ($fileTransportInfo == 1 || $fileTransportInfo == 5) { IPS_Sleep(200); $fileTransportInfo = $sonos->GetTransportInfo(); } } // reset to what was playing before $sonos->SetAVTransportURI($mediaInfo["CurrentURI"], $mediaInfo["CurrentURIMetaData"]); if ($positionInfo["Track"] > 1) { $sonos->Seek("TRACK_NR", $positionInfo["Track"]); } if ($positionInfo["TrackDuration"] != "0:00:00") { $sonos->Seek("REL_TIME", $positionInfo["RelTime"]); } if ($volumeChange != 0) { // set back volume if ($isGroupCoordinator) { $this->SetGroupVolume($volume); } else { $this->SetVolume($volume); } } if ($transportInfo == 1) { $sonos->Play(); } }
/** * Query Nut daemon */ public function Query() { $nut_data = array(); $pid = $this->GetParent(); //open socket IPS_SetProperty($pid, 'Open', true); IPS_ApplyChanges($pid); //LIST UPS command $ups = $this->GetUPSname(); if (empty($ups)) { $this->SetBuffer(""); $this->SendText("LIST UPS\n"); IPS_Sleep(1000); $in = $this->GetBuffer(); $lines = explode("\n", $in); $this->SetBuffer(""); //extract UPS Name to query (assume only one!) if (isset($lines[1]) && preg_match('/^UPS\\s+(\\w+)\\s+"(.*)"/', $lines[1], $res)) { $ups = $res[1]; $this->SetUPSname($ups); } } //query named UPS if (!empty($ups)) { $this->SendText("LIST VAR {$ups} \n"); //wait IPS_Sleep(1000); //get response $in = $this->GetBuffer(); //cleaning $this->SetBuffer(""); //translate response into array $nut = $this->format_data($in); if (count($nut) > 1) { //more than one valid row found, looks good //parse $nut_data = $this->Parse($nut); } else { IPS_LogMessage(__CLASS__, 'no valid VAR data found for UPS $ups'); } } else { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, "UPSname property not set and no UPS found"); } //Socket close=terminate IPS_SetProperty($pid, 'Open', false); IPS_ApplyChanges($pid); if (count($nut_data) > 0) { $this->SendENData($nut_data); } }
/** * Query Device with given command * ToDo:Replace polling var with semaphore * @param $cmd * @return bool|string Record from Device */ private function Poll($cmd) { $result = ""; if ($this->isPolling()) { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'already running, canceled'); return $result; } //send to device $this->SetBuffer(''); $tosend = chr(0xfe) . chr($cmd) . chr(0xfc); $this->SendDataToParent($tosend); //waiting for response $rcount = 0; $inbuf = ''; $ende = false; $this->SetPolling(true); IPS_Sleep(1000); $buffer = $this->GetBuffer(); $fstart = false; $indata = str_split($buffer); $il = count($indata); $z = 0; while ($il > 0) { $z++; $bt = $indata[0]; $b = ord($bt); if ($b == 0xfe) { $fstart = true; break; } else { array_splice($indata, 0, 1); $il = count($indata); continue; //waitfor start } //if 02 } //while il if ($fstart) { $il = count($indata); //start recording bytes until end byte and do escapes $escape = false; while ($il > 0) { $bt = $indata[0]; $b = ord($bt); array_splice($indata, 0, 1); $il = count($indata); if ($b == 0xf8) { $escape = true; continue; } else { if ($escape) { $b--; $escape = false; $z++; $inbuf = $inbuf . chr($b); } else { $z++; $inbuf = $inbuf . chr($b); if ($b == 0xfc) { $ende = true; break; //for } //fc } //esc } //f8 $rcount++; } //while il } //if start $this->SetPolling(false); if (!$ende) { if ($rcount = 0) { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'no data'); } if ($rcount > 0) { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, ' wrong data: ' . strToHex($inbuf)); } return false; } //if !ende $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'RAW: ' . strlen($inbuf) . ' bytes: ' . strToHex($inbuf)); $this->SetBuffer(''); $datum = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); $vid = $this->GetIDForIdent('LastUpdate'); SetValueString($vid, $datum); return $inbuf; }
public function Learn() { $GatewayPassword = $this->GetPassword(); if ($GatewayPassword !== "") { $address = file_get_contents("http://" . $this->GetIPGateway() . "/command?XC_USER=user&XC_PASS="******"&XC_FNC=LearnSC&type=IT"); } else { $address = file_get_contents("http://" . $this->GetIPGateway() . "/command?XC_FNC=LearnSC&type=IT"); } //kurze Pause während das Gateway im Lernmodus ist IPS_Sleep(1000); //1000 ms if ($address == "{XC_ERR}Failed to learn code") { $this->response = false; $instance = IPS_GetInstance($this->InstanceID)["InstanceID"]; $address = "Das Gateway konnte keine Adresse empfangen."; IPS_LogMessage("IT Adresse:", $address); echo "Die Adresse vom IT Gerät konnte nicht angelernt werden."; IPS_SetProperty($instance, "LearnITCode", false); //Haken entfernen. } else { //Adresse auswerten {XC_SUC} //bei Erfolg {XC_SUC}{"CODE":"03"} //bei machen Rückmeldung {XC_SUC}{"CODE":"010006"} //FC 01 = B DC 00 = 1 und an/aus $length = strlen($address); if ($length == 25) { (string) ($address = substr($address, 17, 4)); IPS_LogMessage("IT Adresse:", $address); // Anpassen der Daten $address = str_split($address); $ITDeviceCode = $address[2] . $address[3]; //Devicecode $ITFamilyCode = $address[0] . $address[1]; // Familencode $hexsfc = array("00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09"); $itfc = array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"); $ITFamilyCode = str_replace($hexsfc, $itfc, $ITFamilyCode); $hexsdc = array("00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09"); $itdc = array("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"); $ITDeviceCode = str_replace($hexsdc, $itdc, $ITDeviceCode); } elseif ($length == 21) { (string) ($address = substr($address, 17, 2)); IPS_LogMessage("IT Adresse:", $address); // Anpassen der Daten $address = str_split($address); $ITDeviceCode = $address[1] + 1; //Devicecode auf Original umrechen +1 $ITFamilyCode = $address[0]; // Zahlencode in Buchstaben Familencode umwandeln $hexsend = array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"); $itfc = array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"); $ITFamilyCode = str_replace($hexsend, $itfc, $ITFamilyCode); } $this->AddAddress($ITFamilyCode, $ITDeviceCode); $this->response = true; } return $this->response; }
/** * Set IO properties */ private function SyncParent() { $ParentID = $this->GetParent(); if ($ParentID > 0) { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'entered'); $ParentInstance = IPS_GetInstance($ParentID); if ($ParentInstance['ModuleInfo']['ModuleID'] == $this->module_interfaces['SerialPort']) { if (IPS_GetProperty($ParentID, 'DataBits') != 8) { IPS_SetProperty($ParentID, 'DataBits', 8); } if (IPS_GetProperty($ParentID, 'StopBits') != 1) { IPS_SetProperty($ParentID, 'StopBits', 1); } if (IPS_GetProperty($ParentID, 'BaudRate') != 9600) { IPS_SetProperty($ParentID, 'BaudRate', 9600); } if (IPS_GetProperty($ParentID, 'Parity') != 'None') { IPS_SetProperty($ParentID, 'Parity', "None"); } if (IPS_HasChanges($ParentID)) { IPS_SetProperty($ParentID, 'Open', false); @IPS_ApplyChanges($ParentID); IPS_Sleep(200); $port = IPS_GetProperty($ParentID, 'Port'); if ($port) { IPS_SetProperty($ParentID, 'Open', true); @IPS_ApplyChanges($ParentID); } } } //serialPort } //parentID }
/** * Timer Event to read current data record from AHA Device(e.g.Fritzbox) * discard output */ public function UpdateEvent() { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'UpdateEvent'); //delay random time to prevent timer clash $delay = rand(500, 5000); IPS_Sleep($delay); $this->Query(); }
/** * Send commands to enable !Wire HMS Emulation */ private function init_onewire() { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, "Entered"); //get message variable $lmid = $this->GetIDForIdent('AuxMessage'); //$devid=getVid('OneWireDevices',$reg); #read OW-IDs IPS_Sleep(1000); $this->SendText("Of\r\n"); IPS_Sleep(2000); $this->SendText("OHo\r\n"); IPS_Sleep(2000); $res = substr(GetValueString($lmid), 0, 2); if ($res != "ON") { $this->SendText("OHo\r\n"); IPS_Sleep(1500); $res = substr(GetValueString($lmid), 0, 2); } if ($res == "ON") { #set 180s intervall $this->SendText("OHt180\r\n"); IPS_Sleep(1500); $res = GetValueString($lmid); $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, "Set OW HMS Timer 180s:{$res}"); } else { IPS_LogMessage(__CLASS__, "Onewire: Failed to set HMS modus({$res})"); } SetValueString($lmid, ""); }
/** * Query APCUPSD daemon */ public function Query() { $apc_data = array(); $pid = $this->GetParent(); //open socket IPS_SetProperty($pid, 'Open', true); IPS_ApplyChanges($pid); //LIST UPS command $this->SetBuffer(""); $this->SendText(chr(0) . chr(6) . "status"); IPS_Sleep(1000); $in = $this->GetBuffer(); $apc = $this->format_data($in); $this->SetBuffer(""); if (isset($apc['APC']) && preg_match("/^(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+)/", $apc['APC'])) { $apc_data = $this->Parse($apc); } else { IPS_LogMessage(__CLASS__, 'no valid ups data found'); } //Socket close=terminate IPS_SetProperty($pid, 'Open', false); IPS_ApplyChanges($pid); if (count($apc_data) > 0) { $this->SendENData($apc_data); } }
/** * MBMaster_Update(); */ public function Update() { $this->Log('Update ...'); $tstart = microtime(true); include_once __DIR__ . "/lib/ModbusMaster.php"; $URL = "http://" . $this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress"); if (!Sys_Ping($this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress"), 1000)) { $this->SetStatus(201); trigger_error("Invalid IP-Address", E_USER_ERROR); exit; } if ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("GatewayMode") === 0) { $modbus = new ModbusMasterTcp($this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress")); } else { $modbus = new ModbusMasterUdp($this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress")); } $count = 2; if ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("Poller") < 1000) { $count = 1000 / $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Poller"); } for ($index = 1; $index < $count; $index++) { $this->Log('Update (' . $count . ') | ' . number_format((microtime(true) - $tstart) * 1000, 2) . ' ms'); $tstartfor = microtime(true); $data = array(); // FC 1 Rücklesen mehrerer digitaler Ausgänge if ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("CoilsQuantity") > 0) { try { if (IPS_SemaphoreEnter("ModbusMaster", 1000)) { $this->Log('Update (FC1) | ' . number_format((microtime(true) - $tstart) * 1000, 2) . ' ms'); $recData = $modbus->readCoils($this->ReadPropertyInteger("DeviceID"), $this->ReadPropertyInteger("CoilsReference"), $this->ReadPropertyInteger("CoilsQuantity")); IPS_SemaphoreLeave("ModbusMaster"); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->SetStatus(200); trigger_error("ModbusMaster: " . $e->getMessage() . "!", E_USER_ERROR); exit; } $Address = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("CoilsReference"); foreach ($recData as $Value) { $data["FC1"][$Address] = $Value; $Address++; } } // FC 2 Lesen mehrerer digitaler Eingänge if ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("DiscretesQuantity") > 0) { try { if (IPS_SemaphoreEnter("ModbusMaster", 1000)) { $this->Log('Update (FC2) | ' . number_format((microtime(true) - $tstart) * 1000, 2) . ' ms'); $recData = $modbus->readInputDiscretes($this->ReadPropertyInteger("DeviceID"), $this->ReadPropertyInteger("DiscretesReference"), $this->ReadPropertyInteger("DiscretesQuantity")); IPS_SemaphoreLeave("ModbusMaster"); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->SetStatus(200); trigger_error("ModbusMaster: " . $e->getMessage() . "!", E_USER_ERROR); exit; } $Address = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("DiscretesReference"); foreach ($recData as $Value) { $data["FC2"][$Address] = $Value; $Address++; } } // FC 3 Lesen mehrerer analoger Eingänge(und Ausgänge) if ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("RegistersQuantity") > 0) { try { if (IPS_SemaphoreEnter("ModbusMaster", 1000)) { $this->Log('Update (FC3) | ' . number_format((microtime(true) - $tstart) * 1000, 2) . ' ms'); $recData = $modbus->readMultipleRegisters($this->ReadPropertyInteger("DeviceID"), $this->ReadPropertyInteger("RegistersReference"), $this->ReadPropertyInteger("RegistersQuantity")); IPS_SemaphoreLeave("ModbusMaster"); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->SetStatus(200); trigger_error("ModbusMaster: " . $e->getMessage() . "!", E_USER_ERROR); exit; } $Address = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("RegistersReference"); $Values = array_chunk($recData, count($recData) / $this->ReadPropertyInteger("RegistersQuantity")); foreach ($Values as $Value) { $data["FC3"][$Address] = $Value; $Address++; } } // FC 4 Lesen mehrerer analoger Eingänge(und Ausgänge) if ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("InputRegistersQuantity") > 0) { try { if (IPS_SemaphoreEnter("ModbusMaster", 1000)) { $this->Log('Update (FC4) | ' . number_format((microtime(true) - $tstart) * 1000, 2) . ' ms'); $recData = $modbus->readMultipleInputRegisters($this->ReadPropertyInteger("DeviceID"), $this->ReadPropertyInteger("InputRegistersReference"), $this->ReadPropertyInteger("InputRegistersQuantity")); IPS_SemaphoreLeave("ModbusMaster"); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->SetStatus(200); trigger_error("ModbusMaster: " . $e->getMessage() . "!", E_USER_ERROR); exit; } $Address = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("InputRegistersReference"); $Values = array_chunk($recData, count($recData) / $this->ReadPropertyInteger("InputRegistersQuantity")); foreach ($Values as $Value) { $data["FC4"][$Address] = $Value; $Address++; } } $this->SendDataToChildren(json_encode(array("DataID" => "{449015FB-6717-4BB6-9F95-F69945CE1272}", "Buffer" => json_encode($data)))); $this->SetStatus(102); // $this->Log(number_format(((microtime(true)-$tstart)*1000),2) . ' ms'); if ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("Poller") < 1000) { $Sleep = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Poller") - (microtime(true) - $tstartfor) * 1000; if ($Sleep > 0) { IPS_Sleep($Sleep); } } // $this->Log(number_format(((microtime(true)-$tstart)*1000),2) . ' ms'); } $this->Log('Update! | ' . number_format((microtime(true) - $tstart) * 1000, 2) . ' ms'); }
$eventName = IPS_GetName($_IPS['EVENT']); foreach (IPSEDIP_GetConfiguration() as $configId=>$configData) { if (substr($eventName,0,strlen($configId))==$configId) { if ($configData[EDIP_CONFIG_REFRESHMETHOD]==EDIP_REFRESHMETHOD_EVENT or $configData[EDIP_CONFIG_REFRESHMETHOD]==EDIP_REFRESHMETHOD_BOTH) { $result = IPS_SemaphoreEnter($configId, 0); if (!$result) { IPSLogger_Trc(__file__, "Refresh is already in Process - ignore ..."); return; } IPSLogger_Trc(__file__, "Refresh EDIP by Event=$eventName"); IPS_Sleep(1000); IPS_SemaphoreLeave($configId); $instanceClass = $configData[EDIP_CONFIG_CLASSNAME]; $instanceId = IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($configId, EDIP_ID_PROGRAM); include_once $instanceClass.'.class.php'; $edip = new $instanceClass($instanceId); $edip->RefreshDisplay(); } } } /** @}*/ ?>
/** * Enter/Lock semaphore * @param $resource * @return bool */ protected function SemEnter($resource) { for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { if (IPS_SemaphoreEnter($this->name . "-" . $resource, 1)) { return true; } else { IPS_Sleep(mt_rand(1, 3)); } } return false; }