function Entertainment_Before_SendData($Parameters) { if ($Parameters[0]==c_Comm_WinLIRC and $Parameters[1]=='yamahareceiver') { $Button = $Parameters[2]; // Special Handling for Muting of YamahaReceiver: Use InputSelector Phone for Muting, // Switch back to current Input when Muting Off // ================================================================================== if ($Button == "muteon") { IPSLogger_Dbg(__file__, "Set Muting 'On' for Yamaha Receiver (Switch to Phone Input)"); WinLIRC_SendData(array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'yamahareceiver', 'phone')); return false; // Abort current Processing } else if ($Button=='muteoff') { $RoomId = get_RoomId(c_Room_LivingRoom); $SourceIdx = get_SourceIdxByRoomId($RoomId); Entertainment_SendDataBySourceIdx($RoomId, $SourceIdx, c_MessageType_Action); return false; // Abort current Processing // Special Handling for Yamaha Tuner, YamahaReceiver supports only Previous/Next Station for Tuner // --> Simulate Buttons for Station "1" - "8" by Previous and Next. // =============================================================================================== } else if ($Button == "0" or $Button == "1" or $Button == "2" or $Button == "3" or $Button == "4" or $Button == "5" or $Button == "6" or $Button == "7") { $ControlId = get_ControlIdByDeviceName(c_Device_YamahaTuner, c_Control_Program); $StationNew = GetValue($ControlId); $StationObj = IPS_GetObject($ControlId); $StationCurr = $StationObj["ObjectInfo"]; IPSLogger_Trc(__file__, "Switch YamahaTuner from StationCurrent=".$StationCurr." to StationNew=".$StationNew); if ($StationNew-$StationCurr <= 4 and $StationNew-$StationCurr >= 0) { $IRButton = 'presetnext'; $Count = $StationNew-$StationCurr; } else if (($StationCurr-$StationNew) < 0) { $IRButton = 'presetlast'; $Count = 8-($StationNew-$StationCurr); } else if (($StationCurr-$StationNew) <= 4) { $IRButton = 'presetlast'; $Count = $StationCurr-$StationNew; } else { $IRButton = 'presetnext'; $Count = 8-$StationCurr+$StationNew; } IPS_SetInfo ($ControlId, $StationNew); IPSLogger_Dbg(__file__, "Switch Yamaha TunerStation from ".$StationCurr." to ".$StationNew." ==> ".$Count."x ".$IRButton); for ($idx=1; $idx<=$Count; $idx++) { include_once "Entertainment_InterfaceWinLIRC.ips.php"; WinLIRC_SendData(array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'yamahareceiver', $IRButton)); sleep(0.2); } return false; // Abort current Processing } } return true; }
/** * @public * * Initialisierung eines IPSComponentShutter_FS20 Objektes * * @param integer $instanceId InstanceId des FS20 Devices */ public function __construct($instanceId) { $this->instanceId = IPSUtil_ObjectIDByPath($instanceId); $this->isRunningId = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent('isrunning', $this->instanceId); if($this->isRunningId===false) { $this->isRunningId = IPS_CreateVariable(0); IPS_SetParent($this->isRunningId, $this->instanceId); IPS_SetName($this->isRunningId, 'IsRunning'); IPS_SetIdent($this->isRunningId, 'isrunning'); IPS_SetInfo($this->isRunningId, "This Variable was created by Script IPSComponentShutter_FS20"); } }
public function Create() { //Never delete this line! parent::Create(); $this->RegisterPropertyString("Username", ""); $this->RegisterPropertyString("Password", ""); $this->RegisterPropertyString("APIKey", ""); $this->RegisterPropertyInteger("Update", 600); IPS_SetInfo($this->InstanceID, 'Request an API key at'); // Create Update Script $ID = $this->RegisterScript("FoobotUpdate", "Foobot Update", $this->CreateUpdateScript(), -8); IPS_SetScriptTimer($ID, $this->ReadPropertyString('Update')); IPS_SetHidden($ID, true); }
/** * constructor * * @throws Exception if $type is not valid * @access public */ public function __construct($parentId, $name, $content, $debug = false) { $this->parentId = $parentId; $this->name = $name; $this->content = $content; $this->debug = $debug; $this->id = @IPS_GetScriptIDByName($this->name, $this->parentId); //check if event does already exist if ($this->id == false) { if ($this->debug) { echo "INFO - create IPS script {$name}\n"; } $this->id = IPS_CreateScript(0); IPS_SetName($this->id, $this->name); IPS_SetParent($this->id, $this->parentId); IPS_SetScriptContent($this->id, $this->content); IPS_SetInfo($this->id, "this script was created by script " . $_IPS['SELF'] . " which is part of the ips-library ("); } }
public function SetState(boolean $NewState) { if (!$this->ReadPropertyInteger('ProJetDevice')) { die('Invalid or no ProJetDevice selected!'); } $ID = $this->GetIDForIdent('STATE'); $OldState = GetValue($ID); $dimState = $this->ReadPropertyInteger('DimState'); if ($OldState != $NewState) { if ($dimState) { $deviceId = $this->ReadPropertyInteger('ProJetDevice'); } if ($OldState) { $DeviceColor = $this->DeviceColor(); IPS_SetInfo($ID, serialize($DeviceColor)); if ($dimState) { PJ_DimRGBW($deviceId, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0); self::_UpdateColor(array(0, 0, 0), false); } else { $DeviceColor = 0; } } else { if (!($DeviceColor = unserialize(IPS_GetInfo($ID)))) { $DeviceColor = 8355711; } if ($dimState) { $rgb = self::Int2Rgb($DeviceColor); PJ_DimRGBW($deviceId, $rgb[0], 2, $rgb[1], 2, $rgb[2], 2, 0, 0); self::_UpdateColor($rgb, false); } } if (!$dimState) { self::_UpdateColor($DeviceColor); } } }
/** * constructor * * second constructor: create the variable in symcon if it does not exist * * @param string $name name of the variable * @param integer $type IPS datatype * @param integer $parent id of the variables parent, this defines where the variable will be created * @param mixed $value initially set a variable value * @param IPSVariableProfile $profile variable profile for this variable * @param boolean $enableLogging enables or disables the ips functionality to log variable changes in a database * @param integer $archiveId instance id of the archive control (usually located in IPS\core) * @param integer $aggregationType logging aggregation: 0 = gauge, 1 = counter * @param boolean $debug enables / disables debug information * * @throws Exception if the parameter \$profile is not an IPSVariableProfile datatype * @access public */ private function __construct2($name, $type, $parent, $profile = NULL, $enableLogging = false, $archiveId = NULL, $aggregationType = 0, $debug = false) { if (isset($profile) && !$profile instanceof IPSVariableProfile) { throw new Exception("Parameter \$profile must be an instance of IPSVariableProfile! \$name of the variable is '{$name}'"); } $this->name = $name; $this->type = $type; $this->parent = $parent; $this->profile = $profile; $this->enableLogging = $enableLogging; $this->archiveId = $archiveId; $this->aggregationType = $aggregationType; $this->debug = $debug; $this->id = @IPS_GetVariableIDByName($name, $parent); if ($this->id == false) { if ($this->debug) { echo "INFO - create IPS variable {$name}\n"; } $this->id = IPS_CreateVariable($this->type); IPS_SetName($this->id, $name); IPS_SetParent($this->id, $parent); IPS_SetInfo($this->id, "this variable was created by script " . $_IPS['SELF'] . " which is part of the ips-library ("); if (isset($profile)) { IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($this->id, $profile->getName()); } $this->verifyVariableLogging(); } }
/** * constructor * * @throws Exception if $type is not valid * @access public */ public function __construct($parentId, $trigger, $type, $name, $debug = false) { if (!($type == self::tUPDATE || $type == self::tCHANGE || $type == self::tCAP || $type == self::tFLOOR || $type == self::tVALUE)) { throw new Exception("Parameter \$type must be a valid trigger event type, see ip symcon documentation"); } if ($type == self::tCAP || $type == self::tFLOOR || $type == self::tVALUE) { throw new Exception("Only TriggerEvents of type UPDATE and CHANGE are implemented yet."); } $this->parentId = $parentId; $this->trigger = $trigger; $this->type = $type; $this->name = $name; $this->debug = $debug; $this->id = @IPS_GetEventIDByName($this->name, $this->parentId); //check if event does already exist if ($this->id == false) { if ($this->debug) { echo "INFO - create IPS event {$name}\n"; } $this->id = IPS_CreateEvent(0); //create trigger event and store id IPS_SetName($this->id, $this->name); //set event name IPS_SetEventTrigger($this->id, $this->type, $this->trigger); //configure event trigger IPS_SetParent($this->id, $this->parentId); //move event to parent (this will be called when trigger occurs) IPS_SetInfo($this->id, "this event was created by script " . $_IPS['SELF'] . " which is part of the ips-library ("); $this->activate(); } }
/** * constructor * * @throws Exception if $type is not valid * @access public */ public function __construct($parentId, $name, $cycle, $debug = false) { $this->parentId = $parentId; $this->name = $name; $this->cycle = $cycle; $this->debug = $debug; $this->id = @IPS_GetEventIDByName($this->name, $this->parentId); //check if event does already exist if ($this->id == false) { if ($this->debug) { echo "INFO - create IPS event {$name}\n"; } $this->id = IPS_CreateEvent(1); //create trigger event and store id IPS_SetName($this->id, $this->name); //set event name IPS_SetParent($this->id, $this->parentId); //move event to parent (this will be called when trigger occurs) IPS_SetEventCyclic($this->id, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, $cycle); //every $cycle seconds IPS_SetInfo($this->id, "this event was created by script " . $_IPS['SELF'] . " which is part of the ips-library ("); $this->activate(); } }
public function GenerateMediaObjectEx(string $Text, int $MediaID, string $Format, string $Codec, string $Language) { if ($MediaID == 0) { $MediaID = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent('Voice', $this->InstanceID); } if ($MediaID > 0) { if (IPS_MediaExists($MediaID) === false) { trigger_error('MediaObject not exists.', E_USER_NOTICE); } return false; if (IPS_GetMedia($MediaID)['MediaType'] != 2) { trigger_error('Wrong MediaType', E_USER_NOTICE); } return false; } $raw = $this->LoadTTSFile($Text, '', 0, $Format, $Codec, $Language, true); if ($raw === false) { return false; } if ($MediaID === false) { $MediaID = IPS_CreateMedia(2); IPS_SetMediaCached($MediaID, true); IPS_SetName($MediaID, 'Voice'); IPS_SetParent($MediaID, $this->InstanceID); IPS_SetIdent($MediaID, 'Voice'); } $Filename = 'media' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $MediaID . '.' . strtolower($Codec); IPS_SetMediaFile($MediaID, $Filename, False); IPS_SetMediaContent($MediaID, base64_encode($raw)); IPS_SetInfo($MediaID, $Text); return $MediaID; }
protected function SetTimerByIdent_InSekunden($ident, $Sekunden) { $eid = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($ident, $this->InstanceID); if ($eid === false) { $eid = IPS_CreateEvent(1); IPS_SetParent($eid, $this->InstanceID); IPS_SetName($eid, $ident); IPS_SetIdent($eid, $ident); IPS_SetEventScript($eid, 'HMON_Benachrichtigung($_IPS[\'TARGET\'], false, true);'); IPS_SetInfo($eid, "this timer was created by script #" . $_IPS['SELF']); } if ($Sekunden === false) { IPS_SetEventActive($eid, false); return $eid; } else { IPS_SetEventCyclicTimeFrom($eid, intval(date("H", time() + $Sekunden)), intval(date("i", time() + $Sekunden)), intval(date("s", time() + $Sekunden))); IPS_SetEventActive($eid, true); return $eid; } }