Ejemplo n.º 1
<table class="FormTable Sortable AltColumns<?php 
    echo $CssClass;
" id="CategoryTable">
      <tr id="0">
    echo T('Category');
         <th class="Alt"><?php 
    echo T('Description');
    echo HoverHelp(T('Url'), T('A url-friendly version of the category name for better SEO.'));
         <th class="Alt"><?php 
    echo T('Options');
    $Alt = FALSE;
    foreach ($this->CategoryData->Result() as $Category) {
        $Alt = $Alt ? FALSE : TRUE;
        $CssClass = $Alt ? 'Alt' : '';
        $CssClass .= $Category->AllowDiscussions == '1' ? ' Child' : ' Parent';
Ejemplo n.º 2
include $this->FetchViewLocation('menu', 'candy');

<table class="AltRows">
echo HoverHelp('URI', '');
echo HoverHelp('RequestUri', '');
echo HoverHelp(T('Options'), '');

foreach ($this->RouteDataSet as $Route) {
    $Alt = !$Alt;
    $Row = '';
    $Row .= '<td>' . Anchor($Route->URI, $Route->URI) . '</td>';
    $Row .= '<td>' . Anchor($Route->RequestUri, $Route->RequestUri) . '</td>';
    $Options = array();
    if ($PermissionRoutesManage) {
        $Options[] = Anchor(T('Delete'), 'candy/routes/delete/' . base64_encode($Route->URI), 'SmallButton RemoveItem');