function Logout() { unset($_SESSION['user']); session_unset(); session_destroy(); Header("Location:Home.php", TRUE); }
public function getfiles() { //检查文件是否存在 if (file_exists($this->_filepath)) { //打开文件 $file = fopen($this->_filepath, "r"); //返回的文件类型 Header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); //按照字节大小返回 Header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); //返回文件的大小 Header("Accept-Length: " . filesize($this->_filepath)); //这里对客户端的弹出对话框,对应的文件名 Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $this->_filename); //修改之前,一次性将数据传输给客户端 echo fread($file, filesize($this->_filepath)); //修改之后,一次只传输1024个字节的数据给客户端 //向客户端回送数据 $buffer = 1024; // //判断文件是否读完 while (!feof($file)) { //将文件读入内存 $file_data = fread($file, $buffer); //每次向客户端回送1024个字节的数据 echo $file_data; } fclose($file); } else { echo "<script>alert('对不起,您要下载的文件不存在');</script>"; } }
function getCode($num, $w, $h) { // 去掉了 0 1 O l 等 $str = "23456789abcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz"; $code = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $code .= $str[mt_rand(0, strlen($str) - 1)]; } //将生成的验证码写入session,备验证页面使用 $_SESSION["my_checkcode"] = $code; //创建图片,定义颜色值 Header("Content-type: image/PNG"); $im = imagecreate($w, $h); $black = imagecolorallocate($im, mt_rand(0, 200), mt_rand(0, 120), mt_rand(0, 120)); $gray = imagecolorallocate($im, 118, 151, 199); $bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($im, 235, 236, 237); //画背景 imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $w, $h, $bgcolor); //画边框 imagerectangle($im, 0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1, $gray); //imagefill($im, 0, 0, $bgcolor); //在画布上随机生成大量点,起干扰作用; for ($i = 0; $i < 80; $i++) { imagesetpixel($im, rand(0, $w), rand(0, $h), $black); } //将字符随机显示在画布上,字符的水平间距和位置都按一定波动范围随机生成 $strx = rand(5, 10); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $strpos = rand(1, 6); imagestring($im, 20, $strx, $strpos, substr($code, $i, 1), $black); $strx += $w / 5; } imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im); }
function getClient() { $config = (include __DIR__ . '/ini.php'); $client = new Google_Client(); $client->setApplicationName("Webkameleon"); $client->setClientId($config['oauth2_client_id']); $client->setClientSecret($config['oauth2_client_secret']); $client->setRedirectUri($config['oauth2_redirect_uri']); $client->setScopes($config['oauth2_scopes']); $client->setState('offline'); $client->setAccessType('offline'); $client->setApprovalPrompt('force'); if (isset($_GET['code'])) { $client->authenticate($_GET['code']); die($client->getAccessToken()); } elseif (!isset($config['token'])) { Header('Location: ' . $client->createAuthUrl()); } else { $client->setAccessToken($config['token']); if ($client->isAccessTokenExpired()) { $token = json_decode($config['token'], true); $client->refreshToken($token['refresh_token']); } } return $client; }
public function handler() { global $tmpl, $page, $ms; if (isset($this->rights)) { /* If authentication is enabled, check permissions */ if ($ms->getOption("authentication") == "Y" && !$ms->checkPermissions($this->rights)) { $ms->throwError("<img src=\"" . ICON_CHAINS . "\" alt=\"chain icon\" /> " . _("Manage Chains"), _("You do not have enough permissions to access this module!")); return 0; } } switch ($page->action) { case 'overview': case 'chains': case 'pipes': case 'bandwidth': case 'options': case 'about': case 'tasklist': case 'update-iana': case 'list': $content = $this->showList(); break; case 'edit': case 'new': $content = $this->showEdit(); break; } if ($ms->get_header('Location')) { Header('Location: ' . $ms->get_header('Location')); return false; } if (isset($content)) { $tmpl->assign('content', $content); } }
function action_snippet_exporte(){ global $auteur_session; $arg = _request('arg'); $args = explode(":",$arg); $hash = _request('hash'); $id_auteur = $auteur_session['id_auteur']; $redirect = _request('redirect'); if ($redirect==NULL) $redirect=""; include_spip("inc/securiser_action"); if (verifier_action_auteur("snippet_exporte-$arg",$hash,$id_auteur)==TRUE) { $table = $args[0]; $id = $args[1]; $f = snippets_fond_exporter($table, false); if ($f) { include_spip('public/assembler'); $out = recuperer_fond($f,array('id'=>intval($id))); //$out = preg_replace(",\n\n[\s]*(?=\n),","",$out); $filename=str_replace(":","_",$arg); if (preg_match(",<titre>(.*)</titre>,Uims",$out,$regs)) $filename = preg_replace(',[^-_\w]+,', '_', trim(translitteration(textebrut(typo($regs[1]))))); $extension = "xml"; Header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=".$GLOBALS['meta']['charset']); Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename.$extension"); Header("Content-Length: ".strlen($out)); echo $out; exit(); } } redirige_par_entete(str_replace("&","&",urldecode($redirect))); }
public function registerWithFacebook() { if ($this->registration->registerWithFacebook()) { Header('Location:' . URL); } else { } }
function render() { $tplHelper = $this->getTplHelper(array()); # Controleer de users' rechten $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_statics, ''); # vraag de content op $mergedInfo = $this->mergeFiles($tplHelper->getStaticFiles($this->_params['type'])); # Er is een bug met mod_deflate en mod_fastcgi welke ervoor zorgt dat de content-length # header niet juist geupdate wordt. Als we dus mod_fastcgi detecteren, dan sturen we # content-length header niet mee if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_HANDLER']) && $_SERVER['REDIRECT_HANDLER'] != 'php-fastcgi') { Header("Content-Length: " . strlen($mergedInfo['body'])); } # if # en stuur de versie specifieke content switch ($this->_params['type']) { case 'css': Header('Content-Type: text/css'); Header('Vary: Accept-Encoding'); // sta toe dat proxy servers dit cachen break; case 'js': Header('Content-Type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8'); break; case 'ico': Header('Content-Type: image/x-icon'); break; } # switch # stuur de expiration headers $this->sendExpireHeaders(false); # stuur de last-modified header Header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $tplHelper->getStaticModTime($this->_params['type'])) . " GMT"); echo $mergedInfo['body']; }
function render() { $spotnntp_hdr = new SpotNntp($this->_settings->get('nntp_hdr')); # Controleer de users' rechten $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_spotimage, ''); # Haal de volledige spotinhoud op $fullSpot = $this->_tplHelper->getFullSpot($this->_messageid, true); # sluit de connectie voor de header, en open een nieuwe connectie voor de nzb $spotnntp_hdr->quit(); $spotnntp_img = new SpotNntp($this->_settings->get('nntp_nzb')); # Images mogen gecached worden op de client $this->sendExpireHeaders(false); # # is het een array met een segment nummer naar de image, of is het # een string met de URL naar de image? # if (is_array($fullSpot['image'])) { Header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); echo $spotnntp_img->getImage($fullSpot['image']['segment']); } else { $x = file_get_contents($fullSpot['image']); foreach ($http_response_header as $hdr) { if (substr($hdr, 0, strlen('Content-Type: ')) == 'Content-Type: ') { header($hdr); } # if } # foreach echo $x; } # else }
private function executarLogin() { $this->system->load->dao('login'); $dados = $this->system->login->getLoginDao($this->system->input['usuario'], $this->system->input['senha']); if ($dados) { $this->system->session->addItem('session_cod_usuario', $dados->id); $this->system->session->addItem('session_logged_in', true); $this->system->session->addItem('session_nome', $dados->nome); $this->system->session->addItem('session_email', $dados->email); $this->system->session->addItem('session_senha', $dados->senha); $this->system->session->addItem('session_nivel', $dados->nivel); switch($dados->nivel) { case 1: $nivel = 'administrador'; break; case 2: $nivel = 'coordenador'; break; } $this->permitido = true; $this->system->login->updateEntrada(); Header('location: /lms/' . $nivel . '/dashboard/home'); } }
function get_VM($user, $mid, &$errors) { global $config, $lang_str; if (!$this->connect_to_db($errors)) { return false; } $q = "select subject, file from " . $config->data_sql->table_voice_silo . " where mid=" . $mid . " and " . $this->get_indexing_sql_where_phrase_uri($user); $res = $this->db->query($q); if (DB::isError($res)) { log_errors($res, $errors); return false; } if (!$res->numRows()) { $errors[] = $lang_str['err_voice_msg_not_found']; return false; } $row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT); $res->free(); @($fp = fopen($config->voice_silo_dir . $row->file, 'r')); if (!$fp) { $errors[] = $lang_str['err_can_not_open_message']; return false; } Header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=" . RawURLEncode(($row->subject ? $row->subject : "received message") . ".wav")); Header("Content-type: audio/wav"); @fpassthru($fp); @fclose($fp); return true; }
function getCode($num, $w, $h) { $code = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $code .= rand(0, 9); } //4位验证码也可以用rand(1000,9999)直接生成 //将生成的验证码写入session,备验证页面使用 $_SESSION['yzm'] = $code; //setcookie("mimi", md5($code), time()+1200); //创建图片,定义颜色值 Header("Content-type: image/PNG"); $im = imagecreate($w, $h); $black = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 0, 63); $gray = imagecolorallocate($im, 200, 200, 200); $bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); imagefill($im, 0, 0, $bgcolor); //画边框 //imagerectangle($im, 0, 0, $w-1, $h-1, $black); //在画布上随机生成大量黑点,起干扰作用; for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { imagesetpixel($im, rand(0, $w), rand(0, $h), $black); } //将数字随机显示在画布上,字符的水平间距和位置都按一定波动范围随机生成 $strx = rand(1, 3); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $strpos = rand(2, 6); imagestring($im, 5, $strx, $strpos, substr($code, $i, 1), $black); $strx += rand(8, 12); } imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im); }
function logon() { Header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic Realm=\"phpOracleAdmin\""); Header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); echo "Access Denied!"; exit; }
public function Output($name = 'mescontacts.pdf', $dest = 'I') { Header('Pragma: public'); error_reporting(0); parent::Output($name, $dest); error_reporting($this->report); }
function sendContentTypeHeader($type) { switch ($type) { case 'xml': Header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8"); break; case 'rss': Header("Content-Type: application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8"); break; case 'json': Header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"); break; case 'css': Header("Content-Type: text/css; charset=utf-8"); break; case 'js': Header("Content-Type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8"); break; case 'ico': Header("Content-Type: image/x-icon"); break; default: Header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); break; } # switch }
function create_captcha($width = 60, $height = 32) { session_start(); //生成验证码图片 Header("Content-type: image/PNG"); $im = imagecreate($width, $height); // width and height of image $back = ImageColorAllocate($im, 245, 245, 245); // specify background color imagefill($im, 0, 0, $back); // fill the background color into image $vcodes = ""; srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); //生成4位数字 for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $font = ImageColorAllocate($im, rand(100, 255), rand(0, 100), rand(100, 255)); // 生成随机颜色 $authnum = rand(1, 9); $vcodes .= $authnum; imagestring($im, 5, 2 + $i * 10, 1, $authnum, $font); } for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { // interuppting $randcolor = ImageColorallocate($im, rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255)); imagesetpixel($im, rand() % 70, rand() % 30, $randcolor); // 画像素点函数 } ImagePNG($im); ImageDestroy($im); $_SESSION['captcha'] = $vcodes; }
function excluir() { $id = $this->getParam('id'); $produtosModel = new produtosModel(); $produtosModel->del($id); Header("Location: /produtos"); }
function JPGText($str, $fontname, $fontsize, $backcol, $txtcol) { global $layout; Header("Last-Modified: " . gmDate("D, d M Y H:i:s", Time()) . " GMT"); Header("Expires: " . gmDate("D, d M Y H:i:s", Time() - 3601) . " GMT"); Header("Pragma: no-cache"); Header("Cache-control: no-cache"); Header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); $a = ImageTTFBBox($fontsize, 0, $fontname, $str); $width = $a[2] + 4; $bla = get_maximum_height($fontname, $fontsize); $height = $bla[0] + 3; $bl = $bla[1]; $im = ImageCreate($width, $height); $bgcol = ImageColorAllocate($im, $backcol['red'], $backcol['green'], $backcol['blue']); $fgcol = ImageColorAllocate($im, $txtcol['red'], $txtcol['green'], $txtcol['blue']); if (!function_exists(imagegif)) { imageTTFText($im, $fontsize, 0, 2, $bl + $fontsize / 6 + 2, $fgcol, $fontname, $str); imagejpeg($im, "", 80); } else { ImageColorTransparent($im, $bgcol); imageTTFText($im, $fontsize, 0, 2, $bl + $fontsize / 6 + 2, $fgcol, $fontname, $str); imagegif($im); } ImageDestroy($im); }
function rand_create() { //通知浏览器将要输出PNG图片 Header("Content-type: image/PNG"); //准备好随机数发生器种子 srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); //准备图片的相关参数 $im = imagecreate(62, 20); $black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0); //RGB黑色标识符 $white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); //RGB白色标识符 $gray = ImageColorAllocate($im, 200, 200, 200); //RGB灰色标识符 //开始作图 imagefill($im, 0, 0, $gray); while (($randval = rand() % 100000) < 10000) { } $_SESSION["login_check_num"] = $randval; //将四位整数验证码绘入图片 imagestring($im, 5, 10, 3, $randval, $black); //加入干扰象素 for ($i = 0; $i < 200; $i++) { $randcolor = ImageColorallocate($im, rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255)); imagesetpixel($im, rand() % 70, rand() % 30, $randcolor); } //输出验证图片 ImagePNG($im); //销毁图像标识符 ImageDestroy($im); }
public function edit($id) { if (!$this->isLogged()) { Header('Location: ' . $this->directories . '/users/login'); } // TODO FIX LOCIAL STATEMENT if ($_SESSION['role'] != 'admin') { if ($_SESSION['role'] != 'editor') { Header('Location: ' . $this->directories . '/home/index'); } } $model = new Category(); $model->pageTitle = 'Edit Category'; if (isset($_POST['title'])) { try { $title = $_POST['title']; $model->edit($id, $title); $model->success = 'New name of category - ' . $title . '.'; header("refresh:1;" . $this->directories . '/categories/show'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $model->error = $e->getMessage(); return new View($model); } } return new View($model); }
/** * Load the controller and execute requested action. * * @access public * @return void */ public function loader() { // check the route $this->getController(); // if controller not found, redirect to front page if (is_readable($this->file) == false) { Header("Location: /"); } // include the controller include $this->file; // create new controller class instance $class = $this->controller; $controller = new $class(); // set controller and action names in the template $controller->template->controller = strtolower(preg_replace("/Controller/", "", $this->controller)); $controller->template->action = strtolower($this->action); // set the page title in the template (can be overridden by controllers if required) $controller->template->title = APP_TITLE . " - " . ucfirst(preg_replace("/Controller/", "", $this->controller)) . " - " . ucfirst($this->action); // check if the action is callable, if it's not then default to "index" // action which must be present in all controllers if (is_callable(array($controller, $this->action)) == false) { $action = "index"; } else { $action = $this->action; } // run the action $controller->{$action}(); }
public function index($user = '') { //echo $_GET['user']; if (isset($_SESSION["user_logged_in"]) && $_SESSION["user_logged_in"] == true && isset($_SESSION["username"])) { if ($this->user->checkUserExistAndGetType($user) != '') { if ($this->user->checkUserExistAndGetType($user)->user_account_type == 1) { $this->user_name = $user; $this->view('user_profile/normal_user_profile'); } else { if ($this->user->checkUserExistAndGetType($user)->user_account_type == 3) { $this->user_name = $user; $this->view('user_profile/normal_user_profile'); } else { if ($this->user->checkUserExistAndGetType($user)->user_account_type == 2) { $this->user_name = $user; $this->view('user_profile/cooperate_user_updated'); } } } } else { $this->view('_template/error'); } } else { Header('Location:/Ambula/login/'); } }
public function request($Amount, $Description, $Email, $Mobile, $CallBack, $base_url) { // require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/assets/lib/nusoap.php'); $soup = $base_url . '/assets/lib/nusoap.php'; // echo $soup; include "{$soup}"; switch ($CallBack) { case 'advertVijeh': $CallbackURL = $this->domain . '/form/verify'; // Required break; case 'kharid_file': $CallbackURL = $this->domain . '/form/verify'; // Required break; } // URL also Can be $client = new nusoap_client('', 'wsdl'); $client->soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8'; $result = $client->call('PaymentRequest', array(array('MerchantID' => $this->MerchantID, 'Amount' => $Amount, 'Description' => $Description, 'Email' => $Email, 'Mobile' => $Mobile, 'CallbackURL' => $CallbackURL))); //Redirect to URL You can do it also by creating a form if ($result['Status'] == 100) { Header('Location:' . $result['Authority']); } else { echo 'ERR: ' . $result['Status']; } }
function getAuthImage($text) { $this->setpin($text); $im_x = 160; $im_y = 40; $im = imagecreatetruecolor($im_x, $im_y); $text_c = ImageColorAllocate($im, mt_rand(0, 100), mt_rand(0, 100), mt_rand(0, 100)); $tmpC0 = mt_rand(100, 255); $tmpC1 = mt_rand(100, 255); $tmpC2 = mt_rand(100, 255); $buttum_c = ImageColorAllocate($im, $tmpC0, $tmpC1, $tmpC2); imagefill($im, 16, 13, $buttum_c); $font = PATH_SYS_PUBLIC . 'font-awesome/fonts/verdana.ttf'; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($text); $i++) { $tmp = substr($text, $i, 1); $array = array(-1, 1); $p = array_rand($array); $an = $array[$p] * mt_rand(1, 10); //角度 $size = 28; imagettftext($im, $size, $an, 15 + $i * $size, 35, $text_c, $font, $tmp); } $distortion_im = imagecreatetruecolor($im_x, $im_y); imagefill($distortion_im, 16, 13, $buttum_c); for ($i = 0; $i < $im_x; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $im_y; $j++) { $rgb = imagecolorat($im, $i, $j); if ((int) ($i + 20 + sin($j / $im_y * 2 * M_PI) * 10) <= imagesx($distortion_im) && (int) ($i + 20 + sin($j / $im_y * 2 * M_PI) * 10) >= 0) { imagesetpixel($distortion_im, (int) ($i + 10 + sin($j / $im_y * 2 * M_PI - M_PI * 0.1) * 4), $j, $rgb); } } } //加入干扰象素; $count = 160; //干扰像素的数量 for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $randcolor = ImageColorallocate($distortion_im, mt_rand(0, 255), mt_rand(0, 255), mt_rand(0, 255)); imagesetpixel($distortion_im, mt_rand() % $im_x, mt_rand() % $im_y, $randcolor); } $rand = mt_rand(5, 30); $rand1 = mt_rand(15, 25); $rand2 = mt_rand(5, 10); for ($yy = $rand; $yy <= +$rand + 2; $yy++) { for ($px = -80; $px <= 80; $px = $px + 0.1) { $x = $px / $rand1; if ($x != 0) { $y = sin($x); } $py = $y * $rand2; imagesetpixel($distortion_im, $px + 80, $py + $yy, $text_c); } } //设置文件头; Header("Content-type: image/JPEG"); //以PNG格式将图像输出到浏览器或文件; ImagePNG($distortion_im); //销毁一图像,释放与image关联的内存; ImageDestroy($distortion_im); ImageDestroy($im); }
function redirect($filename) { Header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=" . $this->encoding . "; filename=" . basename($filename)); Header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=" . basename($filename)); readfile($filename, "r"); die; }
function render() { $spotnntp_hdr = new SpotNntp($this->_settings['nntp_hdr']); # Haal de volledige spotinhoud op $spotsOverview = new SpotsOverview($this->_db, $this->_settings); $fullSpot = $spotsOverview->getFullSpot($this->_messageid, $spotnntp_hdr); # sluit de connectie voor de header, en open een nieuwe connectie voor de nzb $spotnntp_hdr->quit(); $spotnntp_img = new SpotNntp($this->_settings['nntp_nzb']); # # is het een array met een segment nummer naar de image, of is het # een string met de URL naar de image? # if (is_array($fullSpot['image'])) { Header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); echo $spotnntp_img->getImage($fullSpot['image']['segment']); } else { $x = file_get_contents($fullSpot['image']); foreach ($http_response_header as $hdr) { if (substr($hdr, 0, strlen('Content-Type: ')) == 'Content-Type: ') { header($hdr); } # if } # foreach echo $x; } # else }
protected function downFile($path, $file_name) { header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); // echo $path,$file_name; //中文兼容 $file_name = iconv("utf-8", "gb2312", $file_name); //获取网站根目录,这里可以换成你的下载目录 $file_sub_path = $path; $file_path = $file_sub_path . $file_name; //判断文件是否存在 if (!file_exists($file_path)) { echo '文件不存在'; return; } $fp = fopen($file_path, "r"); $file_size = filesize($file_path); //下载文件所需的header申明 Header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); Header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); Header("Accept-Length:" . $file_size); Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $file_name); $buffer = 1024; $file_count = 0; //返回数据到浏览器 while (!feof($fp) && $file_count < $file_size) { $file_con = fread($fp, $buffer); $file_count += $buffer; echo $file_con; } fclose($fp); }
public function init(Application $app, $options = array()) { parent::init($app, $options); $app->addTemplatesFolders(__DIR__ . '/views/'); $app->get('login', 'AnyContent\\CMCK\\Modules\\Backend\\Core\\User\\Controller::login')->bind('login'); $app->post('login', 'AnyContent\\CMCK\\Modules\\Backend\\Core\\User\\Controller::post')->bind('postLogin'); $app->get('logout', 'AnyContent\\CMCK\\Modules\\Backend\\Core\\User\\Controller::logout')->bind('logout'); $app['user'] = $app->share(function ($app) { return new UserManager($app, $app['context'], $app['config'], $app['session']); }); // Perform a hard redirect, if no user is logged in $app->before(function (Request $request) use($app) { $parts = explode('/', trim($request->getPathInfo(), '/')); if (isset($parts[0]) && !in_array($parts[0], array('login', 'css', 'js', 'public'))) { if (!$app['user']->isLoggedIn()) { Header('Location: ' . $app['url_generator']->generate('login'), 303); die; } } }); if ($this->app['env'] == 'console') { $app->registerAuthenticationAdapter('config', 'AnyContent\\CMCK\\Modules\\Backend\\Core\\User\\ConsoleAuthenticationAdapter'); } else { $app->registerAuthenticationAdapter('config', 'AnyContent\\CMCK\\Modules\\Backend\\Core\\User\\ConfigAuthenticationAdapter'); } }
public function index() { // Get all active scheduled items foreach (ORM::factory('scheduler')->where('scheduler_active', '1')->find_all() as $scheduler) { $scheduler_id = $scheduler->id; $scheduler_last = $scheduler->scheduler_last; // Next run time $scheduler_weekday = $scheduler->scheduler_weekday; // Day of the week $scheduler_day = $scheduler->scheduler_day; // Day of the month $scheduler_hour = $scheduler->scheduler_hour; // Hour $scheduler_minute = $scheduler->scheduler_minute; // Minute // Controller that performs action $scheduler_controller = $scheduler->scheduler_controller; if ($scheduler_day <= -1) { // Ran every day? $scheduler_day = "*"; } if ($scheduler_weekday <= -1) { // Ran every day? $scheduler_weekday = "*"; } if ($scheduler_hour <= -1) { // Ran every hour? $scheduler_hour = "*"; } if ($scheduler_minute <= -1) { // Ran every minute? $scheduler_minute = "*"; } $scheduler_cron = $scheduler_minute . " " . $scheduler_hour . " " . $scheduler_day . " * " . $scheduler_weekday; //Start new cron parser instance $cron = new CronParser($scheduler_cron); $lastRan = $cron->getLastRan(); //Array (0=minute, 1=hour, 2=dayOfMonth, 3=month, 4=week, 5=year) $cronRan = mktime($lastRan[1], $lastRan[0], 0, $lastRan[3], $lastRan[2], $lastRan[5]); if (!($scheduler_last > $cronRan - 45) || $scheduler_last == 0) { // within 45 secs of cronRan time, so Execute control $site_url = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "/"; $scheduler_status = remote::status($site_url . "scheduler/" . $scheduler_controller); // Set last time of last execution $schedule_time = time(); $scheduler->scheduler_last = $schedule_time; $scheduler->save(); // Record Action to Log $scheduler_log = new Scheduler_Log_Model(); $scheduler_log->scheduler_id = $scheduler_id; $scheduler_log->scheduler_name = $scheduler->scheduler_name; $scheduler_log->scheduler_status = $scheduler_status; $scheduler_log->scheduler_date = $schedule_time; $scheduler_log->save(); } } Header("Content-Type: image/gif"); // Transparent GIF echo base64_decode("R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAP///wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw=="); }
public function verify() { //生成验证码图片 Header("Content-type: image/PNG"); $im = imagecreate(44, 18); // 画一张指定宽高的图片 $back = ImageColorAllocate($im, 245, 245, 245); // 定义背景颜色 imagefill($im, 0, 0, $back); //把背景颜色填充到刚刚画出来的图片中 $vcodes = ""; srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); //生成4位数字 for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $font = ImageColorAllocate($im, rand(100, 255), rand(0, 100), rand(100, 255)); // 生成随机颜色 $authnum = rand(1, 9); $vcodes .= $authnum; imagestring($im, 5, 2 + $i * 10, 1, $authnum, $font); } $_SESSION['v_code'] = $vcodes; for ($i = 0; $i < 200; $i++) { $randcolor = ImageColorallocate($im, rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255)); imagesetpixel($im, rand() % 70, rand() % 30, $randcolor); // 画像素点函数 } ImagePNG($im); ImageDestroy($im); }