function enumerate() { $return = false; $str = rtrim($this->type, 's'); if (Config::get('thread')) { $threads = Config::get('thread'); } else { $threads = 10; } foreach (array_chunk($this->array, $threads) as $chunk) { foreach ($chunk as $name) { $urls[] = $this->url . "/wp-content/{$this->type}/" . $name; } $respons = HTTPMultiRequest($urls, false); foreach ($respons as $key => $resp) { if (stripos($resp, '200 ok') !== false or stripos($resp, '301 moved') !== false) { $return[] = $chunk[$key]; msg(""); msg("[!] Found {$chunk[$key]} {$str}"); msg("[*] URL:{$this->type}/" . $chunk[$key] . "/"); msg("[*] SVN: http://{$this->type}" . $chunk[$key] . "/"); } } unset($urls); } return $return; }
private function brute() { if (Config::get('protected')) { msg("[+] Checking if the site is bruteproof"); $brute = new WPBrute($this->url); if ($protector = $brute->isProtected()) { foreach ($protector as $plugin) { msg("[-] The site is protected by " . $plugin . " plugin"); } return false; } } if (!file_exists(Config::get('uwordlist'))) { msg("[-] wordlist file does not exist"); return false; } $array = file(Config::get('uwordlist'), FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); if (!empty($array)) { msg("[+] " . count($array) . " " . $str . "list loaded"); } $chunks = array_chunk($array, $this->threads); foreach ($chunks as $uchunk) { foreach ($uchunk as $username) { $urls[] = $this->url . '/wp-login.php'; $datas[] = ['log=' . urlencode($username) . '&pwd=klol&wp-submit=Log+In&testcookie=1', ['Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cookie: wordpress_test_cookie=WP+Cookie+check']]; } $responses = HTTPMultiRequest($urls, 1, $datas); foreach ($responses as $key => $resp) { if (stripos($resp, '200 ok') and stripos($resp, 'invalid username') === false) { $users[] = $uchunk[$key]; } } unset($datas); unset($urls); } return isset($users) ? array_unique($users) : false; }
function isProtected() { $plugins = ['better-wp-security', 'simple-login-lockdown', 'login-security-solution', 'limit-login-attempts', 'bluetrait-event-viewer']; foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $urls[] = $this->url . '/wp-content/plugins/' . $plugin . '/'; } $response = HTTPRequest($this->url . '/wp-login.php'); $responses = HTTPMultiRequest($urls, false); if (strpos($response, 'Login LockDown') !== false) { $pros[] = 'login-lockdown'; } if (strpos($response, 'LOGIN LOCK') !== false) { $pros[] = 'login-lock'; } foreach ($responses as $key => $resp) { if (stripos($resp, '200 ok') !== false || stripos($resp, '403 forbidden') !== false) { $pros[] = $plugins[$key]; } } return !empty($pros) ? $pros : false; }