$mode = postvalue("mode"); $table = postvalue("table"); $field = postvalue("field"); $pageType = postvalue('pagetype'); $mainTable = postvalue("maintable"); $mainField = postvalue("mainfield"); $lookup = false; if ($mainTable && $mainField) { $lookup = true; } if (!checkTableName($table)) { exit(0); } require_once "include/" . $table . "_variables.php"; $pSet = new ProjectSettings(GetTableByShort($table), $pageType); $cipherer = new RunnerCipherer(GetTableByShort($table), $pSet); $_connection = $cman->byTable($strTableName); if (!$pSet->checkFieldPermissions($field)) { $returnJSON = array("success" => false, "error" => 'Error: You have not permission for read this text'); echo printJSON($returnJSON); return; } if (!$gQuery->HasGroupBy()) { // Do not select any fields except current (full text) field. // If query has 'group by' clause then other fields are used in it and we may not simply cut 'em off. // Just don't do anything in that case. $gQuery->RemoveAllFieldsExcept($pSet->getFieldIndex($field)); } $keysArr = $pSet->getTableKeys(); $keys = array(); foreach ($keysArr as $ind => $k) {
<?php @ini_set("display_errors", "1"); @ini_set("display_startup_errors", "1"); require_once "include/dbcommon.php"; add_nocache_headers(); $table = postvalue("table"); $strTableName = GetTableByShort($table); if (!checkTableName($table)) { exit(0); } require_once "include/" . $table . "_variables.php"; $searchFor = postvalue('searchFor'); // if nothing to search if ($searchFor == '') { echo printJSON(array('success' => true, 'result' => '')); return; } $_connection = $cman->byTable($strTableName); // array of vals $response = array(); $searchOpt = postvalue("start") ? "Starts with" : "Contains"; $searchField = GoodFieldName(postvalue('searchField')); $strSecuritySql = SecuritySQL("Search", $strTableName); $numberOfSuggests = GetGlobalData("searchSuggestsNumber", 10); $pSet = new ProjectSettings($strTableName, PAGE_SEARCH); if ($searchField == "") { $allSearchFields = $pSet->getGoogleLikeFields(); } else { // array of fields which were added in wizard for search $allSearchFields = $pSet->getAllSearchFields();
function xt_showchart($params) { $width = 700; $height = 530; if (isset($params["custom1"])) { $width = $params["custom1"]; } if (isset($params["custom2"])) { $height = $params["custom2"]; } $settings = new ProjectSettings(GetTableByShort($params["chartname"])); $refresh = $settings->getChartRefreshTime() * 60000; if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == 443) { $http = "https"; } else { $http = "http"; } ?> <div id='<?php echo $params["chartname"]; ?> ' style="width:<?php echo $width; ?> px;height:<?php echo $height; ?> px"> <noscript> <object id="'.htmlspecialchars(postvalue('cname')).'" name="'.htmlspecialchars(postvalue('cname')).'" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="100%" height="100%" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab"> <param name="movie" value="libs/swf/Preloader.swf" /> <param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <param name="flashvars" value="swfFile=dchartdata.php%3Fcname%3D'.htmlspecialchars(postvalue('cname')).'%26ctype%3D'.$chrt_array['chart_type']['type'].'" /> <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" src="libs/swf/Preloader.swf" width="100%" height="100%" id="'.htmlspecialchars(postvalue('cname')).'" name="'.htmlspecialchars(postvalue('cname')).'" bgColor="#FFFFFF" allowScriptAccess="always" flashvars="swfFile=dchartdata.php%3Fcname%3D'.htmlspecialchars(postvalue('cname')).'%26ctype%3D'.$chrt_array['chart_type']['type'].'" /> </object> </noscript> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="libs/js/AnyChart.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="libs/js/AnyChartHTML5.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> AnyChart.renderingType = anychart.RenderingType.FLASH_PREFERRED; var svgSupported = window.SVGAngle != undefined; if (!svgSupported) { //<![CDATA[ document.write('<center>'); document.write("You need to have Adobe Flash Player 9 (or above) to view the chart.<br /><br />"); document.write("<a href=\"<?php echo $http; ?> ://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"<?php echo $http; ?> ://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif\" /></a><br />"); document.write('</center>'); //]]> } </script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var chart = new AnyChart('libs/swf/AnyChart.swf','libs/swf/Preloader.swf'); chart.width = '<?php echo $width; ?> '; chart.height = '<?php echo $height; ?> '; chart.wMode='opaque'; chart.id = 'chart_' + '<?php echo $params["chartname"]; ?> '; var xmlFile = 'dchartdata.php?chartname=<?php echo jsreplace($params["chartname"]); ?> '; xmlFile += '&ctype=<?php echo $params["ctype"]; ?> '; chart.setXMLFile(xmlFile); chart.write('<?php echo $params["chartname"]; ?> '); if("<?php echo $refresh; ?> "!="0" && "<?php echo isMobile(); ?> "=="false") setInterval('refreshChart()',<?php echo $refresh; ?> ); function refreshChart() { page='dchartdata.php?chartname=<?php echo jsreplace($params["chartname"]); ?> '; params={ action:'refresh', rndval:Math.random() }; $.get(page,params,function(xml) { var arr = new Array(); arr=xml.split("\n"); for(i=0; i<arr.length;i+=2) { chart.removeSeries(arr[i]); chart.addSeries(arr[i+1]); chart.updatePointData(arr[i]+"_gauge",arr[i]+"_point",{value: arr[i+1]}); } chart.refresh(); }); } //]]> </script> </div> <?php }
function GetChartXML($chartname) { $strTableName = GetTableByShort($chartname); $settings = new ProjectSettings($strTableName); return $settings->getChartXml(); }
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function CrossTableReport($rpt_array) { global $conn; $this->xml_array = $rpt_array; $arrdata = array(); $arravgsum = array(); $arravgcount = array(); $group_y = array(); $group_x = array(); $sort_y = array(); $grid_row = array(); $avgsumx = array(); $avgcountx = array(); $this->total_summary = 0; $this->is_value_empty = true; $this->table_type = $rpt_array["table_type"]; if (!$this->table_type) { $this->table_type = "project"; } if ($rpt_array["fromWizard"]) { $this->fromWizard = true; } $this->TableName = $this->xml_array["tables"][0]; $this->pSet = new ProjectSettings(GetTableByShort($this->TableName), PAGE_REPORT); $sum_x = $this->xml_array["group_fields"][count($this->xml_array["group_fields"]) - 1]["sum_x"]; $sum_y = $this->xml_array["group_fields"][count($this->xml_array["group_fields"]) - 1]["sum_y"]; $sum_total = $this->xml_array["group_fields"][count($this->xml_array["group_fields"]) - 1]["sum_total"]; if (postvalue("group_func") != "") { $_SESSION[$this->TableName . 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(count($group_x) - 1); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($group_y); $i++) { if ($group_y[$i] == $data[1]) { $key_y = $i; } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($group_x); $i++) { if ($group_x[$i] == $data[2]) { $key_x = $i; $avgsumx[$key_x] = 0; $avgcountx[$key_x] = 0; } } if (!$this->is_value_empty) { $arrdata[$key_y][$key_x] = $data[0]; $arravgsum[$key_y][$key_x] = $data[3]; $arravgcount[$key_y][$key_x] = $data[4]; } else { $arrdata[$key_y][$key_x] = " "; } } global $group_sort_y; $group_sort_y = $group_y; usort($sort_y, array("CrossTableReport", "sort_arr_y")); $group_func = $_SESSION[$this->TableName . "_group_func"]; $idx_field = $_SESSION[$this->TableName . "_field"]; if (!$idx_field) { $idx_field = 0; } if ($group_func == "") { $arr_value = $this->getSelectedValue(); if (empty($arr_value)) { $field = $_SESSION['webreports']['group_fields'][0]["name"]; $arr_value[] = $field; } else { $field = $arr_value[$idx_field]; } $group_func = $this->getGroupFunction($field, ""); } else { $arr_value = $this->getSelectedValue(); $field = $arr_value[$idx_field]; $isGroupFuncExists = false; foreach ($this->xml_array["totals"] as $key => $value) { if ($this->FullFieldName($value["name"], $value["table"]) == $field) { if ($value["sum"] == true && $group_func == "sum") { $isGroupFuncExists = true; break; } if ($value["max"] == true && $group_func == "max") { $isGroupFuncExists = true; break; } if ($value["min"] == true && $group_func == "min") { $isGroupFuncExists = true; break; } if ($value["avg"] == true && $group_func == "avg") { $isGroupFuncExists = true; break; } } } if (!$isGroupFuncExists) { $group_func = $this->getGroupFunction($arr_value[$idx_field], ""); } } foreach ($sort_y as $key_y) { $value_y = $group_y[$key_y]; $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_summary"] = " "; $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["group_y"] = $this->getDisplayValue($this->index_field_y, $value_y); foreach ($group_x as $key_x => $value_x) { if (array_key_exists($key_y, $arrdata)) { if (array_key_exists($key_x, $arrdata[$key_y]) && !$this->is_value_empty && !is_null($arrdata[$key_y][$key_x])) { if ($group_func == "avg") { $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_record"]["data"][$key_x]["row_value"] = round($arrdata[$key_y][$key_x], 2); } else { $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_record"]["data"][$key_x]["row_value"] = $arrdata[$key_y][$key_x]; } } else { $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_record"]["data"][$key_x]["row_value"] = " "; } $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_record"]["data"][$key_x]["id_data"] = $key_y . "_" . $key_x; } } $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["id_row_summary"] = "total_y_" . $key_y; } foreach ($group_x as $key_x => $value_x) { if ($value_x != "") { $this->group_header["data"][$key_x]["gr_value"] = $this->getDisplayValue($this->index_field_x, $value_x); } else { $this->group_header["data"][$key_x]["gr_value"] = " "; } } $this->total_summary = " "; foreach ($this->rowinfo as $key_y => $obj_y) { $obj_x = $obj_y["row_record"]["data"]; foreach ($obj_x as $key_x => $value) { if ($value["row_value"] !== " ") { switch ($group_func) { case "sum": if (!is_null($value["row_value"])) { $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_summary"] += $value["row_value"]; $this->col_summary["data"][$key_x]["col_summary"] += $value["row_value"]; $this->total_summary += $value["row_value"]; } break; case "min": if (($this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_summary"] === " " || $value["row_value"] < $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_summary"]) && !is_null($value["row_value"])) { $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_summary"] = $value["row_value"]; } if (($this->col_summary["data"][$key_x]["col_summary"] === " " || $this->col_summary["data"][$key_x]["col_summary"] > $value["row_value"]) && !is_null($value["row_value"])) { $this->col_summary["data"][$key_x]["col_summary"] = $value["row_value"]; } if (($this->total_summary === " " || $this->total_summary > $value["row_value"]) && !is_null($value["row_value"])) { $this->total_summary = $value["row_value"]; } break; case "max": if ($this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_summary"] === " " || $value["row_value"] > $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_summary"]) { $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_summary"] = $value["row_value"]; } if ($this->col_summary["data"][$key_x]["col_summary"] === " " || $this->col_summary["data"][$key_x]["col_summary"] < $value["row_value"]) { $this->col_summary["data"][$key_x]["col_summary"] = $value["row_value"]; } if ($this->total_summary === " " || $this->total_summary < $value["row_value"]) { $this->total_summary = $value["row_value"]; } break; case "avg": $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["avgsumy"] += $arravgsum[$key_y][$key_x]; $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["avgcounty"] += $arravgcount[$key_y][$key_x]; $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_record"]["data"][$key_x]["avgsumx"] += $arravgsum[$key_y][$key_x]; $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_record"]["data"][$key_x]["avgcountx"] += $arravgcount[$key_y][$key_x]; break; } if ($sum_x == true && !$this->is_value_empty && !is_null($this->col_summary["data"][$key_x]["col_summary"])) { if (is_numeric($this->col_summary["data"][$key_x]["col_summary"])) { $this->col_summary["data"][$key_x]["col_summary"] = round($this->col_summary["data"][$key_x]["col_summary"], 2); } } else { $this->col_summary["data"][$key_x]["col_summary"] = " "; } } } if ($sum_y == true && !$this->is_value_empty && !is_null($this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_summary"])) { if (is_numeric($this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_summary"])) { $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_summary"] = round($this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_summary"], 2); } } else { $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_summary"] = " "; } } if ($group_func == "avg") { $total_sum = 0; $total_count = 0; foreach ($this->rowinfo as $key_y => $valuey) { if ($valuey["avgcounty"]) { $this->rowinfo[$key_y]["row_summary"] = round($valuey["avgsumy"] / $valuey["avgcounty"], 2); $total_sum += $valuey["avgsumy"]; $total_count += $valuey["avgcounty"]; } foreach ($valuey["row_record"]["data"] as $key_x => $valuex) { if ($valuex["avgcountx"]) { $avgsumx[$key_x] += $valuex["avgsumx"]; $avgcountx[$key_x] += $valuex["avgcountx"]; $total_sum += $valuex["avgsumx"]; $total_count += $valuex["avgcountx"]; } } } foreach ($avgsumx as $key => $value) { if ($avgcountx[$key]) { $this->col_summary["data"][$key]["col_summary"] = round($value / $avgcountx[$key], 2); } } if ($total_count) { $this->total_summary = $total_sum / $total_count; } } if ($sum_total == true && !$this->is_value_empty) { if (is_numeric($this->total_summary)) { $this->total_summary = round($this->total_summary, 2); } } else { $this->total_summary = " "; } $prefix = ""; if ($this->table_type != "db") { if (!$this->fromWizard) { $prefix = $this->xml_array["tables"][0] . "_"; } $field = $arr_value[$idx_field]; } else { $field = GoodFieldName($arr_value[$idx_field]); } if ($this->xml_array['totals'][$prefix . $field]['curr'] == true && count($this->rowinfo)) { foreach ($this->rowinfo as $arrkey => $arrfield) { foreach ($arrfield["row_record"]["data"] as $fieldkey => $fieldvalue) { if (is_numeric($fieldvalue["row_value"])) { $this->rowinfo[$arrkey]["row_record"]["data"][$fieldkey]["row_value"] = str_format_currency($fieldvalue["row_value"]); } } if (is_numeric($arrfield["row_summary"])) { $this->rowinfo[$arrkey]["row_summary"] = str_format_currency($arrfield["row_summary"]); } } if (is_numeric($this->total_summary)) { $this->total_summary = str_format_currency($this->total_summary); } foreach ($this->col_summary["data"] as $arrkey => $arrvalue) { if (is_numeric($arrvalue["col_summary"])) { $this->col_summary["data"][$arrkey]["col_summary"] = str_format_currency($arrvalue["col_summary"]); } } } }
<?php include_once "include/dbcommon.php"; include_once "include/" . (isset($pdf) ? @$params["table"] : postvalue("table")) . "_variables.php"; if (!isset($gQuery)) { if (!isset($gSettings)) { $gSettings = new ProjectSettings(GetTableByShort(isset($pdf) ? @$params["table"] : postvalue("table"))); } $gQuery = $gSettings->getSQLQuery(); } $file = GetImageFromDB($gQuery, isset($pdf), isset($params) ? $params : array());
function GetChartXML($chartname) { $strTableName = GetTableByShort($chartname); return GetTableData($strTableName, '.chartXml', ''); }
if( !checkTableName($tableName) ) { exit(0); } include("include/".$tableName."_variables.php"); if($pageType != PAGE_REGISTER && ( !isLogged() || !CheckSecurity(@$_SESSION["_".$tableName."_OwnerID"], "Search") )) { $returnJSON = array("success" => false, "error" => "Error: You have not permissions to read the ".$tableName." table's data"); echo "<div>".printJSON($returnJSON)."</div>"; return; } $pSet = new ProjectSettings(GetTableByShort($tableName), $pageType); $denyChecking = $pSet->allowDuplicateValues( $fieldName ); if( $denyChecking ) { $returnJSON = array("success" => false, "error" => "Duplicated values are allowed"); echo "<div>".printJSON($returnJSON)."</div>"; return; } $cipherer = new RunnerCipherer($tableName, $pSet); if( $cipherer->isFieldEncrypted($fieldName) ) $value = $cipherer->MakeDBValue($fieldName, $value, $fieldControlType, "", true); else $value = make_db_value($fieldName, $value, $fieldControlType, "", $tableName);
<?php @ini_set("display_errors", "1"); @ini_set("display_startup_errors", "1"); include "include/dbcommon.php"; $table = postvalue("table"); $pSet = new ProjectSettings(GetTableByShort($table), postvalue('pagetype')); if (!checkTableName($table)) { exit(0); } include "include/" . $table . "_variables.php"; if (!isLogged() || !CheckSecurity(@$_SESSION["_" . $strTableName . "_OwnerID"], "Search")) { $returnJSON = array("success" => false, "error" => ''); echo my_json_encode($returnJSON); return; } $id = postvalue("id"); $field = postvalue("field"); if (!$pSet->checkFieldPermissions($field)) { $returnJSON = array("success" => false, "error" => 'Error: You have not permission for read this text'); echo my_json_encode($returnJSON); return; } if (!$gQuery->HasGroupBy()) { // Do not select any fields except current (full text) field. // If query has 'group by' clause then other fields are used in it and we may not simply cut 'em off. // Just don't do anything in that case. $gQuery->RemoveAllFieldsExcept($pSet->getFieldIndex($field)); } $keysArr = $pSet->getTableKeys(); $keys = array();