function deletehtaccess() { include 'lang/' . GetPrefdLang($personalinfo['ap_language_vc']) . '.php'; if (file_exists(GetSystemOption('zpanel_root') . "apps/phpsysinfo/.htaccess")) { unlink(GetSystemOption('zpanel_root') . "apps/phpsysinfo/.htaccess"); } if (file_exists(GetSystemOption('zpanel_root') . "apps/phpsysinfo/phpsysinfo.htpasswd")) { unlink(GetSystemOption('zpanel_root') . "apps/phpsysinfo/phpsysinfo.htpasswd"); } echo '<div class="zannouce">' . $lang['348'] . '</div><br>'; }
* This program (ZPanel) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ include 'conf/zcnf.php'; include 'lang/' . GetPrefdLang($personalinfo['ap_language_vc']) . '.php'; include 'inc/zAccountDetails.php'; $sql = "SELECT * FROM z_cronjobs WHERE ct_acc_fk=" . $useraccount['ac_id_pk'] . " AND ct_deleted_ts IS NULL"; $listtasks = DataExchange("r", $z_db_name, $sql); $rowtasks = mysql_fetch_assoc($listtasks); $totaltasks = DataExchange("t", $z_db_name, $sql); echo $lang['120'] . "<br>"; if (isset($_GET['r']) && $_GET['r'] == 'ok') { echo "<br><div class=\"zannouce\">" . $lang['394'] . "</div>"; } if (isset($_GET['r']) && $_GET['r'] == 'blank') { echo "<br><div class=\"zannouce\">" . $lang['300'] . "</div>"; } if (isset($_GET['r']) && $_GET['r'] == 'noexists') { echo "<br><div class=\"zannouce\">" . $lang['301'] . " " . $useraccount['ac_user_vc'] . "</div>"; }
function adduser($ht_acc_fk, $ht_user_vc, $ht_dir_vc, $htusername, $htpassword1, $htpassword2) { include 'lang/' . GetPrefdLang($personalinfo['ap_language_vc']) . '.php'; if (!empty($htpassword1) && !empty($htpassword2) && $htpassword1 == $htpassword2) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `z_htaccess` WHERE `ht_acc_fk` ='" . $ht_acc_fk . "' AND `ht_dir_vc` = '" . $ht_dir_vc . "'"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); system(GetSystemOption('htpasswd_exe') . " -b -m " . GetSystemOption('zpanel_root') . "/modules/advanced/htpasswd/files/" . $row['ht_id_pk'] . ".htpasswd " . $htusername . " " . $htpassword1 . ""); echo '<div class="zannouce">' . $lang['335'] . trim(substr($ht_dir_vc, strlen(GetSystemOption('hosted_dir')), strlen($ht_dir_vc))) . '</div><br>'; } else { echo '<div class="zannouce">' . $lang['336'] . '</div><br>'; } }