Ejemplo n.º 1

require_once 'sql.php';
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
$login = $_SESSION['zalogowany'];
$loginId = GetValue("select `id` from user where login = '******'");
echo "<table>";
$tab = GetPacket("select speed, str, agi, live from `character` where userid = '{$loginId}'");
$stat = array('Szybkość', 'siła', 'Zręczność', 'Życie');
$i = 0;
foreach ($tab[0] as $row) {
    echo "<tr><td>{$stat[$i]}</td>";
    echo "<td>" . $row . "  </td>";
    echo "<td><a href='staty.php?stat={$i}'>+</a> </td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
$statsik = $_GET['stat'];
$licz = $tab[0][$statsik] + 1;
$AP = GetValue("select ap from `CHARACTER` where userid='{$loginId}'");
echo "<p>AP: {$AP}</p>";
if (isset($statsik) && $AP > 0) {
    switch ($statsik) {
        case 0:
            ex("update `character` set speed = {$licz}, ap={$AP} where userid='{$loginId}'");
        case 1:
            ex("update `character` set str = {$licz}, ap={$AP} where userid='{$loginId}'");
Ejemplo n.º 2
echo "<tr><td>nazwa</td><td>bonus</td><td>minus</tr><tr>";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab); $i++) {
    echo ' <tr>';
    foreach ($tab[$keys[$i]] as $key => $value) {
        $itemId = GetPacket("select it.id from items it join inventory inv on it.id = inv.itemId where inv.charId='{$login}' and it.itemType=0 and inv.use=0");
        echo "<td>" . $value . "  </td> ";
    echo "<td> <a href = inventory.php?item=" . $itemId[$i][0] . ">Załóż</a></td></tr>";
$pytanie = "select nazwa, bonus, minus from items it join inventory inv on it.id = inv.itemId where inv.charId='{$login}' and it.itemType=1 and inv.use=0";
$tab = GetPacket($pytanie);
$keys = array_keys($tab);
echo "</tr></table><p>Pancerze:</p><table>";
echo "<tr><td>nazwa</td><td>bonus</td><td>minus</tr><tr>";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab); $i++) {
    echo ' <tr>';
    foreach ($tab[$keys[$i]] as $key => $value) {
        $itemId = GetPacket("select it.id from items it join inventory inv on it.id = inv.itemId where inv.charId='{$login}' and it.itemType=1 and inv.use=0");
        echo "<td>" . $value . "  </td> ";
    echo "<td> <a href = inventory.php?item=" . $itemId[$i][0] . ">Załóż</a></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
$item = $_GET['item'];
if (isset($item)) {
    ex("update inventory set `use` = TRUE where charid = '{$login}' and id = '{$item}'");
<a href="Main.php">Wroc</a>

Ejemplo n.º 3

$login = $_SESSION['zalogowany'];
require_once 'sql.php';
$pytanie = "select nazwa, bonus, minus, cena from items";
$tab = GetPacket($pytanie);
$keys = array_keys($tab);
echo "<table>";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab); $i++) {
    echo "<tr>";
    foreach ($tab[$keys[$i]] as $key => $value) {
        echo "<td>" . $value . "  </td>";
    echo "<td>" . "<a href='bazar.php?item={$i}'>kup</a>" . "  </td>";
    echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
$item = $_GET['item'];
if (isset($item)) {
    $money = GetValue("select gold from `character` cha join user us on cha.userid=us.id where us.login = '******'");
    $koszt = GetValue("select cena from items where id = '{$item}' ");
    if ($koszt > $money) {
        echo "<p>Nie stac Cie !</p>";
    } else {
        $id = GetValue("select ID from user where login = '******'");
        $pytanie = "insert into inventory set charid = '{$id}',\n                    itemid = '{$item}',\n                    `use` = 'FALSE'";
        echo "<p> {$pytanie} </p>";
        $gold = $money - $koszt;
        ex("update `character` set gold='{$gold}' where userid = '{$id}'");
Ejemplo n.º 4
     //echo "<td> <a href = inventory.php?item=". $itemId[$i][0] .">Załóż</a></td></tr>";
 echo "</table>";
 $bonusSTR = GetValue("SELECT bonus from items it join inventory inv on it.id=inv.itemId where inv.use=1 and inv.charId='{$loginId}' and it.itemType=0");
 $minusAgi = GetValue("SELECT minus from items it join inventory inv on it.id=inv.itemId where inv.use=1 and inv.charId='{$loginId}' and it.itemType=0");
 $armor = GetValue("SELECT bonus from items it join inventory inv on it.id=inv.itemId where inv.use=1 and inv.charId='{$loginId}' and it.itemType=1");
 $minusSpeed = GetValue("SELECT minus from items it join inventory inv on it.id=inv.itemId where inv.use=1 and inv.charId='{$loginId}' and it.itemType=1");
 $witch[1] = $witch[1] - $minusSpeed;
 if ($witch[1] <= 0) {
     $witch[1] = 1;
 $witch[2] = $witch[2] + $bonusSTR;
 $witch[3] = $witch[3] - $minusAgi;
 $potworek = mt_rand(1, 4);
 $pytanie = "select * from monster where id = '{$potworek}'";
 $monster = GetPacket($pytanie);
 foreach ($monster[0] as $row) {
     $zgredek[] = $row;
 $witcher = new witcher($witch[1], $witch[2], $witch[3], $witch[4], $witch[5], $witch[0]);
 $monster = new creature($zgredek[1], $zgredek[2], $zgredek[3], $zgredek[4], $zgredek[4], $zgredek[5]);
 $_SESSION['witcher'] = serialize($witcher);
 $_SESSION['monster'] = serialize($monster);
 static $count = 0;
 $_SESSION['count'] = serialize($count);
 $_SESSION['eliksir'] = serialize(new eliksir(null, null));
 echo "<a href='game.php'>Graj</a>";
 echo "<p><a href='bazar.php'>Bazar</a></p>";
 echo "<p><a href='inventory.php'>Plecak</a></p>";