  * \brief testing for GetFilesWithLicense
 function testGetFilesWithLicense()
     print "test function GetFilesWithLicense()\n";
     global $PG_CONN;
     global $uploadtree_pk_parent;
     global $pfile_pk_parent;
     global $agent_pk;
     /** get a license short name */
     $sql = "SELECT rf_shortname from license_ref where rf_pk = 1;";
     $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql);
     DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result);
     $rf_shortname = $row['rf_shortname'];
     $files_result = GetFilesWithLicense($agent_pk, $rf_shortname, $uploadtree_pk_parent, false, 0, "ALL", "", null, $this->uploadtree_tablename);
     $row = pg_fetch_assoc($files_result);
     $pfile_id_actual = $row['pfile_fk'];
     $this->assertEquals($pfile_pk_parent, $pfile_id_actual);
  * \brief Display the loaded menu and plugins.
 function Output()
     $uploadtree_pk = GetParm("item", PARM_INTEGER);
     $rf_shortname = GetParm("lic", PARM_RAW);
     $tag_pk = GetParm("tag", PARM_INTEGER);
     $Excl = GetParm("excl", PARM_RAW);
     $Exclic = GetParm("exclic", PARM_RAW);
     if (empty($uploadtree_pk) || empty($rf_shortname)) {
         $text = _("is missing required parameters.");
         return $this->Name . " {$text}";
     $Max = 50;
     $Page = GetParm("page", PARM_INTEGER);
     if (empty($Page)) {
         $Page = 0;
     // Get upload_pk and $uploadtree_tablename
     $UploadtreeRec = GetSingleRec("uploadtree", "where uploadtree_pk={$uploadtree_pk}");
     global $container;
     /** @var UploadDao */
     $uploadDao = $container->get('dao.upload');
     $uploadtree_tablename = $uploadDao->getUploadtreeTableName($UploadtreeRec['upload_fk']);
     // micro menus
     $V = menu_to_1html(menu_find($this->Name, $MenuDepth), 0);
     /* Load licenses */
     $Offset = $Page < 0 ? 0 : $Page * $Max;
     $order = "";
     $PkgsOnly = false;
     // Count is uploadtree recs, not pfiles
     $agentId = GetParm('agentId', PARM_INTEGER);
     if (empty($agentId)) {
         $agentId = "any";
     $CountArray = $this->countFilesWithLicense($agentId, $rf_shortname, $uploadtree_pk, $tag_pk, $uploadtree_tablename);
     if (empty($CountArray)) {
         $V .= _("<b> No files found for license {$rf_shortname} !</b>\n");
     } else {
         $Count = $CountArray['count'];
         $Unique = $CountArray['unique'];
         $text = _("files found");
         $text2 = _("with license");
         $V .= "{$Unique} {$text} {$text2} <b>{$rf_shortname}</b>";
         if ($Count < $Max) {
             $Max = $Count;
         $limit = $Page < 0 ? "ALL" : $Max;
         $order = " order by ufile_name asc";
         /** should delete $filesresult yourself */
         $filesresult = GetFilesWithLicense($agentId, $rf_shortname, $uploadtree_pk, $PkgsOnly, $Offset, $limit, $order, $tag_pk, $uploadtree_tablename);
         $NumFiles = pg_num_rows($filesresult);
         $file_result_temp = pg_fetch_all($filesresult);
         $sorted_file_result = array();
         // the final file list will display
         $max_num = $NumFiles;
         /** sorting by ufile_name from DB, then reorder the duplicates indented */
         for ($i = 0; $i < $max_num; $i++) {
             $row = $file_result_temp[$i];
             if (empty($row)) {
             array_push($sorted_file_result, $row);
             for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $max_num; $j++) {
                 $row_next = $file_result_temp[$j];
                 if (!empty($row_next) && $row['pfile_fk'] == $row_next['pfile_fk']) {
                     array_push($sorted_file_result, $row_next);
                     $file_result_temp[$j] = null;
         $text = _("Display");
         $text1 = _("excludes");
         $text2 = _("files with these extensions");
         if (!empty($Excl)) {
             $V .= "<br>{$text} <b>{$text1}</b> {$text2}: {$Excl}";
         $text2 = _("files with these licenses");
         if (!empty($Exclic)) {
             $V .= "<br>{$text} <b>{$text1}</b> {$text2}: {$Exclic}";
         /* Get the page menu */
         if ($Max > 0 && $Count >= $Max && $Page >= 0) {
             $VM = "<P />\n" . MenuEndlessPage($Page, intval(($Count + $Offset) / $Max)) . "<P />\n";
             $V .= $VM;
         } else {
             $VM = "";
         /* Offset is +1 to start numbering from 1 instead of zero */
         $RowNum = $Offset;
         $LinkLast = "view-license";
         $ShowBox = 1;
         $ShowMicro = NULL;
         // base url
         $ushortname = rawurlencode($rf_shortname);
         $baseURL = "?mod=" . $this->Name . "&item={$uploadtree_pk}&lic={$ushortname}&page=-1";
         $V .= "<table>";
         $text = _("File");
         $V .= "<tr><th>{$text}</th><th>&nbsp";
         $LastPfilePk = -1;
         $ExclArray = explode(":", $Excl);
         $ExclicArray = explode(":", $Exclic);
         foreach ($sorted_file_result as $row) {
             $pfile_pk = $row['pfile_fk'];
             $licstring = GetFileLicenses_string($row['agent_pk'], $pfile_pk, $row['uploadtree_pk'], $uploadtree_tablename);
             $URLlicstring = urlencode($licstring);
             // Allow user to exclude files with this extension
             $FileExt = GetFileExt($row['ufile_name']);
             $URL = $baseURL;
             if (!empty($Excl)) {
                 $URL .= "&excl={$Excl}:{$FileExt}";
             } else {
                 $URL .= "&excl={$FileExt}";
             if (!empty($Exclic)) {
                 $URL .= "&exclic=" . urlencode($Exclic);
             $text = _("Exclude this file type.");
             $Header = "<a href={$URL}>{$text}</a>";
             /* Allow user to exclude files with this exact license list */
             $URL = $baseURL;
             if (!empty($Exclic)) {
                 $URL .= "&exclic=" . urlencode($Exclic) . ":" . $URLlicstring;
             } else {
                 $URL .= "&exclic={$URLlicstring}";
             if (!empty($Excl)) {
                 $URL .= "&excl={$Excl}";
             $text = _("Exclude files with license");
             $Header .= "<br><a href={$URL}>{$text}: {$licstring}.</a>";
             $excludeByType = $Excl && in_array($FileExt, $ExclArray);
             $excludeByLicense = $Exclic && in_array($licstring, $ExclicArray);
             if (!empty($licstring) && !$excludeByType && !$excludeByLicense) {
                 $V .= "<tr><td>";
                 /* Tack on pfile to url - information only */
                 $LinkLastpfile = $LinkLast . "&pfile={$pfile_pk}";
                 if ($LastPfilePk == $pfile_pk) {
                     $indent = "<div style='margin-left:2em;'>";
                     $outdent = "</div>";
                 } else {
                     $indent = "";
                     $outdent = "";
                 $V .= $indent;
                 $V .= Dir2Browse("browse", $row['uploadtree_pk'], $LinkLastpfile, $ShowBox, $ShowMicro, ++$RowNum, $Header, '', $uploadtree_tablename);
                 $V .= $outdent;
                 $V .= "</td>";
                 $V .= "<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
                 $V .= "<td>{$row['agent_name']}: {$licstring}</td></tr>";
                 $V .= "<tr><td colspan=3><hr></td></tr>";
             $LastPfilePk = $pfile_pk;
         $V .= "</table>";
         if (!empty($VM)) {
             $V .= $VM . "\n";
     return $V;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * \brief Given an uploadtree_pk, find all the non-artifact, immediate children
 * (uploadtree_pk's) that have license $rf_shortname.
 * By "immediate" I mean the earliest direct non-artifact.
 * For example:
 *    A > B, C  (A has children B and C)
 *    If C is an artifact, descend that tree till you find the first non-artifact
 *    and consider that non-artifact an immediate child.
 * \param $agent_pk - agent id
 * \param $rf_shortname - short name of one license, like GPL, APSL, MIT, ...
 * \param $uploadtree_pk   sets scope of request
 * \param $PkgsOnly - if true, only list packages, default is false (all files are listed)
 *                    $PkgsOnly is not yet implemented.
 * \returns Array of uploadtree_pk ==> ufile_name
function Level1WithLicense($agent_pk, $rf_shortname, $uploadtree_pk, $PkgsOnly = false, $uploadtree_tablename)
    $pkarray = array();
    $Children = GetNonArtifactChildren($uploadtree_pk, $uploadtree_tablename);
    /* Loop throught each top level uploadtree_pk */
    $offset = 0;
    $limit = 1;
    $order = "";
    $tag_pk = null;
    $result = NULL;
    foreach ($Children as $row) {
        //$uTime2 = microtime(true);
        $result = GetFilesWithLicense($agent_pk, $rf_shortname, $row['uploadtree_pk'], $PkgsOnly, $offset, $limit, $order, $tag_pk, $uploadtree_tablename);
        //$Time = microtime(true) - $uTime2;
        //printf( "GetFilesWithLicense($row[ufile_name]) time: %.2f seconds<br>", $Time);
        if (pg_num_rows($result) > 0) {
            $pkarray[$row['uploadtree_pk']] = $row['ufile_name'];
    if ($result) {
    return $pkarray;
  * \brief Display the loaded menu and plugins.
 function Output()
     if ($this->State != PLUGIN_STATE_READY) {
     global $Plugins;
     $V = "";
     $Time = time();
     $Max = 50;
     /*  Input parameters */
     $nomosagent_pk = GetParm("napk", PARM_INTEGER);
     $uploadtree_pk = GetParm("item", PARM_INTEGER);
     $rf_shortname = GetParm("lic", PARM_RAW);
     $tag_pk = GetParm("tag", PARM_INTEGER);
     $Excl = GetParm("excl", PARM_RAW);
     $Exclic = GetParm("exclic", PARM_RAW);
     $rf_shortname = rawurldecode($rf_shortname);
     if (empty($uploadtree_pk) || empty($rf_shortname)) {
         $text = _("is missing required parameters.");
         echo $this->Name . " {$text}";
     $Page = GetParm("page", PARM_INTEGER);
     if (empty($Page)) {
         $Page = 0;
     // Get upload_pk and $uploadtree_tablename
     $UploadtreeRec = GetSingleRec("uploadtree", "where uploadtree_pk={$uploadtree_pk}");
     $UploadRec = GetSingleRec("upload", "where upload_pk={$UploadtreeRec['upload_fk']}");
     $uploadtree_tablename = $UploadRec['uploadtree_tablename'];
     switch ($this->OutputType) {
         case "XML":
         case "HTML":
             // micro menus
             $V .= menu_to_1html(menu_find($this->Name, $MenuDepth), 0);
             /* Load licenses */
             $Offset = $Page < 0 ? 0 : $Page * $Max;
             $order = "";
             $PkgsOnly = false;
             $CheckOnly = false;
             // Count is uploadtree recs, not pfiles
             $CountArray = CountFilesWithLicense($nomosagent_pk, $rf_shortname, $uploadtree_pk, $PkgsOnly, $CheckOnly, $tag_pk, $uploadtree_tablename);
             $Count = $CountArray['count'];
             $Unique = $CountArray['unique'];
             $text = _("files found");
             $text1 = _("unique");
             $text2 = _("with license");
             $V .= "{$Count} {$text} ({$Unique} {$text1}) {$text2} <b>{$rf_shortname}</b>";
             if ($Count < $Max) {
                 $Max = $Count;
             $limit = $Page < 0 ? "ALL" : $Max;
             $order = " order by ufile_name asc";
             /** should delete $filesresult yourself */
             $filesresult = GetFilesWithLicense($nomosagent_pk, $rf_shortname, $uploadtree_pk, $PkgsOnly, $Offset, $limit, $order, $tag_pk, $uploadtree_tablename);
             $NumFiles = pg_num_rows($filesresult);
             $file_result_temp = pg_fetch_all($filesresult);
             $sorted_file_result = array();
             // the final file list will display
             $max_num = $NumFiles;
             /** sorting by ufile_name from DB, then reorder the duplicates indented */
             for ($i = 0; $i < $max_num; $i++) {
                 $row = $file_result_temp[$i];
                 if (empty($row)) {
                 array_push($sorted_file_result, $row);
                 for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $max_num; $j++) {
                     $row_next = $file_result_temp[$j];
                     if (!empty($row_next) && $row['pfile_fk'] == $row_next['pfile_fk']) {
                         array_push($sorted_file_result, $row_next);
                         $file_result_temp[$j] = null;
             $text = _("Display");
             $text1 = _("excludes");
             $text2 = _("files with these extensions");
             if (!empty($Excl)) {
                 $V .= "<br>{$text} <b>{$text1}</b> {$text2}: {$Excl}";
             $text2 = _("files with these licenses");
             if (!empty($Exclic)) {
                 $V .= "<br>{$text} <b>{$text1}</b> {$text2}: {$Exclic}";
             /* Get the page menu */
             if ($Max > 0 && $Count >= $Max && $Page >= 0) {
                 $VM = "<P />\n" . MenuEndlessPage($Page, intval(($Count + $Offset) / $Max)) . "<P />\n";
                 $V .= $VM;
             } else {
                 $VM = "";
             /* Offset is +1 to start numbering from 1 instead of zero */
             $RowNum = $Offset;
             $LinkLast = "view-license&napk={$nomosagent_pk}";
             $ShowBox = 1;
             $ShowMicro = NULL;
             // base url
             $ushortname = rawurlencode($rf_shortname);
             $baseURL = "?mod=" . $this->Name . "&napk={$nomosagent_pk}&item={$uploadtree_pk}&lic={$ushortname}&page=-1";
             $V .= "<table>";
             $text = _("File");
             $V .= "<tr><th>{$text}</th><th>&nbsp";
             $LastPfilePk = -1;
             $ExclArray = explode(":", $Excl);
             $ExclicArray = explode(":", $Exclic);
             foreach ($sorted_file_result as $row) {
                 $pfile_pk = $row['pfile_fk'];
                 $licstring = GetFileLicenses_string($nomosagent_pk, $pfile_pk, $row['uploadtree_pk'], $uploadtree_tablename);
                 $URLlicstring = urlencode($licstring);
                 // Allow user to exclude files with this extension
                 $FileExt = GetFileExt($row['ufile_name']);
                 $URL = $baseURL;
                 if (!empty($Excl)) {
                     $URL .= "&excl={$Excl}:{$FileExt}";
                 } else {
                     $URL .= "&excl={$FileExt}";
                 if (!empty($Exclic)) {
                     $URL .= "&exclic=" . urlencode($Exclic);
                 $text = _("Exclude this file type.");
                 $Header = "<a href={$URL}>{$text}</a>";
                 /* Allow user to exclude files with this exact license list */
                 $URL = $baseURL;
                 if (!empty($Exclic)) {
                     $URL .= "&exclic=" . urlencode($Exclic) . ":" . $URLlicstring;
                 } else {
                     $URL .= "&exclic={$URLlicstring}";
                 if (!empty($Excl)) {
                     $URL .= "&excl={$Excl}";
                 $text = _("Exclude files with license");
                 $Header .= "<br><a href={$URL}>{$text}: {$licstring}.</a>";
                 $ok = true;
                 /* exclude by type */
                 if ($Excl) {
                     if (in_array($FileExt, $ExclArray)) {
                         $ok = false;
                 /* exclude by license */
                 if ($Exclic) {
                     if (in_array($licstring, $ExclicArray)) {
                         $ok = false;
                 if (empty($licstring)) {
                     $ok = false;
                 if ($ok) {
                     $V .= "<tr><td>";
                     /* Tack on pfile to url - information only */
                     $LinkLastpfile = $LinkLast . "&pfile={$pfile_pk}";
                     if ($LastPfilePk == $pfile_pk) {
                         $indent = "<div style='margin-left:2em;'>";
                         $outdent = "</div>";
                     } else {
                         $indent = "";
                         $outdent = "";
                     $V .= $indent;
                     $V .= Dir2Browse("browse", $row['uploadtree_pk'], $LinkLastpfile, $ShowBox, $ShowMicro, ++$RowNum, $Header, '', $uploadtree_tablename);
                     $V .= $outdent;
                     $V .= "</td>";
                     $V .= "<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
                     // spaces to seperate licenses
                     // show the entire license list as a single string with links to the files
                     // in this container with that license.
                     $V .= "<td>{$licstring}</td></tr>";
                     $V .= "<tr><td colspan=3><hr></td></tr>";
                     // separate files
                 $LastPfilePk = $pfile_pk;
             $V .= "</table>";
             if (!empty($VM)) {
                 $V .= $VM . "\n";
             $V .= "<hr>\n";
             $Time = time() - $Time;
             $text = _("Elapsed time");
             $text1 = _("seconds");
             $V .= "<small>{$text}: {$Time} {$text1}</small>\n";
         case "Text":
     if (!$this->OutputToStdout) {
         return $V;
     print $V;