Ejemplo n.º 1

$file1 = "";
if (trim($_FILES['myfiles']['name'][0])!="")
$file_dir = "memberphotos/";
$file1 = $file_dir."astrochart".$_SESSION['UserID_reg'].$_FILES['myfiles']['name'][0];
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['myfiles']['tmp_name'][0], $file1);

			$insert = "update user_profile set BirthHour='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['timeofbirth_hour'])."', BirthMin='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['timeofbirth_min'])."', BirthSec='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['timeofbirth_sec'])."', Rasi='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['Rasi'])."', Nakshatra='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['Nakshatra'])."', Astroprofile='".$file1."', CountryOfBirth=".$BirthCountry.", BirthCity=".$_POST['cityofbirth']." where UserID=".$_SESSION['UserID_reg'];	
			$resultt = mysql_query($insert);

$age = GetAge(mysql_escape_string($_POST['year']), mysql_escape_string($_POST['month']), mysql_escape_string($_POST['day']));

$insert = "update users set BirthDate='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['day'])."', BirthMonth='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['month'])."', BirthYear='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['year'])."', Age='".$age."' where UserID=".$_SESSION['UserID_reg'];	

$resultt = mysql_query($insert);
	header("Location: profile4.php");

$sql = "SELECT * FROM users, user_profile, countries WHERE users.UserID=user_profile.UserID and users.CountryID=countries.CountryID and users.UserID=".$_SESSION['UserID_reg'];
$result = mysql_query($sql,$conn);
$row = @mysql_fetch_array($result);
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
Ejemplo n.º 2
				echo $row['photo3'];
				echo "images/m.gif";	
					?>" oncontextmenu="return false" border="0" height="60" hspace="5" vspace="5" width="60">
				<td style="color:#000000;">
					<span class="large"><a href="profile.php?id=<?PHP echo stripslashes($row['LoginID'])?>" style="color:#990000;"><?PHP echo stripslashes($row['LoginID'])?></a></span><br>
					<span style="line-height: 5px;"><br></span>
if($row['CreatedBy']!="Self" && $row['Gender']=="Male")
echo "He is ";
else if($row['CreatedBy']!="Self" && $row['Gender']=="Female")
echo "She is ";
echo "I am ";
?><?PHP echo GetAge($row['BirthYear'], $row['BirthMonth'], $row['BirthDate'])?>,<br><?PHP echo $row['Religion']?><br>from <?PHP echo $row['Country']?></td>
	if($a==3 && $b==0)
	<table class="left tleft smallcnt graytxt" style="width: 188px;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
			<tbody><tr valign="top">
				<td colspan="2" class="titleBrdr" style="background-color:#A10908; line-height: 24px; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial;">&nbsp;</td>
Ejemplo n.º 3
<tbody><tr align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
<td height="16" colspan="5" valign="middle" class="mediumblackbold">&nbsp;&nbsp;My Basics</td>
<tr align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
<td width="8" height="1" bgcolor="#8fa7bf"><spacer type="block" height="1" width="8"></td>
<td width="106" height="1" bgcolor="#8fa7bf"><spacer type="block" height="1" width="106"></td>
<td width="8" height="1" bgcolor="#8fa7bf"><spacer type="block" height="1" width="8"></td>
<td width="150" height="1" bgcolor="#8fa7bf"><spacer type="block" height="1" width="150"></td>
<td width="8" height="1" bgcolor="#8fa7bf"><spacer type="block" height="1" width="8"></td>
<tr align="left">
<td class="mediumblack"><br></td>
<td valign="top" class="mediumblack">Age</td>
<td valign="top" class="mediumblack">:</td>
<td valign="top" class="mediumblack"><?php 
    echo GetAge($row['BirthYear'], $row['BirthMonth'], $row['BirthDate']);
<td class="mediumblack"><br></td>

	<tr align="left">
	<td class="mediumblack"><br></td>
	<td valign="top" class="mediumblack">Date of Birth</td>
	<td valign="top" class="mediumblack">:</td>
	<td valign="top" class="mediumblack"><?php 
    echo date("M j, Y", strtotime($row['BirthMonth'] . "/" . $row['BirthDate'] . "/" . $row['BirthYear']));
	<td class="mediumblack"><br></td>
Ejemplo n.º 4
    $birthdate = $line['birthdate'];
    $sex = $line['sex'];
    print "<TR>\n";
    if ($name == 'admin') {
        print "<TD><A HREF={$userlist}?action=deluser&user={$username}>מחק</A>\n";
    print "<TD><A HREF={$descscript}?action=user&usrname={$username} target=_blank>{$username}</A> \n";
    print "<TD>{$fullname}\n";
    print "<TD><A HREF=mailto:{$email}>{$email}</A>\n";
    if ($sex == 'female') {
        print "<TD>{$l10nstr['88']}\n";
    } else {
        print "<TD>{$l10nstr['89']}\n";
    /* male */
    $age = GetAge($birthdate);
    print "<TD>{$age}\n";
print "<P dir=RTL>\n";
print "{$l10nstr['222']}: ";
print "{$i} ";
print "{$l10nstr['223']}";
print "<BR>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 5
				echo $row['photo3'];
				echo "images/m.gif";	
					?>" oncontextmenu="return false" border="0" height="60" hspace="5" vspace="5" width="60">
				<td style="color:#000000;">
					<span class="large"><a href="profile.php?id=<?PHP echo stripslashes($row['LoginID'])?>" style="color:#990000;"><?PHP echo stripslashes($row['LoginID'])?></a></span><br>
					<span style="line-height: 5px;"><br></span>
if($row['CreatedBy']!="Self" && $row['Gender']=="Male")
echo "He is ";
else if($row['CreatedBy']!="Self" && $row['Gender']=="Female")
echo "She is ";
echo "I am ";
?><?PHP echo GetAge($row['BirthYear'], $row['BirthMonth'], $row['BirthDate'])?>,<br><?PHP echo $_REQUEST['p']?><br>from <?PHP echo $row['Country']?></td>
	if($a==3 && $b==0)
	<table class="left tleft smallcnt graytxt" style="width: 188px;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
			<tbody><tr valign="top">
				<td colspan="2" class="titleBrdr" style="background: transparent url(images/title-brdr.gif) repeat-x scroll 0%; line-height: 24px; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial;"><a href="" style="color: rgb(170, 170, 170);">&nbsp;</a></td>
Ejemplo n.º 6
     $famid = $fam_ID;
     if (array_key_exists($famid, $Families)) {
         $Families[$famid]->AddMember($per_ID, $iGender, GetAge($iBirthMonth, $iBirthDay, $iBirthYear), $dWedding, $per_HomePhone, $iEnvelope);
 } else {
     $sSQL = "INSERT INTO family_fam (fam_ID,\n                                                 fam_Name, \n                                                 fam_Address1, \n                                                 fam_Address2, \n                                                 fam_City, \n                                                 fam_State, \n                                                 fam_Zip, \n                                                 fam_Country, \n                                                 fam_HomePhone, \n                                                 fam_WorkPhone, \n                                                 fam_CellPhone, \n                                                 fam_Email, \n                                                 fam_DateEntered, \n                                                 fam_EnteredBy)\n                            VALUES (NULL, " . "\"" . $per_LastName . "\", " . "\"" . $sAddress1 . "\", " . "\"" . $sAddress2 . "\", " . "\"" . $sCity . "\", " . "\"" . $sState . "\", " . "\"" . $sZip . "\", " . "\"" . $per_Country . "\", " . "\"" . $per_HomePhone . "\", " . "\"" . $per_WorkPhone . "\", " . "\"" . $per_CellPhone . "\", " . "\"" . $per_Email . "\"," . "\"" . date("YmdHis") . "\"," . "\"" . $_SESSION['iUserID'] . "\");";
     $rsFid = RunQuery($sSQL);
     $aFid = mysql_fetch_array($rsFid);
     $famid = $aFid[0];
     $sSQL = "INSERT INTO `family_custom` (`fam_ID`) VALUES ('" . $famid . "')";
     $fFamily = new Family(FilterInput($_POST["FamilyMode"], 'int'));
     $fFamily->AddMember($per_ID, $iGender, GetAge($iBirthMonth, $iBirthDay, $iBirthYear), $dWedding, $per_HomePhone, $iEnvelope);
     $Families[$famid] = $fFamily;
 $sSQL = "UPDATE person_per SET per_fam_ID = " . $famid . " WHERE per_ID = " . $per_ID;
 if ($bHasFamCustom) {
     // Check if family_custom record exists
     $sSQL = "SELECT fam_id FROM family_custom WHERE fam_id = {$famid}";
     $rsFamCustomID = RunQuery($sSQL);
     if (mysql_num_rows($rsFamCustomID) == 0) {
         $sSQL = "INSERT INTO `family_custom` (`fam_ID`) VALUES ('" . $famid . "')";
     // Build the family_custom SQL
     $sSQLFamCustom = "UPDATE family_custom SET ";
     for ($col = 0; $col < $numCol; $col++) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
    print "Age Statistics:\r\n";
    foreach ($iAgeStatus as $key => $value) {
        print $key . ': ,' . $value . "\r\n";
    print "Ethnicity BreakDown:\r\n";
    foreach ($iEthnicity as $key => $value) {
        print $key . ': ,' . $value . "\r\n";
foreach ($objMembershipArray as $objMembership) {
    print EscapeCsv($objMembership->Person->FullName);
    print ",";
    if ($bIsExit) {
        print EscapeCsv($objMembership->DateEnd);
        print ",";
        print EscapeCsv($objMembership->TerminationReason);
    } else {
        print EscapeCsv($objMembership->DateStart);
        print ",";
        print EscapeCsv(GetMaritalStatus($objMembership));
        print ",";
        print EscapeCsv(GetAge($objMembership));
        print ",";
        print EscapeCsv(GetEthnicity($objMembership));
        print ",";
        print EscapeCsv(GetPriorChurch($objMembership));
        print ",";
        print EscapeCsv(GetSalvationDate($objMembership));
    print "\r\n";