} $seeAlsoOthers .= $itemInfos["SeeAlsoUndefined"]; } if ($itemInfos["SeeAlsoExternal"] != "") { if ($seeAlsoOthers != "") { $seeAlsoOthers .= ", "; } $seeAlsoOthers .= $itemInfos["SeeAlsoExternal"]; } $tpl->setVariable("SEE_ALSO_OTHERS", FormatEndLines($seeAlsoOthers)); $tpl->parseCurrentBlock("see_also"); } // Assign data to the JVCL Info block if ($itemInfos["JVCLInfo"] != "") { $tpl->setCurrentBlock("jvcl_info"); $tpl->setVariable("JVCL_INFO", FormatEndLines($itemInfos["JVCLInfo"])); $tpl->parseCurrentBlock("jvcl_info"); } } else { $seeAlsoList = ""; if (is_numeric($itemId)) { // build the see also information if ($itemInfos["SeeAlsoInternal"] != "") { // start with the internal: the value in the DB is a comma separated list // of IDs, so we get the required infos from the database $sa_items = GetListOfItems($itemInfos["SeeAlsoInternal"]); foreach ($sa_items as $sa_item) { $tpl->setCurrentBlock("see_also_internal"); if ($sa_item == $sa_items[0]) { $seeAlsoList .= RemoveBaseClass(trim($sa_item["Name"]), $baseclass); } else {
// start with the internal: the value in the DB is a comma separated list // of IDs, so we get the required infos from the database $sa_items = GetListOfItems($originalItemInfos["SeeAlsoInternal"]); foreach ($sa_items as $sa_item) { $tpl->setCurrentBlock("see_also_internal"); if ($sa_item == $sa_items[0]) { $seeAlsoList .= RemoveBaseClass(trim($sa_item["Name"]), $baseclass); } else { $seeAlsoList .= ", " . RemoveBaseClass(trim($sa_item["Name"]), $baseclass); } } } // add the undefined and external if ($originalItemInfos["SeeAlsoUndefined"] != "") { if ($seeAlsoList != "") { $seeAlsoList .= ", "; } $seeAlsoList .= $originalItemInfos["SeeAlsoUndefined"]; } if ($originalItemInfos["SeeAlsoExternal"] != "") { if ($seeAlsoList != "") { $seeAlsoList .= ", "; } $seeAlsoList .= $originalItemInfos["SeeAlsoExternal"]; } // Finally, set the variable $tpl->setVariable("ORIGINAL_SEE_ALSO_LIST", FormatEndLines($seeAlsoList)); $tpl->setVariable("ORIGINAL_JVCL_INFO", FormatEndLines($originalItemInfos["JVCLInfo"])); } $tpl->show(); EndAccessToDB();