Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Returns a SQL string to select subjects accounting for user authorizations.
 * @author Nicola Asuni
 * @since 2006-03-12
 * @param $andwhere (string) additional WHERE statements (e.g.: "subject_enabled='1'")
 * @return string sql statement
function F_select_subjects_sql($andwhere = '')
    return F_select_module_subjects_sql($andwhere);
Ejemplo n.º 2
if (isset($test_id) and $test_id > 0) {
    echo '<div class="row"><br /></div>' . K_NEWLINE;
    echo '<fieldset>' . K_NEWLINE;
    echo '<legend>' . $l['w_questions'] . '</legend>' . K_NEWLINE;
    echo '<div class="row">' . K_NEWLINE;
    echo '<span class="label">&nbsp;</span>' . K_NEWLINE;
    echo '<span class="formw">' . $test_fieldset_name . '</span>' . K_NEWLINE;
    echo '</div>' . K_NEWLINE;
    echo '<div class="row">' . K_NEWLINE;
    echo '<span class="label">' . K_NEWLINE;
    echo '<label for="subject_id">' . $l['w_subjects'] . '</label>' . K_NEWLINE;
    echo '</span>' . K_NEWLINE;
    echo '<span class="formw">' . K_NEWLINE;
    echo '<select name="subject_id[]" id="subject_id" size="10" multiple="multiple" title="' . $l['h_subjects'] . '">' . K_NEWLINE;
    // select subject_id
    $sql = F_select_module_subjects_sql('module_enabled=\'1\' AND subject_enabled=\'1\'');
    if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) {
        $prev_module_id = 0;
        while ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) {
            if ($m['module_id'] != $prev_module_id) {
                $prev_module_id = $m['module_id'];
                echo '<option value="#' . $m['module_id'] . '" style="background-color:#DDEEFF;font-weight:bold">* ' . htmlspecialchars($m['module_name'], ENT_NOQUOTES, $l['a_meta_charset']) . '</option>' . K_NEWLINE;
            echo '<option value="' . $m['subject_id'] . '"';
            if (in_array($m['subject_id'], $subject_id)) {
                echo ' selected="selected"';
            echo '>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . htmlspecialchars($m['subject_name'], ENT_NOQUOTES, $l['a_meta_charset']) . ' [';
            // count available questions for each type
            $qstat = '';
            $sqln = 'SELECT question_type, question_difficulty, COUNT(*) as numquestions
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Display a list of selected questions.
 * @author Nicola Asuni
 * @since 2005-07-06
 * @param $wherequery (string) question selection query
 * @param $subject_module_id (string) module ID
 * @param $subject_id (string) topic ID
 * @param $order_field (string) order by column name
 * @param $orderdir (int) oreder direction
 * @param $firstrow (int) number of first row to display
 * @param $rowsperpage (int) number of rows per page
 * @param $hide_answers (boolean) if true hide answers
 * @return false in case of empty database, true otherwise
function F_show_select_questions($wherequery, $subject_module_id, $subject_id, $order_field, $orderdir, $firstrow, $rowsperpage, $hide_answers = false)
    global $l, $db;
    require_once '../config/tce_config.php';
    require_once '../../shared/code/tce_functions_page.php';
    $subject_module_id = intval($subject_module_id);
    $subject_id = intval($subject_id);
    $orderdir = intval($orderdir);
    $firstrow = intval($firstrow);
    $rowsperpage = intval($rowsperpage);
    if (empty($order_field) or !in_array($order_field, array('question_id', 'question_subject_id', 'question_description', 'question_explanation', 'question_type', 'question_difficulty', 'question_enabled', 'question_position', 'question_timer', 'question_fullscreen', 'question_inline_answers', 'question_auto_next', 'question_enabled DESC, question_position, CAST(question_description as varchar2(100))', 'question_enabled DESC, question_position, question_description'))) {
        $order_field = 'question_description';
    if ($orderdir == 0) {
        $nextorderdir = 1;
        $full_order_field = $order_field;
    } else {
        $nextorderdir = 0;
        $full_order_field = $order_field . ' DESC';
    if (!F_count_rows(K_TABLE_QUESTIONS)) {
        //if the table is void (no items) display message
        F_print_error('MESSAGE', $l['m_databasempty']);
        return FALSE;
    if (empty($wherequery)) {
        $wherequery = 'WHERE question_subject_id=' . $subject_id . '';
    } else {
        $wherequery = F_escape_sql($db, $wherequery);
        $wherequery .= ' AND question_subject_id=' . $subject_id . '';
    $sql = 'SELECT *
		' . $wherequery . '
		ORDER BY ' . $full_order_field;
    if (K_DATABASE_TYPE == 'ORACLE') {
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM (' . $sql . ') WHERE rownum BETWEEN ' . $firstrow . ' AND ' . ($firstrow + $rowsperpage) . '';
    } else {
        $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $rowsperpage . ' OFFSET ' . $firstrow . '';
    if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) {
        $questlist = '';
        $itemcount = $firstrow;
        while ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) {
            $questlist .= '<li>' . K_NEWLINE;
            $questlist .= '<strong>' . $itemcount . '.</strong> ';
            $questlist .= '<input type="checkbox" name="questionid' . $itemcount . '" id="questionid' . $itemcount . '" value="' . $m['question_id'] . '" title="' . $l['w_select'] . '"';
            if (isset($_REQUEST['checkall']) and $_REQUEST['checkall'] == 1) {
                $questlist .= ' checked="checked"';
            $questlist .= ' />';
            // display question description
            if (F_getBoolean($m['question_enabled'])) {
                $questlist .= '<acronym class="onbox" title="' . $l['w_enabled'] . '">+</acronym>';
            } else {
                $questlist .= '<acronym class="offbox" title="' . $l['w_disabled'] . '">-</acronym>';
            switch ($m['question_type']) {
                case 1:
                    $questlist .= ' <acronym class="offbox" title="' . $l['w_single_answer'] . '">S</acronym>';
                case 2:
                    $questlist .= ' <acronym class="offbox" title="' . $l['w_multiple_answers'] . '">M</acronym>';
                case 3:
                    $questlist .= ' <acronym class="offbox" title="' . $l['w_free_answer'] . '">T</acronym>';
                case 4:
                    $questlist .= ' <acronym class="offbox" title="' . $l['w_ordering_answer'] . '">O</acronym>';
            $questlist .= ' <acronym class="offbox" title="' . $l['h_question_difficulty'] . '">' . $m['question_difficulty'] . '</acronym>';
            if ($m['question_position'] > 0) {
                $questlist .= ' <acronym class="onbox" title="' . $l['h_position'] . '">' . intval($m['question_position']) . '</acronym>';
            } else {
                $questlist .= ' <acronym class="offbox" title="' . $l['h_position'] . '">&nbsp;</acronym>';
            if (F_getBoolean($m['question_fullscreen'])) {
                $questlist .= ' <acronym class="onbox" title="' . $l['w_fullscreen'] . ': ' . $l['w_enabled'] . '">F</acronym>';
            } else {
                $questlist .= ' <acronym class="offbox" title="' . $l['w_fullscreen'] . ': ' . $l['w_disabled'] . '">&nbsp;</acronym>';
            if (F_getBoolean($m['question_inline_answers'])) {
                $questlist .= ' <acronym class="onbox" title="' . $l['w_inline_answers'] . ': ' . $l['w_enabled'] . '">I</acronym>';
            } else {
                $questlist .= ' <acronym class="offbox" title="' . $l['w_inline_answers'] . ': ' . $l['w_disabled'] . '">&nbsp;</acronym>';
            if (F_getBoolean($m['question_auto_next'])) {
                $questlist .= ' <acronym class="onbox" title="' . $l['w_auto_next'] . ': ' . $l['w_enabled'] . '">A</acronym>';
            } else {
                $questlist .= ' <acronym class="offbox" title="' . $l['w_auto_next'] . ': ' . $l['w_disabled'] . '">&nbsp;</acronym>';
            if ($m['question_timer'] > 0) {
                $questlist .= ' <acronym class="onbox" title="' . $l['h_question_timer'] . '">' . intval($m['question_timer']) . '</acronym>';
            } else {
                $questlist .= ' <acronym class="offbox" title="' . $l['h_question_timer'] . '">&nbsp;</acronym>';
            $questlist .= ' <a href="tce_edit_question.php?subject_module_id=' . $subject_module_id . '&amp;question_subject_id=' . $subject_id . '&amp;question_id=' . $m['question_id'] . '" title="' . $l['t_questions_editor'] . ' [ID = ' . $m['question_id'] . ']" class="xmlbutton">' . $l['w_edit'] . '</a>';
            $questlist .= '<br /><br />' . K_NEWLINE;
            $questlist .= '<div class="paddingleft">' . F_decode_tcecode($m['question_description']) . '</div>' . K_NEWLINE;
            if (K_ENABLE_QUESTION_EXPLANATION and !empty($m['question_explanation'])) {
                $questlist .= '<div class="paddingleft"><br /><span class="explanation">' . $l['w_explanation'] . ':</span><br />' . F_decode_tcecode($m['question_explanation']) . '</div>' . K_NEWLINE;
            if (!$hide_answers) {
                // display alternative answers
                $sqla = 'SELECT *
					WHERE answer_question_id=\'' . $m['question_id'] . '\'
					ORDER BY answer_enabled DESC,answer_position,answer_isright DESC';
                if ($ra = F_db_query($sqla, $db)) {
                    $answlist = '';
                    while ($ma = F_db_fetch_array($ra)) {
                        $answlist .= '<li>';
                        if (F_getBoolean($ma['answer_enabled'])) {
                            $answlist .= '<acronym class="onbox" title="' . $l['w_enabled'] . '">+</acronym>';
                        } else {
                            $answlist .= '<acronym class="offbox" title="' . $l['w_disabled'] . '">-</acronym>';
                        if ($m['question_type'] != 4) {
                            if (F_getBoolean($ma['answer_isright'])) {
                                $answlist .= ' <acronym class="okbox" title="' . $l['h_answer_right'] . '">T</acronym>';
                            } else {
                                $answlist .= ' <acronym class="nobox" title="' . $l['h_answer_wrong'] . '">F</acronym>';
                        if ($ma['answer_position'] > 0) {
                            $answlist .= ' <acronym class="onbox" title="' . $l['h_position'] . '">' . intval($ma['answer_position']) . '</acronym>';
                        } else {
                            $answlist .= ' <acronym class="offbox" title="' . $l['h_position'] . '">&nbsp;</acronym>';
                        if ($ma['answer_keyboard_key'] > 0) {
                            $answlist .= ' <acronym class="onbox" title="' . $l['h_answer_keyboard_key'] . '">' . F_text_to_xml(chr($ma['answer_keyboard_key'])) . '</acronym>';
                        } else {
                            $answlist .= ' <acronym class="offbox" title="' . $l['h_answer_keyboard_key'] . '">&nbsp;</acronym>';
                        $answlist .= ' <a href="tce_edit_answer.php?subject_module_id=' . $subject_module_id . '&amp;question_subject_id=' . $subject_id . '&amp;answer_question_id=' . $m['question_id'] . '&amp;answer_id=' . $ma['answer_id'] . '" title="' . $l['t_answers_editor'] . ' [ID = ' . $ma['answer_id'] . ']" class="xmlbutton">' . $l['w_edit'] . '</a>';
                        //$answlist .= " ";
                        //$answlist .= "".F_decode_tcecode($ma['answer_description'])."";
                        $answlist .= '<br /><br />' . K_NEWLINE;
                        $answlist .= '<div class="paddingleft">' . F_decode_tcecode($ma['answer_description']) . '</div>' . K_NEWLINE;
                        if (K_ENABLE_ANSWER_EXPLANATION and !empty($ma['answer_explanation'])) {
                            $answlist .= '<div class="paddingleft"><br /><span class="explanation">' . $l['w_explanation'] . ':</span><br />' . F_decode_tcecode($ma['answer_explanation']) . '</div>' . K_NEWLINE;
                        $answlist .= '</li>' . K_NEWLINE;
                    if (strlen($answlist) > 0) {
                        $questlist .= "<ol class=\"answer\">\n" . $answlist . "</ol><br /><br />\n";
                } else {
            // end if hide_answers
            $questlist .= '</li>' . K_NEWLINE;
        if (strlen($questlist) > 0) {
            // display the list
            echo '<ul class="question">' . K_NEWLINE;
            echo $questlist;
            echo '</ul>' . K_NEWLINE;
            echo '<div class="row"><hr /></div>' . K_NEWLINE;
            // check/uncheck all options
            echo '<span dir="' . $l['a_meta_dir'] . '">';
            echo '<input type="radio" name="checkall" id="checkall1" value="1" onclick="document.getElementById(\'form_selectquestions\').submit()" />';
            echo '<label for="checkall1">' . $l['w_check_all'] . '</label> ';
            echo '<input type="radio" name="checkall" id="checkall0" value="0" onclick="document.getElementById(\'form_selectquestions\').submit()" />';
            echo '<label for="checkall0">' . $l['w_uncheck_all'] . '</label>';
            echo '</span>' . K_NEWLINE;
            echo '&nbsp;';
            if ($l['a_meta_dir'] == 'rtl') {
                $arr = '&larr;';
            } else {
                $arr = '&rarr;';
            // action options
            echo '<select name="menu_action" id="menu_action" size="0">' . K_NEWLINE;
            echo '<option value="0" style="color:gray">' . $l['m_with_selected'] . '</option>' . K_NEWLINE;
            echo '<option value="enable">' . $l['w_enable'] . '</option>' . K_NEWLINE;
            echo '<option value="disable">' . $l['w_disable'] . '</option>' . K_NEWLINE;
            echo '<option value="delete">' . $l['w_delete'] . '</option>' . K_NEWLINE;
            echo '<option value="copy">' . $l['w_copy'] . ' ' . $arr . '</option>' . K_NEWLINE;
            echo '<option value="move">' . $l['w_move'] . ' ' . $arr . '</option>' . K_NEWLINE;
            echo '</select>' . K_NEWLINE;
            // select new topic (for copy or move action)
            echo '<select name="new_subject_id" id="new_subject_id" size="0" title="' . $l['h_subject'] . '">' . K_NEWLINE;
            $sql = F_select_module_subjects_sql('module_enabled=\'1\' AND subject_enabled=\'1\'');
            if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) {
                echo '<option value="0" style="color:gray">' . $l['w_subject'] . '</option>' . K_NEWLINE;
                $prev_module_id = 0;
                while ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) {
                    if ($m['module_id'] != $prev_module_id) {
                        $prev_module_id = $m['module_id'];
                        echo '<option value="0" style="color:gray;font-weight:bold;" disabled="disabled">* ' . htmlspecialchars($m['module_name'], ENT_NOQUOTES, $l['a_meta_charset']) . '</option>' . K_NEWLINE;
                    echo '<option value="' . $m['subject_id'] . '">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . htmlspecialchars($m['subject_name'], ENT_NOQUOTES, $l['a_meta_charset']) . '</option>' . K_NEWLINE;
            } else {
                echo '</select>' . K_NEWLINE;
            echo '</select>' . K_NEWLINE;
            // submit button
            F_submit_button("update", $l['w_update'], $l['h_update']);
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        // -- page jumper (menu for successive pages)
        if ($rowsperpage > 0) {
            $sql = 'SELECT count(*) AS total FROM ' . K_TABLE_QUESTIONS . ' ' . $wherequery . '';
            if (!empty($order_field)) {
                $param_array = '&amp;order_field=' . urlencode($order_field) . '';
            if (!empty($orderdir)) {
                $param_array .= '&amp;orderdir=' . $orderdir . '';
            if (!empty($hide_answers)) {
                $param_array .= '&amp;hide_answers=' . intval($hide_answers) . '';
            $param_array .= '&amp;subject_module_id=' . $subject_module_id . '';
            $param_array .= '&amp;subject_id=' . $subject_id . '';
            $param_array .= '&amp;submitted=1';
            F_show_page_navigator($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], $sql, $firstrow, $rowsperpage, $param_array);
    } else {
    return TRUE;