/** * Import user's test data from OMR. * @param $user_id (int) user ID. * @param $date (string) date-time field. * @param $omr_testdata (array) Array containing test data. * @param $omr_answers (array) Array containing test answers (from OMR). * @return boolean TRUE in case of success, FALSE otherwise. */ function F_importOMRTestData($user_id, $date, $omr_testdata, $omr_answers) { require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; require_once '../../shared/code/tce_functions_test.php'; global $db, $l; // check arrays if (count($omr_testdata) > count($omr_answers) + 1) { // arrays must contain the same amount of questions return false; } $test_id = intval($omr_testdata[0]); $user_id = intval($user_id); $time = strtotime($date); $date = date(K_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, $time); $dateanswers = date(K_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, $time + 1); // check user's group if (F_count_rows(K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ', ' . K_TABLE_TEST_GROUPS . ' WHERE usrgrp_group_id=tstgrp_group_id AND tstgrp_test_id=' . $test_id . ' AND usrgrp_user_id=' . $user_id . ' LIMIT 1') == 0) { return false; } // get test data $testdata = F_getTestData($test_id); // 1. delete previous test data $sqld = 'DELETE FROM ' . K_TABLE_TEST_USER . ' WHERE testuser_test_id=' . $test_id . ' AND testuser_user_id=' . $user_id . ''; if (!($rd = F_db_query($sqld, $db))) { F_display_db_error(); } // 2. create new user's test entry // ------------------------------ $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . K_TABLE_TEST_USER . ' ( testuser_test_id, testuser_user_id, testuser_status, testuser_creation_time, testuser_comment ) VALUES ( ' . $test_id . ', ' . $user_id . ', 4, \'' . $date . '\', \'OMR\' )'; if (!($r = F_db_query($sql, $db))) { F_display_db_error(false); return false; } else { // get inserted ID $testuser_id = F_db_insert_id($db, K_TABLE_TEST_USER, 'testuser_id'); } // 3. create test log entries $num_questions = count($omr_testdata) - 1; // for each question on array for ($q = 1; $q <= $num_questions; ++$q) { $question_id = intval($omr_testdata[$q][0]); $num_answers = count($omr_testdata[$q][1]); // get question data $sqlq = 'SELECT question_type, question_difficulty FROM ' . K_TABLE_QUESTIONS . ' WHERE question_id=' . $question_id . ' LIMIT 1'; if ($rq = F_db_query($sqlq, $db)) { if ($mq = F_db_fetch_array($rq)) { // question scores $question_right_score = $testdata['test_score_right'] * $mq['question_difficulty']; $question_wrong_score = $testdata['test_score_wrong'] * $mq['question_difficulty']; $question_unanswered_score = $testdata['test_score_unanswered'] * $mq['question_difficulty']; // add question $sqll = 'INSERT INTO ' . K_TABLE_TESTS_LOGS . ' ( testlog_testuser_id, testlog_question_id, testlog_score, testlog_creation_time, testlog_display_time, testlog_reaction_time, testlog_order, testlog_num_answers ) VALUES ( ' . $testuser_id . ', ' . $question_id . ', ' . $question_unanswered_score . ', \'' . $date . '\', \'' . $date . '\', 1, ' . $q . ', ' . $num_answers . ' )'; if (!($rl = F_db_query($sqll, $db))) { F_display_db_error(false); return false; } $testlog_id = F_db_insert_id($db, K_TABLE_TESTS_LOGS, 'testlog_id'); // set initial question score if ($mq['question_type'] == 1) { // MCSA $qscore = $question_unanswered_score; } else { // MCMA $qscore = 0; } $unanswered = true; // for each question on array for ($a = 1; $a <= $num_answers; ++$a) { $answer_id = intval($omr_testdata[$q][1][$a]); if (isset($omr_answers[$q][$a])) { $answer_selected = $omr_answers[$q][$a]; //-1, 0, 1 } else { $answer_selected = -1; } // add answer $sqli = 'INSERT INTO ' . K_TABLE_LOG_ANSWER . ' ( logansw_testlog_id, logansw_answer_id, logansw_selected, logansw_order ) VALUES ( ' . $testlog_id . ', ' . $answer_id . ', ' . $answer_selected . ', ' . $a . ' )'; if (!($ri = F_db_query($sqli, $db))) { F_display_db_error(false); return false; } // calculate question score if ($mq['question_type'] < 3) { // MCSA or MCMA // check if the answer is right $answer_isright = false; $sqla = 'SELECT answer_isright FROM ' . K_TABLE_ANSWERS . ' WHERE answer_id=' . $answer_id . ' LIMIT 1'; if ($ra = F_db_query($sqla, $db)) { if ($ma = F_db_fetch_array($ra)) { $answer_isright = F_getBoolean($ma['answer_isright']); switch ($mq['question_type']) { case 1: // MCSA - Multiple Choice Single Answer if ($answer_selected == 1) { $unanswered = false; if ($answer_isright) { $qscore = $question_right_score; } else { $qscore = $question_wrong_score; } } break; case 2: // MCMA - Multiple Choice Multiple Answer if ($answer_selected == -1) { $qscore += $question_unanswered_score; } elseif ($answer_selected == 0) { $unanswered = false; if ($answer_isright) { $qscore += $question_wrong_score; } else { $qscore += $question_right_score; } } elseif ($answer_selected == 1) { $unanswered = false; if ($answer_isright) { $qscore += $question_right_score; } else { $qscore += $question_wrong_score; } } break; } } } else { F_display_db_error(false); return false; } } } // end for each answer if ($mq['question_type'] == 2) { // MCMA // normalize score if (F_getBoolean($testdata['test_mcma_partial_score'])) { // use partial scoring for MCMA and ORDER questions $qscore = round($qscore / $num_answers, 3); } else { // all-or-nothing points if ($qscore >= $question_right_score * $num_answers) { // right $qscore = $question_right_score; } elseif ($qscore == $question_unanswered_score * $num_answers) { // unanswered $qscore = $question_unanswered_score; } else { // wrong $qscore = $question_wrong_score; } } } if ($unanswered) { $change_time = ''; } else { $change_time = $dateanswers; } // update question score $sqll = 'UPDATE ' . K_TABLE_TESTS_LOGS . ' SET testlog_score=' . $qscore . ', testlog_change_time=' . F_empty_to_null($change_time) . ', testlog_reaction_time=1000 WHERE testlog_id=' . $testlog_id . ''; if (!($rl = F_db_query($sqll, $db))) { F_display_db_error(); return false; } } } else { F_display_db_error(false); return false; } } // end for each question return true; }
$wherequery = ''; $terms = preg_split("/[\\s]+/i", $searchterms); // Get all the words into an array foreach ($terms as $word) { $word = F_escape_sql($word); $wherequery .= ' AND (mnf_name LIKE \'%' . $word . '%\')'; } $wherequery = substr($wherequery, 5); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_MANUFACTURES . ' WHERE ' . $wherequery . ' ORDER BY mnf_name ASC'; } } else { $sql = 'SELECT mnf_id, mnf_name FROM ' . K_TABLE_MANUFACTURES . ' ORDER BY mnf_name ASC'; } if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { echo '<ul>' . K_NEWLINE; while ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { // on click the manufacturer ID will be returned on the calling form field $jsaction = 'javascript:window.opener.document.getElementById(\'' . $cid . '\').value=' . $m['mnf_id'] . ';'; $jsaction .= 'window.opener.document.getElementById(\'' . $cid . '\').onchange();'; $jsaction .= 'window.close();'; echo '<li><a href="#" onclick="' . $jsaction . '" title="[' . $l['w_select'] . ']">' . htmlspecialchars($m['mnf_name'], ENT_NOQUOTES, $l['a_meta_charset']) . '</a></li>' . K_NEWLINE; } echo '</ul>' . K_NEWLINE; } else { F_display_db_error(); } echo '</form>' . K_NEWLINE; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/tce_page_footer_popup.php'; //============================================================+ // END OF FILE //============================================================+
/** * Export all users to CSV grouped by users' groups. * @author Nicola Asuni * @since 2006-03-30 * @return CSV data */ function F_csv_export_users() { global $l, $db; require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; $csv = ''; // CSV data to be returned // print column names $csv .= 'user_id'; $csv .= K_TAB . 'user_name'; $csv .= K_TAB . 'user_password'; $csv .= K_TAB . 'user_email'; $csv .= K_TAB . 'user_regdate'; $csv .= K_TAB . 'user_ip'; $csv .= K_TAB . 'user_firstname'; $csv .= K_TAB . 'user_lastname'; $csv .= K_TAB . 'user_birthdate'; $csv .= K_TAB . 'user_birthplace'; $csv .= K_TAB . 'user_regnumber'; $csv .= K_TAB . 'user_ssn'; $csv .= K_TAB . 'user_level'; $csv .= K_TAB . 'user_verifycode'; $csv .= K_TAB . 'user_groups'; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_USERS . ' WHERE (user_id>1)'; if ($_SESSION['session_user_level'] < K_AUTH_ADMINISTRATOR) { // filter for level $sql .= ' AND ((user_level<' . $_SESSION['session_user_level'] . ') OR (user_id=' . $_SESSION['session_user_id'] . '))'; // filter for groups $sql .= ' AND user_id IN (SELECT tb.usrgrp_user_id FROM ' . K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ' AS ta, ' . K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ' AS tb WHERE ta.usrgrp_group_id=tb.usrgrp_group_id AND ta.usrgrp_user_id=' . intval($_SESSION['session_user_id']) . ' AND tb.usrgrp_user_id=user_id)'; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY user_lastname,user_firstname,user_name'; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { while ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { $csv .= K_NEWLINE . $m['user_id']; $csv .= K_TAB . $m['user_name']; $csv .= K_TAB; // password cannot be exported because is encrypted $csv .= K_TAB . $m['user_email']; $csv .= K_TAB . $m['user_regdate']; $csv .= K_TAB . $m['user_ip']; $csv .= K_TAB . $m['user_firstname']; $csv .= K_TAB . $m['user_lastname']; $csv .= K_TAB . substr($m['user_birthdate'], 0, 10); $csv .= K_TAB . $m['user_birthplace']; $csv .= K_TAB . $m['user_regnumber']; $csv .= K_TAB . $m['user_ssn']; $csv .= K_TAB . $m['user_level']; $csv .= K_TAB . $m['user_verifycode']; $csv .= K_TAB; $grp = ''; // comma separated list of user's groups $sqlg = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_GROUPS . ', ' . K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ' WHERE usrgrp_group_id=group_id AND usrgrp_user_id=' . $m['user_id'] . ' ORDER BY group_name'; if ($rg = F_db_query($sqlg, $db)) { while ($mg = F_db_fetch_array($rg)) { $grp .= $mg['group_name'] . ','; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } if (!empty($grp)) { // add user's groups removing last comma $csv .= substr($grp, 0, -1); } } } else { F_display_db_error(); } return $csv; }
/** * Returns test data structure for selected user: * <ul> * <li>$data['all'] = total number of questions</li> * <li>$data['right'] = number of right answers for multiple-choice questions (score > 50% max points)</li> * <li>$data['wrong'] = number of wrong answers for multiple-choice questions (score <= 50% max points)</li> * <li>$data['textright'] = number of right answers for free-text questions (score > 50% max points)</li> * <li>$data['textwrong'] = number of wrong answers for free-text questions (score <= 50% max points)</li> * <li>$data['unanswered'] = total number of unanswered questions</li> * <li>$data['undisplayed'] = total number of undisplayed questions</li> * <li>$data['basic_score'] = basic points for each difficulty level of questions</li> * <li>$data['max_score'] = maximum test score</li> * <li>$data['score'] = user's score</li> * <li>$data['comment'] = user's test comment</li> * <li>$data['time'] = user's test start time</li> * </ul> * @param $test_id (int) test ID * @param $user_id (int) user's test ID * return array $data */ function F_getUserTestStat($test_id, $user_id) { require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; global $db, $l; $test_id = intval($test_id); $user_id = intval($user_id); $data = array(); // get test default scores $sql = 'SELECT test_score_right, test_max_score, test_score_threshold FROM ' . K_TABLE_TESTS . ' WHERE test_id=' . $test_id . ''; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { if ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { $data['basic_score'] = $m['test_score_right']; $data['max_score'] = $m['test_max_score']; $data['score_threshold'] = $m['test_score_threshold']; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } // total number of questions $data['all'] = F_count_rows(K_TABLE_TESTS_LOGS . ', ' . K_TABLE_TEST_USER . ', ' . K_TABLE_QUESTIONS, 'WHERE testlog_testuser_id=testuser_id AND testlog_question_id=question_id AND testuser_test_id=' . $test_id . ' AND testuser_user_id=' . $user_id . ''); // number of right answers $data['right'] = F_count_rows(K_TABLE_TESTS_LOGS . ', ' . K_TABLE_TEST_USER . ', ' . K_TABLE_QUESTIONS, 'WHERE testlog_testuser_id=testuser_id AND testlog_question_id=question_id AND testuser_test_id=' . $test_id . ' AND testuser_user_id=' . $user_id . ' AND testlog_score>((question_difficulty*' . $data['basic_score'] . ')/2)'); // number of wrong answers $data['wrong'] = F_count_rows(K_TABLE_TESTS_LOGS . ', ' . K_TABLE_TEST_USER . ', ' . K_TABLE_QUESTIONS, 'WHERE testlog_testuser_id=testuser_id AND testlog_question_id=question_id AND testuser_test_id=' . $test_id . ' AND testuser_user_id=' . $user_id . ' AND testlog_score<=((question_difficulty*' . $data['basic_score'] . ')/2)'); // total number of unanswered questions $data['unanswered'] = F_count_rows(K_TABLE_TESTS_LOGS . ', ' . K_TABLE_TEST_USER, 'WHERE testlog_testuser_id=testuser_id AND testuser_test_id=' . $test_id . ' AND testuser_user_id=' . $user_id . ' AND testlog_change_time IS NULL'); // total number of undisplayed questions $data['undisplayed'] = F_count_rows(K_TABLE_TESTS_LOGS . ', ' . K_TABLE_TEST_USER, 'WHERE testlog_testuser_id=testuser_id AND testuser_test_id=' . $test_id . ' AND testuser_user_id=' . $user_id . ' AND testlog_display_time IS NULL'); // number of free-text unrated questions $data['unrated'] = F_count_rows(K_TABLE_TESTS_LOGS . ', ' . K_TABLE_TEST_USER, 'WHERE testlog_testuser_id=testuser_id AND testuser_test_id=' . $test_id . ' AND testuser_user_id=' . $user_id . ' AND testlog_score IS NULL'); // get user's score $sql = 'SELECT SUM(testlog_score) AS total_score FROM ' . K_TABLE_TESTS_LOGS . ', ' . K_TABLE_TEST_USER . ' WHERE testlog_testuser_id=testuser_id AND testuser_user_id=' . $user_id . ' AND testuser_test_id=' . $test_id . ' GROUP BY testuser_id'; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { if ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { $data['score'] = $m['total_score']; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } // get user's test comment $data['comment'] = ''; $sql = 'SELECT testuser_comment, testuser_creation_time FROM ' . K_TABLE_TEST_USER . ' WHERE testuser_user_id=' . $user_id . ' AND testuser_test_id=' . $test_id . ' LIMIT 1'; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { if ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { $data['comment'] = $m['testuser_comment']; $data['time'] = $m['testuser_creation_time']; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } $sql = 'SELECT testuser_id, testuser_creation_time, testuser_status, MAX(testlog_change_time) AS test_end_time FROM ' . K_TABLE_TEST_USER . ', ' . K_TABLE_TESTS_LOGS . ' WHERE testlog_testuser_id=testuser_id AND testuser_test_id=' . $test_id . ' AND testuser_user_id=' . $user_id . ' AND testuser_status>0 GROUP BY testuser_id, testuser_creation_time, testuser_status LIMIT 1'; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { if ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { $data['test_start_time'] = $m['testuser_creation_time']; $data['test_end_time'] = $m['test_end_time']; $data['testuser_id'] = $m['testuser_id']; $data['testuser_status'] = $m['testuser_status']; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } return $data; }
$pdf->Cell($data_cell_width_third, $data_cell_height, '', 0, 0, 'C', 0); $pdf->SetFont('', 'BIU'); $pdf->Cell(0, $data_cell_height, $l['w_explanation'], 'LTR', 1, '', 0, '', 0); $pdf->SetFont('', ''); $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, $data_cell_height, PDF_MARGIN_LEFT + $data_cell_width_third, $pdf->GetY(), F_decode_tcecode($mq['question_explanation']), 'LRB', 1, '', ''); } if ($show_answers) { // display alternative answers $sqla = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_ANSWERS . ' WHERE answer_question_id=\'' . $mq['question_id'] . '\' ORDER BY answer_position,answer_isright DESC'; if ($ra = F_db_query($sqla, $db)) { $idx = 0; // count items while ($ma = F_db_fetch_array($ra)) { $idx++; $answer_disabled = intval(!F_getBoolean($ma['answer_enabled'])); $answer_isright = intval(F_getBoolean($ma['answer_isright'])); $pdf->Cell($data_cell_width_third, $data_cell_height, '', 0, 0, 'C', 0); $pdf->Cell($data_cell_width_third, $data_cell_height, $idx, 1, 0, 'C', $answer_disabled); if ($mq['question_type'] != 4) { $pdf->Cell($data_cell_width_third / 2, $data_cell_height, $qright[$answer_isright], 1, 0, 'C', $answer_disabled); } else { $pdf->Cell($data_cell_width_third / 2, $data_cell_height, '', 1, 0, 'C', $answer_disabled); } if ($ma['answer_position'] > 0) { $pdf->Cell($data_cell_width_third, $data_cell_height, $ma['answer_position'], 1, 0, 'C', $answer_disabled); } else { $pdf->Cell($data_cell_width_third, $data_cell_height, '', 1, 0, 'C', $answer_disabled); }
} // print answers // add answers $answ_id = 0; // display multiple answers while (list($key, $answer_id) = each($answers_ids)) { ++$answ_id; // add answer ID to QR-Code data $barcode_test_data[$question_order][1][$answ_id] = $answer_id; // display each answer option $sqla = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_ANSWERS . ' WHERE answer_id=' . $answer_id . ' LIMIT 1'; if ($ra = F_db_query($sqla, $db)) { if ($ma = F_db_fetch_array($ra)) { $rightanswer = ''; if ($mq['question_type'] == 4) { $rightanswer = $ma['answer_position']; } elseif (F_getBoolean($ma['answer_isright'])) { $rightanswer = 'X'; } // start transaction $pdf->startTransaction(); $block_page = $pdf->getPage(); $print_block = 2; // 2 tries max while ($print_block > 0) { // ------------------------------ $pdf->Cell(2 * $data_cell_width_third, $data_cell_height, '', 0, 0, 'C', 0); // print correct answer in hidden white color
} else { $xuser_password = getPasswordHash($_POST['xuser_password']); // one-way password encoding // check if submitted login information are correct $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_USERS . ' WHERE user_name=\'' . F_escape_sql($_POST['xuser_name']) . '\' AND user_password=\'' . $xuser_password . '\''; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { if ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { // check One Time Password $otp = false; if (K_OTP_LOGIN) { $mtime = microtime(true); if (isset($_POST['xuser_otpcode']) and !empty($_POST['xuser_otpcode']) and ($_POST['xuser_otpcode'] == F_getOTP($m['user_otpkey'], $mtime) or $_POST['xuser_otpcode'] == F_getOTP($m['user_otpkey'], $mtime - 30) or $_POST['xuser_otpcode'] == F_getOTP($m['user_otpkey'], $mtime + 30))) { // check if this OTP token has been alredy used $sqlt = 'SELECT cpsession_id FROM ' . K_TABLE_SESSIONS . ' WHERE cpsession_id=\'' . $_POST['xuser_otpcode'] . '\' LIMIT 1'; if ($rt = F_db_query($sqlt, $db)) { if (!F_db_fetch_array($rt)) { // Store this token on the session table to mark it as invalid for 5 minute (300 seconds) $sqltu = 'INSERT INTO ' . K_TABLE_SESSIONS . ' ( cpsession_id, cpsession_expiry, cpsession_data ) VALUES ( \'' . $_POST['xuser_otpcode'] . '\', \'' . date(K_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, time() + 300) . '\', \'300\' )'; if (!F_db_query($sqltu, $db)) { F_display_db_error(); } $otp = true; }
/** * Sets the end element handler function for the XML parser parser.end_element_handler. * @param $parser (resource) The first parameter, parser, is a reference to the XML parser calling the handler. * @param $name (string) The second parameter, name, contains the name of the element for which this handler is called. If case-folding is in effect for this parser, the element name will be in uppercase letters. * @private */ private function endElementHandler($parser, $name) { global $l, $db; require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; require_once 'tce_functions_user_select.php'; switch (strtolower($name)) { case 'name': case 'password': case 'email': case 'regdate': case 'ip': case 'firstname': case 'lastname': case 'birthdate': case 'birthplace': case 'regnumber': case 'ssn': case 'level': case 'verifycode': $this->current_data = F_escape_sql(F_xml_to_text($this->current_data)); $this->user_data[$this->current_element] = $this->current_data; $this->current_element = ''; $this->current_data = ''; break; case 'group': $group_name = F_escape_sql(F_xml_to_text($this->current_data)); // check if group already exist $sql = 'SELECT group_id FROM ' . K_TABLE_GROUPS . ' WHERE group_name=\'' . $group_name . '\' LIMIT 1'; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { if ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { // the group has been already added $this->group_data[] = $m['group_id']; } else { // add new group $sqli = 'INSERT INTO ' . K_TABLE_GROUPS . ' ( group_name ) VALUES ( \'' . $group_name . '\' )'; if (!($ri = F_db_query($sqli, $db))) { F_display_db_error(false); } else { $this->group_data[] = F_db_insert_id($db, K_TABLE_GROUPS, 'group_id'); } } } else { F_display_db_error(); } break; case 'user': // insert users if (!empty($this->user_data['user_name'])) { if (empty($this->user_data['user_regdate'])) { $this->user_data['user_regdate'] = date(K_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT); } if (empty($this->user_data['user_ip'])) { $this->user_data['user_ip'] = getNormalizedIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); } if (!isset($this->user_data['user_level']) or strlen($this->user_data['user_level']) == 0) { $this->user_data['user_level'] = 1; } if ($_SESSION['session_user_level'] < K_AUTH_ADMINISTRATOR) { // you cannot edit a user with a level equal or higher than yours $this->user_data['user_level'] = min(max(0, $_SESSION['session_user_level'] - 1), $this->user_data['user_level']); // non-administrator can access only to his/her groups if (empty($this->group_data)) { break; } $common_groups = array_intersect(F_get_user_groups($_SESSION['session_user_id']), $this->group_data); if (empty($common_groups)) { break; } } // check if user already exist $sql = 'SELECT user_id,user_level FROM ' . K_TABLE_USERS . ' WHERE user_name=\'' . $this->user_data['user_name'] . '\' OR user_regnumber=\'' . $this->user_data['user_regnumber'] . '\' OR user_ssn=\'' . $this->user_data['user_ssn'] . '\' LIMIT 1'; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { if ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { // the user has been already added $user_id = $m['user_id']; if ($_SESSION['session_user_level'] >= K_AUTH_ADMINISTRATOR or $_SESSION['session_user_level'] > $m['user_level']) { //update user data $sqlu = 'UPDATE ' . K_TABLE_USERS . ' SET user_regdate=\'' . $this->user_data['user_regdate'] . '\', user_ip=\'' . $this->user_data['user_ip'] . '\', user_name=\'' . $this->user_data['user_name'] . '\', user_email=' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_email']) . ','; // update password only if it is specified if (!empty($this->user_data['user_password'])) { $sqlu .= ' user_password=\'' . md5($this->user_data['user_password']) . '\','; } $sqlu .= ' user_regnumber=' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_regnumber']) . ', user_firstname=' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_firstname']) . ', user_lastname=' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_lastname']) . ', user_birthdate=' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_birthdate']) . ', user_birthplace=' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_birthplace']) . ', user_ssn=' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_ssn']) . ', user_level=\'' . $this->user_data['user_level'] . '\', user_verifycode=' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_verifycode']) . ' WHERE user_id=' . $user_id . ''; if (!($ru = F_db_query($sqlu, $db))) { F_display_db_error(false); return FALSE; } } else { // no user is updated, so empty groups $this->group_data = array(); } } else { // add new user $sqlu = 'INSERT INTO ' . K_TABLE_USERS . ' ( user_regdate, user_ip, user_name, user_email, user_password, user_regnumber, user_firstname, user_lastname, user_birthdate, user_birthplace, user_ssn, user_level, user_verifycode ) VALUES ( ' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_regdate']) . ', \'' . $this->user_data['user_ip'] . '\', \'' . $this->user_data['user_name'] . '\', ' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_email']) . ', \'' . md5($this->user_data['user_password']) . '\', ' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_regnumber']) . ', ' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_firstname']) . ', ' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_lastname']) . ', ' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_birthdate']) . ', ' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_birthplace']) . ', ' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_ssn']) . ', \'' . $this->user_data['user_level'] . '\', ' . F_empty_to_null($this->user_data['user_verifycode']) . ' )'; if (!($ru = F_db_query($sqlu, $db))) { F_display_db_error(false); return FALSE; } else { $user_id = F_db_insert_id($db, K_TABLE_USERS, 'user_id'); } } } else { F_display_db_error(false); return FALSE; } // user's groups if (!empty($this->group_data)) { while (list($key, $group_id) = each($this->group_data)) { // check if user-group already exist $sqls = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ' WHERE usrgrp_group_id=\'' . $group_id . '\' AND usrgrp_user_id=\'' . $user_id . '\' LIMIT 1'; if ($rs = F_db_query($sqls, $db)) { if (!($ms = F_db_fetch_array($rs))) { // associate group to user $sqlg = 'INSERT INTO ' . K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ' ( usrgrp_user_id, usrgrp_group_id ) VALUES ( ' . $user_id . ', ' . $group_id . ' )'; if (!($rg = F_db_query($sqlg, $db))) { F_display_db_error(false); return FALSE; } } } else { F_display_db_error(false); return FALSE; } } } } break; default: break; } }
/** * Return the IDs of groups asociated to the selected user. * @param $user_id (int) User ID. * @return (array) Array of group IDs. */ function F_getUserGroups($user_id) { global $l, $db; require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; $groups = array(); // check if user is an administrator $sql = 'SELECT usrgrp_group_id FROM ' . K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ' WHERE usrgrp_user_id=' . $user_id . ''; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { while ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { $groups[] = $m['usrgrp_group_id']; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } return $groups; }
/** * Clone the specified object, including child objects * @param $source_obj_id (int) Source parent object ID. * @param $target_obj_id (int) Target parent object ID. */ function F_clone_child_objects($source_obj_id, $target_obj_id) { global $l, $db; require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_OBJECTS . ', ' . K_TABLE_OBJECTS_MAP . ' WHERE omp_child_obj_id=obj_id AND omp_parent_obj_id=' . $source_obj_id . ''; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { while ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { // create new object $sqli = 'INSERT INTO ' . K_TABLE_OBJECTS . ' ( obj_obt_id, obj_name, obj_description, obj_label, obj_tag, obj_mnf_id, obj_owner_id, obj_tenant_id ) VALUES ( ' . $m['obj_obt_id'] . ', \'' . $m['obj_name'] . '\', ' . F_empty_to_null($m['obj_description']) . ', ' . F_empty_to_null($m['obj_label']) . ', ' . F_empty_to_null($m['obj_tag']) . ', ' . F_empty_to_null($m['obj_mnf_id']) . ', ' . F_empty_to_null($m['obj_owner_id']) . ', ' . F_empty_to_null($m['obj_tenant_id']) . ' )'; if (!($ri = F_db_query($sqli, $db))) { F_display_db_error(false); } else { $child_obj_id = F_db_insert_id($db, K_TABLE_OBJECTS, 'obj_id'); // add new object as child $sqli = 'INSERT INTO ' . K_TABLE_OBJECTS_MAP . ' ( omp_parent_obj_id, omp_child_obj_id ) VALUES ( ' . $target_obj_id . ', ' . $child_obj_id . ' )'; if (!($ri = F_db_query($sqli, $db))) { F_display_db_error(false); } F_clone_child_objects($m['obj_id'], $child_obj_id); } } } else { F_display_db_error(); } }
echo '<div class="preview">' . K_NEWLINE; $subjlist = ''; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_TEST_SUBJSET . ' WHERE tsubset_test_id=\'' . $test_id . '\' ORDER BY tsubset_id'; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { while ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { $subjlist .= '<li>'; $subjects_list = ''; $sqls = 'SELECT subject_id,subject_name FROM ' . K_TABLE_SUBJECTS . ', ' . K_TABLE_SUBJECT_SET . ' WHERE subject_id=subjset_subject_id AND subjset_tsubset_id=\'' . $m['tsubset_id'] . '\' ORDER BY subject_name'; if ($rs = F_db_query($sqls, $db)) { while ($ms = F_db_fetch_array($rs)) { $subjects_list .= '<a href="tce_edit_subject.php?subject_id=' . $ms['subject_id'] . '" title="' . $l['t_subjects_editor'] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($ms['subject_name'], ENT_NOQUOTES, $l['a_meta_charset']) . '</a>, '; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } // remove last comma + space $subjlist .= substr($subjects_list, 0, -2); $subjlist .= '<br />' . K_NEWLINE; $subjlist .= '<acronym class="offbox" title="' . $l['h_num_questions'] . '">' . $m['tsubset_quantity'] . '</acronym> '; $subjlist .= '<acronym class="offbox" title="' . $l['h_question_type'] . '">'; if ($m['tsubset_type'] > 0) { $subjlist .= $qtype[$m['tsubset_type'] - 1]; } else { // all question types $subjlist .= '*';
/** * Copy selected question to another topic * @author Nicola Asuni * @since 2008-11-26 * @param $question_id (int) question ID * @param $new_subject_id (int) new subject ID */ function F_question_copy($question_id, $new_subject_id) { global $l, $db; require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; $question_id = intval($question_id); $new_subject_id = intval($new_subject_id); // check authorization $sql = 'SELECT subject_module_id FROM ' . K_TABLE_SUBJECTS . ' WHERE subject_id=' . $new_subject_id . ' LIMIT 1'; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { if ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { $subject_module_id = $m['subject_module_id']; // check user's authorization for parent module if (!F_isAuthorizedUser(K_TABLE_MODULES, 'module_id', $subject_module_id, 'module_user_id')) { return; } } } else { F_display_db_error(); return; } $q = F_question_get_data($question_id); if ($q !== false) { if (K_DATABASE_TYPE == 'ORACLE') { $chksql = 'dbms_lob.instr(question_description,\'' . F_escape_sql($db, $q['question_description']) . '\',1,1)>0'; } elseif (K_DATABASE_TYPE == 'MYSQL' and defined('K_MYSQL_QA_BIN_UNIQUITY') and K_MYSQL_QA_BIN_UNIQUITY) { $chksql = 'question_description=\'' . F_escape_sql($db, $q['question_description']) . '\' COLLATE utf8_bin'; } else { $chksql = 'question_description=\'' . F_escape_sql($db, $q['question_description']) . '\''; } if (F_check_unique(K_TABLE_QUESTIONS, $chksql . ' AND question_subject_id=' . $new_subject_id . '')) { $sql = 'START TRANSACTION'; if (!($r = F_db_query($sql, $db))) { F_display_db_error(false); break; } // adjust questions ordering if ($q['question_position'] > 0) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . K_TABLE_QUESTIONS . ' SET question_position=question_position+1 WHERE question_subject_id=' . $new_subject_id . ' AND question_position>=' . $q['question_position'] . ''; if (!($r = F_db_query($sql, $db))) { F_display_db_error(false); F_db_query('ROLLBACK', $db); // rollback transaction } } $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . K_TABLE_QUESTIONS . ' ( question_subject_id, question_description, question_explanation, question_type, question_difficulty, question_enabled, question_position, question_timer, question_fullscreen, question_inline_answers, question_auto_next ) VALUES ( ' . $new_subject_id . ', \'' . F_escape_sql($db, $q['question_description']) . '\', \'' . F_escape_sql($db, $q['question_explanation']) . '\', \'' . $q['question_type'] . '\', \'' . $q['question_difficulty'] . '\', \'' . $q['question_enabled'] . '\', ' . F_zero_to_null($q['question_position']) . ', \'' . $q['question_timer'] . '\', \'' . $q['question_fullscreen'] . '\', \'' . $q['question_inline_answers'] . '\', \'' . $q['question_auto_next'] . '\' )'; if (!($r = F_db_query($sql, $db))) { F_display_db_error(false); } else { $new_question_id = F_db_insert_id($db, K_TABLE_QUESTIONS, 'question_id'); } // copy associated answers $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_ANSWERS . ' WHERE answer_question_id=' . $question_id . ''; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { while ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { $sqli = 'INSERT INTO ' . K_TABLE_ANSWERS . ' ( answer_question_id, answer_description, answer_explanation, answer_isright, answer_enabled, answer_position, answer_keyboard_key ) VALUES ( ' . $new_question_id . ', \'' . F_escape_sql($db, $m['answer_description']) . '\', \'' . F_escape_sql($db, $m['answer_explanation']) . '\', \'' . $m['answer_isright'] . '\', \'' . $m['answer_enabled'] . '\', ' . F_zero_to_null($m['answer_position']) . ', ' . F_empty_to_null($m['answer_keyboard_key']) . ' )'; if (!($ri = F_db_query($sqli, $db))) { F_display_db_error(false); F_db_query('ROLLBACK', $db); // rollback transaction } } } else { F_display_db_error(); } $sql = 'COMMIT'; if (!($r = F_db_query($sql, $db))) { F_display_db_error(false); break; } } } }
/** * Sync user groups with the ones specified on the configuration file for alternate authentication. * @param $usrid (int) ID of the user to update. * @param $grpids (mixed) Group ID or comma separated list of group IDs (0=all available groups). * @author Nicola Asuni * @since 2012-09-11 */ function F_syncUserGroups($usrid, $grpids) { global $l, $db; require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; $usrid = intval($usrid); // select new group IDs $newgrps = array(); if (is_string($grpids)) { // comma separated list of group IDs $newgrps = explode(',', $grpids); array_walk($newgrps, 'intval'); $newgrps = array_unique($newgrps, SORT_NUMERIC); } elseif ($grpids == 0) { // all available groups $sqlg = 'SELECT group_id FROM ' . K_TABLE_GROUPS . ''; if ($rg = F_db_query($sqlg, $db)) { while ($mg = F_db_fetch_array($rg)) { $newgrps[] = $mg['group_id']; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } } elseif ($grpids > 0) { // single default group $newgrps[] = intval($grpids); } if (empty($newgrps)) { return; } // select existing group IDs $usrgrps = array(); $sqlu = 'SELECT usrgrp_group_id FROM ' . K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ' WHERE usrgrp_user_id=' . $usrid . ''; if ($ru = F_db_query($sqlu, $db)) { while ($mu = F_db_fetch_array($ru)) { $usrgrps[] = $mu['usrgrp_group_id']; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } // extract missing groups $diffgrps = array_values(array_diff($newgrps, $usrgrps)); // add missing groups foreach ($diffgrps as $grpid) { if ($grpid > 0) { // add user to default user groups $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ' ( usrgrp_user_id, usrgrp_group_id ) VALUES ( \'' . $usrid . '\', \'' . $grpid . '\' )'; if (!($r = F_db_query($sql, $db))) { F_display_db_error(); } } } }
/** * Insert or Update session. * @param $key (string) session ID. * @param $val (string) session data. * @return resource database query result. */ function F_session_write($key, $val) { global $db; if (!isset($db) or !$db) { // workaround for PHP bug 41230 if (!($db = @F_db_connect(K_DATABASE_HOST, K_DATABASE_PORT, K_DATABASE_USER_NAME, K_DATABASE_USER_PASSWORD, K_DATABASE_NAME))) { return; } } $key = F_escape_sql($key); $val = F_escape_sql($val); $expiry = date(K_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, time() + K_SESSION_LIFE); // check if this session already exist on database $sql = 'SELECT cpsession_id FROM ' . K_TABLE_SESSIONS . ' WHERE cpsession_id=\'' . $key . '\' LIMIT 1'; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { if ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { // SQL to update existing session $sqlup = 'UPDATE ' . K_TABLE_SESSIONS . ' SET cpsession_expiry=\'' . $expiry . '\', cpsession_data=\'' . $val . '\' WHERE cpsession_id=\'' . $key . '\''; } else { // SQL to insert new session $sqlup = 'INSERT INTO ' . K_TABLE_SESSIONS . ' ( cpsession_id, cpsession_expiry, cpsession_data ) VALUES ( \'' . $key . '\', \'' . $expiry . '\', \'' . $val . '\' )'; } } return F_db_query($sqlup, $db); }
F_syncUserGroups($_SESSION['session_user_id'], $altusr['usrgrp_group_id']); } } elseif (!F_check_unique(K_TABLE_USERS, 'user_name=\'' . F_escape_sql($db, $_POST['xuser_name']) . '\'')) { // the user name exist but the password is wrong if ($altusr !== false) { // resync the password $sqlu = 'UPDATE ' . K_TABLE_USERS . ' SET user_password=\'' . $xuser_password . '\' WHERE user_name=\'' . F_escape_sql($db, $_POST['xuser_name']) . '\''; if (!($ru = F_db_query($sqlu, $db))) { F_display_db_error(); } // get user data $sqld = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_USERS . ' WHERE user_name=\'' . F_escape_sql($db, $_POST['xuser_name']) . '\' AND user_password=\'' . $xuser_password . '\''; if ($rd = F_db_query($sqld, $db)) { if ($md = F_db_fetch_array($rd)) { // sets some user's session data $_SESSION['session_user_id'] = $md['user_id']; $_SESSION['session_user_name'] = $md['user_name']; $_SESSION['session_user_ip'] = getNormalizedIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $_SESSION['session_user_level'] = $md['user_level']; $_SESSION['session_user_firstname'] = urlencode($md['user_firstname']); $_SESSION['session_user_lastname'] = urlencode($md['user_lastname']); $_SESSION['session_last_visit'] = 0; $_SESSION['session_test_login'] = ''; $logged = true; if (K_USER_GROUP_RSYNC) { // sync user groups F_syncUserGroups($_SESSION['session_user_id'], $altusr['usrgrp_group_id']); } }
$sqlr .= ' AND usrgrp_user_id=user_id AND usrgrp_group_id=' . $group_id . ''; } $sqlr .= ' GROUP BY testuser_id, testuser_creation_time, user_id, user_lastname, user_firstname, user_name, testuser_status ORDER BY ' . $full_order_field . ''; if ($rr = F_db_query($sqlr, $db)) { $itemcount = 0; $passed = 0; $statsdata = array(); $statsdata['score'] = array(); $statsdata['right'] = array(); $statsdata['wrong'] = array(); $statsdata['unanswered'] = array(); $statsdata['undisplayed'] = array(); $statsdata['unrated'] = array(); while ($mr = F_db_fetch_array($rr)) { $itemcount++; $usrtestdata = F_getUserTestStat($test_id, $mr['user_id']); $halfscore = $usrtestdata['max_score'] / 2; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="testuserid' . $itemcount . '" id="testuserid' . $itemcount . '" value="' . $mr['testuser_id'] . '" title="' . $l['w_select'] . '"'; if (isset($_REQUEST['checkall']) and $_REQUEST['checkall'] == 1) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo ' />'; echo '</td>' . K_NEWLINE; echo '<td><a href="tce_show_result_user.php?testuser_id=' . $mr['testuser_id'] . '&test_id=' . $test_id . '&user_id=' . $mr['user_id'] . '" title="' . $l['h_view_details'] . '">' . $itemcount . '</a></td>' . K_NEWLINE; echo '<td style="text-align:center;">' . $mr['testuser_creation_time'] . '</td>' . K_NEWLINE; //echo '<td style="text-align:center;">'.$mr['testuser_end_time'].'</td>'.K_NEWLINE; if (!isset($mr['testuser_end_time']) or $mr['testuser_end_time'] <= 0) {
/** * Return true if the file is used on question or answer descriptions * @author Nicola Asuni * @param $file (string) the fiel to search * @return true if the file is used, false otherwise */ function F_isUsedMediaFile($file) { global $l, $db; require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; // remove cache root from file path $file = substr($file, strlen(K_PATH_CACHE)); // search on questions $sql = 'SELECT question_id FROM ' . K_TABLE_QUESTIONS . ' WHERE question_description LIKE \'%' . $file . '[/object%\' OR question_explanation LIKE \'%' . $file . '[/object%\' LIMIT 1'; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { if ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { return true; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } // search on answers $sql = 'SELECT answer_id FROM ' . K_TABLE_ANSWERS . ' WHERE answer_description LIKE \'%' . $file . '[/object%\' OR answer_explanation LIKE \'%' . $file . '[/object%\' LIMIT 1'; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { if ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { return true; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } return false; }
/** * Export user results in XML format. * @param $user_id (int) user ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified user. * @param $startdate (string) start date ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified starting date * @param $enddate (string) end date ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified ending date * @param $order_field (string) Ordering fields for SQL query. * @author Nicola Asuni * @return XML data */ function F_xml_export_user_results($user_id, $startdate, $enddate, $order_field) { global $l, $db; require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; // define symbols for answers list $qtype = array('S', 'M', 'T', 'O'); // question types $type = array('single', 'multiple', 'text', 'ordering'); $boolean = array('false', 'true'); $xml = ''; // XML data to be returned $xml .= '<' . '?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?' . '>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= '<tcexamuserresults version="' . K_TCEXAM_VERSION . '">' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . '<header'; $xml .= ' lang="' . K_USER_LANG . '"'; $xml .= ' date="' . date(K_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) . '">' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . '<user_id>' . $user_id . '</user_id>' . K_NEWLINE; $sql = 'SELECT user_name, user_lastname, user_firstname FROM ' . K_TABLE_USERS . ' WHERE user_id=' . $user_id . ''; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { if ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . '<user_name>' . $m['user_name'] . '</user_name>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . '<user_lastname>' . $m['user_lastname'] . '</user_lastname>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . '<user_firstname>' . $m['user_firstname'] . '</user_firstname>' . K_NEWLINE; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . '<date_from>' . $startdate . '</date_from>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . '<date_to>' . $enddate . '</date_to>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . '</header>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . '<body>' . K_NEWLINE; $statsdata = array(); $statsdata['score'] = array(); $statsdata['right'] = array(); $statsdata['wrong'] = array(); $statsdata['unanswered'] = array(); $statsdata['undisplayed'] = array(); $statsdata['unrated'] = array(); $sql = 'SELECT testuser_id, test_id, test_name, testuser_creation_time, testuser_status, SUM(testlog_score) AS total_score, MAX(testlog_change_time) AS testuser_end_time FROM ' . K_TABLE_TESTS_LOGS . ', ' . K_TABLE_TEST_USER . ', ' . K_TABLE_TESTS . ' WHERE testuser_status>0 AND testuser_creation_time>=\'' . F_escape_sql($db, $startdate) . '\' AND testuser_creation_time<=\'' . F_escape_sql($db, $enddate) . '\' AND testuser_user_id=' . $user_id . ' AND testlog_testuser_id=testuser_id AND testuser_test_id=test_id'; if ($_SESSION['session_user_level'] < K_AUTH_ADMINISTRATOR) { $sql .= ' AND test_user_id IN (' . F_getAuthorizedUsers($_SESSION['session_user_id']) . ')'; } $sql .= ' GROUP BY testuser_id, test_id, test_name, testuser_creation_time, testuser_status ORDER BY ' . F_escape_sql($db, $order_field) . ''; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { $passed = 0; while ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { $testuser_id = $m['testuser_id']; $usrtestdata = F_getUserTestStat($m['test_id'], $user_id); $halfscore = $usrtestdata['max_score'] / 2; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . '<test id=\'' . $m['test_id'] . '\'>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<start_time>' . $m['testuser_creation_time'] . '</start_time>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<end_time>' . $m['testuser_end_time'] . '</end_time>' . K_NEWLINE; $time_diff = strtotime($m['testuser_end_time']) - strtotime($m['testuser_creation_time']); //sec $time_diff = gmdate('H:i:s', $time_diff); $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<time>' . $time_diff . '</time>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<name>' . F_text_to_xml($m['test_name']) . '</name>' . K_NEWLINE; if ($usrtestdata['score_threshold'] > 0) { if ($usrtestdata['score'] >= $usrtestdata['score_threshold']) { $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<passed>true</passed>' . K_NEWLINE; $passed++; } else { $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<passed>false</passed>' . K_NEWLINE; } } elseif ($usrtestdata['score'] > $halfscore) { $passed++; } $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<score>' . round($m['total_score'], 3) . '</score>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<score_percent>' . round(100 * $usrtestdata['score'] / $usrtestdata['max_score']) . '</score_percent>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<right>' . $usrtestdata['right'] . '</right>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<right_percent>' . round(100 * $usrtestdata['right'] / $usrtestdata['all']) . '</right_percent>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<wrong>' . $usrtestdata['wrong'] . '</wrong>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<wrong_percent>' . round(100 * $usrtestdata['wrong'] / $usrtestdata['all']) . '</wrong_percent>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<unanswered>' . $usrtestdata['unanswered'] . '</unanswered>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<unanswered_percent>' . round(100 * $usrtestdata['unanswered'] / $usrtestdata['all']) . '</unanswered_percent>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<undisplayed>' . $usrtestdata['undisplayed'] . '</undisplayed>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<undisplayed_percent>' . round(100 * $usrtestdata['undisplayed'] / $usrtestdata['all']) . '</undisplayed_percent>' . K_NEWLINE; if ($m['testuser_status'] == 4) { $status = $l['w_locked']; } else { $status = $l['w_unlocked']; } $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<status>' . $status . '</status>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<comment>' . F_text_to_xml($usrtestdata['comment']) . '</comment>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . '</test>' . K_NEWLINE; // collects data for descriptive statistics $statsdata['score'][] = $m['total_score'] / $usrtestdata['max_score']; $statsdata['right'][] = $usrtestdata['right'] / $usrtestdata['all']; $statsdata['wrong'][] = $usrtestdata['wrong'] / $usrtestdata['all']; $statsdata['unanswered'][] = $usrtestdata['unanswered'] / $usrtestdata['all']; $statsdata['undisplayed'][] = $usrtestdata['undisplayed'] / $usrtestdata['all']; $statsdata['unrated'][] = $usrtestdata['unrated'] / $usrtestdata['all']; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } // calculate statistics $stats = F_getArrayStatistics($statsdata); $excludestat = array('sum', 'variance'); $calcpercent = array('mean', 'median', 'mode', 'minimum', 'maximum', 'range', 'standard_deviation'); $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . '<teststatistics>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<passed>' . $passed . '</passed>' . K_NEWLINE; $passed_perc = 0; if ($itemcount > 0) { $passed_perc = $passed / $stats['number']['score']; } $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<passed_percent>' . round(100 * $passed_perc) . '</passed_percent>' . K_NEWLINE; foreach ($stats as $row => $columns) { if (!in_array($row, $excludestat)) { $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<' . $row . '>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<score>' . round($columns['score'], 3) . '</score>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<right>' . round($columns['right'], 3) . '</right>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<wrong>' . round($columns['wrong'], 3) . '</wrong>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<unanswered>' . round($columns['unanswered'], 3) . '</unanswered>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<undisplayed>' . round($columns['undisplayed'], 3) . '</undisplayed>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<unrated>' . round($columns['unrated'], 3) . '</unrated>' . K_NEWLINE; if (in_array($row, $calcpercent)) { $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<score_percent>' . round(100 * ($columns['score'] / $usrtestdata['max_score'])) . '</score_percent>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<right_percent>' . round(100 * ($columns['right'] / $usrtestdata['all'])) . '</right_percent>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<wrong_percent>' . round(100 * ($columns['wrong'] / $usrtestdata['all'])) . '</wrong_percent>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<unanswered_percent>' . round(100 * ($columns['unanswered'] / $usrtestdata['all'])) . '</unanswered_percent>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<undisplayed_percent>' . round(100 * ($columns['undisplayed'] / $usrtestdata['all'])) . '</undisplayed_percent>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<unrated_percent>' . round(100 * ($columns['unrated'] / $usrtestdata['all'])) . '</unrated_percent>' . K_NEWLINE; } $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '</' . $row . '>' . K_NEWLINE; } } $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . '</teststatistics>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . '</body>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= '</tcexamuserresults>' . K_NEWLINE; return $xml; }
/** * Return the user ID from registration number. * @param $regnumber (int) user registration number. * @return (int) User ID or 0 in case of error. * @since 11.3.005 (2012-07-31) */ function F_getUIDfromRegnum($regnum) { global $l, $db; require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; $sql = 'SELECT user_id FROM ' . K_TABLE_USERS . ' WHERE user_regnumber=\'' . F_escape_sql($db, $regnum) . '\' LIMIT 1'; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { if ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { return $m['user_id']; } } return 0; }
/** * Create new database. Existing database will be dropped. * Oracle databases must be created manually (create the tcexam user and set the database name equal to user name) * @param $host (string) Database server path. It can also include a port number. e.g. "hostname:port" or a path to a local socket e.g. ":/path/to/socket" for the localhost. Note: Whenever you specify "localhost" or "localhost:port" as server, the MySQL client library will override this and try to connect to a local socket (named pipe on Windows). If you want to use TCP/IP, use "" instead of "localhost". If the MySQL client library tries to connect to the wrong local socket, you should set the correct path as mysql.default_host in your PHP configuration and leave the server field blank. * @param $dbtype (string) database type ('MYSQL' or 'POSTGREQL') * @param $host (string) database host * @param $port (string) database port * @param $user (string) Name of the user that owns the server process. * @param $password (string) Password of the user that owns the server process. * @param $database (string) Database name. * @param $table_prefix (string) prefix for tables * @param $drop (boolean) if true drop existing database * @param $create (boolean) if true creates new database * @return database link identifier on success, FALSE otherwise. */ function F_create_database($dbtype, $host, $port, $user, $password, $database, $table_prefix, $drop, $create) { // open default connection if ($drop or $create) { if ($db = @F_db_connect($host, $port, $user, $password)) { if ($dbtype == 'ORACLE') { if ($drop) { $table_prefix = strtoupper($table_prefix); // DROP sequences $sql = 'select \'DROP SEQUENCE \'||sequence_name||\'\' from user_sequences where sequence_name like \'' . $table_prefix . '%\''; if ($r = @F_db_query($sql, $db)) { while ($m = @F_db_fetch_array($r)) { @F_db_query($m[0], $db); } } // DROP triggers $sql = 'select \'DROP TRIGGER \'||trigger_name||\'\' from user_triggers where trigger_name like \'' . $table_prefix . '%\''; if ($r = @F_db_query($sql, $db)) { while ($m = @F_db_fetch_array($r)) { @F_db_query($m[0], $db); } } // DROP tables $sql = 'select \'DROP TABLE \'||table_name||\' CASCADE CONSTRAINTS\' from user_tables where table_name like \'' . $table_prefix . '%\''; if ($r = @F_db_query($sql, $db)) { while ($m = @F_db_fetch_array($r)) { @F_db_query($m[0], $db); } } } else { echo '<span style="color:#000080">[SKIP DROP]</span> '; } // Note: Oracle Database automatically creates a schema when you create a user, // so you have to create a tcexam user before calling this. } else { if ($drop) { // DROP existing database (if exist) @F_db_query('DROP DATABASE ' . $database . '', $db); } else { echo '<span style="color:#000080">[SKIP DROP]</span> '; } if ($create) { // create database $sql = 'CREATE DATABASE ' . $database . ''; if ($dbtype == 'MYSQL') { $sql .= ' CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci'; } elseif ($dbtype == 'POSTGRESQL') { $sql .= ' ENCODING=\'UNICODE\''; } if (!($r = @F_db_query($sql, $db))) { return FALSE; } } else { echo '<span style="color:#000080">[SKIP CREATE]</span> '; } } @F_db_close($db); } else { return FALSE; } } else { echo '<span style="color:#000080">[SKIP DROP AND CREATE]</span> '; } if ($db = @F_db_connect($host, $port, $user, $password, $database)) { return $db; } else { return FALSE; } }
/** * Check if specified fields are unique on table. * @param $table (string) table name * @param $where (string) SQL where clause * @param $fieldname (mixed) name of table column to check * @param $fieldid (mixed) ID of table row to check * @return bool true if unique, false otherwise */ function F_check_unique($table, $where, $fieldname = FALSE, $fieldid = FALSE) { require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; global $l, $db; $sqlc = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE ' . $where . ' LIMIT 1'; if ($rc = F_db_query($sqlc, $db)) { if ($fieldname === FALSE and $fieldid === FALSE and F_count_rows($table, 'WHERE ' . $where) > 0) { return FALSE; } if ($mc = F_db_fetch_array($rc)) { if ($mc[$fieldname] == $fieldid) { return TRUE; // the values are unchanged } } else { // the new values are not yet present on table return TRUE; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } // another table row contains the same values return FALSE; }
} echo '</span>' . K_NEWLINE; echo '</div>' . K_NEWLINE; echo '<div class="row">' . K_NEWLINE; echo '<span class="label">' . K_NEWLINE; echo '<label>' . $l['w_groups'] . '</label>' . K_NEWLINE; echo '</span>' . K_NEWLINE; echo '<span class="formw">' . K_NEWLINE; $sqlg = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_GROUPS . ', ' . K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ' WHERE usrgrp_group_id=group_id AND usrgrp_user_id=' . $module_user_id . ' ORDER BY group_name'; if ($rg = F_db_query($sqlg, $db)) { echo '<span style="font-style:italic;color#333333;font-size:small;">'; while ($mg = F_db_fetch_array($rg)) { echo ' · ' . $mg['group_name'] . ''; } echo '</span>'; } else { F_display_db_error(); } echo '</span>' . K_NEWLINE; echo '</div>' . K_NEWLINE; echo getFormRowCheckBox('module_enabled', $l['w_enabled'], $l['h_enabled'], '', 1, $module_enabled, false, ''); echo '<div class="row">' . K_NEWLINE; // show buttons by case if (isset($module_id) and $module_id > 0) { echo '<span style="background-color:#999999;">'; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="confirmupdate" id="confirmupdate" value="1" title="confirm → update" />'; F_submit_button('update', $l['w_update'], $l['h_update']);
/** * Display online users. * @author Nicola Asuni * @since 2001-10-18 * @param $wherequery (string) users selection query * @param $order_field (string) order by column name * @param $orderdir (int) oreder direction * @param $firstrow (int) number of first row to display * @param $rowsperpage (int) number of rows per page * @return false in case of empty database, true otherwise */ function F_list_online_users($wherequery, $order_field, $orderdir, $firstrow, $rowsperpage) { global $l, $db; require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; require_once '../../shared/code/tce_functions_page.php'; require_once 'tce_functions_user_select.php'; //initialize variables $orderdir = intval($orderdir); $firstrow = intval($firstrow); $rowsperpage = intval($rowsperpage); // order fields for SQL query if (empty($order_field) or !in_array($order_field, array('cpsession_id', 'cpsession_data'))) { $order_field = 'cpsession_expiry'; } if ($orderdir == 0) { $nextorderdir = 1; $full_order_field = $order_field; } else { $nextorderdir = 0; $full_order_field = $order_field . ' DESC'; } if (!F_count_rows(K_TABLE_SESSIONS)) { //if the table is void (no items) display message echo '<h2>' . $l['m_databasempty'] . '</h2>'; return FALSE; } if (empty($wherequery)) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_SESSIONS . ' ORDER BY ' . $full_order_field . ''; } else { $wherequery = F_escape_sql($db, $wherequery); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_SESSIONS . ' ' . $wherequery . ' ORDER BY ' . $full_order_field . ''; } if (K_DATABASE_TYPE == 'ORACLE') { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM (' . $sql . ') WHERE rownum BETWEEN ' . $firstrow . ' AND ' . ($firstrow + $rowsperpage) . ''; } else { $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $rowsperpage . ' OFFSET ' . $firstrow . ''; } echo '<div class="container">' . K_NEWLINE; echo '<table class="userselect">' . K_NEWLINE; echo '<tr>' . K_NEWLINE; echo '<th>' . $l['w_user'] . '</th>' . K_NEWLINE; echo '<th>' . $l['w_level'] . '</th>' . K_NEWLINE; echo '<th>' . $l['w_ip'] . '</th>' . K_NEWLINE; echo '</tr>' . K_NEWLINE; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { while ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { $this_session = F_session_string_to_array($m['cpsession_data']); echo '<tr>'; echo '<td align="left">'; $user_str = ''; if ($this_session['session_user_lastname']) { $user_str .= urldecode($this_session['session_user_lastname']) . ', '; } if ($this_session['session_user_firstname']) { $user_str .= urldecode($this_session['session_user_firstname']) . ''; } $user_str .= ' (' . urldecode($this_session['session_user_name']) . ')'; if (F_isAuthorizedEditorForUser($this_session['session_user_id'])) { echo '<a href="tce_edit_user.php?user_id=' . $this_session['session_user_id'] . '">' . $user_str . '</a>'; } else { echo $user_str; } echo '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $this_session['session_user_level'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $this_session['session_user_ip'] . '</td>'; echo '</tr>' . K_NEWLINE; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } echo '</table>' . K_NEWLINE; // --- ------------------------------------------------------ // --- page jump if ($rowsperpage > 0) { $sql = 'SELECT count(*) AS total FROM ' . K_TABLE_SESSIONS . ' ' . $wherequery . ''; if (!empty($order_field)) { $param_array = '&order_field=' . urlencode($order_field) . ''; } if (!empty($orderdir)) { $param_array .= '&orderdir=' . $orderdir . ''; } $param_array .= '&submitted=1'; F_show_page_navigator($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], $sql, $firstrow, $rowsperpage, $param_array); } echo '<div class="pagehelp">' . $l['hp_online_users'] . '</div>' . K_NEWLINE; echo '</div>' . K_NEWLINE; return TRUE; }
/** * Export all users to XML grouped by users' groups. * @author Nicola Asuni * @since 2006-03-17 * @return XML data */ function F_xml_export_users() { global $l, $db; require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; $boolean = array('false', 'true'); $xml = ''; // XML data to be returned $xml .= '<' . '?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?' . '>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= '<tcexamusers version="' . K_TCEXAM_VERSION . '">' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . '<header'; $xml .= ' lang="' . K_USER_LANG . '"'; $xml .= ' date="' . date(K_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) . '">' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . '</header>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . '<body>' . K_NEWLINE; // select users $sqla = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_USERS . ' WHERE (user_id>1)'; if ($_SESSION['session_user_level'] < K_AUTH_ADMINISTRATOR) { // filter for level $sqla .= ' AND ((user_level<' . $_SESSION['session_user_level'] . ') OR (user_id=' . $_SESSION['session_user_id'] . '))'; // filter for groups $sqla .= ' AND user_id IN (SELECT tb.usrgrp_user_id FROM ' . K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ' AS ta, ' . K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ' AS tb WHERE ta.usrgrp_group_id=tb.usrgrp_group_id AND ta.usrgrp_user_id=' . intval($_SESSION['session_user_id']) . ' AND tb.usrgrp_user_id=user_id)'; } $sqla .= ' ORDER BY user_lastname,user_firstname,user_name'; if ($ra = F_db_query($sqla, $db)) { while ($ma = F_db_fetch_array($ra)) { $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<user id="' . $ma['user_id'] . '">' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<name>'; $xml .= F_text_to_xml($ma['user_name']); $xml .= '</name>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<password>'; // password cannot be exported because is encrypted //$xml .= $ma['user_password']; $xml .= '</password>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<email>'; $xml .= $ma['user_email']; $xml .= '</email>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<regdate>'; $xml .= $ma['user_regdate']; $xml .= '</regdate>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<ip>'; $xml .= $ma['user_ip']; $xml .= '</ip>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<firstname>'; $xml .= F_text_to_xml($ma['user_firstname']); $xml .= '</firstname>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<lastname>'; $xml .= F_text_to_xml($ma['user_lastname']); $xml .= '</lastname>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<birthdate>'; $xml .= substr($ma['user_birthdate'], 0, 10); $xml .= '</birthdate>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<birthplace>'; $xml .= F_text_to_xml($ma['user_birthplace']); $xml .= '</birthplace>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<regnumber>'; $xml .= F_text_to_xml($ma['user_regnumber']); $xml .= '</regnumber>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<ssn>'; $xml .= F_text_to_xml($ma['user_ssn']); $xml .= '</ssn>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<level>'; $xml .= $ma['user_level']; $xml .= '</level>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<verifycode>'; $xml .= $ma['user_verifycode']; $xml .= '</verifycode>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<otpkey>'; $xml .= $ma['user_otpkey']; $xml .= '</otpkey>' . K_NEWLINE; // add user's groups $sqlg = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_GROUPS . ', ' . K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ' WHERE usrgrp_group_id=group_id AND usrgrp_user_id=' . $ma['user_id'] . ' ORDER BY group_name'; if ($rg = F_db_query($sqlg, $db)) { while ($mg = F_db_fetch_array($rg)) { $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '<group id="' . $mg['group_id'] . '">'; $xml .= $mg['group_name']; $xml .= '</group>' . K_NEWLINE; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } $xml .= K_TAB . K_TAB . K_TAB . '</user>' . K_NEWLINE; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } $xml .= K_TAB . '</body>' . K_NEWLINE; $xml .= '</tcexamusers>' . K_NEWLINE; return $xml; }
/** * Returns a comma separated string of ID of the users that belong to the same groups. * @author Nicola Asuni * @since 2006-03-11 * @param $user_id (int) user ID * @return string */ function F_getAuthorizedUsers($user_id) { global $l, $db; require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; $str = ''; // string to return $user_id = intval($user_id); $sql = 'SELECT tb.usrgrp_user_id FROM ' . K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ' AS ta, ' . K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ' AS tb WHERE ta.usrgrp_group_id=tb.usrgrp_group_id AND ta.usrgrp_user_id=' . $user_id . ''; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { while ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { $str .= $m[0] . ','; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } // add the user $str .= $user_id; return $str; }
/** * Display a textarea for user's comment.<br> * @param $test_id (int) test ID * @return string XHTML code * @since 4.0.000 (2006-10-01) */ function F_testComment($test_id) { require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; global $db, $l; $test_id = intval($test_id); $td = F_getTestData($test_id); $user_id = intval($_SESSION['session_user_id']); $str = ''; // user's comment if (F_getBoolean($td['test_comment_enabled'])) { // get user's test comment $comment = ''; $sql = 'SELECT testuser_comment FROM ' . K_TABLE_TEST_USER . ' WHERE testuser_user_id=' . $user_id . ' AND testuser_test_id=' . $test_id . ' LIMIT 1'; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { if ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { $comment = $m['testuser_comment']; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } $str .= '<label for="testcomment">' . $l['w_comment'] . '</label><br />'; $str .= '<textarea cols="' . K_ANSWER_TEXTAREA_COLS . '" rows="4" name="testcomment" id="testcomment" class="answertext" title="' . $l['h_testcomment'] . '">' . $comment . '</textarea><br />' . K_NEWLINE; } return $str; }
case 'clear': // Clear form fields $cbt_name = ''; $cab_color = 'd3d3d3'; break; default: break; } //end of switch // --- Initialize variables if ($formstatus) { if ($menu_mode != 'clear') { if (isset($cab_ids) and !empty($cab_ids)) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . K_TABLE_CABLES . ', ' . K_TABLE_CABLE_TYPES . ' WHERE cab_cbt_id=cbt_id AND cab_a_obj_id=' . $cab_a_obj_id . ' AND cab_b_obj_id=' . $cab_b_obj_id . ' AND cab_cbt_id=' . $cab_cbt_id . ' LIMIT 1'; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { if ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { $cbt_name = $m['cbt_name']; $cab_color = $m['cab_color']; } else { $cbt_name = ''; $cab_color = 'd3d3d3'; } } else { F_display_db_error(); } } else { $cbt_name = ''; $cab_color = 'd3d3d3'; } } }
/** * Display Pages navigation index. * @param $script_name (string) url of the calling page * @param $sql (string) sql used to select records * @param $firstrow (int) first row number * @param $rowsperpage (int) number of max rows per page * @param $param_array (string) parameters to pass on url via GET * @return mixed the number of pages in case of success, FALSE otherwise */ function F_show_page_navigator($script_name, $sql, $firstrow, $rowsperpage, $param_array) { global $l, $db; require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; $max_pages = 4; // max pages to display on page selector $indexbar = ''; // string for selection page html code $firstrow = intval($firstrow); $rowsperpage = intval($rowsperpage); if (!$sql or $rowsperpage < 1) { return FALSE; } if (!($r = F_db_query($sql, $db))) { F_display_db_error(); } // build base url for all links $baseaddress = $script_name; if (empty($param_array)) { $baseaddress .= '?'; } else { $param_array = substr($param_array, 5); // remove first "&" $baseaddress .= '?' . $param_array . '&'; } $count_rows = preg_match('/GROUP BY/i', $sql); //check if query contain a "GROUP BY" $all_updates = F_db_num_rows($r); if ($all_updates == 1 and !$count_rows) { list($all_updates) = F_db_fetch_array($r); } if (!$all_updates) { //no records F_print_error('MESSAGE', $l['m_search_void']); } else { if ($all_updates > $rowsperpage) { $indexbar .= '<div class="pageselector">' . $l['w_page'] . ': '; $page_range = $max_pages * $rowsperpage; if ($firstrow <= $page_range) { $page_range = 2 * $page_range - $firstrow + $rowsperpage; } elseif ($firstrow >= $all_updates - $page_range) { $page_range = 2 * $page_range - ($all_updates - 2 * $rowsperpage - $firstrow); } if ($firstrow >= $rowsperpage) { $indexbar .= '<a href="' . $baseaddress . 'firstrow=0">1</a> | '; $indexbar .= '<a href="' . $baseaddress . 'firstrow=' . ($firstrow - $rowsperpage) . '" title="' . $l['w_previous'] . '"><</a> | '; } else { $indexbar .= '1 | < | '; } $count = 2; $x = 0; for ($x = $rowsperpage; $x < $all_updates - $rowsperpage; $x += $rowsperpage) { if ($x >= $firstrow - $page_range and $x <= $firstrow + $page_range) { if ($x == $firstrow) { $indexbar .= $count . ' | '; } else { $indexbar .= '<a href="' . $baseaddress . 'firstrow=' . $x . '" title="' . $count . '">' . $count . '</a> | '; } } $count++; } if ($firstrow + $rowsperpage < $all_updates) { $indexbar .= '<a href="' . $baseaddress . 'firstrow=' . ($firstrow + $rowsperpage) . '" title="' . $l['w_next'] . '">></a> | '; $indexbar .= '<a href="' . $baseaddress . 'firstrow=' . $x . '" title="' . $count . '">' . $count . '</a>'; } else { $indexbar .= '> | ' . $count; } $indexbar .= '</div>'; } } echo $indexbar; // display the page selector return $all_updates; //return number of records found }
/** * Add a new answer if not exist. * @private */ private function addAnswer() { global $l, $db; require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; if ($this->level_data['module']['module_id'] === false) { return; } if ($this->level_data['subject']['subject_id'] === false) { return; } if (isset($this->level_data['answer']['answer_id']) and $this->level_data['answer']['answer_id'] > 0) { return; } // check if this answer already exist $sql = 'SELECT answer_id FROM ' . K_TABLE_ANSWERS . ' WHERE '; if (K_DATABASE_TYPE == 'ORACLE') { $sql .= 'dbms_lob.instr(answer_description, \'' . $this->level_data['answer']['answer_description'] . '\',1,1)>0'; } else { $sql .= 'answer_description=\'' . $this->level_data['answer']['answer_description'] . '\''; } $sql .= ' AND answer_question_id=' . $this->level_data['question']['question_id'] . ' LIMIT 1'; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { if ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { // get existing subject ID $this->level_data['answer']['answer_id'] = $m['answer_id']; } else { $sql = 'START TRANSACTION'; if (!($r = F_db_query($sql, $db))) { F_display_db_error(); } $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . K_TABLE_ANSWERS . ' ( answer_question_id, answer_description, answer_explanation, answer_isright, answer_enabled, answer_position, answer_keyboard_key ) VALUES ( ' . $this->level_data['question']['question_id'] . ', \'' . $this->level_data['answer']['answer_description'] . '\', ' . F_empty_to_null($this->level_data['answer']['answer_explanation']) . ', \'' . $this->boolval[$this->level_data['answer']['answer_isright']] . '\', \'' . $this->boolval[$this->level_data['answer']['answer_enabled']] . '\', ' . F_zero_to_null($this->level_data['answer']['answer_position']) . ', ' . F_empty_to_null($this->level_data['answer']['answer_keyboard_key']) . ' )'; if (!($r = F_db_query($sql, $db))) { F_display_db_error(false); F_db_query('ROLLBACK', $db); } else { // get new answer ID $this->level_data['answer']['answer_id'] = F_db_insert_id($db, K_TABLE_ANSWERS, 'answer_id'); } $sql = 'COMMIT'; if (!($r = F_db_query($sql, $db))) { F_display_db_error(); } } } else { F_display_db_error(); } }
/** * Returns a user select box * @param $label (string) Field label. * @param $user_id (int) selected user ID. * @param $fieldname (string) field name. * @return array containing user's groups IDs */ function F_get_user_selectbox($label, $user_id = 0, $fieldname = 'user_id') { global $l, $db; require_once '../config/tce_config.php'; $out = ''; $out .= '<div class="row">' . K_NEWLINE; $out .= '<span class="label">' . K_NEWLINE; $out .= '<label for="' . $fieldname . '">' . $label . '</label>' . K_NEWLINE; $out .= '</span>' . K_NEWLINE; $out .= '<span class="formw">' . K_NEWLINE; $out .= '<select name="' . $fieldname . '" id="' . $fieldname . '" size="0">' . K_NEWLINE; $out .= '<option value="0"'; if ($user_id == 0) { $out .= ' selected="selected"'; } $out .= '></option>' . K_NEWLINE; $sql = 'SELECT user_id, user_lastname, user_firstname, user_name FROM ' . K_TABLE_USERS . ' WHERE (user_id>1)'; if ($_SESSION['session_user_level'] < K_AUTH_ADMINISTRATOR) { // filter for level $sql .= ' AND ((user_level<' . $_SESSION['session_user_level'] . ') OR (user_id=' . $_SESSION['session_user_id'] . '))'; // filter for groups $sql .= ' AND user_id IN (SELECT tb.usrgrp_user_id FROM ' . K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ' AS ta, ' . K_TABLE_USERGROUP . ' AS tb WHERE ta.usrgrp_group_id=tb.usrgrp_group_id AND ta.usrgrp_user_id=' . intval($_SESSION['session_user_id']) . ' AND tb.usrgrp_user_id=user_id)'; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY user_lastname, user_firstname, user_name'; if ($r = F_db_query($sql, $db)) { $countitem = 1; while ($m = F_db_fetch_array($r)) { $out .= '<option value="' . $m['user_id'] . '"'; if ($m['user_id'] == $user_id) { $out .= ' selected="selected"'; } $out .= '>' . $countitem . '. ' . htmlspecialchars($m['user_lastname'] . ' ' . $m['user_firstname'] . ' - ' . $m['user_name'] . '', ENT_NOQUOTES, $l['a_meta_charset']) . '</option>' . K_NEWLINE; $countitem++; } } else { $out .= '</select></span></div>' . K_NEWLINE; F_display_db_error(); } $out .= '</select>' . K_NEWLINE; $out .= '</span>' . K_NEWLINE; $out .= '</div>' . K_NEWLINE; return $out; }