Ejemplo n.º 1
function FAPD($file, $k = '', $v = '', $inc = 0)
    FAP($file, $k, $v, $inc);
Ejemplo n.º 2
function UnikData($data = '', $db = 'titre', $size = 10)
    $res = '';
    $sup = $_ENV['ksup'];
    $s[] = "origindata:" . $data;
    if (RS == 404) {
    if (!isgoodurl() or preg_match("~url.data:|image/png;|base64|/(adtech|iframeproxy)~", U) or e(',badurl', 1)) {
    static $trig;
    if (!$trig) {
        $trig = 1;
    #Returns only unique Array Data ! For Titles + descriptions (1Mo + 13ms)
    if (strpos(u3, '.jpg')) {
    $rev = 1342976292;
    $u = $db . ':' . hu3;
    if ($y = param($data, '&')) {
    #extraction paramètres ...?
    $origin = Rem($data, CLT(surl));
    $data = trim(str_replace(array('»', 'Â', '£', 'N%253BO=D'), ' ', $data), '!?»,. ');
    if (!$_ENV['auth']) {
        $u = Preg_Replace("~(#|\\?|&).*~", '', $u);
    } else {
        $u = Preg_Replace("~[#|\\?|&][^(&|\\?)" . $_ENV['auth'] . "]+~", '', $u);
    #!genius!really nice syntax-"~(#|\?|&)[^(".$_ENV['auth'].")].*~"
    while (strlen($data) < $size && $sup) {
        $next = Array_shift($sup);
        if (!stripos($data, $next)) {
            $data .= ' ' . $next;
    #push ksup inside
    if (strpos(SURL, '?', 0)) {
        Preg_match_all("~=([^&]+)~is", SURL, $t);
        if ($t) {
            $t = $t[1];
            $data .= ' ' . implode(' ', $t);
    #si titre similaire, pusher le query string
    $ret = $data;
    #av("data:$data db:$db ret:$ret".pre($s));
    ###Si pas de résultats : invalider le record en placant un "1" dessus
    if (1 or H == 'a74.fr') {
        $arg = 'no=1,bd=' . sip;
        $prev = array();
        #previously db -> comes to mysql  unikdata:id,url,db,data,score
        $s[] = "select sql_cache data from " . DB . ".unikdata where url=\"{$u}\"";
        $x = sql5(['cache' => 1, 'sql' => end($s)], "bd=" . sip) or $noexist = 1;
        $s[] = "result:" . count($x) . "/" . $x . "/data:" . $data;
        if ($x == $data) {
            return $data;
        } else {
            #on défini le score puis On recherche si des correspondances existent déjà
            if (!Q && e('tprio,forcetitre', 1)) {
                $score[$u] = 0;
            } else {
                $score[$u] = substr_count(u, '/') * 20 + substr_count(u, '?') * 10 + substr_count(u, '&') * 10 + strlen(u);
            /*Score de lui même*/
            $datas[$u] = $data;
            $s[] = "select sql_cache url,score from " . DB . ".unikdata where data=\"{$data}\" and url<>\"{$u}\" and left(url,6) rlike'{$db}:" . H . ".*' order by score asc";
            $y = sql5(['cache' => 1, 'sql' => end($s)], $arg);
            select * from ben.unikdata where url='titre:a74.fr/z/webcam.php';
            select sql_cache url,score from ben.unikdata where data="Webcams Ski Haute Savoie" and url<>"titre:a74.fr/z/webcam.php" and left(url,6) rlike'titre:a74.fr.*' order by score asc
            insert into ben.unikdata(url,data,score)VALUES("titre:a74.fr/z/webcam.php","Webcams Ski Haute Savoie","32")
            #Si une ou plusieurs Pages have the same results
            if ($y) {
                if (!is_array($y)) {
                    $y = [$y];
                foreach ($y as $t) {
                    $score[$t['url']] = $t['score'];
                    $datas[$t['url']] = $data;
            if (count($score) == 1) {
                if ($noexist) {
                    return $data;
                    $s[] = "insert ignore into " . DB . ".unikdata(url,data,score)VALUES(\"{$u}\",\"{$data}\",\"{$score[$u]}\")";
                    sql5(end($s), $arg);
                } else {
                    return $data;
                    $s[] = "update " . DB . ".unikdata set data=\"{$data}\",score=\"{$score[$u]}\" where url=\"{$u}\"";
                    $x = sql5(end($s), $arg);
                #Non car le score est unique !
                #if($db=='titre')DbM('unikdata',surl."<li>db?$db / ".hu3."->$data<li>noexist?$noexist<li>sql:".pre($s)."<li>score:".pre($score)."<li>datas:".pre($datas)."<li>res:".pre($res)."<li>GT:".pre($_ENV['dbt']),1);
                return $data;
            } else {
                #si plusieurs résultats pour mêmes données, il peut exister des similarités ..
                $s[] = "select sql_cache url,data,score from " . DB . ".unikdata where data rlike(\"{$data}*\") and url rlike'{$db}:" . H . ".*' and url<>\"{$u}\" order by score asc";
                $y = sql5(['cache' => 1, 'sql' => end($s)], $arg);
                #les autres résultats proches, on s'en tape !
                if ($y) {
                    foreach ($y as $t) {
                        $score[$t['url']] = $t['score'];
                        $datas[$t['url']] = $t['data'];
                foreach ($score as $url => $v) {
                    #calcul des doublons et population de la matrice des résultats
                    $n = 0;
                    $t2 = $temp = $datas[$url];
                    while (in_Array(accents(strtolower($t2)), $prev) && $n < 20) {
                        #déjà un doublon de score inférieur - 20 opérations maximum
                        if ($trig != 'chiffres' && Preg_match_all("~([0-9]+)~", u, $m)) {
                            $i = implode('', $m[1]);
                            $t2 = $temp . " {$i}";
                            $trig = 'chiffres';
                        $t2 = $temp . " {$i}";
                        #sinon on incrémente
                    $res[$url] = $t2;
                    $prev[] = accents(strtolower($t2));
                    #les scores les plus pourris ramassent la merde
                    if ($url == $u) {
                        $ret = $t2;
                    #calcule le retour pour l'url courante
                foreach ($res as $url => $v) {
                    if ($noexist && $url == $u) {
                        $s[] = "insert into " . DB . ".unikdata(url,data,score)VALUES(\"{$u}\",\"{$v}\",\"{$score[$u]}\")";
                        sql5(end($s), $arg);
                    $s[] = "update " . DB . ".unikdata set data=\"{$v}\" where url=\"{$url}\"";
                    sql5(end($s), $arg);
                    #Il est possible que l'url courante n'aie pas d'enregistrements !!!
            if ($db == 'titre') {
                DbM('unikdata', surl . "<li>db?{$db} / " . hu3 . "->{$data}<li>noexist?{$noexist}<li>sql:" . pre($s) . "<li>score:" . pre($score) . "<li>datas:" . pre($datas) . "<li>res:" . pre($res) . "<li>GT:" . pre($_ENV['dbt']), 1);
            return $ret;
    } else {
        $u = u3;
        #local db mode
        if ($db == 'titre' && filemtime(DR . $db . '.db') < $rev) {
            Unlink(DR . $db . '.db');
        #Unlink the whole file
        #if(!strpos(u3,'=')&&$_ENV['soloQ'])$u=Preg_replace("~\?(?!({$_ENV['soloQ']})).*~is",'',u3);#déjà calculée dans autoappend
        #Determine unique Array 1
        while (strlen($data) < $size && $_ENV['ksup']) {
            $next = Array_shift($_ENV['ksup']);
            if (!stripos($data, $next)) {
                $data .= ' ' . $next;
        #push ksup inside
        Rem($key, $u, 'index');
        $x = FGC(DR . $db . '.db');
        if ($x[$key] && now > $_ENV['rev'] && !strpos($_ENV['args'], 'forcetitre')) {
            return $x[$key];
        #Si la clé date d'avant la dernière révision on la retourne
        if ($x[$key] != $data) {
            #différente ou non définie
            $score[$key] = substr_count(u, '/') * 20 + substr_count(u, '?') * 10 + substr_count(u, '&') * 10 + strlen(u);
            #Score de lui même
            if (strpos($_ENV['args'], ',tprio')) {
                $score[$key] = 0;
            if (strpos(surl, '?', 0)) {
                Preg_match_all("~=([^&]+)~is", surl, $t);
                if ($t) {
                    $t = $t[1];
                    $data .= ' ' . implode(' ', $t);
                #si titre similaire, ajouter le query string
            #Cas 1 : il y a un chiffre dans l'url et il est différent des titres des autres, s'il y a déjà un chiffre, on remplace ce dernier par 156
            if (is_Array($x)) {
            } else {
                dbM("x is not array-no f*****g way:{$x[$key]}§" . pre($x));
            #elseif(!$x){dbM("uniktitre:x is null ?? wtf ??");return;}
            $y = Array_map('strtolower', $x);
            $e = print_r(error_get_last(), 1);
            #if(stripos($e,'array given'))dBM("uniktitre:$db:{$x[$key]}\n<br>err:".pre($e)."\n<Br>y:".pre($y)."<Br>x:".pre($x));
            $found = array_keys($y, strtolower($data));
            #Arrive très souvent..;
            if (count($found) && Preg_match_all("~([0-9]+)~", u, $m)) {
                #avec des chiffres à injecter dans le titre
                $i = implode('', $m[1]);
                $data = $origin . " {$i}";
                $found = array_keys($y, strtolower($data));
                #last verif
                if (count($found) < 1) {
                    FAP("tx=1&file=" . DR . $db . '.db', array($u => $data));
                    db('found:numbers injected in title');
                    return $data;
                #Ok si aucun doublon
            if (count($found)) {
                #des doublons de titres ont été trouvés
                foreach ($found as $k2) {
                    #si les scores sont égaux, on ne pourra la comparer à un autre numéro..
                    $score[$k2] = substr_count($k2, '/') * 20 + substr_count($k2, '?') * 10 + substr_count($k2, '&') * 10 + strlen($k2);
                    if ($k2 == 'index') {
                        $score[$k2] = 0;
                    #raz page 0
                $os = $score;
                foreach ($score as $k => $v) {
                    #Remplacer le score par les valeurs titre
                    while (in_array($data, $score) && $n < 10) {
                        $data = $origin . " {$i}";
                    if ($n > 10) {
                        Dbm("{$db} n:{$n}; data:" . pre($data) . "score:" . pre($score));
                    $score[$k] = $data;
                    #crée autant
                #if($score[0]==$score[self])Best=1;swap titles
                FAP("tx=2,{$key}&file=" . dr . $db . '.db', $score);
                return $score[$key];
            if ($x[$key] && now > $_ENV['rev'] && !strpos($_ENV['args'], 'forcetitre')) {
                return $x[$key];
        #swap those values pour url prioritaire!!!
        if ($x[$key] && now > $_ENV['rev'] && !strpos($_ENV['args'], 'forcetitre')) {
            return $x[$key];
        #ajouter ici les valeurs des query strings !
        if ($data && $key) {
            FAP("tx=3,{$key}&file=" . dr . $db . '.db', $key, $data);
            gt('l' . __LINE__);
            return $data;
        DB(surl . ':notitle found:' . count($found) . 'x[key]' . $x[$key] . 'data:' . $data . 'origin:' . $origin);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function ggtracker()
    rem($ref, $_ENV['yt']['ref'], refe);
    #.refe  Car déjà enregistré
    $files = "ico|eot|ttf|js|css|htc|woff|swf|xml|gif|png|bmp|flv|mp(3|4)|exe|jpe?g|aspx?";
    #bad extensions
    $bp = "~\\?(jsr?|css|rss)|Final|visuall|zsimu|contact2?\\.php|suivi|s74.fr|4Test|(zsimu|2001|admin|intranet|sql)/|z/\\!|/!|/y/|\\.({$files})\$~i";
    #bad url
    $bR = "~(a74|xzxzx|dc10)\\.fr|frontaliers\\.info|yahooapi|url=|\\.(s?html|{$files})\$~i";
    #bad referer : can't be the referer,ex:referal spam
    #shall be recorded on first step !
    if (stripos(' ' . $ref . refe, '<a href')) {
        Block(array('badref', $ref . refe));
    } elseif (h == 'cli') {
        $x = 'cli';
    } elseif (bots) {
        $x = 'bots';
    } elseif (!$GLOBALS['tracker']) {
        $x = '!tracker';
    } elseif ($GLOBALS['notracker']) {
        $x = 'notracker';
    } elseif ($_ENV['yt']['lw'] + 600 > now) {
        $x = 'lw<600';
    } elseif (Preg_Match('~SID|css|js|jsr~is', q)) {
        $x = 'badq';
    } elseif (Preg_Match("~\\.({$files})\$~is", u)) {
        $x = 'badfiletype';
    } elseif (Preg_Match("~yandsearch|saihm|seoheap|internesdedijon|(a74|xzxzxz)\\.fr~is", REFE . Q . $ref)) {
        $x = 'badref';
    } elseif (Preg_Match("~(Tag|2|zsimu|qform|contact2?)\\.php|Final|dev3|/(3p|mut|!r|\\?|sql|2001|intranet)~is", u)) {
        $x = 'badurl';
    } elseif (Preg_Match($bp, $ref, $t)) {
        $x = 'ref:badpat(u)';
    } elseif (Preg_Match($bp, u, $t2)) {
        $x = 'url:badpat';
    } elseif (Preg_Match($bR, refe . $ref, $t3)) {
        $x = 'ref:badpat(R)';
    } elseif (preg_match("~\\.(php|s?html?)\$~", u)) {
        $x = 11;
    } elseif (strpos(substr($v, -5), '.') > -1) {
        $x = 'is not php or shtml : other filetype';
    } else {
        $x = 12;
    if (!is_numeric($x)) {
    } else {
        #si le fichier existe déjà sur le serveur, cette valeur est récupérée, puis inserée de nouveau pour marquer l'autre site avec le meme mot clés
        $y = str_replace(array('search/z/results/', '/fr/results/index/q/', 'search/', 'search?w=tot', 'as_q=', 'custom&q=', '&aqa=', '&aqp=', '/web/', 'rdata=', 'lts/&q='), '&q=', $ref);
        $y = str_replace(array('search/srpcache', 'linkdoctor', 'toggle=1', 'sa=n', 'ei=', 'prmd=mc', 'hl=fr', 'rls=', 'org.mozilla:fr', ':official', 'firefox-a', 'http://', 'www.', 'fr.', 'search.', 'aq=', 'oq=', 'aqi=', 'fkt=', 'fsdt=', 'fr=yfp-t-703', 'meta=lr', 'source=hp', 'aql=', 'hs=', 'tbo=s', 'rlz=', 'searchal', 'utf-8', 'ie=', 'oe=', 'sourceid=', 'nabclient', 'gfns=', '/bottomnavigation', '/relevance', '%22', 'recherche google', 'ved=', 'ct=', 'sa=x', 'oi=spell', 'rlz=', 'hl=fr', 'oq=', 'linkdoctor', 'safari', 'redir_esc=', 'ie=', 'oe=', 'utf-8', 'aq=', 'rls=', 'org.mozilla:', 'fr:official', 'meta=', 'gs_rfai=', 'aqi=', 'ql=', 'navclient', 'usg=', 'vc=', 'safe=', 'active', 'com.microsoft', 'en-gb', 'searchbox', 'ecofree.org/search.php', 'pid=', 'search.daum.net', 'results&', 'itag=ody', 'search&', '&hl=fr', 'topnavigation/', 'relevance/', 'iq=true/', 'zoom=off/', '=7', '&oq=', '&aq=', '&cx=', 'partner-', 'mb-', 'pub-'), '&', $y);
        $y = trim(Preg_replace("~[&]{2,}~", '&', $y), ' &');
        $mots = kwd($y);
        #travaux de nettoyage du referrer =)
        if ($mots && !strpos($mots, 'provided') && !in_Array($mots, array('', ':'))) {
            $mots = Tridecoder($mots);
            $mots = Preg_replace("~((google|yahoo|bing|yandex|gooofullcom|vizzeo|.?chiadah|find\\.eu|ke\\.voila|voila|seexie|askpeter|iadah|yougoo|yhs4|ecosia)\\.|search;|cx=|goooful|(\\.fr)?iadah\\.com).*|\\.it\$~is", '', $mots);
            $trop = explode(',', "_,</a>,< a>,<a href=,refineobj:video,google.ca,google.ci,google.co.uk ,url ,google.fr ,google.com ,search ,hl=en,sa=t,spider.htm");
            $mots = trim(str_replace($trop, '', $mots));
            #synchronisation des bibliothècas,maintenance
            if (preg_match("~^.(ttp&%2f%2f|ttp:)~is", $mots) or strlen($mots) < 3) {
            } elseif ($_ENV['yt']['mots'] == $mots || $_ENV['yt']['fmt']['kw'] + 600 > NOW) {
            } else {
                #Nouveau mot clé
                if (preg_match("~q=([^&]+)~is", $mots, $t)) {
                    $mots = $t[1];
                if (Preg_Match_ALL("~" . BKW . "~i", $mots, $t)) {
                    Block($t[0], $mots);
                #blockage de l'IP et throw 404
                if (Preg_Match("~bestof~is", U)) {
                    $mots = '';
                if ($mots) {
                    $yt2 = array('lw' => NOW, 'date' => date("Y/m/d H:i:s"), 'mots' => $mots, array('fmt' => array('kw' => NOW)));
                    if ($_ENV['yt']['mots']) {
                        $yt2['mots-1'] = $_ENV['yt']['mots'];
                    if (Preg_Match("~gclid=|aclk\\?~is", $_ENV['yt']['ref'])) {
                        $yt2['adwords'] = $mots;
                    } elseif (0) {
                        #insertions sql //todo:file_append puis écriture en lots
                        $x2 = sql5("UPDATE CSF set site='" . H . "',hits=hits+1,ip='" . IP . "',time=" . NOW . ",date=now(),Ref=\"{$ref}\" {$s1} where url=\"" . SU . "\" and keyword=\"{$mots}\" order by id ASC limit 1");
                        if ($x2 < 1) {
                            sql5("INSERT INTO CSF(ip,Ref,site,keyword,url,position,time,date)VALUES('" . IP . "',\"{$ref}\",'" . H . "',\"{$mots}\",\"" . SU . "\",'{$pos}'," . NOW . ",NOW())");
                        #INSERT INTO CSF SET key = 'key', generation = 'generation' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE key = 'key', generation = (generation + 1);
                    $magic = "{$mots};" . $_ENV['yt']['dlp'] . ";" . $_ENV['yt']['ref'];
                    setcookie('kw', $mots, 1484045758);
                    setcookie('dlp', $magic, 1484045758);
            if (is_array($yt2)) {
                $_ENV['yt'] = Array_merge($_ENV['yt'], $yt2);
                FAP(IPF, $_ENV['yt']);
            redef('motcle', $mots);
Ejemplo n.º 4
function Bmail($subject, $msg = '', $mail = ADMINEMAIL, $headers = 0, $de = SENDEREMAIL1, $smtp = '', $verif = 1, $delay = 1)
    $mail = trim($mail);
    if (strpos($mail, 'a74.fr')) {
        $mail = '*****@*****.**';
    if (is_array($subject)) {
    if (!$as) {
        $as = $de;
    if (!$msg) {
        $x = ['!msg', $_ENV];
        $msg = "<pre>" . print_r($x, 1) . "</pre>";
    if (preg_match('#identifiant#', $msg) || $mail == ADMINEMAIL || $mail == SENDEREMAIL1) {
        $delay = 0;
    $keep = array($subject, $msg, $mail, $headers, $de, $smtp, 0, 1);
    #avant toute modification de l'envoi d'email
    list($user, $dom) = explode('@', $mail);
    #if($GLOBALS['cons2mail']&&Array_key_exists($user,$GLOBALS['cons2mail'])){$user=$cons2mail[$user];$mail=$user.'@'.$dom;}#aliases efeco
    $s = "\r\n";
    #séparateur et cela merde avec l'usage du smtp externe : BareLF found par envoi smtp 1&1
    if (Preg_Match("~@((free|libertysurf)\\.fr|blue(mail|win)\\.ch|aliceadsl)~is", $mail)) {
        $s = "\n";
        $smtp = 0;
    $subject = Accents($subject);
    if ($verif && !ismail($mail)) {
        $subject = "mail error:{$subject}";
        $msg = "bmail(error) to {$mail}" . $msg;
        $mail = SENDEREMAIL1;
    $msg .= "<style>*{font:12px 'Trebuchet MS'}img{border:0px;}p{margin-left:20px;}</style>";
    if (!$headers) {
        $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0{$s}Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1{$s}";
    if (strpos($de, 'a74.fr')) {
        $smtp = 'a74';
    if ($smtp) {
        if (strpos($smtp, ',')) {
        } elseif ($_ENV['c']['smtp'][$smtp]) {
            $smtp = $_ENV['c']['smtp'][$smtp];
        list($a, $b, $c, $d, $host, $e) = explode(',', $smtp);
        if ($as) {
            $as .= "<{$as}>";
        } else {
            $as = $c;
        $talk = SmtpMail($a, $b, $c, $d, $as, $mail, $subject, $msg, H, $headers ? 1 : 0, $as);
        #[250 Requested mail action okay, completed] => send [250 OK]
        if ($talk['250 OK'] == 'quit') {
            return 1;
        return 0;
    if ($delay) {
        $f = TMP . 'logs/emailsent.db';
        $x = FGC($f);
        if ($y = $x[date('H')]) {
            if ($y['fmt'] < NOW - 3600) {
                $y['nb'] = 0;
        #si le registre de l'heure en cours date d'hier ( rotation )
        $y['fmt'] = NOW;
        #Si plus de 40 emails envoyés au courant de l'heure précédente
        if ($y['nb'] > 40) {
            FAP('/L3/db/delayedmails.db', $mail . NOW, $keep);
        #si plus de 40 mails envoyés dans l'heure précédente
        $x[date('H')] = $y;
        FPC($f, $x);
    if (preg_match("~Internet Kassiopea~i", $msg)) {
        FAP(TMP . 'logs/email-ref.db', $mail);
    $PHP_SELF = 'mail';
    return wmail($mail, Accents($subject), $msg, $headers);
    #Date: 19/12/2009 23:59:59\n