function DirGetNonArtifact($UploadtreePk, $uploadtree_tablename = 'uploadtree') { $Children = array(); /* Get contents of this directory */ global $DirGetNonArtifact_Prepared; global $container; $dbManager = $container->get('db.manager'); if (!$DirGetNonArtifact_Prepared) { $DirGetNonArtifact_Prepared = 1; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$uploadtree_tablename} LEFT JOIN pfile ON pfile_pk = pfile_fk WHERE parent = \$1"; $dbManager->prepare($stmt = __METHOD__ . ".{$uploadtree_tablename}", $sql); $result = $dbManager->execute($stmt, array($UploadtreePk)); while ($child = $dbManager->fetchArray($result)) { $Children[] = $child; } $dbManager->freeResult($result); } $Recurse = NULL; foreach ($Children as $C) { if (empty($C['ufile_mode'])) { continue; } if (!Isartifact($C['ufile_mode'])) { return $UploadtreePk; } if ($C['ufile_name'] == 'artifact.dir' || $C['ufile_name'] == 'artifact.unpacked') { $Recurse = DirGetNonArtifact($C['uploadtree_pk'], $uploadtree_tablename); } } if (!empty($Recurse)) { return DirGetNonArtifact($Recurse, $uploadtree_tablename); } return $UploadtreePk; }
/** * \brief Given an $Uploadtree_pk, display: \n * (1) The histogram for the directory BY bucket. \n * (2) The file listing for the directory. */ function ShowUploadHist($Uploadtree_pk, $Uri) { global $PG_CONN; $VF = ""; // return values for file listing $VLic = ""; // return values for output $V = ""; // total return value $UniqueTagArray = array(); global $Plugins; $ModLicView =& $Plugins[plugin_find_id("view-license")]; /******* Get Bucket names and counts ******/ /* Find lft and rgt bounds for this $Uploadtree_pk */ $sql = "SELECT lft,rgt,upload_fk FROM {$this->uploadtree_tablename}\n WHERE uploadtree_pk = {$Uploadtree_pk}"; $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql); DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (pg_num_rows($result) < 1) { pg_free_result($result); $text = _("Invalid URL, nonexistant item"); return "<h2>{$text} {$Uploadtree_pk}</h2>"; } $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result); $lft = $row["lft"]; $rgt = $row["rgt"]; $upload_pk = $row["upload_fk"]; pg_free_result($result); /* Get the ars_pk of the scan to display, also the select list */ $ars_pk = GetArrayVal("ars", $_GET); $BucketSelect = SelectBucketDataset($upload_pk, $ars_pk, "selectbdata", "onchange=\"addArsGo('newds','selectbdata');\""); if ($ars_pk == 0) { /* No bucket data for this upload */ return $BucketSelect; } /* Get scan keys */ $sql = "select agent_fk, nomosagent_fk, bucketpool_fk from bucket_ars where ars_pk={$ars_pk}"; $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql); DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result); $bucketagent_pk = $row["agent_fk"]; $nomosagent_pk = $row["nomosagent_fk"]; $bucketpool_pk = $row["bucketpool_fk"]; pg_free_result($result); /* Create bucketDefArray as individual query this is MUCH faster than incorporating it with a join in the following queries. */ $bucketDefArray = initBucketDefArray($bucketpool_pk); /*select all the buckets for entire tree for this bucketpool */ $sql = "SELECT distinct(bucket_fk) as bucket_pk,\n count(bucket_fk) as bucketcount, bucket_reportorder\n from bucket_file, bucket_def,\n (SELECT distinct(pfile_fk) as PF from {$this->uploadtree_tablename} \n where upload_fk={$upload_pk} \n and ((ufile_mode & (1<<28))=0)\n and ((ufile_mode & (1<<29))=0)\n and {$this->uploadtree_tablename}.lft BETWEEN {$lft} and {$rgt}) as SS\n where PF=pfile_fk and agent_fk={$bucketagent_pk} \n and bucket_file.nomosagent_fk={$nomosagent_pk}\n and bucket_pk=bucket_fk\n and bucketpool_fk={$bucketpool_pk}\n group by bucket_fk,bucket_reportorder\n order by bucket_reportorder asc"; $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql); DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $historows = pg_fetch_all($result); pg_free_result($result); /* Show dataset list */ if (!empty($BucketSelect)) { $action = Traceback_uri() . "?mod=bucketbrowser&upload={$upload_pk}&item={$Uploadtree_pk}"; $VLic .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\nfunction addArsGo(formid, selectid ) \n{\nvar selectobj = document.getElementById(selectid);\nvar ars_pk = selectobj.options[selectobj.selectedIndex].value;\ndocument.getElementById(formid).action='{$action}'+'&ars='+ars_pk;\ndocument.getElementById(formid).submit();\nreturn;\n}\n</script>"; /* form to select new dataset (ars_pk) */ $VLic .= "<form action='{$action}' id='newds' method='POST'>\n"; $VLic .= $BucketSelect; $VLic .= "</form>"; } $sql = "select bucketpool_name, version from bucketpool where bucketpool_pk={$bucketpool_pk}"; $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql); DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result); $bucketpool_name = $row['bucketpool_name']; $bucketpool_version = $row['version']; pg_free_result($result); /* Write bucket histogram to $VLic */ $bucketcount = 0; $Uniquebucketcount = 0; $NoLicFound = 0; if (is_array($historows)) { $text = _("Bucket Pool"); $VLic .= "{$text}: {$bucketpool_name} v{$bucketpool_version}<br>"; $VLic .= "<table border=1 width='100%'>\n"; $text = _("Count"); $VLic .= "<tr><th width='10%'>{$text}</th>"; $text = _("Files"); $VLic .= "<th width='10%'>{$text}</th>"; $text = _("Bucket"); $VLic .= "<th align='left'>{$text}</th></tr>\n"; foreach ($historows as $bucketrow) { $Uniquebucketcount++; $bucket_pk = $bucketrow['bucket_pk']; $bucketcount = $bucketrow['bucketcount']; $bucket_name = $bucketDefArray[$bucket_pk]['bucket_name']; $bucket_color = $bucketDefArray[$bucket_pk]['bucket_color']; /* Count */ $VLic .= "<tr><td align='right' style='background-color:{$bucket_color}'>{$bucketcount}</td>"; /* Show */ $VLic .= "<td align='center'><a href='"; $VLic .= Traceback_uri(); $text = _("Show"); $VLic .= "?mod=list_bucket_files&bapk={$bucketagent_pk}&item={$Uploadtree_pk}&bpk={$bucket_pk}&bp={$bucketpool_pk}&napk={$nomosagent_pk}" . "'>{$text}</a></td>"; /* Bucket name */ $VLic .= "<td align='left'>"; $VLic .= "<a id='{$bucket_pk}' onclick='FileColor_Get(\"" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=ajax_filebucket&bapk={$bucketagent_pk}&item={$Uploadtree_pk}&bucket_pk={$bucket_pk}\")'"; $VLic .= ">{$bucket_name} </a>"; /* Allow users to tag an entire bucket */ /* Future, maybe v 2.1 $TagHref = "<a href=" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=bucketbrowser&upload=$upload_pk&item=$Uploadtree_pk&bapk=$bucketagent_pk&bpk=$bucket_pk&bp=$bucketpool_pk&napk=$nomosagent_pk&tagbucket=1>Tag</a>"; $VLic .= " [$TagHref]"; */ $VLic .= "</td>"; $VLic .= "</tr>\n"; // if ($row['bucket_name'] == "No Buckets Found") $NoLicFound = $row['bucketcount']; } $VLic .= "</table>\n"; $VLic .= "<p>\n"; $text = _("Unique buckets"); $VLic .= "{$text}: {$Uniquebucketcount}<br>\n"; } /******* File Listing ************/ /* Get ALL the items under this Uploadtree_pk */ $Children = GetNonArtifactChildren($Uploadtree_pk, $this->uploadtree_tablename); if (count($Children) == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->uploadtree_tablename} WHERE uploadtree_pk = '{$Uploadtree_pk}'"; $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql); DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result); pg_free_result($result); if (empty($row) || IsDir($row['ufile_mode'])) { return; } // $ModLicView = &$Plugins[plugin_find_id("view-license")]; // return($ModLicView->Output() ); } $ChildCount = 0; $Childbucketcount = 0; /* Countd disabled until we know we need them $NumSrcPackages = 0; $NumBinPackages = 0; $NumBinNoSrcPackages = 0; */ /* get mimetypes for packages */ $MimetypeArray = GetPkgMimetypes(); $VF .= "<table border=0>"; foreach ($Children as $C) { if (empty($C)) { continue; } /* update package counts */ /* This is an expensive count. Comment out until we know we really need it IncrSrcBinCounts($C, $MimetypeArray, $NumSrcPackages, $NumBinPackages, $NumBinNoSrcPackages); */ $IsDir = Isdir($C['ufile_mode']); $IsContainer = Iscontainer($C['ufile_mode']); /* Determine the hyperlink for non-containers to view-license */ if (!empty($C['pfile_fk']) && !empty($ModLicView)) { $LinkUri = Traceback_uri(); $LinkUri .= "?mod=view-license&napk={$nomosagent_pk}&bapk={$bucketagent_pk}&upload={$upload_pk}&item={$C['uploadtree_pk']}"; } else { $LinkUri = NULL; } /* Determine link for containers */ if (Iscontainer($C['ufile_mode'])) { $uploadtree_pk = DirGetNonArtifact($C['uploadtree_pk'], $this->uploadtree_tablename); $tmpuri = "?mod=" . $this->Name . Traceback_parm_keep(array("upload", "folder", "ars")); $LicUri = "{$tmpuri}&item=" . $uploadtree_pk; } else { $LicUri = NULL; } /* Populate the output ($VF) - file list */ /* id of each element is its uploadtree_pk */ $VF .= "<tr><td id='{$C['uploadtree_pk']}' align='left'>"; $HasHref = 0; $HasBold = 0; if ($IsContainer) { $VF .= "<a href='{$LicUri}'>"; $HasHref = 1; $VF .= "<b>"; $HasBold = 1; } else { if (!empty($LinkUri)) { $VF .= "<a href='{$LinkUri}'>"; $HasHref = 1; } } $VF .= $C['ufile_name']; if ($IsDir) { $VF .= "/"; } if ($HasBold) { $VF .= "</b>"; } if ($HasHref) { $VF .= "</a>"; } /* print buckets */ $VF .= "<br>"; $VF .= "<span style='position:relative;left:1em'>"; /* get color coded string of bucket names */ $VF .= GetFileBuckets_string($nomosagent_pk, $bucketagent_pk, $C['uploadtree_pk'], $bucketDefArray, ",", True); $VF .= "</span>"; $VF .= "</td><td valign='top'>"; /* display item links */ $VF .= FileListLinks($C['upload_fk'], $C['uploadtree_pk'], $nomosagent_pk, $C['pfile_fk'], True, $UniqueTagArray, $this->uploadtree_tablename); $VF .= "</td>"; $VF .= "</tr>\n"; $ChildCount++; } $VF .= "</table>\n"; $V .= ActiveHTTPscript("FileColor"); /* Add javascript for color highlighting This is the response script needed by ActiveHTTPscript responseText is bucket_pk',' followed by a comma seperated list of uploadtree_pk's */ $script = "\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\">\n var Lastutpks=''; /* save last list of uploadtree_pk's */\n var Lastbupk=''; /* save last bucket_pk */\n var color = '#4bfe78';\n function FileColor_Reply()\n {\n if ((FileColor.readyState==4) && (FileColor.status==200))\n {\n /* remove previous highlighting */\n var numpks = Lastutpks.length;\n if (numpks > 0) document.getElementById(Lastbupk).style.backgroundColor='white';\n while (numpks)\n {\n document.getElementById(Lastutpks[--numpks]).style.backgroundColor='white';\n }\n\n utpklist = FileColor.responseText.split(',');\n Lastbupk = utpklist.shift();\n numpks = utpklist.length;\n Lastutpks = utpklist;\n\n /* apply new highlighting */\n elt = document.getElementById(Lastbupk);\n if (elt != null);\n while (numpks)\n {\n document.getElementById(utpklist[--numpks]).style.backgroundColor=color;\n }\n }\n return;\n }\n </script>\n "; $V .= $script; /* Display source, binary, and binary missing source package counts */ /* Counts disabled above until we know we need these $VLic .= "<ul>"; $text = _("source packages"); $VLic .= "<li> $NumSrcPackages $text"; $text = _("binary packages"); $VLic .= "<li> $NumBinPackages $text"; $text = _("binary packages with no source package"); $VLic .= "<li> $NumBinNoSrcPackages $text"; $VLic .= "</ul>"; */ /* Combine VF and VLic */ $V .= "<table border=0 width='100%'>\n"; $V .= "<tr><td valign='top' width='50%'>{$VLic}</td><td valign='top'>{$VF}</td></tr>\n"; $V .= "</table>\n"; $V .= "<hr />\n"; return $V; }
/** * @param $Uploadtree_pk * @param $Uri * @param $uploadtree_tablename * @param $Agent_pk * @param $upload_pk * @return array */ protected function getFileListing($Uploadtree_pk, $Uri, $uploadtree_tablename, $Agent_pk, $upload_pk) { $VF = ""; // return values for file listing /******* File Listing ************/ /* Get ALL the items under this Uploadtree_pk */ $Children = GetNonArtifactChildren($Uploadtree_pk, $uploadtree_tablename); $ChildCount = 0; $ChildLicCount = 0; $ChildDirCount = 0; /* total number of directory or containers */ foreach ($Children as $c) { if (Iscontainer($c['ufile_mode'])) { $ChildDirCount++; } } $VF .= "<table border=0>"; foreach ($Children as $child) { if (empty($child)) { continue; } $ChildCount++; global $Plugins; $ModLicView =& $Plugins[plugin_find_id($this->viewName)]; /* Determine the hyperlink for non-containers to view-license */ if (!empty($child['pfile_fk']) && !empty($ModLicView)) { $LinkUri = Traceback_uri(); $LinkUri .= "?mod=" . $this->viewName . "&agent={$Agent_pk}&upload={$upload_pk}&item={$child['uploadtree_pk']}"; } else { $LinkUri = NULL; } /* Determine link for containers */ if (Iscontainer($child['ufile_mode'])) { $uploadtree_pk = DirGetNonArtifact($child['uploadtree_pk'], $uploadtree_tablename); $LicUri = "{$Uri}&item=" . $uploadtree_pk; } else { $LicUri = NULL; } /* Populate the output ($VF) - file list */ /* id of each element is its uploadtree_pk */ $LicCount = 0; $cellContent = Isdir($child['ufile_mode']) ? $child['ufile_name'] . '/' : $child['ufile_name']; if (Iscontainer($child['ufile_mode'])) { $cellContent = "<a href='{$LicUri}'><b>{$cellContent}</b></a>"; } else { if (!empty($LinkUri)) { $cellContent = "<a href='{$LinkUri}'>{$cellContent}</a>"; } } $VF .= "<tr><td id='{$child['uploadtree_pk']}' align='left'>{$cellContent}</td><td>"; if ($LicCount) { $VF .= "[" . number_format($LicCount, 0, "", ",") . " "; $VF .= "license" . ($LicCount == 1 ? "" : "s"); $VF .= "</a>"; $VF .= "]"; $ChildLicCount += $LicCount; } $VF .= "</td></tr>\n"; } $VF .= "</table>\n"; return array($ChildCount, $VF); }
/** * \brief Given an Upload and UploadtreePk item, display: * - The histogram for the directory BY LICENSE. * - The file listing for the directory, with license navigation. */ function ShowUploadHist($Upload, $Item, $Uri) { /***** Get all the licenses PER item (file or directory) under this UploadtreePk. Save the data 3 ways: - Number of licenses PER item. - Number of items PER license. - Number of items PER license family. *****/ $VF = ""; // return values for file listing $VH = ""; // return values for license histogram $V = ""; // total return value global $Plugins; global $PG_CONN; $Lics = array(); // license summary for an item in the directory $ModLicView =& $Plugins[plugin_find_id("view-license")]; /* Arrays for storying item->license and license->item mappings */ $LicGID2Item = array(); $LicItem2GID = array(); $MapLic2GID = array(); /* every license should have an ID number */ /* Get the counts for each license under this UploadtreePk*/ LicenseGetAll($Item, $Lics); // key is license name, value is count $LicTotal = $Lics[' Total ']; /* Ensure that every license is associated with an ID */ /* MapLic2Gid key is license name, value is a sequence number (GID) */ $MapNext = 0; foreach ($Lics as $Key => $Val) { $MapLic2GID[$Key] = $MapNext++; } /****************************************/ /* Get ALL the items under this UploadtreePk */ $Children = DirGetList($Upload, $Item); $ChildCount = 0; $ChildLicCount = 0; $ChildDirCount = 0; /* total number of directory or containers */ foreach ($Children as $C) { if (Iscontainer($C['ufile_mode'])) { $ChildDirCount++; } } $VF .= "<table border=0>"; foreach ($Children as $C) { if (empty($C)) { continue; } /* Store the item information */ $IsDir = Isdir($C['ufile_mode']); $IsContainer = Iscontainer($C['ufile_mode']); /* Determine the hyperlinks */ if (!empty($C['pfile_fk']) && !empty($ModLicView)) { $LinkUri = "{$Uri}&item=" . $C['uploadtree_pk']; $LinkUri = preg_replace("/mod=license/", "mod=view-license", $LinkUri); } else { $LinkUri = NULL; } if (Iscontainer($C['ufile_mode'])) { $uploadtree_pk = DirGetNonArtifact($C['uploadtree_pk']); $LicUri = "{$Uri}&item=" . $uploadtree_pk; } else { $LicUri = NULL; } /* Populate the output ($VF) - file list */ /* Find number of licenses in child */ // if (($ChildDirCount < 20) || (!$IsContainer)) // { $LicCount = LicenseCount($C['uploadtree_pk']); } // else { $LicCount=0; } $LicCount = 0; $VF .= '<tr><td id="Lic-' . $LicCount . '" align="left">'; $HasHref = 0; $HasBold = 0; if ($IsContainer) { $VF .= "<a href='{$LicUri}'>"; $HasHref = 1; $VF .= "<b>"; $HasBold = 1; } else { if (!empty($LinkUri)) { $VF .= "<a href='{$LinkUri}'>"; $HasHref = 1; } } $VF .= $C['ufile_name']; if ($IsDir) { $VF .= "/"; } if ($HasBold) { $VF .= "</b>"; } if ($HasHref) { $VF .= "</a>"; } $VF .= "</td><td>"; if ($LicCount) { $VF .= "[" . number_format($LicCount, 0, "", ",") . " "; //$VF .= "<a href=\"javascript:LicColor('Lic-$ChildCount','LicGroup-','" . trim($LicItem2GID[$ChildCount]) . "','lightgreen');\">"; $VF .= "license" . ($LicCount == 1 ? "" : "s"); $VF .= "</a>"; $VF .= "]"; $ChildLicCount += $LicCount; } $VF .= "</td>"; $VF .= "</tr>\n"; $ChildCount++; } $VF .= "</table>\n"; // print "ChildCount=$ChildCount ChildLicCount=$ChildLicCount\n"; /*************************************** Problem: $ChildCount can be zero! This happens if you have a container that does not unpack to a directory. For example: file.gz extracts to archive.txt that contains a license. Same problem seen with .pdf and .Z files. Solution: if $ChildCount == 0, then just view the license! $ChildCount can also be zero if the directory is empty. ***************************************/ if ($ChildCount == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM uploadtree WHERE uploadtree_pk = '{$Item}';"; $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql); DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result); pg_free_result($result); if (IsDir($row['ufile_mode'])) { return; } $ModLicView =& $Plugins[plugin_find_id("view-license")]; return $ModLicView->Output(); } /****************************************/ /* List the licenses */ $VH .= "<table border=1 width='100%'>\n"; $SFbL = plugin_find_id("search_file_by_license"); $text = _("Count"); $VH .= "<tr><th width='10%'>{$text}</th>"; $text = _("Files"); if ($SFbL >= 0) { $VH .= "<th width='10%'>{$text}</th>"; } $text = _("License"); $VH .= "<th>{$text}</th>\n"; /* krsort + arsort = consistent sorting order */ arsort($Lics); /* Redo the sorting */ $SortOrder = array(); foreach ($Lics as $Key => $Val) { if (empty($Val)) { continue; } $SortOrder[] = $Val . "|" . str_replace("'", "", $Key) . "|" . $Key; } usort($SortOrder, array($this, "SortName")); $LicsTotal = array(); foreach ($SortOrder as $Key => $Val) { if (empty($Val)) { continue; } list($x, $y, $z) = explode("\\|", $Val, 3); $LicsTotal[$z] = $x; } $Total = 0; foreach ($Lics as $Key => $Val) { if ($Key != ' Total ') { $GID = $MapLic2GID[$Key]; $VH .= "<tr><td align='right'>{$Val}</td>"; $Total += $Val; if ($SFbL >= 0) { $VH .= "<td align='center'><a href='"; $VH .= Traceback_uri(); $text = _("Show"); $VH .= "?mod=search_file_by_license&item={$Item}&lic=" . urlencode($Key) . "'>{$text}</a></td>"; } $VH .= "<td id='LicGroup-{$GID}'>"; $Uri = Traceback_uri() . "?mod=license_listing&item={$Item}&lic={$GID}"; // $VH .= "<a href=\"javascript:LicColor('LicGroup-$GID','Lic-','" . trim($LicGID2Item[$GID]) . "','yellow'); "; // $VH .= "\">"; $VH .= htmlentities($Key); $VH .= "</a>"; $VH .= "</td></tr>\n"; } } $VH .= "</table>\n"; $VH .= "<br>\n"; $text = _("Total licenses"); $VH .= "{$text}: {$Total}\n"; /****************************************/ /* Licenses use Javascript to highlight */ $VJ = ""; // return values for the javascript $VJ .= "<script language='javascript'>\n"; $VJ .= "<!--\n"; $VJ .= "var LastSelf='';\n"; $VJ .= "var LastPrefix='';\n"; $VJ .= "var LastListing='';\n"; $VJ .= "function LicColor(Self,Prefix,Listing,color)\n"; $VJ .= "{\n"; $VJ .= "if (LastSelf!='')\n"; $VJ .= " { document.getElementById(LastSelf).style.backgroundColor='white'; }\n"; $VJ .= "LastSelf = Self;\n"; $VJ .= "if (LastPrefix!='')\n"; $VJ .= " {\n"; $VJ .= " List = LastListing.split(' ');\n"; $VJ .= " for(var i in List)\n"; $VJ .= " {\n"; $VJ .= " document.getElementById(LastPrefix + List[i]).style.backgroundColor='white';\n"; $VJ .= " }\n"; $VJ .= " }\n"; $VJ .= "LastPrefix = Prefix;\n"; $VJ .= "LastListing = Listing;\n"; $VJ .= "if (Self!='')\n"; $VJ .= " {\n"; $VJ .= " document.getElementById(Self).style.backgroundColor=color;\n"; $VJ .= " }\n"; $VJ .= "if (Listing!='')\n"; $VJ .= " {\n"; $VJ .= " List = Listing.split(' ');\n"; $VJ .= " for(var i in List)\n"; $VJ .= " {\n"; $VJ .= " document.getElementById(Prefix + List[i]).style.backgroundColor=color;\n"; $VJ .= " }\n"; $VJ .= " }\n"; $VJ .= "}\n"; $VJ .= "// -->\n"; $VJ .= "</script>\n"; /* Combine VF and VH */ $V .= "<table border=0 width='100%'>\n"; $V .= "<tr><td valign='top' width='50%'>{$VH}</td><td valign='top'>{$VF}</td></tr>\n"; $V .= "</table>\n"; $V .= "<hr />\n"; $V .= $VJ; return $V; }
/** * \brief Given an $Uploadtree_pk, display: \n * (1) The histogram for the directory BY LICENSE. \n * (2) The file listing for the directory. * * \param $Uploadtree_pk * \param $Uri * \param $filter * \param $uploadtree_tablename * \param $Agent_pk - agent id */ function ShowUploadHist($Uploadtree_pk, $Uri, $filter, $uploadtree_tablename, $Agent_pk) { global $PG_CONN; $VF = ""; // return values for file listing $VLic = ""; // return values for license histogram $V = ""; // total return value $upload_pk = ""; $VCopyright = ''; global $Plugins; $ModLicView =& $Plugins[plugin_find_id("copyrightview")]; $rows = $this->GetRows($Uploadtree_pk, $Agent_pk, $upload_pk, 0, $filter); if (!is_array($rows)) { return $rows; } $orderBy = array('count', 'copyright'); static $ordercount = 1; static $ordercopyright = 1; $order = ""; /** sorting by count/copyright statement */ if (isset($_GET['orderBy']) && in_array($_GET['orderBy'], $orderBy)) { $order = $_GET['orderBy']; if (isset($_GET['orderc'])) { $ordercount = $_GET['orderc']; } if (isset($_GET['ordercp'])) { $ordercopyright = $_GET['ordercp']; } if ('count' == $order && 1 == $ordercount) { $ordercount = 0; } else { if ('count' == $order && 0 == $ordercount) { $ordercount = 1; } else { if ('copyright' == $order && 1 == $ordercopyright) { $ordercopyright = 0; } else { if ('copyright' == $order && 0 == $ordercopyright) { $ordercopyright = 1; } } } } } /* Write license histogram to $VLic */ $CopyrightCount = 0; $UniqueCopyrightCount = 0; $NoCopyrightFound = 0; $VCopyright = ""; $VCopyright .= "<table border=1 width='100%' id='copyright'>\n"; $text = _("Count"); $text1 = _("Files"); $text2 = _("Copyright Statements"); $text3 = _("Email"); $text4 = _("URL"); $VCopyright .= "<tr><th>"; $VCopyright .= "<a href=?mod=" . "{$this->Name}" . Traceback_parm_keep(array("upload", "item", "filter", "agent")) . "&orderBy=count&orderc={$ordercount}>{$text}</a>"; $VCopyright .= "</th>"; $VCopyright .= "<th width='10%'>{$text1}</th>"; $VCopyright .= "<th>"; $VCopyright .= "<a href=?mod=" . "{$this->Name}" . Traceback_parm_keep(array("upload", "item", "filter", "agent")) . "&orderBy=copyright&ordercp={$ordercopyright}>{$text2}</a>"; $VCopyright .= "</th>"; $VCopyright .= "</th></tr>\n"; $EmailCount = 0; $UniqueEmailCount = 0; $NoEmailFound = 0; $VEmail = "<table border=1 width='100%'id='copyrightemail'>\n"; $VEmail .= "<tr><th width='10%'>{$text}</th>"; $VEmail .= "<th width='10%'>{$text1}</th>"; $VEmail .= "<th>{$text3}</th></tr>\n"; $UrlCount = 0; $UniqueUrlCount = 0; $NoUrlFound = 0; $VUrl = "<table border=1 width='100%' id='copyrighturl'>\n"; $VUrl .= "<tr><th width='10%'>{$text}</th>"; $VUrl .= "<th width='10%'>{$text1}</th>"; $VUrl .= "<th>{$text4}</th></tr>\n"; if (!is_array($rows)) { $VCopyright .= "<tr><td colspan=3>{$rows}</td></tr>"; } else { foreach ($rows as $row) { $hash = $row['hash']; if ($row['type'] == 'statement') { $UniqueCopyrightCount++; $CopyrightCount += $row['copyright_count']; $VCopyright .= "<tr><td align='right'>{$row['copyright_count']}</td>"; $VCopyright .= "<td align='center'><a href='"; $VCopyright .= Traceback_uri(); $URLargs = "?mod=copyrightlist&agent={$Agent_pk}&item={$Uploadtree_pk}&hash=" . $hash . "&type=" . $row['type']; if (!empty($filter)) { $URLargs .= "&filter={$filter}"; } $VCopyright .= $URLargs . "'>Show</a></td>"; $VCopyright .= "<td align='left'>"; /* strip out characters we don't want to see This is a hack until the agent stops writing these chars to the db. */ $S = $row['content']; $S = htmlentities($S); $S = str_replace("Â", "", $S); // comes from utf-8 copyright symbol $VCopyright .= $S; /* Debugging $hex = bin2hex($S); $VCopyright .= "<br>$hex" ; End Debugging */ $VCopyright .= "</td>"; $VCopyright .= "</tr>\n"; } else { if ($row['type'] == 'email') { $UniqueEmailCount++; $EmailCount += $row['copyright_count']; $VEmail .= "<tr><td align='right'>{$row['copyright_count']}</td>"; $VEmail .= "<td align='center'><a href='"; $VEmail .= Traceback_uri(); $VEmail .= "?mod=copyrightlist&agent={$Agent_pk}&item={$Uploadtree_pk}&hash=" . $hash . "&type=" . $row['type'] . "'>Show</a></td>"; $VEmail .= "<td align='left'>"; $VEmail .= htmlentities($row['content']); $VEmail .= "</td>"; $VEmail .= "</tr>\n"; } else { if ($row['type'] == 'url') { $UniqueUrlCount++; $UrlCount += $row['copyright_count']; $VUrl .= "<tr><td align='right'>{$row['copyright_count']}</td>"; $VUrl .= "<td align='center'><a href='"; $VUrl .= Traceback_uri(); $VUrl .= "?mod=copyrightlist&agent={$Agent_pk}&item={$Uploadtree_pk}&hash=" . $hash . "&type=" . $row['type'] . "'>Show</a></td>"; $VUrl .= "<td align='left'>"; $VUrl .= htmlentities($row['content']); $VUrl .= "</td>"; $VUrl .= "</tr>\n"; } } } } } $VCopyright .= "</table>\n"; $VCopyright .= "<p>\n"; $text = _("Unique Copyrights"); $text1 = _("Total Copyrights"); $VCopyright .= "{$text}: {$UniqueCopyrightCount}<br>\n"; $NetCopyright = $CopyrightCount; $VCopyright .= "{$text1}: {$NetCopyright}"; $VEmail .= "</table>\n"; $VEmail .= "<p>\n"; $text = _("Unique Emails"); $text1 = _("Total Emails"); $VEmail .= "{$text}: {$UniqueEmailCount}<br>\n"; $NetEmail = $EmailCount; $VEmail .= "{$text1}: {$NetEmail}"; $VUrl .= "</table>\n"; $VUrl .= "<p>\n"; $text = _("Unique URLs"); $text1 = _("Total URLs"); $VUrl .= "{$text}: {$UniqueUrlCount}<br>\n"; $NetUrl = $UrlCount; $VUrl .= "{$text1}: {$NetUrl}"; /******* File Listing ************/ /* Get ALL the items under this Uploadtree_pk */ $Children = GetNonArtifactChildren($Uploadtree_pk, $uploadtree_tablename); $ChildCount = 0; $ChildLicCount = 0; $ChildDirCount = 0; /* total number of directory or containers */ foreach ($Children as $C) { if (Iscontainer($C['ufile_mode'])) { $ChildDirCount++; } } $VF .= "<table border=0>"; foreach ($Children as $C) { if (empty($C)) { continue; } $IsDir = Isdir($C['ufile_mode']); $IsContainer = Iscontainer($C['ufile_mode']); /* Determine the hyperlink for non-containers to view-license */ if (!empty($C['pfile_fk']) && !empty($ModLicView)) { $LinkUri = Traceback_uri(); $LinkUri .= "?mod=view-license&agent={$Agent_pk}&upload={$upload_pk}&item={$C['uploadtree_pk']}"; } else { $LinkUri = NULL; } /* Determine link for containers */ if (Iscontainer($C['ufile_mode'])) { $uploadtree_pk = DirGetNonArtifact($C['uploadtree_pk'], $uploadtree_tablename); $LicUri = "{$Uri}&item=" . $uploadtree_pk; } else { $LicUri = NULL; } /* Populate the output ($VF) - file list */ /* id of each element is its uploadtree_pk */ $LicCount = 0; $VF .= "<tr><td id='{$C['uploadtree_pk']}' align='left'>"; $HasHref = 0; $HasBold = 0; if ($IsContainer) { $VF .= "<a href='{$LicUri}'>"; $HasHref = 1; $VF .= "<b>"; $HasBold = 1; } else { if (!empty($LinkUri)) { $VF .= "<a href='{$LinkUri}'>"; $HasHref = 1; } } $VF .= $C['ufile_name']; if ($IsDir) { $VF .= "/"; } if ($HasBold) { $VF .= "</b>"; } if ($HasHref) { $VF .= "</a>"; } $VF .= "</td><td>"; if ($LicCount) { $VF .= "[" . number_format($LicCount, 0, "", ",") . " "; $VF .= "license" . ($LicCount == 1 ? "" : "s"); $VF .= "</a>"; $VF .= "]"; $ChildLicCount += $LicCount; } $VF .= "</td>"; $VF .= "</tr>\n"; $ChildCount++; } $VF .= "</table>\n"; /*************************************** Problem: $ChildCount can be zero! This happens if you have a container that does not unpack to a directory. For example: file.gz extracts to archive.txt that contains a license. Same problem seen with .pdf and .Z files. Solution: if $ChildCount == 0, then just view the license! $ChildCount can also be zero if the directory is empty. ***************************************/ if ($ChildCount == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->uploadtree_tablename} WHERE uploadtree_pk = '{$Uploadtree_pk}';"; $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql); DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result); pg_free_result($result); if (IsDir($row['ufile_mode'])) { return; } $ModLicView =& $Plugins[plugin_find_id("copyrightview")]; return $ModLicView->Output(); } /* Combine VF and VLic */ $text = _("Jump to"); $text1 = _("Emails"); $text2 = _("Copyright Statements"); $text3 = _("URLs"); $V .= "<table border=0 width='100%'>\n"; $V .= "<tr><td><a name=\"statements\"></a>{$text}: <a href=\"#emails\">{$text1}</a> | <a href=\"#urls\">{$text3}</a></td><td></td></tr>\n"; $V .= "<tr><td valign='top' width='50%'>{$VCopyright}</td><td valign='top'>{$VF}</td></tr>\n"; $V .= "<tr><td><a name=\"emails\"></a>Jump to: <a href=\"#statements\">{$text2}</a> | <a href=\"#urls\">{$text3}</a></td><td></td></tr>\n"; $V .= "<tr><td valign='top' width='50%'>{$VEmail}</td><td valign='top'></td></tr>\n"; $V .= "<tr><td><a name=\"urls\"></a>Jump To: <a href=\"#statements\">{$text2}</a> | <a href=\"#emails\">{$text1}</a></td><td></td></tr>\n"; $V .= "<tr><td valign='top' width='50%'>{$VUrl}</td><td valign='top'></td></tr>\n"; $V .= "</table>\n"; $V .= "<hr />\n"; return $V; }
/** * \brief Given an $Uploadtree_pk, display: * - The histogram for the directory BY LICENSE. * - The file listing for the directory. */ function ShowUploadHist($Uploadtree_pk, $Uri, $tag_pk) { global $PG_CONN; $VF = ""; // return values for file listing $VLic = ""; // return values for license histogram $V = ""; // total return value $UniqueTagArray = array(); global $Plugins; $ModLicView =& $Plugins[plugin_find_id("view-license")]; /******* Get license names and counts ******/ /* Find lft and rgt bounds for this $Uploadtree_pk */ $sql = "SELECT lft,rgt,upload_fk FROM {$this->uploadtree_tablename}\n WHERE uploadtree_pk = {$Uploadtree_pk}"; $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql); DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result); $lft = $row["lft"]; $rgt = $row["rgt"]; $upload_pk = $row["upload_fk"]; pg_free_result($result); if (empty($lft)) { $text = _("Job unpack/adj2nest hasn't completed."); $VLic = "<b>{$text}</b><p>"; return $VLic; } /* Find total number of files for this $Uploadtree_pk * Exclude artifacts and directories. */ $sql = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM {$this->uploadtree_tablename}\n WHERE upload_fk = {$upload_pk} \n and {$this->uploadtree_tablename}.lft BETWEEN {$lft} and {$rgt}\n and ((ufile_mode & (1<<28))=0) \n and ((ufile_mode & (1<<29))=0) and pfile_fk!=0"; //$uTime = microtime(true); $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql); //printf( "<small>count files Elapsed time: %.2f seconds</small>", microtime(true) - $uTime); // convert usecs to secs DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result); $FileCount = $row["count"]; pg_free_result($result); /* Get the counts for each license under this UploadtreePk*/ if (empty($tag_pk)) { $TagTable = ""; $TagClause = ""; } else { $TagTable = " right join tag_file on tag_file.pfile_fk=license_file_ref.pfile_fk "; $TagClause = " and tag_fk={$tag_pk}"; } /** advanced interface allowing user to select dataset (agent version) */ $Agent_name = 'nomos'; $dataset = "nomos_dataset"; $Agent_pk = GetParm("agent", PARM_STRING); /** if do not specify agent, get the latest agent result for this upload */ if (empty($Agent_pk)) { $Agent_pk = LatestAgentpk($upload_pk, "nomos_ars"); } if ($Agent_pk == 0) { $text = _("No data available. Use Jobs > Agents to schedule a license scan."); $VLic = "<b>{$text}</b><p>"; return $VLic; } /** get nomos select dataset */ $AgentSelect = AgentSelect($Agent_name, $upload_pk, true, $dataset, $dataset, $Agent_pk, "onchange=\"addArsGo('newds', 'nomos_dataset');\""); /** change the nomos license result when selecting one version of nomos */ if (!empty($AgentSelect)) { $action = Traceback_uri() . "?mod=nomoslicense&upload={$upload_pk}&item={$Uploadtree_pk}"; $VLic .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n function addArsGo(formid, selectid)\n {\n var selectobj = document.getElementById(selectid);\n var Agent_pk = selectobj.options[selectobj.selectedIndex].value;\n document.getElementById(formid).action='{$action}'+'&agent='+Agent_pk;\n document.getElementById(formid).submit();\n return;\n }\n </script>"; /* form to select new dataset, show dataset */ $VLic .= "<form action='{$action}' id='newds' method='POST'>\n"; $VLic .= $AgentSelect; $VLic .= "</form>"; } $orderBy = array('count', 'license_name'); $ordersql = "liccount desc"; static $ordercount = 1; static $orderlic = 1; /** sorting by count/licnese name */ if (isset($_GET['orderBy']) && in_array($_GET['orderBy'], $orderBy)) { $order = $_GET['orderBy']; if (isset($_GET['orderc'])) { $ordercount = $_GET['orderc']; } if (isset($_GET['orderl'])) { $orderlic = $_GET['orderl']; } if ('count' == $order && 1 == $ordercount) { $ordersql = "liccount desc"; $ordercount = 0; } else { if ('count' == $order && 0 == $ordercount) { $ordersql = "liccount "; $ordercount = 1; } else { if ('license_name' == $order && 1 == $orderlic) { $ordersql = "rf_shortname "; $orderlic = 0; } else { if ('license_name' == $order && 0 == $orderlic) { $ordersql = "rf_shortname desc"; $orderlic = 1; } } } } } // Void ARE EXCLUDED FROM LICENSE COUNT $sql = "SELECT distinct(SS.rf_shortname) as licname, count(SS.rf_shortname) as liccount, SS.rf_shortname from \n (SELECT distinct(license_file_ref.pfile_fk), rf_shortname\n from license_file_ref {$TagTable}\n right join {$this->uploadtree_tablename} on license_file_ref.pfile_fk={$this->uploadtree_tablename}.pfile_fk \n where rf_shortname <> 'Void' and upload_fk='{$upload_pk}' and {$this->uploadtree_tablename}.lft BETWEEN {$lft} and {$rgt} \n and agent_fk={$Agent_pk} {$TagClause} group by license_file_ref.pfile_fk, rf_shortname\n ) as SS\n group by rf_shortname order by {$ordersql}"; //$uTime = microtime(true); $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql); //$Time = microtime(true) - $uTime; // convert usecs to secs //$text = _("histogram Elapsed time: %.2f seconds"); //printf( "<small>$text</small>", $Time); DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); /* Write license histogram to $VLic */ $LicCount = 0; $UniqueLicCount = 0; $NoLicFound = 0; $VLic .= "<table border=1 width='100%' id='lichistogram'>\n"; $text = _("Count"); $VLic .= "<tr><th>"; $VLic .= "<a href=?mod=" . "{$this->Name}" . Traceback_parm_keep(array("upload", "item", "tag", "agent")) . "&orderBy=count&orderc={$ordercount}>{$text}</a>"; $VLic .= "</th>"; $text = _("Files"); $VLic .= "<th width='10%'>{$text}</th>"; $text = _("License Name"); $VLic .= "<th>"; $VLic .= "<a href=?mod=" . "{$this->Name}" . Traceback_parm_keep(array("upload", "item", "tag", "agent")) . "&orderBy=license_name&orderl={$orderlic}>{$text}</a>"; $VLic .= "</th></tr>\n"; while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($result)) { $UniqueLicCount++; $LicCount += $row['liccount']; /* Count */ $VLic .= "<tr><td align='right'>{$row['liccount']}</td>"; /* Show */ $VLic .= "<td align='center'><a href='"; $VLic .= Traceback_uri(); $text = _("Show"); $tagClause = $tag_pk ? "&tag={$tag_pk}" : ""; $VLic .= "?mod=list_lic_files&napk={$Agent_pk}&item={$Uploadtree_pk}&lic=" . urlencode($row['rf_shortname']) . $tagClause . "'>{$text}</a></td>"; /* License name */ $VLic .= "<td align='left'>"; $rf_shortname = rawurlencode($row['rf_shortname']); $VLic .= "<a id='{$rf_shortname}' onclick='FileColor_Get(\"" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=ajax_filelic&napk={$Agent_pk}&item={$Uploadtree_pk}&lic={$rf_shortname}&ut={$this->uploadtree_tablename}\")'"; $VLic .= ">{$row['licname']} </a>"; $VLic .= "</td>"; $VLic .= "</tr>\n"; if ($row['licname'] == "No_license_found") { $NoLicFound = $row['liccount']; } } $VLic .= "</table>\n"; $VLic .= "<p>\n"; $VLic .= _("Hint: Click on the license name to "); $text = _("highlight"); $VLic .= "<span style='background-color:{$this->HighlightColor}'>{$text} </span>"; $VLic .= _("where the license is found in the file listing.<br>\n"); $VLic .= "<table border=0 id='licsummary'>"; $text = _("Unique licenses"); $VLic .= "<tr><td align=right>{$UniqueLicCount}</td><td>{$text}</td></tr>"; $NetLic = $LicCount - $NoLicFound; $text = _("Licenses found"); $VLic .= "<tr><td align=right>{$NetLic}</td><td>{$text}</td></tr>"; $text = _("Files with no licenses"); $VLic .= "<tr><td align=right>{$NoLicFound}</td><td>{$text}</td></tr>"; $text = _("Files"); $VLic .= "<tr><td align=right>{$FileCount}</td><td>{$text}</td></tr>"; $VLic .= "</table>"; pg_free_result($result); /******* File Listing ************/ /* Get ALL the items under this Uploadtree_pk */ $Children = GetNonArtifactChildren($Uploadtree_pk, $this->uploadtree_tablename); /* Filter out Children that don't have tag */ if (!empty($tag_pk)) { TagFilter($Children, $tag_pk, $this->uploadtree_tablename); } $ChildCount = 0; $ChildLicCount = 0; //$uTime = microtime(true); if (!empty($Children)) { /* For alternating row background colors */ $RowStyle1 = "style='background-color:#ecfaff'"; // pale blue $RowStyle2 = "style='background-color:#ffffe3'"; // pale yellow $ColorSpanRows = 1; // Alternate background color every $ColorSpanRows $RowNum = 0; $VF .= "<table border=0 id='dirlist'>"; foreach ($Children as $C) { if (empty($C)) { continue; } $IsDir = Isdir($C['ufile_mode']); $IsContainer = Iscontainer($C['ufile_mode']); /* Determine the hyperlink for non-containers to view-license */ if (!empty($C['pfile_fk']) && !empty($ModLicView)) { $LinkUri = Traceback_uri(); $LinkUri .= "?mod=view-license&napk={$Agent_pk}&upload={$upload_pk}&item={$C['uploadtree_pk']}"; } else { $LinkUri = NULL; } /* Determine link for containers */ if (Iscontainer($C['ufile_mode'])) { $uploadtree_pk = DirGetNonArtifact($C['uploadtree_pk'], $this->uploadtree_tablename); $LicUri = "{$Uri}&item=" . $uploadtree_pk; } else { $LicUri = NULL; } /* Populate the output ($VF) - file list */ /* id of each element is its uploadtree_pk */ /* Set alternating row background color - repeats every $ColorSpanRows rows */ $RowStyle = $RowNum++ % (2 * $ColorSpanRows) < $ColorSpanRows ? $RowStyle1 : $RowStyle2; $VF .= "<tr {$RowStyle}>"; $VF .= "<td id='{$C['uploadtree_pk']}' align='left'>"; $HasHref = 0; $HasBold = 0; if ($IsContainer) { $VF .= "<a href='{$LicUri}'>"; $HasHref = 1; $VF .= "<b>"; $HasBold = 1; } else { if (!empty($LinkUri)) { $VF .= "<a href='{$LinkUri}'>"; $HasHref = 1; } } $VF .= $C['ufile_name']; if ($IsDir) { $VF .= "/"; } if ($HasBold) { $VF .= "</b>"; } if ($HasHref) { $VF .= "</a>"; } /* show licenses under file name */ $VF .= "<br>"; $VF .= GetFileLicenses_string($Agent_pk, $C['pfile_fk'], $C['uploadtree_pk'], $this->uploadtree_tablename); $VF .= "</td><td valign='top'>"; /* display file links */ $VF .= FileListLinks($C['upload_fk'], $C['uploadtree_pk'], $Agent_pk, $C['pfile_fk'], true, $UniqueTagArray, $this->uploadtree_tablename); $VF .= "</td>"; $VF .= "</tr>\n"; $ChildCount++; } $VF .= "</table>\n"; } //$Time = microtime(true) - $uTime; // convert usecs to secs //$text = _("Sum of children Elapsed time: %.2f seconds"); //printf( "<small>$text</small>", $Time); /*************************************** Problem: $ChildCount can be zero! This happens if you have a container that does not unpack to a directory. For example: file.gz extracts to archive.txt that contains a license. Same problem seen with .pdf and .Z files. Solution: if $ChildCount == 0, then just view the license! $ChildCount can also be zero if the directory is empty. ***************************************/ if ($ChildCount == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->uploadtree_tablename} WHERE uploadtree_pk = '{$Uploadtree_pk}';"; $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql); DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result); pg_free_result($result); if (IsDir($row['ufile_mode'])) { return; } $ModLicView =& $Plugins[plugin_find_id("view-license")]; return $ModLicView->Output(); } $V .= ActiveHTTPscript("FileColor"); /* Add javascript for color highlighting This is the response script needed by ActiveHTTPscript responseText is license name',' followed by a comma seperated list of uploadtree_pk's */ $script = "\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\">\n var Lastutpks=''; /* save last list of uploadtree_pk's */\n var LastLic=''; /* save last License (short) name */\n var color = '{$this->HighlightColor}';\n function FileColor_Reply()\n {\n if ((FileColor.readyState==4) && (FileColor.status==200))\n {\n /* remove previous highlighting */\n var numpks = Lastutpks.length;\n if (numpks > 0) document.getElementById(LastLic).style.backgroundColor='white';\n while (numpks)\n {\n document.getElementById(Lastutpks[--numpks]).style.backgroundColor='white';\n }\n\n utpklist = FileColor.responseText.split(',');\n LastLic = utpklist.shift();\n numpks = utpklist.length;\n Lastutpks = utpklist;\n\n /* apply new highlighting */\n elt = document.getElementById(LastLic);\n if (elt != null);\n while (numpks)\n {\n document.getElementById(utpklist[--numpks]).style.backgroundColor=color;\n }\n }\n return;\n }\n </script>\n "; $V .= $script; /****** Filters *******/ /* Only display the filter pulldown if there are filters available * Currently, this is only tags. */ /** @todo qualify with tag namespace to avoid tag name collisions. **/ /* turn $UniqueTagArray into key value pairs ($SelectData) for select list */ $SelectData = array(); if (count($UniqueTagArray)) { foreach ($UniqueTagArray as $UTA_row) { $SelectData[$UTA_row['tag_pk']] = $UTA_row['tag_name']; } $V .= "Tag filter"; $myurl = "?mod=" . $this->Name . Traceback_parm_keep(array("upload", "item")); $Options = " id='filterselect' onchange=\"js_url(this.value, '{$myurl}&tag=')\""; $V .= Array2SingleSelectTag($SelectData, "tag_ns_pk", $tag_pk, true, false, $Options); } /****** Combine VF and VLic ********/ $V .= "<table border=0 width='100%'>\n"; $V .= "<tr><td valign='top' >{$VLic}</td><td valign='top'>{$VF}</td></tr>\n"; $V .= "</table>\n"; $V .= "<hr />\n"; return $V; }
/** * \brief Given an Upload and UploadtreePk item, display: * - The file listing for the directory, with license navigation. * - Recursively traverse the tree. * \note This is recursive! * Output goes to stdout! */ function ShowLicenseTree($Upload, $Item, $Uri, $Path = NULL) { /***** Get all the licenses PER item (file or directory) under this UploadtreePk. Save the data 3 ways: - Number of licenses PER item. - Number of items PER license. - Number of items PER license family. *****/ global $Plugins; $Time = time(); $ModLicView =& $Plugins[plugin_find_id("view-license")]; if ($Path == NULL) { $Path = array(); } /****************************************/ /* Get the items under this UploadtreePk */ $Children = DirGetList($Upload, $Item); $Name = ""; foreach ($Children as $C) { if (empty($C)) { continue; } /* Store the item information */ $IsDir = Isdir($C['ufile_mode']); $IsContainer = Iscontainer($C['ufile_mode']); $IsArtifact = Isartifact($C['ufile_mode']); /* Load licenses for the item */ $Lics = array(); LicenseGetAll($C['uploadtree_pk'], $Lics); /* Determine the hyperlinks */ if (!empty($C['pfile_fk'])) { $LinkUri = "{$Uri}&item=" . $C['uploadtree_pk']; $LinkUri = str_replace("mod=license-tree", "mod=view-license", $LinkUri); } else { $LinkUri = NULL; } if (Iscontainer($C['ufile_mode'])) { $uploadtree_pk = DirGetNonArtifact($C['uploadtree_pk']); $LicUri = "{$Uri}&item=" . $uploadtree_pk; $LicUri = str_replace("mod=license-tree", "mod=license", $LicUri); } else { $LicUri = NULL; } /* Populate the output */ ksort($Lics); $LicCount = $Lics[' Total ']; $LicSum = ""; foreach ($Lics as $Key => $Val) { if ($Key == " Total ") { continue; } if (!empty($LicSum)) { $LicSum .= ","; } $LicSum .= $Key; } /* Display the results */ if ($LicCount > 0) { $LicSum = ""; foreach ($Lics as $Key => $Val) { if ($Key == " Total ") { continue; } if (!empty($LicSum)) { $LicSum .= ","; } $LicSum .= $Key; } $Name = $C['ufile_name']; if ($IsArtifact) { $Name = str_replace("artifact.", "", $Name); } if ($this->OutputType == 'HTML') { $this->ShowOutputHTML($LicCount, $LicSum, $IsContainer, $IsArtifact, $IsDir, $Path, $Name, $LicUri, $LinkUri); } else { if ($this->OutputType == 'CSV') { $this->ShowOutputCSV($LicCount, $LicSum, $IsContainer, $IsArtifact, $IsDir, $Path, $Name, $LicUri, $LinkUri); } } } /* Recurse! */ if (($IsDir || $IsContainer) && $LicCount > 0) { $NewPath = $Path; $NewPath[] = $Name; $this->ShowLicenseTree($Upload, $C['uploadtree_pk'], $Uri, $NewPath); } } /* for each item in the directory */ flush(); }
function DirGetList($Upload, $UploadtreePk, $uploadtree_tablename = 'uploadtree') { global $Plugins; global $PG_CONN; /* Get the basic directory contents */ global $DirGetList_Prepared; if (!$DirGetList_Prepared) { $DirGetList_Prepared = 1; } if (empty($UploadtreePk)) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$uploadtree_tablename} LEFT JOIN pfile ON pfile_pk = pfile_fk WHERE upload_fk = {$Upload} AND parent IS NULL ORDER BY ufile_name ASC;"; $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql); DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $rows = pg_fetch_all($result); if (!is_array($rows)) { $rows = array(); } pg_free_result($result); $Results = $rows; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$uploadtree_tablename} LEFT JOIN pfile ON pfile_pk = pfile_fk WHERE upload_fk = {$Upload} AND parent = {$UploadtreePk} ORDER BY ufile_name ASC;"; $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql); DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $rows = pg_fetch_all($result); if (!is_array($rows)) { $rows = array(); } pg_free_result($result); $Results = $rows; } usort($Results, '_DirCmp'); /* Replace all artifact directories */ foreach ($Results as $Key => $Val) { /* if artifact and directory */ $R =& $Results[$Key]; if (Isartifact($R['ufile_mode']) && Iscontainer($R['ufile_mode'])) { $R['uploadtree_pk'] = DirGetNonArtifact($R['uploadtree_pk'], $uploadtree_tablename); } } return $Results; }
/** * \brief Given a Folder_pk, list every upload in the folder. */ function ShowFolder($Folder, $Show) { global $Plugins; global $PG_CONN; $V = ""; /* Get list of uploads in this folder */ $sql = "SELECT * FROM upload\n INNER JOIN uploadtree ON upload_fk = upload_pk\n AND upload.pfile_fk = uploadtree.pfile_fk\n AND parent IS NULL\n AND lft IS NOT NULL \n WHERE upload_pk IN\n (SELECT child_id FROM foldercontents WHERE foldercontents_mode & 2 != 0 AND parent_fk = {$Folder})\n ORDER BY upload_filename,upload_desc,upload_pk,upload_origin;"; $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql); DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $Uri = Traceback_uri() . "?mod=" . $this->Name; $V .= "<table border=1 width='100%'>"; $V .= "<tr><td valign='top' width='20%'>\n"; $V .= FolderListScript(); $text = _("Folder Navigation"); $V .= "<center><H3>{$text}</H3></center>\n"; $V .= "<center><small>"; if ($Folder != GetUserRootFolder()) { $text = _("Top"); $V .= "<a href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=" . $this->Name . "'>{$text}</a> |"; } $text = _("Expand"); $V .= "<a href='javascript:Expand();'>{$text}</a> |"; $text = _("Collapse"); $V .= "<a href='javascript:Collapse();'>{$text}</a> |"; $text = _("Refresh"); $V .= "<a href='" . Traceback() . "'>{$text}</a>"; $V .= "</small></center>"; $V .= "<P>\n"; $V .= "<form>\n"; $V .= FolderListDiv($Folder, 0, $Folder, 1); $V .= "</form>\n"; $V .= "</td><td valign='top'>\n"; $text = _("Uploads"); $V .= "<center><H3>{$text}</H3></center>\n"; $V .= "<table class='text' id='browsetbl' border=0 width='100%' cellpadding=0>\n"; $text = _("Upload Name and Description"); $text1 = _("Upload Date"); $V .= "<th>{$text}</th><th>{$text1}</th></tr>\n"; /* Browse-Pfile menu */ $MenuPfile = menu_find("Browse-Pfile", $MenuDepth); /* Browse-Pfile menu without the compare menu item */ $MenuPfileNoCompare = menu_remove($MenuPfile, "Compare"); while ($Row = pg_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (empty($Row['upload_pk'])) { continue; } $Desc = htmlentities($Row['upload_desc']); $UploadPk = $Row['upload_pk']; /* check permission on upload */ $UploadPerm = GetUploadPerm($UploadPk); if ($UploadPerm < PERM_READ) { continue; } $Name = $Row['ufile_name']; if (empty($Name)) { $Name = $Row['upload_filename']; } /* If UploadtreePk is not an artifact, then use it as the root. Else get the first non artifact under it. */ if (Isartifact($Row['ufile_mode'])) { $UploadtreePk = DirGetNonArtifact($Row['uploadtree_pk'], $uploadtree_tablename); } else { $UploadtreePk = $Row['uploadtree_pk']; } $V .= "<tr><td>"; if (IsContainer($Row['ufile_mode'])) { $V .= "<a href='{$Uri}&upload={$UploadPk}&folder={$Folder}&item={$UploadtreePk}&show={$Show}'>"; $V .= "<b>" . $Name . "</b>"; $V .= "</a>"; } else { $V .= "<b>" . $Name . "</b>"; } $V .= "<br>"; if (!empty($Desc)) { $V .= "<i>" . $Desc . "</i><br>"; } $Upload = $Row['upload_pk']; $Parm = "upload={$Upload}&show={$Show}&item=" . $Row['uploadtree_pk']; if (Iscontainer($Row['ufile_mode'])) { $V .= menu_to_1list($MenuPfile, $Parm, " ", " ", 1, $UploadPk); } else { $V .= menu_to_1list($MenuPfileNoCompare, $Parm, " ", " ", 1, $UploadPk); } /* Job queue link */ $text = _("History"); if (plugin_find_id('showjobs') >= 0) { $V .= "<a href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=showjobs&upload={$UploadPk}'>[{$text}]</a>"; $V .= "</td>\n"; $V .= "<td align='right'>" . substr($Row['upload_ts'], 0, 19) . "</td>"; } $V .= "<tr><td colspan=2> </td></tr>\n"; } pg_free_result($result); $V .= "</table>\n"; $V .= "</td></tr>\n"; $V .= "</table>\n"; return $V; }
/** * NextUploadtree_pk() * \brief Given an uploadtree_pk in tree A ($A_pk), find the similarly named * one that is immediately under the uploadtree_pk in tree B ($B_pk). * * @param int $A_pk Tree A uploadtree_pk * @param int $B_pk Tree B uploadtree_pk * * @return int New uploadtree_pk in Tree B */ function NextUploadtree_pk($A_pk, $B_pk) { global $PG_CONN; /* look up the name of the $A_pk file */ $sql = "SELECT ufile_name FROM uploadtree WHERE uploadtree_pk = {$A_pk}"; $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql); DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result); $AName = $row["ufile_name"]; pg_free_result($result); $APhon = metaphone($AName); /* Loop throught all the files under $B_pk and look * for the closest match. */ $B_pk = DirGetNonArtifact($B_pk); $sql = "SELECT uploadtree_pk, ufile_name FROM uploadtree WHERE parent = {$B_pk}"; $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql); DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $BestDist = 99999; $BestPk = 0; while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($result)) { $ChildName = $row["ufile_name"]; $ChildPhon = metaphone($ChildName); $PhonDist = levenshtein($APhon, $ChildPhon); if ($PhonDist < $BestDist) { $BestDist = $PhonDist; $BestPk = $row['uploadtree_pk']; } } pg_free_result($result); return $BestPk; }
/** * @param array $child * @param int $uploadId * @param int $selectedAgentId * @param array $pfileLicenses * @param int $groupId * @param string $uri * @param array $UniqueTagArray * @param boolean $isFlat * @param int[] $latestSuccessfulAgentIds * @return array */ private function createFileDataRow($child, $uploadId, $selectedAgentId, $pfileLicenses, $groupId, $uri, &$UniqueTagArray, $isFlat, $latestSuccessfulAgentIds) { $fileId = $child['pfile_fk']; $childUploadTreeId = $child['uploadtree_pk']; $linkUri = ''; if (!empty($fileId)) { $linkUri = Traceback_uri(); $linkUri .= "?mod=view-license&upload={$uploadId}&item={$childUploadTreeId}"; if ($selectedAgentId) { $linkUri .= "&agentId={$selectedAgentId}"; } } /* Determine link for containers */ $isContainer = Iscontainer($child['ufile_mode']); if ($isContainer && !$isFlat) { $uploadtree_pk = $child['uploadtree_pk']; $linkUri = "{$uri}&item=" . $uploadtree_pk; if ($selectedAgentId) { $linkUri .= "&agentId={$selectedAgentId}"; } } else { if ($isContainer) { $uploadtree_pk = Isartifact($child['ufile_mode']) ? DirGetNonArtifact($childUploadTreeId, $this->uploadtree_tablename) : $childUploadTreeId; $linkUri = "{$uri}&item=" . $uploadtree_pk; if ($selectedAgentId) { $linkUri .= "&agentId={$selectedAgentId}"; } } } /* Populate the output ($VF) - file list */ /* id of each element is its uploadtree_pk */ $fileName = $child['ufile_name']; if ($isContainer) { $fileName = "<a href='{$linkUri}'><span style='color: darkblue'> <b>{$fileName}</b> </span></a>"; } else { if (!empty($linkUri)) { $fileName = "<a href='{$linkUri}'>{$fileName}</a>"; } } /* show licenses under file name */ $childItemTreeBounds = new ItemTreeBounds($childUploadTreeId, $this->uploadtree_tablename, $child['upload_fk'], $child['lft'], $child['rgt']); $licenseEntries = array(); if ($isContainer) { $agentFilter = $selectedAgentId ? array($selectedAgentId) : $latestSuccessfulAgentIds; $licenseEntries = $this->licenseDao->getLicenseShortnamesContained($childItemTreeBounds, $agentFilter, array()); } else { if (array_key_exists($fileId, $pfileLicenses)) { foreach ($pfileLicenses[$fileId] as $shortName => $rfInfo) { $agentEntries = array(); foreach ($rfInfo as $agent => $match) { $agentName = $this->agentNames[$agent]; $agentEntry = "<a href='?mod=view-license&upload={$child['upload_fk']}&item={$childUploadTreeId}&format=text&agentId={$match['agent_id']}&licenseId={$match['license_id']}#highlight'>" . $agentName . "</a>"; if ($match['match_percentage'] > 0) { $agentEntry .= ": {$match['match_percentage']}%"; } $agentEntries[] = $agentEntry; } $licenseEntries[] = $shortName . " [" . implode("][", $agentEntries) . "]"; } } } $licenseList = implode(', ', $licenseEntries); $fileListLinks = FileListLinks($uploadId, $childUploadTreeId, 0, $fileId, true, $UniqueTagArray, $this->uploadtree_tablename, !$isFlat); if (!$isContainer) { $text = _("Copyright/Email/Url"); $fileListLinks .= "[<a href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=copyright-view&upload={$uploadId}&item={$childUploadTreeId}' >{$text}</a>]"; $text = _("ReadMe_OSS"); $fileListLinks .= "[<a href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=ui_readmeoss&upload={$uploadId}&item={$childUploadTreeId}' >{$text}</a>]"; $text = _("SPDX"); $fileListLinks .= "[<a href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=ui_spdx2&upload={$uploadId}&item={$childUploadTreeId}' >{$text}</a>]"; } return array($fileName, $licenseList, $fileListLinks); }
/** * @param array $row fetched row * @param Request $request * @param $uri * @param $menuPfile * @param $menuPfileNoCompare * @param array $statusTypesAvailable * @param array $users * @param string (unique) * @return array */ private function showRow($row, Request $request, $uri, $menuPfile, $menuPfileNoCompare, $statusTypesAvailable, $users, $rowCounter) { $show = $request->get('show'); $folder = $request->get('folder'); $uploadId = intval($row['upload_pk']); $description = htmlentities($row['upload_desc']); $fileName = $row['ufile_name']; if (empty($fileName)) { $fileName = $row['upload_filename']; } $itemId = Isartifact($row['ufile_mode']) ? DirGetNonArtifact($row['uploadtree_pk']) : $row['uploadtree_pk']; $nameColumn = "<b>{$fileName}</b>"; if (IsContainer($row['ufile_mode'])) { $nameColumn = "<a href='{$uri}&upload={$uploadId}&folder={$folder}&item={$itemId}&show={$show}'>{$nameColumn}</a>"; } $nameColumn .= "<br>"; if (!empty($description)) { $nameColumn .= "<i>{$description}</i><br>"; } $Parm = "upload={$uploadId}&show={$show}&item=" . $row['uploadtree_pk']; if (Iscontainer($row['ufile_mode'])) { $nameColumn .= MenuRenderer::menuToActiveSelect($menuPfile, $Parm, $uploadId); } else { $nameColumn .= MenuRenderer::menuToActiveSelect($menuPfileNoCompare, $Parm, $uploadId); } $modsUploadMulti = MenuHook::getAgentPluginNames('UploadMulti'); if (!empty($modsUploadMulti)) { $nameColumn = '<input type="checkbox" name="uploads[]" class="browse-upload-checkbox" value="' . $uploadId . '"/>' . $nameColumn; } $dateCol = substr($row['upload_ts'], 0, 19); $pairIdPrio = array($uploadId, floatval($row[UploadBrowseProxy::PRIO_COLUMN])); if (!$this->userPerm && 4 == $row['status_fk']) { $currentStatus = $this->statusTypes[4]; } else { $statusAction = " onchange =\"changeTableEntry(this, {$uploadId},'status_fk' )\" "; $currentStatus = $this->createSelect("Status" . $this->userPerm . "Of_{$rowCounter}", $statusTypesAvailable, $row['status_fk'], $statusAction); } if ($this->userPerm) { $action = " onchange =\"changeTableEntry(this, {$uploadId}, 'assignee')\""; $currentAssignee = $this->createSelectUsers("AssignedTo_{$rowCounter}", $users, $row['assignee'], $action); } else { $currentAssignee = array_key_exists($row['assignee'], $users) ? $users[$row['assignee']] : _('Unassigned'); } $rejectableUploadId = $this->userPerm || $row['status_fk'] < 4 ? $uploadId : 0; $tripleComment = array($rejectableUploadId, $row['status_fk'], htmlspecialchars($row['status_comment'])); $sql = "SELECT rf_pk, rf_shortname FROM upload_clearing_license ucl, license_ref" . " WHERE ucl.group_fk=\$1 AND upload_fk=\$2 AND ucl.rf_fk=rf_pk"; $stmt = __METHOD__ . '.collectMainLicenses'; $this->dbManager->prepare($stmt, $sql); $res = $this->dbManager->execute($stmt, array(Auth::getGroupId(), $uploadId)); $mainLicenses = array(); while ($lic = $this->dbManager->fetchArray($res)) { $mainLicenses[] = '<a onclick="\'' . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=popup-license&rf={$lic['rf_pk']}','License text','width=600,height=400,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');" . '" href="javascript:;">' . $lic['rf_shortname'] . '</a>' . "<img onclick=\"removeMainLicense({$uploadId},{$lic['rf_pk']});\" class=\"delete\" src=\"images/space_16.png\" alt=\"\"/></img>"; } $this->dbManager->freeResult($res); $output = array($nameColumn, $currentStatus, $tripleComment, implode(', ', $mainLicenses), $currentAssignee, $dateCol, $pairIdPrio); return $output; }
/** * @param array $child * @param int $uploadId * @param int $selectedAgentId * @param array $pfileLicenses * @param int $groupId * @param ClearingDecision[][] $editedMappedLicenses * @param string $uri * @param null|ClearingView $ModLicView * @param array $UniqueTagArray * @param boolean $isFlat * @param int[] $latestSuccessfulAgentIds * @return array */ private function createFileDataRow($child, $uploadId, $selectedAgentId, $pfileLicenses, $groupId, $editedMappedLicenses, $uri, $ModLicView, &$UniqueTagArray, $isFlat, $latestSuccessfulAgentIds) { $fileId = $child['pfile_fk']; $childUploadTreeId = $child['uploadtree_pk']; $linkUri = ''; if (!empty($fileId) && !empty($ModLicView)) { $linkUri = Traceback_uri(); $linkUri .= "?mod=view-license&upload={$uploadId}&item={$childUploadTreeId}"; if ($selectedAgentId) { $linkUri .= "&agentId={$selectedAgentId}"; } } /* Determine link for containers */ $isContainer = Iscontainer($child['ufile_mode']); if ($isContainer && !$isFlat) { $fatChild = $this->uploadDao->getFatItemArray($child['uploadtree_pk'], $uploadId, $this->uploadtree_tablename); $uploadtree_pk = $fatChild['item_id']; $linkUri = "{$uri}&item=" . $uploadtree_pk; if ($selectedAgentId) { $linkUri .= "&agentId={$selectedAgentId}"; } $child['ufile_name'] = $fatChild['ufile_name']; if (!Iscontainer($fatChild['ufile_mode'])) { $isContainer = false; } } else { if ($isContainer) { $uploadtree_pk = Isartifact($child['ufile_mode']) ? DirGetNonArtifact($childUploadTreeId, $this->uploadtree_tablename) : $childUploadTreeId; $linkUri = "{$uri}&item=" . $uploadtree_pk; if ($selectedAgentId) { $linkUri .= "&agentId={$selectedAgentId}"; } } } /* Populate the output ($VF) - file list */ /* id of each element is its uploadtree_pk */ $fileName = $child['ufile_name']; if ($isContainer) { $fileName = "<a href='{$linkUri}'><span style='color: darkblue'> <b>{$fileName}</b> </span></a>"; } else { if (!empty($linkUri)) { $fileName = "<a href='{$linkUri}'>{$fileName}</a>"; } } /* show licenses under file name */ $childItemTreeBounds = new ItemTreeBounds($childUploadTreeId, $this->uploadtree_tablename, $child['upload_fk'], $child['lft'], $child['rgt']); if ($isContainer) { $agentFilter = $selectedAgentId ? array($selectedAgentId) : $latestSuccessfulAgentIds; $licenseEntries = $this->licenseDao->getLicenseShortnamesContained($childItemTreeBounds, $agentFilter, array()); $editedLicenses = $this->clearingDao->getClearedLicenses($childItemTreeBounds, $groupId); } else { $licenseEntries = array(); if (array_key_exists($fileId, $pfileLicenses)) { foreach ($pfileLicenses[$fileId] as $shortName => $rfInfo) { $agentEntries = array(); foreach ($rfInfo as $agent => $match) { $agentName = $this->agentNames[$agent]; $agentEntry = "<a href='?mod=view-license&upload={$child['upload_fk']}&item={$childUploadTreeId}&format=text&agentId={$match['agent_id']}&licenseId={$match['license_id']}#highlight'>" . $agentName . "</a>"; if ($match['match_percentage'] > 0) { $agentEntry .= ": {$match['match_percentage']}%"; } $agentEntries[] = $agentEntry; } $licenseEntries[] = $shortName . " [" . implode("][", $agentEntries) . "]"; } } /* @var $decision ClearingDecision */ if (false !== ($decision = $this->clearingFilter->getDecisionOf($editedMappedLicenses, $childUploadTreeId, $fileId))) { $editedLicenses = $decision->getPositiveLicenses(); } else { $editedLicenses = array(); } } $concludedLicenses = array(); /** @var LicenseRef $licenseRef */ foreach ($editedLicenses as $licenseRef) { $projectedId = $this->licenseProjector->getProjectedId($licenseRef->getId()); $projectedName = $this->licenseProjector->getProjectedShortname($licenseRef->getId(), $licenseRef->getShortName()); $concludedLicenses[$projectedId] = $projectedName; } $editedLicenseList = implode(', ', $concludedLicenses); $licenseList = implode(', ', $licenseEntries); $fileListLinks = FileListLinks($uploadId, $childUploadTreeId, 0, $fileId, true, $UniqueTagArray, $this->uploadtree_tablename, !$isFlat); $getTextEditUser = _("Edit"); $fileListLinks .= "[<a href='#' onclick='openUserModal({$childUploadTreeId})' >{$getTextEditUser}</a>]"; if ($isContainer) { $getTextEditBulk = _("Bulk"); $fileListLinks .= "[<a href='#' onclick='openBulkModal({$childUploadTreeId})' >{$getTextEditBulk}</a>]"; } $filesThatShouldStillBeCleared = array_key_exists($childItemTreeBounds->getItemId(), $this->filesThatShouldStillBeCleared) ? $this->filesThatShouldStillBeCleared[$childItemTreeBounds->getItemId()] : 0; $filesToBeCleared = array_key_exists($childItemTreeBounds->getItemId(), $this->filesToBeCleared) ? $this->filesToBeCleared[$childItemTreeBounds->getItemId()] : 0; $filesCleared = $filesToBeCleared - $filesThatShouldStillBeCleared; $img = $filesCleared == $filesToBeCleared ? 'green' : 'red'; return array($fileName, $licenseList, $editedLicenseList, $img, "{$filesCleared}/{$filesToBeCleared}", $fileListLinks); }