$bi = $bib; } $row++; echo "<tr bgcolor=#{$bg}><th bgcolor=#{$bi} align=left>{$c['0']}</th><td>{$c['1']}</td><td>{$c['2']}</td><td>{$c['3']}</td></tr>\n"; } $nres = DbQuery(GenQuery($tab[0], "s"), $dblink); echo "<tr bgcolor=#{$bg2}><th colspan=4>" . DbNumRows($nres) . " Records</th></tr>"; echo "</table></td>"; $col++; } echo "</td></tr></table>\n"; } } } // Now the database connection can be closed @DbClose($dblink); // This is the footer on the very bottom of the page include_once "inc/footer.php"; //================================================================================ // Name: DbDump() // // Description: Creates a MySQL dump of a given set of database tables. // The dump is written to a file, whose name has to be passed to the function // when calling it // // Parameters: // $tables - An array containing the names of the database tables that // should be included in the dump // $link - A valid database connection identifier // $outfile - The name of the file that should be created //
$link = DbConnect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname); $res = DbQuery(GenQuery("$dbn[0]%","b","LIKE"), $link); while($ss = DbFetchRow($res)){ if ($row % 2){$bg = "txta"; $bi = "imga";}else{$bg = "txtb"; $bi = "imgb";} $row++; if($dbname == $ss[0]){ $inactive = 0; }else{ $inactive = 1; } $slnk = DbConnect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $ss[0]); $devs = DbFetchRow(DbQuery(GenQuery('devices','s','count(*)'), $slnk)); $cfgs = DbFetchRow(DbQuery(GenQuery('configs','s','count(*)'), $slnk)); $nods = DbFetchRow(DbQuery(GenQuery('nodes','s','count(*)'), $slnk)); $fdis = DbFetchRow(DbQuery(GenQuery('system','s','value','','',array('name'),array('='),array('first') ), $slnk)); DbClose($slnk); TblRow($bg); echo "<th class=\"$bi\"> "; if($inactive){ # Only allow activate inactive DBs ?> <a href="?sel=<?= urlencode($ss[0]) ?>"> <img src="img/16/bcls.png" title="DB <?= $sellbl ?>"> </a> <?php }else{ echo "<img src=\"img/16/walk.png\" title=\"DB $stco[100]\">"; } ?> </th> <td><b><?= $ss[0] ?></b></td>