Ejemplo n.º 1
function plugin_install_captcha()
    global $pi_name, $pi_version, $gl_version, $pi_url, $NEWTABLE, $DEFVALUES, $NEWFEATURE;
    global $_TABLES, $_CONF, $LANG_CP00, $_DB_dbms;
    COM_errorLog("Attempting to install the {$pi_name} Plugin", 1);
    $_SQL['cp_config'] = "CREATE TABLE {$_TABLES['cp_config']} ( " . "  `config_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', " . "  `config_value` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', " . "   PRIMARY KEY  (`config_name`) " . " );";
    $_SQL['cp_sessions'] = "CREATE TABLE {$_TABLES['cp_sessions']} ( " . "  `session_id` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', " . "  `cptime`  INT(11) NOT NULL default 0, " . "  `validation` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', " . "  `counter`    TINYINT(4) NOT NULL default 0, " . "  PRIMARY KEY (`session_id`) " . " );";
    foreach ($_SQL as $table => $sql) {
        COM_errorLog("Creating {$table} table", 1);
        DB_query($sql, 1);
        if (DB_error()) {
            COM_errorLog("Error Creating {$table} table", 1);
            return false;
        COM_errorLog("Success - Created {$table} table", 1);
    $SQL_DEFAULTS = "INSERT INTO `{$_TABLES['cp_config']}` (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES " . " ('anonymous_only', '1'), " . " ('remoteusers','0'), " . " ('debug', '0'), " . " ('enable_comment', '0'), " . " ('enable_contact', '0'), " . " ('enable_emailstory', '0'), " . " ('enable_forum', '0'), " . " ('enable_registration', '0'), " . " ('enable_story', '0'), " . " ('gfxDriver', '2'), " . " ('gfxFormat', 'jpg'), " . " ('gfxPath', '');";
    DB_query($SQL_DEFAULTS, 1);
    // Register the plugin with Geeklog
    COM_errorLog("Registering {$pi_name} plugin with Geeklog", 1);
    DB_delete($_TABLES['plugins'], 'pi_name', 'captcha');
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['plugins']} (pi_name, pi_version, pi_gl_version, pi_homepage, pi_enabled) " . "VALUES ('{$pi_name}', '{$pi_version}', '{$gl_version}', '{$pi_url}', 1)");
    if (DB_error()) {
        COM_errorLog("Failure registering plugin with Geeklog");
        return false;
    // Create initial log entry
    CAPTCHA_errorLog("CAPTCHA Plugin Successfully Installed");
    COM_errorLog("Successfully installed the {$pi_name} Plugin!", 1);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Constructor
 function display()
     global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG_SX00;
     $action = '';
     if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
         $action = $_GET['action'];
     } elseif (isset($_POST['paction'])) {
         $action = $_POST['paction'];
     if ($action == 'delete' && SEC_checkToken()) {
         $entry = $_GET['entry'];
         if (!empty($entry)) {
             $dbentry = addslashes($entry);
             DB_delete($_TABLES['spamx'], array('name', 'value'), array('HTTPHeader', $dbentry));
     } elseif ($action == $LANG_SX00['addentry'] && SEC_checkToken()) {
         $entry = '';
         $name = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['header-name']);
         $n = explode(':', $name);
         $name = $n[0];
         $value = $_REQUEST['header-value'];
         if (!empty($name) && !empty($value)) {
             $entry = $name . ': ' . $value;
         $dbentry = addslashes($entry);
         if (!empty($entry)) {
             $result = DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['spamx']} VALUES ('HTTPHeader','{$dbentry}')");
     $token = SEC_createToken();
     $display = '<hr' . XHTML . '>' . LB . '<p><b>';
     $display .= $LANG_SX00['headerblack'];
     $display .= '</b></p>' . LB . '<ul>' . LB;
     $result = DB_query("SELECT value FROM {$_TABLES['spamx']} WHERE name='HTTPHeader' ORDER BY value");
     $nrows = DB_numRows($result);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) {
         list($e) = DB_fetchArray($result);
         $display .= '<li>' . COM_createLink(htmlspecialchars($e), $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/spamx/index.php?command=EditHeader&amp;action=delete&amp;entry=' . urlencode($e) . '&amp;' . CSRF_TOKEN . '=' . $token) . '</li>' . LB;
     $display .= '</ul>' . LB . '<p>' . $LANG_SX00['e1'] . '</p>' . LB;
     $display .= '<p>' . $LANG_SX00['e2'] . '</p>' . LB;
     $display .= '<form method="post" action="' . $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/spamx/index.php?command=EditHeader">' . LB;
     $display .= '<table border="0" width="100%">' . LB;
     $display .= '<tr><td align="right"><b>Header:</b></td>' . LB;
     $display .= '<td><input type="text" size="40" name="header-name"' . XHTML . '> e.g. <tt>User-Agent</tt></td></tr>' . LB;
     $display .= '<tr><td align="right"><b>Content:</b></td>' . LB;
     $display .= '<td><input type="text" size="40" name="header-value"' . XHTML . '> e.g. <tt>Mozilla</tt></td></tr>' . LB;
     $display .= '</table>' . LB;
     $display .= '<p><input type="submit" name="paction" value="' . $LANG_SX00['addentry'] . '"' . XHTML . '>';
     $display .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . CSRF_TOKEN . "\" value=\"{$token}\"" . XHTML . '></p>' . LB;
     $display .= '</form>' . LB;
     return $display;
  * Constructor
 function display()
     global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG_SX00;
     $action = '';
     if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
         $action = $_GET['action'];
     } elseif (isset($_POST['paction'])) {
         $action = $_POST['paction'];
     $entry = '';
     if (isset($_GET['entry'])) {
         $entry = COM_stripslashes($_GET['entry']);
     } elseif (isset($_POST['pentry'])) {
         $entry = COM_stripslashes($_POST['pentry']);
     if ($action == 'delete' && SEC_checkToken()) {
         $entry = DB_escapeString($entry);
         DB_delete($_TABLES['spamx'], array('name', 'value'), array('Personal', $entry));
     } elseif ($action == $LANG_SX00['addentry'] && SEC_checkToken()) {
         if (!empty($entry)) {
             $entry = DB_escapeString($entry);
             $result = DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['spamx']} VALUES ('Personal', '{$entry}')");
     } elseif ($action == $LANG_SX00['addcen'] && SEC_checkToken()) {
         foreach ($_CONF['censorlist'] as $entry) {
             $entry = DB_escapeString($entry);
             $result = DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['spamx']} VALUES ('Personal', '{$entry}')");
     $token = SEC_createToken();
     $display = '<hr' . XHTML . '>' . LB . '<p><b>';
     $display .= $LANG_SX00['pblack'];
     $display .= '</b></p>' . LB . '<ul>' . LB;
     $result = DB_query("SELECT value FROM {$_TABLES['spamx']} WHERE name = 'Personal'");
     $nrows = DB_numRows($result);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) {
         $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
         $e = $A['value'];
         $display .= '<li>' . COM_createLink(htmlspecialchars($e), $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/spamx/index.php?command=EditBlackList&amp;action=delete&amp;entry=' . urlencode($e) . '&amp;' . CSRF_TOKEN . '=' . $token) . '</li>' . LB;
     $display .= '</ul>' . LB . '<p>' . $LANG_SX00['e1'] . '</p>' . LB;
     $display .= '<p>' . $LANG_SX00['e2'] . '</p>' . LB;
     $display .= '<form method="post" action="' . $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/spamx/index.php?command=EditBlackList">' . LB;
     $display .= '<div><input type="text" size="30" name="pentry"' . XHTML . '>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
     $display .= '<input type="submit" name="paction" value="' . $LANG_SX00['addentry'] . '"' . XHTML . '>' . LB;
     $display .= '<p>' . $LANG_SX00['e3'] . '</p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
     $display .= '<input type="submit" name="paction" value="' . $LANG_SX00['addcen'] . '"' . XHTML . '>' . LB;
     $display .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . CSRF_TOKEN . "\" value=\"{$token}\"" . XHTML . '>' . LB;
     $display .= '</div></form>' . LB;
     return $display;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Add new config options
function update_ConfValues()
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES;
    require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/config.class.php';
    // remove pdf_enabled option; this also makes room for new search options
    DB_delete($_TABLES['conf_values'], 'name', 'pdf_enabled');
    // move num_search_results options
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET sort_order = 651 WHERE sort_order = 670");
    // change default for num_search_results
    $thirty = addslashes(serialize(30));
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET value = '{$thirty}', default_value = '{$thirty}' WHERE name = 'num_search_results'");
    // fix censormode dropdown
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET selectionArray = 18 WHERE name = 'censormode'");
    $c = config::get_instance();
    // new options
    $c->add('jpeg_quality', 75, 'text', 5, 23, NULL, 1495, FALSE);
    $c->add('advanced_html', array('img' => array('width' => 1, 'height' => 1, 'src' => 1, 'align' => 1, 'valign' => 1, 'border' => 1, 'alt' => 1)), '**placeholder', 7, 34, NULL, 1721, TRUE);
    // squeeze search options between 640 (lastlogin) and 680 (loginrequired)
    $c->add('fs_search', NULL, 'fieldset', 0, 6, NULL, 0, TRUE);
    $c->add('search_style', 'google', 'select', 0, 6, 19, 644, TRUE);
    $c->add('search_limits', '10,15,25,30', 'text', 0, 6, NULL, 647, TRUE);
    // see above: $c->add('num_search_results',30,'text',0,6,NULL,651,TRUE);
    $c->add('search_show_limit', TRUE, 'select', 0, 6, 1, 654, TRUE);
    $c->add('search_show_sort', TRUE, 'select', 0, 6, 1, 658, TRUE);
    $c->add('search_show_num', TRUE, 'select', 0, 6, 1, 661, TRUE);
    $c->add('search_show_type', TRUE, 'select', 0, 6, 1, 665, TRUE);
    $c->add('search_separator', ' &gt; ', 'text', 0, 6, NULL, 668, TRUE);
    $c->add('search_def_keytype', 'phrase', 'select', 0, 6, 20, 672, TRUE);
    $c->add('search_use_fulltext', FALSE, 'hidden', 0, 6);
    // 675
    // filename mask for db backup files
    $c->add('mysqldump_filename_mask', 'geeklog_db_backup_%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S.sql', 'text', 0, 5, NULL, 185, TRUE);
    // DOCTYPE declaration, for {doctype} in header.thtml
    $c->add('doctype', 'html401strict', 'select', 2, 10, 21, 195, TRUE);
    // new comment options
    $c->add('comment_edit', 0, 'select', 4, 21, 0, 1680, TRUE);
    $c->add('commentsubmission', 0, 'select', 4, 21, 0, 1682, TRUE);
    $c->add('comment_edittime', 1800, 'text', 4, 21, NULL, 1684, TRUE);
    $c->add('article_comment_close_days', 30, 'text', 4, 21, NULL, 1686, TRUE);
    $c->add('comment_close_rec_stories', 0, 'text', 4, 21, NULL, 1688, TRUE);
    $c->add('allow_reply_notifications', 0, 'select', 4, 21, 0, 1689, TRUE);
    // cookie to store name of anonymous commenters
    $c->add('cookie_anon_name', 'anon_name', 'text', 7, 30, NULL, 577, TRUE);
    // enable/disable clickable links
    $c->add('clickable_links', 1, 'select', 7, 31, 1, 1753, TRUE);
    // experimental: compress output before sending it to the browser
    $c->add('compressed_output', 0, 'select', 7, 31, 1, 1756, TRUE);
    // for the X-FRAME-OPTIONS header (Clickjacking protection)
    $c->add('frame_options', 'DENY', 'select', 7, 31, 22, 1758, TRUE);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function MG_batchDeleteSession()
    global $_MG_CONF, $_CONF, $_TABLES;
    if (!empty($_POST['sel'])) {
        $numItems = count($_POST['sel']);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numItems; $i++) {
            DB_delete($_TABLES['mg_session_items'], 'session_id', $_POST['sel'][$i]);
            if (DB_error()) {
                COM_errorLog("Media Gallery Error: Error removing session items");
            DB_delete($_TABLES['mg_sessions'], 'session_id', $_POST['sel'][$i]);
            if (DB_error()) {
                COM_errorLog("Media Gallery Error: Error removing session");
    echo COM_refresh($_MG_CONF['admin_url'] . 'sessions.php');
Ejemplo n.º 6
* Handle update to plugin version 1.6.0: introduce meta tags option
function update_ConfValues_1_6_0()
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_SP_DEFAULT;
    require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/config.class.php';
    $c = config::get_instance();
    require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/staticpages/install_defaults.php';
    // meta tag config options.
    $c->add('meta_tags', $_SP_DEFAULT['meta_tags'], 'select', 0, 0, 0, 120, true, 'staticpages');
    // check for wrong Admin group name
    $wrong_id = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = 'Static Pages Admin'");
    // wrong name
    if (!empty($wrong_id)) {
        $grp_id = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = 'Static Page Admin'");
        // correct name
        if (empty($grp_id)) {
            // correct name not found - probably a fresh install: rename
            DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['groups']} SET grp_name = 'Static Page Admin' WHERE grp_name = 'Static Pages Admin'");
        } else {
            // both names exist: delete wrong group & assignments
            DB_delete($_TABLES['access'], 'acc_grp_id', $wrong_id);
            DB_delete($_TABLES['group_assignments'], 'ug_grp_id', $wrong_id);
            DB_delete($_TABLES['group_assignments'], 'ug_main_grp_id', $wrong_id);
            DB_delete($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_name', 'Static Pages Admin');
    // move Default Permissions fieldset
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['conf_values']} SET fieldset = 3 WHERE (group_name = 'staticpages') AND (fieldset = 1)");
    // What's New Block
    $c->add('fs_whatsnew', NULL, 'fieldset', 0, 1, NULL, 0, true, 'staticpages');
    $c->add('newstaticpagesinterval', $_SP_DEFAULT['new_staticpages_interval'], 'text', 0, 1, NULL, 10, TRUE, 'staticpages');
    $c->add('hidenewstaticpages', $_SP_DEFAULT['hide_new_staticpages'], 'select', 0, 1, 0, 20, TRUE, 'staticpages');
    $c->add('title_trim_length', $_SP_DEFAULT['title_trim_length'], 'text', 0, 1, NULL, 30, TRUE, 'staticpages');
    $c->add('includecenterblocks', $_SP_DEFAULT['include_centerblocks'], 'select', 0, 1, 0, 40, TRUE, 'staticpages');
    $c->add('includephp', $_SP_DEFAULT['include_PHP'], 'select', 0, 1, 0, 50, TRUE, 'staticpages');
    // Search Results
    $c->add('fs_search', NULL, 'fieldset', 0, 2, NULL, 0, true, 'staticpages');
    $c->add('includesearch', $_SP_DEFAULT['include_search'], 'select', 0, 2, 0, 10, true, 'staticpages');
    $c->add('includesearchcenterblocks', $_SP_DEFAULT['include_search_centerblocks'], 'select', 0, 2, 0, 20, TRUE, 'staticpages');
    $c->add('includesearchphp', $_SP_DEFAULT['include_search_PHP'], 'select', 0, 2, 0, 30, TRUE, 'staticpages');
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
* Delete a topic
* @param    string  $tid    Topic ID
* @return   string          HTML redirect
function deleteTopic($tid)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER;
    $result = DB_query("SELECT owner_id,group_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon FROM {$_TABLES['topics']} WHERE tid ='{$tid}'");
    $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
    $access = SEC_hasAccess($A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']);
    if ($access < 3) {
        COM_accessLog("User {$_USER['username']} tried to illegally delete topic {$tid}.");
        return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/topic.php');
    // don't delete topic blocks - assign them to 'all' and disable them
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET tid = 'all', is_enabled = 0 WHERE tid = '{$tid}'");
    // same with feeds
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['syndication']} SET topic = '::all', is_enabled = 0 WHERE topic = '{$tid}'");
    // delete comments, trackbacks, images associated with stories in this topic
    $result = DB_query("SELECT sid FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE tid = '{$tid}'");
    $numStories = DB_numRows($result);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numStories; $i++) {
        $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
        DB_delete($_TABLES['comments'], array('sid', 'type'), array($A['sid'], 'article'));
        DB_delete($_TABLES['trackback'], array('sid', 'type'), array($A['sid'], 'article'));
    // delete these
    DB_delete($_TABLES['stories'], 'tid', $tid);
    DB_delete($_TABLES['storysubmission'], 'tid', $tid);
    DB_delete($_TABLES['topics'], 'tid', $tid);
    // update feed(s) and Older Stories block
    return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/topic.php?msg=14');
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function INSTALLER_install($A)
     global $_TABLES;
     COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: **** Start Installation ****");
     if (!isset($A['installer']) or $A['installer']['version'] != INSTALLER_VERSION) {
         COM_errorLog('AutoInstall: Invalid or Unknown installer version');
         COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: **** END Installation ****");
         return 2;
     if (!isset($A['plugin'])) {
         COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: Missing plugin description!");
         COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: **** END Installation ****");
         return 1;
     if (!isset($A['plugin']['name'])) {
         COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: Missing plugin name!");
         COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: **** END Installation ****");
         return 1;
     if (!COM_checkVersion(GVERSION, $A['plugin']['gl_ver'])) {
         COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: Plugin requires glFusion v" . $A['plugin']['gl_ver'] . " or greater");
         COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: **** END Installation ****");
         return 1;
     $pluginName = $A['plugin']['name'];
     $vars = array('__groups' => array(), '__features' => array(), '__blocks' => array());
     $reverse = array();
     foreach ($A as $meta => $step) {
         if ($meta === 'installer') {
             // must use === when since 0 == 'anystring' is true
         } elseif ($meta === 'plugin') {
             if (!isset($step['name'])) {
                 COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: Missing plugin name!");
                 INSTALLER_fail($pluginName, $reverse);
                 COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: **** END Installation ****");
                 return 1;
         } else {
             $function = "INSTALLER_install_{$step['type']}";
             if (function_exists($function)) {
                 $result = $function($step, $vars);
                 if (is_numeric($result)) {
                     INSTALLER_fail($pluginName, $reverse);
                     COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: **** END Installation ****");
                     return $result;
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($result)) {
                         $reverse[] = $result;
             } else {
                 $dump = var_dump($step);
                 COM_errorLog('Can\'t process step: ' . $dump);
                 INSTALLER_fail($pluginName, $reverse);
                 COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: **** END Installation ****");
                 return 1;
     $plugin = $A['plugin'];
     $cfgFunction = 'plugin_load_configuration_' . $plugin['name'];
     // Load the online configuration records
     if (function_exists($cfgFunction)) {
         if (!$cfgFunction()) {
             COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: Failed to load the default configuration");
             INSTALLER_fail($pluginName, $reverse);
             COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: **** END Installation ****");
             return 1;
     } else {
         COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: No default config found: " . $cfgFunction);
     // Finally, register the plugin with glFusion
     COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: Registering {$plugin['display']} plugin with glFusion", 1);
     // silently delete an existing entry
     DB_delete($_TABLES['plugins'], 'pi_name', $plugin['name']);
     DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['plugins']} (pi_name, pi_version, pi_gl_version, pi_homepage, pi_enabled) " . "VALUES ('{$plugin['name']}', '{$plugin['ver']}', '{$plugin['gl_ver']}', '{$plugin['url']}', 1)", 1);
     // run any post install routines
     $postInstallFunction = 'plugin_postinstall_' . $plugin['name'];
     if (function_exists($postInstallFunction)) {
     } else {
         COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: No post installation routine found.");
     COM_errorLog("AutoInstall: **** END Installation ****");
     return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
function MG_mediaResetRating($album_id, $media_id, $mqueue)
    global $_MG_CONF, $_TABLES;
    DB_change($_TABLES['mg_media'], 'media_rating', 0, 'media_id', addslashes($media_id));
    DB_change($_TABLES['mg_media'], 'media_votes', 0, 'media_id', addslashes($media_id));
    DB_delete($_TABLES['mg_rating'], 'media_id', addslashes($media_id));
    $retval = MG_mediaEdit($album_id, $media_id, $_MG_CONF['site_url'] . '/admin.php?mode=media&amp;album_id=' . $album_id, $mqueue);
    return $retval;
Ejemplo n.º 10
* Delete a poll
* @param    string  $pid    ID of poll to delete
* @return   string          HTML redirect
function deletePoll($pid)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER;
    $pid = addslashes($pid);
    $result = DB_query("SELECT owner_id,group_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon FROM {$_TABLES['polltopics']} WHERE pid = '{$pid}'");
    $Q = DB_fetchArray($result);
    $access = SEC_hasAccess($Q['owner_id'], $Q['group_id'], $Q['perm_owner'], $Q['perm_group'], $Q['perm_members'], $Q['perm_anon']);
    if ($access < 3) {
        COM_accessLog("User {$_USER['username']} tried to illegally delete poll {$pid}.");
        return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/polls/index.php');
    DB_delete($_TABLES['polltopics'], 'pid', $pid);
    DB_delete($_TABLES['pollanswers'], 'pid', $pid);
    DB_delete($_TABLES['pollquestions'], 'pid', $pid);
    DB_delete($_TABLES['comments'], array('sid', 'type'), array($pid, 'polls'));
    PLG_itemDeleted($pid, 'polls');
    return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/polls/index.php?msg=20');
Ejemplo n.º 11
 } elseif (empty($version)) {
     $display .= INST_getAlertMsg($LANG_MIGRATE[45]);
     // TBD: add a link back to the install script, preferrably a direct
     //      link to the upgrade screen
     $upgrade_error = true;
 } elseif ($version != VERSION) {
     $use_innodb = false;
     $db_engine = DB_getItem($_TABLES['vars'], 'value', "name = 'database_engine'");
     if ($db_engine == 'InnoDB') {
         // we've migrated, probably to a different server
         // - so check InnoDB support again
         if (INST_innodbSupported()) {
             $use_innodb = true;
         } else {
             // no InnoDB support on this server
             DB_delete($_TABLES['vars'], 'name', 'database_engine');
     if (!INST_doDatabaseUpgrades($version)) {
         $display .= INST_getAlertMsg(sprintf($LANG_MIGRATE[47], $version, VERSION));
         $upgrade_error = true;
 if ($upgrade_error) {
     $display .= INST_getFooter();
     echo $display;
  * Let's assume that the paths that were imported from the backup are
  * incorrect and update them with the current paths.
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * Delete a topic
 * @param    string $tid Topic ID
 * @return   string          HTML redirect
function deleteTopic($tid)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $_TOPICS;
    $result = DB_query("SELECT owner_id,group_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon FROM {$_TABLES['topics']} WHERE tid ='{$tid}'");
    $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
    $access = SEC_hasAccess($A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']);
    if ($access < 3) {
        COM_accessLog("User {$_USER['username']} tried to illegally delete topic {$tid}.");
        COM_redirect($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/topic.php');
    // Update any child topics to root and un hide them
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['topics']} SET parent_id = '" . TOPIC_ROOT . "', hidden = 0 WHERE parent_id = '{$tid}'");
    // same with feeds
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['syndication']} SET topic = '::all', is_enabled = 0 WHERE topic = '{$tid}'");
    // Need to cycle through stories from topic
    // Only delete story if only this one topic
    // Make sure to check if this topic is default for story. If is make another topic default.
    $object_tables[] = $_TABLES['stories'];
    $object_tables[] = $_TABLES['storysubmission'];
    $object_tables[] = $_TABLES['blocks'];
    $object_tables_id[$_TABLES['stories']] = 'sid';
    $object_tables_id[$_TABLES['storysubmission']] = 'sid';
    $object_tables_id[$_TABLES['blocks']] = 'bid';
    $object_type[$_TABLES['stories']] = 'article';
    $object_type[$_TABLES['storysubmission']] = 'article';
    $object_type[$_TABLES['blocks']] = 'block';
    foreach ($object_tables as $object_table) {
        $sql = "SELECT {$object_tables_id[$object_table]}, ta.tdefault\n            FROM {$object_table}, {$_TABLES['topic_assignments']} ta\n            WHERE ta.type = '{$object_type[$object_table]}' AND ta.id = CAST({$object_tables_id[$object_table]} AS CHAR) AND ta.tid = '{$tid}'";
        $result = DB_query($sql);
        $numStories = DB_numRows($result);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numStories; $i++) {
            $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
            // Now check if another topic exists for this story
            $sql = "SELECT {$object_tables_id[$object_table]}, ta.tid\n                FROM {$object_table}, {$_TABLES['topic_assignments']} ta\n                WHERE ta.type = '{$object_type[$object_table]}' AND ta.id = {$object_tables_id[$object_table]}\n                AND ta.tid <> '{$tid}' AND {$object_tables_id[$object_table]} = '{$A[$object_tables_id[$object_table]]}'";
            $resultB = DB_query($sql);
            $numTopics = DB_numRows($resultB);
            if ($numTopics == 0) {
                // Delete comments, trackbacks, images associated with stories in this topic since only topic
                if ($object_table == $_TABLES['stories'] || $object_table == $_TABLES['storysubmission']) {
                    DB_delete($_TABLES['comments'], array('sid', 'type'), array($A['sid'], 'article'));
                    DB_delete($_TABLES['trackback'], array('sid', 'type'), array($A['sid'], 'article'));
                    if ($object_table == $_TABLES['stories']) {
                        PLG_itemDeleted($A['sid'], 'article');
                DB_delete($object_table, $object_tables_id[$object_table], $A[$object_tables_id[$object_table]]);
            } else {
                // Story still exists for other topics so make sure one is default
                if ($object_table == $_TABLES['stories'] || $object_table == $_TABLES['storysubmission']) {
                    if ($A['tdefault'] == 1) {
                        $B = DB_fetchArray($resultB);
                        $sql = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['topic_assignments']} SET tdefault = 1 WHERE type = 'article' AND tid = '{$B['tid']}' AND id = '{$B['sid']}'";
    // Notify of Delete topic so other plugins can deal with their items without topics
    PLG_itemDeleted($tid, 'topic');
    // delete these
    DB_delete($_TABLES['topic_assignments'], 'tid', $tid);
    DB_delete($_TABLES['topics'], 'tid', $tid);
    // Reorder Topics, Delete topic cache and reload topic tree
    // update feed(s)
    COM_redirect($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/topic.php?msg=14');
Ejemplo n.º 13
function migrate_deletestory($sid)
    global $_TABLES, $_CONF;
    $result = DB_query("SELECT ai_filename FROM {$_TABLES['article_images']} WHERE ai_sid='" . DB_escapeString($sid) . "'");
    $nrows = DB_numRows($result);
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $nrows; $i++) {
        $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
        $filename = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'images/articles/' . $A['ai_filename'];
        if (!@unlink($filename)) {
            // log the problem but don't abort the script
            COM_errorLog('Unable to remove the following image from the article: ' . $filename);
        // remove unscaled image, if it exists
        $lFilename_large = substr_replace($A['ai_filename'], '_original.', strrpos($A['ai_filename'], '.'), 1);
        $lFilename_large_complete = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'images/articles/' . $lFilename_large;
        if (file_exists($lFilename_large_complete)) {
            if (!@unlink($lFilename_large_complete)) {
                // ;og the problem but don't abort the script
                COM_errorLog('Unable to remove the following image from the article: ' . $lFilename_large_complete);
    DB_delete($_TABLES['article_images'], 'ai_sid', DB_escapeString($sid));
    DB_delete($_TABLES['comments'], 'sid', DB_escapeString($sid));
    DB_delete($_TABLES['stories'], 'sid', DB_escapeString($sid));
    // update RSS feed and Older Stories block
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * Delete a route
 * @param    int $rid id of block to delete
 * @return   string  HTML redirect or error message
function deleteRoute($rid)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES;
    $rid = intval($rid, 10);
    DB_delete($_TABLES['routes'], 'rid', $rid);
    return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/router.php?msg=123');
Ejemplo n.º 15
function LIB_Deleteconfig($pi_name, $config)
    COM_errorLog("[" . strtoupper($pi_name) . "] configuration delete");
    global $_TABLES;
    $group = $pi_name;
    DB_delete($_TABLES['conf_values'], 'group_name', $group);
    $box_conf = "_" . strtoupper($pi_name) . "_CONF";
    global ${$box_conf};
    ${$box_conf} = array();
    $display .= "..........{$pi_name} Config Delete" . "<br>";
    return $display;
Ejemplo n.º 16
    if (isset($_POST['type'])) {
        $type = COM_applyFilter($_POST['type']);
    if (!isset($sid) || empty($sid)) {
        COM_errorLog('Attempted to delete story sid=' . $sid);
        echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/story.php');
    } else {
        if ($type == 'submission') {
            if (TOPIC_hasMultiTopicAccess('article', $sid) < 3) {
                COM_accessLog("User {$_USER['username']} tried to illegally delete story submission {$sid}.");
                echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/index.php');
            } else {
                if (SEC_checkToken()) {
                    // Delete Topic Assignments for this submission
                    TOPIC_deleteTopicAssignments('article', $sid);
                    DB_delete($_TABLES['storysubmission'], 'sid', $sid, $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/moderation.php');
                } else {
                    COM_accessLog("User {$_USER['username']} tried to illegally delete story submission {$sid} and failed CSRF checks.");
                    echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/index.php');
        } else {
            if (SEC_checkToken()) {
                echo STORY_deleteStory($sid);
            } else {
                COM_accessLog("User {$_USER['username']} tried to delete story and failed CSRF checks {$sid}.");
                echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/index.php');
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 17
function links_delete_category($cid)
    $cid = addslashes($cid);
    if (DB_count($_TABLES['linkcategories'], 'cid', $cid) > 0) {
        // item exists so check access rights
        $result = DB_query("SELECT owner_id,group_id,perm_owner,perm_group,\n            perm_members,perm_anon FROM {$_TABLES['linkcategories']}\n            WHERE cid='{$cid}'");
        $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
        $access = SEC_hasAccess($A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']);
        if ($access > 2) {
            // has edit rights
            // Check for subfolders and sublinks
            $sf = DB_count($_TABLES['linkcategories'], 'pid', $cid);
            $sl = DB_count($_TABLES['links'], 'cid', $cid);
            if ($sf == 0 && $sl == 0) {
                // No subfolder/links so OK to delete
                DB_delete($_TABLES['linkcategories'], 'cid', $cid);
                PLG_itemDeleted($cid, 'links.category');
                return 13;
            } else {
                // Subfolders and/or sublinks exist so return a message
                return 14;
        } else {
            // no access
            return 15;
            COM_accessLog(sprintf($LANG_LINKS_ADMIN[46], $_USER['username']));
    } else {
        // no such category
        return 16;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 * Delete an existing static page
 * @param   array   args    Contains all the data provided by the client
 * @param   string  &output OUTPUT parameter containing the returned text
 * @param   string  &svc_msg OUTPUT parameter containing any service messages
 * @return  int		    Response code as defined in lib-plugins.php
function service_delete_staticpages($args, &$output, &$svc_msg)
    $output = COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/staticpages/index.php?msg=20');
    if (empty($args['sp_id']) && !empty($args['id'])) {
        $args['sp_id'] = $args['id'];
    // Apply filters to the parameters passed by the webservice
    if ($args['gl_svc']) {
        $args['sp_id'] = COM_applyBasicFilter($args['sp_id']);
        $args['mode'] = COM_applyBasicFilter($args['mode']);
    $sp_id = $args['sp_id'];
    if (!SEC_hasRights('staticpages.delete')) {
        $output = COM_siteHeader('menu', $LANG_STATIC['access_denied']);
        $output .= COM_startBlock($LANG_STATIC['access_denied'], '', COM_getBlockTemplate('_msg_block', 'header'));
        $output .= $LANG_STATIC['access_denied_msg'];
        $output .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('_msg_block', 'footer'));
        $output .= COM_siteFooter();
        if ($_USER['uid'] > 1) {
            return PLG_RET_PERMISSION_DENIED;
        } else {
            return PLG_RET_AUTH_FAILED;
    // If a staticpage template, remove any use of the file
    if (DB_getItem($_TABLES['staticpage'], 'template_flag', "sp_id = '{$sp_id}'") == 1) {
        $sql = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['staticpage']} SET template_id = '' WHERE template_id = '{$sp_id}'";
        $result = DB_query($sql);
    DB_delete($_TABLES['staticpage'], 'sp_id', $sp_id);
    DB_delete($_TABLES['comments'], array('sid', 'type'), array($sp_id, 'staticpages'));
    PLG_itemDeleted($sp_id, 'staticpages');
    return PLG_RET_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 19
* Optimize database tables
* @param    string  $startwith  table to start with
* @param    int     $failures   number of previous errors
* @return   int                 number of errors during conversion
function DBADMIN_dooptimize($startwith = '', $failures = 0)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES;
    $retval = '';
    $start = time();
    $lasttable = DB_getItem($_TABLES['vars'], 'value', "name = 'lastoptimizedtable'");
    if (empty($startwith) && !empty($lasttable)) {
        $startwith = $lasttable;
    $maxtime = @ini_get('max_execution_time');
    if (empty($maxtime)) {
        // unlimited or not allowed to query - assume 30 second default
        $maxtime = 30;
    $maxtime -= 5;
    $token = '';
    // SEC_createToken();
    $result = DB_query("SHOW TABLES");
    $numTables = DB_numRows($result);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numTables; $i++) {
        $A = DB_fetchArray($result, true);
        $table = $A[0];
        if (in_array($table, $_TABLES)) {
            if (!empty($startwith)) {
                if ($table == $startwith) {
                    $startwith = '';
                } else {
                    // already handled - skip
                if (!empty($lasttable) && $lasttable == $table) {
                    // skip
            if (time() > $start + $maxtime) {
                // this is taking too long - kick off another request
                $startwith = $table;
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/database.php?dooptimize=x';
                if (!empty($token)) {
                    $token = '&' . CSRF_TOKEN . '=' . $token;
                header("Location: {$url}&startwith={$startwith}&failures={$failures}" . $token);
            if (empty($lasttable)) {
                DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['vars']} (name, value) VALUES ('lastoptimizedtable', '{$table}')");
                $lasttable = $table;
            } else {
                DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['vars']} SET value = '{$table}' WHERE name = 'lastoptimizedtable'");
            $optimize = DB_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE {$table}", 1);
            if ($optimize === false) {
                COM_errorLog('SQL error for table "' . $table . '" (ignored): ' . DB_error());
                $startwith = $table;
                $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/database.php?dooptimize=x';
                if (!empty($token)) {
                    $token = '&' . CSRF_TOKEN . '=' . $token;
                header("Location: {$url}&startwith={$startwith}&failures={$failures}" . $token);
    DB_delete($_TABLES['vars'], 'name', 'lastoptimizedtable');
    DB_delete($_TABLES['vars'], 'name', 'lastoptimizeddb');
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['vars']} (name, value) VALUES ('lastoptimizeddb', FROM_UNIXTIME(" . time() . "))");
    return $failures;
Ejemplo n.º 20
function MG_watermarkDelete($actionURL = '')
    global $_USER, $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_MG_CONF, $LANG_MG00, $LANG_MG01, $LANG_MG03;
    $root_album = new mgAlbum(0);
    // check permissions...
    if ($root_album->access != 3 && !$root_album->owner_id) {
        COM_errorLog("Someone has tried to illegally save a watermark image in Media Gallery. " . "User id: {$_USER['uid']}, Username: {$_USER['username']}, IP: {$REMOTE_ADDR}", 1);
        return COM_showMessageText($LANG_MG00['access_denied_msg']);
    $numItems = count($_POST['sel']);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numItems; $i++) {
        $wm_id = COM_applyFilter($_POST['sel'][$i], true);
        $filename = DB_getItem($_TABLES['mg_watermarks'], 'filename', 'wm_id="' . intval($wm_id) . '"');
        if ($filename != "") {
            DB_delete($_TABLES['mg_watermarks'], 'wm_id', intval($wm_id));
            if (DB_error()) {
                COM_errorLog("MG Admin: Error removing watermark");
            @unlink($_MG_CONF['path_html'] . 'watermarks/' . $filename);
            // now check and see if this is assigned to any albums....
            $sql = "SELECT album_id FROM {$_TABLES['mg_albums']} WHERE wm_id='" . intval($wm_id) . "'";
            $result = DB_query($sql);
            $nRows = DB_numRows($result);
            if ($nRows > 0) {
                $row = DB_fetchArray($result);
                DB_change($_TABLES['mg_albums'], 'wm_id', 0, 'album_id', $row['album_id']);
    echo COM_refresh($actionURL);
Ejemplo n.º 21
* Do the actual plugin auto install
* @param    string  $plugin     Plugin name
* @param    array   $inst_parms Installation parameters for the plugin
* @param    boolean $verbose    true: enable verbose logging
* @return   boolean             true on success, false otherwise
function plugin_do_autoinstall($plugin, $inst_parms, $verbose = true)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $_DB_dbms, $_DB_table_prefix;
    $base_path = $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/' . $plugin . '/';
    if ($verbose) {
        COM_errorLog("Attempting to install the '{$plugin}' plugin", 1);
    // sanity checks in $inst_parms
    if (isset($inst_parms['info'])) {
        $pi_name = $inst_parms['info']['pi_name'];
        $pi_version = $inst_parms['info']['pi_version'];
        $pi_gl_version = $inst_parms['info']['pi_gl_version'];
        $pi_homepage = $inst_parms['info']['pi_homepage'];
    if (empty($pi_name) || $pi_name != $plugin || empty($pi_version) || empty($pi_gl_version) || empty($pi_homepage)) {
        COM_errorLog('Incomplete plugin info', 1);
        return false;
    // add plugin tables, if any
    if (!empty($inst_parms['tables'])) {
        $tables = $inst_parms['tables'];
        foreach ($tables as $table) {
            $_TABLES[$table] = $_DB_table_prefix . $table;
    // Create the plugin's group(s), if any
    $groups = array();
    $admin_group_id = 0;
    if (!empty($inst_parms['groups'])) {
        $groups = $inst_parms['groups'];
        foreach ($groups as $name => $desc) {
            if ($verbose) {
                COM_errorLog("Attempting to create '{$name}' group", 1);
            $grp_name = addslashes($name);
            $grp_desc = addslashes($desc);
            $sql = array();
            $sql['pgsql'] = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['groups']} (grp_id,grp_name, grp_descr) VALUES ((SELECT NEXTVAL('{$_TABLES['groups']}_grp_id_seq')),'{$grp_name}', '{$grp_desc}')";
            $sql['mysql'] = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['groups']} (grp_name, grp_descr) VALUES ('{$grp_name}', '{$grp_desc}')";
            $sql['mssql'] = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['groups']} (grp_name, grp_descr) VALUES ('{$grp_name}', '{$grp_desc}')";
            DB_query($sql, 1);
            if (DB_error()) {
                COM_errorLog('Error creating plugin group', 1);
                return false;
            // keep the new group's ID for use in the mappings section (below)
            $groups[$name] = DB_insertId();
            // assume that the first group is the plugin's Admin group
            if ($admin_group_id == 0) {
                $admin_group_id = $groups[$name];
    // Create the plugin's table(s)
    $_SQL = array();
    $DEFVALUES = array();
    if (file_exists($base_path . 'sql/' . $_DB_dbms . '_install.php')) {
        require_once $base_path . 'sql/' . $_DB_dbms . '_install.php';
    if (count($_SQL) > 0) {
        $use_innodb = false;
        if ($_DB_dbms == 'mysql' && DB_getItem($_TABLES['vars'], 'value', "name = 'database_engine'") == 'InnoDB') {
            $use_innodb = true;
        foreach ($_SQL as $sql) {
            $sql = str_replace('#group#', $admin_group_id, $sql);
            if ($use_innodb) {
                $sql = str_replace('MyISAM', 'InnoDB', $sql);
            if (DB_error()) {
                COM_errorLog('Error creating plugin table', 1);
                return false;
    // Add the plugin's features
    if ($verbose) {
        COM_errorLog("Attempting to add '{$plugin}' features", 1);
    $features = array();
    $mappings = array();
    if (!empty($inst_parms['features'])) {
        $features = $inst_parms['features'];
        if (!empty($inst_parms['mappings'])) {
            $mappings = $inst_parms['mappings'];
        foreach ($features as $feature => $desc) {
            $ft_name = addslashes($feature);
            $ft_desc = addslashes($desc);
            $sql = array();
            $sql['pgsql'] = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['features']} (ft_id,ft_name, ft_descr)\n                     VALUES ((SELECT nextval('{$_TABLES['features']}_ft_id_seq')),'{$ft_name}', '{$ft_desc}')";
            $sql['mysql'] = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['features']} (ft_name, ft_descr)\n                    VALUES ('{$ft_name}', '{$ft_desc}')";
            $sql['mysql'] = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['features']} (ft_name, ft_descr)\n                    VALUES ('{$ft_name}', '{$ft_desc}')";
            DB_query($sql, 1);
            if (DB_error()) {
                COM_errorLog('Error adding plugin feature', 1);
                return false;
            $feat_id = DB_insertId();
            if (isset($mappings[$feature])) {
                foreach ($mappings[$feature] as $group) {
                    if ($verbose) {
                        COM_errorLog("Adding '{$feature}' feature to the '{$group}' group", 1);
                    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['access']} (acc_ft_id, acc_grp_id) VALUES ({$feat_id}, {$groups[$group]})");
                    if (DB_error()) {
                        COM_errorLog('Error mapping plugin feature', 1);
                        return false;
    // Add plugin's Admin group to the Root user group
    // (assumes that the Root group's ID is always 1)
    if (count($groups) > 0) {
        if ($verbose) {
            COM_errorLog("Attempting to give all users in the Root group access to the '{$plugin}' Admin group", 1);
        foreach ($groups as $key => $value) {
            DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} VALUES " . "({$value}, NULL, 1)");
            if (DB_error()) {
                COM_errorLog('Error adding plugin admin group to Root group', 1);
                return false;
    // Pre-populate tables or run any other SQL queries
    if (count($DEFVALUES) > 0) {
        if ($verbose) {
            COM_errorLog('Inserting default data', 1);
        foreach ($DEFVALUES as $sql) {
            $sql = str_replace('#group#', $admin_group_id, $sql);
            DB_query($sql, 1);
            if (DB_error()) {
                COM_errorLog('Error adding plugin default data', 1);
                return false;
    // Load the online configuration records
    $load_config = 'plugin_load_configuration_' . $plugin;
    if (function_exists($load_config)) {
        if (!$load_config($plugin)) {
            COM_errorLog('Error loading plugin configuration', 1);
            return false;
        require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'system/classes/config.class.php';
        $config =& config::get_instance();
        // force re-reading, including new plugin conf
    // Finally, register the plugin with Geeklog
    if ($verbose) {
        COM_errorLog("Registering '{$plugin}' plugin", 1);
    // silently delete an existing entry
    DB_delete($_TABLES['plugins'], 'pi_name', $plugin);
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['plugins']} (pi_name, pi_version, pi_gl_version, pi_homepage, pi_enabled) VALUES " . "('{$plugin}', '{$pi_version}', '{$pi_gl_version}', '{$pi_homepage}', 1)");
    if (DB_error()) {
        COM_errorLog('Failed to register plugin', 1);
        return false;
    // give the plugin a chance to perform any post-install operations
    $post_install = 'plugin_postinstall_' . $plugin;
    if (function_exists($post_install)) {
        if (!$post_install($plugin)) {
            COM_errorLog('Plugin postinstall failed', 1);
            return false;
    if ($verbose) {
        COM_errorLog("Successfully installed the '{$plugin}' plugin!", 1);
    // load plugin here already, for any plugins wanting to act on
    // PLG_pluginStateChange($plugin, 'installed') when we return from here
    require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/' . $plugin . '/functions.inc';
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 * Performs story exclusive work for items deleted by moderation
 * While moderation.php handles the actual removal from the submission
 * table, within this function we handle all other deletion related tasks
 * @param    string $sid Identifying string, i.e. the story id
 * @return   string          Any wanted HTML output
function plugin_moderationdelete_story($sid)
    global $_TABLES;
    TOPIC_deleteTopicAssignments('article', $sid);
    DB_delete($_TABLES['storysubmission'], 'sid', $sid);
    return '';
Ejemplo n.º 23
 * Delete an existing static page
 * @param   array   args    Contains all the data provided by the client
 * @param   string  &output OUTPUT parameter containing the returned text
 * @param   string  &svc_msg OUTPUT parameter containing any service messages
 * @return  int		    Response code as defined in lib-plugins.php
function service_delete_staticpages($args, &$output, &$svc_msg)
    if (empty($args['sp_id']) && !empty($args['id'])) {
        $args['sp_id'] = $args['id'];
    // Apply filters to the parameters passed by the webservice
    if ($args['gl_svc']) {
        $args['sp_id'] = COM_applyBasicFilter($args['sp_id']);
        $args['mode'] = COM_applyBasicFilter($args['mode']);
    $sp_id = $args['sp_id'];
    if (!SEC_hasRights('staticpages.delete')) {
        $output = COM_siteHeader('menu', $LANG_STATIC['access_denied']);
        $output .= COM_showMessageText($LANG_STATIC['access_denied_msg'], $LANG_STATIC['access_denied'], true);
        $output .= COM_siteFooter();
        if (!COM_isAnonUser()) {
            return PLG_RET_PERMISSION_DENIED;
        } else {
            return PLG_RET_AUTH_FAILED;
    DB_delete($_TABLES['staticpage'], 'sp_id', $sp_id);
    DB_delete($_TABLES['comments'], array('sid', 'type'), array($sp_id, 'staticpages'));
    PLG_itemDeleted($sp_id, 'staticpages');
    $output = COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/staticpages/index.php');
    return PLG_RET_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 24
* Recursivly deletes all albums and child albums
* @param    int     album_id    album id to delete
* @return   int     true for success or false for failure
function MG_MassdeleteChildAlbums($album_id)
    global $_CONF, $_MG_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER;
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['mg_albums']} WHERE album_parent=" . $album_id;
    $aResult = DB_query($sql);
    $rowCount = DB_numRows($aResult);
    for ($z = 0; $z < $rowCount; $z++) {
        $row = DB_fetchArray($aResult);
    $sql = "SELECT ma.media_id, m.media_filename, m.media_mime_ext\n            FROM " . $_TABLES['mg_media_albums'] . " as ma LEFT JOIN " . $_TABLES['mg_media'] . " as m ON ma.media_id=m.media_id\n            WHERE ma.album_id = " . $album_id;
    $result = DB_query($sql);
    $nRows = DB_numRows($result);
    $mediarow = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nRows; $i++) {
        $row = DB_fetchArray($result);
        $mediarow[] = $row;
    if (count($mediarow) != 0) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($mediarow); $i++) {
            $sql = "SELECT COUNT(media_id) AS count FROM " . $_TABLES['mg_media_albums'] . "  WHERE media_id = '" . $mediarow[$i]['media_id'] . "'";
            $result = DB_query($sql);
            $row = DB_fetchArray($result);
            if ($row['count'] <= 1) {
                @unlink($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'tn/' . $mediarow[$i]['media_filename'][0] . '/' . $mediarow[$i]['media_filename'] . '.jpg');
                @unlink($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'disp/' . $mediarow[$i]['media_filename'][0] . '/' . $mediarow[$i]['media_filename'] . '.jpg');
                @unlink($_MG_CONF['path_mediaobjects'] . 'orig/' . $mediarow[$i]['media_filename'][0] . '/' . $mediarow[$i]['media_filename'] . '.' . $mediarow[$i]['media_mime_ext']);
                $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $_TABLES['mg_media'] . "  WHERE media_id = '" . $mediarow[$i]['media_id'] . "'";
                DB_delete($_TABLES['comments'], 'sid', $mediarow[$i]['media_id']);
                DB_delete($_TABLES['mg_playback_options'], 'media_id', $mediarow[$i]['media_id']);
    $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $_TABLES['mg_media_albums'] . " WHERE album_id = " . $album_id;
    $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $_TABLES['mg_albums'] . " WHERE album_id = " . $album_id;
    $feedname = sprintf($_MG_CONF['rss_feed_name'] . "%06d", $album_id);
    @unlink($_MG_CONF['path_html'] . 'rss/' . $feedname . '.rdf');
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Perform database upgrades
  * @param   string $currentGlVersion Current Geeklog version
  * @return  bool                     True if successful
 private function doDatabaseUpgrades($currentGlVersion)
     global $_TABLES, $_CONF, $_SP_CONF, $_DB, $_DB_dbms, $_DB_table_prefix;
     // Because the upgrade sql syntax can vary from dbms-to-dbms we are
     // leaving that up to each Geeklog database driver
     $done = false;
     $progress = '';
     $_SQL = array();
     while (!$done) {
         switch ($currentGlVersion) {
             case '1.2.5-1':
                 // Get DMBS-specific update sql
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.2.5-1_to_1.3.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 // OK, now we need to add all users except anonymous to the All Users group and Logged in users group
                 // I can hard-code these group numbers because the group table was JUST created with these numbers
                 $result = DB_query("SELECT uid FROM {$_TABLES['users']} WHERE uid <> 1");
                 $numRows = DB_numRows($result);
                 for ($i = 1; $i <= $numRows; $i++) {
                     $U = DB_fetchArray($result);
                     DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} VALUES (2, {$U['uid']}, NULL)");
                     DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} VALUES (13, {$U['uid']}, NULL)");
                 // Now take care of any orphans off the user table...and let me curse MySQL lack for supporting foreign
                 // keys at this time ;-)
                 $result = DB_query("SELECT MAX(uid) FROM {$_TABLES['users']}");
                 $ITEM = DB_fetchArray($result);
                 $max_uid = $ITEM[0];
                 if (!empty($max_uid) && $max_uid != 0) {
                     DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['userindex']} WHERE uid > {$max_uid}");
                     DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['userinfo']} WHERE uid > {$max_uid}");
                     DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['userprefs']} WHERE uid > {$max_uid}");
                     DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['usercomment']} WHERE uid > {$max_uid}");
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.3';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.3':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.3_to_1.3.1.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.3.1';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.3.1':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.3.1_to_1.3.2.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.3.2-1';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.3.2':
             case '1.3.2-1':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.3.2-1_to_1.3.3.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 // Now we need to switch how user blocks are stored.  Right now we only store the blocks the
                 // user wants.  This will switch it to store the ones they don't want which allows us to add
                 // new blocks and ensure they are shown to the user.
                 $result = DB_query("SELECT {$_TABLES['users']}.uid,boxes FROM {$_TABLES['users']},{$_TABLES['userindex']} WHERE boxes IS NOT NULL AND boxes <> '' AND {$_TABLES['users']}.uid = {$_TABLES['userindex']}.uid");
                 $numRows = DB_numRows($result);
                 for ($i = 1; $i <= $numRows; $i++) {
                     $row = DB_fetchArray($result);
                     $uBlocks = str_replace(' ', ',', $row['boxes']);
                     $result2 = DB_query("SELECT bid,name FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']} WHERE bid NOT IN ({$uBlocks})");
                     $newBlocks = '';
                     for ($x = 1; $x <= DB_numRows($result2); $x++) {
                         $currentBlock = DB_fetchArray($result2);
                         if ($currentBlock['name'] !== 'user_block' && $currentBlock['name'] !== 'admin_block' && $currentBlock['name'] !== 'section_block') {
                             $newBlocks .= $currentBlock['bid'];
                             if ($x != DB_numRows($result2)) {
                                 $newBlocks .= ' ';
                     DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['userindex']} SET boxes = '{$newBlocks}' WHERE uid = {$row['uid']}");
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.3.3';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.3.3':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.3.3_to_1.3.4.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.3.4';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.3.4':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.3.4_to_1.3.5.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $result = DB_query("SELECT ft_id FROM {$_TABLES['features']} WHERE ft_name = 'user.mail'");
                 $row = DB_fetchArray($result);
                 $mail_ft = $row['ft_id'];
                 $result = DB_query("SELECT grp_id FROM {$_TABLES['groups']} WHERE grp_name = 'Mail Admin'");
                 $row = DB_fetchArray($result);
                 $group_id = $row['grp_id'];
                 DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['access']} (acc_grp_id, acc_ft_id) VALUES ({$group_id}, {$mail_ft})");
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.3.5';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.3.5':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.3.5_to_1.3.6.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 if (!empty($_DB_table_prefix)) {
                     DB_query("RENAME TABLE staticpage TO {$_TABLES['staticpage']}");
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.3.6';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.3.6':
                 // fix wrong permissions value
                 DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['topics']} SET perm_anon = 2 WHERE perm_anon = 3");
                 // check for existence of 'date' field in gl_links table
                 DB_query("SELECT date FROM {$_TABLES['links']}", 1);
                 if (strpos(DB_error(), 'date') > 0) {
                     DB_query("ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['links']} ADD date datetime default NULL");
                 // Fix primary key so that more than one user can add an event
                 // to his/her personal calendar.
                 DB_query("ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['personal_events']} DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (eid,uid)");
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.3.7';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.3.7':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.3.7_to_1.3.8.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 // upgrade Static Pages plugin
                 $spVersion = $this->getStaticPagesVersion();
                 if ($spVersion == 1) {
                     // original version
                     DB_query("ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['staticpage']} " . "ADD COLUMN group_id mediumint(8) unsigned DEFAULT '1'," . "ADD COLUMN owner_id mediumint(8) unsigned DEFAULT '1'," . "ADD COLUMN perm_owner tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT '3'," . "ADD COLUMN perm_group tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT '2'," . "ADD COLUMN perm_members tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT '2'," . "ADD COLUMN perm_anon tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT '2'," . "ADD COLUMN sp_php tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT '0'," . "ADD COLUMN sp_nf tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT '0'," . "ADD COLUMN sp_centerblock tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'," . "ADD COLUMN sp_tid varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'none'," . "ADD COLUMN sp_where tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1'");
                     DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['features']} (ft_name, ft_descr) VALUES ('staticpages.PHP','Ability to use PHP in static pages')");
                     $php_id = DB_insertId();
                     $group_id = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = 'Static Page Admin'");
                     DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['access']} (acc_ft_id, acc_grp_id) VALUES ({$php_id}, {$group_id})");
                 } elseif ($spVersion == 2) {
                     // extended version by Phill or Tom
                     DB_query("ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['staticpage']} " . "DROP COLUMN sp_pos," . "DROP COLUMN sp_search_keywords," . "ADD COLUMN sp_nf tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT '0'," . "ADD COLUMN sp_centerblock tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'," . "ADD COLUMN sp_tid varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'none'," . "ADD COLUMN sp_where tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1'");
                 if ($spVersion > 0) {
                     // update plugin version number
                     DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['plugins']} SET pi_version = '1.3', pi_gl_version = '1.3.8' WHERE pi_name = 'staticpages'");
                     // remove Static Pages 'lock' flag
                     DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['vars']} WHERE name = 'staticpages'");
                     // remove Static Pages Admin group id
                     DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['vars']} WHERE name = 'sp_group_id'");
                     if ($spVersion == 1) {
                         $result = DB_query("SELECT DISTINCT sp_uid FROM {$_TABLES['staticpage']}");
                         $authors = DB_numRows($result);
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $authors; $i++) {
                             $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                             DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['staticpage']} SET owner_id = '{$A['sp_uid']}' WHERE sp_uid = '{$A['sp_uid']}'");
                     $result = DB_query("SELECT sp_label FROM {$_TABLES['staticpage']} WHERE sp_title = 'Frontpage'");
                     if (DB_numRows($result) > 0) {
                         $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                         if ($A['sp_label'] == 'nonews') {
                             DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['staticpage']} SET sp_centerblock = 1, sp_where = 0 WHERE sp_title = 'Frontpage'");
                         } elseif (!empty($A['sp_label'])) {
                             DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['staticpage']} SET sp_centerblock = 1, sp_title = '{$A['sp_label']}' WHERE sp_title = 'Frontpage'");
                         } else {
                             DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['staticpage']} SET sp_centerblock = 1 WHERE sp_title = 'Frontpage'");
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.3.8';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.3.8':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.3.8_to_1.3.9.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $pos = strrpos($_CONF['rdf_file'], '/');
                 $filename = substr($_CONF['rdf_file'], $pos + 1);
                 $siteName = DB_escapeString($_CONF['site_name']);
                 $siteSlogan = DB_escapeString($_CONF['site_slogan']);
                 DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['syndication']} (title, description, limits, content_length, filename, charset, language, is_enabled, updated, update_info) VALUES ('{$siteName}', '{$siteSlogan}', '{$_CONF['rdf_limit']}', {$_CONF['rdf_storytext']}, '{$filename}', '{$_CONF['default_charset']}', '{$_CONF['rdf_language']}', {$_CONF['backend']}, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, NULL)");
                 // upgrade static pages plugin
                 $spVersion = $this->getStaticPagesVersion();
                 if ($spVersion > 0) {
                     if ($spVersion < 4) {
                         if (!isset($_SP_CONF['in_block'])) {
                             $_SP_CONF['in_block'] = 1;
                         } elseif ($_SP_CONF['in_block'] > 1) {
                             $_SP_CONF['in_block'] = 1;
                         } elseif ($_SP_CONF['in_block'] < 0) {
                             $_SP_CONF['in_block'] = 0;
                         DB_query("ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['staticpage']} ADD COLUMN sp_inblock tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT '{$_SP_CONF['in_block']}'");
                     DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['plugins']} SET pi_version = '1.4', pi_gl_version = '1.3.9' WHERE pi_name = 'staticpages'");
                 // recreate 'date' field for old links
                 $result = DB_query("SELECT lid FROM {$_TABLES['links']} WHERE date IS NULL");
                 $num = DB_numRows($result);
                 if ($num > 0) {
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
                         $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                         $myYear = substr($A['lid'], 0, 4);
                         $myMonth = substr($A['lid'], 4, 2);
                         $myDay = substr($A['lid'], 6, 2);
                         $myHour = substr($A['lid'], 8, 2);
                         $myMin = substr($A['lid'], 10, 2);
                         $mySec = substr($A['lid'], 12, 2);
                         $mTime = mktime($myHour, $myMin, $mySec, $myMonth, $myDay, $myYear);
                         $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $mTime);
                         DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['links']} SET date = '{$date}' WHERE lid = '{$A['lid']}'");
                 // remove unused entries left over from deleted groups
                 $result = DB_query("SELECT grp_id FROM {$_TABLES['groups']}");
                 $num = DB_numRows($result);
                 $groups = array();
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
                     $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                     $groups[] = $A['grp_id'];
                 $groupList = '(' . implode(',', $groups) . ')';
                 DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} WHERE (ug_main_grp_id NOT IN {$groupList}) OR (ug_grp_id NOT IN {$groupList})");
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.3.9';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.3.9':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.3.9_to_1.3.10.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $result = DB_query("SELECT sid,introtext,bodytext FROM {$_TABLES['stories']}");
                 $numStories = DB_numRows($result);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $numStories; $i++) {
                     $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                     $related = DB_escapeString(implode("\n", UPDATE_extractLinks($A['introtext'] . ' ' . $A['bodytext'])));
                     if (empty($related)) {
                         DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['stories']} SET related = NULL WHERE sid = '{$A['sid']}'");
                     } else {
                         DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['stories']} SET related = '{$related}' WHERE sid = '{$A['sid']}'");
                 $spVersion = $this->getStaticPagesVersion();
                 if ($spVersion > 0) {
                     // no database changes this time, but set new version number
                     DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['plugins']} SET pi_version = '1.4.1', pi_gl_version = '1.3.10' WHERE pi_name = 'staticpages'");
                 // install SpamX plugin
                 // (also handles updates from version 1.0)
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.3.10';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.3.10':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.3.10_to_1.3.11.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.3.11';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.3.11':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.3.11_to_1.4.0.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.4.0';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.4.0':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.4.0_to_1.4.1.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.4.1';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.4.1':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.4.1_to_1.5.0.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/config.class.php';
                 $config = config::get_instance();
                 if (file_exists($_CONF['path'] . 'config.php')) {
                     // Read the values from config.php and use them to populate conf_values
                     $tempPath = $_CONF['path'];
                     // We'll need this to remember what the correct path is.
                     // Including config.php will overwrite all our $_CONF values.
                     require $tempPath . 'config.php';
                     // Load some important values from config.php into conf_values
                     foreach ($_CONF as $key => $val) {
                         $config->set($key, $val);
                     if (!$this->setDefaultCharset($this->env['siteconfig_path'], $_CONF['default_charset'])) {
                         exit($this->LANG['INSTALL'][26] . ' ' . $this->env['siteconfig_path'] . $this->LANG['INSTALL'][58]);
                     require $this->env['siteconfig_path'];
                     require $this->env['dbconfig_path'];
                 // Update the GL configuration with the correct paths.
                 $config->set('path_html', $this->env['html_path']);
                 $config->set('path_log', $_CONF['path'] . 'logs/');
                 $config->set('path_language', $_CONF['path'] . 'language/');
                 $config->set('backup_path', $_CONF['path'] . 'backups/');
                 $config->set('path_data', $_CONF['path'] . 'data/');
                 $config->set('path_images', $this->env['html_path'] . 'images/');
                 $config->set('path_themes', $this->env['html_path'] . 'layout/');
                 $config->set('path_editors', $this->env['html_path'] . 'editors/');
                 $config->set('rdf_file', $this->env['html_path'] . 'backend/geeklog.rss');
                 $config->set('path_pear', $_CONF['path_system'] . 'pear/');
                 // core plugin updates are done in the plugins themselves
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.5.0';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.5.0':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.5.0_to_1.5.1.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.5.1';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.5.1':
                 // there were no core database changes in 1.5.2
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.5.2';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.5.2':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.5.2_to_1.6.0.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.6.0';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.6.0':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.6.0_to_1.6.1.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.6.1';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.6.1':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.6.1_to_1.7.0.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.7.0';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.7.0':
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.7.2';
                 // skip ahead
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.7.1':
                 // there were no database changes in 1.7.1
             // there were no database changes in 1.7.1
             case '1.7.2':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.7.2_to_1.8.0.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $currentGlVersion = '1.8.0';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '1.8.0':
             case '1.8.1':
             case '1.8.2':
                 // there were no database changes in 1.8.x
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_1.8.2_to_2.0.0.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $currentGlVersion = '2.0.0';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '2.0.0':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_2.0.0_to_2.1.0.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $currentGlVersion = '2.1.0';
                 $_SQL = array();
             case '2.1.1':
                 require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' . $_DB_dbms . '_2.1.1_to_2.1.2.php';
                 $this->updateDB($_SQL, $progress);
                 $currentGlVersion = '2.1.2';
                 $_SQL = array();
                 $done = true;
     // delete the security check flag on every update to force the user
     // to run admin/sectest.php again
     DB_delete($_TABLES['vars'], 'name', 'security_check');
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 26
* Tells a plugin to uninstall itself.
* @param    string      $type   Plugin to uninstall
* @return   boolean             Returns true on success otherwise false
* @link     http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/Plugin_Auto-Uninstall
function PLG_uninstall($type)
    global $_PLUGINS, $_TABLES;
    if (empty($type)) {
        return false;
    if (function_exists('plugin_autouninstall_' . $type)) {
        COM_errorLog("Auto-uninstalling plugin {$type}:", 1);
        $function = 'plugin_autouninstall_' . $type;
        $remvars = $function();
        if (empty($remvars) || $remvars == false) {
            return false;
        // removing tables
        if (isset($remvars['tables'])) {
            $num_tables = count($remvars['tables']);
        } else {
            $num_tables = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tables; $i++) {
            if (isset($_TABLES[$remvars['tables'][$i]])) {
                COM_errorLog("Dropping table {$_TABLES[$remvars['tables'][$i]]}", 1);
                DB_query("DROP TABLE {$_TABLES[$remvars['tables'][$i]]}", 1);
                COM_errorLog('...success', 1);
        // removing variables
        if (isset($remvars['vars'])) {
            $num_vars = count($remvars['vars']);
        } else {
            $num_vars = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_vars; $i++) {
            COM_errorLog("Removing variable {$remvars['vars'][$i]}", 1);
            DB_delete($_TABLES['vars'], 'name', $remvars['vars'][$i]);
            COM_errorLog('...success', 1);
        // removing groups
        if (isset($remvars['groups'])) {
            $num_groups = count($remvars['groups']);
        } else {
            $num_groups = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_groups; $i++) {
            $grp_id = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = '{$remvars['groups'][$i]}'");
            if (!empty($grp_id)) {
                COM_errorLog("Attempting to remove the {$remvars['groups'][$i]} group", 1);
                DB_delete($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', $grp_id);
                COM_errorLog('...success', 1);
                COM_errorLog("Attempting to remove the {$remvars['groups'][$i]} group from all groups.", 1);
                DB_delete($_TABLES['group_assignments'], 'ug_main_grp_id', $grp_id);
                COM_errorLog('...success', 1);
        // removing features
        if (isset($remvars['features'])) {
            $num_features = count($remvars['features']);
        } else {
            $num_features = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_features; $i++) {
        // uninstall feeds
        $sql = "SELECT filename FROM {$_TABLES['syndication']} WHERE type = '{$type}';";
        $result = DB_query($sql);
        $nrows = DB_numRows($result);
        if ($nrows > 0) {
            COM_errorLog('removing feed files', 1);
            COM_errorLog($nrows . ' files stored in table.', 1);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) {
                $fcount = $i + 1;
                $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                $fullpath = SYND_getFeedPath($A[0]);
                if (file_exists($fullpath)) {
                    COM_errorLog("removed file {$fcount} of {$nrows}: {$fullpath}", 1);
                } else {
                    COM_errorLog("cannot remove file {$fcount} of {$nrows}, it does not exist! ({$fullpath})", 1);
            COM_errorLog('...success', 1);
            // Remove Links Feeds from syndiaction table
            COM_errorLog('removing links feeds from table', 1);
            DB_delete($_TABLES['syndication'], 'type', $type);
            COM_errorLog('...success', 1);
        // remove comments for this plugin
        COM_errorLog("Attempting to remove comments for {$type}", 1);
        DB_delete($_TABLES['comments'], 'type', $type);
        COM_errorLog('...success', 1);
        // uninstall php-blocks
        if (isset($remvars['php_blocks'])) {
            $num_blocks = count($remvars['php_blocks']);
        } else {
            $num_blocks = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_blocks; $i++) {
            DB_delete($_TABLES['blocks'], array('type', 'phpblockfn'), array('phpblock', $remvars['php_blocks'][$i]));
        // remove config table data for this plugin
        COM_errorLog("Attempting to remove config table records for group_name: {$type}", 1);
        DB_delete($_TABLES['conf_values'], 'group_name', $type);
        COM_errorLog('...success', 1);
        // remove topic assignment table data for this plugin
        COM_errorLog("Attempting to remove topic assignments table records for {$type}", 1);
        DB_delete($_TABLES['topic_assignments'], 'type', $type);
        COM_errorLog('...success', 1);
        // uninstall the plugin
        COM_errorLog("Attempting to unregister the {$type} plugin from Geeklog", 1);
        DB_delete($_TABLES['plugins'], 'pi_name', $type);
        COM_errorLog('...success', 1);
        COM_errorLog("Finished uninstalling the {$type} plugin.", 1);
        return true;
    } else {
        $retval = PLG_callFunctionForOnePlugin('plugin_uninstall_' . $type);
        if ($retval === true) {
            $plg = array_search($type, $_PLUGINS);
            if ($plg !== false) {
            return true;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 * Helper function: Actual check of the security token
 * @return   boolean     true if the token is valid and for this user.
 * @access   private
 * @see      SEC_checkToken
function SECINT_checkToken()
    global $_TABLES, $_USER, $_DB_dbms;
    $token = '';
    // Default to no token.
    $return = false;
    // Default to fail.
    if (array_key_exists(CSRF_TOKEN, $_GET)) {
        $token = COM_applyFilter($_GET[CSRF_TOKEN]);
    } elseif (array_key_exists(CSRF_TOKEN, $_POST)) {
        $token = COM_applyFilter($_POST[CSRF_TOKEN]);
    if (trim($token) != '') {
        $sql['mysql'] = "SELECT ((DATE_ADD(created, INTERVAL ttl SECOND) < NOW()) AND ttl > 0) as expired, owner_id, urlfor FROM " . "{$_TABLES['tokens']} WHERE token='{$token}'";
        $sql['pgsql'] = "SELECT ((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) + ttl) < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND ttl > 0)::int4 as expired, owner_id, urlfor FROM " . "{$_TABLES['tokens']} WHERE token='{$token}'";
        $tokens = DB_query($sql);
        $numberOfTokens = DB_numRows($tokens);
        if ($numberOfTokens != 1) {
            $return = false;
            // none, or multiple tokens. Both are invalid. (token is unique key...)
        } else {
            $tokendata = DB_fetchArray($tokens);
            /* Check that:
             *  token's user is the current user.
             *  token is not expired.
             *  the http referer is the url for which the token was created.
            $uid = isset($_USER['uid']) ? $_USER['uid'] : 1;
            if ($uid != $tokendata['owner_id']) {
                $return = false;
            } else {
                if ($tokendata['urlfor'] != $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) {
                    $return = false;
                } else {
                    if ($tokendata['expired']) {
                        $return = false;
                    } else {
                        $return = true;
                        // Everything is AOK in only one condition...
            // It's a one time token. So eat it.
            DB_delete($_TABLES['tokens'], 'token', $token);
    } else {
        $return = false;
        // no token.
    return $return;
Ejemplo n.º 28
function upgrade_uniqueGroupNames()
    global $_TABLES;
    $groups = DB_count($_TABLES['groups']);
    $result = DB_query("SELECT DISTINCT grp_name FROM {$_TABLES['groups']} ORDER BY grp_gl_core ASC");
    $numGroups = DB_numRows($result);
    if ($groups != $numGroups) {
        // find and delete the duplicates
        // first, prepare a list of all unique group names
        $names = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numGroups; $i++) {
            $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
            $names[] = $A['grp_name'];
        // then search for names that occur more than once
        foreach ($names as $name) {
            $result = DB_query("SELECT grp_id FROM {$_TABLES['groups']} WHERE grp_name = '{$name}'");
            $num = DB_numRows($result);
            if ($num > 1) {
                // we're going to keep the first entry - fetch and discard
                $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
                    list($grp_id) = DB_fetchArray($result);
                    DB_delete($_TABLES['access'], 'acc_grp_id', $grp_id);
                    DB_delete($_TABLES['group_assignments'], 'ug_grp_id', $grp_id);
                    DB_delete($_TABLES['group_assignments'], 'ug_main_grp_id', $grp_id);
                    DB_delete($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', $grp_id);
                // check if we already found all the duplicates
                $groups -= $num;
                if ($groups == $numGroups) {
    // make 'grp_name' a unique index
    DB_query("ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['groups']} DROP INDEX grp_name");
    DB_query("ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['groups']} ADD UNIQUE grp_name(grp_name)");
Ejemplo n.º 29
function LIB_delete($pi_name)
    global $_CONF;
    global $_TABLES;
    $lang_box_admin = "LANG_" . strtoupper($pi_name) . "_ADMIN";
    global ${$lang_box_admin};
    $lang_box_admin = ${$lang_box_admin};
    $table = $_TABLES[strtoupper($pi_name) . '_def_group'];
    $id = COM_applyFilter($_POST['id'], true);
    // CHECK
    $err = "";
    //category addtionfield check!!!
    if ($err != "") {
        $pagetitle = $lang_box_admin['err'];
        $retval .= DATABOX_siteHeader($pi_name, '_admin', $page_title);
        $retval .= COM_startBlock($lang_box_admin['err'], '', COM_getBlockTemplate('_msg_block', 'header'));
        $retval .= $err;
        $retval .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('_msg_block', 'footer'));
        $retval .= DATABOX_siteFooter($pi_name, '_admin');
        return $retval;
    DB_delete($table, 'group_id', $id);
    return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/' . THIS_SCRIPT . '?msg=2');
Ejemplo n.º 30
function _userSetnewpwd()
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG04;
    $retval = '';
    if (empty($_POST['passwd']) || $_POST['passwd'] != $_POST['passwd_conf']) {
        echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php?mode=newpwd&amp;uid=' . COM_applyFilter($_POST['uid'], true) . '&amp;rid=' . COM_applyFilter($_POST['rid']));
    } else {
        $uid = COM_applyFilter($_POST['uid'], true);
        $reqid = COM_sanitizeID(COM_applyFilter($_POST['rid']));
        if (!empty($uid) && is_numeric($uid) && $uid > 1 && !empty($reqid) && strlen($reqid) == 16) {
            $uid = (int) $uid;
            $safereqid = DB_escapeString($reqid);
            $valid = DB_count($_TABLES['users'], array('uid', 'pwrequestid'), array($uid, $safereqid));
            if ($valid == 1) {
                $passwd = SEC_encryptPassword($_POST['passwd']);
                DB_change($_TABLES['users'], 'passwd', DB_escapeString($passwd), "uid", $uid);
                DB_delete($_TABLES['sessions'], 'uid', $uid);
                DB_change($_TABLES['users'], 'pwrequestid', "NULL", 'uid', $uid);
                echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php?msg=53');
            } else {
                // request invalid or expired
                $retval .= COM_showMessage(54, '', '', 1, 'error');
                $retval .= getpasswordform();
        } else {
            // this request doesn't make sense - ignore it
            echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url']);