Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function onScriptShutdown()
     if (!is_null($err = error_get_last()) && !in_array($err['type'], array(E_NOTICE, E_WARNING))) {
         DB\dbQuery('UPDATE file_previews
             SET `status` = 3
             WHERE status = 2');
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function execute()
     $processing = false;
     $res = DB\dbQuery('SELECT count(*) `count`
         FROM file_previews
         WHERE `status` = 2
             AND `group` = $1', 'office') or die(DB\dbQueryError());
     if ($r = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
         $processing = $r['count'] > 0;
     if ($processing) {
     $filesPreviewDir = Config::get('files_preview_dir');
     $sql = 'SELECT c.id `content_id`, c.path, p.status
                 ,(SELECT name
                     FROM files f
                     WHERE f.content_id = c.id LIMIT 1
                 ) `name`
             FROM file_previews p
             LEFT JOIN files_content c ON p.id = c.id
             WHERE p.`status` = 1
                 AND `group` = \'office\'
             ORDER BY p.cdate';
     $res = DB\dbQuery($sql) or die(DB\dbQueryError());
     while ($r = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
         //start the transaction so that the file status would not change on script fail
         DB\dbQuery('UPDATE file_previews
             SET `status` = 2
             WHERE id = $1', $r['content_id']) or die(DB\dbQueryError());
         $ext = explode('.', $r['name']);
         $ext = array_pop($ext);
         $ext = strtolower($ext);
         $fn = Config::get('files_dir') . $r['path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $r['content_id'];
         $nfn = $filesPreviewDir . $r['content_id'] . '_.' . $ext;
         $pfn = $filesPreviewDir . $r['content_id'] . '_.html';
         copy($fn, $nfn);
         file_put_contents($pfn, '');
         $cmd = Config::get('UNOCONV') . ' -v -f html -o ' . $pfn . ' ' . $nfn;
         //.' >> ' . Config::get('debug_log') . ' 2>&1';
         exec($cmd, $output, $returnStatus);
         //returnStatus should be 0 if no error
         //we cant delete the file right away
         //because command can execute in background and could take some time
         if (empty($returnStatus) && file_exists($pfn)) {
             file_put_contents($pfn, '<div style="padding: 5px">' . $this->purify(file_get_contents($pfn), array('URI.Base' => '/' . Config::get('core_name') . '/view/', 'URI.MakeAbsolute' => true)) . '</div>');
             DB\dbQuery('UPDATE file_previews
                 SET `status` = 0
                     ,`filename` = $2
                     ,`size` = $3
                 WHERE id = $1', array($r['content_id'], $r['content_id'] . '_.html', filesize($pfn))) or die(DB\dbQueryError());
         } else {
             //preview not generated for some reason, probably unoconv service not started
             \CB\debug('UNOCONV execution error, please check if python accesible through command line' . ' and if correctly specified in config.ini: ' . $cmd);
             DB\dbQuery('UPDATE file_previews
                 SET `status` = 3
                 WHERE id = $1', $r['content_id']) or die(DB\dbQueryError());
         $res = DB\dbQuery($sql) or die(DB\dbQueryError());