 } else {
 $row = 0;
 foreach (array_keys($dcity) as $cty) {
     if ($dcity[$cty]['md']) {
         if ($row % 2) {
             $bg = $bga;
             $bi = $bia;
         } else {
             $bg = $bgb;
             $bi = $bib;
         $img = CtyImg($dcity[$cty]['nd']);
         $tit = $dcity[$cty]['md'] . " monitored devices of " . $dcity[$cty]['nd'] . " in total";
         $ucty = str_replace(" ", "%20", $cty);
         $av = sprintf("%01.2f", $dcity[$cty]['su'] / $dcity[$cty]['md']);
         $cbar = Bar($av, -99);
         echo "<tr bgcolor=#{$bg}>\n";
         echo "<th bgcolor=#{$bi}><a href=Devices-Table.php?cty={$ucty}><img src=img/{$img}.png border=0 title=\"{$tit}\"></a><p>{$cty}</th>\n";
         echo "<td>{$cbar} {$av} %</td></tr>\n";
         if ($row == $lim) {
 echo "</table><table bgcolor=#666666 {$tabtag} >\n";
 echo "<tr bgcolor=#{$bg2}><td>{$row} cities with {$nmon} monitored devices in total</td></tr></table>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
function TopoCities($r, $siz = 0)
    global $link, $map, $debug, $dcity, $locsep, $bg2, $netlbl, $errlbl, $tmplbl, $loclbl, $addlbl, $poplbl, $igrp, $notlbl, $rcvlbl;
    $ur = urlencode($r);
    $query = GenQuery('locations', 's', 'id,x,y,ns,ew,locdesc', '', '', array('region', 'city', 'building'), array('=', '=', '='), array($r, '', ''), array('AND', 'AND'));
    $res = DbQuery($query, $link);
    if (DbNumRows($res)) {
        list($id, $x, $y, $ns, $ew, $des) = DbFetchRow($res);
        echo "<h2>{$r} - {$des}</h2>\n";
    } else {
        echo "<h2>{$r} {$netlbl}</h2>\n";
    echo "<table class=\"content fixed\"><tr>\n";
    $col = 0;
    foreach (array_keys($dcity[$r]) as $c) {
        $nd = $dcity[$r][$c]['nd'];
        $ci = CtyImg($dcity[$r][$c]['nd']);
        $mn = isset($dcity[$r][$c]['mn']) ? $dcity[$r][$c]['mn'] : 0;
        $al = isset($dcity[$r][$c]['al']) ? $dcity[$r][$c]['al'] : 0;
        list($statbg, $stat) = StatusBg($nd, $mn, $al, 'imga');
        $uc = urlencode($c);
        if ($col == $_SESSION['col']) {
            $col = 0;
            echo "</tr><tr>";
        echo "<td valign=\"bottom\" class=\"{$statbg}\"><center>\n";
        $mstat = $mn ? "{$mn} Monitored {$stat}" : "";
        if ($siz) {
            echo "<a href=\"?reg={$ur}&cty={$uc}\"><img src=\"img/{$ci}.png\" title=\"{$nd} Devices {$mstat}\"></a><br>" . substr($c, 0, $_SESSION['lsiz']) . "\n";
        } else {
            $qmap = "{$uc},{$ur}";
            $s = $_SESSION['gsiz'] < 3 ? "160x120" : "240x160";
            $cp = preg_replace('/\\W/', '', $r) . '/' . preg_replace('/\\W/', '', $c);
            if ($cp and $map) {
                if ($map > 1) {
                    if (!file_exists("topo/{$cp}") and !$_SESSION['snap']) {
                        mkdir("topo/{$cp}", 0755, true);
                    $ns = $ew = 0;
                    $query = GenQuery('locations', 's', 'id,x,y,ns,ew,locdesc', '', '', array('region', 'city', 'building'), array('=', '=', '='), array($r, $c, ''), array('AND', 'AND'));
                    $res = DbQuery($query, $link);
                    if (DbNumRows($res)) {
                        list($id, $x, $y, $ns, $ew, $des) = DbFetchRow($res);
                        echo "{$des}<br>";
                        $loced = '';
                    } else {
                        $loced = "<a href=\"Topology-Loced.php?reg={$ur}&cty={$uc}\"><img src=\"img/16/ncfg.png\" title=\"{$addlbl}\"><a/>";
                    if ($_SESSION['map']) {
                        $cachd = 2;
                        # Google maps mustn't be cached
                    } else {
                        $cache = "topo/{$cp}/osm-{$s}.png";
                        $cachd = file_exists($cache);
                        # OSM is cached
                    if ($ns and $ew) {
                        $ns /= 10000000;
                        $ew /= 10000000;
                        $qmap = "{$ns},{$ew}";
                    } elseif (($map == 3 or !$cachd) and ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
                        # Weather and OSM only works with coordinates...
                        $url = "{$qmap}";
                        $geo = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), TRUE);
                        if ($debug) {
                            echo "<div class=\"textpad code good\"><b>{$url}</b><p>";
                            echo '</div>';
                        if ($geo) {
                            $ns = $geo[0][lat];
                            $ew = $geo[0][lon];
                            $qmap = "{$ns},{$ew}";
                    if ($map == 3 and ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
                        if ($_SESSION['far']) {
                            $mod = 'imperial';
                            $teu = 'F';
                            $wiu = 'mph';
                        } else {
                            $mod = 'metric';
                            $teu = 'C';
                            $wiu = 'm/s';
                        $url = "{$ns}&lon={$ew}&units={$mod}";
                        $wtr = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), TRUE);
                        if ($debug) {
                            echo "<div class=\"textpad code good\"><b>{$url}</b><p>";
                            echo '</div>';
                        if (is_array($wtr)) {
                            echo "<a href=\"" . $wtr[id] . "\" target=\"window\"><img src=\"" . $wtr[weather][0][icon] . ".png\" title=\"" . $wtr[weather][0][description] . "\"></a>";
                            echo "<img src=\"img/16/temp.png\" title=\"{$tmplbl}\">" . round($wtr[main][temp]) . "{$teu} <img src=\"img/16/drop.png\" title=\"Humidity\">" . $wtr[main][humidity] . "% <img src=\"img/16/fan.png\" title=\"Wind\">" . round($wtr[wind][speed]) . "{$wiu}<br>";
                        } else {
                            echo "{$igrp['16']} {$notlbl} {$rcvlbl}<br>";
                    } else {
                        if ($debug) {
                            echo "<div class=\"textpad code alrm\">Skip {$igrp['16']}: map={$map}, allow_url_fopen " . ini_get('allow_url_fopen') . '</div>';
                    if ($_SESSION['map']) {
                        echo "<a href=\"?reg={$ur}&cty={$uc}&map={$map}\"><img src=\"{$qmap}&zoom=11&size={$s}&maptype=roadmap&sensor=false\" title=\"{$nd} Devices {$mstat}, {$com}\" style=\"border:1px solid black\"></a><br>\n";
                        echo "{$loced}<a href=\"{$qmap}\" target=\"window\"><img src=\"img/16/map.png\" title=\"Googlemap\"></a>\n";
                    } else {
                        if ($_SESSION['snap']) {
                            $cache = "img/{$ci}.png";
                        } elseif (!$cachd and ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
                            file_put_contents($cache, file_get_contents("{$qmap}&zoom=11&size={$s}"));
                        echo "<a href=\"?reg={$ur}&cty={$uc}&map={$map}\"><img src=\"{$cache}\" title=\"{$nd} Devices {$mstat}\" style=\"border:1px solid black\"></a><br>\n";
                        echo "{$loced}<a href=\"{$qmap}\" target=\"window\"><img src=\"img/16/osm.png\" title=\"Openstreetmap\"></a>\n";
                } else {
                    echo "<center><a href=\"?reg={$ur}&cty={$uc}&map={$map}\"><img src=\"inc/drawmap.php?st[]=^{$ur}{$locsep}{$uc}&dim={$s}&lev=3&pos=s\" title=\"{$nd} Devices {$mstat}\" style=\"border:1px solid black\"></a><br>\n";
                    //too slow $pop = NodPop( array('location'),array('like'),array("$r$locsep$c$locsep%"),array() );
            } else {
                echo "<a href=\"?reg={$ur}&cty={$uc}\"><img src=\"img/{$ci}.png\" title=\"{$nd} Devices {$mstat}\"></a><br>\n";
            echo "<a href=\"Topology-Map.php?st[]={$ur}{$locsep}{$uc}{$locsep}%&lev=3&fmt=png\"><img src=\"img/16/paint.png\" title=\"Topology-Map\"></a>\n";
            echo "<a href=\"Devices-List.php?in[]=location&op[]=like&st[]={$ur}{$locsep}{$uc}{$locsep}%\"><b>" . substr($c, 0, $_SESSION['lsiz']) . "</b></a>";
        $locp = $pop ? " <a href=\"Nodes-List.php?in[]=location&op[]=like&st[]={$ur}{$locsep}{$uc}{$locsep}%\"><img src=\"img/16/nods.png\" title=\"{$loclbl} {$poplbl}\">{$pop}</a>" : '';
        echo " {$locp}</center></td>\n";
    echo "</tr></table>\n";
function Cities()
    global $dcity, $maxcol, $bg1, $tabtag;
    echo "<h2 align=center>Corporate Network</h2>\n";
    echo "<table bgcolor=#{$bg1} {$tabtag} ><tr>\n";
    $col = 0;
    foreach (array_keys($dcity) as $city) {
        $nd = $dcity[$city]['nd'];
        $mn = isset($dcity[$city]['mn']) ? $dcity[$city]['mn'] : 0;
        $al = isset($dcity[$city]['al']) ? $dcity[$city]['al'] : 0;
        list($bgm, $stat) = GetStatus($nd, $mn, $al);
        if ($col == $maxcol) {
            $col = 0;
            echo "</tr><tr>";
        $ci = CtyImg($nd);
        $ucity = str_replace(" ", "%20", $city);
        echo "\t<th bgcolor=#{$bgm} valign=bottom><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?cty={$ucity}><img src=img/{$ci}.png title=\"{$mn} monitored, {$stat}\" border=0></a>\n";
        echo "<br><a href=Monitoring-Setup.php?loc={$city}>{$city}</a></th>\n";
    echo "<tr></table>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 4
function Drawitem($x,$y,$opt,$label,$typ) {

	global $fmt,$dev,$loi,$ipi,$redbuild;

	$itxt  = "";
	$pfont = "1";
	$vfont = "font-size=\"9\"";
	$vicon = "32";
	if($opt > 2){$r = 8;}else{$r = 4;}

	if($typ == "f"){
		$cury = $rows = 0;
		$cols = 1;
		foreach(array_keys($ndev[$cty][$bld]) as $flr){			# Determine building size
			$cols = max(count($ndev[$cty][$bld][$flr]),$cols);	# find max cols
			if($cols > $fco){					# Break row, if > Floor columns
				$rrow  = ceil($cols / $fco);			# How many rows result?
				$rows += $rrow;
				$cols = $fco;
		$woff = intval($fsi*($cols-1)/2);
		$hoff = intval($fsi*($rows-1)/2);

		$mapframes .= Drawbox(	$xbl[$bld] - $woff - intval($fsi/2) - 10,
					$ybl[$bld] - $hoff - intval($fsi/2),
					$xbl[$bld] + $woff + intval($fsi/2),
					$ybl[$bld] + $hoff + intval($fsi/2),
		uksort($ndev[$cty][$bld], "Floorsort");
		foreach(array_keys($ndev[$cty][$bld]) as $flr){
			$mapitems .= Drawitem(	$xbl[$bld] - $woff - intval($fsi/2),
						$ybl[$bld] - $hoff + $cury*$fsi,
			usort( $ndev[$cty][$bld][$flr],"Roomsort" );
			$curx = 0;
			foreach($ndev[$cty][$bld][$flr] as $dv){
				$xd[$dv] = $xbl[$bld] - $woff + $curx*$fsi;
				$yd[$dv] = $ybl[$bld] - $hoff + $cury*$fsi;
				$mapitems .= Drawitem($xd[$dv],$yd[$dv],'0',$dv,'d');
				$area = ($xd[$dv]-20) .",". ($yd[$dv]-20) .",". ($xd[$dv]+20) .",". ($yd[$dv]+20);
				$imgmap .= "<area href=Devices-Status.php?dev=". rawurlencode($dv) ." coords=\"$area\" shape=rect title=\"Show $dv Status\">\n";
				if($curx == $fco){
					$curx = 0;
	}elseif($typ == "B"){
		if( preg_match("/$redbuild/",$label) ){$bc = "red";}else{$bc = "cornflowerblue";}
		if($fmt == "svg"){
			$itxt .= "	<rect fill=\"$bc\" stroke=\"black\" x=\"".($x-$r)."\" y=\"".($y-$r)."\" width=\"".(2*$r)."\" height=\"".(2*$r)."\" />\n";
			$itxt .= "	<text x=\"".($x-20)."\" y=\"".($y+20)."\" fill=\"blue\">$label</text>\n";
			$itxt .= "Imagefilledrectangle(\$image, ".($x-$r).", ".($y-$r).", ".($x+$r).", ".($y+$r).", \$$bc);\n";
			$itxt .= "Imagerectangle(\$image, ".($x-$r).", ".($y-$r).", ".($x+$r).", ".($y+$r).", \"\$black\");\n";
			$itxt .= "ImageString(\$image, 1, ".($x-10).", ".($y+10).", \"$label\", \"\$blue\");\n";
		return $itxt;
	}elseif($typ == "C"){
		if($fmt == "svg"){
			$itxt .= "	<circle fill=\"cornflowerblue\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"$x\" cy=\"$y\" r=\"$r\"/>\n";
			$itxt .= "	<text x=\"".($x-20)."\" y=\"".($y+20)."\" fill=\"navy\">$label</text>\n";

			$itxt .= "Imagefilledellipse(\$image, $x, $y, ".(2*$r).", ".(2*$r).", \"\$cornflowerblue\");\n";
			$itxt .= "Imageellipse(\$image, $x, $y, ".(2*$r).", ".(2*$r).", \"\$black\");\n";
			$itxt .= "ImageString(\$image, 1, ".($x-10).", ".($y+10).", \"$label\", \"\$navy\");\n";
		return $itxt;
	}elseif($typ == "ci"){
		$img = "cityg";
		$lcol = "gray";
	}elseif($typ == "c"){
		$img = CtyImg($opt);
		$lcol = "navy";
		$pfont = "5";
		$vfont = "font-size=\"15\" font-weight=\"bold\"";
		$vicon = "50";
	}elseif($typ == "b"){
		$img  = BldImg($opt,$label);
		$lcol = "blue";
	}elseif($typ == "fl"){
		$img = "stair";
		$lcol = "navy";
		$pfont = "3";
		$vfont = "font-size=\"12\" font-weight=\"bold\"";
		$vicon = "10";
	}elseif($typ == "d"){
		$img = "dev/" . $dev[$label]['ic'];
		$lcol = "black";
	if($fmt == "svg"){
		$itxt .= "	<image x=\"".($x-$vicon/2)."\" y=\"".($y-$vicon/2)."\" width=\"$vicon\" height=\"$vicon\" xlink:href=\"../img/$img.png\"/>\n";
		if ($typ == "d"){
			if ($loi){$itxt .= "	<text x=\"".($x-$vicon/2)."\" y=\"".($y-$vicon/2-4)."\" $vfont fill=\"$lcol\">".$dev[$label]['rom']."</text>\n";}
			if ($ipi){$itxt .= "<text x=\"".($x-$vicon/2)."\" y=\"".($y+$vicon/2+20)."\" fill=\"gray\">".$dev[$label]['ip']."</text>\n";}
		$itxt .= "	<text x=\"".($x-$vicon/2)."\" y=\"".($y+$vicon/2+10)."\" $vfont fill=\"$lcol\">".Safelabel($label)."</text>\n";

		$itxt .= "\$icon = Imagecreatefrompng(\"../img/$img.png\");\n";
		$itxt .= "\$w = Imagesx(\$icon);\n";
		$itxt .= "\$h = Imagesy(\$icon);\n";
		$itxt .= "Imagecopy(\$image, \$icon,intval($x - \$w/2),intval($y - \$h/2),0,0,\$w,\$h);\n";
		if ($typ == "d"){
			if ($loi){$itxt .= "ImageString(\$image, $pfont, intval($x  - \$w/1.8), intval($y - \$h/1.6 - 10), \"".$dev[$label]['rom']."\", \$cornflowerblue);\n";}
			if ($ipi){$itxt .= "ImageString(\$image, $pfont, intval($x  - \$w/1.8), intval($y + \$h/1.6 + 10), \"".$dev[$label]['ip']."\", \$gray );\n";}
		$itxt .= "ImageString(\$image, $pfont, intval($x  - \$w/1.8), intval($y + \$h/1.6), \"".Safelabel($label)."\", \$$lcol);\n";
		$itxt .= "Imagedestroy(\$icon);\n";
	return $itxt;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function Drawitem($x, $y, $opt, $label, $typ)
    global $fmt, $dev, $loi, $ipi, $redbuild;
    $itxt = "";
    $pfont = "1";
    $vfont = "font-size=\"9\"";
    $vicon = "32";
    if ($opt > 2) {
        $r = 8;
    } else {
        $r = 4;
    if ($typ == "C") {
        if ($fmt == "svg") {
            $itxt .= "\t<circle fill=\"cornflowerblue\" stroke=\"black\" cx=\"{$x}\" cy=\"{$y}\" r=\"{$r}\"/>\n";
            $itxt .= "\t<text x=\"" . ($x - 20) . "\" y=\"" . ($y + 20) . "\" fill=\"navy\">{$label}</text>\n";
        } else {
            $itxt .= "Imagefilledellipse(\$image, {$x}, {$y}, " . 2 * $r . ", " . 2 * $r . ", \"\$cornflowerblue\");\n";
            $itxt .= "Imageellipse(\$image, {$x}, {$y}, " . 2 * $r . ", " . 2 * $r . ", \"\$black\");\n";
            $itxt .= "ImageString(\$image, 1, " . ($x - 10) . ", " . ($y + 10) . ", \"{$label}\", \"\$navy\");\n";
        return $itxt;
    } elseif ($typ == "B") {
        if (preg_match("/{$redbuild}/", $label)) {
            $bc = "red";
        } else {
            $bc = "cornflowerblue";
        if ($fmt == "svg") {
            $itxt .= "\t<rect fill=\"{$bc}\" stroke=\"black\" x=\"" . ($x - $r) . "\" y=\"" . ($y - $r) . "\" width=\"" . 2 * $r . "\" height=\"" . 2 * $r . "\" />\n";
            $itxt .= "\t<text x=\"" . ($x - 20) . "\" y=\"" . ($y + 20) . "\" fill=\"blue\">{$label}</text>\n";
        } else {
            $itxt .= "Imagefilledrectangle(\$image, " . ($x - $r) . ", " . ($y - $r) . ", " . ($x + $r) . ", " . ($y + $r) . ", \${$bc});\n";
            $itxt .= "Imagerectangle(\$image, " . ($x - $r) . ", " . ($y - $r) . ", " . ($x + $r) . ", " . ($y + $r) . ", \"\$black\");\n";
            $itxt .= "ImageString(\$image, 1, " . ($x - 10) . ", " . ($y + 10) . ", \"{$label}\", \"\$blue\");\n";
        return $itxt;
    } elseif ($typ == "ci") {
        $img = "cityg";
        $lcol = "gray";
    } elseif ($typ == "c") {
        $img = CtyImg($opt);
        $lcol = "navy";
        $pfont = "5";
        $vfont = "font-size=\"15\" font-weight=\"bold\"";
        $vicon = "50";
    } elseif ($typ == "b") {
        $img = BldImg($opt, $label);
        $lcol = "blue";
    } elseif ($typ == "fl") {
        $img = "stair";
        $lcol = "navy";
        $pfont = "3";
        $vfont = "font-size=\"12\" font-weight=\"bold\"";
        $vicon = "10";
    } elseif ($typ == "d") {
        $img = "dev/" . $dev[$label]['ic'];
        $lcol = "black";
    if ($fmt == "svg") {
        $itxt .= "\t<image x=\"" . ($x - $vicon / 2) . "\" y=\"" . ($y - $vicon / 2) . "\" width=\"{$vicon}\" height=\"{$vicon}\" xlink:href=\"../img/{$img}.png\"/>\n";
        if ($typ == "d") {
            if ($loi) {
                $itxt .= "\t<text x=\"" . ($x - $vicon / 2) . "\" y=\"" . ($y - $vicon / 2 - 4) . "\" {$vfont} fill=\"{$lcol}\">" . $dev[$label]['rom'] . "</text>\n";
            if ($ipi) {
                $itxt .= "<text x=\"" . ($x - $vicon / 2) . "\" y=\"" . ($y + $vicon / 2 + 20) . "\" fill=\"gray\">" . $dev[$label]['ip'] . "</text>\n";
        $itxt .= "\t<text x=\"" . ($x - $vicon / 2) . "\" y=\"" . ($y + $vicon / 2 + 10) . "\" {$vfont} fill=\"{$lcol}\">" . Safelabel($label) . "</text>\n";
    } else {
        $itxt .= "\$icon = Imagecreatefrompng(\"../img/{$img}.png\");\n";
        $itxt .= "\$w = Imagesx(\$icon);\n";
        $itxt .= "\$h = Imagesy(\$icon);\n";
        $itxt .= "Imagecopy(\$image, \$icon,intval({$x} - \$w/2),intval({$y} - \$h/2),0,0,\$w,\$h);\n";
        if ($typ == "d") {
            if ($loi) {
                $itxt .= "ImageString(\$image, {$pfont}, intval({$x}  - \$w/1.8), intval({$y} - \$h/1.6 - 10), \"" . $dev[$label]['rom'] . "\", \$cornflowerblue);\n";
            if ($ipi) {
                $itxt .= "ImageString(\$image, {$pfont}, intval({$x}  - \$w/1.8), intval({$y} + \$h/1.6 + 10), \"" . $dev[$label]['ip'] . "\", \$gray );\n";
        $itxt .= "ImageString(\$image, {$pfont}, intval({$x}  - \$w/1.8), intval({$y} + \$h/1.6), \"" . Safelabel($label) . "\", \${$lcol});\n";
        $itxt .= "Imagedestroy(\$icon);\n";
    return $itxt;
Ejemplo n.º 6
function DrawItem($x, $y, $opt, $label, $typ)
    global $fmt, $dev, $nod, $pos, $loi, $dvi, $ipd, $redbuild, $cpua, $tmpa, $stco;
    $r = $opt > 2 ? 12 : 6;
    $lx = intval($x - strlen($label) * 2);
    if ($typ == 3) {
        # Building
        $bc = preg_match('/$redbuild/', $label) ? "red" : "burlywood";
        if ($pos == "s") {
            $itxt = IconRect($x, $y, $r, $r, $bc);
            if ($fmt == "json") {
                $itxt .= ',"name":"' . Safelabel($label) . "\"},\n";
            } else {
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y + $r, Safelabel($label), 2, "navy");
        } elseif ($pos == "d") {
            $itxt = IconRect($x, $y, $r / 3, $r / 3, $bc);
            if ($fmt == "json") {
                $itxt .= ',"name":"' . Safelabel($label) . "\"},\n";
        } else {
            $itxt = IconPng($x, $y, BldImg($opt, $label), 30);
            if ($fmt == "json") {
                $itxt .= ',"name":"' . Safelabel($label) . "\"},\n";
            } else {
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y + $r * 2, Safelabel($label), 3, "navy");
    } elseif ($typ == 2) {
        # City
        if ($pos == "s") {
            $itxt = IconCircle($x, $y, $r, $r, "purple");
            if ($fmt == "json") {
                $itxt .= ',"name":"' . Safelabel($label) . "\"},\n";
            } else {
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y + $r, Safelabel($label), 2, "navy");
        } elseif ($pos == "d") {
            $itxt = IconCircle($x, $y, $r / 3, $r / 3, "purple");
            if ($fmt == "json") {
                $itxt .= ',"name":"' . Safelabel($label) . "\"},\n";
        } else {
            $itxt = IconPng($x, $y, CtyImg($opt), 48);
            if ($fmt == "json") {
                $itxt .= ',"name":"' . Safelabel($label) . "\"},\n";
            } else {
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y + 25, Safelabel($label), 4, "navy");
    } elseif ($typ == 1) {
        # Region
        if ($pos == "s") {
            $itxt = IconCircle($x, $y, $r, $r, "cornflowerblue");
            if ($fmt == "json") {
                $itxt .= ',"name":"' . Safelabel($label) . "\"},\n";
            } else {
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y + $r, Safelabel($label), 2, "navy");
        } elseif ($pos == "d") {
            $itxt = IconCircle($x, $y, $r / 3, $r / 3, "cornflowerblue");
            if ($fmt == "json") {
                $itxt .= ',"name":"' . Safelabel($label) . "\"},\n";
        } else {
            $itxt = IconPng($x, $y, "32/glob", 32);
            if ($fmt == "json") {
                $itxt .= ',"name":"' . Safelabel($label) . "\"},\n";
            } else {
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y + 12, Safelabel($label), 4, "navy");
    } elseif ($typ == "ri") {
        # Regioninfo
        if ($pos == "s") {
            $itxt = IconCircle($x, $y, 10, 6, "gainsboro");
        } elseif ($pos == "d") {
            $itxt = IconCircle($x, $y, 4, 2, "gainsboro");
        } else {
            $itxt = IconPng($x, $y, "regg", 25);
        $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y + 10, Safelabel($label), 2, "cornflowerblue");
    } elseif ($typ == "ci") {
        # Cityinfo
        if ($pos == "s") {
            $itxt = IconRect($x, $y, 10, 6, "whitesmoke");
        } elseif ($pos == "d") {
            $itxt = IconRect($x, $y, 4, 2, "whitesmoke");
        } else {
            $itxt = IconPng($x, $y, "cityg", 30);
        $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y + 10, Safelabel($label), 2, "cornflowerblue");
    } elseif ($typ == "bi") {
        # Bldinfo
        if ($pos == "s") {
            $itxt .= IconRect($x, $y, 4, 4, "whitesmoke");
        } elseif ($pos == "d") {
            $itxt .= IconRect($x, $y, 2, 2, "whitesmoke");
        } else {
            $itxt .= IconPng($x, $y, "bldg", 30);
        $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y + 10, Safelabel($label), 2, "cornflowerblue");
    } elseif ($typ == "fl") {
        # Floorinfo
        if ($pos == "s") {
            $itxt = IconRect($x, $y, 3, 2, "black");
            $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y + 6, Safelabel($label), 3, "navy");
        } elseif ($pos == "d") {
            $itxt .= IconRect($x, $y, 1, 0.5, "black");
        } else {
            $itxt = IconPng($x, $y, "stair", 10);
            $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y + 6, Safelabel($label), 3, "navy");
    } elseif ($typ == "d") {
        # Device
        list($clr, $sx, $sy, $shp) = Devshape($dev[$label]['ico']);
        if ($pos == "s") {
            if ($shp == "c") {
                $itxt = IconCircle($x, $y, $sx, $sy, $clr);
            } else {
                $itxt = IconRect($x, $y, $sx, $sy, $clr);
            if ($dev[$label]['stk'] > 1) {
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x + 20, $y - 6, $dev[$label]['stk'], 2, "blue");
        } elseif ($pos == "d") {
            $sx = intval($sx / 3);
            $sy = intval($sy / 3);
            if ($shp == "c") {
                $itxt = IconCircle($x, $y, $sx, $sy, $clr);
            } else {
                $itxt = IconRect($x, $y, $sx, $sy, $clr);
        } elseif ($pos == "c") {
            if ($dev[$label]['cpu'] == "-") {
                $itxt = IconCircle($x, $y, 8, 4, "gray");
            } elseif ($dev[$label]['cpu'] < $cpua / 2) {
                $itxt = IconRect($x, $y, 12, 6, "green");
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y - 3, $dev[$label]['cpu'] . "%", 1, "whitesmoke");
            } elseif ($dev[$label]['cpu'] < $cpua) {
                $itxt = IconRect($x, $y, 16, 8, "yellow");
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y - 3, $dev[$label]['cpu'] . "%", 1, "black");
            } else {
                $itxt = IconRect($x, $y, intval(0.5 * $dev[$label]['cpu']), intval(0.2 * $dev[$label]['cpu']), "orange");
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y - 3, $dev[$label]['cpu'] . "%", 2, "whitesmoke");
            if ($dev[$label]['stk'] > 1) {
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x + 20, $y - 6, $dev[$label]['stk'], 3, "blue");
        } elseif ($pos == "h") {
            if (!$dev[$label]['tmp']) {
                $itxt = IconCircle($x, $y, 8, 4, "gray");
            } elseif ($dev[$label]['tmp'] < $tmpa / 2) {
                $itxt = IconRect($x, $y, 12, 6, "blue");
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y - 3, $dev[$label]['tlb'], 1, "whitesmoke");
            } elseif ($dev[$label]['tmp'] < $tmpa) {
                $itxt = IconRect($x, $y, 16, 8, "purple");
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y - 3, $dev[$label]['tlb'], 1, "whitesmoke");
            } else {
                $itxt = IconRect($x, $y, intval(0.5 * $dev[$label]['tmp']), intval(0.2 * $dev[$label]['tmp']), "red");
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y - 3, $dev[$label]['tlb'], 3, "whitesmoke");
            if ($dev[$label]['stk'] > 1) {
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x + 20, $y - 6, $dev[$label]['stk'], 2, "blue");
        } elseif ($pos == 'a') {
            if ($dev[$label]['sta'] == '') {
                $itxt .= IconCircle($x, $y, 8, 4, "gray");
            } elseif ($dev[$label]['sta'] == 0) {
                $itxt = IconRect($x, $y, 18, 6, "green");
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x - 4, $y - 4, $stco['100'], 1, "whitesmoke");
            } elseif ($dev[$label]['sta'] == 1) {
                $itxt = IconRect($x, $y, 24, 8, "yellow");
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x - 4, $y - 4, $stco['250'], 1, "black");
            } else {
                $itxt = IconRect($x, $y, 24, 8, "red");
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x - 4, $y - 6, $stco['200'], 3, "whitesmoke");
            if ($dev[$label]['stk'] > 1) {
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x + 20, $y - 6, $dev[$label]['stk'], 2, "blue");
        } elseif ($pos == "p" or $pos == "P" or $pos == "D") {
            $itxt = Panel($x, $y, $dev[$label]['typ'], $dev[$label]['stk'], $dev[$label]['ico'], $dev[$label]['siz']);
            if ($pos != "D") {
                $boxw = strlen($label);
        } else {
            $itxt = IconPng($x, $y, "dev/" . $dev[$label]['ico'], 30);
            if ($dev[$label]['stk'] > 1 and $fmt != "json") {
                $itxt .= IconPng($x + 30, $y, $dev[$label]['stk'], 16);
        if ($fmt == "json") {
            $itxt .= ',"name":"' . Safelabel($label) . "\"},\n";
        } elseif ($pos != "d") {
            $devl = DrawLabel($x, $y + 18, Safelabel($label), 1, "black");
            if ($loi) {
                if ($loi == 1) {
                    $locl = $dev[$label]['rom'];
                } elseif ($loi == 2) {
                    $locl = $dev[$label]['rak'];
                } else {
                    $locl = $dev[$label]['rom'] . " " . $dev[$label]['rak'];
                $locw = strlen($locl);
                $devl .= DrawLabel($x, $y - 28, Safelabel($locl), 1, "cornflowerblue");
            if ($ipd) {
                $iplw = strlen($dev[$label]['ip']);
                $devl .= DrawLabel($x, $y + 26, $dev[$label]['ip'], 1, "blue");
            if ($dvi) {
                if ($dvi == 1) {
                    $dvil = $dev[$label]['con'];
                } elseif ($dvi == 2) {
                    $dvil = $dev[$label]['mod'];
                } elseif ($dvi == 3) {
                    $dvil = $dev[$label]['con'] . " " . $dev[$label]['mod'];
                $dviw = strlen($dvil);
                $devl .= DrawLabel($x, $y + ($ipd ? 34 : 26), Safelabel($dvil), 1, "gray");
            if ($boxw) {
                $boxw = $iplw > $boxw ? $iplw : $boxw;
                $boxw = $locw > $boxw ? $locw : $boxw;
                $boxw = $dviw > $boxw ? $dviw : $boxw;
                $pof = ($ipd ? 4 : 0) + ($dvi ? 4 : 0);
                $itxt .= IconRect($x + 5, $y + 24 + $pof / 2, $boxw * 4 + 4, 8 + $pof, "whitesmoke");
            $itxt .= $devl;
    } elseif ($typ == "n") {
        if ($pos == "s") {
            $itxt .= IconCircle($x, $y, 5, 5, "limegreen");
        } elseif ($pos == "d") {
            $itxt = IconCircle($x, $y, 2, 2, "limegreen");
        } elseif ($pos == "P") {
            $itxt = IconPng($x, $y, "32/node", 32);
            $y += 6;
        } else {
            $itxt = IconPng($x, $y, "oui/" . $nod[$label]['ico'], 20);
        if ($fmt == "json") {
            $itxt .= ',"name":"' . Safelabel($nod[$label]['nam']) . "\"},\n";
        } elseif ($pos != "d") {
            $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y + 8, Safelabel($nod[$label]['nam']), 1, "black");
            if ($ipd) {
                $itxt .= DrawLabel($x, $y + 16, $nod[$label]['ip'], 1, "blue");
    return $itxt;
Ejemplo n.º 7
function Drawitem($x, $y, $opt, $label, $item)
    global $dev, $loi, $ipi, $redbuild, $mapinfo, $mapitems;
    if ($item == "f") {
        $img = "dev/" . $dev[$label]['ic'];
        $lcol = "bl1";
        $font = "1";
    } elseif ($item == "b") {
        $img = BldImg($opt, $label);
        $lcol = "bl2";
        $font = "2";
    } elseif ($item == "c") {
        $img = CtyImg($opt);
        $lcol = "bl1";
        $font = "5";
    } elseif ($item == "fl") {
        $img = "stair";
        $lcol = "blk";
        $font = "3";
    } elseif ($item == "ci") {
        $mapinfo[] = "\$icon = Imagecreatefrompng(\"../img/cityg.png\");";
        $mapinfo[] = "\$w = Imagesx(\$icon);";
        $mapinfo[] = "\$h = Imagesy(\$icon);";
        $mapinfo[] = "Imagecopy(\$image, \$icon,intval({$x} - \$w/2),intval({$y} - \$h/2),0,0,\$w,\$h);";
        $mapinfo[] = "ImageString(\$image,2, intval({$x}  - \$w/1.5), intval({$y} + \$h/1.5), \"{$label}\", \$bl3);";
        $mapinfo[] = "Imagedestroy(\$icon);";
    $mapitems[] = "\$icon = Imagecreatefrompng(\"../img/{$img}.png\");";
    $mapitems[] = "\$w = Imagesx(\$icon);";
    $mapitems[] = "\$h = Imagesy(\$icon);";
    if ($item == "f") {
        if ($loi) {
            $mapitems[] = "ImageString(\$image, {$font}, intval({$x}  - \$w/1.5), intval({$y} - \$h/1.5 - 8), \"" . $dev[$label]['rom'] . "\", \$bl3);";
        if ($ipi) {
            $mapitems[] = "ImageString(\$image, {$font}, intval({$x}  - \$w/1.5), intval({$y} + \$h/1.5 + 8), \"" . $dev[$label]['ip'] . "\", \$gry);";
    $label = preg_replace('/\\$/', '\\\\$', $label);
    $mapitems[] = "Imagecopy(\$image, \$icon,intval({$x} - \$w/2),intval({$y} - \$h/2),0,0,\$w,\$h);";
    $mapitems[] = "ImageString(\$image, {$font}, intval({$x}  - \$w/1.5), intval({$y} + \$h/1.5), \"{$label}\", \${$lcol});";
    $mapitems[] = "Imagedestroy(\$icon);";
Ejemplo n.º 8
function Cities()
    global $dcity, $maxcol, $bg1, $tabtag;
    echo "<h2>Corporate Network</h2>\n";
    echo "<table bgcolor=#{$bg1} {$tabtag} ><tr>\n";
    $col = 0;
    foreach (array_keys($dcity) as $city) {
        if ($col == $maxcol) {
            $col = 0;
            echo "</tr><tr>";
        $ci = CtyImg($dcity[$city]);
        $ucity = str_replace(" ", "%20", $city);
        echo "\t<th bgcolor=#FFFFFF valign=bottom><a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?cty={$ucity}><img src=img/{$ci}.png title=\"{$dcity[$city]} devices\" border=0></a><br>{$city}</th>\n";
    echo "<tr></table>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 9
function TopoCities()
    global $dcity, $locsep, $maxcol, $bg2, $tabtag;
    echo "<h2>Corporate Network</h2>\n";
    echo "<table bgcolor=#{$bg2} {$tabtag} STYLE=\"table-layout:fixed\"><tr>\n";
    $col = 0;
    $rec = 0;
    foreach (array_keys($dcity) as $r) {
        if ($rec == "1") {
            $rec = "0";
            $bi = "FFFFFF";
        } else {
            $rec = "1";
            $bi = "F0F0F0";
        $ur = rawurlencode($r);
        foreach (array_keys($dcity[$r]) as $c) {
            $nd = $dcity[$r][$c]['nd'];
            $ci = CtyImg($dcity[$r][$c]['nd']);
            $mn = isset($dcity[$r][$c]['mn']) ? $dcity[$r][$c]['mn'] : 0;
            $al = isset($dcity[$r][$c]['al']) ? $dcity[$r][$c]['al'] : 0;
            list($bgm, $stat) = StatusBg($nd, $mn, $al, $bi);
            $uc = rawurlencode($c);
            if ($col == $maxcol) {
                $col = 0;
                echo "</tr><tr>";
            echo "<td bgcolor=#{$bgm} valign=top>{$r}<p><center><a href=?reg={$ur}&cty={$uc}>\n";
            echo "<img src=img/{$ci}.png title=\"{$nd} devices {$stat}\" border=0></a>\n";
            echo "<br><a href=Devices-List.php?ina=location&opa=regexp&sta={$ur}{$locsep}{$uc}{$locsep}>";
            echo "<b>{$c}</a><b></center></td>\n";
    echo "<tr></table>\n";