Ejemplo n.º 1
	 * Send a file to the user agent
	 * @param bool $forcedownload Set to true to force download instead of just sending the file.
	 * @throws \Exception
	 * @return void
	public function sendToUserAgent($forcedownload = false) {
		$view = \Core\view();
		$request = \Core\page_request();

		$view->mode = \View::MODE_NOOUTPUT;
		$view->contenttype = $this->getMimetype();
		$view->updated = $this->getMTime();
			$view->headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="' . $this->getBasename() . '"';
			$view->headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, must-revalidate';
			$view->headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'binary';
		$view->headers['Content-Length'] = $this->getFilesize();

		// Send all the view headers

		// And now the actual content if it's not a HEAD request.
		if($request->method != \PageRequest::METHOD_HEAD){
			echo $this->getContents();
Ejemplo n.º 2
	 * Load the underlying Filters from a given request, (optionally).
	 * @param \PageRequest|null $request
	public function loadFiltersFromRequest($request = null){
		if($request === null){
			$request = \Core\page_request();

Ejemplo n.º 3
	 * Function that attaches the core javascript to the page.
	 * This should be called automatically from the hook /core/page/preexecute.
	public static function _AttachCoreJavascript() {

			$userid   = (\Core\user()->get('id') ? \Core\user()->get('id') : 0);
			$userauth = \Core\user()->exists() ? 'true' : 'false';
			$userid   = 0;
			$userauth = 'false';

		$ua = \Core\UserAgent::Construct();
		$uastring = '';
		foreach($ua->asArray() as $k => $v){
			if($v === true){
				$uastring .= "\t\t\t$k: true,\n";
			elseif($v === false){
				$uastring .= "\t\t\t$k: false,\n";
				$uastring .= "\t\t\t$k: \"$v\",\n";

		$uastring .= "\t\t\tis_mobile: " . ($ua->isMobile() ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";

		$url = htmlentities(\Core\page_request()->uriresolved);

			$stopwords = json_encode(\Core\get_stop_words());
			$removeStopWords = 'true';
			$stopwords = '""';
			$removeStopWords = 'false';
		$version      = DEVELOPMENT_MODE ? self::GetComponent()->getVersion() : '';
		$rootWDIR     = ROOT_WDIR;
		$rootURL      = ROOT_URL;
		$ssl          = SSL ? 'true' : 'false';
		$sslMode      = SSL_MODE;

		$script = <<<EOD
<script type="text/javascript">
	var Core = {
		Version: "$version",
		ROOT_WDIR: "$rootWDIR",
		ROOT_URL: "$rootURL",
		SSL: $ssl,
		SSL_MODE: "$sslMode",
		User: {
			id: "$userid",
			authenticated: $userauth
		Url: "$url",
		Browser: { $uastring },
		URLRemoveStopWords: $removeStopWords,
		StopWords: $stopwords

		$minified = \ConfigHandler::Get('/core/javascript/minified');
			$script = str_replace(["\t", "\n"], ['', ''], $script);

		\Core\view()->addScript($script, 'head');

		// And the static functions.
		\Core\view()->addScript('js/core.js', 'foot');
		//\Core\view()->addScript('js/core-foot.js', 'foot');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Return a valid resolved "A" tag, with whatever inner content preserved.
 * This is the recommended way to handle &lt;a/&gt; tags in Core templates.
 * The href attribute is automatically resolved to the primary rewrite URL,
 * and all additional links, (mostly), are passed through to the template as-is.
 * #### Smarty Parameters
 *  * assign
 *    * Assign the result to a variable instead of printing it to stdout.
 *  * confirm
 *    * Set to a string to prompt the user with the string before submitting the link via a POST request.
 *  * history
 *    * Set to a number, (1, 2, etc), to set the href to that user's last nth page from history.
 * #### Standard Example
 * <pre>
 * // The smarty line
 * {a href="/content/view/1"}Something Blah{/a}
 * // Resolves to
 * &lt;a href="/homepage"&gt;Something Blah&lt;/a&gt;
 * </pre>
 * #### External Link
 * Also works with already-resolved or external links
 * <pre>
 * {a href="http://corepl.us" target="_blank"}Link Somewhere!{/a}
 * // Resolves to
 * &lt;a href="http://corepl.use" target="_blank"&gt;Link Somewhere!&lt;/a&gt;
 * </pre>
 * #### Multisite Links
 * When multi-site is installed and activated, cross-site links can also be used that resolve based on that site's criteria.
 * <pre>
 * {a href="site:12/content/view/5"}Child #12 About Page{/a}
 * // Resolves to
 * &lt;a href="http://child-12-url.example.com/about-us"&gt;Child #12 About Page&lt;/a&gt;
 * </pre>
 * @param array       $params  Associative (and/or indexed) array of smarty parameters passed in from the template
 * @param string|null $content Null on opening pass, rendered source of the contents inside the block on closing pass
 * @param Smarty      $smarty  Parent Smarty template object
 * @param boolean     $repeat  True at the first call of the block-function (the opening tag) and
 * false on all subsequent calls to the block function (the block's closing tag).
 * Each time the function implementation returns with $repeat being TRUE,
 * the contents between {func}...{/func} are evaluated and the function implementation
 * is called again with the new block contents in the parameter $content.
 * @return string
function smarty_block_a($params, $content, $smarty, &$repeat){
	// This only needs to be called once.
	if($repeat) return '';

	$assign= false;

	// Start the A tag
	$newcontent = '<a';

	// Allow "confirm" text to override the href and onClick functions.
	// This has the cool ability of not requiring jquery to run, since it is all handled with PHP logic.
		$params['onclick'] = 'return Core.ConfirmEvent(this);';
		$params['data-href'] = \Core\resolve_link($params['href']);
		$params['data-confirm'] = $params['confirm'];
		$params['href'] = '#false';

	// Add in any attributes.
	foreach($params as $k => $v){
		$k = strtolower($k);
			case 'href':
				$newcontent .= ' href="' . \Core\resolve_link($v) . '"';
			case 'history':
			case 'back':
				$newcontent .= ' href="' . \Core\page_request()->getReferrer() . '"';
			case 'assign':
				$assign = $v;
			case 'alt':
			case 'title':
			case 'data-confirm':
				// These all support translation via the "t:" prefix!
				if(strpos($v, 't:') === 0){
					$newcontent .= " $k=\"" . str_replace('"', '&quot;', t(substr($v, 2))) . "\"";
					$newcontent .= " $k=\"" . str_replace('"', '&quot;', $v) . "\"";
				// Standard non-fun values :p
				$newcontent .= " $k=\"" . str_replace('"', '&quot;', $v) . "\"";
	// Close the starting tag.
	$newcontent .= '>';

	// Add any content inside.
	$newcontent .= $content;

	// Close the set.
	$newcontent .= '</a>';

		$smarty->assign($assign, $newcontent);
		return '';
		return $newcontent;
Ejemplo n.º 5
	 * Render this form and all inside elements to valid HTML.
	 * This will also save the form to the session data for post-submission validation.
	 *  (if called with null or "foot")
	 * @param mixed $part "body|head|foot| or null
	 *        Render just a specific part of the form.  Useful for advanced usage.
	 *        null: Render all of the form and its element.
	 *        "head": Render just the beginning of the form, including the <form> opening tag.
	 *        "body": Render just the body of the form, specifically the elements.
	 *        "foot": Render just the end of the form, including the </form> closing tag.
	 * @return string (valid HTML)
	public function  render($part = null) {

		// Check and see if there are any elements in this form that require a fileupload.
		foreach ($this->getElements() as $e) {
			if ($e->requiresupload) {
				$this->set('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');

		// Will be used to know if the errors in elements should be removed prior to rendering.
		$ignoreerrors = false;

		// Slip in the formid tracker to remember this submission.
		if (($part === null || $part == 'body') && $this->get('callsmethod')) {
			/*$e               = new FormHiddenInput(array('name'  => '___formid',
			                                             'value' => $this->get('uniqueid')));
			$this->_elements = array_merge(array($e), $this->_elements);

			// I need to ensure a repeatable but unique id for this form.
			// Essentially when this form is submitted, I need to be able to know that it's the same form upon re-rendering.
			if (!$this->get('uniqueid')) {
				$hash = $this->generateUniqueHash();
				$this->set('uniqueid', $hash);
				$this->getElementByName('___formid')->set('value', $hash);

			// Was this form already submitted, (and thus saved in the session?
			// If so, render that form instead!  This way the values get transported seamlessly.

			// I need the hash at present, regardless if all elements have been rendered to the screen or not.
			$hash = ($this->get('uniqueid') ? $this->get('uniqueid') : $this->generateUniqueHash());

			if (($savedform = \Core\Session::Get('FormData/' . $hash)) !== null) {
				if (($savedform = unserialize($savedform))) {

					/** @var Form $savedform */
					// If this form is not set as persistent, then don't restore the values!
						foreach($this->_elements as $k => $element){
							/** @var FormElement $element */
								$this->_elements[$k] = $savedform->_elements[$k];
				else {
					$ignoreerrors = true;
			else {
				$ignoreerrors = true;

		if(($part == null || $part == 'foot') && $this->get('callsmethod')){
			// I need to ensure a repeatable but unique id for this form.
			// Essentially when this form is submitted, I need to be able to know that it's the same form upon re-rendering.
			if (!$this->get('uniqueid')) {
				$hash = $this->generateUniqueHash();
				$this->set('uniqueid', $hash);

		if ($ignoreerrors) {
			foreach ($this->getElements(true) as $el) {

		$tpl = \Core\Templates\Template::Factory('forms/form.tpl');
		$tpl->assign('group', $this);
		if ($part === null || $part == 'body') {
			$els = '';
			// Fill in the elements
			foreach ($this->_elements as $e) {
				$els .= $e->render();
			$tpl->assign('elements', $els);

		switch ($part) {
			case null:
				$out = $tpl->fetch('forms/form.tpl');
			case 'head':
				$out = $tpl->fetch('forms/form.head.tpl');
			case 'body':
				$out = $tpl->fetch('forms/form.body.tpl');
			case 'foot':
				$out = $tpl->fetch('forms/form.foot.tpl');
				if(($el = $this->getElement($part)) !== false){
					$out = $el->render();

		// Save it
		$this->referrer = \Core\page_request()->referrer;
		$this->originalurl = CUR_CALL;
		$this->persistent = false;
		if (($part === null || $part == 'foot') && $this->get('callsmethod')) {

		return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 6
	 * Hook into /core/page/rendering to add the control link for this page if necessary and the user has the appropriate permissions.
	public static function HookPageRender(){
		$viewer = \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/core/widgets/manage');
		$manager = \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/core/widgets/manage');

		if(!($viewer || $manager)){
			// User does not have access to view nor to edit widgets, simply return out of here.
			return true;

		$request  = \Core\page_request();
		$view     = \Core\view();
		$page     = $request->getPageModel();
		$tmplName = $page->get('last_template') ? $page->get('last_template') : $view->templatename;
			// This page has no templates, ergo no widget areas.
			return true;
		$template = \Core\Templates\Template::Factory($tmplName);
		$areas    = $template->getWidgetAreas();

			// Selected template does not have any widget areas defined, no need to display the option then!
			return true;

		// Otherwise...
		$view->addControl('Page Widgets', '/admin/widgets?baseurl=' . $page->get('baseurl'), 'cog');
		return true;