function get_trust() { global $ingame, $trusted, $pilotname; $browser = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; if (Check()) { // check for trust if ($_SERVER["HTTP_EVE_TRUSTED"] == 'no') { // request trust from client through headers header("eve.trustMe:" . $corpURL . "::This page requires " . $corpURL . " to be in the trusted websites in order to show all content. If you do not have this site on trusted, some content will not be displayed correctly!"); $trusted = false; } else { // Begin INGAME output $trusted = true; // Is in Chaos Faction? if ($_SERVER["HTTP_EVE_CORPNAME"] != $corp) { // Public Content include "user.php"; echo "</body>"; } else { // Corp Content Only include "user.php"; echo "</body>"; } // end corp check } // end trust check } // end if check() }
function SSOlogin($appid, $state, $uid) { Check($appid, 'appid'); if (!empty($state)) { Check($state, 'state'); Check($uid, 'uid'); $authed = CheckUserAuthed($appid, $uid); $appType = GetAppInfo($appid, 'app_type'); $autoAuth = GetAppInfo($appid, 'auto_auth'); if ($appType == 'WSC') { if ($authed == FALSE && $autoAuth == FALSE) { //用户没有授权,且应用不是自动授权,跳转到应用大厅 if (!empty($_GET['s']) && $_GET['s'] == '1') { /* 加参数跳转到精简版界面 */ return IAUTH_SIMPLE_AUTH_CONFIRM_PAGE . '&appsid=' . $appid . '&state=' . $state; } return URL(IAUTH_APP_INFO_PAGE) . 'appsid=' . $appid . '&state=' . $state . '&showconfirm=yes#confirm'; } if ($authed == FALSE && $autoAuth == TRUE) { //用户没有授权,但是应用是自动授权,直接跳回应用的auth_call_back $authCallBack = GetAppInfo($appid, 'call_back'); $rights = Check('2:3:7:11', 'rights'); /* 由于没有应用大厅,权限被写死 */ $faile_t = '2036-12-31 23:59:59'; $verifier = newVerifier('auth', $appid, $uid, $rights, $faile_t, '', '', $state); accessLog('AUTH ' . $appid . ' ' . $uid . ' 2:3:7:11 ' . $faile_t . ' ' . $state); return URL($authCallBack) . 'verifier=' . $verifier . '&state=' . $state; } if ($authed == TRUE) { /* 用户已经授权,直接跳转回login_call_back */ $loginCallBack = GetAppInfo($appid, 'login_url'); $verifier = newVerifier('login', $appid, $uid, 'FROM_CLIENT', '', '', '', $state); return URL($loginCallBack) . 'verifier=' . $verifier . '&state=' . $state; } } /* END WSC */ } /* END !EMPTY state */ /* 其他情况,跳到应用大厅 */ return URL(IAUTH_APP_INFO_PAGE) . 'appsid=' . $appid; }
<tr> <td width=20%> Checking gettext: <? Check("gettext","Language support", "If you want view Bacula-web in your language, please compile PHP with Gettext");?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=20%> Checking Pear(DB): <? if (@include_once("DB.php") ) echo "<font color=green>YES</font></td> <td> Pear DB enabled</td><td> "; else echo "<font color=red>NO</font></td> <td> Pear DB NOT FOUND</td><td>This is required. Please download from <a href=\"\"></a> ."; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Checking GD: <?Check("gd_info","GD support", "This is required. Please, compile php with GD support");?> </td> </tr> </table> <br><br> Please, click the link below to test your graph system capabilities (Bacula-web only use PNG): <br> <a href="external_packages/phplot/examples/test_setup.php" target="_blank">Test</a> </body> </html>
} else { $p2 = 0; } if (isset($par3)) { $p3 = 1; } else { $p3 = 0; } if (isset($par4)) { $p4 = 1; } else { $p4 = 0; } if (isset($par5)) { $p5 = 1; } else { $p5 = 0; } if (isset($par6)) { $p6 = 1; } else { $p6 = 0; } //echo ''.$user['name'].'-'.$p1.'-'.$p2.'-'.$p3.'-'.$p4.'-'.$p5.'-'.$p6.''; Check($user['name'], $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $p5, $p6); } } else { echo 'Игрок не найден!'; } echo '</table>'; }
> Risque aggravation </label> </div> <div class=" fl-left"> <label class="lib"><input type="checkbox" id="Incident_dejaApparu" name="Incident_dejaApparu" <?php Check('Incident_dejaApparu'); ?> > Déja apparu </label> </div> <div class=" width20 right"> <label class="lib"><input type="checkbox" id="Incident_previsible" name="Incident_previsible" <?php Check('Incident_previsible'); ?> > Prévisible </label> </div> </div> <div class="width50"> <label class="lib" for="incidentConnex"> Incidents connexes</label> <input type="text" name="incidentConnex" id="incidentConnex" value="<?php getVar('incidentConnex'); ?> "> </div>
exec("gpio write {$Pin} 1"); include "con_db.php"; $temp = "'" . $Dv_name . "'"; $sql = "UPDATE `DEVICE` SET `Status` =0 WHERE Name = {$temp}"; $result = $conn->query($sql); echo "{$Dv_name} is off." . "<br>"; } if (isset($_GET['ON'])) { $Status = Check($_GET['ON']); if ($Status == 0) { TURN_ON($_GET['ON']); } elseif ($Status == 1) { echo "Error" . "<br>"; } } elseif (isset($_GET['OFF'])) { $Status = Check($_GET['OFF']); if ($Status == 1) { TURN_OFF($_GET['OFF']); } elseif ($Status == 0) { echo "Error" . "<br>"; } } $i = 1; while ($i <= 4) { ?> <a>Device <?php echo $i; ?> </a><a href='php_gpio.php?ON=DEVICE<?php echo $i; ?>
function Check($name, $contents, &$errors, $error_name, $count) { $rec = null; if (!isset($contents) || !strlen($contents)) { $errors[$error_name] = '<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">' . $name . 'を入力してください' . '</div>'; } else { if (strlen($contents) > $count) { $errors[$error_name] = '<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">' . $name . 'は' . $count . '文字以内で入力してください' . '</div>'; } else { $rec = $contents; return $rec; } } } $name = Check('名前', $_POST['name'], $errors, 'name', 20); $message = Check('メッセージ', $_POST['message'], $errors, 'message', 200); //nameCheck // $name = null; // if(!isset($_POST['name']) || !strlen($_POST['name'])){ // $errors['name'] = '名前を入力してください'; // }else if (strlen($_POST['name']) > 20) { // $errors['name'] = '名前は20文字以内で入力してください'; // }else { // $name = $_POST['name']; // } //messageCheck // $message = null; // if(!isset($_POST['message']) || !strlen($_POST['message'])){ // $errors['message'] = 'メッセージを入力してください'; // }else if (strlen($_POST['message']) > 200) { // $errors['message'] = 'メッセージは200文字以内で入力してください';
} if ($row = $db->Query_Fetch_Assoc("SELECT id, password FROM users " . "WHERE login='******' AND is_deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1")) { if (isset($_SESSION[S_ID . "_challenge"]["random"]) && md5($_SESSION[S_ID . "_challenge"]["random"] . $row["password"]) == $c_passwd) { session_destroy(); return $row["id"]; } } return false; } //$msg = ''; if (session_is_registered(S_ID)) { header("Location: index.php"); exit; } if (isset($_GET["name"]) && isset($_GET["challenge"])) { if ($user_id = Check($_GET["name"], $_GET["challenge"])) { session_register(S_ID); $_SESSION[S_ID]["user_id"] = $user_id; $_SESSION[S_ID]["ip_login"] =& $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $_SESSION[S_ID]["time_login"] = time(); //$_SESSION[S_ID]["menu_id"] = 0; $good = true; try { $sys_user = new System_User($db, $user_id); $sys_user->Login(); } catch (Exception $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); $good = false; session_destroy(); } if ($good) {
?> value="D">DEBITS</option> </select></li> </ul> </div> </div> </form> </div> <?php if (isset($_POST['date1']) && isset($_POST['date2']) && isset($_POST['operation'])) { $date1 = $_POST['date1']; $date2 = $_POST['date2']; $operation = $_POST['operation']; Redirect('ili-modules/caisse/echeancier?date1=' . $date1 . '&date2=' . $date2 . '&operation=' . $operation); } Check($date1, $date2, $operation); ?> </div> <div class="space5"></div> </div> <!-- END EXAMPLE TABLE widget--> </div> </div> <!-- END PAGE CONTENT--> </div> <!-- END PAGE CONTAINER--> </div> <!-- END PAGE --> </div> <!-- END CONTAINER --> <!-- BEGIN FOOTER -->
function IAUTH_remove_API($api_id) { Check($api_id, 'uid'); SQL("DELETE FROM api_info WHERE api_id={$api_id}"); accessLog('API(remove) ' . $api_id); return true; }
function GetAppInfo($appid, $pTmp) { static $appInfo = array(); if ($appid == 'WSC') { foreach ($appInfo as $id => $info) { if ($info['app_type'] == 'WSC') { return $id; } } return '================'; } Check($appid, 'appid'); if (empty($appInfo[$appid])) { $sql = mysql_fetch_assoc(SQL("SELECT * FROM app_info WHERE app_id='{$appid}'")); if (!$sql) { throw new IAuthException('app not exist', $appid); } $appInfo[$appid] = $sql; } if ($appInfo[$appid]['status'] == 'disable') { throw new IAuthException('app is disabled', $appid); } if (array_key_exists($pTmp, $appInfo[$appid])) { return $appInfo[$appid][$pTmp]; } else { throw new IAuthException('FATAL!! key not exist'); } }
print Select('LegTo_' . $i, $aDirection, '', ''); ?> ; <?php print Select('LegDiagramDirection_' . $i, $aDiagramDirection, '', ''); ?> )</td> <td><?php print Select('ArmLR_' . $i, $aLR, '', ''); print Select('ArmSection_' . $i, $aSectionArm, '', ''); ?> <strong><?php print Select('ArmTechniqueID_' . $i, $oTechniquesArm, 'ID', 'Name'); ?> </strong><br/><?php print Select('ToolArm_' . $i, $aToolArm, '', ''); print Check('ArmToolIsTwin_' . $i); ?> ( <?php print Select('ArmTo_' . $i, $aDirection, '', ''); ?> ; <?php print Select('ArmDiagramDirection_' . $i, $aDiagramDirection, '', ''); ?> )</td> <td class="facing"><?php print Select('Facing_' . $i, $aFacing, '', ''); ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> <?php