function Recopeople($userid)
    $query = mysql_query("select * from peoplenodes where id='{$userid}'");
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
    $knowi = array();
    $competencesi = array();
    $competencesj = array();
    $interestsi = array();
    $interestsj = array();
    $viewarrayi = array();
    $tagsi = array();
    // calculate the competences of the logged user
    if ($row['competences'] == '') {
        $nci = 0;
    } else {
        $competencesi = explode(",", $row['competences']);
        $nci = count($competencesi);
    // calculate the interests of the logged user
    if ($row['interests'] == '') {
        $nii = 0;
    } else {
        $interestsi = explode(",", $row['interests']);
        $nii = count($interestsi);
    // calculate the Has seen relationship of the logged user
    $query = mysql_query("select * from edges where name='Has seen' and fromID='{$userid}'");
    $i = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
        $viewarrayi[$i] = $row['toID'];
        $i = $i + 1;
    $nvi = count($viewarrayi);
    // calculate the tags of videos submitted by the logged user
    $query = mysql_query("select * from videonodes where submittedby='{$userid}'");
    $i = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
        if ($row['tags'] == '') {
        } else {
            $tags = explode(',', $row['tags']);
        foreach ($tags as $tag) {
            $tagsi[$i] = $tag;
            $i = $i + 1;
    $nti = count($tagsi);
    $query = mysql_query("select * from edges where name='Knows' and fromID='{$userid}'");
    $i = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
        if ($row['intensity'] > 3) {
            $knowi[$i] = $row['toID'];
            $i = $i + 1;
    // calculate the people known  by the logged user
    $npi = count($knowi);
    $j = 0;
    $rec1 = 0;
    $rec2 = 0;
    $rec3 = 0;
    $rec4 = 0;
    $rec5 = 0;
    $ci = 0;
    $pi = 0;
    $ti = 0;
    $vi = 0;
    $ii = 0;
    $unique_subset = array();
    $rec1_array = array();
    $rec2_array = array();
    $rec3_array = array();
    $rec4_array = array();
    $tagsj = array();
    $rec5_array = array();
    $knowj = array();
    $viewarrayj = array();
    $si = array();
    $rec1_simscore = array();
    $rec2_simscore = array();
    $rec3_simscore = array();
    $rec4_simscore = array();
    $rec5_simscore = array();
    $recommended = array();
    $filterlist = array();
    $tilterlist = array();
    //error_log("User Id" . $userid);
    $j = 0;
    $f = 0;
    $t = 0;
    for ($k = 0; $k < 5; $k++) {
        $rec1_array[$k] = null;
        $rec2_array[$k] = null;
        $rec3_array[$k] = null;
        $rec4_array[$k] = null;
        $rec5_array[$k] = null;
    $juery = mysql_query("select * from edges where name='Knows' and toID='{$userid}'");
    while ($how = mysql_fetch_array($juery)) {
        $tilterlist[$t] = $how['fromID'];
        $t = $t + 1;
    $juery = mysql_query("select * from edges where name='Knows' and fromID='{$userid}'");
    while ($how = mysql_fetch_array($juery)) {
        $tilterlist[$t] = $how['toID'];
        $t = $t + 1;
    // calculate the details of all the other users
    $query = mysql_query("select * from peoplenodes where id not in ( select toID from edges where name ='Knows' and fromID='{$userid}' ) ");
    while ($low = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
        $filterlist[$f] = $low;
        $f = $f + 1;
    $query = mysql_query("select * from peoplenodes where id not in ( select fromID from edges where name ='Knows' and toID='{$userid}' ) ");
    while ($chow = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
        $filterlist[$f] = $chow;
        $f = $f + 1;
    // one by one calculation of the details of all the other users
    foreach ($filterlist as $now) {
        if ($now['id'] == $userid || in_array($now['id'], $tilterlist)) {
        } else {
            if ($now['competences'] == '') {
                $ncj = 0;
            } else {
                $competencesj = explode(",", $now['competences']);
                $ncj = count($competencesj);
            if ($now['interests'] == '') {
                $nij = 0;
            } else {
                $interestsj = explode(",", $now['interests']);
                $nij = count($interestsj);
            // The second user
            $userj[$j] = $now['id'];
            //echo("\;;the_seconduser ".$userj[$j]);
            $unique_subset[$j] = $now['id'];
            //// The second user VIEWS
            $muery = mysql_query("select * from edges where name='Has seen' and fromID='{$userj[$j]}'");
            $i = 0;
            while ($cow = mysql_fetch_array($muery)) {
                $viewarrayj[$i] = $cow['toID'];
                $i = $i + 1;
            $nvj = count($viewarrayj);
            // The second user tags
            $vuery = mysql_query("select * from videonodes where submittedby='{$userj[$j]}'");
            $i = 0;
            while ($vow = mysql_fetch_array($vuery)) {
                if ($vow['tags'] == '') {
                } else {
                    $tags = explode(',', $vow['tags']);
                foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                    $tagsj[$i] = $tag;
                    $i = $i + 1;
            $ntj = count($tagsj);
            // // The second user knows
            $puery = mysql_query("select * from edges where name='Knows' and fromID='{$userj[$j]}'");
            $i = 0;
            if ($puery == 'null') {
                $knowj[$i++] = '';
                $npj = 0;
            } else {
                while ($pow = mysql_fetch_array($puery)) {
                    if ($pow['intensity'] > 3) {
                        $knowj[$i] = $pow['toID'];
                        $i = $i + 1;
                $npj = count($knowj);
            // to calculate the number of matches between logged user and the clculatd user
            $wc = 0.2;
            $wi = 0.2;
            $wv = 0.2;
            $wt = 0.2;
            $wp = 0.2;
            $ncij = 0;
            foreach ($competencesi as $competencei) {
                if (in_array($competencei, $competencesj)) {
                    $ncij = $ncij + 1;
            if ($ncij > 0) {
                $rec1_array[$rec1] = $userj[$j];
                // to populate the first set of people
                $rec1_simscore[$rec1++] = Calc_similarity($ncij, $nci, $ncj, $wc);
            $niij = 0;
            foreach ($interestsi as $interesti) {
                if (in_array($interesti, $interestsj)) {
                    $niij = $niij + 1;
            if ($niij > 0) {
                $rec2_array[$rec2] = $userj[$j];
                // to populate the second set of people
                $rec2_simscore[$rec2++] = Calc_similarity($niij, $nii, $nij, $wi);
            // to calculate the number of matches  of similar views between logged user and the clculatd user
            $nvij = 0;
            foreach ($viewarrayi as $viewi) {
                if (in_array($viewi, $viewarrayj)) {
                    $nvij = $nvij + 1;
            if ($nvij > 0) {
                $rec3_array[$rec3] = $userj[$j];
                // to populate the third set of people
                $rec3_simscore[$rec3++] = Calc_similarity($nvij, $nvi, $nvj, $wv);
            // to calculate the number of matches similar tags between logged user and the clculatd user
            $ntij = 0;
            foreach ($tagsi as $tagi) {
                if (in_array($tagi, $tagsj)) {
                    $ntij = $ntij + 1;
            if ($ntij > 0) {
                $rec4_array[$rec4] = $userj[$j];
                // to populate the fourth set of people
                $rec4_simscore[$rec4++] = Calc_similarity($ntij, $nti, $ntj, $wt);
            // to calculate the number of knowings matches between logged user and the clculatd user
            $npij = 0;
            foreach ($knowi as $knoi) {
                if (in_array($knoi, $knowj)) {
                    $npij = $npij + 1;
            if ($npij > 0) {
                $rec5_array[$rec5] = $userj[$j];
                // to populate the fifth set of people
                $rec5_simscore[$rec5++] = Calc_similarity($npij, $npi, $npj, $wp);
            // to calculate the net competences scorelogged user and the clculatd user
            $ci = $nci + $ncj - $ncij;
            if ($ci != 0) {
                $ci = $ncij / $ci;
                $ci = $ci * $wc;
            // to calculate the net interests scorelogged user and the clculatd user
            $vi = $nvi + $nvj - $nvij;
            if ($vi != 0) {
                $vi = $nvij / $vi;
                $vi = $vi * $wv;
            // to calculate the net views scorelogged user and the clculatd user
            $ii = $nii + $nij - $niij;
            if ($ii != 0) {
                $ii = $niij / $ii;
                $ii = $ii * $wi;
            // to calculate the net tags scorelogged user and the clculatd user
            $ti = $nti + $ntj - $ntij;
            if ($ti != 0) {
                $ti = $ntij / $ti;
                $ti = $ti * $wt;
            // to calculate the net knows scorelogged user and the clculatd user
            $pi = $npi + $npj - $npij;
            if ($pi != 0) {
                $pi = $npij / $pi;
                $pi = $pi * $wp;
            // to calculate the net similarity scorelogged user and the clculatd user
            $si[$j] = $ci + $ti + $vi + $pi + $ii;
            $si[$j] = round($si[$j] * 100);
            $j = $j + 1;
        //end while }
    // to display the net similarity scorelogged user and the clculatd user
    for ($k = 0; $k < $j; $k++) {
        if ($si[$k] == 0) {
        //echo $si[$k] . "<br />";
    // to sort the first set of people
    if (isset($rec1_array) || isset($rec1_simscore)) {
        sort_rec($rec1_simscore, $rec1_array);
    // to populate the second set of people
    if (isset($rec2_array) || isset($rec2_simscore)) {
        sort_rec($rec2_simscore, $rec2_array);
    // to populate the third set of people
    if (isset($rec3_array) || isset($rec3_simscore)) {
        sort_rec($rec3_simscore, $rec3_array);
    // to populate the fourth set of people
    if (isset($rec4_array) || isset($rec4_simscore)) {
        sort_rec($rec4_simscore, $rec4_array);
    // to populate the fifth set of people
    if (isset($rec5_array) || isset($rec5_simscore)) {
        sort_rec($rec5_simscore, $rec5_array);
    // to display the first set of people
    if (isset($rec1_array) || isset($rec1_simscore)) {
        //echo("<person id=\"" . $rec1_array[0] . "\" />");
        // to display the second set of people
        if (isset($rec2_array) || isset($rec2_simscore)) {
            //echo "<person id=\"" . $rec2_array[0] . "\" />";
            // to display the third set of people
            if (isset($rec3_array) || isset($rec3_simscore)) {
                //echo "<person id=\"" . $rec3_array[0] . "\" />";
                // to display the fourth set of people
                if (isset($rec4_array) || isset($rec4_simscore)) {
                    //echo "<person id=\"" . $rec4_array[0] . "\" />";
                    // to display the fifth set of people
                    if (isset($rec5_array) || isset($rec5_simscore)) {
                        //echo "<person id=\"" . $rec5_array[0] . "\" />";
                        for ($k = 0; $k < 5; $k++) {
                            if ($rec1_array[$k] != null) {
                                $recommended[0][$k] = $rec1_array[$k];
                            } else {
                                $recommended[0][$k] = null;
                            if ($rec2_array[$k] != null) {
                                $recommended[1][$k] = $rec2_array[$k];
                            } else {
                                $recommended[1][$k] = null;
                            if ($rec3_array[$k] != null) {
                                $recommended[2][$k] = $rec3_array[$k];
                            } else {
                                $recommended[2][$k] = null;
                            if ($rec4_array[$k] != null) {
                                $recommended[3][$k] = $rec4_array[$k];
                            } else {
                                $recommended[3][$k] = null;
                            if ($rec5_array[$k] != null) {
                                $recommended[4][$k] = $rec5_array[$k];
                            } else {
                                $recommended[4][$k] = null;
    // to check for duplicates of people and replace set of people
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
        for ($j = 0; $j < 4; $j++) {
            if ($recommended[$j][0] == $recommended[$j + 1][0]) {
                if ($recommended[$j][1] != null) {
                    $recommended[$j][0] = $recommended[$j][1];
                } else {
                    $recommended[$j][0] = null;
    // to display one randomly out of set  of people
    $Top_recommend = array($recommended[0][0], $recommended[1][0], $recommended[2][0], $recommended[3][0], $recommended[4][0]);
    // to display the unique subset in case rendomly selected people set is empty
    if (count($Top_recommend) == 0) {
    $retstring = '<recommendedpeople>';
    $pingstring = '<toprecommendedperson>';
    $query = mysql_query("select * from peoplenodes where id='{$Top_recommend['0']} ' or id='{$Top_recommend['1']}' or id='{$Top_recommend['2']}' or id='{$Top_recommend['3']}' or id='{$Top_recommend['4']}'");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
        $retstring = $retstring . "<people id = \"{$row['id']}\" name = \"{$row['name']}\"  nationality = \"{$row['nationality']}\" nodetype= \"{$row['nodetype']}\" company = \"{$row['company']}\"  picture = \"{$row['picture']}\"  loggedin = \"{$row['loggedin']}\"  url = \"{$row['url']}\"   grandscore = \"{$row['grandscore']}\"   interests = \"{$row['interests']}\"  emailid = \"{$row['emailid']}\" jointime = \"{$row['jointime']}\"\n\t\ttimesvisited=\"{$row['timesvisited']}\" invite = \"{$row['invite']}\" lastaccessed = \"{$row['lastaccessed']}\" invitedby = \"{$row['invitedby']}\"   competences = \"{$row['competences']}\"    name_py= \"{$row['name_py']}\"   alias = \"{$row['alias']}\"   RF = \"{$row['RF']}\"     competences_py = \"{$row['competences_py']}\"   emailid_py = \"{$row['emailid_py']}\"  picture_py = \"{$row['picture_py']}\"  />\n";
    for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
        if ($Top_recommend[$i] == null) {
        } else {
            $query = mysql_query("select * from peoplenodes where id='{$Top_recommend[$i]}'");
            $row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
            $pingstring = $pingstring . "<people id = \"{$row['id']}\" name = \"{$row['name']}\"  nationality = \"{$row['nationality']}\" nodetype= \"{$row['nodetype']}\" company = \"{$row['company']}\"  picture = \"{$row['picture']}\"  loggedin = \"{$row['loggedin']}\"  url = \"{$row['url']}\"   grandscore = \"{$row['grandscore']}\"   interests = \"{$row['interests']}\"  emailid = \"{$row['emailid']}\" jointime = \"{$row['jointime']}\"\n\t\t\ttimesvisited=\"{$row['timesvisited']}\" invite = \"{$row['invite']}\" lastaccessed = \"{$row['lastaccessed']}\" invitedby = \"{$row['invitedby']}\"   competences = \"{$row['competences']}\"    name_py= \"{$row['name_py']}\"   alias = \"{$row['alias']}\"   RF = \"{$row['RF']}\"     competences_py = \"{$row['competences_py']}\"   emailid_py = \"{$row['emailid_py']}\"  picture_py = \"{$row['picture_py']}\"  />\n";
    $pingstring .= '</toprecommendedperson>';
    $splcharacters = array("&", "'");
    $pingstring_without_splcharacters = str_replace($splcharacters, "", $pingstring);
    if (count($Top_recommend) == 0) {
        $query = mysql_query("select * from peoplenodes where id='{$unique_subset['0']}'");
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
        $retstring = $retstring . "<people id = \"{$row['id']}\" name = \"{$row['name']}\"  nationality = \"{$row['nationality']}\" nodetype= \"{$row['nodetype']}\" company = \"{$row['company']}\"  picture = \"{$row['picture']}\"  loggedin = \"{$row['loggedin']}\"  url = \"{$row['url']}\"   grandscore = \"{$row['grandscore']}\"   interests = \"{$row['interests']}\"  emailid = \"{$row['emailid']}\" jointime = \"{$row['jointime']}\"\n\t\ttimesvisited=\"{$row['timesvisited']}\" invite = \"{$row['invite']}\" lastaccessed = \"{$row['lastaccessed']}\" invitedby = \"{$row['invitedby']}\"   competences = \"{$row['competences']}\"    name_py= \"{$row['name_py']}\"   alias = \"{$row['alias']}\"   RF = \"{$row['RF']}\"     competences_py = \"{$row['competences_py']}\"   emailid_py = \"{$row['emailid_py']}\"  picture_py = \"{$row['picture_py']}\"  />\n";
    $retstring .= '</recommendedpeople>';
    $splcharacters = array("&", "'");
    $retstring_without_splcharacters = str_replace($splcharacters, "", $retstring);
    echo $pingstring_without_splcharacters . $retstring_without_splcharacters . "</Result>";
 if ($ntij > 0) {
     $rec4_array[$rec4] = $userj[$j];
     // to populate the fourth set of people
     $rec4_simscore[$rec4++] = Calc_similarity($ntij, $nti, $ntj, $wt);
 // to calculate the number of knowings matches between logged user and the clculatd user
 $npij = 0;
 foreach ($knowi as $knoi) {
     if (in_array($knoi, $knowj)) {
         $npij = $npij + 1;
 if ($npij > 0) {
     $rec5_array[$rec5] = $userj[$j];
     // to populate the fifth set of people
     $rec5_simscore[$rec5++] = Calc_similarity($npij, $npi, $npj, $wp);
 // to calculate the net competences scorelogged user and the clculatd user
 $ci = $nci + $ncj - $ncij;
 if ($ci != 0) {
     $ci = $ncij / $ci;
     $ci = $ci * $wc;
 // to calculate the net interests scorelogged user and the clculatd user
 $vi = $nvi + $nvj - $nvij;
 if ($vi != 0) {
     $vi = $nvij / $vi;
     $vi = $vi * $wv;
 // to calculate the net views scorelogged user and the clculatd user
 $ii = $nii + $nij - $niij;