function ArcadeFavorite() { global $smcFunc, $txt, $db, $arcSettings, $context, $user_info; $xml = isset($_REQUEST['xml']) ? true : false; if ($user_info['is_guest']) { fatal_lang_error('arcade_not_for_guest'); } $game = ArcadeGameInfo((int) $_REQUEST['game']); if ($game === false) { fatal_lang_error('arcade_game_not_found'); } // Game was not found // It's favorite so we can remove it if ($game['isFavorite']) { $remove = true; $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' DELETE FROM {db_prefix}arcade_favorite WHERE id_member = {int:mem} AND id_game = {int:game}', array('mem' => $user_info['id'], 'game' => $game['id'])); } else { $remove = false; $smcFunc['db_insert']('', '{db_prefix}arcade_favorite', array('id_member' => 'int', 'id_game' => 'int'), array($user_info['id'], $game['id']), array('id_favorite')); } if (!$xml) { if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] == '') { redirectexit('?action=arcade'); } else { redirectexit($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } } else { $state = $remove ? 0 : 1; $context['sub_template'] = 'xml'; $context['arcade']['message'] = $remove ? 'arcade_favorite_removed' : 'arcade_favorite_added'; $context['arcade']['extra'] = '<state>' . $state . '</state>'; } }
function ArcadeSubmit() { global $smcFunc, $scripturl, $txt, $arcSettings, $context; // if you cant save...we do nothing theres no point!!! if (allowedTo('arcade_submit')) { //what type of game is it? //normal ipb game if (isset($_REQUEST['gametype']) && $_REQUEST['gametype'] == 2) { $theGame = $_POST['gname']; $theScore = isset($_POST['gscore']) && is_numeric($_POST['gscore']) ? (double) $_POST['gscore'] : ''; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['gametype']) && $_REQUEST['gametype'] == 3) { $theGame = isset($_POST['gname']) ? $_POST['gname'] : $_SESSION['arcade']['ibp']['gamename']; $theScore = isset($_POST['gscore']) && is_numeric($_POST['gscore']) ? (double) $_POST['gscore'] : ''; $time_taken = microtime_float() - $_SESSION['arcade']['ibp']['verify'][2]; if ($time_taken < 0 || $time_taken > 7) { unset($_SESSION['arcade']['play']); fatal_lang_error('arcade_submit_ibp_error_time'); } if ($_POST['enscore'] != ($theScore * $_SESSION['arcade']['ibp']['verify'][0] ^ $_SESSION['arcade']['ibp']['verify'][1])) { unset($_SESSION['arcade']['play']); fatal_lang_error('arcade_submit_ibp_error_check'); } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['gametype']) && $_REQUEST['gametype'] == 4) { $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT game , score FROM {db_prefix}arcade_v3temp WHERE id = {int:game}', array('game' => $_POST['id'])); $tempGame = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($result); if (!isset($tempGame)) { fatal_lang_error('arcade_submit_v3_error'); } $theGame = $tempGame['game']; $theScore = $tempGame['score']; } else { $theGame = isset($_POST['game']) ? $_POST['game'] : ''; $theScore = isset($_POST['score']) && is_numeric($_POST['score']) ? (double) $_POST['score'] : ''; } //we should have a game and a score so lets do some checks... //if no game or no score or no session were gone... if (!isset($theGame) || !isset($theScore) || !isset($_SESSION['arcade']['play'][$theGame])) { unset($_SESSION['arcade']['play']); fatal_lang_error('arcade_submit_error_empty'); } else { //do the cheat check now.. // Preset these $checkPassed = false; $allowFail = false; if (!CheatingCheck($allowFail, $checkPassed)) { ClearSession($game); fatal_lang_error('arcade_submit_error_check_failed'); } //does the posted game match the session game name? if ($theGame != $_SESSION['arcade']['play'][$theGame]['game']) { // No..were gone.. unset($_SESSION['arcade']['play']); fatal_lang_error('arcade_game_no_match'); } //we have the game name so lets check it exists and get its info.. $game = ArcadeGameInfo(0, $theGame); if ($game === false) { // No..were gone.. unset($_SESSION['arcade']['play']); fatal_lang_error('arcade_game_not_found'); } //so far so good..a game that matches, a score, a valid session and a header $session_info =& $_SESSION['arcade']['play'][$theGame]; // lets check if the session game matches the temp game in the db... $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT game , score , starttime FROM {db_prefix}arcade_v3temp WHERE id = {int:game}', array('game' => $session_info['db_id'])); $tempGame = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($result); if (!isset($tempGame)) { fatal_lang_error('arcade_submit_v3_error'); } //..yip so lets check the session info matches the temp game info in the db... if ((string) $session_info['starttime'] != $tempGame['starttime'] || $session_info['game'] != $tempGame['game']) { fatal_lang_error('arcade_submit_error1'); } //if we got this far we have a valid game, a score, and a session so we can go ahead and save... $start_time = round($tempGame['starttime']); $end_time = time(); if (isset($_SESSION['arcade']['play']['tour'])) { $save = ArcadeSaveScore($game, $theScore, $start_time, $end_time, $checkPassed, $_SESSION['arcade']['play']['tour'], $_SESSION['arcade']['play']['round']); $tour = $_SESSION['arcade']['play']['tour']; ClearSession(); redirectexit('action=arcade;sa=tour;ta=join;id=' . $tour); } else { $save = ArcadeSaveScore($game, $theScore, $start_time, $end_time, $checkPassed); ClearSession(); // Saving failed if ($save === false || $save['id_score'] === false) { $_SESSION['arcade']['highscore'] = array('id' => false, 'game' => $game['internal_name'], 'score' => $theScore, 'gameid' => $game['id'], 'position' => 0, 'start' => 0, 'saved' => false, 'error' => isset($save['error']) ? $save['error'] : 'arcade_no_permission'); } else { $_SESSION['arcade']['highscore'] = array('id' => $save['id_score'], 'game' => $game['internal_name'], 'score' => $theScore, 'gameid' => $game['id'], 'position' => $save['position'], 'start' => $save['start'], 'champion' => $save['new_champion'], 'best' => $save['ownbest'], 'saved' => true); } // Go to scores list redirectexit('action=arcade;sa=highscore;game=' . $game['id']); } } } else { //cant save fatal_lang_error('arcade_no_permission'); } }
function GamesAdminEditor2() { global $scripturl, $txt, $context; if (!isset($_POST['data']['enabled'])) { $_POST['data']['enabled'] = 0; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['game'])) { fatal_error('arcade_no_game'); } $game = ArcadeGameInfo((int) $_REQUEST['game'], null, true); if ($game === false) { fatal_error('arcade_no_game'); } $errors = UpdateGame((int) $_REQUEST['game'], $_POST['data']); // There were no errors no need to display this again if (count($errors) === 0) { if (!isset($_SESSION['arcade_page'])) { redirectexit('action=admin;area=managearcade;sa=listgames'); } else { redirectexit('action=admin;area=managearcade;sa=listgames;start=' . $_SESSION['arcade_page']); } } $context['arcade']['config_errors'] =& $errors; prepareEditor($game); // Title for page $context['page_title'] = $txt['arcade_title_manage_games'] . ' - ' . $game['name']; // Template layers for editor //$context['template_layers'][] = 'editor'; $context['sub_template'] = 'arcadeadmin_editor'; // Game data $context['arcade']['game'] =& $game; }