Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function __construct(Reactor $reactor = null)
     $this->reactor = $reactor ?: \Amp\reactor();
     $this->nextId = PHP_INT_MAX * -1;
     $this->workerStartTasks = new \SplObjectStorage();
     $this->taskReflection = new \ReflectionClass('Amp\\Thread\\Task');
     $this->taskNotifier = new TaskNotifier();
 private function getReactorAndAPI()
     $reactor = \Amp\reactor();
     $cache = new NullResponseCache();
     $client = new ArtaxClient();
     $client->setOption(ArtaxClient::OP_MS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 5000);
     $client->setOption(ArtaxClient::OP_MS_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT, 1000);
     $githubAPI = new GithubService($client, $reactor, $cache, "Danack/test");
     return [$reactor, $githubAPI];
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Create a new filesystem driver best-suited for the current environment
 * @return \Amp\File\Driver
function driver()
    $reactor = \Amp\reactor();
    if ($reactor instanceof \Amp\UvReactor) {
        return new UvDriver($reactor);
    } elseif (\extension_loaded("eio")) {
        return new EioDriver();
    } else {
        return new BlockingDriver();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function __construct($connStr, $sslOptions = null, \Amp\Reactor $reactor = null)
     $this->reactor = $reactor ?: \Amp\reactor();
     if (preg_match("((?:^|;)\\s*limit\\s*=\\s*([^;]*?)\\s*(?:;|\$))is", $connStr, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
         $this->limit = (int) $match[1][0];
         $connStr = substr_replace($connStr, ";", $match[0][1], strlen($match[0][0]));
     } else {
         $this->limit = INF;
     $this->config = Connection::parseConnStr($connStr, $sslOptions);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function testVirtualConnection()
     $complete = false;
     \Amp\run(function () use(&$complete) {
         $db = new Pool("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user="******";pass="******";db=connectiontest");
         /* Multiple queries one after the other must be hold back and dispatched to new connections */
         for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
             $pings[] = $db->ping();
         (yield \Amp\all($pings));
         $complete = true;
     $this->assertEquals(true, $complete, "Database commands did not complete.");
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private function registerSignalHandler()
     if (php_sapi_name() === "phpdbg") {
         // phpdbg captures SIGINT so don't bother inside the debugger
     $onSignal = coroutine([$this, "stop"]);
     if (\Amp\reactor() instanceof UvReactor) {
         \Amp\onSignal(\UV::SIGINT, $onSignal, ["keep_alive" => false]);
         \Amp\onSignal(\UV::SIGTERM, $onSignal, ["keep_alive" => false]);
     } elseif (extension_loaded("pcntl")) {
         \Amp\repeat("pcntl_signal_dispatch", 1000, ["keep_alive" => false]);
         pcntl_signal(\SIGINT, $onSignal);
         pcntl_signal(\SIGTERM, $onSignal);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected function doStart(Console $console) : \Generator
     // Shutdown the whole server in case we needed to stop during startup
     register_shutdown_function(function () use($console) {
         if (!$this->server) {
             // ensure a clean reactor for clean shutdown
             $reactor = \Amp\reactor();
             \Amp\wait((new CommandClient((string) $console->getArg("config")))->stop());
     $server = (yield from $this->bootstrapper->boot($this->logger, $console));
     (yield $server->start());
     $this->server = $server;
     \Amp\onReadable($this->ipcSock, function ($watcherId) {
         yield from $this->stop();
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function testPreparedWithNegativeValue()
     \Amp\run(function () {
         $db = new Connection("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user="******";pass="******";db=connectiontest");
         $db->query("DROP TABLE tmp");
         // just in case it would exist...
         (yield $db->prepare("CREATE TABLE tmp SELECT ? AS a", [-1]));
         $result = (yield $db->prepare("SELECT a FROM tmp", []));
         $this->assertEquals((yield $result->fetchRow()), [-1]);
Ejemplo n.º 9

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$iterator = 0;
echo get_class(\Amp\reactor()) . "\n";
$operations = 10000;
$values = array();
for ($iterator = 0; $iterator < $operations; $iterator++) {
    $values[sprintf('%020s', $iterator)] = sha1($iterator);
\Amp\run(function () use(&$i, $values) {
    $memcached = new \Edo\Memcached();
    $memcached->addServer('tcp://', 11211);
    $start = microtime(true);
    foreach ($values as $k => $v) {
        $stats = (yield $memcached->set($k, $v, 3600));
    $time = microtime(true) - $start;
    echo "amp-memcached set: {$time}\n";
    $start = microtime(true);
    foreach ($values as $k => $v) {
        $stats = (yield $memcached->get($k));
    $time = microtime(true) - $start;
    echo "amp-memcached get: {$time}\n";
if (extension_loaded('memcache')) {
    $memached = new Memcache();
    $memached->addServer('', 11211);
    $start = microtime(true);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function testReactor()
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\Amp\\NativeReactor', \Amp\reactor());
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     // 3 hours is the maximum for this command. Need more? You really screwed something, full suite for all Oblivion vanilla data takes 20 minutes. :)
     try {
         $target = $input->getArgument('target');
         $this->threadsNumber = $input->getArgument('threadsNumber');
         $buildTarget = BuildTargetFactory::get($target);
         if (count(array_slice(scandir($buildTarget->getWorkspacePath()), 2)) > 0 || count(array_slice(scandir($buildTarget->getTranspiledPath()), 2)) > 0 || count(array_slice(scandir($buildTarget->getArtifactsPath()), 2)) > 0) {
             $output->writeln("Target " . $target . " current build dir not clean, archive it manually.");
         $output->writeln("Starting transpiling reactor using " . $this->threadsNumber . " threads...");
         $reactor = \Amp\reactor();
         $reactor->run(function () use($buildTarget, $output, $reactor) {
             $errorLog = fopen($buildTarget->getErrorLogPath(), "w+");
             $sourceFiles = array_slice(scandir($buildTarget->getSourcePath()), 2);
             $buildPlanBuilder = new TES5BuildPlanBuilder(unserialize(file_get_contents('app/graph')));
             $buildPlan = $buildPlanBuilder->createBuildPlan($sourceFiles, $this->threadsNumber);
             $totalSourceFiles = count($sourceFiles);
             $progressBar = new CliProgressBar($totalSourceFiles);
             $promises = [];
             foreach ($buildPlan as $threadBuildPlan) {
                 $task = new TranspileChunkJob($buildTarget->getTargetName(), $threadBuildPlan);
                 $deferred = new \Amp\Deferred();
                 \Amp\once(function () use($deferred, $task) {
                 }, 0);
                 $promise = $deferred->promise();
                 $promise->when(function (\Exception $e = null, $return = null) use($output, $errorLog) {
                     if ($e) {
                         $output->writeln('Exception ' . get_class($e) . ' occurred in one of the threads while transpiling, progress bar will not be accurate..');
                         fwrite($errorLog, get_class($e) . PHP_EOL . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL);
                 $promise->watch(function ($data) use($progressBar, $errorLog) {
                     if (isset($data['exception'])) {
                         fwrite($errorLog, implode(', ', $data['scripts']) . PHP_EOL . $data['exception']);
                 $promises[] = $promise;
              * @var Promise $transpilingPromise
             $transpilingPromise = \Amp\any($promises);
             $transpilingPromise->when(function () use($reactor, $progressBar, $errorLog) {
         $output->writeln("Preparing build workspace...");
          * @TODO - Create a factory that will provide a PrepareWorkspaceJob based on running system, so we can provide a
          * native implementation for Windows
         $prepareCommand = new PrepareWorkspaceJob($buildTarget->getTargetName());
         $output->writeln("Workspace prepared...");
         $task = new CompileScriptJob($buildTarget->getTargetName());
         $output->writeln("Build completed, archiving ...");
          * @TODO - Create a factory that will provide a PrepareWorkspaceJob based on running system, so we can provide a
          * native implementation for Windows
         $prepareCommand = new ArchiveBuildJob($buildTarget->getTargetName());
     } catch (\LogicException $e) {
         $output->writeln("Unknown target " . $target . ", exiting.");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
Ejemplo n.º 12

use GithubService\GithubArtaxService\GithubService;
use ArtaxServiceBuilder\ResponseCache\NullResponseCache;
use Amp\Artax\Client as ArtaxClient;
use ArtaxServiceBuilder\BadResponseException;
use ArtaxServiceBuilder\Oauth2Token;
use GithubService\Hydrator\HydratorException;
require_once "testBootstrap.php";
$injector = createProvider();
$reactor = \Amp\reactor();
$cache = new NullResponseCache();
$client = new ArtaxClient();
$client->setOption(ArtaxClient::OP_MS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 5000);
$client->setOption(ArtaxClient::OP_MS_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT, 1000);
$githubAPI = new GithubService($client, $reactor, $cache, "Danack/test");
$token = @file_get_contents("../../GithubToken.txt");
$oauthToken = null;
if ($token) {
    $oauthToken = new Oauth2Token($token);
try {
    $tagListRequest = $githubAPI->listRepoTags(null, "Danack", "GithubArtaxService");
    $tagList = $tagListRequest->execute();
    foreach ($tagList as $tag) {
        /** @var $tag \GithubService\Model\Tag */
        printf("tag name %s, commmit %s \n", $tag->name, $tag->commit->sha);
    $emojiResult = $githubAPI->listEmojis(null)->execute();
    foreach ($emojiResult->emojis as $emoji) {
        echo $emoji->name . " \n";
Ejemplo n.º 13
function createReactor()
    return Amp\reactor();
use GithubService\Model\Commit;
use GithubService\Model\SearchRepoItem;
use BetterReflection\Reflector\ClassReflector;
use BetterReflection\SourceLocator\Type\AggregateSourceLocator;
use BetterReflection\SourceLocator\Type\SingleFileSourceLocator;
use PhpParser\ParserFactory;
$tokenFileLocation = __DIR__ . "/../../github_oauth_token.txt";
$existingToken = @file_get_contents($tokenFileLocation);
$existingToken = trim($existingToken);
if (!$existingToken) {
    echo "token not found\n";
echo "Using token from file {$tokenFileLocation} \n";
$token = new Oauth2Token($existingToken);
$githubClient = new GithubService(new ArtaxClient(), \Amp\reactor(), new FileResponseCache(new FileCachePath(__DIR__ . "/fileCache")), 'Danack/GithubArtaxService');
$downloadedFiles = [];
if (false) {
    // for debugging
    //$downloadedFiles[] = "./download/phanan_koel_8c862cb9cc43a6715fbd9d9a289ef7e2ac81b523.tar.gz";
} else {
    $downloadedFiles = downloadFiles($githubClient, $token);
echo "fin\n";
function removeDirectory($path)
    if (is_dir($path) == false) {
        //Directory doesn't exist.

$autoloader = (require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');
use GithubService\GithubArtaxService\GithubService;
use Amp\Artax\Client as ArtaxClient;
use ArtaxServiceBuilder\ResponseCache\NullResponseCache;
use GithubService\Model\Tags;
use GithubService\AuthToken\NullToken;
function displayTags(Tags $repoTags)
    foreach ($repoTags as $nextRepoTag) {
        echo "Found tag: " . $nextRepoTag->name . "\n";
$github = new GithubService(new ArtaxClient(), \Amp\reactor(), new NullResponseCache(), 'Danack/GithubArtaxService');
echo "Tags on first page:\n";
//Get the first page of data
$command = $github->listRepoTags(new NullToken(), 'php', 'php-src');
$repoTags = $command->execute();
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public function __construct($config, $sslOptions = null, Reactor $reactor = null)
     $this->reactor = $reactor ?: \Amp\reactor();
     $this->connInfo = new ConnectionState();
     if (!$config instanceof ConnectionConfig) {
         $config = self::parseConnStr($config, $sslOptions);
     if ($config->resolvedHost === null) {
     $this->config = $config;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function setUp()
     \Amp\reactor(new \Amp\NativeReactor());
Ejemplo n.º 18

namespace Amp\ArtaxTest;

use Amp\Artax\Client;
use Amp\Artax\Request;
use Amp\Artax\FileBody;
use Amp\Artax\FormBody;
use Amp\NativeReactor;
\Amp\reactor(new NativeReactor());
class ClientHttpBinIntegrationTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function testDefaultUserAgentSent()
        $uri = 'http://httpbin.org/user-agent';
        $client = new Client();
        $promise = $client->request($uri);
        $response = \Amp\wait($promise);
        $this->assertInstanceOf('Amp\\Artax\\Response', $response);
        $body = $response->getBody();
        $result = json_decode($body);
        $this->assertSame(Client::USER_AGENT, $result->{'user-agent'});
    public function testCustomUserAgentSentIfAssigned()
        $uri = 'http://httpbin.org/user-agent';
        $client = new Client();
        $customUserAgent = 'test-user-agent';
        $request = (new Request())->setUri($uri)->setHeader('User-Agent', $customUserAgent);
        $promise = $client->request($request);
        $response = \Amp\wait($promise);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function setUp()
     \Amp\reactor(new NativeReactor());
     $this->memcached = new \Edo\Memcached();
     $this->memcached->addServer('tcp://', 11211);