function ThumbShoeHandleDelete($pagename, $auth = 'delete') { global $WikiLibDirs, $WikiDir, $LastModFile; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, true, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (!$page) { Abort("?cannot delete {$pagename}"); return; } $deleted = false; foreach ((array) $WikiLibDirs as $dir) { if ($dir->exists($pagename) and $dir->iswrite) { $dir->delete($pagename); $deleted = true; break; } } if (!$deleted) { // look in the default WikiDir if ($WikiDir->exists($pagename)) { $WikiDir->delete($pagename); $deleted = true; } } if ($deleted && $LastModFile) { touch($LastModFile); fixperms($LastModFile); } Redirect($pagename); exit; }
function HandleRecipeCheck($pagename, $auth = 'admin') { global $RecipeListUrl, $Version, $RecipeInfo, $RecipeCheckFmt, $PageStartFmt, $PageEndFmt; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, true, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (!$page) { Abort('?admin access required'); } $cvinfo = GetRecipeList($RecipeListUrl); if (!$cvinfo) { $msg = "Unable to retrieve cookbook data from {$RecipeListUrl}\n"; $allow_url_fopen = ini_get('allow_url_fopen'); if (!$allow_url_fopen) { $msg .= "\n <br /><br />It appears that your PHP environment isn't allowing\n the recipelist to be downloaded from \n (allow_url_fopen = {$allow_url_fopen})."; } Abort($msg); } $rinfo['PmWiki:Upgrades'] = $Version; ScanRecipeInfo('cookbook', $cvinfo); foreach ((array) $RecipeInfo as $r => $v) { if (!@$v['Version']) { continue; } $r = preg_replace('/^(?!PmWiki:)(Cookbook[.:])?/', 'Cookbook:', $r); $rinfo[$r] = $v['Version']; } $markup = "!!Recipe status for {\$PageUrl}\n" . RecipeTable($rinfo, $cvinfo); $html = MarkupToHTML($pagename, $markup); SDV($RecipeCheckFmt, array(&$PageStartFmt, $html, &$PageEndFmt)); PrintFmt($pagename, $RecipeCheckFmt); }
function HandleThumbShoePostRename($pagename, $auth = 'edit') { global $WikiLibDirs; global $ThumbShoePageSep; global $HandleAuth, $UploadFileFmt, $LastModFile, $TimeFmt; $newname = $_REQUEST['newname']; if ($newname == '') { Abort("?no new image name"); } $newname = str_replace('.', '_', $newname); $newpage = $_REQUEST['newpage']; if ($newpage == '') { Abort("?no new image page"); } $newimgpage = $newpage . $ThumbShoePageSep . $newname; $tsdir = ''; foreach ((array) $WikiLibDirs as $dir) { if ($dir->exists($pagename) and $dir->iswrite) { $tsdir = $dir; break; } } if (!$tsdir) { Abort("Cannot rename {$pagename} to {$newimgpage}; cannot find page"); return; } ## check authorization if (!RetrieveAuthPage($newimgpage, $auth, TRUE, READPAGE_CURRENT)) { Abort("?cannot rename image page from {$pagename} to {$newimgpage}"); } $newnewpage = @$tsdir->rename($pagename, $newimgpage); if ($newnewpage) { Redirect($newnewpage); } }
/** * This method show the user's dashboard * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function getIndex() { //We get the user information and remove the password and token from the response $user_profile = User::findBy(['_id' => Auth::user()->_id], ['password' => false, 'token' => false, 'token' => false]); if (!$user_profile) { Abort(404); } return view('user.dashboard', ['user_profile' => $user_profile]); }
/** * This method show the user's profile * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function getIndex($username) { //We get the user information and remove the password and token from the response $user_profile = User::findBy(['username' => $username], ['password' => false, 'token' => false, 'token' => false]); if (!$user_profile) { Abort(404); } //var_dump($user_profile); return view('user.profile', ['user_profile' => $user_profile]); }
function HandleGuestDelete($pagename, $auth) { global $WikiDir, $LastModFile; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, true, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (!$page) { Abort("?cannot delete {$pagename}"); return; } $WikiDir->delete($pagename); if ($LastModFile) { touch($LastModFile); fixperms($LastModFile); } Redirect(substr($pagename, 0, strlen($pagename) - 22)); }
function ThumbShoeMakeThumb($pagename, $picpath, $w = 128, $h = 128) { global $ThumbShoeThumbBg, $ThumbShoeThumbPrefix; global $UploadDir; $uploaddir = PageVar($pagename, '$TSAttachDir'); $name = PageVar($pagename, '$Name'); $thumbpath = "{$uploaddir}/{$ThumbShoeThumbPrefix}{$name}.png"; if (!file_exists($picpath)) { return; } // if the thumbnail has already been created // and it is newer than the original image, return. if (file_exists($thumbpath) && filemtime($thumbpath) > filemtime($picpath)) { return; } if (!file_exists($uploaddir)) { mkdirp($uploaddir); } $bg = $ThumbShoeThumbBg; $tmp1 = "{$uploaddir}/{$name}_tmp.png"; $area = $w * $h; # Need to use the following conversion because of # ImageMagick version earlier than 6.3 $cmdfmt = 'convert -thumbnail \'%dx%d>\' -bordercolor %s -background %s -border 50 -gravity center -crop %dx%d+0+0 +repage %s %s'; $cl = sprintf($cmdfmt, $w, $h, $bg, $bg, $w, $h, $picpath, $tmp1); $r = exec($cl, $o, $status); if (intval($status) != 0) { Abort("convert returned <pre>{$r}\n" . print_r($o, true) . "'</pre> with a status '{$status}'.<br/> Command line was '{$cl}'."); } if (!file_exists($tmp1)) { Abort("Failed to create '{$tmp1}';<br/> Command line was '{$cl}'."); } // fluff $cmdfmt = 'convert -mattecolor %s -frame 6x6+3+0 %s %s'; $cl = sprintf($cmdfmt, $bg, $tmp1, $thumbpath); $r = exec($cl, $o, $status); if (intval($status) != 0) { Abort("convert returned <pre>{$r}\n" . print_r($o, true) . "'</pre> with a status '{$status}'.<br/> Command line was '{$cl}'."); } unlink($tmp1); }
static function captchaListener() { if (isset($_GET['qgcaptcha'])) { $ticket = $_GET['qgcaptcha']; $text = randString(5, "abcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789"); $_SESSION['qg_rTicket'][$ticket]['captcha'] = $text; header('Content-type: image/png'); $img = ImageCreateFromPNG(sysPATH . 'core/util/rTicket/captchabg.png'); //Backgroundimage $color = ImageColorAllocate($img, 0, 0, 0); //Farbe $ttf = sysPATH . 'core/util/rTicket/xfiles.ttf'; //Schriftart $ttfsize = 13; //Schriftgrösse $angle = rand(0, 7); $t_x = rand(5, 20); $t_y = 23; imagettftext($img, $ttfsize, $angle, $t_x, $t_y, $color, $ttf, $text); imagepng($img); imagedestroy($img); Abort(); } }
public function __construct() { $this->objLoggedInUser = \Auth::User(); if (!$this->objLoggedInUser || !$this->objLoggedInUser->HasPermission('Admin/View')) { Abort('404'); } View::share('objLoggedInUser', $this->objLoggedInUser); View::share('ActiveClass', static::ACTIVE_CLASS); $FormResponse = Session::get('FormResponse') ? Session::get('FormResponse') : []; View::share('FormResponse', $FormResponse); $NewOrderCount = \App\Invoice::perminvoices($this->objLoggedInUser)->new()->count(); $AssignedOrderCount = \App\Invoice::perminvoices($this->objLoggedInUser)->assigned($this->objLoggedInUser)->count(); $FinalizedOrderCount = \App\Invoice::perminvoices($this->objLoggedInUser)->finalized()->count(); $TotalOrderCount = \App\Invoice::perminvoices($this->objLoggedInUser)->count(); $ContactUsCount = \App\Invoice::perminvoices($this->objLoggedInUser)->contact()->new()->count(); $ReviewedCount = \App\Invoice::perminvoices($this->objLoggedInUser)->reviewed()->count(); View::share('ReviewedCount', $ReviewedCount); View::share('ContactUsCount', $ContactUsCount); View::share('NewOrderCount', $NewOrderCount); View::share('AssignedOrderCount', $AssignedOrderCount); View::share('FinalizedOrderCount', $FinalizedOrderCount); View::share('TotalOrderCount', $TotalOrderCount); // No parent constructor. All is well. }
function HandleApprove($pagename, $auth = 'edit') { global $ApproveUrlPattern, $WhiteUrlPatterns, $ApprovedUrlPagesFmt, $action; Lock(2); $page = ReadPage($pagename); $text = preg_replace('/[()]/', '', $page['text']); preg_match_all("/{$ApproveUrlPattern}/", $text, $match); ReadApprovedUrls($pagename); $addpat = array(); foreach ($match[0] as $a) { if ($action == 'approvesites') { $a = preg_replace("!^([^:]+://[^/]+).*\$!", '$1', $a); } $addpat[] = $a; } if (count($addpat) > 0) { $aname = FmtPageName($ApprovedUrlPagesFmt[0], $pagename); $apage = RetrieveAuthPage($aname, $auth); if (!$apage) { Abort("?cannot edit {$aname}"); } $new = $apage; if (substr($new['text'], -1, 1) != "\n") { $new['text'] .= "\n"; } foreach ($addpat as $a) { foreach ((array) $WhiteUrlPatterns as $pat) { if (preg_match("!^{$pat}(/|\$)!i", $a)) { continue 2; } } $urlp = preg_quote($a, '!'); $WhiteUrlPatterns[] = $urlp; $new['text'] .= " {$a}\n"; } $_POST['post'] = 'y'; PostPage($aname, $apage, $new); } Redirect($pagename); }
function HandlePostUpload($pagename, $auth = 'upload') { global $UploadVerifyFunction, $UploadFileFmt, $LastModFile, $EnableUploadVersions, $Now, $RecentUploadsFmt, $FmtV, $NotifyItemUploadFmt, $NotifyItemFmt, $IsUploadPosted, $UploadRedirectFunction; UploadAuth($pagename, $auth); $uploadfile = $_FILES['uploadfile']; $upname = $_REQUEST['upname']; if ($upname=='') $upname=$uploadfile['name']; $upname = MakeUploadName($pagename,$upname); if (!function_exists($UploadVerifyFunction)) Abort('?no UploadVerifyFunction available'); $filepath = FmtPageName("$UploadFileFmt/$upname",$pagename); $result = $UploadVerifyFunction($pagename,$uploadfile,$filepath); if ($result=='') { $filedir = preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#','',$filepath); mkdirp($filedir); if (IsEnabled($EnableUploadVersions, 0)) @rename($filepath, "$filepath,$Now"); if (!move_uploaded_file($uploadfile['tmp_name'],$filepath)) { Abort("?cannot move uploaded file to $filepath"); return; } fixperms($filepath,0444); if ($LastModFile) { touch($LastModFile); fixperms($LastModFile); } $result = "upresult=success"; $FmtV['$upname'] = $upname; $FmtV['$upsize'] = $uploadfile['size']; if (IsEnabled($RecentUploadsFmt, 0)) { PostRecentChanges($pagename, '', '', $RecentUploadsFmt); } if (IsEnabled($NotifyItemUploadFmt, 0) && function_exists('NotifyUpdate')) { $NotifyItemFmt = $NotifyItemUploadFmt; $IsUploadPosted = 1; register_shutdown_function('NotifyUpdate', $pagename, getcwd()); } } SDV($UploadRedirectFunction, 'Redirect'); $UploadRedirectFunction($pagename,"{\$PageUrl}?action=upload&uprname=$upname&$result"); }
<?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) { exit; } /* Copyright 2007 Patrick R. Michaud ( This file is pmform.php; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ $RecipeInfo['PmForm']['Version'] = '2007-06-12'; if ($VersionNum < 2001946) { Abort("pmform requires pmwiki-2.2.0-beta46 or later (currently {$Version})"); } if (@$_REQUEST['pmform']) { $MessagesFmt[] = "<div class='wikimessage'>\$[Post successful]</div>"; } SDV($PmFormRedirectFunction, 'Redirect'); SDV($FmtPV['$CurrentTime'], "\$GLOBALS['CurrentTime']"); SDV($PmFormTemplatesFmt, array('{$SiteGroup}.LocalTemplates', '{$SiteGroup}.PmFormTemplates')); SDV($PmFormPostPatterns, array('/\\(:/' => '( :', '/:\\)/' => ': )', '/\\$:/' => '$ :')); SDVA($InputTags['pmform'], array(':fn' => 'InputActionForm', ':args' => array('target'), ':html' => "<form action='{\$PageUrl}' \$InputFormArgs><input type='hidden' name='n' value='{\$FullName}' /><input type='hidden' name='action' value='pmform' />", 'method' => 'post')); Markup('pmform', '<input', '/\\(:pmform *([-\\w]+)( .*?)?:\\)/e', "PmFormMarkup(\$pagename, '\$1', PSS('\$2'))"); Markup('ptv:', 'block', '/^(\\w[-\\w]+)\\s*:.*$/', "<:block,0><div class='property-\$1'>\$0</div>"); SDV($HandleActions['pmform'], 'HandlePmForm'); SDV($HandleAuth['pmform'], 'read'); function PmFormConfig($pagename, $target) { global $PmForm, $PmFormPageFmt;
function HandlePostUpload($pagename) { global $UploadVerifyFunction, $UploadFileFmt, $LastModFile; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, 'upload'); if (!$page) { Abort("?cannot upload to {$pagename}"); } $uploadfile = $_FILES['uploadfile']; $upname = $_REQUEST['upname']; if ($upname == '') { $upname = $uploadfile['name']; } $upname = MakeUploadName($pagename, $upname); if (!function_exists($UploadVerifyFunction)) { Abort('?no UploadVerifyFunction available'); } $filepath = FmtPageName("{$UploadFileFmt}/{$upname}", $pagename); $result = $UploadVerifyFunction($pagename, $uploadfile, $filepath); if ($result == '') { $filedir = preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#', '', $filepath); mkdirp($filedir); if (!move_uploaded_file($uploadfile['tmp_name'], $filepath)) { Abort("?cannot move uploaded file to {$filepath}"); return; } fixperms($filepath); if ($LastModFile) { touch($LastModFile); fixperms($LastModFile); } $result = "upresult=success"; } Redirect($pagename, "\$PageUrl?action=upload&upname={$upname}&{$result}"); }
function AuthUserLDAP($pagename, $id, $pw, $pwlist) { global $AuthLDAPBindDN, $AuthLDAPBindPassword; if (!$pw) return false; if (!function_exists('ldap_connect')) Abort('authuser: LDAP authentication requires PHP ldap functions','ldapfn'); foreach ((array)$pwlist as $ldap) { if (!preg_match('!(ldaps?://[^/]+)/(.*)$!', $ldap, $match)) continue; ## connect to the LDAP server list($z, $url, $path) = $match; $ds = ldap_connect($url); ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); ## For Active Directory, don't specify a path and we simply ## attempt to bind with the username and password directly if (!$path && @ldap_bind($ds, $id, $pw)) { ldap_close($ds); return true; } ## Otherwise, we use Apache-style urls for LDAP authentication ## Split the path into its search components list($basedn, $attr, $sub, $filter) = explode('?', $path); if (!$attr) $attr = 'uid'; if (!$sub) $sub = 'one'; if (!$filter) $filter = '(objectClass=*)'; $binddn = @$AuthLDAPBindDN; $bindpw = @$AuthLDAPBindPassword; if (ldap_bind($ds, $binddn, $bindpw)) { ## Search for the appropriate uid $fn = ($sub == 'sub') ? 'ldap_search' : 'ldap_list'; $sr = $fn($ds, $basedn, "(&$filter($attr=$id))", array($attr)); $x = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr); ## If we find a unique id, bind to it for success if ($x['count'] == 1) { $dn = $x[0]['dn']; if (@ldap_bind($ds, $dn, $pw)) { ldap_close($ds); return true; } } } ldap_close($ds); } return false; }
/** * Handle the .draw file format */ function HandlePostDrawing_draw($pagename) { global $UploadVerifyFunction, $UploadFileFmt, $LastModFile, $Now; global $RecentChangesFmt, $IsPagePosted, $EnableDrawingRecentChanges; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, 'upload'); if (!$page) { Abort("?cannot upload to {$pagename}"); } $uploadImage = $_FILES['uploadImage']; $uploadDrawing = $_FILES['uploadDrawing']; $uploadMap = $_FILES['uploadMap']; $drawingBaseTime = $_POST['drawingbasetime']; // The time the user began editing this drawing. $imageupname = $uploadImage['name']; $drawingupname = $uploadDrawing['name']; $mapupname = $uploadMap['name']; $imageupname = MakeUploadName($pagename, $imageupname); $drawingupname = MakeUploadName($pagename, $drawingupname); $mapupname = MakeUploadName($pagename, $mapupname); $imageFilePath = FmtPageName("{$UploadFileFmt}/{$imageupname}", $pagename); $drawingFilePath = FmtPageName("{$UploadFileFmt}/{$drawingupname}", $pagename); $mapFilePath = FmtPageName("{$UploadFileFmt}/{$mapupname}", $pagename); if (file_exists($drawingFilePath)) { // Only worth checking timestamps if a drawing actually currently exists! if (filemtime($drawingFilePath) > $drawingBaseTime) { // Assign a new timestamp to the client... hopefully this time they'll be ok... header("PmWikiDraw-DrawingChanged: {$Now}"); exit; } } // If we've got to here then we can assume its safe to overwrite the current file // Note: we should do the history archival/recent changes stuff here. if ($EnableDrawingRecentChanges == true && isset($_POST['drawingname'])) { $imageModified = $_POST['drawingname']; $RecentChangesFmt = array('Main.AllRecentChanges' => '* [[$Group/$Name]] Drawing - ' . $imageModified . ' modified . . . $CurrentTime', '$Group.RecentChanges' => '* [[$Group/$Name]] Drawing - ' . $imageModified . ' modified . . . $CurrentTime'); $IsPagePosted = true; $x = ""; $y = ""; PostRecentChanges($pagename, $x, $y); $IsPagePosted = false; } $filedir = preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#', '', $imageFilePath); mkdirp($filedir); if (!move_uploaded_file($uploadImage['tmp_name'], $imageFilePath)) { Abort("?cannot move uploaded image to {$imageFilePath}"); return; } fixperms($imageFilePath, 0444); if ($LastModFile) { touch($LastModFile); fixperms($LastModFile); } $filedir = preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#', '', $drawingFilePath); mkdirp($filedir); if (!move_uploaded_file($uploadDrawing['tmp_name'], $drawingFilePath)) { Abort("?cannot move uploaded drawing to {$drawingFilePath}"); return; } fixperms($drawingFilePath, 0444); if ($LastModFile) { touch($LastModFile); fixperms($LastModFile); } $filedir = preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#', '', $mapFilePath); mkdirp($filedir); if (!move_uploaded_file($uploadMap['tmp_name'], $mapFilePath)) { Abort("?cannot move uploaded map to {$mapFilePath}"); return; } fixperms($mapFilePath, 0444); if ($LastModFile) { touch($LastModFile); fixperms($LastModFile); } // Sets the drawingBaseTime header for incremental save support. header("PmWikiDraw-DrawingBaseTime: " . filemtime($drawingFilePath)); exit; }
function write($pagename,$page) { global $Now, $Version; $page['name'] = $pagename; $page['time'] = $Now; $page['host'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $page['agent'] = @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $page['rev'] = @$page['rev']+1; unset($page['version']); unset($page['newline']); uksort($page, 'CmpPageAttr'); $s = false; $pagefile = $this->pagefile($pagename); $dir = dirname($pagefile); mkdirp($dir); if (!file_exists("$dir/.htaccess") && $fp = @fopen("$dir/.htaccess", "w")) { fwrite($fp, "Order Deny,Allow\nDeny from all\n"); fclose($fp); } if ($pagefile && ($fp=fopen("$pagefile,new","w"))) { $r0 = array('%', "\n", '<'); $r1 = array('%25', '%0a', '%3c'); $x = "version=$Version ordered=1 urlencoded=1\n"; $s = true && fputs($fp, $x); $sz = strlen($x); foreach($page as $k=>$v) if ($k > '' && $k{0} != '=') { $x = str_replace($r0, $r1, "$k=$v") . "\n"; $s = $s && fputs($fp, $x); $sz += strlen($x); } $s = fclose($fp) && $s; $s = $s && (filesize("$pagefile,new") > $sz * 0.95); if (file_exists($pagefile)) $s = $s && unlink($pagefile); $s = $s && rename("$pagefile,new", $pagefile); } $s && fixperms($pagefile); if (!$s) Abort("Cannot write page to $pagename ($pagefile)...changes not saved"); PCache($pagename, $page); }
function HandleRss($pagename) { global $RssMaxItems, $RssSourceSize, $RssDescSize, $RssChannelFmt, $RssChannelDesc, $RssTimeFmt, $RssChannelBuildDate, $RssItemsRDFList, $RssItemsRDFListFmt, $RssItems, $RssItemFmt, $HandleRssFmt, $FmtV; $t = ReadTrail($pagename, $pagename); $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, 'read', false); if (!$page) { Abort("?cannot read {$pagename}"); } $cbgmt = $page['time']; $r = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($t) && count($r) < $RssMaxItems; $i++) { if (!PageExists($t[$i]['pagename'])) { continue; } $page = RetrieveAuthPage($t[$i]['pagename'], 'read', false); Lock(0); if (!$page) { continue; } $text = MarkupToHTML($t[$i]['pagename'], substr($page['text'], 0, $RssSourceSize)); $text = entityencode(preg_replace("/<.*?>/s", "", $text)); preg_match("/^(.{0,{$RssDescSize}}\\s)/s", $text, $match); $r[] = array('name' => $t[$i]['pagename'], 'time' => $page['time'], 'desc' => $match[1] . " ...", 'author' => $page['author']); if ($page['time'] > $cbgmt) { $cbgmt = $page['time']; } } SDV($RssChannelBuildDate, entityencode(gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $cbgmt))); SDV($RssChannelDesc, entityencode(FmtPageName('$Group.$Title', $pagename))); foreach ($r as $page) { $FmtV['$RssItemPubDate'] = gmstrftime($RssTimeFmt, $page['time']); $FmtV['$RssItemDesc'] = $page['desc']; $FmtV['$RssItemAuthor'] = $page['author']; $RssItemsRDFList[] = entityencode(FmtPageName($RssItemsRDFListFmt, $page['name'])); $RssItems[] = entityencode(FmtPageName($RssItemFmt, $page['name'])); } header("Content-type: text/xml"); PrintFmt($pagename, $HandleRssFmt); exit; }
function write($pagename, $page) { global $Now, $Version, $Newline; $page['name'] = $pagename; $page['time'] = $Now; $page['host'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $page['agent'] = @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $page['rev'] = @$page['rev'] + 1; unset($page['version']); unset($page['newline']); uksort($page, 'CmpPageAttr'); $s = false; $pagefile = $this->pagefile($pagename); $dir = dirname($pagefile); mkdirp($dir); if (!file_exists("{$dir}/.htaccess") && ($fp = @fopen("{$dir}/.htaccess", "w"))) { fwrite($fp, "Order Deny,Allow\nDeny from all\n"); fclose($fp); } if ($pagefile && ($fp = fopen("{$pagefile},new", "w"))) { $s = true && fputs($fp, "version={$Version} ordered=1\nnewline={$Newline}\n"); foreach ($page as $k => $v) { if ($k > '' && $k[0] != '=') { $s = $s && fputs($fp, str_replace("\n", $Newline, "{$k}={$v}") . "\n"); } } $s = fclose($fp) && $s; if (file_exists($pagefile)) { $s = $s && unlink($pagefile); } $s = $s && rename("{$pagefile},new", $pagefile); } $s && fixperms($pagefile); if (!$s) { Abort("Cannot write page to {$pagename} ({$pagefile})...changes not saved"); } PCache($pagename, $page); }
$EnableWikiStyles=1; #include default wikistyles Each feature has a default setting, if the corresponding $Enable variable is not set then you get the default. To avoid processing any of the features of this file, set $EnableStdConfig = 0; in config.php. Script maintained by Petko YOTOV */ $pagename = ResolvePageName($pagename); if (!IsEnabled($EnableStdConfig, 1)) { return; } if (!function_exists('session_start') && IsEnabled($EnableRequireSession, 1)) { Abort('PHP is lacking session support', 'session'); } if (IsEnabled($EnablePGCust, 1)) { include_once "{$FarmD}/scripts/pgcust.php"; } if (isset($PostConfig) && is_array($PostConfig)) { asort($PostConfig, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach ($PostConfig as $k => $v) { if (!$k || !$v || $v < 0 || $v >= 50) { continue; } if (function_exists($k)) { $k($pagename); } elseif (file_exists($k)) { include_once $k; }
function LoadPageTemplate($pagename, $tfilefmt) { global $PageStartFmt, $PageEndFmt, $EnableSkinDiag, $HTMLHeaderFmt, $HTMLFooterFmt, $IsTemplateLoaded, $TmplFmt, $TmplDisplay, $PageTextStartFmt, $PageTextEndFmt, $SkinDirectivesPattern; SDV($PageTextStartFmt, "\n<div id='wikitext'>\n"); SDV($PageTextEndFmt, "</div>\n"); SDV($SkinDirectivesPattern, "[[<]!--((?:wiki|file|function|markup):.*?)--[]>]"); $sddef = array('PageEditFmt' => 0); $k = implode('', file(FmtPageName($tfilefmt, $pagename))); if (IsEnabled($EnableSkinDiag, 0)) { if (!preg_match('/<!--((No)?(HT|X)MLHeader|HeaderText)-->/i', $k)) { Abort("Skin template missing <!--HTMLHeader-->", 'htmlheader'); } if (!preg_match('/<!--(No)?(HT|X)MLFooter-->/i', $k)) { Abort("Skin template missing <!--HTMLFooter-->", 'htmlheader'); } } $sect = preg_split('#[[<]!--(/?(?:Page[A-Za-z]+Fmt|(?:HT|X)ML(?:Head|Foot)er|HeaderText|PageText).*?)--[]>]#', $k, 0, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $TmplFmt['Start'] = array_merge(array('headers:'), preg_split("/{$SkinDirectivesPattern}/s", array_shift($sect), 0, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE)); $TmplFmt['End'] = array($PageTextEndFmt); $ps = 'Start'; while (count($sect) > 0) { $k = array_shift($sect); $v = preg_split("/{$SkinDirectivesPattern}/s", array_shift($sect), 0, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $TmplFmt[$ps][] = "<!--{$k}-->"; if ($k[0] == '/') { $TmplFmt[$ps][] = count($v) > 1 ? $v : $v[0]; continue; } @(list($var, $sd) = explode(' ', $k, 2)); $GLOBALS[$var] = count($v) > 1 ? $v : $v[0]; if ($sd > '') { $sddef[$var] = $sd; } if ($var == 'PageText') { $ps = 'End'; } if ($var == 'HTMLHeader' || $var == 'XMLHeader') { $TmplFmt[$ps][] =& $HTMLHeaderFmt; } if ($var == 'HTMLFooter' || $var == 'XMLFooter') { $TmplFmt[$ps][] =& $HTMLFooterFmt; } ## <!--HeaderText--> deprecated, 2.1.16 if ($var == 'HeaderText') { $TmplFmt[$ps][] =& $HTMLHeaderFmt; } $TmplFmt[$ps][$var] =& $GLOBALS[$var]; } array_push($TmplFmt['Start'], $PageTextStartFmt); $PageStartFmt = 'function:PrintSkin Start'; $PageEndFmt = 'function:PrintSkin End'; $IsTemplateLoaded = 1; SDVA($TmplDisplay, $sddef); }
function ThumbrunMakeThumb($uploaddir, $file, $thumbfile, $w, $h) { global $Thumbrun; $filepath = "{$uploaddir}/{$file}"; $thumbpath = "{$uploaddir}/{$thumbfile}"; if (@$Thumbrun['ThumbDir']) { $thumbpath = $uploaddir . '/' . $Thumbrun['ThumbDir'] . '/' . $thumbfile; } if (file_exists($thumbpath) || !file_exists($filepath)) { return; } $bg = $Thumbrun['ThumbBg']; $tmp1 = "{$uploaddir}/{$thumbfile}_tmp.png"; $area = $w * $h; #$cmdfmt = 'convert -thumbnail \'%dx%d\' -gravity center -background %s -extent \'%dx%d\' %s %s'; # Need to use the following conversion instead because of # ImageMagick version earlier than 6.3 $cmdfmt = 'convert -thumbnail \'%dx%d>\' -bordercolor %s -background %s -border 50 -gravity center -crop %dx%d+0+0 +repage %s %s'; $cl = sprintf($cmdfmt, $w, $h, $bg, $bg, $w, $h, $filepath, $tmp1); $r = exec($cl, $o, $status); if (intval($status) != 0) { Abort("convert returned <pre>{$r}\n" . print_r($o, true) . "'</pre> with a status '{$status}'.<br/> Command line was '{$cl}'."); } // fluff #$cmdfmt = 'convert -page +4+4 %s -matte \( +clone -background navy -shadow 60x4+4+4 \) +swap -background none -mosaic %s'; $cmdfmt = 'convert -mattecolor %s -frame 6x6+3+0 %s %s'; $cl = sprintf($cmdfmt, $bg, $tmp1, $thumbpath); $r = exec($cl, $o, $status); if (intval($status) != 0) { Abort("convert returned <pre>{$r}\n" . print_r($o, true) . "'</pre> with a status '{$status}'.<br/> Command line was '{$cl}'."); } unlink($tmp1); }
function HandleSearchA($pagename, $level = 'read') { global $PageSearchForm, $FmtV, $HandleSearchFmt, $PageStartFmt, $PageEndFmt; SDV($HandleSearchFmt,array(&$PageStartFmt, '$PageText', &$PageEndFmt)); SDV($PageSearchForm, '$[{$SiteGroup}/Search]'); $form = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $level, true, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (!$form) Abort("?unable to read $pagename"); PCache($pagename, $form); $text = preg_replace('/\\[([=@])(.*?)\\1\\]/s', ' ', @$form['text']); if (!preg_match('/\\(:searchresults(\\s.*?)?:\\)/', $text)) foreach((array)$PageSearchForm as $formfmt) { $form = ReadPage(FmtPageName($formfmt, $pagename), READPAGE_CURRENT); if ($form['text']) break; } $text = @$form['text']; if (!$text) $text = '(:searchresults:)'; $FmtV['$PageText'] = MarkupToHTML($pagename,$text); PrintFmt($pagename, $HandleSearchFmt); }
function HandleDiff($pagename, $auth = 'read') { global $HandleDiffFmt, $PageStartFmt, $PageDiffFmt, $PageEndFmt; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, true); if (!$page) { Abort("?cannot diff {$pagename}"); } PCache($pagename, $page); SDV($HandleDiffFmt, array(&$PageStartFmt, &$PageDiffFmt, "<div id='wikidiff'>", 'function:PrintDiff', '</div>', &$PageEndFmt)); PrintFmt($pagename, $HandleDiffFmt); }
function ConvertV1WikiD($path) { global $WikiDir; Lock(2); if (!is_dir($path)) { Abort("?$path is not an accessible directory"); exit(); } $WikiV1Dir = new PageStore1x("$path/\$FullName"); $oldlist = $WikiV1Dir->ls(); $newlist = ListPages(); $bothlist = array_intersect($oldlist,$newlist); sort($bothlist); $difflist = array_diff($oldlist,$newlist); sort($difflist); $bcount = count($bothlist); $dcount = count($difflist); echo " <html> <head> <title>Convert v1 pages to v2</title> </head> <body> <h2>Convert and Copy PmWiki v1.x pages into v2.x</h2> "; $copy = array(); if (@$_POST['copydiff']) $copy = $difflist; if (@$_POST['copyboth']) $copy = array_merge($copy,$bothlist); if (@$_POST['copy']) $copy = array_merge($copy,$_POST['copy']); if (@$copy) { echo "<p>Okay, I'm now converting the pages you've requested. When this is finished, you can see if anything else needs to be converted, otherwise you can get rid of the <tt>include_once('scripts/compat1x.php');</tt> and <tt>ConvertV1WikiD()</tt> lines that are in your local/config.php file.</p>"; $copy = array_unique($copy); foreach($copy as $p) { echo "<li>Converting $p</li>\n"; $page = $WikiV1Dir->read($p); WritePage($p,$page); } echo "<p>Converted ", count($copy), " pages.</p>\n"; } else { echo " <p>This function will migrate pages from a 1.x wiki.d/ directory ($path) into your 2.x wiki.d/ directory, converting markups as it proceeds. Note that the files in your 1.x wiki.d/ directory are not affected by this script, so if the conversion doesn't work out for any reason you still have your original pages lying around.</p> "; } /* now rebuild the lists */ $oldlist = $WikiV1Dir->ls(); $newlist = ListPages(); $bothlist = array_intersect($oldlist,$newlist); sort($bothlist); $difflist = array_diff($oldlist,$newlist); sort($difflist); $bcount = count($bothlist); $dcount = count($difflist); echo " <form method='post'> "; echo "<h3>Migrate pages from v1 to v2 (don't overwrite existing v2 pages)</h3>"; if ($difflist) { echo " <p>The following $dcount pages exist only in the version 1 wiki.d/ directory. </p> <dd><input type='submit' name='copydiff' value='Copy and convert all pages that do not already exist' /></dd> <p>or</p><dd><input type='submit' name='copyindv' value='Copy and convert pages checked in the list below' /><p></p></dd> "; foreach($difflist as $p) echo "<dd><input type='checkbox' name='copy[]' value='$p' /> $p</dd>\n"; } else { echo "<p>There aren't any pages in your version 1 wiki.d/ directory that are not already in your version 2 directory.</p>"; } echo "<h3>Migrate pages from v1 to v2 (overwrite existing v2 pages)</h3> <p>The following $bcount pages exist in <em>both</em> the version 1 and version 2 wiki.d/ directories. If you use one of the buttons below, then your converted version 1 pages will <em>overwrite</em> the existing version 2 pages, and you will lose any edits that you might have made in the version 2 installation (it's possible that this is what you want).</p> <dd><input type='submit' name='copyboth' value='Convert and overwrite pages that do already exist' /></dd> <p>or</p><dd><input type='submit' name='copyindv' value='Convert and overwrite pages checked in the list below' /><p></p></dd> "; foreach($bothlist as $p) echo "<dd><input type='checkbox' name='copy[]' value='$p' /> $p</dd>\n"; echo "</form></body></html>\n"; exit(); }
function HandleFeed($pagename, $auth = 'read') { global $FeedFmt, $action, $PCache, $FmtV, $ISOTimeFmt, $RSSTimeFmt, $FeedOpt, $FeedDescPatterns, $CategoryGroup, $EntitiesTable; SDV($ISOTimeFmt, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'); SDV($RSSTimeFmt, 'D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T'); SDV($FeedDescPatterns, array('/<[^>]*$/' => ' ', '/\\w+$/' => '', '/<[^>]+>/' => '')); SDVA($FeedCategoryOpt, array('link' => $pagename, 'readf' => 1)); SDVA($FeedTrailOpt, array('trail' => $pagename, 'count' => 10, 'readf' => 1)); $f = $FeedFmt[$action]; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, true, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (!$page) { Abort("?cannot generate feed"); } $feedtime = $page['time']; # determine list of pages to display if (@($_REQUEST['trail'] || $_REQUEST['group'] || $_REQUEST['link'])) { $opt['readf'] = 1; } else { if ($action == 'dc') { $opt = array(); } else { if (preg_match("/^{$CategoryGroup}\\./", $pagename)) { $opt = $FeedCategoryOpt; } else { $opt = $FeedTrailOpt; } } } if (!$opt) { PCache($pagename, $page); $pagelist = array(&$PCache[$pagename]); } else { $opt = array_merge($opt, @$_REQUEST); $pagelist = MakePageList($pagename, $opt); } # process list of pages in feed $rdfseq = ''; foreach ($pagelist as $page) { $pn = $page['name']; if (!PageExists($pn)) { continue; } $pl[] = $pn; if (@$opt['count'] && count($pl) >= $opt['count']) { break; } $rdfseq .= FmtPageName("<rdf:li resource=\"\$PageUrl\" />\n", $pn); if ($page['time'] > $feedtime) { $feedtime = $page['time']; } } $pagelist = $pl; $FmtV['$FeedRDFSeq'] = $rdfseq; $FmtV['$FeedISOTime'] = gmstrftime($ISOTimeFmt, $feedtime); $FmtV['$FeedRSSTime'] = gmdate($RSSTimeFmt, $feedtime); # format start of feed $out = FmtPageName($f['feed']['_start'], $pagename); # format feed elements foreach ($f['feed'] as $k => $v) { if ($k[0] == '_' || !$v) { continue; } $x = FmtPageName($v, $pagename); if (!$x) { continue; } $out .= $v[0] == '<' ? $x : "<{$k}>{$x}</{$k}>\n"; } # format items in feed if (@$f['feed']['_items']) { $out .= FmtPageName($f['feed']['_items'], $pagename); } foreach ($pagelist as $pn) { $page =& $PCache[$pn]; $FmtV['$ItemDesc'] = @$page['description'] ? $page['description'] : trim(preg_replace(array_keys($FeedDescPatterns), array_values($FeedDescPatterns), @$page['excerpt'])); $FmtV['$ItemISOTime'] = gmstrftime($ISOTimeFmt, $page['time']); $out .= FmtPageName($f['item']['_start'], $pn); foreach ((array) @$f['item'] as $k => $v) { if ($k[0] == '_' || !$v) { continue; } if (is_callable($v)) { $out .= $v($pn, $page, $k); continue; } if (strpos($v, '$LastModifiedBy') !== false && !@$page['author']) { continue; } if (strpos($v, '$Category') !== false) { if (preg_match_all("/(?<=^|,){$CategoryGroup}\\.([^,]+)/", @$page['targets'], $match)) { foreach ($match[1] as $c) { $FmtV['$Category'] = $c; $out .= FmtPageName($v, $pn); } } continue; } $x = FmtPageName($v, $pn); if (!$x) { continue; } $out .= $v[0] == '<' ? $x : "<{$k}>{$x}</{$k}>\n"; } $out .= FmtPageName($f['item']['_end'], $pn); } $out .= FmtPageName($f['feed']['_end'], $pagename); foreach ((array) @$f['feed']['_header'] as $fmt) { header(FmtPageName($fmt, $pagename)); } print str_replace(array_keys($EntitiesTable), array_values($EntitiesTable), $out); }
function write($pagename,$page) { global $Now,$Version,$Newline; $page['name'] = $pagename; $page['time'] = $Now; $page['host'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $page['agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $page['rev'] = @$page['rev']+1; $s = false; $pagefile = FmtPageName($this->dirfmt,$pagename); mkgiddir(dirname($pagefile)); if ($pagefile && ($fp=fopen("$pagefile,new","w"))) { $s = true && fputs($fp,"version=$Version\nnewline=$Newline\n"); foreach($page as $k=>$v) if ($k>'') $s = $s&&fputs($fp,str_replace("\n",$Newline,"$k=$v")."\n"); $s = fclose($fp) && $s; if (file_exists($pagefile)) $s = $s && unlink($pagefile); $s = $s && rename("$pagefile,new",$pagefile); } if (!$s) Abort("Cannot write page to $pagename ($pagefile)...changes not saved"); }
function write($pagename, $page) { global $Now, $Version, $Newline; $page['name'] = $pagename; $page['time'] = $Now; $page['host'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $page['agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $page['rev'] = @$page['rev'] + 1; unset($page['version']); unset($page['newline']); $s = false; $pagefile = FmtPageName($this->dirfmt, $pagename); mkdirp(dirname($pagefile)); if ($pagefile && ($fp = fopen("{$pagefile},new", "w"))) { $s = true && fputs($fp, "version={$Version}\nnewline={$Newline}\n"); foreach ($page as $k => $v) { if ($k > '') { $s = $s && fputs($fp, str_replace("\n", $Newline, "{$k}={$v}") . "\n"); } } $s = fclose($fp) && $s; if (file_exists($pagefile)) { $s = $s && unlink($pagefile); } $s = $s && rename("{$pagefile},new", $pagefile); } $s && fixperms($pagefile); if (!$s) { Abort("Cannot write page to {$pagename} ({$pagefile})...changes not saved"); } }
function SetSkin($pagename, $skin) { global $Skin, $SkinDir, $SkinDirUrl, $IsTemplateLoaded, $PubDirUrl, $FarmPubDirUrl, $FarmD; unset($Skin); foreach ((array) $skin as $s) { $sd = FmtPageName("pub/skins/{$s}", $pagename); if (is_dir($sd)) { $Skin = $s; $SkinDirUrl = "{$PubDirUrl}/skins/{$Skin}"; break; } $sd = FmtPageName("{$FarmD}/pub/skins/{$s}", $pagename); if (is_dir($sd)) { $Skin = $s; $SkinDirUrl = "{$FarmPubDirUrl}/skins/{$Skin}"; break; } } if (!is_dir($sd)) { Abort("?unable to find skin from list " . implode(' ', (array) $skin)); } $SkinDir = $sd; $IsTemplateLoaded = 0; if (file_exists("{$SkinDir}/{$Skin}.php")) { include_once "{$SkinDir}/{$Skin}.php"; } else { if (file_exists("{$SkinDir}/skin.php")) { include_once "{$SkinDir}/skin.php"; } } if ($IsTemplateLoaded) { return; } if (file_exists("{$SkinDir}/{$Skin}.tmpl")) { LoadPageTemplate($pagename, "{$SkinDir}/{$Skin}.tmpl"); } else { if (file_exists("{$SkinDir}/skin.tmpl")) { LoadPageTemplate($pagename, "{$SkinDir}/skin.tmpl"); } else { if ($dh = opendir($SkinDir)) { while (($fname = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (substr($fname, -5) != '.tmpl') { continue; } if ($IsTemplateLoaded) { Abort("?unable to find unique template in {$SkinDir}"); } LoadPageTemplate($pagename, "{$SkinDir}/{$fname}"); } closedir($dh); } } } if (!$IsTemplateLoaded) { Abort("Unable to load {$Skin} template"); } }
function HandlePostUpload($pagename, $auth = 'upload') { global $UploadVerifyFunction, $UploadFileFmt, $LastModFile, $EnableUploadVersions, $Now; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, true, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (!$page) Abort("?cannot upload to $pagename"); $uploadfile = $_FILES['uploadfile']; $upname = $_REQUEST['upname']; if ($upname=='') $upname=$uploadfile['name']; $upname = MakeUploadName($pagename,$upname); if (!function_exists($UploadVerifyFunction)) Abort('?no UploadVerifyFunction available'); $filepath = FmtPageName("$UploadFileFmt/$upname",$pagename); $result = $UploadVerifyFunction($pagename,$uploadfile,$filepath); if ($result=='') { $filedir = preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#','',$filepath); mkdirp($filedir); if (IsEnabled($EnableUploadVersions, 0)) @rename($filepath, "$filepath,$Now"); if (!move_uploaded_file($uploadfile['tmp_name'],$filepath)) { Abort("?cannot move uploaded file to $filepath"); return; } fixperms($filepath,0444); if ($LastModFile) { touch($LastModFile); fixperms($LastModFile); } $result = "upresult=success"; } Redirect($pagename,"{\$PageUrl}?action=upload&uprname=$upname&$result"); }
function HandleRefCount($pagename, $auth='read') { global $HandleRefCountFmt,$PageStartFmt,$PageEndFmt; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, true, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (!$page) Abort('?unauthorized'); PCache($pagename, $page); SDV($HandleRefCountFmt,array(&$PageStartFmt, 'function:PrintRefCount',&$PageEndFmt)); PrintFmt($pagename,$HandleRefCountFmt); }