     * Método para adicionar um elemento
     * @param string $name   Nome do input
     * @param array $options array do input
    public function addElement($name, $options)
        // filters
        $arrayFilter = Skeleton::exportConfig($options);
        $this->element[$name] = <<<ELEMENT_FORM
    # ELEMENT {$name} #

Beispiel #2
  * Método para renderizar o metodo construtor e adicionar os elementos
  * @return [type] [description]
 protected function render()
     $toString = "";
     // Adiciona as opções do formulário
     $toString .= '$this->setOptions(' . Skeleton::exportConfig($this->options) . ');' . "\n";
     // adiciona os elementos
     foreach ($this->element as $name => $elemento) {
         $toString .= $elemento;
         $toString .= '$this->add($' . $name . ');' . "\n";
     $this->classGenerator->addMethods(array(new Generator\MethodGenerator('__construct', array(), Generator\MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, $toString)));
    public function testExportConfig()
        $config = array('foo' => array('foo2' => 'bar2', 'foo3' => 'bar3'), 'bar');
        $export = Skeleton::exportConfig($config);
        $expected = <<<EOD
    'foo' => array(
        'foo2' => 'bar2',
        'foo3' => 'bar3',
        $this->assertEquals($expected, (string) $export);
Beispiel #4
    public function moduleAction()
        $console = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('console');
        $tmpDir = sys_get_temp_dir();
        $request = $this->getRequest();
        $name = $request->getParam('name');
        $path = rtrim($request->getParam('path'), '/');
        if (empty($path)) {
            $path = '.';
        if (!file_exists("{$path}/module") || !file_exists("{$path}/config/application.config.php")) {
            return $this->sendError("The path {$path} doesn't contain a ZF2 application. I cannot create a module here.");
        if (file_exists("{$path}/module/{$name}")) {
            return $this->sendError("The module {$name} already exists.");
        $filter = new CamelCaseToDashFilter();
        $viewfolder = strtolower($filter->filter($name));
        $name = ucfirst($name);
        mkdir("{$path}/module/{$name}/config", 0777, true);
        mkdir("{$path}/module/{$name}/src/{$name}/Controller", 0777, true);
        mkdir("{$path}/module/{$name}/view/{$viewfolder}", 0777, true);
        // Create the Module.php
        file_put_contents("{$path}/module/{$name}/Module.php", Skeleton::getModule($name));
        // Create the module.config.php
        file_put_contents("{$path}/module/{$name}/config/module.config.php", Skeleton::getModuleConfig($name));
        // Add the module in application.config.php
        $application = (require "{$path}/config/application.config.php");
        if (!in_array($name, $application['modules'])) {
            $application['modules'][] = $name;
            copy("{$path}/config/application.config.php", "{$path}/config/application.config.old");
            $content = <<<EOD
 * Configuration file generated by ZFTool
 * The previous configuration file is stored in application.config.old
 * @see https://github.com/zendframework/ZFTool

            $content .= 'return ' . Skeleton::exportConfig($application) . ";\n";
            file_put_contents("{$path}/config/application.config.php", $content);
        if ($path === '.') {
            $console->writeLine("The module {$name} has been created", Color::GREEN);
        } else {
            $console->writeLine("The module {$name} has been created in {$path}", Color::GREEN);