setResult() public method

Set result
public setResult ( mixed $result ) : MvcEvent
$result mixed
return MvcEvent
  * @param MvcEvent $e
  * @return mixed|void
 public function onDispatch(MvcEvent $e)
     $viewModel = new ViewModel();
     $valid = $this->collageData->isValid();
     $data = $this->authenticationService->getAuthData();
     $viewModel->setVariable('validInputs', $this->collageData->getValidInput());
     $viewModel->setVariable('user', $data->user);
     if (!$valid) {
         $viewModel->setVariable('messages', $this->collageData->getMessages());
         return $e->setResult($viewModel);
     $uniqueId = md5(serialize($this->collageData->getValues()));
     if ($this->sessionContainer->valuesHash != $uniqueId) {
         $collectionService = $this->collectionFactory->createCollection($this->collageData);
         $images = $collectionService->getImages($this->collageData);
     } else {
         $images = $this->sessionContainer->images;
     $collageHttpPath = $this->collageService->create($images, $uniqueId, $this->collageData->getWidth(), $this->collageData->getHeight(), $this->collageData->getLimit());
     if ($collageHttpPath !== false) {
         $viewModel->setVariable('collageHttpPath', $collageHttpPath);
     return $e->setResult($viewModel);
  * @return mixed
 public function notFoundByRequestedCriteria($criteriaErrors)
     $zendResponse = $this->mvcEvent->getResponse();
     $this->viewModel->setVariable('message', 'The requested resource was not found by requested criteria');
     return $this->viewModel;
Beispiel #3
 protected function displayError($template, $status = 403)
     $model = new ViewModel();
     /** @var $response  \Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Response */
     $response = $this->_event->getResponse();
  * @param MvcEvent $e
  * @return mixed|void
 public function onDispatch(MvcEvent $e)
     $viewModel = new ViewModel();
     $viewModel->setVariable('loginUri', $this->instagramWrapper->getLoginUrl());
Beispiel #5
  * @param MvcEvent $event
  * @return mixed
  * @throws \Exception
 public function onDispatch(MvcEvent $event)
     $routeMatch = $event->getRouteMatch();
     if (!$routeMatch) {
         throw new \DomainException('Missing route matches.');
     $handler = $this->getExceptionHandler();
     $action = $routeMatch->getParam('action', 'not-found');
     if ($this instanceof InitializableInterface) {
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             return $handler->tryHandle($e);
     $method = static::getMethodFromAction($action);
     if (!method_exists($this, $method)) {
         $method = 'notFoundAction';
     try {
         if ($this->protectRequestMethodByPrefix) {
         $actionResponse = $this->{$method}($this->getRequest(), $this->getResponse());
         return $actionResponse;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return $handler->tryHandle($e);
  * Get the exception and optionally set status code, reason message and additional errors
  * @internal
  * @param  MvcEvent $event
  * @return void
 public function onDispatchError(MvcEvent $event)
     $exception = $event->getParam('exception');
     if (isset($this->exceptionMap[get_class($exception)])) {
         $exception = $this->createHttpException($exception);
     // We just deal with our Http error codes here !
     if (!$exception instanceof HttpExceptionInterface || $event->getResult() instanceof HttpResponse) {
     // We clear the response for security purpose
     $response = new HttpResponse();
     $response->getHeaders()->addHeaderLine('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // NOTE: I'd like to return a JsonModel instead, and let ZF handle the request, but I couldn't make
     // it work because for unknown reasons, the Response get replaced "somewhere" in the MVC workflow,
     // so the simplest is simply to do that
     $content = ['status_code' => $response->getStatusCode(), 'message' => $response->getReasonPhrase()];
     if ($errors = $exception->getErrors()) {
         $content['errors'] = $errors;
 public function prepareViewModel(MvcEvent $event, $action)
     if ($event->getTarget()->forward()->getNumNestedForwards() > 0) {
         return $event->getResult();
     $result = $event->getResult();
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $controller = $event->getTarget();
     $viewModel = $controller->acceptableViewModelSelector($controller->getOptions()->getAcceptCriteria());
     if ($vars = $result->getSerializedModel()) {
     //set the template
     if ($viewModel instanceof JsonModel && count($viewModel->getVariables()) == 0) {
         if ($response->getStatusCode() == 200) {
         return $response;
     } elseif ($viewModel->getTemplate() == null) {
     return $viewModel;
  * @param MvcEvent $e
 protected function handleError(MvcEvent $e)
     $router = $e->getRouter();
     if ($this->authenticationService->hasIdentity()) {
         if (!$this->options->getRedirectWhenConnected()) {
         $redirectRoute = $this->options->getRedirectToRouteConnected();
     } else {
         $redirectRoute = $this->options->getRedirectToRouteDisconnected();
     $params = array();
     $options = array('name' => $redirectRoute);
     if ($this->options->getAppendPreviousUri()) {
         $redirectKey = $this->options->getPreviousUriRouteKey();
         $previousUri = $e->getRequest()->getUriString();
         $params = array($redirectKey => $previousUri);
     $uri = $router->assemble($params, $options);
     $response = $e->getResponse() ?: new HttpResponse();
     $response->getHeaders()->addHeaderLine('Location', $uri);
Beispiel #9
  * @private
  * @param  MvcEvent $event
  * @return void
 public function onError(MvcEvent $event)
     // Do nothing if no error or if response is not HTTP response
     if (!$event->getParam('exception') instanceof UnauthorizedExceptionInterface || $event->getResult() instanceof HttpResponse || !$event->getResponse() instanceof HttpResponse) {
     $router = $event->getRouter();
     if ($this->authenticationService->hasIdentity()) {
         if (!$this->options->getRedirectWhenConnected()) {
         $redirectRoute = $this->options->getRedirectToRouteConnected();
     } else {
         $redirectRoute = $this->options->getRedirectToRouteDisconnected();
     $uri = $router->assemble([], ['name' => $redirectRoute]);
     if ($this->options->getAppendPreviousUri()) {
         $redirectKey = $this->options->getPreviousUriQueryKey();
         $previousUri = $event->getRequest()->getUriString();
         $uri = $router->assemble([], ['name' => $redirectRoute, 'query' => [$redirectKey => $previousUri]]);
     $response = $event->getResponse() ?: new HttpResponse();
     $response->getHeaders()->addHeaderLine('Location', $uri);
 protected function onInvokation(MvcEvent $e, $error = false)
     $viewModel = $e->getResult();
     $isJsonModel = $viewModel instanceof JsonModel;
     $routeMatch = $e->getRouteMatch();
     if ($routeMatch && $routeMatch->getParam('forceJson', false) || $isJsonModel || "json" == $e->getRequest()->getQuery('format') || "json" == $e->getRequest()->getPost('format')) {
         if (!$isJsonModel) {
             $model = new JsonModel();
             if ($error) {
                 $model->status = 'error';
                 $model->message = $viewModel->message;
                 if ($viewModel->display_exceptions) {
                     if (isset($viewModel->exception)) {
                         $model->exception = $viewModel->exception->getMessage();
             } else {
             $viewModel = $model;
         $strategy = new \Zend\View\Strategy\JsonStrategy(new \Zend\View\Renderer\JsonRenderer());
         $view = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('ViewManager')->getView();
         $view->addRenderingStrategy(array($strategy, 'selectRenderer'), 10);
         $view->addResponseStrategy(array($strategy, 'injectResponse'), 10);
 public function onDispatch(MvcEvent $e)
     $routeMatch = $e->getRouteMatch();
     $contentNegotiationParams = $e->getParam('ZFContentNegotiationParameterData');
     if ($contentNegotiationParams) {
         $routeParameters = $contentNegotiationParams->getRouteParams();
     } else {
         $routeParameters = $routeMatch->getParams();
     $parameterMatcher = new ParameterMatcher($e);
     // match route params to dispatchable parameters
     if ($this->wrappedCallable instanceof \Closure) {
         $callable = $this->wrappedCallable;
     } elseif (is_array($this->wrappedCallable) && is_callable($this->wrappedCallable)) {
         $callable = $this->wrappedCallable;
     } elseif (is_object($this->wrappedCallable) || is_null($this->wrappedCallable)) {
         $action = $routeMatch->getParam('action', 'not-found');
         $method = static::getMethodFromAction($action);
         $callable = is_null($this->wrappedCallable) && get_class($this) != __CLASS__ ? $this : $this->wrappedCallable;
         if (!method_exists($callable, $method)) {
             $method = 'notFoundAction';
         $callable = [$callable, $method];
     } else {
         throw new \Exception('RPC Controller Not Understood');
     $dispatchParameters = $parameterMatcher->getMatchedParameters($callable, $routeParameters);
     $result = call_user_func_array($callable, $dispatchParameters);
     $e->setParam('ZFContentNegotiationFallback', ['Zend\\View\\Model\\JsonModel' => ['application/json']]);
 public function testDoNotSetTemplateIfNotResourceViewModel()
     $model = $this->getMock(ModelInterface::class);
     $mvcEvent = new MvcEvent();
Beispiel #13
 public function onDispatch(MvcEvent $e)
     if (!$e->getRequest() instanceof ConsoleRequest) {
         throw new RuntimeException('You can only use this action from a console!');
     $version = $e->getRequest()->getParam('version');
     $force = $e->getRequest()->getParam('force');
     $down = $e->getRequest()->getParam('down');
     if (is_null($version) && $force) {
         $response = "Can't force migration apply without migration version explicitly set.\n";
         return $response;
     $this->migration->migrate($version, $force, $down);
     $response = "Migrations applied!\n";
     return $response;
  * @param MvcEvent $e
  * @return mixed|void
 public function onDispatch(MvcEvent $e)
     $viewModel = new ViewModel();
     $data = $this->authenticationService->getAuthData();
     $viewModel->setVariable('user', $data->user);
     $viewModel->setVariable('configure', true);
Beispiel #15
 public function onDispatch(MvcEvent $e)
     if (!$e->getRequest() instanceof ConsoleRequest) {
         throw new RuntimeException('You can only use this action from a console!');
     $response = sprintf("Current version %s\n", $this->table->getCurrentVersion());
     return $response;
  * Inspect the result, and cast it to a ViewModel if an assoc array is detected
  * @param  MvcEvent $e 
  * @return void
 public function createViewModelFromArray(MvcEvent $e)
     $result = $e->getResult();
     if (!IsAssocArray::test($result, true)) {
     $model = new ViewModel($result);
 public function options(MvcEvent $event)
     if (!($result = $event->getResult())) {
         $result = new Result();
     return $result;
  * @param MvcEvent $event
  * @return ApiProblemResponse
 public function __invoke(MvcEvent $event)
     if (!$this->BasicAuthenticationService->authenticate()) {
         $model = new JsonModel(array("code" => "InvalidCredentials", "message" => "Invalid Client Credentials."));
         return $model;
  * Inspect the result, and cast it to a ViewModel if null is detected
  * @param MvcEvent $e
  * @return void
 public function createViewModelFromNull(MvcEvent $e)
     $result = $e->getResult();
     if (null !== $result) {
     $model = new ViewModel();
  * @param MvcEvent $e
 public function handleError(MvcEvent $e)
     $model = new ViewModel();
     $response = $e->getResponse() ?: new HttpResponse();
  * @param MvcEvent $e
  * @return mixed|void
 public function onDispatch(MvcEvent $e)
     $adapter = new QueryPaginator($this->entityManager->getRepository($this->options->getImageEntityClass())->createQueryBuilder('img'));
     $paginator = new Paginator($adapter, $this->getRequest()->getHeaders(), $this->getResponse()->getHeaders());
     $imageExtractor = new ImageExtractor(new DoctrineObject($this->entityManager, $this->options->getImageEntityClass()));
     $result = new JsonModel($imageExtractor);
Beispiel #22
 public function onDispatch(MvcEvent $e)
     if (!$e->getRequest() instanceof ConsoleRequest) {
         throw new RuntimeException('You can only use this action from a console!');
     $classPath = $this->generator->generate();
     $response = sprintf("Generated skeleton class @ %s\n", realpath($classPath));
     return $response;
Beispiel #23
  * Execute the request
  * @param  MvcEvent $e
  * @return ReadViewModelInterface
 public function onDispatch(MvcEvent $e)
     $entity = $this->repository->find($this->criteria);
     if (!$entity) {
         return $this->notFoundAction();
     return $this->viewModel;
  * @param MvcEvent $e
  * @return mixed | void
 public function onDispatch(MvcEvent $e)
     $removeModel = new RemoveModel();
     if (!$this->remover->remove($this->getResource())) {
     } else {
  * Display messages on console
  * @param MvcEvent $e
  * @param string $validationMessages
  * @return void
 private function displayMessages(MvcEvent $e, $validationMessages)
     /** @var \Zend\Console\Adapter\AdapterInterface $console */
     $console = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('console');
     $validationMessages = $console->colorize($validationMessages, ColorInterface::RED);
     $model = new ConsoleModel();
 public function onDispatch(MvcEvent $e)
     /** @var \BedRest\Rest\Dispatcher $dispatcher */
     $dispatcher = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('BedRest.Dispatcher');
     $data = $dispatcher->dispatch($this->restRequest);
     $result = new ViewModel($data);
     return $result;
Beispiel #27
 public function onError(MvcEvent $event)
     // Do nothing if no error or if response is not HTTP response
     if (!($exception = $event->getParam('exception') instanceof UnauthorizedExceptionInterface) || !($response = $event->getResponse() instanceof HttpResponse)) {
     $response = $event->getResponse() ?: new HttpResponse();
  * @inheritdoc
 public function onDispatch(MvcEvent $e)
     $viewModel = new ViewModel();
     if (!$this->params('method', false)) {
     } else {
  * @see \Zend\Mvc\View\Http\ExceptionStrategy::prepareExceptionViewModel()
 public function prepareExceptionViewModel(MvcEvent $event)
     // do nothing if no error in the event
     $error = $event->getError();
     if (empty($error)) {
     // do nothing if the result is a response object
     $result = $event->getResult();
     if ($result instanceof Response) {
     // do nothing if there is no exception or the exception is not an UserDeactivatedException
     $exception = $event->getParam('exception');
     if (!$exception instanceof UserDeactivatedException) {
     $auth = $event->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('AuthenticationService');
     // do nothing if no user is logged in or is active one
     if (!$auth->hasIdentity() || $auth->getUser()->isActive()) {
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     if (!$response) {
         $response = new Response();
     $model = new ViewModel(['message' => 'This user account has been disabled. Please contact the system adminstrator.', 'exception' => $exception, 'display_exceptions' => $this->displayExceptions()]);
 public function __invoke(MvcEvent $event)
     $model = $event->getResult();
     if (!$model instanceof ViewModel) {
     if (strpos($model->getTemplate(), 'error') === false) {
     $result = $event->getResult();
     $error = $event->getError();
     $layout = new ViewModel();
     $content = new ViewModel();
     if ($error == 'error-exception') {
         $content->setVariable('reason', 'The site seems to be experiencing problems, please try again later');
     } else {
         $content->setVariable('reason', 'The site cannot find the url in the address bar');
     return false;