register() public static method

Registers this asset bundle with a view.
public static register ( View $view ) : static
$view View the view to be registered with
return static the registered asset bundle instance
Beispiel #1
 public static function register($view, $options = [])
     $callback = null;
     if (isset($options['callback'])) {
         $callback = $options['callback'];
     $settings = $options + self::_getDefaultOptions();
     if ($settings['text'] == '' && is_array($settings['type'])) {
         foreach ($settings['type'] as $type) {
             $new_settings = $settings;
             $new_settings['type'] = $type;
             $new_settings['text'] = \Yii::$app->session->getFlash($type);
             if (isset($new_settings['text']) && is_array($new_settings['text'])) {
                 foreach ($new_settings['text'] as $text) {
                     $multipleFlashesSettings = $new_settings;
                     $multipleFlashesSettings['text'] = $text;
                     $view->registerJs(self::_run($multipleFlashesSettings, $callback));
             } elseif (isset($new_settings['text'])) {
                 $view->registerJs(self::_run($new_settings, $callback));
     } else {
         $view->registerJs(self::_run($settings, $callback));
  * @inheritdoc
 public static function register($view)
     /* @var $view \yii\web\View */
     //TODO: set language manually
     return parent::register($view);
Beispiel #3
 public static function register($view)
     if (class_exists('\\app\\assets\\AdminAsset')) {
         call_user_func(['\\app\\assets\\AdminAsset', 'register'], $view);
     return parent::register($view);
  * @param View $view
  * @return static the registered asset bundle instance
 public static function register($view)
     $configOptions = [];
     $configSelector = self::DEFAULT_SELECTOR;
     try {
         $thisBundle = \Yii::$app->getAssetManager()->getBundle(__CLASS__);
         $configOptions = $thisBundle->options;
         $configSelector = $thisBundle->selector;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // do nothing...
     $options = empty($configOptions) ? '' : Json::encode($configOptions);
     if ($configSelector !== self::DEFAULT_SELECTOR) {
             hljs.configure(' . $options . ');
             jQuery(\'' . $configSelector . '\').each(function(i, block) {
     } else {
             hljs.configure(' . $options . ');
             hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad();', View::POS_END);
     return parent::register($view);
  * @param \yii\web\View $view
  * @param array $extensions
  * @return static
 public static function register($view, $extensions = [])
     $bundle = parent::register($view);
     foreach ($extensions as $_ext) {
         $view->registerJsFile($bundle->baseUrl . "/ext-{$_ext}.js", ['depends' => [static::className()]], "ACE_EXT_" . $_ext);
     return $bundle;
Beispiel #6
 public static function register($view, $jsSettings = [])
     if (empty($jsSettings) === false) {
         static::$jsSettings = $jsSettings;
     return parent::register($view);
     // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
Beispiel #7
  * @inheritdoc
 public static function register($view)
     /* @var $view View */
     // register graphic options
     $options = func_get_arg(1);
     $view->registerJs(new JsExpression('document.historyGraph = new HistoryGraph(' . Json::encode($options) . ');'));
  * Register bundle for view.
  * Send second param as array to set plugin options.
  * @param View $view
  * @param array $jsOptions
 public static function register($view)
     $ret = parent::register($view);
     $jsOptions = func_get_arg(1);
     if (is_array($jsOptions)) {
         $view->registerJs('$(document).commitSummary(' . Json::encode($jsOptions) . ');');
     return $ret;
 public static function register($view)
     $providers = \Yii::$app->{KontTrevor::$componentName}->providers;
     $view->registerJS('SirTrevorProviders=' . json_encode($providers) . ';
         _.each(SirTrevorProviders, function(e) {
             var extended = $.extend(e, SirTrevorCustomBlockAttributes);
             SirTrevor.Blocks[e.type] = SirTrevor.Block.extend(extended);
         });', \yii\web\View::POS_END);
 public static function register($view)
     $bundle = parent::register($view);
     /** @var SE $se */
     if (!\Yii::$app->user->isGuest) {
         $se = Yii::$app->get('se');
         $conf = json_encode(['socketUrl' => $se->socketUrl, 'globalQKey' => $se->globalQKey]);
     return $bundle;
  * @param \yii\web\View $view
  * @param array $options
  * @param array $extensions
  * @return static
 public static function register($view, $options = [], $extensions = [])
     if (is_array($options)) {
         if (array_key_exists('theme', $options)) {
             self::$theme = $options['theme'];
         if (array_key_exists('globalize', $options)) {
             self::$globalize = $options['globalize'];
     if (is_array($extensions) && !empty($extensions)) {
         self::$extensions = $extensions;
     return parent::register($view);
    public static function register($view)
        $bundle = parent::register($view);
        $detailsUrl = Url::to(['/extensions-manager/extensions/details']);
        $runTaskUrl = Url::to(['/extensions-manager/extensions/run-task']);
        $endpointUrl = Url::to(['/extensions-manager/extensions/deferred-report-queue-item']);
        $buttonText = Yii::t('extensions-manager', 'Done');
        $js = <<<JS
    window.ExtensionsManager = window.ExtensionsManager || {};
    window.ExtensionsManager.detailsUrl = '{$detailsUrl}';
    window.ExtensionsManager.runTaskUrl = '{$runTaskUrl}';
    window.ExtensionsManager.endpointUrl = '{$endpointUrl}';
    window.ExtensionsManager.detailsTemplate = '<tr class="extension-info-tr"><td colspan="4">{details}</td></tr>';
    window.ExtensionsManager.buttonText = '{$buttonText}';
        $view->registerJs($js, \yii\web\View::POS_HEAD);
        return $bundle;
  * @param \yii\web\View $view
  * @param object oView (The view to be registered with)
  * @param array aOptions (style, lineNums and autoAddPreClasses)
  * @return static
 public static function register($oView, $aOptions = [])
     $js = "";
     if (is_array($aOptions)) {
         self::$options['style'] = isset($aOptions['style']) ? $aOptions['style'] : 'prettify';
         self::$options['lineNums'] = isset($aOptions['lineNums']) ? $aOptions['lineNums'] : false;
         self::$options['autoAddPreClasses'] = isset($aOptions['autoAddPreClasses']) ? $aOptions['autoAddPreClasses'] : false;
         if (self::$options['lineNums'] === true) {
             $oView->registerCss('li.L0, li.L1, li.L2, li.L3, li.L5, li.L6, li.L7, li.L8 { list-style-type: decimal !important }');
         if (self::$options['autoAddPreClasses'] === true) {
             $js .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('pre').each(function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t    var langClass = \$(this).attr('class') || '';\n\t\t\t\t\t    \$('pre').addClass('prettyprint " . (self::$options['lineNums'] ? linenums : '') . "' + langClass);\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t";
         $js .= "\n\t\t\t\tprettyPrint();\n\t\t\t";
     return parent::register($oView);
  * @param View $view
  * @param array $options
  * @return static the registered asset bundle instance
  * @see
 public static function register($view, $options = [])
     $o = ArrayHelper::merge(['selector' => 'select', 'menuArrow' => true, 'tickIcon' => true, 'selectpickerOptions' => ['style' => 'btn-default form-control']], $options);
     if (!is_string($o['selector']) || empty($o['selector'])) {
         return false;
     $js = '';
     if ($o['menuArrow']) {
         $js .= '$("' . $o['selector'] . '").addClass("show-menu-arrow");' . PHP_EOL;
     if ($o['tickIcon']) {
         $js .= '$("' . $o['selector'] . '").addClass("show-tick");' . PHP_EOL;
     //Enable Bootstrap-Select for $o['selector']
     $js .= '$("' . $o['selector'] . '").selectpicker(' . Json::htmlEncode($o['selectpickerOptions']) . ');' . PHP_EOL;
     //Update Bootstrap-Select by :reset click
     $js .= '$(":reset").click(function(){
         $("' . $o['selector'] . '").selectpicker("refresh");
Beispiel #15
 public static function register($view, $params = [])
     if (!isset($params['rUrl'])) {
         $params['rUrl'] = Url::toRoute('/geo/region/get-regiones-pais');
     if (!isset($params['cUrl'])) {
         $params['cUrl'] = Url::toRoute('/geo/ciudad/get-ciudades-region');
     $headScript = 'var regionesAjaxUrl = "' . $params['rUrl'] . '";';
     $headScript .= 'var ciudadesAjaxUrl = "' . $params['cUrl'] . '";';
     $headScript .= 'var paisIdField = "' . $params['pais_field'] . '";';
     $headScript .= 'var regionIdField = "' . $params['region_field'] . '";';
     if (isset($params['ciudad_field'])) {
         $headScript .= 'var ciudadIdField = "' . $params['ciudad_field'] . '";';
     $headScript .= 'var paisId = "' . $params['pais_id'] . '";';
     $headScript .= 'var regionId = "' . $params['region_id'] . '";';
     if (isset($params['ciudad_id'])) {
         $headScript .= 'var ciudadId = "' . $params['ciudad_id'] . '";';
     $view->registerJs($headScript, View::POS_HEAD, 'geo-head-script');
 public static function register($view)
     $view->registerJs('var img_url = "' . Yii::$app->params['imagepreviewurl'] . '";', View::POS_HEAD);
Beispiel #17
 public static function register($view)
     //<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/images/favicon.png" type="image/png">
     $view->registerLinkTag(['rel' => 'shortcut icon', 'href' => '/favicon.png', 'type' => 'image/png']);
     return parent::register($view);
 public static function register($view)
     //return $view->registerAssetBundle(get_called_class());
  * Registers this asset bundle with a view.
  * @param \yii\web\View $view
  * @return static the registered asset bundle instance
 public static function register($view)
     $messages = ['condMsgError' => \Yii::t('analytics', 'Condition is already added'), 'aggrMsgError' => \Yii::t('analytics', 'Aggregation is already added')];
     $view->registerJs('var errMessages = ' . \yii\helpers\Json::encode($messages) . ';' . PHP_EOL, \yii\web\View::POS_HEAD);
     return parent::register($view);
  * @inheritdoc
  * @param \yii\web\View $view
  * @return TimeagoAsset
 public static function register($view)
      * @var TimeagoAsset $bundle
     $bundle = parent::register($view);
     return $bundle;
  * @inheritdoc
 public static function register($view)
     $thisBundle = \Yii::$app->getAssetManager()->getBundle(__CLASS__);
     $thisBundle->css[] = sprintf('styles/%s.css', self::$style);
     return parent::register($view);
  * @inheritdoc
 public static function register($view)
     /* @var $view \yii\web\View */
     $view->registerJsFile('' . self::$googleMapApiKey);
     return parent::register($view);
 public static function register($view)
     $view->registerJs('var img_url = "' . Yii::$app->params['imagepreviewurl'] . '";', View::POS_HEAD);
     $view->registerJs('var media_action = "' . Url::home() . 'media/media/' . '";', View::POS_HEAD);
Beispiel #24
  * Registers this asset bundle with a view.
  * @param \yii\web\View $view
  *            the view to be registered with
  * @return static the registered asset bundle instance
 public static function register($view)
     $view->registerCss(".no-fouc {display:none;}");
     return parent::register($view);
Beispiel #25
 public static function register($view)
     $o = parent::register($view);
     \Yii::$app->view->registerJs("hs.graphicsDir = '{$o->baseUrl}/graphics/';");
     \Yii::$app->view->registerJs("hs.outlineType = 'outer-glow';");
  * @param View $view
  * @param string $style
  * @return AssetBundle
 public static function registerWithStyle($view, $style = self::STYLE_DEFAULT)
     $bubble = parent::register($view);
     $bubble->css[] = $style;
     return $bubble;
Beispiel #27
     * Registers this asset bundle with a view.
     * @param \yii\web\View $view the view to be registered with
     * @return static the registered asset bundle instance
    public static function register($view)
        $js = <<<JS
        $view->registerJs($js, View::POS_READY);
        return parent::register($view);
Beispiel #28
     * Registers this asset bundle with a view.
     * @param \yii\web\View $view the view to be registered with
     * @return static the registered asset bundle instance
    public static function register($view)
        $commentsModuleID = Comments::getInstance()->commentsModuleID;
        $getFormLink = Url::to(["/{$commentsModuleID}/default/get-form"]);
        $js = <<<JS
commentsModuleID = "{$commentsModuleID}";
commentsFormLink = "{$getFormLink}";
        $view->registerJs($js, View::POS_HEAD);
        return parent::register($view);