Beispiel #1
    <td class="center">
echo $model->order->activity->status;
    <td class="center">
echo count($model->order->bids);
    <td class="center">
        <div class="gray-color"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> <?php 
echo \yii\timeago\TimeAgo::widget(['timestamp' => $model->activity->time, 'language' => 'en-short']);
        <div class="label label-primary fs_11"><i class="fa fa-building"></i> <?php 
echo $model->activity->type;
        <div class="margin-top-5"><?php 
echo Html::a('#' . sprintf("%'07d\n", $model->id), Url::to('/bid/' . $model->id), ['class' => '']);
echo $model->price;
Beispiel #2
                <div class="avatar">
echo Html::img('@web/images/cards/default_avatar.jpg');
                <div class="title">
                    <div class="head second">Masterplan</div>
                    <div class="subhead"><?php 
echo \yii\timeago\TimeAgo::widget(['timestamp' => date('U')]);
                <div class="subaction">
echo \yii\timeago\TimeAgo::widget(['timestamp' => date('U')]);
            <div class="media-area">                
                <div class="image">
echo Html::img('@web/images/cards/info/info_docs' . rand(0, 9) . '.jpg');
            <div class="primary-context">
                <div class="head">Heading</div>
                <div class="subhead">Lorem ipsum</div>
Beispiel #3
  <div class="media-left">

      <img class="media-object" style ="width: 54px; height: 54px;" src="<?php 
    echo $avatar;
" >

  <div class="media-body">
    <div class="media-heading">
        <span class="author"><?php 
    echo HtmlPurifier::process($username);
        <span class="time dot-left dot-right"><?php 
    echo TimeAgo::widget(['timestamp' => $model->created_at]);

    <div class="comment-content">
    echo HtmlPurifier::process($model->content);
    if ($nestedLevel < $maxNestedLevel) {
    <div class="comment-footer">
         <a class="reply-button" data-parent-id="<?php 
        echo $model->comment_id;
Beispiel #4
<div class="comment-wrap <?php 
echo $class;
            <td class="avatar"><?php 
echo Html::img('@web/images/cards/' . $comment->user->avatar->ime);
            <td class="body">
                        <td class="head second"><?php 
echo $comment->user->username;
                        <td class="subaction"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> <?php 
echo \yii\timeago\TimeAgo::widget(['timestamp' => $comment->update_time]);
echo $comment->text;
Beispiel #5
echo \yii\bootstrap\Html::submitButton('Фильтр', ['class' => 'btn btn-success btn-lg']);

echo GridView::widget(['dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'formatter' => ['class' => 'yii\\i18n\\Formatter'], 'columns' => ['id', 'name', ['label' => 'Изображение', 'format' => 'raw', 'value' => function ($model) {
    $url = $model->preview;
    return Html::a(Html::img($url, ['class' => 'img-responsive', 'style' => 'height:150px;']), $url, ['data-lightbox' => "image-" . $model->id]);
}], ['attribute' => 'author', 'label' => 'Автор', 'value' => 'author.fullName'], ['attribute' => 'date', 'format' => ['date', 'php:d F Y']], ['attribute' => 'date_create', 'format' => 'raw', 'value' => function ($model) {
    return \yii\timeago\TimeAgo::widget(['timestamp' => $model->date_create, 'language' => 'ru']);
}], ['class' => 'yii\\grid\\ActionColumn', 'template' => '{view}{update}{delete}', 'buttons' => ['view' => function ($url, $model) {
    return Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></span>', $url, ['title' => Yii::t('app', 'New Action1'), 'class' => 'view_book']);

\yii\bootstrap\Modal::begin(['id' => 'book-info', 'closeButton' => ['id' => 'close-button']]);
    window.onload = function(){
            var url = $(this).attr('href');
Beispiel #6
        <div class="comments-main-form">
    echo CommentsForm::widget();

if ($this->beginCache($cacheKey, $cacheProperties)) {
    echo CommentsList::widget(compact('model', 'model_id', 'comment'));
} else {
    TimeAgo::widget(['language' => substr(\Yii::$app->language, 0, 2)]);
Beispiel #7
				<div class="timeline-badge">
					<i class="fa <?php 
    echo $model->type;
				<div class="timeline-panel">
					<div class="timeline-heading">
						<h4 class="timeline-title"><?php 
    echo $model->title;
							<small class="text-muted"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></i> <?php 
    echo TimeAgo::widget(["timestamp" => $model->published_at]);
					<div class="timeline-body">
    echo $model->content;

Beispiel #8
    <div class="header-context padding-bottom-0 gray">                
        <div class="avatar center gray-color">
            <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart fa-3x"></i>    
        <div class="title">
            <div class="head second gray-color"><?php 
echo Html::a('Porudžbina #' . sprintf("%'09d\n", $model->id), Url::to('/order/' . $model->id), ['class' => '']);
            <div class="subhead">                 
echo $model->activity->user->location->city . ', ' . $model->activity->user->location->country;
 <span class=""></span> <i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> <?php 
echo \yii\timeago\TimeAgo::widget(['timestamp' => $model->activity->time]);
                <span class="label label-default"><i class="fa fa-bookmark"></i> Aukcijska porudžbina</span> <?php 
echo $countDown;
        <div class="action right">
echo Html::a(Yii::t('app', '<i class="fa fa-bookmark"></i>'), Url::to(), ['class' => 'btn btn-default btn-sm']);
echo Html::a(Yii::t('app', 'Ponudi'), Url::to(), ['class' => 'btn btn-success btn-sm']);
Beispiel #9
     * Renders the widget
    public function run()
        $model = $this->model;
        $formatter = $this->formatter;
        $this->viewerRole = $model->userType;
        $this->orderStatus = $model->order->activity->status;

            <div class="bid-wrap">
                <div class="header-context gray" style="height:64px;">              
                    <div class="avatar"><?php 
        echo Html::img('@web/images/cards/' . $model->user->avatar->ime);
                    <div class="title">
                        <div class="head second"><?php 
        echo $model->user->username;
<span class="fs_11 margin-left-10 gray-color"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> <?php 
        echo \yii\timeago\TimeAgo::widget(['timestamp' => $model->time]);
                        <div class="subhead"><?php 
        echo $model->user->location->city;
                    <div class="subaction right no-padding no-margin">
                    	<div class="btn-group btn-group-sm" role="group" aria-label="...">
        if ($this->viewerRole == self::VIEWER_BIDDER && $this->orderStatus == self::ORDER_STATUS_ACTIVE && $this->type == self::TYPE_FULL) {
            echo Html::a('<i class="fa fa-ban"></i>&nbsp;' . Yii::t('app', 'Reject'), Url::to(), ['class' => 'btn btn-default']);
            echo Html::a('<i class="fa fa-envelope-o"></i>&nbsp;' . Yii::t('app', 'Message'), Url::to(), ['class' => 'btn btn-default']);
            echo Html::a('<i class="fa fa-check"></i>&nbsp;' . Yii::t('app', 'Select'), Url::to(), ['class' => 'btn btn-success']);
        } elseif ($this->viewerRole == self::VIEWER_SENDER && $this->orderStatus == self::ORDER_STATUS_ACTIVE && $this->type == self::TYPE_FULL) {
            echo Html::a('<i class="fa fa-pencil"></i>&nbsp;' . Yii::t('app', 'Update'), Url::to(), ['class' => 'btn btn-default']);
            echo Html::a('<i class="fa fa-times"></i>&nbsp;' . Yii::t('app', 'Delete'), Url::to(), ['class' => 'btn btn-danger']);
        if ($model->note) {
                <div class="secondary-context">
            echo $model->note;
                <div class="secondary-context">                    
                    <div class="row">
                        <div class="col-sm-4 center border-right">
                            	<tr><td class="gray-color fs_10 bold"><?php 
        echo Yii::t('app', 'CENA');
                                <tr><td class="center">
                                        <div class="head major"><?php 
        echo $formatter->asCurrency($model->price, $model->currency->code);
                                <tr><td class="center gray-color bold">
        echo $formatter->asCurrency($model->price_per, $model->currency->code);
        echo $model->currency->code;
                        <div class="col-sm-4 center border-right">
                            	<tr><td class="gray-color fs_10 bold"><?php 
        echo Yii::t('app', 'START');
                                    <td class="center">
                                        <div class="head major"><?php 
        echo $formatter->asDatetime($model->delivery_starts, 'php:j. M y @H:i');
                                    <td class="center gray-color bold">
        echo Yii::t('app', 'za');
        echo \russ666\widgets\Countdown::widget(['datetime' => $model->delivery_starts, 'format' => '%-D<span class=\\"fs_10\\">d</span> %H<span class=\\"fs_10\\">h</span> %M<span class=\\"fs_10\\">m</span>', 'events' => ['finish' => 'function(){$(this).closest("td").html("Due now!");}']]);
                        <div class="col-sm-4 center">
                                <tr><td class="gray-color fs_10 bold"><?php 
        echo Yii::t('app', 'TRAJANJE');
                                    <td class="center">
                                        <div class="head major"><?php 
        echo $model->period;
        echo $model->periodUnit->oznaka;
                                    <td class="center gray-color bold">
        echo Yii::t('app', 'cca do');
        echo $model->delivery_starts;

Beispiel #10
    echo CommentsForm::widget();

if ($this->beginCache($cacheKey, $cacheProperties)) {
    echo ListView::widget(['dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'emptyText' => CommentsModule::t('comments', 'No Comments'), 'itemView' => function ($model, $key, $index, $widget) {
        $nested_level = 1;
        return $this->render('comment', compact('model', 'widget', 'nested_level'));
    }, 'options' => ['class' => 'comments'], 'itemOptions' => ['class' => 'comment'], 'layout' => '{items}<div class="text-center">{pager}</div>', 'pager' => ['class' => yii\widgets\LinkPager::className(), 'options' => ['class' => 'pagination pagination-sm']]]);
} else {
Beispiel #11
  * Renders one comment.
  * @return string the rendered comment element.
 public function renderOneComment($commentModel, $replies)
     // The comment to build
     $comment = '';
     // Make the Author Profile Pic
     $authorProfilePicture = Yii::getAlias('@web') . "/images/def_avatar.png";
     $authorImage = Html::img($commentModel->createdBy->getImage()->getUrl('100x100'), $this->imageOptions);
     $comment .= Html::a($authorImage, ['/profile/', 'id' => $commentModel->createdBy->id], ['class' => 'pull-left']);
     // Make the Author Name with Date
     $authorName = Html::tag('h5', $commentModel->createdBy->username, ['class' => 'media-heading reviews']);
     $commentDate = TimeAgo::widget(['timestamp' => $commentModel->created_at]);
     $commentDate = Html::tag('p', $commentDate, ['class' => 'media-date text-uppercase reviews list-inline']);
     // Make the actual Comment
     $commentText = Html::tag('p', $commentModel->text, ['class' => 'comment']);
     // Make the Reply Button
     $replyGlyph = Html::tag('span', '', ['class' => 'glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt']);
     $replyButton = Html::a($replyGlyph . ' Reply', '#ReplyTo' . $commentModel->id, ['class' => 'btn btn-sm btn-success btn-circle text-uppercase pull-right reply-btn', 'data' => ['toggle' => 'collapse']]);
     // Make the Show Replies Button if replies do exist
     $repliesGlyph = Html::tag('span', '', ['class' => 'glyphicon glyphicon-comment']);
     if (count($replies) == 1) {
         $howManyReplies = ' 1 reply';
     } else {
         $howManyReplies = ' ' . count($replies) . ' replies';
     $repliesButton = Html::a($repliesGlyph . $howManyReplies, '#RepliesTo' . $commentModel->id, ['class' => 'btn btn-sm btn-primary btn-circle text-uppercase pull-right reply-btn', 'data' => ['toggle' => 'collapse']]);
     // Make the Wrapper for all the above
     $wellDiv = Html::tag('div', $authorName . $commentDate . $commentText . $replyButton . $repliesButton, ['class' => 'well well-lg']);
     // Attach all above into the Comment
     $comment .= Html::tag('div', $wellDiv, ['class' => 'media-body']);
     $this->model->api = $commentModel->api;
     $this->model->object = $commentModel->object;
     $this->model->property = $commentModel->property;
     $this->model->reply_to_comment = $commentModel->id;
     $replyForm = $this->render('//comments/_replyForm', ['model' => $this->model]);
     // Attach all above into the Comment
     $comment .= Html::tag('div', $replyForm, ['class' => 'collapse', 'id' => 'ReplyTo' . $commentModel->id]);
     // Make the Replies if they exist
     $repliesUl = '';
     foreach ($replies as $reply) {
         $repliesUl .= Html::ul([$this->renderCommentWithReplies($reply)], ['encode' => false, 'class' => 'media-list', 'item' => function ($item) {
             return "<li class='media media-replied'>{$item}</li>";
     // Attach replies into the Comment
     $comment .= Html::tag('div', $repliesUl, ['class' => 'collapse', 'id' => 'RepliesTo' . $commentModel->id]);
     return $comment;
Beispiel #12
     * Renders the widget
    public function run()

        <div class="card_container record-full" id="card_container" style="float:none;"> 
        /* creator and product details */
            <div class="header-context gray">                
                <div class="avatar">
        echo Html::img('@web/images/cards/default_avatar.jpg');
                <div class="title">
                    <div class="head second"><?php 
        echo $this->productData['creator']['name'];
                    <div class="subhead"><?php 
        echo $this->productData['creator']['location'];
                <div class="subaction right">                        
                    <i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> <?php 
        echo \yii\timeago\TimeAgo::widget(['timestamp' => date('U')]);
            <hr class="no-margin">
            <div class="header-context">
                <div class="avatar center gray-color">
                    <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart fa-3x"></i>        
                <div class="title">
                    <div class="head second gray-color">Porudžbina br. #<?php 
        echo sprintf("%'09d\n", $this->productData['activity']['id']);
                    <span class="label label-primary margin-right-10"><i class="fa fa-bookmark"></i> <?php 
        echo $this->productData['activity']['type'];
                <div class="right fs_30">                        
                    <i class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin"></i> 
        echo \russ666\widgets\Countdown::widget(['datetime' => $this->productData['activity']['validity'], 'format' => '%d<span class=\\"fs_11\\">d</span> %H<span class=\\"fs_11\\">h</span> %M<span class=\\"fs_11\\">m</span> %S<span class=\\"fs_11\\">s</span>', 'events' => []]);
        echo Html::a('<i class="fa fa-sticky-note"></i>&nbsp;' . Yii::t('app', 'Pošalji ponudu'), Url::to(), ['class' => 'btn btn-danger btn-xs no-margin']);
            <hr class="no-margin">
        /* service */
        $productCount = count($this->productData['product']);
        foreach ($this->productData['product'] as $product) {
            <div class="hidden-content-container hovering" style="position:relative;">
                <div class="header-context head">              
                    <div class="avatar">
            echo Html::img('@web/images/cards/' . $product['avatar'] . '.jpg');
                    <div class="title">
                        <div class="head" style="color:#2196F3; font-weight:300;"><?php 
            echo $product['head'];
<span class="margin-left-10 fs_11"><?php 
            echo Html::a('<i class="fa fa-external-link"></i>', Url::to(''), []);
                        <div class="subhead">
                            <div class="label label-success fs_11 margin-right-15"><i class="fa fa-building"></i> Izdavanje nekretnina</div>
            echo $product['qty'] ? '<span class="margin-right-15"><i class="fa fa-signal fa-rotate-270 margin-right-5"></i>' . $product['qty'] . '</span>' : null;
            echo $product['consumer'] ? '<span class="margin-right-15"><i class="fa fa-user"></i> ' . $product['consumer'] . '</span>' : null;

            echo Html::a('<i class="fa ' . ($productCount > 1 ? 'fa-chevron-right' : 'fa-chevron-down') . '"></i>', null, ['class' => 'btn btn-link float-right show-more']);

                <div class="secondary-context avatar-padded <?php 
            echo $productCount > 1 ? 'hidden' : '';
 hidden-content fadeIn animated">
            echo $product['note'] ? '<p><b><i class="fa fa-sticky-note"></i> Note:</b> ' . $product['note'] . '</p>' : null;
                <div class="secondary-context cont avatar-padded <?php 
            echo $productCount > 1 ? 'hidden' : '';
 hidden-content fadeIn animated">
            echo TabsX::widget(['items' => $product['details'], 'position' => TabsX::POS_ABOVE, 'encodeLabels' => false, 'containerOptions' => ['class' => 'product-nav-tabs']]);
            if ($product['media']) {
                <div class="media-area <?php 
                echo $productCount > 1 ? 'hidden' : '';
                foreach ($product['media'] as $media) {
                    echo Html::img('@web/images/cards/' . $media . '.jpg');
                <hr class="no-margin">                 

        /* time/loc */
                <div class="header-context">  
                    <div class="avatar center gray-color">
                        <i class="fa fa-calendar fa-3x"></i>    
                    <div class="title">
                        <div class="subhead"><?php 
        echo Yii::t('app', 'vreme');
                        <div class="head second"><?php 
        echo $this->productData['activity']['time'];
        /* time/loc */
            <div class="hidden-content-container">
                <div class="header-context">                    
                    <div class="avatar center gray-color">
                        <i class="fa fa-map-marker fa-3x"></i>    
                    <div class="title">
                        <div class="subhead"><?php 
        echo Yii::t('app', 'delivery location');
                        <div class="head second"><?php 
        echo $this->productData['activity']['location'];
        echo Html::a('<i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i>', null, ['class' => 'btn btn-link float-right show-more', 'id' => 'mapShowTrigger']);
                <div class="media-screen hidden hidden-content no-margin" id="map_container">                   
        echo $this->productData['maps'];

        /* price/action */
            <div class="secondary-context" style="height:84px;">
                <div class="float-left" style="">
                    <div class="avatar center gray-color">
                        <i class="fa fa-barcode fa-3x"></i>    
                    <div class="title">
                        <div class="subhead"><?php 
        echo Yii::t('app', 'cena');
                        <div class="head black no-padding"><?php 
        echo Yii::$app->formatter->asCurrency(12750, 'EUR');
                        <span class="strikethrough"><?php 
        echo Yii::$app->formatter->asCurrency(13499.99, 'EUR');
</span> <span class="label label-warning">popust 25%</span>
                <div class="float-right action-area no-margin no-padding" style="">
                    <div class="head second padding-bottom-5 right gray-color">
        echo \russ666\widgets\Countdown::widget(['datetime' => $this->productData['activity']['validity'], 'format' => '%d<span class=\\"fs_11\\">' . Yii::t('app', 'd') . '</span> %H<span class=\\"fs_11\\">h</span> %M<span class=\\"fs_11\\">m</span> %S<span class=\\"fs_11\\">s</span>', 'events' => []]);
        echo Html::a('<i class="fa fa-eye"></i>&nbsp;' . Yii::t('app', 'Prati'), Url::to(), ['class' => 'btn btn-link']);
        echo Html::a('<i class="fa fa-sticky-note"></i>&nbsp;' . Yii::t('app', 'Pošalji ponudu'), Url::to(), ['class' => 'btn btn-danger no-margin']);
Beispiel #13
    // if ($log->action=='provider_reviewed')
    // provider_recommended
    if ($log->action == 'provider_recommended') {
        $icon = '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up fa-lg"></i>';
        $color = '#e66021;';
        $pre = '';
        $pro = \common\models\Provider::findOne($log->alias);
        $log_text = Yii::t('app', 'recommended') . $suff . ' <a href="' . Url::to('provider/' . $pro->user->username . '/i') . '"><i class="fa fa-users"></i> ' . Yii::t('app', 'a service provider') . '</a>';
    // if ($log->action=='provider_recommended')
    // renderuj ticker
    echo '<li>
						            <td class="feed-icon" style="background: ' . $color . ' ">
						            	<span>' . $icon . '</span>
						            <td class="feed-content">
						            	<b>' . $pre . ' ' . $user->username . '</b> ' . $log_text . ' | <span><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> ' . \yii\timeago\TimeAgo::widget(['timestamp' => $log->time]) . '</span>
// foreach ($logs as $log)

Beispiel #14
        <a class="author"><?php 
echo HtmlPurifier::process($model->getAuthor());
        <a class="author">
if ($model->user[0]->is_artist) {
    echo '<i class="fa fa-graduation-cap orange"></i>&nbsp;';
if ($model->user[0]->is_owner) {
    echo '<i class="fa fa-map-marker cyan"></i>';
        <span class="time dot-left dot-right"><?php 
echo TimeAgo::widget(['timestamp' => $model->created_at, 'language' => substr(\Yii::$app->language, 0, 2)]);
    <div class="comment-text">
echo HtmlPurifier::process($model->content);
if ($nested_level < Comments::getInstance()->maxNestedLevel) {
        <div class="comment-footer">
    if (!Comments::getInstance()->onlyRegistered || !Yii::$app->user->isGuest) {
Beispiel #15
        	<span style="color:<?php 
echo $model->is_read == 0 ? $color : 'gray';
echo $icon;
echo $notify_title;
echo $model->cc > 1 ? '&nbsp;(' . $model->cc . ')' : '';
            <div class="subaction">
                <i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> <?php 
echo \yii\timeago\TimeAgo::widget(['timestamp' => $model->notification_time]);
        <div class="subhead"><?php 
echo $notify_title;
    <div class="secondary-context tease">
echo $notify_text;
    <div class="action-area">