getIsNewRecord() public method

Returns a value indicating whether the current record is new (not saved in the database).
public getIsNewRecord ( ) : boolean
return boolean whether the record is new and should be inserted when calling [[save()]].
Beispiel #1
  * Establishes the relationship between two models.
  * The relationship is established by setting the foreign key value(s) in one model
  * to be the corresponding primary key value(s) in the other model.
  * The model with the foreign key will be saved into database without performing validation.
  * If the relationship involves a junction table, a new row will be inserted into the
  * junction table which contains the primary key values from both models.
  * Note that this method requires that the primary key value is not null.
  * @param string $name the case sensitive name of the relationship
  * @param ActiveRecordInterface $model the model to be linked with the current one.
  * @param array $extraColumns additional column values to be saved into the junction table.
  * This parameter is only meaningful for a relationship involving a junction table
  * (i.e., a relation set with [[ActiveRelationTrait::via()]] or `[[ActiveQuery::viaTable()]]`.)
  * @throws InvalidCallException if the method is unable to link two models.
 public function link($name, $model, $extraColumns = [])
     $relation = $this->getRelation($name);
     if ($relation->via !== null) {
         if ($this->getIsNewRecord() || $model->getIsNewRecord()) {
             throw new InvalidCallException('Unable to link models: the models being linked cannot be newly created.');
         if (is_array($relation->via)) {
             /* @var $viaRelation ActiveQuery */
             list($viaName, $viaRelation) = $relation->via;
             $viaClass = $viaRelation->modelClass;
             // unset $viaName so that it can be reloaded to reflect the change
         } else {
             $viaRelation = $relation->via;
             $viaTable = reset($relation->via->from);
         $columns = [];
         foreach ($viaRelation->link as $a => $b) {
             $columns[$a] = $this->{$b};
         foreach ($relation->link as $a => $b) {
             $columns[$b] = $model->{$a};
         foreach ($extraColumns as $k => $v) {
             $columns[$k] = $v;
         if (is_array($relation->via)) {
             /* @var $viaClass ActiveRecordInterface */
             /* @var $record ActiveRecordInterface */
             $record = new $viaClass();
             foreach ($columns as $column => $value) {
                 $record->{$column} = $value;
         } else {
             /* @var $viaTable string */
             static::getDb()->createCommand()->insert($viaTable, $columns)->execute();
     } else {
         $p1 = $model->isPrimaryKey(array_keys($relation->link));
         $p2 = $this->isPrimaryKey(array_values($relation->link));
         if ($p1 && $p2) {
             if ($this->getIsNewRecord() && $model->getIsNewRecord()) {
                 throw new InvalidCallException('Unable to link models: at most one model can be newly created.');
             } elseif ($this->getIsNewRecord()) {
                 $this->bindModels(array_flip($relation->link), $this, $model);
             } else {
                 $this->bindModels($relation->link, $model, $this);
         } elseif ($p1) {
             $this->bindModels(array_flip($relation->link), $this, $model);
         } elseif ($p2) {
             $this->bindModels($relation->link, $model, $this);
         } else {
             throw new InvalidCallException('Unable to link models: the link defining the relation does not involve any primary key.');
     // update lazily loaded related objects
     if (!$relation->multiple) {
         $this->_related[$name] = $model;
     } elseif (isset($this->_related[$name])) {
         if ($relation->indexBy !== null) {
             $indexBy = $relation->indexBy;
             $this->_related[$name][$model->{$indexBy}] = $model;
         } else {
             $this->_related[$name][] = $model;
  * @param ActiveRecordInterface|Model $master
 protected function syncRecord(ActiveRecordInterface $master)
     /**@var ActiveRecordInterface|Model $slave * */
     $slave = null;
     if (!$master->getIsNewRecord()) {
         $slave = $this->findSlaveByPk($master->getPrimaryKey());
     if ($master->getIsNewRecord() or !$slave) {
         //if related slave not exists - create new slave too
         $slave = $this->createNewSlave();
     $hasArsync = $slave->getBehavior('ArSyncBehavior');
     if ($hasArsync) {
         //prevent conflict if sync with two-way binding
     if ($this->slaveScenario) {
     $slave = $this->populateSlave($master, $slave, $this->fieldMap);
     if ($hasArsync) {
         $slave->attachBehavior('ArSyncBehavior', $hasArsync);