Beispiel #1
  * Constructor.
  * @param string $keyPrefix   The prefix for the cache keys of the bo instance. If not set, one will be generated
  *                            based on the configuration and the class-name.
 public function __construct($keyPrefix = null)
     if (empty($keyPrefix)) {
         $keyPrefix = Config::getInstance()->get('') . '.' . get_class($this);
     $this->keyPrefix = $keyPrefix;
Beispiel #2
  * Creates a syslog connection.
  * @param string                              $configName   The name of the configuration to use.
  * @param \YapepBase\Syslog\ISyslogConnection $connection   The Syslog connection to use.
  * @todo Remove the possibility to set config options. Use only the set connection [emul]
 public function __construct($configName, \YapepBase\Syslog\ISyslogConnection $connection = null)
     $config = Config::getInstance();
     $properties = array('applicationIdent', 'facility', 'includeSapiName', 'addPid');
     foreach ($properties as $property) {
         try {
             $this->configOptions[$property] = $config->get('resource.log.' . $configName . '.' . $property, false);
         } catch (ConfigException $e) {
             // We just swallow this because we don't know what properties do we need in advance
     if ($connection) {
         $this->connection = $connection;
     } elseif (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
         $this->connection = new \YapepBase\Syslog\LegacySyslogConnection();
     } else {
         $this->connection = new \YapepBase\Syslog\NativeSyslogConnection();
     $ident = $this->configOptions['applicationIdent'];
     if (isset($this->configOptions['includeSapiName']) && $this->configOptions['includeSapiName']) {
         $ident .= '-' . PHP_SAPI;
     // TODO: Can be dangerous as it can override an already set value [emul]
     $options = 0;
     if (isset($this->configOptions['addPid']) && $this->configOptions['addPid']) {
         $options += \YapepBase\Syslog\ISyslogConnection::LOG_PID;
 protected function setUp()
     // TODO Make this setting global. For this, there should be a base class for all tests [szeber]
     Config::getInstance()->set('', 'test');
     $this->originalObLevel = ob_get_level();
Beispiel #4
  * Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection.
  * This method is called before a test is executed.
  * @return void
 protected function setUp()
     Config::getInstance()->set(array('resource.log.' . self::SYSLOG_CONNECTION_CONFIG_NAME . '.facility' => LOG_LOCAL5, 'resource.log.' . self::SYSLOG_CONNECTION_CONFIG_NAME . '.applicationIdent' => self::SYSLOG_CONNECTION_APPLICATION_INDENT, 'resource.log.' . self::SYSLOG_CONNECTION_CONFIG_NAME . '.includeSapiName' => false, 'resource.log.' . self::SYSLOG_CONNECTION_CONFIG_NAME . '.addPid' => false));
     $this->syslogConnectionMock = new SyslogConnectionMock();
     $this->syslogLogger = new SyslogLoggerMock(self::SYSLOG_CONNECTION_CONFIG_NAME, $this->syslogConnectionMock);
Beispiel #5
  * Constructor.
  * @param \YapepBase\Request\IRequest      $request         The request instance
  * @param string                           $configName      The name of the configuration where the routes are
  *                                                          stored.
  * @param \YapepBase\Router\IReverseRouter $reverseRouter   The reverse router to use. If not set, it will use
  *                                                          an ArrayReverseRouter.
  * @throws RouterException   On error
 public function __construct(IRequest $request, $configName, IReverseRouter $reverseRouter = null)
     $routes = Config::getInstance()->get('resource.routing.' . $configName, false);
     if (!is_array($routes)) {
         throw new RouterException('No route config found for name: ' . $configName, RouterException::ERR_ROUTE_CONFIG);
     parent::__construct($request, $routes, $reverseRouter);
Beispiel #6
  * Returns the requested storage.
  * @param string $configName   The name of the config.
  * @throws \YapepBase\Exception\StorageException   If the given storage type is invalid.
  * @throws \YapepBase\Exception\ConfigException    On configuration errors.
  * @return \YapepBase\Storage\StorageAbstract
 public static function get($configName)
     if (!isset(static::$storages[$configName])) {
         $config = Config::getInstance();
         $storageType = $config->get('' . $configName . '.storageType');
         if (empty($storageType)) {
             throw new StorageException('No storageType configured in the config: ' . $configName);
         static::$storages[$configName] = static::getStorage($configName, $storageType);
     return static::$storages[$configName];
  * Runs the action and returns the result as an ViewAbstract instance.
  * @param string $methodName   The name of the method that contains the action.
  * @return string|\YapepBase\View\RestTemplate   The result view or the rendered output.
  * @throws \YapepBase\Exception\ControllerException   On controller specific error. (eg. action not found)
  * @throws \YapepBase\Exception\Exception             On framework related errors.
  * @throws \Exception                                 On non-framework related errors.
 protected function runAction($methodName)
     $result = $this->{$methodName}();
     if (is_array($result)) {
         $view = new RestTemplate();
         $view->setRootNode(Config::getInstance()->get('', 'rest'));
         return $view;
     } elseif (!is_string($result) && !$result instanceof RestTemplate) {
         throw new ControllerException('The received result is not a RestTemplate or an array or string', ControllerException::ERR_INVALID_ACTION_RETURN_VALUE);
     return $result;
Beispiel #8
  * Constructor.
  * @param string $configName   The name of the configuration to use.
  * @throws \YapepBase\Exception\ConfigException    On configuration errors.
  * @throws \YapepBase\Exception\StorageException   On storage errors.
 public function __construct($configName)
     $this->currentConfigurationName = $configName;
     $properties = $this->getConfigProperties();
     $configData = array();
     foreach ($properties as $property) {
         try {
             $configData[$property] = Config::getInstance()->get('' . $configName . '.' . $property);
         } catch (ConfigException $e) {
             // We just swallow this because we don't know what properties do we need in advance
  * Runs the command and returns the command output and the separated STDERR in the outgoing parameter.
  * Uses the "" config, what is describes the directory where the temporary
  * file pointer will be added. (default => /tmp)
  * @param CommandExecutor $command   The command executor object.
  * @param string          $stdErr    The error messages [Outgoing]
  * @return \YapepBase\Shell\CommandOutput   The output of the command.
  * @throws \Exception
 public function runCommandWithStdErr(CommandExecutor $command, &$stdErr)
     $dir = Config::getInstance()->get('', '/tmp');
     $pipePath = tempnam($dir, 'stderr-');
     $fileHandler = Application::getInstance()->getDiContainer()->getFileHandler();
     try {
         posix_mkfifo($pipePath, 0755);
         $command->setOutputRedirection(CommandExecutor::OUTPUT_REDIRECT_STDERR, $pipePath);
         $result = $command->run();
         $stdErr = $fileHandler->getAsString($pipePath);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if ($fileHandler->checkIsPathExists($pipePath)) {
         throw $e;
     return $result;
Beispiel #10
  * Tests setting a single value, clearing and returning all items
 public function testBasics()
     $config = Config::getInstance();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\YapepBase\\Config', $config, 'Retrieved object is not a Config instance');
     $result = $this->config->get('*');
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $result, 'Result is not an array');
     $this->assertTrue(empty($result), 'Result is not empty');
     $this->config->set('test', 'value');
     $result = $this->config->get('*');
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $result, 'Result is not an array');
     $this->assertFalse(empty($result), 'Result is empty after setting value');
     $result = $this->config->get('*');
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $result, 'Result is not an array');
     $this->assertTrue(empty($result), 'Result is not empty after clearing');
     $this->config->set('test', 'value');
     $result = $this->config->get('test');
     $this->assertSame('value', $result, 'Result not the previously set value');
     $result = $this->config->get('test', false);
     $this->assertFalse($result, 'Result is not empty after deleting value');
  * Tests the runCommandWithStdErr() method.
  * @return void
 public function testRunCommandWithStdErr()
     $testPath = getenv('YAPEPBASE_TEST_TEMPPATH');
     $this->testFilePath = null;
     $testInstance = $this;
     $expectedError = 'error message';
     $commandExecutorMock = \Mockery::mock('\\YapepBase\\Shell\\CommandExecutor')->shouldReceive('setOutputRedirection')->with(CommandExecutor::OUTPUT_REDIRECT_STDERR, \Mockery::on(function ($param) use($testInstance) {
         $testInstance->testFilePath = $param;
         return true;
     }))->getMock()->shouldReceive('run')->andReturnUsing(function () use($testInstance, $expectedError) {
         file_put_contents($testInstance->testFilePath, $expectedError);
         return new CommandOutput('test', '', 0, 'test 2> ' . $testInstance->testFilePath);
     if (empty($testPath)) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Test cannot be done without a test directory');
     if (!file_exists($testPath) && !mkdir($testPath, 0755, true)) {
         $this->fail('The test path does not exist, and cannot be created: ' . $testPath);
     Config::getInstance()->set('', $testPath);
     $this->commandOutputHelper->runCommandWithStdErr($commandExecutorMock, $errorMessage);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedError, $errorMessage);
Beispiel #12
  * Prepares the environment before running a test.
 protected function setUp()
     $this->config = Config::getInstance();
     $this->config->set(array('' => DbFactory::BACKEND_TYPE_SQLITE, '' => ':memory:'));
Beispiel #13
 protected function setUp()
     $this->originalObLevel = ob_get_level();
     Config::getInstance()->set(array('resource.missingCookieName.namespace' => 'test2'));
Beispiel #14
  * Returns a new OAuth helper instance.
  * @return OAuth
 public function getOAuth()
     $config = Config::getInstance();
     return new OAuth($config->get('resource.vend.oauth.clientId'), $config->get('resource.vend.oauth.clientSecret'), $config->get('resource.vend.oauth.redirectUri'));
Beispiel #15
  * Runs after each test
  * @return void
 protected function tearDown()
Beispiel #16
  * Returns a database connection of the specified name and type
  * @param string $connectionName   The name of the database connection.
  * @param string $connectionType   The type of the database connection. {@uses self::TYPE_*}
  * @return DbConnectionAbstract   The requested connection.
  * @throws DatabaseException   On configuration or connection errors.
 public static function getConnection($connectionName, $connectionType = self::TYPE_READ_WRITE)
     if (!isset(static::$connections[$connectionName][$connectionType])) {
         $config = Config::getInstance();
         if (is_null(static::$paramPrefix)) {
             static::$paramPrefix = (string) $config->get('system.database.paramPrefix', '');
         $properties = array('backendType', 'charset', 'database', 'host', 'isPersistent', 'password', 'path', 'user', 'useTraditionalStrictMode', 'timezone');
         $configData = array();
         foreach ($properties as $property) {
             try {
                 $configData[$property] = $config->get('resource.database.' . $connectionName . '.' . $connectionType . '.' . $property);
             } catch (ConfigException $e) {
                 // We just swallow this because we don't know what properties do we need in advance
         if (empty($configData)) {
             throw new DatabaseException('Database connection configuration "' . $connectionName . '" not found');
         if (!static::validateConnectionConfig($configData)) {
             throw new DatabaseException('Invalid database config: ' . $connectionName);
         static::$connections[$connectionName][$connectionType] = static::makeConnection($configData, $connectionName);
         if (self::TYPE_READ_WRITE == $connectionType || isset(static::$connections[$connectionName][self::TYPE_READ_ONLY])) {
             static::$connections[$connectionName][self::TYPE_READ_ONLY] = static::$connections[$connectionName][$connectionType];
     return static::$connections[$connectionName][$connectionType];
Beispiel #17
 protected function setUp()
     Config::getInstance()->set(['resource.vend.oauth.clientId' => 'clientId', 'resource.vend.oauth.clientSecret' => 'clientSecret', 'resource.vend.oauth.redirectUri' => 'redirectUri']);
Beispiel #18
function setupMySqlDbConfig($varName, $dbName)
    $parsed = parse_url(getenv($varName));
    $config = Config::getInstance();
    $config->set(['resource.database.' . $dbName . '.rw.backendType' => 'mysql', 'resource.database.' . $dbName . '' => $parsed['host'], 'resource.database.' . $dbName . '.rw.user' => $parsed['user'], 'resource.database.' . $dbName . '.rw.password' => $parsed['pass'], 'resource.database.' . $dbName . '.rw.database' => ltrim($parsed['path'], '/'), 'resource.database.' . $dbName . '.rw.port' => $parsed['port'], 'resource.database.' . $dbName . '.rw.charset' => 'utf8', 'resource.database.' . $dbName . '.ro.backendType' => 'mysql', 'resource.database.' . $dbName . '' => $parsed['host'], 'resource.database.' . $dbName . '.ro.user' => $parsed['user'], 'resource.database.' . $dbName . '.ro.password' => $parsed['pass'], 'resource.database.' . $dbName . '.ro.database' => ltrim($parsed['path'], '/'), 'resource.database.' . $dbName . '.ro.port' => $parsed['port'], 'resource.database.' . $dbName . '.ro.charset' => 'utf8']);
  * Tears down the fixture, for example, close a network connection.
  * This method is called after a test is executed.
  * @return void
 protected function tearDown()
Beispiel #20
 * Bootstrap of the application.
use YapepBase\Application;
use YapepBase\Config;
use YapepBase\Debugger\ConsoleDebuggerRenderer;
use YapepBase\Debugger\DebuggerRegistry;
use YapepBase\DependencyInjection\SystemContainer;
use YapepBase\ErrorHandler\DebugErrorHandler;
/** The application root directory. */
define('APP_ROOT', realpath(__DIR__));
// Include the common bootstrap
require realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../bootstrap.php');
// Include the application specific configurations
require realpath(__DIR__ . '/config.php');
if (Config::getInstance()->get('application.debuggerEnabled')) {
    $debuggerRegistry = new DebuggerRegistry();
    $debuggerRegistry->addRenderer(new ConsoleDebuggerRenderer());
    Application::getInstance()->getDiContainer()->getErrorHandlerRegistry()->addErrorHandler(new DebugErrorHandler());
$diContainer = Application::getInstance()->getDiContainer();
// Set search namespaces
$diContainer->setSearchNamespaces(SystemContainer::NAMESPACE_SEARCH_CONTROLLER, array('\\Www\\Controller'));
$diContainer->setSearchNamespaces(SystemContainer::NAMESPACE_SEARCH_BO, array('\\Www\\BusinessObject', '\\VendTools\\BusinessObject'));
$diContainer->setSearchNamespaces(SystemContainer::NAMESPACE_SEARCH_DAO, array('\\VendTools\\Dao'));
$diContainer->setSearchNamespaces(SystemContainer::NAMESPACE_SEARCH_VALIDATOR, array('\\Www\\Validator', '\\VendTools\\Validator'));
$diContainer->setSearchNamespaces(SystemContainer::NAMESPACE_SEARCH_TEMPLATE, array('\\Www\\View\\Template'));
Beispiel #21
  * Sets a cookie with the response. The params are same as for the php setCookie() function.
  * {@link}
  * @param string $name         Cookie name.
  * @param string $value        The cookie value.
  * @param int    $expiration   The expiration timestamp.
  * @param string $path         Path.
  * @param string $domain       Cookie domain.
  * @param bool   $secure       Is the cookie HTTPS only.
  * @param bool   $httpOnly     Is the cookie HTTP only.
  * @return void
 public function setCookie($name, $value, $expiration = 0, $path = '/', $domain = null, $secure = false, $httpOnly = false)
     if (is_null($domain)) {
         $domain = Config::getInstance()->get('system.response.defaultCookieDomain', false);
         if (false === $domain) {
             $domain = null;
     if ($this->isBufferingEnabled) {
         $this->cookies[$name] = array('name' => $name, 'value' => $value, 'expiration' => $expiration, 'path' => $path, 'domain' => $domain, 'secure' => $secure, 'httpOnly' => $httpOnly);
     } else {
         $this->output->setCookie($name, $value, $expiration, $path, $domain, $secure, $httpOnly);
  * Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
  * This method is called after a test is executed.
 protected function tearDown()
     Application::getInstance()->setDiContainer(new SystemContainer());
Beispiel #23
  * Returns the debug data URL for the specified error ID or an empty string, if the debug data url is not
  * configured properly.
  * @param string $errorId   The error ID.
  * @return string
 protected function getDebugDataUrl($errorId)
     $config = Config::getInstance();
     $urlTemplate = $config->get('system.debugger.errorDebugUrlTemplate', '');
     $paramName = $config->get('system.debugger.errorDebugUrlParamName', '');
     if (empty($urlTemplate) || empty($paramName)) {
         return '';
     return str_replace($paramName, $errorId, $urlTemplate);
Beispiel #24
  * Outputs (echoes) all parameters.
  * @return void
 public function out()
     if (Config::getInstance()->get('system.output.gzip', false)) {
     } else {
     foreach (func_get_args() as $string) {
         echo $string;
Beispiel #25
 public function create($username, $password, $email)
     $passwordHash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, ['cost' => Config::getInstance()->get('application.passwordHash.cost')]);
     return $this->getUserDao()->create($username, $passwordHash, $email);
Beispiel #26
  * Constructor.
 public function __construct()
     $this->timeout = Config::getInstance()->get('', 0);
 public function testRun()
     $response = null;
     $controller = $this->getController($response);
     $controller->setAction(function () {
     try {
         $this->fail('Running a non-existent action should result in a ControllerException');
     } catch (\YapepBase\Exception\ControllerException $e) {
         $this->assertEquals(\YapepBase\Exception\ControllerException::ERR_ACTION_NOT_FOUND, $e->getCode());
     $controller->setAction(function () {
         return 3.14;
     try {
         $this->fail('Running an action with an invalid result in a ControllerException');
     } catch (\YapepBase\Exception\ControllerException $e) {
         $this->assertEquals(\YapepBase\Exception\ControllerException::ERR_INVALID_ACTION_RESULT, $e->getCode());
     $controller->setAction(function () {
         return 'test string';
     $this->assertEquals('test string', $response->getRenderedBody());
     $controller->setAction(function () {
         $view = new ViewMock();
         $view->set('view test string');
         return $view;
     $this->assertEquals('view test string', $response->getRenderedBody());
     $controller->setAction(function (MockController $controller) {
         $controller->internalRedirect('Mock', 'RedirectTarget');
     try {
         $this->fail('No redirectException is thrown');
     } catch (RedirectException $exception) {
     $this->assertEquals('redirect test', $response->getRenderedBody());
     // Test if the action is run with an invalid case with no strict checking
     $controller->setAction(function (MockController $controller) {
         return 'test';
     $this->assertTrue($controller->ran, 'The action should have been run with an invalid case in the action and no strict checking enabled');
     // Test if the action is run with an invalid case with strict checking enabled
     Config::getInstance()->set('system.performStrictControllerActionNameValidation', true);
     $controller->setAction(function (MockController $controller) {
         return 'test';
     try {
         $this->fail('There should be a ControllerException thrown when running an action with an invalid case' . ' and strict checking is enabled');
     } catch (ControllerException $e) {
         $this->assertEquals(ControllerException::ERR_ACTION_NOT_FOUND, $e->getCode(), 'The exception should have a code for action not found');
         $this->assertContains('Invalid case', $e->getMessage(), 'The error message should contain invalid case');
     $this->assertFalse($controller->ran, 'The action should not have been run with an invalid case in the action and strict checking enabled');
     // Test that strict checking doesn't affect running a correctly named action
     $controller->setAction(function (MockController $controller) {
         return 'test';
     $this->assertTrue($controller->ran, 'The action should have been run with a valid case in the action and strict checking enabled');
Beispiel #28
  * Constructor
  * @param string                        $configName     Name of the session config.
  * @param \YapepBase\Storage\IStorage   $storage        The storage object.
  * @param bool                          $autoRegister   If TRUE, it will automatically register as an event handler.
  * @throws \YapepBase\Exception\ConfigException   On configuration problems
  * @throws \YapepBase\Exception\Exception         On other problems
 public function __construct($configName, IStorage $storage, $autoRegister = true)
     if (!$storage->isTtlSupported()) {
         throw new Exception('Storage without TTL support passed to session handler.');
     $this->storage = $storage;
     $properties = array('namespace', 'lifetime');
     $properties = array_merge($properties, $this->getConfigProperties());
     $configData = array();
     foreach ($properties as $property) {
         try {
             $configData[$property] = Config::getInstance()->get('resource.session.' . $configName . '.' . $property);
         } catch (ConfigException $e) {
             // We just swallow this because we don't know what properties do we need in advance
     if (empty($configData)) {
         throw new ConfigException('Configuration not found for session handler: ' . $configName);
     if (!isset($configData['namespace'])) {
         throw new ConfigException('No namespace has been set for the session handler: ' . $configName);
     $this->namespace = $configData['namespace'];
     $this->lifetime = empty($configData['lifetime']) ? self::DEFAULT_LIFETIME : (int) $configData['lifetime'];
     if ($autoRegister) {
     $this->id = $this->getSessionId();
Beispiel #29

 * Configurations of the application.
use YapepBase\Config;
Config::getInstance()->set(array('' => 'Www'));
  * Runs the specified action
  * @param string $action   The name of the action (without the controller specific prefix)
  * @return void
  * @throws \YapepBase\Exception\ControllerException   On controller specific error. (eg. action not found)
  * @throws \YapepBase\Exception\Exception             On framework related errors.
  * @throws \YapepBase\Exception\RedirectException     On redirections.
  * @throws \Exception                                 On non-framework related errors.
 public function run($action)
     $methodName = $this->getActionPrefix() . $action;
     if (!method_exists($this, $methodName)) {
         throw new ControllerException('Action ' . $methodName . ' does not exist in ' . get_class($this), ControllerException::ERR_ACTION_NOT_FOUND);
     if (Config::getInstance()->get('system.performStrictControllerActionNameValidation', false)) {
         $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($this);
         $method = $reflection->getMethod($methodName);
         if ($method->name != $methodName) {
             throw new ControllerException('Invalid case when running action ' . $methodName . ' in ' . get_class($this) . '. The valid case is: ' . $method->name, ControllerException::ERR_ACTION_NOT_FOUND);
     $result = $this->runAction($methodName);
     if (!empty($result) && !is_string($result) && !$result instanceof ViewAbstract) {
         throw new ControllerException('Result of the action (' . get_class($this) . '/' . $action . ') is not an instance of ViewAbstract or string', ControllerException::ERR_INVALID_ACTION_RESULT);
     // We called the run method, but we did not rendered the output yet
     if (!empty($result)) {
         if (is_string($result)) {
         } else {