Beispiel #1
 public function setUp()
     $this->queryObject = new Query();
     $this->queryObject->setQuery(new AndNode([new AndNode([new EqNode('q', null), new NeNode('q', null), new LeNode('q', 'r'), new GeNode('q', 'u')]), new OrNode([new LtNode('q', 't'), new GtNode('q', 'y'), new InNode('q', ['a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'g'])])]));
     $this->queryObject->setSelect(new XSelectNode(['q', new AggregateFunctionNode('max', 'q'), new AggregateFunctionNode('min', 'q'), new AggregateFunctionNode('count', 'q')]));
     $this->queryObject->setSort(new SortNode(['q' => -1, 'w' => 1, 'e' => 1]));
     $this->queryObject->setLimit(new LimitNode(20, 30));
     $this->rqlString = "and(and(eq(q,null()),ne(q,null()),le(q,r),ge(q,u)),or(lt(q,t),gt(q,y),in(q,(a,s,d,f,g))))";
     $this->rqlString .= "&limit(20,30)";
     $this->rqlString .= "&sort(-q,+w,e)";
     $this->rqlString .= "&select(q,max(q),min(q),count(q))";
Beispiel #2
 public function provider_query()
     $emptyQuery = new Query();
     $queryWithAndNode = new Query();
     $queryWithAndNode->setQuery(new AndNode([new LtNode('price', 23), new NeNode('icon', 'icon1.jpg')]));
     $queryWithSelect = new Query();
     $queryWithSelect->setSelect(new SelectNode(['price', 'icon']));
     $queryWithSort = new Query();
     $queryWithSort->setSort(new SortNode(['price' => -1, 'icon' => +1]));
     $queryWithSelectProps = new Query();
     $queryWithSelectProps->setSelect(new SelectNode([StoreCatalog::PROP_LINKED_URL_TABLE_NAME]));
     return array(array($emptyQuery, array(['title' => 'Plate41-mainicon', 'price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon3.jpg']), array(['title' => 'Plate41-mainicon', 'price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon3.jpg'])), array($queryWithAndNode, array(['title' => 'Plate41-mainicon', 'price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon3.jpg']), array(['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg'])), array($queryWithSelect, array(['title' => 'Plate41-mainicon', 'price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon3.jpg']), array(['price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg'], ['price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg'], ['price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon3.jpg'])), array($queryWithSort, array(['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon6.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate41-mainicon', 'price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon3.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon5.jpg']), array(['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon5.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon6.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon3.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate41-mainicon', 'price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg'])), array($queryWithSelectProps, array(['title' => 'Plate41-mainicon', 'price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg', StoreCatalog::PROP_LINKED_URL_TABLE_NAME => [['url' => '', 'alt' => 'Pot1'], ['url' => 'http://google.com1', 'alt' => 'Pot2']]], ['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg', StoreCatalog::PROP_LINKED_URL_TABLE_NAME => [['url' => 'http://google.com2', 'alt' => 'Pot3'], ['url' => 'http://google.com3', 'alt' => 'Pot4']]]), array(['title' => 'Plate41-mainicon', 'price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg', StoreCatalog::PROP_LINKED_URL_TABLE_NAME => [['url' => '', 'alt' => 'Pot1'], ['url' => 'http://google.com1', 'alt' => 'Pot2']]], ['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg', StoreCatalog::PROP_LINKED_URL_TABLE_NAME => [['url' => 'http://google.com2', 'alt' => 'Pot3'], ['url' => 'http://google.com3', 'alt' => 'Pot4']]])));
  * Checks a status of processes.
  * If the process finished, reads its log files and return the status of finishing and errors/output
 public function checkProcess()
     // TODO: проверить все процессы. Зависшие закрыть принудительно (reject), остальные обработать
     $sortNode = new SortNode(['startedAt' => +1]);
     $query = new Query();
     $rows = $this->pidDataStore->query($query);
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $pId = intval($row['pId']);
         // checks timeout
         $expireTime = floatval($row['startedAt']) + intval($row['timeout']);
         if ($expireTime <= UTCTime::getUTCTimestamp()) {
         // checks process existing
         if (!posix_kill($pId, 0)) {
             // The process is finished
Beispiel #4
 public function testQuery_limitOffsetCombo()
     $query = new Query();
     $eqNode1 = new ScalarOperator\EqNode('fString', 'val2');
     $sortNode = new Node\SortNode(['id' => '1']);
     $selectNode = new Node\SelectNode(['fFloat']);
     $limitNode = new Node\LimitNode(2, 1);
     $queryArray = $this->object->query($query);
     $this->assertEquals(array('fFloat' => $this->_itemsArrayDelault[3 - 1]['fFloat']), $queryArray[1 - 1]);
     $this->assertEquals(array('fFloat' => $this->_itemsArrayDelault[4 - 1]['fFloat']), $queryArray[2 - 1]);
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($queryArray));
  * @see Iterator
  * @return array
 public function next()
     $identifier = $this->dataStore->getIdentifier();
     $query = new Query();
     $selectNode = new Node\SelectNode([$identifier]);
     $sortNode = new Node\SortNode([$identifier => 1]);
     $limitNode = new Node\LimitNode(1, 0);
     $gtNode = new ScalarOperator\GtNode($identifier, $this->index);
     $queryArray = $this->dataStore->query($query);
     $this->index = $queryArray === [] ? null : $queryArray[0][$identifier];
Beispiel #6
  * @param SortNode $sort
  * @return $this
 public function addSort(SortNode $sort)
     return $this;
 public function test__query_with_sort()
     for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $data = ['title' => 'title_' . $i, 'price' => 100 * $i];
         $this->assertEquals($i, $this->object->count());
     $query = new Query();
     $query->setSort(new SortNode([SysEntities::TABLE_NAME . '.add_date' => -1]));
     $result = $this->object->query($query);
     $res = true;
     $prev = $result[0];
     if (count($result) == 1) {
         $res = true;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
         $curr = $result[$i];
         if ($prev['add_date'] < $curr['add_date']) {
             $res = false;
         $prev = $curr;
     $this->assertEquals(true, $res);