Beispiel #1
  * Validates a value for the field.
  * @since 0.5.0
  * @param mixed $val the current value of the field
  * @return string|WP_Error the validated field value or an error object
 public function validate($val = null)
     if (!$val) {
         return '';
     $input = sanitize_email($val);
     $val = is_email($input);
     if (!$val) {
         return new WPError('invalid_email', sprintf(__('%s is not a valid email address.', 'wpdlib'), \WPDLib\FieldTypes\Manager::format($input, 'string', 'output')));
     return $val;
Beispiel #2
  * Parses a value for the field.
  * @since 0.5.0
  * @param mixed $val the current value of the field
  * @param bool|array $formatted whether to also format the value (default is false)
  * @return string the correctly parsed value
 public function parse($val, $formatted = false)
     if ($formatted) {
         if (!is_array($formatted)) {
             $formatted = array();
         $formatted = wp_parse_args($formatted, array('mode' => 'text'));
         switch ($formatted['mode']) {
             case 'link':
                 return '<a href="' . esc_url($val) . '" target="_blank">' . esc_url($val) . '</a>';
             case 'text':
                 return FieldManager::format($val, 'url', 'output');
     return FieldManager::format($val, 'url', 'input');
Beispiel #3
  * Parses a value for the field.
  * @since 0.5.0
  * @param mixed $val the current value of the field
  * @param bool|array $formatted whether to also format the value (default is false)
  * @return string the correctly parsed value
 public function parse($val, $formatted = false)
     if ($formatted) {
         $parsed = FieldManager::format($val, 'html', 'input');
         if (!is_array($formatted)) {
             $formatted = array();
         $formatted = wp_parse_args($formatted, array('wpautop' => true, 'shortcode' => false));
         if ($formatted['wpautop']) {
             $parsed = wpautop($parsed);
         if ($formatted['shortcode']) {
             $parsed = do_shortcode($parsed);
         return $parsed;
     return FieldManager::format($val, 'html', 'input');
Beispiel #4
  * Formats a timestamp into a date format string ready for saving to the database.
  * @since 0.5.0
  * @param integer $val the timestamp to format
  * @return string|null the date format string or null if formatting not possible
 protected function format_timestamp($val)
     return $val !== null ? FieldManager::format($val, $this->type, 'input') : null;
Beispiel #5
  * Parses a value for the field.
  * @since 0.5.0
  * @param mixed $val the current value of the field
  * @param bool|array $formatted whether to also format the value (default is false)
  * @return integer|string the correctly parsed value (string if $formatted is true)
 public function parse($val, $formatted = false)
     if ('url' === $this->args['store']) {
         $val = FieldManager::format($val, 'url', 'input');
     } else {
         $val = absint($val);
     if ($formatted) {
         if (!is_array($formatted)) {
             $formatted = array();
         $formatted = wp_parse_args($formatted, array('mode' => 'field', 'field' => 'url', 'template' => ''));
         $attachment_id = $val;
         if ('url' === $this->args['store']) {
             if ('field' === $formatted['mode'] && 'url' === $formatted['field']) {
                 return $val;
             $attachment_id = attachment_url_to_postid($val);
         return $this->format_attachment($attachment_id, $formatted);
     return $val;
Beispiel #6
  * Parses a value for the field.
  * @since 0.5.0
  * @param mixed $val the current value of the field
  * @param bool|array $formatted whether to also format the value (default is false)
  * @return integer|float|string the correctly parsed value (string if $formatted is true)
 public function parse($val, $formatted = false)
     $format = 'float';
     if (is_int($this->args['step'])) {
         $format = 'int';
     if ($formatted) {
         return FieldManager::format($val, $format, 'output');
     return FieldManager::format($val, $format, 'input');
Beispiel #7
  * Parses a value for the field.
  * @since 0.5.0
  * @param mixed $val the current value of the field
  * @param bool|array $formatted whether to also format the value (default is false)
  * @return string the correctly parsed value
 public function parse($val, $formatted = false)
     if ($formatted) {
         return FieldManager::format($val, 'string', 'output');
     return FieldManager::format($val, 'string', 'input');
Beispiel #8
  * Formats a single item for output.
  * The argument passed as $val is the value of a specific field option.
  * The 'mode' key in the $args array specifies in which format it should be returned:
  * - html (if option has an image, it will be printed inside an IMG tag; if it has a color, it will be printed as a div with that color as background)
  * - text (if option has an image, it will be printed as the plain URL; if it has a color, it will be printed as a hex color string)
  * @since 0.5.0
  * @param string|array $val the field option value to format
  * @param array $args arguments on how to format
  * @return string the correctly parsed value
 protected function format_item($val, $args = array())
     $skip_formatting = false;
     if (isset($this->args['options'][$val])) {
         if (is_array($this->args['options'][$val])) {
             if (isset($this->args['options'][$val]['label']) && !empty($this->args['options'][$val]['label'])) {
                 $val = $this->args['options'][$val]['label'];
             } elseif (isset($this->args['options'][$val]['image'])) {
                 if ('html' == $args['mode']) {
                     $val = '<img src="' . esc_url($this->args['options'][$val]['image']) . '" style="display: inline-block;width:64px;height:auto;">';
                     $skip_formatting = true;
                 } else {
                     $val = esc_url($this->args['options'][$val]['image']);
             } elseif (isset($this->args['options'][$val]['color'])) {
                 if ('html' == $args['mode']) {
                     $val = '<div style="display:inline-block;width:64px;height:48px;background-color:' . $this->args['options'][$val]['color'] . ';"></div>';
                     $skip_formatting = true;
                 } else {
                     $val = $this->args['options'][$val]['color'];
         } else {
             $val = $this->args['options'][$val];
     if ($skip_formatting) {
         return $val;
     return FieldManager::format($val, 'string', 'output');
Beispiel #9
  * Parses a value for the field.
  * @since 0.6.0
  * @param mixed $val the current value of the field
  * @param bool|array $formatted whether to also format the value (default is false)
  * @return string the correctly parsed value
 public function parse($val, $formatted = false)
     if ('coords' === $this->args['store']) {
         $val = explode('|', $val);
         if (2 !== count($val)) {
             return '';
         $mode = 'input';
         if ($formatted) {
             $mode = 'output';
         for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
             $val[$i] = FieldManager::format($val[$i], 'float', $mode, array('decimals' => 10));
         return $val[0] . '|' . $val[1];
     if ($formatted) {
         return FieldManager::format($val, 'string', 'output');
     return FieldManager::format($val, 'string', 'input');
Beispiel #10
  * Parses a value for the field.
  * @since 0.5.0
  * @param mixed $val the current value of the field
  * @param bool|array $formatted whether to also format the value (default is false)
  * @return bool|string the correctly parsed value (a string if $formatted is true)
 public function parse($val, $formatted = false)
     if ($formatted) {
         if (!is_array($formatted)) {
             $formatted = array();
         $formatted = wp_parse_args(array('mode' => 'text'));
         switch ($formatted['mode']) {
             case 'tick':
                 if ($val) {
                     return '&#10004;';
                 return '';
             case 'text':
                 return FieldManager::format($val, 'boolean', 'output');
     return FieldManager::format($val, 'boolean', 'input');
Beispiel #11
  * Parses a value for the field.
  * @since 0.5.0
  * @param mixed $val the current value of the field
  * @param bool|array $formatted whether to also format the value (default is false)
  * @return string the correctly parsed value
 public function parse($val, $formatted = false)
     if (!$val) {
         return '';
     if ($formatted) {
         if (!is_array($formatted)) {
             $formatted = array();
         $formatted = wp_parse_args(array('mode' => 'text'));
         switch ($formatted['mode']) {
             case 'color':
                 return '<div style="display:inline-block;width:64px;height:48px;background-color:' . $val . ';"></div>';
             case 'color-text':
                 return '<div style="display:inline-block;padding:5px 10px;background-color:' . $val . ';">' . FieldManager::format($val, 'string', 'output') . '</div>';
             case 'text':
                 return FieldManager::format($val, 'string', 'output');
     return FieldManager::format($val, 'string', 'input');